Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 01, 1796, Image 3

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    h';. » , '
wa , rffcliuM t»f herietng African prnp?rty. }
e ( the arguments/fed by this ciHUifel tor corn!em i- j n
ing the pnze wai that Mr. Somerfail, one of the lop
"r iowners, wasrbor/under the Britilh flag ! Th* pe- was
, I ;,i on and acc/mpanying papers were referred to y
the feeretary m State. ven
jyfr, \V. Smith from the committee of Ways and g ta
Means, #o was inferred the message of the' f t £j
p.efirterit relative to additional appropriatiens neccf- r . ()t
/faryfor Foreign correfpondeuee, reported the sol- (rej
P lowing refolotioni : »' liot
i i " Refulved, that a further sum of 23,500 dol ( , ah
I lar» be appropriated for the expences of foreign in- q;j
1 tcrcourfe for the year 1796." . po fl
»f Also a bill making further appropriations for the j^ ()
/year 1796. The hill and resolution were read a fe- was
| coad tim<y. and committed to a comm ttee of the t [, f
WJujk,to day. Sp £
howie-went into a committee of the whole, p ro
fIR chair, bill making appro- j.jj
| I priaiiixjs for the rrtUii ary*lid naval elUWlfl)ment*|> . oe j|
after eooftderable debate upon some of the
articles (which debate wJI appeir in its order,) the j^ {
following items were at>/ed upon for the ellablilh-
■*'" 1 "" rl 7
Tor the fuSfflence of/the officers of the m ;,
a'my, 45,606 |)#t
Ditto of 11011 cotnnAflioned officers and tru
privates, / 300,000 ,
VF t forage, f 16,592 por
I'Vt cbathioor, 70,000 0 f
For horses for ttfe cavalry, 7's°°
f x bflOn*y, / 10,000
Ft the hofpitil department, 30.000 r> _
Fir the ordnance department, 40,000 r
For 60,q00 '
For the quarjer mailer's department, 200,000 '
p! Far thecont igencies of the war-department 30,000
For the deft ice and prote&ion of the 1
' ' Fror tiers, ' 130,000
For' the fort ifications, barracks, &c. at
Wei Point 20,000
For the pay ind subsistence of three cap-
the o»val-department, -
For military H4» 2 59-
T1 1 |,- )a K »i-n
/ The bill to be engrossed for a third '
I letting s-f i<s yi- j.
*f A communication was received fiom the Prefi
-1 ifetlt informing the house that he had approved and
J signed an ad for the relief of Sylvanui Bourne ; an
La providing forthe expence attending intercourse
foreign nations 5 andipan a A the
Militaryeftablifhment of tnWtyijted States.
A communication was received from the Senate,
informing the house that they bad rdfolved rhat the 1
bill*authorizingthe Prelident tolocate a niile fqnare
„ of )and at the month of the great Miami river, oti ; 1
whicii to ereiS Walbington ; tie bill for the
relief of Baron Steuben, arid the hill for the felief y '
: Us / J 'ii Sears, do' pot pass. - 1 ' <■ . !.*
Senate's amendments to the bill fo'r-provt
ding passports for ships and vcflels of the P
States^ were taken unaud agreed to. _
The aid(ndmeniS\fihe the bill ft.r
fuf;jeiidij'g. upr*"d 9
ey **^t"tqKoTthl^ax, and instead of'
allowing 6 ci/ts perffchnd to a'low 1-2 „
The amendments of the Sdfiate to tht bill regu k
lating tbe grants of land for miliary 1
Services, &c were taken up? They were, on ml
- referred to a feleft aotjmittee, who afterwards 1
msile a report, reeommenJng it to the house to a- n
gree to all the amendment, except the latt. The t
agreed to, w#nt to change.the plat of L
land t<k be appropriated. amendment dilagrejd p
to, was one which wen#o the striking out of the {
ojaule allowing those tncers and soldiers who have c
already located their ™Errants in a certain i
of country, to remaiofcpon thC land so located and
impruved. W
Mr. Vena^ttefrom appointed to '
'confer with ,;e fubjnft of
( meot between t® two bojlfes op thrill for fuf-
I the Senate J
, > 4
The amenomeoH of the Senate to the bill for ,
dtfiayiog the expences of trials dutmg the late in
furreiitio'rt. for allowance to witneflfes, ,
jjurors, &ii. were read and agreed to. JTie Senate
Bruck out the and' Hie relative to the
diftrifl aKorney aiu+TUuck one dol
lar out for an ySditiopdfl allvWtice per dny t® wit
nesses, and ceiu*
•The arr.endmeiit of the Senate to the bill limit
j the time for allowing a drawback on domeltic
[fpiritsj Sic. were agreed to.
The d'fagreemerits of the Senate to a part of the
(bill for admit ting the (late of Tcneflee in the uni
jon was read* The hvfcufe infilted upon their amend*
Initßt, and a committee of conference was appointed.
Oil mntion J M•- w. Smith, the house form
ed itfeffinto a cotCmittee (}f the whole, Mr. Switt
iu the chair, 011 the bill rrtaking further a;>t>rapria
-1 tious for the year 179^: to whictl Mr. W. S.nith
moved to add a new fvdtion, containing an aclditi
oiisi appropvia'ion of 23,500 dollars, agteeably to
the meffagc of the Prelident. This fcclion occa
k_f>oned cuttfiderabledebate. / that 18,000
dollars of [his Cum is wanted/bp account of the ap
pointment of 2 ministerS {dtrmpotentiary, instead of
miiiiflei6 thi cjfui's of Spain and Lon
don, which was on the ground of eti
quette ; for, it was fjra though here futh distinc
tions were thoughtyfiiftinjf and ridiculous, they
were- in the eotirts of Europe very" necelfary to he
attended to. Tlm» meafute was-oppoted by Mess: s.
Gailaiiii and defended by Meftfs. W.
Smith aud- fciprfper. On the qneftion being put.
/there appeare'a 48 merobers lot 'he. appropriation
/and 4?!.*gafntt it ; when the chairman determined
\ thi quefttan in :hie affirmative 1 .
The copirrijttre rcrfe and repf>Tted the bill;
«nd two t»o:ictfi> made, .tl|C one for taking up
&e of the a.-netnicßent, the othei
Sfot adi the lattf r-.prtvaiicd.
f Adjourned.
Tt'E£BA*,. Mr 7 31. Ven;
The hill nunking- apprnpria turns for fitppor) t '' ,na
of tlif.military and naval ellnb!,!hmnits of 1 796} Fmti
was readlhe third litr- and d; * ed tli
An amendment of the Senate yb for pre '" Wfl
venting the sale of prizes in the nftrts of the United l t,e '
States, was lead. It was to infect words to this ef- ntl
feci at the end of the lirfl fectifn, ••pi-tivided, that vo "''
nothing in this law {hall operatl aßain.l any exiiling ,l m
treaty.'' The consideration 0/ this amendment was ( ' on
not gone into, but a motion Las made hy Mr. Ve- ,>roc
i able*and supported by Malf. Madison, Gallatin, fror,l
Giles, Swanwiek, Nichola/ and W. Lyman, to '' ave
postpone the confideration/f this bill'till the Iltof "°" e
November rext, on the ground that the.measure l,acl
was not neceflary, that jfhe- cause assigned lor it, ' ro P 1
the probability of a war between Great Britain and ' iavc
waiiiot likely if happen, and that as it ap- '^ vt?
very nearly :p an encrdaelimcut upon ex- Iwo
iitiifg treaties, it might giveoffince to some of the ™*Fi
belligerent poweis wi«i whom they delired to be on V(>t^
terms. The /oflponement wan o^ofed-by
Mess. Bourne and Sltgrcaves, W. Smith and Gil
bert, infixing that she bill was a nectfflisry and pru-
dentiweafure, in omer to guard again!! the contin-
•ge«cy above mentpticft, and having already deter- ar
mined to pals thejnill, the amendment from the Se
nate making no llifference in tne principle, they
trufled the house Ivould not be so ve;futile as tiow
to poltpoiie it. ft was, however, agreed to be poft
pone4. Tlie av« and noes btirty taken, on motion
of Mr. W. Smi Ji, were as Follows : " ® r y
A y E S. . -o''
Mcffrs. Biiley, Baldwin, Baifd, Rl-nint. j_j~j
Bryan, Btirgefs, Claiborne, C 4.'s, N Earle, Findlev, jyj ai
Gallitin, Giles, Gillefpie, Qreemip, Hampton, j v j cv
Haneock, Harrifon, H»thon)„ J-Tsvens, "Holland,
H-ifler, Jaekfort, W. Lymaitt,* .Maclar, Madison, \,\[
Milledge, Moore, MuhTetiHerfr, New, Nicholas, Ri
chards,, lfrael R. jun. to *
. Swanwiek, Tatom, Van Winn
—40- .
f OIS.
McJTt:.-Am«, Boi»rmv|p'r ; 'Hc:, Coi', Cooper,
Crabb, Dent, A. Fotttfr, Gilbert, Gil- y at
man, Glenn, Gto'rich, fliifvoH. Grove, Hind- In
man, .Henderfop, S/Lwdi , M ic<in, Malhone, Ct>n
Read, StTgreaves. Jer. Sn"\fth, NSm tH, Ifate Smith, Lmt
W. Smiih, T. Sprigg, Switt; Thatcher, Thomp- t c
son, 'l'iioinas, liacy, Van AJen. Wiiliams—34. I
I The Senate,' by mefft;re", infi.traed the H"iifc\ lWt
( that- they'iniilled upon tfieir a nendHftertt to the btly ' la< "
' irtadejLO recede, mid e? ! :rK.'d 33. (0 27.
g The Senate's .imsndmen{s to th; bill for relief of!
dittillers in certain caf<\,> were read arid to. y ■
' Th'e house took up the conlidemtion of tbc 'iiiHl p a ,
j- yesterday discussed in a committee of the whol*\ wh
providing sums for,foreign inteicourfy
when a ,co'tjdera«e difc'.iflTon took placc oifthe
j propriety of "'rmring the additional 23,000 ' "
required" the Prelident in his late j
«»Ll l aJaTn" oriJe(fr<?d ! in|
r -,bwt»^iH%d ! h*s«** l; tbem wS»- trrg'ed as—ntcntu y !!
* ' After a pretty liiifr"debate,on moj t ''
thin of Mr. W. yeas and nays were ta | .
i* %
v *' Us A YES ~ 5
■>- . Meffi'S. Ames, Bouvne, firent, BtirgiTp, Conner, *><
Is Dent, Findley, A. Filler, L) Foster, Gilbert, Gil- lib
a - man Glenn, Goodrich, Grove, Heath,
e Henderfon, Ht'ndman, S. iLyman, Machine, Muh
if JenbpAjt. Murray, PreftJn, Read, *Rithard», Sit
;d greaves, Jer. Shiith, N. tinifh,.lfoac Sn.ifh, WnV.
re Jhatcher JThomas. Thompfo>i,Tra
fe cy, VjitfAleoj Van Corjlandt, Wadfworth, Wil- <1C
ft liams—-jq. I th
.d • „
M'--fTrs. Brntort, Btwio.Coit, Earle, Gallatin,
, D Gillofu'ie, Hjmpton, M trrifon, Hathorn, havens,
e , Heift«#r, Holland, Ja. ki>ii, Lorke, Maclay, Maton,
V Milledge, New, Nichols, Urael Sm th, R. Spfrigg,
, jun. TE Sprigg, Ve*able, Winn—2s. ■ '
' The "Rill was then be engrossed for '
third reading, which it afterwards received and pas
" r fed. '* . •
n " The house again resumed the%onfideration of p
:9 ' the report »f the committee of eleftion#, to whom it
lte was recommitted the petition of Matthew Lyon,
complaining o/an and return of If/
b1 " rael Smith to feKve a? a member of that
' t- The report had twice before been
confirierafion but rfo concluiion come to upon it)
it- was in the followingworrft:
tic 1 1' a'ppiariaby the deposition of the town
clfrk'of Hancocfe there were seventeen persons
j, e in the said town, who'.were entitled to vote ; twelve _
n ;_ of whom are (feted to have beep admitted in that V
town, a:id five In other towns. *
c( *j\ «' That by a like (kpoliiion of the clerk of ''
! ' Kingston it Spears, 'hrt there were in that town, '
m " nmeteen i seventeen of whom had been n
"^ l qnalified in *hat town, amj two, in oiher towns.'
,a " « That It does not appear, that tiie warrants a
ith were withllld from the fall towns Hy the fheriff, 1
'' from any fiaiuii.lent intention ; but the failure was »
to accidentalJas t» the town <if Kingflon ; and th<- «
ca " warrant wis not sent to the town of Haneock, be- f
100 cause thefceriff believed thejl had not voted at the
a P; Srttmcetfg."
ot And vilren thjf report was firft under eonfidera J
3 "" tion it wis amended by addinjka relolution to the 1
r,i " following :ffedi \ I
nc " « Tha as there appears to lAve been a fufficient •
I<; y number u! qualified voters in theVowns of Hancock '
and King on, to have changcd\hi slate of the e- 1
rs ' lee\ion, ve lived, that lfrael Sm\ti. was not duly 1
• ele£le>l, i id is not entitled to ttiis feat in thit '
; U ** iloufe."
■ 011 This r< >ort occafioiied roi fideiSile debate. It c
" ed was defen td by Messrs. Harper, \V <
Smith, ai* N« Smith, principally V» thiie bauiii «
ill; votes fuffiAnt in the above" two Awhs lo have 1
»u chanced if they had votA for the pe
bei liuofcr, aA on the necrffity of eftabljhmg it as a «
piinciplc.iij eledions, that every townlhould have (
noticed J clcttioii. it was oppokdlby M.ifrr. \
VeoafoJc (t-he cfistyrjnaii of tfce of elec- P<
viort») (jrci! Miii f Nicholas, Giles. W. IyVii)> i and of
Findley. admin ed the p jfliV.litr, bur deni- an
ed the probability that the? voters, in thfce two ed
owns, w >ui 1 have changed fa\a of the election, of
1 hey said there was evrry reason to believe tbc
<"®rurary, thai Mr. Snliih h«ul a majority of 21 le'
votes, that 15 of tbe voLrs in Hancock and K<'»sr- »ba
iton had vnted for Mr. Sbiiith, at the former eUc- 1 ei:
tion ; that Mr. Lyon, With all his endeavors to ! th
procure them, had only brought forward a petition hi
irom 20 of thele persons, who declaied ti ey would en
have voted for him, whiehvif they bad done, and a»
none bad voted tor Mr. SnAihj lie would itill have T
had a majority of c vote ; b*ut there were affidavits 02
Iropi teven, of these voters, 'declaring t hey would h.
have voted tor the iitting member ; seven cth<* of fit
ih in ret'ufed to ukc any parV h) the diipute, and ) p:
vwo of the voters were abfeuft at the time »i dec- i
tion, and could not have voted cither way. The ;cc
vote was lengih taken 011 motion of Mr. Wm. tl
Smith, by yeas and nav«s as follows. . > b<
aye s.r j;<
MeflYs. Bourne, Coit, F.arlr, A. Foftrr, ai
D. Foster, Gilbert, Glenn, Goodrich, Grifwold, r<
Harper, Hindman, Kitchell, Locke, S. Lyman, P
lleid, Sitgrcaves, Jcr. Smith, N. Smith, Isaac 1<
Srfluh, W. Smith, Swift, Tha ciler, Thompson, t<
Thomas, Tracy, Van Alen, V'adfworth—2B.
NOES. j b
Mtflri. Bailey, Baldwin, Baid, Benton, Blount, b
Bi-ya-i, Burorf/!, Chrittie Claif orne, Coles, Find- I
lev, Gallatin, Giles, Oi'Vfpie, G'lman, Greenup, t'
"Hampton, Hancock, Hathorr, Havens, Heath, ; n
Heiltel", Holland, Jackson, W. Lyman, Maclay, c
j Msw.-on, Macltfo", MiHed'je, ty lore, Muhlenberg, c
( New, Pretlofl, Richards, Ru:h< rfprd, R. Sprigg, f
j jun. T. Spring, S»auwick, Tati m, Van Cortiaridt, '
. Venahle— 4J. i
T 'at minute of this day's proceedings to hi concluded
to morro'u). I 1
BERMUDA, May 14.
Taefitay moiiritfg afrfved his mat! y's fl iop of
war Spencer, Capt. Evans, fjom a cruize ; Hie felt
in with a French national cor'veue. Le Volean, •
commanded by citizen 'Jjirematid (of Guadalot4pe)
but ialt from Chavleflon.-of 12 guns and near an.:
; htiadied mer., and after an engagement ot three
j glade*, took The corvefle had upward} of
v tweoty men killed and wounded. The Spencer
J had one killed and o>;i wounded.* Great praise is
due to the few officers and crew ot me Splicer,
there being only 40 hands on board in the whole.
, ■■■.*. ■ r.-.-'JW'T'T" ..... . i ■
, Philadelphia,
Wednesday june I, 1796.
A friend of Drama Ijopestfiai the liberal degree of
1 paii wtych thole prffpr mers have expei ienced
\ whele Stiietlta iiaye aiready takt n place, wilt extend to
t ivirs. Shauf, whole benefit is hxcu tor this
. in her Unt of aclm: l , w'nich is a refpciljliU- oi.e, her
abilities rtsnd confeff'ti, her indufry in studying hgt
P\,parts is not exceeded by aiiy of tlttxompanylTii addi
j tH'n to .cliiiiis oh the public favor, the pertorm
> j anet-s liavc T£rf>rig Allurcnmiiis for ail who polfefs a jufl
> j taile for the drama, J here are few preces in the Eag
ijQj ajigoage U»t-e*ce(- A4m« Gentiivre's Httfy fiaa'y
rtdfti iMfl
riCtfalm< rs's s ..r;i' ". etu/?! Vo any
■ i ifj Wis line of attiiif. *.
v I'lie «peP» ot -the Midnight Wetndtrirs, lias
/^'ii iulVTy awnire'd in the Eagliiii' 'thcalrcsj
, Xhsrtjs every reason t» hope .that yie tnextie
this evening wih txliibit Fueh an as will rc
wild the merits and?t6fi« ot thia'flrefs and evinve the
libcraiity public,
.T-het Minerva of New-York Bates that thalatej! Ac-
froro St. Bai-thc-lomcwi fay, that St. Lucia is in
ipijfleirrbn of the Englifli
J"; The Hoq|. Jonathan Trumbull of Cohru'flicHt, has
acceptedthit.o^ce.of Lieut- Governof, and h& feat in
. the Senate-6f the United States will be reigned..
— 'iriiMW 1
I', SfEW-YOKK, May 31.
iVMertiy airbed at this port in u days from Cape-
fhfurgeut, Cajjt.Vivle*, of
36 guns.?
V e have the- pleafijre to announce to the public, that
a confrderibfle French Haval force hat arrived at C'ape
of Francaii, auihefttit'barficulars of which we are pro
m mifed for to-morrow's Argus.
"J ■
[(J The following are the conditions of Capitulation
/ agreed on between the commanders <5f the Bri
(y tifb armament, and the governmeot of Demarara,
tj on its furtender the 22d of April lalt, received
by rhe ihlp Silly, Captain Lafhrop, arrived on
vn Sunday, and translated from the Dutch language,
, nB for the Daily Advertiser.
ve WE, the Governor and Inhabitants, convened
lat Council of the Oniony of Eflequibo and D4pk»d
rara, m»ke known to all it may concern, That wJ
of this day received/fnm his Excellency General
,n ( White and the lVafarirg commander Parr,' com
cn matvder of the navy of his B i annic Majesty, ii>
this'river, ol thefuruenow mooied irf this hatbaui,
,t s as Wejl asthofcveflels whuh are not arrived, a fum
jffj mons t« deliver the Island to the lame power an{
,as to fnbjtft ourselves in friencifhip and tranquility to
the government of his Majesty on the terms pre
)e - fciibed, viz.
ht *That the inhabitants stall be entitled to
fafety £br thetr persons, free religion, with liberty
ra . tp keep poSTefii&n ofiall thiir property as well by
| lc water as- by land, excepting those who fhail appear
to remqinfubjeft to the inhabitants of the Repub
.nt lie of France. Further, on the laws and eufloms of
itfc such laws as might'have been made previous to nic
.e. fu<render of the Colony to the government of his
ulv Majesty, e*ery thin?, nevertbelefs, upon the moil
hit libei al and generous terms.
That if it (hoijld i'o happen, that the Colony, in
It cafe of a general peace, &ould remain under Britilh
IV Guvermtvent, the fene fOand in that fitnation fhali
i„j, enjoy such commercial rights and advantages « hid
IV e are allowed in the British Colonies in the Weil
pe- Indies. With refpeft to the military and navi 1
,s a lorccu, that the officers and privates ot the land for
ave j ces, ii it is agre.-able to th«m, shall be Keeeived It.
frr. I Britifli ftrvi.e with liberty ou rcttoration of the
P'lnce of, to re-enter into tti» frrvice. Every
<"flicer and private at er taking the oath of allegi
ance to fcr\e liis Biitannic Majeftv, to be employ
ed w '*re it may be necessary, lhall rec*+*e the it.'®
of one huiuiyej
The officers will, under those conditions, re.rive
lenve of at.fence for tivo hundred ays, vvi.h their
tfitypatre and iravelling miviev, tlie fam< is all- tv
eti to firitifli offi.-cis, —tlie officers and priv-nts <>t
the marine cannot be taken into Briiilh fei vice in ii!
his majesty's pleafuve be knpwn ; But I bey fHiii't be
entitled lo receive tbrir piv : gteeable to*rank,
and every f vility tohi :li ca» be forded tlx w.:
Tluil the Governor and eveiy civil officer ?f ci li e
oatli of allegiance to hismiijeftv fhail fie taker,
have the liberry if they oliflofe, in their ivfpsfH*e
litnarions, except those .who Inve piven prairti ut
parlittlity to tfie Reptibl'V of. France.
The Governor only reUnqmfhiiijr the tnilr.ary
commaiid ; should those Itinera! terms be r Vvj-d,
the < iovyr.i or, courfel, snd anv one coiicen ed, si »U
become anlwershle tor the consequences, u. less an
attack place by aay of lbe *ai:<3
and sea forces, in such a manner as to render evei j
reliftanee frtii r lefn, Major ,Ge«ei;il White and Cap:.
Parr, pave the Governor one hour's time and no
longer, after rendering th-s inclement to accept or
to refufe.
And, as we, to t!ie w«-!f.,re of out ft! ve 6 general
i ly in this colony could not relufe to accept it, ws
bavenndei the beueliu of it, after mature delibera
lion, resolved to delinet up llie coloi ieG and ddliict
to the aforef-iid authority, and by relet'ption ccni
. municaled the fame to t! r Britifti commander i.
cnief. Havii.g thought it our duty lo inform,|.U
our inhabitants of this p\>hli. att 11, with requei: to
fnhmit tl)emfelve6 to it fur die welfare of trefe co
lonies. As ihe fame are as uf'ia!, will he published
in both ii»ei» lejji liy and sent for perufnl.
Signed this day in the convened court of admi-
I ralty,the Z2dday of April, 1796.
(Signed) Anth. Beaujoft.
I 1- F. Van Wrll. M^r.
F. C. Fisher, Captain.
By order of the fame,
(Signed) -M. Fnnic, S c'ry. ai. int.
I WitnefTes.
; P. P. I,uyke,
Thos. Cumming,
A. Meaftent.
Arrived—Ship Ganges, Capt. Tir gey, in 92
1 d-sys from Madias and !'en^a ! .
jult imported,
And for SALE.
SUG AR and COL-ViiK, itj rogl'.-ads ,
IJE.W RICE, m.whole andlutf t:etcs»
QUEEN'S WAKE, in h->g{V/atls
r WHITE LEAD, (dry) in talks
I COPPER, in Aieets
> T Caffilt and Whit? Soap
American J Mou | d atl j Dl> , t Candles and
C BOSTON BEEF of The Hrff cni lity.
1 ' Isaac Harvey, 'tin.
[6 ms, 1. ?3w] Kb J ibiith er Strc .
' ~ •
fa *-:? * 'Pubftf-h:. d'if iir* Savage*
y And for Sa'e, at tut Cs>LUsclßiAK Gr» f,T,ERY f
jULjfnut, id ('onrw-ft rf TtLth ir'cttJ
From tlie Original Pidiurt, in the jOolumbiua Git
Price J Dollar and 1 <; Cents
After a celebtafed prctnre, painted by Sir J. Reynold*,
Price t ?)nlla r and 7? Genu.
Of Sonth Carolina,
Price 1 Do!laf i;it! 15 Cent?.
, s The Little Favotiriie, price ;j Cents.
ln The Baj-ber's JUop, 37.
June I §3
This Day, at Waltls wharf, from the fchoonQ Pul
iy £«f Sally, Cist Dove, from Ttntr'ijfe,
ui; | In Pipes, Hogflieids, and Quarter Calks.
For 5 ale by
at Philips, Cramond y Co.
e ' June 1 §1
T QTOLEN, onthe night of the 27th inft from a delk, io
i- O the Store of the Subscribers, No. Si flrevt, fnp
a, jjgfcd to be broken open about r2 o'clock at night, the sol-
L .J lowing Not;», &c. which the Public are cautioned against
negor .itiwg ;a» they t jr. be of no use to any j erfon but
" the fubferibers Payi.ient of'the Notes and Cutlom-houle
e » Debentures, which are drawn in favor of the fublcrtbere,
and not endorsed, i# (lopped.
Ed Firß, of a bill, drawn at Kingft»n, April 13, by Wm,
Berczy, in favor of George For'ythe Co. at 60 dayb.,
3011 D. C. Brauer, and *cccpte£ i3iMay, for 63 pounds
Quebcc e»rrency, and r.ndorfed to and by A. Macomb.
fOJeholas Erower'n note, payable May l, doll. 500
t> JLichard WjHiamfon's ditto 978-4.V
in. Joleph Thompson's do. 195' *7
~ The following Cuftora-boufe Debentures, viz.
' Debenture No. 915 due June 15, 14J.08
9*6 J»f> *1. .
nc 927 Auguftio, - 607.96
to 918 ScptL-mber 30, 499-t ■)
c- 919 Dectmbcr 14, a 33-vJ
. £>e£ars 3 785.: 3
1 The •Ucwing jds and 4tbt of Exeiaog.-, *iz.
t )' Jil and 4th of a '.ill-a:pO «Jays; drawoj )• Se--
by ton, ts" Co. 011 John Lock,
:ar don, in favor of ourfcWe*, for £ Bj6 8 6
b 3d of a bill at 60 days, drawn by Isaac Olafon
r U* Co. on Bird, Savage and Bird,Londop,
0 in favor of Pbyn, Ellis and lngli«, 3308 j6 6
*' c jd of a bill at 6odayp, drawn by S. Cfdman,
li* of BdCon.on John ts" Franc 5 Baring fcs" Co.
alt to the order ei Phin, EUice t' Inglis 1000
3d of a bill , drawn by Rol «. t Kennedy, on
j (> Coalt W 40 days, car own favour 1000
ifh £ 6i6j 4;
*1' BeHdes-the above number of paper;, ttfekls to airy hut
d the owners, a quantity cf money , an.guniin; 60 about iyj
(l dollait, was taken at the fame time. . .
1 N. B. if the p.rfon or perfous who carried off the a
" 1 bove, will encloft them to Pfillcr 53* MaccutU, N-W Yo ,
,r ' 110 fer: bet notice tiiten °f th«-fraaf lTiion.
-i> New-Yuik, M.y i 3. P.fcfHThß 'J»MACOVB
:ht luae 1 &>'■ ■' v