Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, June 01, 1796, Image 1

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    NoM**> * I
„. L rA RGO of Brig Fly, captain Hubber, amv?d
Ih«CA this day, from Jeremie,
UJ Hiid»-1 prime Green Coffee, »7»>®oo «t'
"coKcocoa, 6 *> ooowt " WtM
put onboard with an intention May 1
"litek The Fly , *
Is an almost new vessel, and will be
fold with or without the cargo. Can
immediately. I 6 O
I0 ' c
— ' The Copper Bottomed Ship 1 Mav
uriTH.« >■" m""-I', « . Llk " II
W wife to be difpsfed of ark/To
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
v vessel. For terms apply to
0D oa * " Parker & Wharton, April
Mavt —-—7- "
—" w«7? Arrived, At Rui
And fir Me " W TIVO MOTHERS, Samuel, LpuU
A 1 J Marcbant, master, a quantity of Cape
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo:
, Also for Si'-?, W
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 400 Barrels. J
fSr,? ~iSi S.^S
Sim ..N^S^er^ree^
For BR IS 70 L, in the
Theodore Bliss, Master, 1
wit L take Goads on Freight, and be ready to receive
SS» a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas iff John Clifford.
Who have for Sale, besides their usual affortmentof P
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, &e.
Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials ,
boxes of long and ihoct Pipes £ts The 1:
.ItorldJ; Bristol OrindJlwne.> G»»n J*
nn ri a DCLOTHS and , |
fptfl.n- — * ft,
m for iaie or charter,
The (loop Betsey, Er
John Dawkins, Maftei'j Diut
'nURTHEN about 800 barrels, now laying at th«J** A \
D fiber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo unmedi- W J
A atcly. For terms apply to the captain on
And now landing from laid sloop, g;
Port-au-Prince Molasses and CofF«e, alio, rr
Pale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, YOl
Lmpenai^and'Hyfcn Te»» of the First Quality, &c. j,
May 13 — *~
For Sale,
jOy, • The SHIP A
» o.~i«t. •>« u » lkr ' «
w bM " d ' at Vwt flreet W SAMUEL COATES, *
No. 81 South front ft«et. Pc
May 7 ~~ P r
For Hamburgh, w
aw. a. The Danish Brigantine th
Den Nye Prove,
XSfeel. WiH be ready to %
on the firft of May. For freight orpaffage app y
Rofs & SimfoTi. b
dtf- v
~ so? SALE, or U-tiARTERt "
. iSkltox THE SNOW
bo i £-'-*P N >
2000 Bbk. of flour—fee tnay_ be sent
to fe* at a small ber Ms and rigging el
very good order. —apply to • ■
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, 49. 1, -rf —rpr " "
: T O B E S O L L»J
ill. A Three-fiery brick House, Ncl 80, °gg
J\ ftrect. The lot i» about 41 f«et front, aiw I P
feet deep, to, or Moravian_Alley. It has
- longbeen one of the for business.
A frame Dwelliag-Houfe, f
flreet, with a Bake-House, the Lot is aboi
■from, by *30 feet in b 200 .f e et deep, ex
-3d A handfeme Lot ot .5 recr d)
tending from Third street to ,it »
Lot below South-street: on th c ' h .
fiory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with»gooa
ba LSe a Large mjadow farm, fiww g
the River I>elaware, at a conv. nient distance fro .
Saphia Market—the Meadow the heft qu a
in rood bank. There are commodious buildin ,
good proportion of arable and LVTLE
14. For terms apply to
Wanted to Purchase,
i -, r _ |A good, well fitted, fact failing
WaSSw of about 1200 Barrels burthen- JiAVIN
Applv to to Underts
PETER KUHN. w which!
May *8 °P ene<Un
"John Miller, ju» &C<* re k ;
>10. 8 Chelnut Street, jn d hopes
full Satisf.
From Calcutta, May #1
160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
lO,OOQ Pieces Nankeens,
Of a Superior Quality. vant i a j y
350 Bags of SUGAR, I 9 inches h
Which they will fell on advantageous terms i
MfV.f;, ■ ?. l/fjiat
Landing, Kd°lm
From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WAKE, in Crates; and
A quantity ps COAL;
1 F O R. S A LK, B Y
Thomfls yo/jM Ketlpnd, r ,y
April 80" „ -— " 7
Landing, J°
At Ruffell'. \yharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
Loutfa, James Cooper, jnafter, from China, and the
Cape of Good Hope,
SUGAR, inChests and Bags ;
WINES, in Butts ami halt' Butts of superior qua-
A fmalfquantity of BRANDY ( Dil
Apd *few R?d — „
F O R S A L E B V ,
; Parker Iff Wharton, All w
No. 109, south Water-street. for Ca Q,
April lb. — Ma y
Just Arrived,
|n tie Saqw Boston, master from Li
verpooj, u !\
5000 Birfhel* SALT » ,
.o, b.„d, ~ or _Ha
George Latimer.
§ A T
Apr>l 39. . — i\ fl
W A N T E V, _ I i\i a (f r3 .
ON Loan, for two or three Do' now d £
which a mortgage on L™d wall be gires fee#" 7 p off ,
• t6 The land is clear of ev<ry imvrabrapce. 1 j? (
0 j Enquire of tn« Printer, d I
et 9• —■ I A P"
New Hat and Ho&imrt Sto&s, J
Wholesale and Rktail, I
- c „t
Ch'f/i's'fTnev ditto Cha.
' En All kinds of Mk, silk «d relat,
Ditto 1 Drabs and Greeoun- cotton, cotion, * One (, uiat
A fancy dHn» a ° rtmCn ° Ditto Breeches Patterns I 179J
Colored Beavers KnoSd! colored ditto, cot- 1
With a great variety ot ele- rwnoiicu, J
gant and falbionahle Wm- , k of mending cot- 1 jyj
N. B. The Hats finiflwd "Hfce oeweft f»ft»P 1
c - May 7- — — IX f
— " Country Seat for sale.
Verplanck's Point, "d d.ftant j>rty onfof the rtiflft I
' anT bentufuj Q
l hß h T and poffeffese
after, most modern style, nulla i of a , leel family ; 1
very reqmfite for tha » cc ? m over feer's-houfe, a new I
there are also on the premises jer-hoiife, 1
: et . barn, " stables.cow fted, cjderh^
;r poultry boule, &c. Ther , .• u 80u i(l be procured I
$ 7 - prebending all the choicelt fei bearing, and a I
From the nurseries abouttownnown, , g^ k ,0 -
well ftock'd kitchen garden A HoflP g lh e Al
the city, from a land.r.gconvenient to.the: tarm,
bany poll road forms the ea cm ° us * f recC ptjon 1 \
ThAoufe, *c. are might also be W
<r ; of the purchaser pn the a^oning the farm on the Iw<
cargo accommodated with about ft tihes along the river, Ic (
to south, the greatest f* rt rfwtad. g
_ which abounds .with o.>fte s rrfDeftablc 1
a * be averse to farming, there J
dtf. Who would work U "VoRM 8 & U HUGH POLLOCK,
Applyto G S^ u r- S Lane, New York or.O l (
, JSsJl —w^rmsrTT - "
, IX 71. North W«er Street. dtf
° May T 4* ; _ I
Stop Thief'. 1
■ T) AN away fw»t ti l * S * Wc^' t h and remwkably'
R about 18 yearn of cloaths- r
Second WS IJ built. He-took with hi. Uow _ a pair of dorp |
and JBB one 0 f lWent, blue,' brown fchonlloper faced with I,
It has co ioured plulh breech away a trunk j (
black ptafh- f'^ e Pieces of .property of
h Fro**" and Role Amep.eces°g Gcn . C rabbof IJ
17 Mr. Gilbert, axd said thief Ihall be
dollars. Any p«rf»n who w.p w . COOPER.
leep, ei- we u rewarded by ia7 Arch Street
is the id 13- l" ' J
is a two i . 1 — ■ I
ithagood This Day publijhea,
Price 31 i-» Cents,
M r. AMHS's SPliteH
0 »"i MBRITI
!d Cedar SoW hy Yo C«r _
.ITLE, Cliefnut (Ueets, anduy the Book.Jlc g .
' *- 'T'HAT
HAVING been encouraged by several of « pany foj
to Undertake the Buftnefsof an Insurance Broker, , w of the I
\o which he lerycd an Apprcnticffhip, has this Way {c the Gap
I opened an Oftccat his Dwelling, " nmini
• ■>. t. . Goners in
No. 29, North IVater-Strert ; j attend at I
Vfotertk* will be glad to execute Orders in that J/me, I fubforptic
and hopes by his Action and J>«<Mity, to
M\ Sitisfojion u. all tfcofe who m»y be to
'"m"' 1 ;:""'*'"' - r."""
ABSCONDED, on the night of fa/!, the with one (
7th infl Boston Murk ay, a black indentedfer- next, at
want lad, 32, or i<) years of age, and about $ feet Bor 1 noon, an<
9 inches high ; one of bis tyes is defective in the corner the purpo
toward: his r.qfe Bis apparel conjijled of afnuff-color- perfonlof
ed round jacket,zvitKa Manchejler -vefi under xt; apa,r\
effujimn tracers, and under them a light mixed cloth ,
pair-os breeches. Whoever apprehends thefaidfervarit,
endreturns him, or confines hijn •" qnyjailm Pennfyl- .
-vania or Jersey, so that I recover himfhall receive the .
together I pay
No. lo'j, Spruce-Jlreet.
-April |1. _ I
John Miller, jun. & Co.
No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreet, Fh .' laa
Have imported in the late vtfitl from Europe,
Amopgll which are I _
Striped and NANKEENS, . I jj;
Dimities and Muflinets, I rj> a
HATS, ' '"1 B;>
Neatly aSbrtei} in packages, H|
All which they will fell on the most reasonable terms, 1 witl
for Caflt or the uftlal credit. I eralaflt
May ii- | i I
u Landing, a
AX the Subfcrihers' 'yhjrf, from on board the (hip Au- I Q.
ro (a, capt. Suter, 150 I G
Pfiiwe Jamaica Sugars, ®
For file by I
Willings and. Francis, I si
§ I Si
May '7 -— a
For Sale, I
\ Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
- A. ftren, between Front and Second ftreeti, u» which
or Meffvs. JaDfies Calbraith & Co. have for many year* (and
tv now do) carried on bjifißefc. f l
« Poffeflion wi Ibe given in one month, or sooner. I
SircJSxSH The
— I April 2.1. |
I Lands. 1 ™
Ma , fc bad at the Editor's Office . >9- Cbefnvt-Jlrtei, aa
f j IfewCopits of " a Report of the Attorney
to Congress ;» con.aining a Colleton of
SEU. Twtii.s and o,h f r Documents, I_M
a»d relative to and explanatory of the 1 .tie to.the Lan
situate in the South Western parts ot the Umt,ea
, States, and claimed by certain under . a
l,w of the State of Geprgia, passed January 7 tb,
I 1795j — 1
cot- I Table Cloths, &c.
| new
cot * I MA U RICE MOYJNi HA N, «[
tto 81, North Secend, a few doors fiban*Jvb V- on.
' Sheetings, es.
h by „tV"' Checks, urn
NeW ft Engliiji,patent SilkHofe, Coaxfc &C&C. 0 f
: 6 Also, tn ajfortment of ve.
. C ncT,l China, Glass, and Queens Ware: ed
fence. | Amongfi vJneh arc vi<
'" the Blue&w»ro«Ued,Break- .China Jars and B.ckers, col
=ff e » e " 1 f a ct Cuns & Saucers, Decanters,
imily ; I „ p ,1' x£ Wine Glasses, &c.
a l,ew 1 °" Half-Gallon J Crates will be put up at the
I Quart & shortest notice, and the usual
s com ," I pn, t & given.
TfA X%_ - ™: dyl - 5 -
eek *01 — Advertisement.
,he A 1" »TTt t he fubfcibers, Commissioners appointed by law
ception W'fuke jj
s s
e river, Cochran, on,the 6th day of pUSEYi
of' 0 PKpfVrr.County, 15th 1
CO. I — — The Paj-tnerlhip ot j
George Kennard & Co. ,
ft new, /-\F Duck Creek, b.lng
fSS? 9, "S " "sr - *"—
I debtecj, willpkafe.Kiake KE NNARD.
—1 US5S±—-
Teneriffe Wnie^
SSS rn£ N # s l -
wjiby John Craig,
ibb of I No. Ii Dock ftrcet.
f shall be J - ALSO yon. sale,
s njajr"*
' H I May T,o —-■
■ 1 )
Notice is hereby Given, "
THAT in purfoance of an afi ' f the G.peril AfTrm
lily of Pc»nfjrWai)», entitled " nr. to enable the
«• Governor of thin Common incorporate a Com- „
« pany for making an artificial Road from an mtci ftikioa
«of the Philadelphia and Lancaftct Tarn;,ike road nc. r
" the Gap' Tavern, in Lancaster codrtty, t<> New, oil and
" Wilminetqn in the State of Delaware;" the cnmp.i.*
{loners in laid t& appointed wilt procure five book, and
attend at tUe refpeflive places diiVSed therein to receive
ftjbfcrption* for Stock it. the company, viz. One boot
will be op£iled in the city qf T Philadelphia. One i * the
Borough of La'jvcafter, on: a; Strafeurgh,in the county
of Lancait r, one m jfce Borough of W ilwington, and
one at the house of Samuel Cochran in the county of Chef
'""The Subscribers, agreeably to their appointment m and
'fey said 4<ft, will attend at the City 1 avern ipjPJjiladelpJiia,
with one of said Bo.ks, on the 6th day of June
next, at 10 o'clock j'n the forenoqn, i>ptil 4in alt ' r "
noon, aa4 for the two following, it peccffary, for ,
the purpose aforefaid ; on the firft of the faifL .day«, iny
person of the age of a I years <Kailbe at liberty toif^Mcribi.
in his owp or any other name or naniesby whom lie (hall oe
mthorifed for oncfiart, on the i'ecppd day lerw crtii»/<*«*>
and on the tjiird iky jfcr *«,<•«», &ta M" and \ a
succeeding day, (if . the laid books lhau continue longer
open) foranynnmber et lhares in tlje said Stoc.t.
Every person previously to subscribing in said books
rnuft pay to the attending eommiffiohers twenty five dolf
lar» for every share tp be fubfp ribed. ■
Philadelphia, May f 7 "
—— ———— — ~ '•
In the Ihip Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, and
for fatfc by the Packagi, by
Samuel & Miers t iflier,
Tandah Coffeas, Batna, p other BiftM,
i. Bahar Hankerchicfs, W'C«.
Humhums, FlewcV4 and spotted
Emerties, Bandanoes
'• With a variety of other goods from that place, and a gen-
I end assortment of European SPRING GOODS, asufual.
Long and (hort Pipes, In boxes of 5 groce eac ,
An assortment of Stone Jugs and Pitchers,
11- Queen s Ware, in Crates, afforud,
I Gfifs Ware, in Crate* and Calks,
Sheathing Paper, by the Bale,
Spermaceti Candles, and T *it t •
A general assortment of Irifo Linens,
lut Received per lhi P Glasgow, from" Dublin, by
ch May ia.
FOR s/i£fl
i I The remainiof thepigou,;
i.- I from .Cajitfln, viz.
I WID"E and narrow Nankeens
I 7° Qyac-U 1 " Chests Souchong Tea
~ so Tabs Ouictfilvrr, and "
ed, A $uaii, tity Of
■% Tea-Table and Dining China.
0 jtawrim
:ts, May 7- — —
Jed FOR SAL fr
:r3 | A. very Valuable Estate,
7 th '- called rIV ITT EH HA M, fixate: in the
1 ( j township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware,
1 7 ,-a Miles from Philadelphia, arid half a Wlfe&Wnfl*
new Weflern road i containing of excellent la^,
VT I .. 0 f wlßchare'goodwatcred meadow, 90 of primevto
N, rthe ; i arable of the firft quality. There are
h $t. on the premises a good two story bndk house, with 4 rooms
is for cn 4 floor, and cellars under the whole,
if dif- 0 f exceUtut water ip ftont; a large fca«ie ,^ ul >
cloth, an d other conyer.ient holdings ; a fmol^-h^
spring-bouse ; two good apple orchar W , o W - of fe^t,
es. The fields are all in cloyer, ■ except thole imr?e d
under tifoge, and are so laid out ?s to have the ? dv ' ,r
Icc&c. of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly «•
Ve The t ltuXn k pWaßt and healthy, and from the high
a ' cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood,;jnd 11
vicinity 10 the city, it is wry fultable for a gemkman
C °The y foregoing is part of the ettate of Jacob Herman,
. deceased, and offered for sale bv v _ . - •
?at the Mordecai Lewis,
eufull pa. .9. eo.] Surviving Executor.
§* ~ ~
' For Sale,
by law A Few Calks of First Quality
rt, and J D 1 G O#
S.amuel Enquire at No. 71, South Water f
May »
u Treasury Department ;
j Revenue-Office, March vQtb, 1 19f-.
■ S 1 !?] I T*t! nPOSALS will be received at the office of
P ZIW./AW, (No. 43,, a ' the , C " I '? e
' Thifd and Chefput-ftreets, Philadelph.a) for building in
I North-Carelkia,
r mutual | r a Lright-Houfe upon C^pe-Matteras.
rtncrlhip I . i A Beacon H<<ufe upon Shell Cattle lOand.
is are in- | D<^cri tions of ca ch, and all other particulars, may be
fcen on application at the offices of any ol the >?P£ r £"°-
AR da Its of J.ieht-Houfes, or of the of the Reve
Of the CoUedors of the Custom, n any of the
I States ; as also at this office. _
ds and I Will be landed,
ju'ft a' r - L r0 .MORROW MORNING, at South ftrect
;rifi'e,and 1 wh arf, the Cargo of Brig Peggy, capt. K.lby,
1 from Anatto Bay, Jamaica,
aig, JOO Hhds. Sugar,
ftrcet. J „6 Hhds. Coffee,
300 Bags Ginger.
For Sale by BLIGHT.
| eo-tw
j May 30
eo I » * A stated Meeting of che Philadelphia Society
for the information and a ffifta»,eo f pafonsem,gra t
1 mir from Foreign countries, will be held at the Lolleg
t four hun- 1 »g f J Weduefdav evening, June I, at 7 a
he gazette | 4*" " reel » oa 7 B. COHOLLY, S'y.
1 clock., - v "