Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 31, 1796, Image 1

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    ■ SlastKe of tk UnilcD # Wes i'Jfy
\\~uxbe* 1163.] ♦ PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING MAT 31, 5796. {To£gfrE lX *
* * ~ u j
• T f0 & £ A E, ,
The CARGO of Brig Fly, captain Hubber, arrived
1 this day, from Jeremie,
i4 3 Hbds. ? PnnieGreen Coffee, ? 170,000 wt. i&g
r«67Bags ) >■ Xff
too Bags COCOA, • ,64,000 wt. f:,4
5 6 Bales COTTON. . "
The Cargo has been put on board with an intention M
to moceed to Europe, and i« report ed-at Cuftora House ;
fjrWtpurpoi. The quality is prime. Samples can
Yli F
ts an almost new velVel, and will he
W4 with or without the cargo.- • Can
proL«d immediately.
A liberal Credit will be given. Apply to
Peter Blight. J:
Mavß :—Jtl£_
To B E s .0 L D,
ift A Three-ftery brick House, No. 80, N. Second
'J\ street. The lot it about 11 feet front, and aBB
feet deep, to Braati-ftreet, or Moravian Alley. It has-
Ion" been one of the beft«ft«nds.{®r bufmefs.
jd A frame BweTliftg-Houfe, No. 160, South Front
ftreft, with a Bake-House, the; Lot is about 17. feet
front, by 130 feetin depth.
,d A. handsome Lot of feet by aoo feet deep,
tendine from Third street to George-ilreet , it is the 3d
Lo' below South-street : on Geqrg.-ftreet there is a two
story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood A
a LARGE MEADOW FARM situate on
tha River Delaware, at a convenient diftuice from Praia
dclphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and
in pood bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
gjd proportion of arable and woodland 4nd Cedar
Swamp. F*®r terms apply-to JOHN LITLE,
No. 4cf North Sisth-ffreet.
March lift, 17»6-
* " The Copper Bottomed Ship
VTTITH all her materials, as flie came from £ea. Like-
W wife to be difp©fcd o£
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
on board said vessel. For terms apply to ,
Parken & Wharton,
May 2 . i_ 1
J u st Arrived,
Aiidfor/ale in the Sloop TIVO BROTHERS, Samuel
Marcbant, majler, a quantity of
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo : •
Also for Sile, : ;
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 400 Barrels.
ftr on g vessel, and has beep chiefly em- 1
1 f ptoyedasaCoafter. If not fold in a few pay;; will take j
in. freight, andproofied dire& for Newbury Pvrt.
An&v to ISAAC HARVEY, jun.
nfc' Rim' No. t.S.Watqr Street
For B R /S 10 L, _
thtmw "SHIr •
Bum, Matter,
VfJi-L take Goad# on Slight, and be ready to receive L,
theai in a few day*- Ear freight or portage apply to Ai
Thomas & John Clifford.
for Sale,befides their ulual ajfcrtmentof w
Irosmongary, Qutleioi» Sqdlcry, life.
Crates of Glafc and Earthen Wire; Cratqs of ViaJs;
holes of long and short Pipe&; Bristol crown Glass assort- Y.
Ed, from 18 by 12 inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets
aid Bottoic si. Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Briltol _
Pr.wter in Ca&s assorted; Bristol Grindil»n^s; Garnet
& C«'s. patent Sheaves Tor Block*. AJf°, a bale ot
And a few Pip«s of OLD MADEIRA WINE. £
, /'pril 11. 2aw ' v
'For Tale"or charter, \
The {loop Betsey, 5
Johh Dawkins, Master, n
about Bqo barrels, now laying at the sub- vi
Jj fcriber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo immedi- tt
atfly. -ai-irW tn the k->arii oc.
And now landing from said flo.op, • v
Port-au-Prince M and Coffee, alio, t
Pale, Quillei, yellow, and Red Bark, b
Malaga Wine,
Imperial and Hyson Teas »f tht Firfl Quality, &c. 0
May 23 § a
For Sale, [
WILL cwy about 2400 harrek, is fixtten month
old, well found, aad may be fitted for sea at a
small expense.
For terms Jpply to Btnjarain Oreenlesf, the Mailer,
onboard, at Vine street wharf, or to
No. 8? South Front street.
Mav 25 .
For Hamburgh,
. The Danish Brijiantiue
Den Nye Prow,
ASnelfourveffel. Will be ready to take in her cargo
oa die firfl of May. For freight or paffajca apply to
Rofs & Simiqn.
April 15.
l ' Tcr SALE, or CHARTER,
1000 BJ)U. of fiour-!ie may be fert
tr> sea M a fnull expeuee, her fails and rigging h«ng 111
vicry good order —apply to
James Campbell, or
Gesrge Latimer.
April, *9. §
1 Wanted to Purchase,
A gftod, well fitter!, fnft firiling
" v E S S E L,
®f about noo Ban-els burthen- 'K/l
' Applv to to Un
May 28 #6 Ogene
John Miller, jun & Co.
No. 8 Cheinut Strftr,
Hn,e re«triyed f)y tb« Ship jn J' 1
B I R 1,1 I tf'G H A.M P .1 C K E T. '
. From Cxilcuttaf * 4 '" ""* I "
Bales'bf Bengal GboTts,
I ,OOQ Pi<*ees.Nankc^ns,
Of a Superior Quality. <wM(
350 Bags of SUGAR, 9m.
Whicii they will fell on terms tenia
! Mav 10. • £ ■ed roi
s- — " offtj
Landing, m>'
t From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and
A quantity of COAL; aocv '
3 Thomas & John Ketland. j
April »o.
I At RulTeU't wharf, tfie CARGO of the Ship Lady
a Lo.uifa, Jawes cooper, mailer, from Chiuij and the,
r Cape of Oood Hope,
consisting OF <
t, SUQAR, in Chests and Bags;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fuptrior qua-
T . lity;
A small quantity of B.ELANDY ;
FOR 1 A V H B. Y
Par for Sis Wharton, A|
No. 109, foijth Wyer-ftreet. r (
4>rl * 6 - . § M
R " Just Arrived, • —
5 In the. Snow Boston, Janj ?ii ..paiiiqi, master from Li-
3 * verpool, NE ,
5000 Bufheli SALT ; ,
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and P er -
An AlTortment of SHIP CHANDLERY;
forsale .
,On board, at Pine-street wharf. Apwiy to Ship
James Campbell, or
George Latimer. iv
April 19. ••
T IV ,1 N T E D,
ON Loan, for two or three years—looo Dollars for A
which a mortgage on Land will bi* given asfecurity li
! The land is clear of every incumbrance
n_ Entire of ta«i Printer.
ke J" 1 - 9.- ...
New Hat and Hosiery Storm,
Wholesale and Retail,
PJa. t 34. JVfa rket-J}rec ty door from the car ACT of
Fourth, . i . T ikfej
M-iCNS'Slack American and ioied di to p
EogUfti Hats, of various tapcv ditto P
> aualiiiQs and prices All kinds of silk
Ditto I>rabs and Qreenun- corton, cotton, & thread 1
ders Hufe I
vc Ladie's, dittos bla,ck Knit colored Pantaloons I —
And a large aflortment of Ditto Drawers
fanqy ditto Ditto Breeches Patterns
Colored Beavers Silk Gloves J
With a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored ditto, cot- |
gant and faftiionablc trim- ton
Is ; mings, 4c. A quantity of mending cot
'rt- Youth's black and drab co- ton, loi'rd coiors. IG<
:ets N. B. The Bats ftnilhed in the newell falhion.
liol May 7- I rj .j
Country Seat for lale.
. N elegant House, and highly cultivated Faim, oi? the cast- ; | *
A embank of Hudson's nvcr, bounded on the north by iav
V«roli»ck's Point, and diilant forty-five miles from New 17
York ; the farm corifil}* of 295 acrcs, and is one of the raoit I
pi6turefaue and be«iiifnl fcuaiious on the Coqtmeij.t ; com- I
mandini an extensive and variegated profpeft: the foil 1^1 riih, I
5 chiefly laid down in EnglUhgra's, and is under excel lent fence. I •«
Th« house is a handsome two story double building, in the I
most modern style, finiSied wll b much taste. and poffdtcs£- jjy
sub- very requifre for the accommodation of a genteel family ; J -r
edi- there are also on the preroif" a new overseer s-hqufe, a uew , j
barn, extensive (labks, cow-fbed, cyder-house smoke-house, j fe
rTI tooultry house, &c. There are abundance of fruit com
prehending all the choicelt whlcb 0? procured
trom the nurseries town, now iu Wl bfarigg, and a
well ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop joes twice a lycek to
the city, trom a lar.di.,g convenient to the farm, and the AI- I
bany pt?ft road forms the ejllerij boundary. .
l'he house, &c. are kept in nrat order, fpr tjl.e reception 1 Q
ic. of thc pu rc ha r er on the shortest notice, who mijht al(o be
§ accommodated with about 120 acres adjonmg the farm on the
south, the greatest part of which stretches along the: river,
which abounds with oysters and a variety otfifh-
be averse to farming, there are many refpeaable qeighbours I
who would work it on advantageous terms
, Gouverneur s Litne, New York, or to |
nth Mav „ I -
a — . I 0 ££ SOLD, _
(V pr \ NEAT three story Briclc Hopfe, almpft new >
■ fter ' A situate on the south fide of Filbert, midway I
between Ninth and Tenth-Streets. For terms app'y v
; t. at No. 71, North Street. C
j 7 May I
Stop Thief!
RAN aiyay frow the a black apprentice _«y, I
abeut lßyear.s of age, fmoothface, andremarkab ) j
welK built. He took with him fevcral suit? of I -
one of liven', blue, turned with yellow—a pair of dove I
' i r t >>\ nlufl! breeches — a brown faced with |
o rg ° black piJL. Rf©ke open the day he went away a trun _
and fto'e therefrom f L
Mr. Gilbert, d pickcd tl?c pockft ps 5 '
tf- dollars. A: t perf,n who will (e«ire said ; be ,
well rewarded by h Street V
May J3- t d " J
This Day published, I
} Price 31 l-2r Cents,
.rent Mr. SPEECH
>r Sold by William Young, Second an
Cliffout llreets, aad by the iiook:-l!cr? gcneia y- 1
§ May l&.
kJ ' #
' T
HAYING been encoaraged by feveralof his « p a
to Undertake the Bufweiof an. Insvraxce EkOa.Hi, " of
ta which: lje served an Appreijticefhij), has this Day " th<
ogeped in Office at,hi.s Dwelling, " W
No. 29, A'urtb Waiter-Street ;
Where he «i!! be glad to execute Orders in that Line, inbfi
an«J hopes by his Attention and Punctuality, to give, will
to all tfeofe m»y M.pUafed tti Bar<
rlvouv Vim with their Buftnefe. °f I
May «6. onc .'
— _ « . • tat.
A BSGONDRD, on the nigpt of Thyrfdtiy lafi, the with
il itbiv.jf. Boston Murray, n_blaf'k 'mdtntddfer- next
•vnnt lad, 18 or 19 years of age, and,about 5 feet Bor nooi
9 inches hig{> ; one of bis eyes is defeSi-ve in the corner the ]
towards bit nose His apparel conftfted of a fnnjf-toifr- j perf
• edround jacket, with.a Mane hester "Oefl under it; a. pair- "• '■
iffiftia n trotwfars, and under, them, q light mixed cloth aut | J
pair ofbreechef. Whoever a£brehe,nfli the said/errant,
and returns him, or confines him in any jail in Pennfyt- utc
■vania.or Jerfcy, so that / recover him Jhall receive the I °f'!
abeve reward, together with reafonabfe charges. I r '
No. 100, Spruce-Jireet.' I irS
JtprH IT. df J
John Miller, jun. & Co.
No. 8 Chejnut-flreet, I
Have imported in the late vtfl'cl - from I —
Amongll which are I T" 1 !
Striped and clouded NANKJEENS,
Dimities and Muflinets,
' H ATS, 1 1
Neatly aflbrted in packages, j
I!il§H L®ffiN.S, ditto, I :
All which they will fell oa the most terms, I
tor CasH or the ufu^lcredit.
May u. y
Sales of Coffee.
—• , 1 ; ~ I'
W^ e W*K' on Stam- {
per's Wharf, near Sprucf street, _ j
Will bejold by AyS'ion. J
A Qtiantitv of Coffee,' saved from ti|e Wreck qf I
Ship Henry" & Captain Slade, stranded 011 j
Cape Ilenlopen, and fold fpr the Benefit of the Under
writers. WM. SHANON, Auctioneer.
May '30 £_ I
\ u
r \ T \ylnff, from on board the ship A"-
1 j\ rora, cast. Sutfi-, 15.0 Hffgfpsads
Pcime Jamaica,^rs,
For tAte by
Writings and Francis,
*7 . 1-i- j
For Sate, lerI er
\ Three.story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in,Chcfnut |
'-Jl [h'cct between Br<4nt and Second fti «?ts, in which I
. xuiTr, jimas 5TCbt. mm jrs*« J
now do) carne.4,oll buiwcf?,- j
Pofoffvon will '«■ given ni one month, or fg.oner.
j For terms apply to \\'!L I.l:\j\l SELL, or
I April XI. I
Yazoo Lanlfet
TT" TTTr J '.I-'. I R
May be had at the Editor's Office I 19, Cbefmxt-Jlreet,
t. A few CopWs of " a Report of the Attorney
General to Gongrefs containing a Colle&ion of
Charters, Treaties aud other Documents, I
— j relative to and explanatory of the Title to the I
situate in the South Western pans of the United (
I State*, and claimed by certain Companies under a
by i law of the' State of Georgia, paded January I n
>795; j
Z Table Cloths, ike. \
1c " No. 8!, North Secend, a few doors above Azch St. [
V ; j TNFORMS his Friends, and tlje Public, that he has for (
e r w i 1 ftle op .t?rms, Cloths, of dif- ,
' 1 fercut sizes, with N?pk">s to rnatcli the figurr cf tjhe sloth, (
m : Diapers, »ifh Linens,
, n Sarfnets, , Sheetings,
I Checks, <
M- I Englifli.pttgrt SilkHofc. CAarf<; &c^cc.
Alf«y en nffortrr.tnt of 1
ion China, Gls(s, and Queen's Ware:
M Break- China Jars and Bickers,
; £ u r ; fact Cups Sc Saucers, Peeaptjrs,
mrs I Do. Galton Wine Glafles, &c.
Half-Gallon -J Grates will be put up at jhe-
Quart > Ihortefl notice, and the usual
0 Pmt & o U' veo - ,
I, j Half-Pint Ja, May tj
— | Advertifemcnt.
f TTE the fubferibers, Commiflion<;rs appoitlted by law
ew ' W to take fiAfcriptions for thc Gap, Newport, and
V * y Wilmington Turnpike Road, do hereby give notice, that
f'y we W i|f attend for th»t purport« the l«iufe of Samuel
Cochiau, on tlif 6th day ps June next,
I Chdte Covwty, Wtfc Apri), [May7-§iml
love I 1 : The Partnerlhip of
unfe George Kennard be Co.
' r~kf Duck Creek, b«ng this day ditto Wed by mutual
r 5 |II coufept, tbofc having claims agaiali said partnerlhip
1 I be are requeued to call on th<; fubffnbsr, such as are m
debted, will P ,eafe make ke?jnard>
— May 17," »79 s - "
The cargo of the Snow Boa Efperanca, fgj
-r. Lm, '
and I* I" «V\ f or $4* - . p
lly. aS Hagfhearf.s Prime ot. CtoiK SUCAK.
§ I 24. ' "
Notice is hereby .Given,
'■ I 'HAT in vurfuAn.ce of M) a3 of tfee Gerxrd *ffem-
X bly ot V.-anfyjvama, "an A'<Sf to enable the
" Governor etjhkdtmm OSmcorgojate a Com.
" pany foj" makingß'dad froni an interfere 11
" of th« Phihddf'lua.: and Lsncifttt Turnpike road near
" the<Gap Tavern, in Ljuicaitei coiqiyy, to ."few f art a-id
" Wilniii tfton in tjhis Stale ot Delaware;" the romiaif
'lionera in laid :"pojflfed jWJly>iociire £vr books auJ
attend attbf j*trt£jm ?l»«s thereto. tv> receive
itibfor'puons ipr .-Stock ir. Hjr company, vii. One booit
will be opened -ai the city ot HiiiaocljSlrta. Oiie in the
of Lai*cafter, one at Stvafllp.Tjih, in Hie cunnty
of r, «(-e in (he Borougb ol VViWeiugtc.n, aad
on? at d)e house of Samuel Cochran in the county ofChei
ter. -
Tie Subfefibers, agreeably to appointment in »n<i
bv faidatl, will attend 3' the City Tavern 111 PUikuiclpitiv,,
with one of said 80-ks, on Monday, the 6th lay of Jr.ra
neat, at; 19 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the aittr
noon, and for the two days following, if for
the purpose afdcg£}id ; an the firft o£ thjc £aid day-, asy
' pcrfwiof tile asr« of at years ftialllac itfcbftty to fuMcnbe
in hi* own or any otht'r iianieof nainesby wlioiii he fhallbe
au.tiieriied fajr oneJbarejaw the fecoudday-forwir or
third vw.f-.tra. or tira.fanr, aud is aqy
fufcf.ding day. (if U»p fmid boo'its ihall coiutt ue lon>;ur
I open) for any njtmbm «f ftiarcs iufhe !;w J St«(V
I Tfcyeyy person previoully to iji * laid books
J. mug pay to the attending comnujiipners t.wcnty nve dol- ;
I lars for every fhareto be fußlctibed.
Jt<ffi£SX H'ApA
I sllUJAtt DA'.vr.s.
I Philadelphia, May J §cjun. 7.
The. tenidins of the, Casgo by: t}ie PigQu,
from Cantop, viz.
I WIOE *rjd narrow Nanteeiifi
I 70 Quarter Chests ScncMngTea
J 20 "subs Qtjjckfilver, and
l A quantity of
Tea-Table and Dining China,
J IVUy 7- 3tawim
For Sale,
A Few Calks of lafft QuaU^
: I Enquire at No. 71, South Watfir &s£l«
1 I May 2 tht & f tf
In the fhi.p Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, ai d
for fait by the Package, by
Samuel & Alters tidier,
Tandah Coffeas, Batna, and other Baft;«,
Bahar Haiikerchiefs, Persian I'affaties,
Flawrr'd arid spotted
Emerties, 'Bar.diinoes.
With a variety of'other goods from that place, and i ; en-
I eralaffbrtmentof European SPRING asufu.^
iuk ' ' '
l( I f-ong and <hort Pipes, in boxes of s groce each,
h 1 An aflortnient of Stone Jugs and Pittbefs,
AI: Queen's Wate, in Ctatts, assorted,
Glifs Ware, in Crates ami CaGct,
I Sheathing Paper, by the Bate,
Malaga, & ? WINES
I Sherry J
I Spermaceti mid
A general ajbrtment of bifid Linens,
1 Received per ihip Glasgow, from Dublir, by the package.
i, I May u. § 1 weo3 w' '
of F 0 R S A I J},
} s m A very Valuable $state,
I CALLED ¥ IVI TTENH A, M, fttuate in the
e Vj townihip of Upper Derby, and county ol Qelaware,
a I 1 i-a miltjs from Philadelphia, and he if a rfiile from the
b, i new Weflern road: containing 236 acres of excellent land,
45 ir : go«d watered Bieadow, 9Q o£ prime wood
— land, and the reft arable, of tile firft quality. There are
on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 roopis
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, With a ptithp-well
of excellent water in front; a large fame barn, Itabks,
'» an 4 other convenient buildings ; a fmoke-Jioufe and ftrtie
St. fpring-fioufe *5 two good apph' orchards and on ? 9?
for es. The fields are aftjji clover, except those immediately
lif- under tillage, and are To laid out as to have the advantage
th, of ill each of them, wl>ick renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing.
The filiation is' and healthy, and from the high
cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the
fee. vicinity to the city, 'it is very suitable for a gentletfiap's
country feat. ,
n . I'fie foXigowg is part of the estate of Jacob Harmon,
" ' deceased, and offered for sale by
:Sj Mordecai Lewis,
9. ?o.] Surviving Executor.
China Goods.
r ~p l H E Ship Atlantic, SUjj Sivaine, Commander^
X from Carlton, will commence the of hef
to-morrow morning at Wahiut-ftreet wharf
law , Con/iJling of
and Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality
;hat Persian Taffetics, b'ack and ccloured
lucl Luftrlngs, do. dt>.
Sattins biack of various qualities
Sewing tilks in aflorted colours
Verihillion in boxes
Cafiia in chests
Quick 111 ver in jars
"0 boHea, 1
YOUNG hyson ireinieas.
. R CHINA WAKE, ornamental, with Table and lea
51U " Sets generally afTorred.
-. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of
First quality bengal SALT
• For Sale by
Philip Nicklin & Co.
April 8. " t ' th&s
>• FO R SAL E.
A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about fori? hnrr
dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazetc*
t. of United itatcs, No. 119 C3)efnut-ftseet. 5