Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 30, 1796, Image 1

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    &fcrfir «f tb tlnitfH £ talcs
1" O R .SALE. iir j 7" — — -79 0 - r Volume IX.
The CARGO of Briff Flv. caDtain HuhW VV aDted. tO Purrnnf#» INStJIi A NTT OWE-ir-P XT • 1 : T — ~
The CARGO of Brig Fly, captain Hubber, arrived
this day, from Jeremie,
i Prime Green Coffee, j 270,000 wt*
500 Bag® COCOA, 64,000 wt*-
6 Bales COTTON.
The Cargo has been put on board with an intention
to proceed to Europe, and is reported at Cuftora Hoafe
for that purpose. The quality is prime. Samples can
be seen.
Is an almofi new veiTtl, and will be
-Wj, fold with or without the cargo. Can
proceed immediately.
A liberal Credit will be given'. Apply to
Peter Blight.
Ma y8 jio
~ "to: BE SOLD,
ill. A brieve House, No Bb, N. Second
XJL. street. Tte lot is about 21 feet front, and aBB
feet deep? to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It ha*
long been one of the belfftands for business.
id. A frame Dwelling-Holife, No. it>C>, South Front
ftreet, with a Bakc-Houfc, the Lot i» about 17 feet
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. A handiome Lot of 45 feet by aoo feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to George-street ; it is the 3d
Lot below South-street: on George-street there is a two
Sory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood
take oven.
Likewifc a LARGE MEADOW FARM, fituatcon
the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and
in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE, |
No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March lift, 1796. dtf
EOR Sale,
vA u The Copper Bottomed Ship
TTTITH all her materials, as she cam© fromfea. Like- I
V V wife to be difp©fed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, U
ea board said vessel. For ttrms apply to
Parker & Whartons
May i; ; $_ ;
JuJt Arrived,
And for sale & the Sloop TIVO BROTHERS, Samuel !'
Marchant, ngjler', a quantity of '
Tar, Pitch, and? Indigo :
, Alfa for Sale,
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 400 Barrels. I
\ SHt is a good" ftfong vcffel.and has been chiefly em
ployed as aCoafter. If not in ,i ■ f -— r~i"i
in frfcieht, and proecctf'glfcenor Neivbuxy W»t •
. Apply to . IS3ATT HARVEY, juo.
May '5. §rm No. 5, S■ Water Street
For B R/S l 0 L, j
the * ew ship
Theodore Bliss, Mailer, E
WILL take Ge«d9 on freight, and be ready to receive I
tie*i in a ftw days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas iy "John Clifford-. >
Whohave for Sale,befides their usual aflbrtmentof C
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, He. v
Crates of Glass and Earthen Wire; Crates of Vials ;
boxes of long and Ihort Pipes; Bristol crown Glass assort- , Y
• rdt froin 18 hy 1 i inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets
asd Ki.ttoa*; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter in Casks aflorted; Bristol GrindlUnes; Garnet -
ACo s. patent Sheaves for Blocks, Alp), a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. A
April TI. jaw.
of<l j i.t I. | ||,| — » IJ* ■1.1 || |/ I|«1 . | - || . Y
For sale or charter, y
The sloop Betsey,
John Dawkins, Mailer, m
800 barrels, jiow laying at the sub- ve
XJ briber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo immedi- <h
y. for terms apply to the captain on Uoard, or ha
-And now landing from laid sloop,
rort-aij.Prince Molasses and Coffee, ajfo, w '
I'ale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, ' hl
Malaga Wine, ba
May P a^ ill a " d Hyson T " S ® f thc First QS alit T. &c - of
* — £_ ac<
ror Sale, . fo j
. The SHIP ke
TTTILL ccrry about 2400 barrel*, is sixteen month
fciall «pen(e Well be fit ' ed for f " at a ~
j™ 6 t0 B<"jan>in'Greenl'eaf, the Master, A
♦ B at Vine street wharf, or to £
~ No. S-2 South Front street. at
_ Ma y
T > ' le Danish Brigantine TI
Den Nye Prove,
i,lbe ready to take in her cargo 'col,
- Bor fright or passage apply to bl*
Rofs & Simfon. !md
<1000 Bbls. of rtcur-ae may b'fer.t
to lea at a fnuil cxpe.iod, W fails a«d 'being in
r r 9rdv —ap?ly to 6
jfafrtes Campbell or [
G targe Latimer. Ch'
ved Wanted to Purchase,
J—si A good, well fitted, fact failing
wt- $Jmsr VESSEL,
wr WiV ° f about 1200 Barrels burthen "
>use . ' Jo
John iffierTjurr&C^r"
No. B Chefnut Street,
z> r r, . Have received by the Ship
- an From Calcutta,
160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of a Superior Quality.
>nd ... . 35.° Bags of SUG AR,
188 Which they wiU lirli on advantageous terms
has Mav ,
«. Landing, \
ert p rom on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EAR THEN WARE, ia Grates; arid
s*- A quantity of COAL; ,
F o K SAL E, B Y
:°, Thomas & John Ketland.
April ao.
Z Landing,
nd At Russell's wharf, the CARGO of th« Ship Lady
f a Louisa, Jaraes Cooper,, master, from China, and the
lar Cape of Good Hope,
"*• SUGAR, in Cheft9 and Bags ;
' V\ INES, iii' Butts and half Butts of superior dua
lity j.
A fmall'quantity of BRANDY ;
Parker & Wharton,
No. 109, south Water-llreet.
; April 2,6. fc
! JflA Arrived,
S, In the Snow Boston, James Kirlcpatrick., muster from Li
i 5000 Bufliels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
- i An Aflbrtmentof SHIP CHANDLERY;
el On board, at-Pine-ftreet wharf.—-—Apply to
"James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 29. j
w A Nimr, ■ :
ON Loan, for two or three years—loop Dollars for 1
whichl a mortgage on Land will be given asl'enrrity ]
Fhe land is dear of evegry incumbrance.
1- Enquire of tne P.rinter.
"; ' d.
[ New tiA -i 1) 1
Whulfsale and Retajl, -
By William m^dougall,
! No. 134 Mariet-Jfreet,, door front the corner of
Fourth > South fide.
|MKNS'Black American and lored ditto
; Englilh Hats, of various Children's fancy dittp
qualities and" prices All kinds of idk, fiik and- !
i Ditto'Drabs and Greenun- cotton, cotton, & thread }:
e i rfers H o s e j I
Ladie's 1 ditto, black Knit colored Pantaloons f
lAud a large aiTortment of Diuo Drawers
fancy ditto Ditto Breeches Patterns,
Colored Beavers Silk Gloves M
With a great variety of ete- • Knotted, colored ditto-, eot
gant arid fafhionable trim- ton
mings.&a. A quantity of mending.qot- j '
Youth s black and drab co- ton, sorted colors. '
'J NB. The Hats finiftied in the newest falhion rel
t J^- 7 ' d-W' lit 1
Country Seat for sale. , S:
A N elegant House, and highjy cultivated farm, on the'eaft- ; HV
cm bank of Hudson's river, bounded on the north \>y ; 1 7
Verpbnckr's Point, and d"ilhnt fdrty-ffve miles from New —
York ; the farm coofifts of 295 aer<*3, and is one of the irioft
{ pi&urtfque and beautiful fuuaiions on the Confine.^,; com
mand uig an ejetenfive and variegated profpeft ; the foil is rich,
I chitfl,/ l4id-4P > n fins!'ft^& r *'s, and is under eteHienltf&ice. iN
Th« house is a handsome two Rory double building, ,ip thb ft[ c
most modern ilylc, fiwirtied with much taste, and pofleffes e- jv
- very reqiijfice for the accommodation of a genteel firftily'; ' I
_ thcrcarc also on'the premiffis a new overfeer's-houfe, a-rfew- r
barn, exrenfive fiables, ccsw-ftjed> cyder-house, fenoke-houfe,
poultry houle, &c. There are abundance of fruit trees com
prehending all the chotceit kintts v/hich «ou!d be procured
from the nurseries about town, now in fu4l bearing, and a '
well fk)ck'd kitchen garden A sloop goes twice, a week- to
the .city, from a landing convenient to llk farm, and the Al
bany poll road farms the eastern boundary. ; £J|-
The house, See. are'kept in neat order, for the reception
of the purchaser on the shortest notice, who might affo Bt;
accommodated with about 120 acres adjoning thp farm on the
south, the greatest part of which stretches along the river,
which abounds with oysters and a variety of fiflv Should he
be itvcrfe to farming, there are many refpeftaWe neighbours
who would work it on advantageous terros-
Gouvemeur's Lane, Ncw or to i
& CO. ;
May 27 Philadelphia.
TO BE SOLD; : ' :
A NEAT three story Brick Houle, almoff new,
situate on the south fide of Filbert, midway
between Ninrh and Tenth-Street's. Pof ferms apply vvc
at No. 71, North W»Ber Stroet. C oc j
m,-, . . , : , 4tf.
Stop Thief!
RAN away from the SWMtrißfer; a black apprentice boy,
about 18 years of age, fnlooth f»«e t and reniarbabty
wclibutlt- He tpafe with hita fewral fujt-siaf cloathi—
•one of livery, blue, turned with ysllpw—a pair of dove
coloured plush brccchei—% brown fcjioniloper faced with
black plush. Broke open the day he went uway a truijk .
and stole tfiirefrofti nine pieiet of gold—the of
Mr. Gilbert, and picked tl>e pockkt of Gen.Grabbof t$ _
dolhrs. Any pfrlon who will icciirc feidthi«f (hail be are t
May 23. [dtjf ] I*7 Arch Strcet-
This Day publifijed, —
Price 31 1-2 Cents,
Sold by William Young', cpriitr bf Second and
CKefnttt streets, and by rhe *Bt>o'kfe(t'ers vsneraily. 4!
May 19. ■ f \ hi
insurance office. .
• — - , . - -
HA VING beeni cqcparaged by fever*! of hi* friends, !
to UnUeitakethe Buflnclsof in Insurance Brojsf.h, ■
. to which hefcrved an Apprenticeihip, has this Day <
> opened an Ofate at hi Dwelling, «
Na. 29, North .Water-Strict ; '
Where he will be glad to execute Orders in that Line, 1
and hope, by hi? Attention and Punttualisy, to give i
T, £ SatituOiafc ta all those who may be pleai'ed to *
favonr him with,their Business. c
Ma T » 6 ' d 3 <*hjfi. «
A "* f t nl&ht ° f I*A the V
11 ,nJ i' BoSTOn Mur <4 V, a black inier.iUfer- n
■vutit lad, 18 or lyyearj qf age, a<zd about 5 sett »or n
9 inches high ; on, of/us rjrs is dffe&rve in the corner ti
Uyrds his nose His if parti of a J}puff-ccl<,r- V
— /c*n- jaatttuiithji Mmichejler wgtmdrr.ii; a pair 11
of fuflian tromiferi, and under tf.vm a light mixed doth M
pair of breeches. Whoever apfrthends the said : fer-vant, I ™
and returns him, or confines him in tiny jail in Pennfyl- ; ''
Venia or Jerfp, [0 that I recover hint jhall reCcii/e 'the °-
ais ve reward, together with rzfiftnabh charge*.
No.' lot), Spruce-Jlreet-
April 11. df
John Miller, jun. & Co.
■y iVa. 8" Chcfnut-JlrccL,
le Have inserted in the late ve«H> from Etfrop*.
*- Amongst which are
Striped and clouded NANKEENS, 1
Dimities and Mslliaets,
Neatly afibrted in packages,
All which they will fell on the molt reasonable terms,
for Ca(h dr the usual credit.
May ix. $
The Subscribers
Have fdr Sate, the following Gobds: vii.
Ihdia WnlTiiis; various qualities, "
X>». Bandanna Halidkerchigfs w *
Do. Perfhms o
Cotton .Shirts, at 7f. each. y.
,-i - u
Is aniens, long pieces,
Do. fho(t pieces
Cbiftrfe Sewijig' Silk =
' Do. Luteitring, ■
Dittw S»ttiro j m
F erfijwi. Tafftties J
An elegant Jfet of Nankcoi Table China ware,
Enjjlifh pattern
Best Hyson 'lita
' Rufha Duck >*'
p __ Rufli,a Tallow
f ™
I Lilbott dittos- J
: 40 Mtwk.; J*m»ica. Sugar
I Goflic ill htuii. anjl haritli *; "
PhiUw, Graeaond Ssf Co,
- §3
Yaiaoo Lands.
May he lied at I,he Editor's Office I 19, Chefnut-fired,
A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney : '
Geneial to Congress containing a Colleiiion of
TreaVjes aud other Documents,
relative'to and explanatory of the Title to the Land
I lituate"to tUe South Wftltem parts of the Uhited
States, and cl iimed bjt certain Companies under a f
law of the S'tate of Georgia, pjffed January 7th, V
-1 19-3- ' 7 '
- :nev
Table Cloths, &c.
No. 81, Nortff Sec end, a few doors above Arqh St. and
I'NFORMSIis Friends and the Public, that he has for ( pr i
sale on roifoiuble ttfriiS, Danialk Table Cloths, of dif- C s.
fereSt liics, \yfth Napkins to match thtfigute of tfce cloth, unc l
Diapers, Irift Lindas, 0 f ,
Sarfnets, Shcetingji, ven j
Per Cam, Clfecks, T
SilkHofe, Coarse Mullins, &c&c. cn!t
Also, an ajfortment of v j c jj
China, Glass, an 4 Queen's Ware: 00111
Among/I xvbitb are ,
BTtie & enamelled'BVeak- China Jars and Bickers, "
fafl Curts 3t Siucers, Decaliters,
Do. G.dMn >"«? Winedaffifs, &c.
l inlf-Galion j Crates W4ll hi pat-up at the -
Qpwt notice, upd theufual
Pint & | q credit given.
Hidf-Pint J25 May 15 §
—j 1 ■ a , l . : . "[ J \ \ '
Advertisement. CS r g
\JT E ttlc Conimiffioaers afpntstod by law
VV. to take fublcriptions for the <Jap,_ and Yelk
Vf'irmi'ngtpn Turnpike ifoad, d%> hereby give notice, that PeH
Wte' Witt *ttriid for tMt'puqxjfeat thd haiift of Sauliiel Lu(f
Cochran, on the 6th day «f June next. g att ;
JOSHUA PtfSHV, S - w ;
Chester County, 25th April, 1796. [May 7. §im)
The Partner(hip>o6
George Kennard & Co. |j
OF Duck Creek, being this day diflalved by mutual
toßfent, those having claims agaitft (j u l partnership vj
are tocall on the liihlbriber, anafieiv as are iri
dehted, wiltpleale make payment to
May 17, 1:96.
The cargo of the' Sriow Boa Eiperanca, for -
Sale, by PRAGERS V & Co.
IVbo bat aifo far Sit/e,
48 Fvimc St. Croix SUGAR. /\
May 24. v '' si w. of tt<
— u
Notice is hereby Given, "
THAT in pursuance of an act of the General AfTem.
bly of JVnnfylvania, entitled « an Ait to enable tno
" Gov "* t . nor q; this Common inc<?Tporate a Com,
wis, « pany Ur making an artificial Road from an inurfe'etion
'n "°. thc I>hll ' ldr! P i \ i '> and Tturnpike road near
iJay «the U4t> Tavern, in Lancaster county, to Newport anj
*" Wilmington in th« State of BetaVbre f rh< commif,
fioners in said aA appointed will procure five books md
' U ' ilL ' 1 ' t v -' therein to receiva
.me, lubfor ptior.L.' £oi- Stoek in the Company, viz. One book,
give wHI be Opened in the city of Philadelphia. One iu tha
<1 to Bor«i!gh ps Laiv .iter, otic at Stralhnrgh, in the foinitv
trf LMcnltft, «it in; the .Stjtrmigfe ut Wilmington, and
J. onfiat the httUfe o.t ianjud Cochran iu tho.couDSy
i ajretjably tn. their appointment in and
by faidaCt, will attend attiie City Tavern in Philadelphia.
the With cue of said Eo-,ks, on Monday, the 6th day of Juno
■fer- ne*t, at io o'clock in til. lonaocc, Ufltii'4 in the after
'' or noon, and for the two fojiowjng, if nictfTary, lor
Her ; the ptirpofe aforefaid ; on.thr of th*. said day,, any
V- person of the aga of 11 years (haß.be at liberty t6 fukferibo
1 air 111 own or ajiy, other name «r names by whoru he
loth 1 au therifedyi/- aiiejtjrefi:\ tiic fecpni day ior mt or It. i fibres,
Wt, I and on ttle c %d li xyforuuiitiuOtcr thr(e Jhjm, and iii any
j\l- ; ' ul -oeeding day t (if the said hooks lar.ll continue lopgep
the °P en ) f°' »»y nnmlier at {hares ih the laid Stock.
Every person preViously to fubfcrlhing in said bcolts
niuft pay tpthg attendfr.g cotnmjfli»tier» tyA-'ncy five del.
»**• f»r every Ihsrete be .übietibsd.
% HAT fit. LEH'IS,
Piiladtlphii, May 7 §tjun. 7.
FOR 8 A ti E
The remains of the Cargo by the Pigoti,
from Cantqn, viz.
WIDE ixiiU u«u*t;w
70 Quarter Cherts Souc'nong Tea
to Tubs Quicksilver, and
fȣ, A quantity nf
Tea-Table and Dining China,
May 7. 3tawrm
For Sale,
A Few Caflis of First Quality
Enquire at No. 71, South Witer ftre«t.
May % iht & f tf
Intfle fl>lp Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, arujl
sos ftlt* liy the' Package, by
Samuel & Miers f'iflier,
Ta?ndah : Cofiisas, Batoa, and other Bafeat;
Bahar Hankerckiefs, Persian Talf^ties,
Humliums, Fwwtr'd spotted
Ewerties, Bayid&notjs.
With a variety of pthergopds from that and a g?a»
crsd^iffortmcntof European SPRING GOODS, abufttij,
14 r - Atfo, and short Pipes, in boxes of 5 groc« esch,
An aUbameiii of Stone J«gs and-PitsheA,
-- — Qu«9tt-C>j n/Ca
Olaji Ware, in Crates and Calks, ~T
Sieathin? Paper, by the Bale,
Tenertfft" T -r r V. T
Spermaceti Candles, and
A general aflbrtment of Irijh Linens,
9 Received per ihip GTiifgo-w, from the
May'ia. §kweo 3 w
- 1 • •
FC R S A L E ,
d A very Valuable Estate,
a pADLED TIVITT£ NHA M, htuate in the
3. townlhipJsf Upper Derby, and couoty of Delaware,
7 t-» milea from Phiiad.lphia, arid half a mile Trom the
: new \Ve(ler;i road: ccuitajniug iiC.a.c«s«£ wciJJent-Uad.
45 of which are go*d watered meadow, 90 us prime wood- '
land, and the ret arablte oi the flrli quality. TjHft-'e are
on the premiles a good two story biickhoufe, witli 4 room/
on, a floor, and cilUrs under the wbok, with a punrpiweli
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, liabX's,
aod convenient bnildingn ; a fmpk'e-houfe and (tsne
[5 spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and one.of peath
es. The fields are allin clover, except those imtaediately'
1, under tillage, awdare io laid out as to have thc advantage
of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con
veuient for gr^mg;
The Ctaation is pleasant and healthy, and footn the high
cultivation of theland, the good neighbourhood', and thc
vicinity to theciry, it is very suitable for a gentleman'«
. country feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate of Harman,
defied, and offered for sale hv
Mordecai Lewis. r
Oa. 9. e0.3 Surviv/ng Executor.
: -7-n '.
China Goods.
TH E Ship Atlantic, Sitaj Sv>atv, Commar.der,
from Canton, will commence the discharge of het
<argo to-morrow morning at W alnut'ftreet wharf
Conftjltng of'
1 Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality
Periian Tafietics, black and celoured
- Lustrings, do. do
[Sattins black of various qualities
Sewing filkt in aflorted cdoar*
' VermillioVf tn'bdiis'
Cassia in chefis
QqickftlVer in jars
HYSON SKIN, v „ ~,
young hVson rrelh leas.
CHIffA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Ten
Sets .generally aflorted.
WHITE SUQAHS, and quantity of
First quality Bengal SALT PETRE.
Fur Sale by
Pbilip Nick/in & Co.
April 8.
*■■ r ,■■ , ,
B r EVIER, half worn ; about four hun
dred weigHt." EnquTre at the Office of the Gazette
of tbe United States, No. 119 Cheftuit-flrett. §'