fijlfiiißf of tl)t United £$> fates Number 1161.] PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING MAT: 8.1706, f Vwwr TX. LONDON, . The fine new copper-bottomed Ship Mounf Vernon, BI about 414 tons, will be rea- T* t0 r ecei*e her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on or before tie lOth of May next, great part of her cargo j £ pnrn'ed. lor freight or paffjge apply to the fubferibers, No. 41, Penn-ftrcet, TO Witlings and Francis. Atril. «7» $ t FOR SALE, TVI __as. The Copper Bottomed Ship ZyfDr LOUISA, F WITH all her materials, as (he came from sea. Like wise to be difpefed of A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, on board said ve.ffel. For terms apply to A; Parker & Wharton, . May a ~~ JuJl Arrived, At L And for sale it the Sloop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel c Marchnnt, « quantity of Tar, Pitch, and Indigo: Also for 6'lie, The said Sloop, Burthen about 400 Barrels. SHE is a good ltrong vessel, and has been-chiefly em ployed as a CoaUer. If not fold in a few pays, will take in freight, and proceed diteft for Newbury Port. A Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jun. — May §iw No. 5. S. Water Street _ - t or lale or charter, Th e sloop Betsey, * John Dawkins, Matter, 800 barrels, now laying at the sub- On 13 fcriber's wharf, and ready to receive a cargo immedi ately. For terms apply to the captain on board, or ■ JOSEPH SIMS. WHO MAS TOR SALE, * And now landing from said sloop, Port-au-Prince Molasses and Coffae, also, Pale, Quilled, Yellow, and Red Bark, T) Malaga Wine, Imperial and Hyson Teas ef the Firll Quality, &c.~. May 23 city """ '] For Sale, dai] rTI-V Tfce SHIP yjljpg' COLUMBIA, an ? WILL carry about »4CO barrels, is sixteen month wil old, well fonnd, and may be fitted for sea at a ( final! expenft. (he For terms apply to Bcßjamin Grecnlear, the Matter, on board, at Vine street wharf, or to SA MI J No. Saljoath Fronntreel. Mao ik *$ 7 For Hamburgh, ™ The Danish Brigantine it Den Nye Prove, th( PETER HANSEN, Majltr; rec Afine stout vefTel. Will be ready to take in her cargo on the firft. of May. For freight or passage apply to ex< Rofs & Simfon. April 45. j_ dtf " ftr • For SALE, or CHARTER, m wHir BOSTON,' ( BUKTHEN aaout 4000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be lent 1 1 ta sea at a small cxpence, her fails and rigging being in very good order—apply to _ "James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 49. >" ' tiVe Hundred Bales of Excellent Bourbon Coffee, m For Sale by Joseph Anthony lif Co. Di m»y « La JLanding, A At the Spbfcribers' wharf, from on board the fliip Au- C( rora, capt. Sutcr, Ijo Hogdieads W Prime Jamaica Sugars, For sale by y Willings and Francis, ; May T7 § - For Sale, A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second streets, in which t MeflVs. James Caibraith n l adelpai a and Lancaster Turnpike Road Company, arc reqjefled to meet at the Company's Office, on Mouday morning nine o'ejudc, the 30th June next. B<- Order ot the 3v»ard, - fijuni#. Wm. GOVETT, Secretary. * HI t John Miller, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, \ i Have received by tbe Ship -ii- BIRMINGHAM PACKET. From Calcutta, 9 mc> ' '• trio* 100 Bales of Be * » 10,000 Pieces -1 J Of a Superior y. • 3co Bags of Which they wiil fell on 3 May io. Landing, From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and A quantity of COAL; ] ' FOR SALE, 'BT , Thomas & John Ketland. April 20. • § Landing, At RufTell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady . Louita, Jasnes Cooper, matter, from China, and the Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; WtNES, in Butts and hjlf Butts'of fuptrior qua- * or lity; M A small quantity of BRANDY ; And i few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BV Parker £9° Wharton, e No. 109, south * April 2s. 5 { Just Arrived- | ■ In the Saow Boftoo, James Kirif pat; verpool, 5000 Bnlheli SALT ; 100 Crates QUEENS WARt An AfTortment of SHIP CHANDLERY FOR S A L 1. . jj ). Oti board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to ( i- "James Campbell, or iv George Latimer. — April J9. §_ \ Samuel Richardet, RESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CI TY t rAV£B N and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the ; c _ city of Pjiilaatl; hia. ton The Subscription Room will be furniflied with all the daily papers publilhed in Philadelphia, New-\ork, Bol ton, Baltimore, together with those ol the principal com mercial cities of Europe—They, will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away 011 any account. _ r l'ea, ColFce, Soupes, Jellies, Creams, and a variety of Frcnch Liquors; together with the usual refrelhmcnis, will at all times be procured at the bar. , 3 Gentlemen may depend on being accornmodated wj;:. (he ehoiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the ny..-' ;r > approved Malt Liquors from London and other brew«".e». " The Larder will bofupplied with the prime and eaflisft nrniltiAiont ef tho Scalcn. _ — ' '■ Large and imall Farties, or fingleUenttemen, may be accommodated with Breakiafts, Dinners, or Suppers, "■* ~ hours most cony nient .to thtmfelves—a cold Collation i'. regularly kept for donveniency, the Bill of Fare to be hai' at the bar. qn ; The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifbed, and the utmost attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other requifita. del ;o £3* SAMUEL Richardet will be happy to receive,.md execute the commands of his Friends, and the PuM:c at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part {hall be wanting to pre- f-rve that patronage with which he has been £0 diianguilh in/ly lionorcd. Philadelphia, April \<)- . .§_ W A N T £ D, ' ON Loan, for two or three years—looo Dollars lor which a mortgage on Land will be given as security :nt The land is clear of every incumbrance. i n Enquire of tne Printer. J*"- 9- — — - New Hat and Hosiert Store, Wholfsale and Retail, j- BY WILLIAM M'DOUGALL, r - No. 134 Market-Jluct, 3d door from tbe corner of w , Fourth, South fide. on 1. MENS'Blark American and lored ditto co ' Englilh Hats, of various Children s fancy ditto bl: qualities and price. All Wi of 6!k, HM an Ditto Drabs and Greenun- cotton, cotton, & thread M ders Hofc , dc — Ladle's ditto, black Knit eolored Pantaloon. w Aud a large assortment of Ditto Drawers f ancy ditto Ditto Breeches Patterns *u- frtlorpH Beavers Silk Gloves with a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored ditto, cot eant and falhionable trim- ton mings, &c. A quantity of cot- Youth's black and drab co- ton, colors. N B. The Hats finiftied in the newelt falhion. L May 7- Country Seat for sale. nut N elegant House, and highly cultivated Farm, on the e,ft lich A ern bank of Hud ion's river, bounded <#h the northl by and Verplanck's Point, and distant forty-6ve miles from N«: York ; the farm coi.fifts of 695 acres, and is oneof the molt pifturefque and beautiful fupat.ons on the Conuuent j coi - manding an extenfivc and variegated profpeft . the t«l . mn. I chi.fty laid down io Englilh grals, and is under excellent fenc^ 1 The house i. a handsome two (lory double in ~ most modem style, fin,(bed with much ufte. and e " verv requilite for the accommodation of a genteel am. y , , there are alf(^on the prem.fe, a new a new ' • u arn txtenfive stables, cow-fbed, cyder-house, fmoke-houfc, • r . Ipp r There are abundance of irint trees com pretending all the'chotcell kinds which eould be P'"cured sub. f P rom the ..urleries about town, now ... « to Phi- we li ftock'd kitchen garden A sloop goes tw in al Z cuy. from a landing convement to the farm, and the AU urn- bany pod road forms the ealiern boundary. rßCCf , t j on r£ *£ stidd^e i' 8 r" be^aver'e'to'fa'm'ing^'there are many rrfpeftab'e neighbours wh ° T? WOrk " GEORG£^ U HPG® POtLOCK, e A ?P'* l ° G G E ouver„eur s La„e, SewYo.k -to lOSFPH ANTHONV & CO. , May " 2 7 I'" ( YD BE SOLD, aod A NFAT three story Brick House, alrnoft new, efle.l \ fu , alf on ,])£ fcuth l'lde of Filbeir, .mdway ninC between Ni.-'h and Tenth-Streets. For lertns apply. at No. 71, North VVtfer Sirset. dtf , , ry. hUy '*• . TEN DOLLARS REWARD. A BSCONDED, on the eight of Thurfdny hifi, the ill. / - jtb inft. Boston Murray, a llackindei.tul ftr- JL ' i-ant lad, 18 or iyears of a*e, and about 5 feet Bor feet d 9 inches high ; onf of his eyes Li dcfe3i-ve in the corner l° n S ' tvuiarfc pit n»fe- His apparel catlftjlcd of a fnujf-color- -rf r'tuvd icuket,iuith a Manchester vest under it ; a pair n ' rt users, and, under them a light mixed cloth "V f'i ' \ Whotve'- us prebends t/jsftiidfervan;, 3d ■ .'i • uV-JfUl ?" ! ' -V l the > " -r-~ together with rtafauthlt charges.' MOORE WHAK.TON, ba t!, : No. 109, Spruce-street. {he R ; Tr - J dapi. John Miller, jun. 6c Co. good No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreet, SwM Have imported in the late veltel from Europs ; , » A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, Amongtt which are n- Striped and cloudc4 NANKEENS, o , v Dimities and Muflincts, ; HATS, Neatly afiorted in packages, 4 IRISH UNENS. ditto, . iV All which they will fell on the; most reasonable terms, for Cash or the.-iilual credit. -p May it. J I 3 INSURANCE OFFICE. /» ■JACOB SHOEMAKER, TJ I '.VINO ':n encouraged by several of his friends, ,■* ?9 " ad ■ : ■ Bufinelsofan Insohance BROk ir , > ;d an Apprenticeflvio, has tjiis Day. e at V."is Dwelling, of , 29, Nqrth Water-Street ; f«f •V\ - >vill be glad to execute On ers in-that Line, jjjjjj ie» by his Attention and PunAuality, to give c full Satisfadlion to all those who may be pleased to 21; . favour him with their Business. tior May 26. d 3 othJn. _ _ Walhmgton Canal Lottery, n°. 1.. n WHKREAS the State of Maryland has authorised vj the underwritten, to r-aii'e twenty-fix thousand, sre . x two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the putpofe of cutting deb a Canal through thj City of Wafliingcou, from the Po , tomacto theEaftern Branch Harbour. ; v The .following is the .SCHEME of No. 1. Viz I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 7 lad drawn > ]N T.ckets, each i ■' 6 ditto 1,000 6,000 Nr. lts ' 10 ditto 400 4.000 I I 20 ditto ioo 2,000 1 55 ditto .50 2,75° fer 5 7jo ditto 12 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 26,150 icrit • _ w • • .1850 Prises, .. !' ■ 173,°0° n6*t-Jreet, ;,o A lew Copies of " . Report of the Attorney Oeneial to Congreft; containing a Calkaion of 1 Cm \rtersi Treau*# aud other DocfMENTs,- SSVia explanatory of the Title to the Lane (,tu3te in the Soutb Welletn parts of the United s-ates, and claimed by certain Cooipa»«« t.wfcr a 3 P ?ly law oi the Sutc cf Gemyia, passed January 7th, I dtf. ' '795- T O Is £ b O i. i) 5 j ill. A Three-story brick House, No 80, N. Seeon| I J\ Street. lot i» about 21 feet front, ai-d i>.B feet deep, to Breadrftreet, or Moravia* Alley. It hss Ion" bcon one of the be(\*ilaods for bufineis . id. A frame tywulliMj-Houft, No. 160, S.nuth Front ftreet, with a Eal.e.-t toufe, the Lot is about 17 feet front, by 130 fectin ilcj'-i. 3d \ haoAlnfW int of ij feet by aoo !eet <*eep, cx ~ I tending If 01:1 Third ilrect so jJt is tiie ' Lot Sttew South direct Oft tlv.rt a 1 tw« I ft«V brisk « U+mcdft%o«e Arch St. I I NFORMS his Friends and the Public, that he has for 1 sale on reasonable term.*. Danialk Table Cloths, of dit- I ferept fees, with Napkins to match the ii.-ure of the cloth, Diapers, , Mk I.inens, I Sstrfaew, Sheetings, Perfijuis Cnecks, 1 - SilkHofe, Co-trfe Muslins, &cscc« Alp, op ajjorl/ncnt of China, Glass, and Queen's Ware; I AmrigH iub 'icl> are f Blue & enamelled Break- China Jarsand Bickcrs, lait Cups it Saucers, Decanters, Do. Gallon ") « Wine Glaflcs, &c. , 1 Half-Gallon J Crates wili he rut up at the ' * I • > (horteftnotice, acd the ulual h J Pint & o credit given. For Half-Pint J ,-a May *5 Advertifemcnt, D. tTT£ the fubCpribers, Commidioners appoisted by lav W to take fublcrij.tions for the Gap, Newport, an* I Wilmington Turnpikc Road, du hereby give notice, thaf I wc wiil attend for that purpose at the house of Sauiurf. ' I Cochran, on the 6th day of June next. JOSHUA PPSEV, ■ I • JOHN M'LOWtLL, _ JAMES BOYD. JACOB LINDLEY, Chester County, JJth ApriJ, 1796. [May 7. §Tm] oy . 1 . . 1 - b !l This Day pubiijhed, ove I Price 31 1-2 Cents, 2 Mr. AMES's SPEECH °!oat the britjsh treat r. Sold by William Yoang, corner of Second an 4 Chefnut streets, afvd Jbjr the £ookfe}ler» geiwrally. : 1 May 19- Notice is hereby Given, I T~ for every fliaret® be fublcribad. 1 GEORGE LATIMER, recl ' I ROBERT IVALA rne y j NATHL. LEWIS, n of J ABIJAH DAWES. STS,-j Philadelphia, May J SU""- 1- jiied FOR SALE. er n FCUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; aV«nt four hun« 7tb, J_\ dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazet * «f thr United States, No. 119 Che&ut-ftreet. S