'* ' ' ' ' ' ' ,-- r I\r NvMSSJt HS7- PHILADELPHIA, TIJF.SDAT EVENING MAT 24, 1796. __ _ \vozw* - * ■ - <■* I T*T . —.. —. O *v *» TP For Hamburgh, j Tlie Danith Brigantine TT AS I Den Nye Prove, " Np PETER HANSEN, Mofler s . si., .Tout vessel. Will be ready to take In lwr cargo on the firft ¥•"/• For fr^ K : or r *P ly t0 Mr Rofs oc Simio a. s P _ p'n. Ta ~~^~~For~SALE i or CHARTER, frr JH E. SHOW BOSTON, T! 1000 BbU of flour—fte may be feat £*- ft' SKffBK «*«.- *- S »-*H » jgfc "" 5004 C«eW', or George Latimer. § April April. W- — For LTcT N D 0 N, The fine new copper-bottomed Ship Moimt Vernon, F ™ r BURTHEN about 411 tons, will be rea- A «K?fcr car?o on Monday next, and will fail on or before the loth of Msy next, great part of her cargo er the Captain onboard. A atCnthbert'swhirf, or to ... , Jeffe & Robert Wain. Mar Ij. §"* ' For LONDON, Afr t—THE SHIP ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, 1 he WILL fail on or aboat the Ift of May For freight or paiTaee apply to the Captai.' on board at Wp .nut-flreet w SoTto PHILIP NICKLIN CO. , c April 13. . - Jl_ ao " for sale, . The Copyer Bottomed Ship M, LADT LOUISA, WITH all her materials, as the came from sea. Like wifato be difpsfed of , „., Q B I A number of CANNQN and SMALL ARMS, on board said vessel. term ! to Parker & Wharton, j f May* . ... i_ T C IS 7 & L, J-~"& - THE NEW SHIP PHIL ADELPHIAj _J &)- Theodore Buss, Mailer, on Freight, and be ready to receive > th» in a few days For freight or p g Thomas iff John Clifford. Who W for Sale,be fides their usual aflbrtment of Ironmongery. Cutlery, Sndlery, t/C. * B[ J Crates of Glafc and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials , Iwx« of lon R and fcort Pipes; Briftol, crown iUft assort- ed, from 18 by IS inches to 9 inches by 7 ! Co PP®f I ,« Boxes of Tin Plates; London aiv. Brittoi f Pewter in' Cafcs afforud; Bristol , & Cos. patent Sheaves for Blocks. 4{/h, a 01 BROADCLOTHS aad ; i And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA />T»ril n. 31— | Juff Arrived jndfor sale i; tk Shop TIVO BiIOTHEKS, Samvl Marcbant, inajltr, a quantity oj Tar, Pitch, and lAdigo: Jlfo fir Site, The said Sloop, Vfc 1 Bo rthen about 400 Burets. SHE 13' a good strong vtffel, *nd has been chiefly cn:- played as a Coaster. If not fold m a tew pay., will — j. m M P ft ' y l Sim No. J, 6-Water Street, . For sale or charter, The Hoop Betsey. John Dawkins, Maft«r, LJTJR f HEN aboot -Bco barreh, no.w Jiying at the sub- D fcribtr'iwharf, andreadyto receive 2 cargo imrtieui attly. tor apply to the b^rd,^^ WBO.HK3 TOR SAW, And now lauding from said flaop, Poct-au»pjim.c MelafTc» and Cofftfe, also. Vale, Qjiillad, YeHow, and Rtd'Baxk, Malaga Wine, ~ , Imperial and Hyfbn Teas »f the First Quality, c ' May 13 Ji— To-Morrow will be landed, AT wharf, frohj on boardof the Brig^aviuk, Csptais GliarnocV, from Lisbon, Be ft Lisbon W in %, For iale by PHIUFS, CRAMOND CO. | WHO B*AVC AtSO TOR SAtE, I 40 Hlids. Gcod Jamaica Sugar. | May 23 — 'FhcPartrierfhip of George Kennard & Co. OF Duck Creek, hsing this day dOTolvcd ty mutual,, tonfent, those having cla'tn? againll said partneifhip are rctjiiefterf to call ou the fubferiber, and iuch as arc 1 -1 4«hted, wiUplcafe j>i»yaia»t to r OVORG2 KENNARD. I • M'if J' :,;5. 1 Edward Stow, jun. UtbeF^ HAS tor sale, at his Store, No. 41, Struth-Wjt-r New Ens;lard Rum, in Hogshead*, tierces & barrdi, <000 MADEIRA, 7 too C SHERRY, and [ WIN ES, An Iff, PORT ) Mess, Prii: 1 i.'aryn T. rf, ,, 4i . ■Sp mactti and : ax v, loiitd Candles, T« w Mi.iild and Dipt ditto, — 400 Boxes hard, White Snap, in Afhree story BRICK HOUSE and I.et, in CI street, between l»ront and in which ' Mcffrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many year* , „ Jl e ' now do) carried on billTnefs. 1 1 Poßeffioa .»»y be jivenin one month, or C 1 • " For terms appl) te WILLIAM BF.LL, or e '' ,l HECTOR CALBRAITU- dwly pap ton. Baiti April ai. 1 7 . , r . c . . arul noue Landing, '<*, c From 00 hoard the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, 0..' ; , EARTHEN WARE, in Crater and ' Genth A quantity of COAL; the choic FOR SALE, BV iDDtOVet Thomas & John Ket'land. /TheL April so. f —; ——— l "f —• t-arge Landing;, f comm O, _ 4 hours m< At RufTeU's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady reguiar i ; Louila, James Cooper, matter, t>oin China, and tlie tbu bi Cape of Good Hope, The } consisting OP the utm SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; requrlite WINES, in Butts and hilfßutts of foperior qua- 0* f ' lity; exerute ,> A final! Quantity of BRANDY; ' ar^ s ./ And i few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. himfclf Parker Wharton, f' No. 109, south Witer-ftreet. ~Vlg - L. QN FOR SALE . By MORDECAI LEWIS, The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou, >r from Camon, via. , et WIDE and narrow Nankeens t 70 Qiarter Chests Souchong Tea E! ao 'i übs Qiucktilver, and JT\. t A'quantity of _ north Tea-Table and Dining China. where May 7- Stawim J John Miller, jun & Co. No. I Chel'nnt Sr. eet, te- Have received by the Ship fuppb BIRMINGHAM PACKET, (ff)nj . d From Calcutta, [ i Bales of 13eng> 1 Goods, y n, _ * _ _ t»on c - fO.OOO Pieces h-; Pt a SupWflorf^lHyv Bags oi.SpG'AR, J or -'') Which they Will fell on advantageous terms. Mird J May 10. ' , ve George DOB^ON, BF.GS leave to inform the S,ore-lt«!*r. * Ciunrrv. that he has removti from Market-iKteel N °. 2 c ftmth Third-street, where he is Opening a J.arge and Ele t ant Affoitment of packages, javiuw, IRIS H LINRNS. drko, . All vinch they -vin W1 reafonafcle terras, !fbr Calh orkiearfiatcrffll;!. '.4 • May -— — By an Art.ft relent at Mr. OelleWs -c'd, mini ature likenesses A RE tattii aml ;ecut<.iV»n that and A I-, rorend.r a M.nrat,rc P.c •sd JSW2SU l com- I a mprcial cities of l'.urope—l>cy will be regularly liled ( and noue p I »dy regularly k«pt for convcniency, the Bill of Fare to be had I " Rooms will be compkte'y furaifhed, and I the utmost itwution paid to deanlinefs, and every otacr I requKitc. , | —• [in- s;y Ricuardet will behappy to receive, and I execute the commands of his Friends, and the l' u hlie at I I hrie; aid with gratitude for their favours, he piedgcs r _ himfiitf that nothing ou his part (hall be wanting to pre - J j !, rr ? t h..i. patronage with.whieh he.hatbcen fc autiuguitti- I l'hil.ideljhia, April 19. $ I the pri § iv ANTE D, T~ l,^ 6 /AN Loan, for two or three years—aoo Uwhich a mortgage on Lnnd w.U be given asfecumy The land is clear of evtiry incumbrance. J , wi( Enquire of tne Prmttr. j j >e OU, " : : rr — , George Bnnghurit, COACH & HARNESS MAKER, RESPECTFUL!.? informs his friends and the public, 1 that he has removed l'rani Arch-street, to No. 23 in j north Fifth-ftrcet, idioiping tlie Episcopal Burial Grot-nd, | where he continue* '.he butnefc of I Cit tm Coach making in all, its Branches. _— He makes aU kinds of crane neck and perch Carnages, I , Xiich J> Coaches, Chariots, Pistons, aijd Coacnees 4 jlfo, I Chairs, Slttejeeus Sulkc >' 5; and AvV,? i | nefj. with vlated «tr brass mounting, hi hatha good j „ — fupily of the belt materials, and a ttyck 6. the J TT. fc 4» foned wood. Orders from any part of the United States Vißtetfe- cd tc 1 ly attended to vt ivh the greattft pui.&nality and dispatch I A idS. flit fete* cVnericrtcc-i:; bVfind's, his care in the execu- c< tion'of hi/wbtk, and arr utirdmtt0. iro-Mti iaAte.tr,vAfb a al,che fi er ' a £?','■ I • T v " • f?M ia P ™» - ■vania or Jetley, /« 1 reeo-ver bia' Jftalt recent the j > r%4 '^o^'^^on, . , iVc. 109, Sfruce-Jtreet- j df I Atnlf 1. j "30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Coiks, in bales, and Gin, in p'pf 5 l ) Bcnjamt'rW. Morris, j —'—t —- eoJtf 1 T~iccrn.l..-r u. 1 L ' Advertisement. p S S F,S tTTF the ftbfcrihers. Commiflionefs appointed by law 1 t-W to'take ful'iVrip'a'n-'for the Gap,_ N-iwport, zai. I ik! dtflicit l 1 ; M p hereby sr''Notice, tb.. I nmn# Px> purpose at thehonfe Samuel blc Cocbrajt, ou the 6th day of puSE v, : the puhUt JACOB IUjiUIEY, rvc their pa- m H N M'»WEI.I., JAMEdiOSfU. j .J ' JWK*'*-- ■ . t J i Nciv lid-T rj 05/£R TJS Ton J Wa-aFSA'-r. ?.:u) Retail,, Bv TT," i LbIAM Vb. 114 Maria ff'f, Si iix '•" qt.r oj &r;?, St-.-hJiv MENS' Slack AntHOMifi IjaetTffi t^ &B*Wh VUU, •'» Ct rf .k«»'< and qua.uu-. .«d uncc. All X «d» of am Z),*b, <..*! Gieeaun- rormi, eotion, & itw«rt. dcrs Hof< Ladir't ditto, t»»«•*. oouMcd d.'«"» gainand U(hr»nabletrim- '. • •'*"*• IN, B. TheHj«'fi«i!hfd mtb< newcill IO ditto 4 00 4» COQ ao ditto IC® OO® 55 ditto 50 5750 ditto 'II To be raised for the Can*i, aS. 4 5*3 5850 Prizes, J7i»9P° 116,50, flanks, not two to a " 17500 Tickets, at Tqn Dollars, - 17,5,000 $5" The Commi(Soners have taken tie Securities re. ired by the aforcfaid ad for the po*jl*at pa;-ln*m of - ■ The drawing ef this Lottery will comnwnce, without lay, asfoon as the Tifkct;s are fold, 0? which twely tice will he given. ... Such prizes as are not demandeim fix months t, $ awing is fmifhed, fhatl be cosSiletJiW reiinfmiheJ for ■ benefit »£ Cawl, and appropruted' accordingly. (Sigwtj i.r.wio dEpi-oiS, OEORQE U'ALKER, Wm. M. THOMAS LAW, JAM£S IiAHXY, City gf Wa!hing«on, Feb. H- $ Knox, Henderfon & Co. No, 4 (t, Front ftrect, r T.AVE importedip the ftiipi Liberty, Concord and A» LI diiaua, from Lcpdon, a frefo fuppty of Ufc«W> . > ■d to the ltafon — of '■ / * beauiful aftortmeht of * . *»* W $&&& n Thread, cotton, silk &cov Calico s and <*1 .ft M Hofirry, nuw. TaW. Mtrflara. ■ „ Muuißctsv — . ; Cprdedand India Dinuiks ipd Ginghams nc M ..m,* Cotton Counterpani!*, I Linen, cotton aiiu .ilk hk.Sj Phia, striped, clouded j Sshvnlg'Silks, Sec. SA. Sic. LA* •< is'e, A few well afftrtef' colors, Lorniou best super in» Cloths, best fuptr&iK a»d sun dry packages of C-Uicoes and Chintzes, and otter ■. roidi fit for flirtation. Fer tfieX3l,.fgow, Oapt; Wilfctms, from Dublin, a few btwrt 7-8 anS vtrd Widelrila Lmtin. ■- f her Mjy 4 $»«rw&{» This tiny is fiuatijhfd, AT the author'sJJook -Store, corccrof front and nut ftreeti, Volume 1. of a A Description of Spanijb St. Domingo, TraniJated-from the French of of M- L. K. M»ius ts " ' member of the hhi!,crfo(hicil Socicty ?£ Pci*, l'atWphw, By WILLIAM CO3EET. With'aT.eW, correct, ar. l dcfgtit .\TAP of t!it whoie I sland. i'rick Two Dollars. The S»bfcribcr« so f|ii» Work, are requeued to take up I the Srft volume, asfson a: convenient- I Ihe second volume (which con'plet-'t the Work) wil) I be ready for in the cr.urk jf the mon;h. I The-c4(nplett work irt the FrcncHMxiguage may Inte nd Tea wifc had " the f *™ c lace ' XI J/ 9 J.