Five Hundred Bales of Excellent Bourbon Coffee, For Sale by Jofepb Anthony 13 Co. May ti This Day is Publijhed, And for' THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stoke-House, No. 41, S. Second Street DISCOURSES to the evidences of' REVEALED RELIGION, delivered™ the Church of the Univerlalifts at Philadelphia, in 1796, and published at the rtquefl of many of the hearers. By JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, L.L.B. F R. S. Pi v two dollars neatly bound, or one dollar and 75 Cents unbound. May 21. tuth&s2w. Notice is hereby Given, THAT inpurfuanee of an a&cf the General A (Terri bly of Pennsylvania, entitled " an A A to enable the ™ Governor of this Common wealth, to incorporate a Com •' pany for making an artificial Road from an interfe&ion " of the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike road near the Gap Tavern, in Lancaster-county, to Newport and ' " Wilmington in the State of Delaware ;' the commit, fioners in said a& appointed will procure live books and attend at the refpeilive places directed theretn to receive for Stock in" the company, viz. One book will be opened in the city of Philadelphia. One in the Borough of Lancaster, one Strafburgh,in the county of Lancaster, one in the of Wildiington, and one at thelioufe of Samuel Cochran in the county »f Ches ter. The Subscribers, agreeably to tbeir appointment in arid ; l>y faida Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Xun- r.~rm meir m nrldi. jffld flßll. " " Rye flour Slc. to be fold by Levi Hollingjworth & Sa»* 4 taw Land for sale. ANY gentleman desirous of purchasing Land, in the vicinity of the city of Washington, may now be accommodated with a situation combining advantages as to health, foil, acd prolpeA, not equalled perhaps in Ame rica. The fubferiberhasfor sale from 100 to 380 acres of land It lies -within 1 1-4 mile of the city of Washington, 2 i-a from the Prefideut's Square, (from which it bears about N. byE.) and 3 1-4 miles from the Capitol. It hears ■early W. from the weflernmoft spring of the head waters of the Tiber, distant therefrom about i-g of a mile.. The situation is remarkably healthy, and every part of the laud is well watered—has great abundance of the ehoiceft , fruit: about 80 acres are in wood, and there arc about JO acres of meadow-ground, great-part ther-of can be wat ered,and the whole laid down in Timothy'-grafT at a small expense. There are feverarbtfautifulemineqces on it: one of the heights commanding a mod beautiful oucl extensive proipea—To the fputh, you have alull view of the city, of WalhiDgton, the town of Alexandria, and the river Potowmac, as far is the eye can reach. To the nortb, a full view of the Sugar-Loaf Mountain, distant about 35 miles, with the furroundi ig country.— To the Weft, a ve ry extensive view of ths lands in Virginia : the whole forming a grand rural Amphitheatre. Any person inclin ed to purchase, will find on viewing the situation, that the Laudfcape is far superior to the fcetch given of it in this adyertifement. For price, &c. apply to the fubferiber, Jiving on the premises, or to George Walker, Esq. now :n S n d ' lp)ua - J o ™ THO : BOUCHER. Diltri& of Columbia, May 6, 1796. Ma r *2aw;w A Printing-Office for Sale. CONSISTING OF A goodaffortment of Types, the greater part of which are but little ivorn, a good mahogany Frefs, with* the dif ferent Printing Materials, in complete order for executing any -kind of work. The situation is very eligible, either tor a new (paper or book-work, being in a pleafint, well populated city, within jo miles of Philadelphia. There •salfo a very considerable advantage arising from the Humorous applications for blanks and the general influx of advert.fements, &c. &c. and a hsndfome profit derived S&SStfSf 01 - lkh ™" >« A compete let of cuts for Dilworth's SpelKng-Book. Mcewife will be fold with the office, a laree book binders Prcfs, (used for prreffing books in (heets) togc- I 'than umber of bookbinders' tools, alrr.oft new -Any person inclining to purchase the above, may have coltefiion of books, bound and u Sleets—They will be fold very low. J'- 1 " £j*. e ' " <1 furth , er particulars, enquire at No. 'Wa a / pCCIniCD of < h; - 'Xpes may be fcen. April 26. law Mustard and Chocolate CONTINUE to he manufactured in the heft man ' ner, and for sale, as tifual-Alfo (helled "r pearl ! ™riejr, Coffee, Pepper, &c. Philadelphia Porter, L, r ' Ak, Cyder, Enghfh Porter, Taunton and Hath Ale in bottles, &e. &c.— at No. mg Sontl. « I oppolitt the Cnftoai-houle, by ' ' r ° n t ' i D , ~, ~ „ JOHN UAWORTH. ! PlliUdelpba, May 7 , 175)6 . aiW4W i . I ■ CONGRESS. HOUSE OF RtPk ESENTATIVES, Friday, May 19. Jr. Harrifon presented a petition from the mer chants and traders of Peteifburg, engaged in the poafting trade, praying to be relieved from incon veniences which they fuffer from the aft licensing vessels. Referred to the committee of Commerce ind Manufadures. Mr. Livingfton obtained leave of abfencefor the lemainderof the feflion. The bill for providing passports for (hips and vef els of'the United States, which originated in the Senate, was about to be read a third time, when Mr.. S. Smith said, he believed there vyas ;j clause ■ in the bill originating revenue {as it dired sums to be paid for passports) which was an encroachment upon the powers of that honfe, who alone had the right to originate revenue laws. He belieVed the Senate had done it without intention, anc} he did not wish to enter into any couteft with them on the fubjed, but to postpone the eonfideration of the bill. Other gentlerticn thought it would be better to rejed the bill, and originate a new one ; which eourfe, after feme obfer»ation» was adopted. The jibill was accordingly read a third time and unani ! rejeded. % Mr. W. Smith said, that as they had rejeded /the bill ploviding passports as improper to have ori ginated in the he woulJ move " That the committee of commerce and manufadures be in ■ ftruded to bring in a bill for providing paffportj for (hips and vessels of the United States." Agreed to. ' The bill for providing relief for persons imprif pned for debt, was read a third time and palled. The bill making fuither pro'vifion fcrr defiaying the expenses of intercourse with foreign nations, and to continue in,force an ad providing means of j intercourse between the United States and foreign ? nations, was read a third time, and Tervations on ihe time it flioujd remain in force, in the eourfe of which it was qoferve/ by Mt. Gifes, that he hoped the time ntJ far distant wlien they (hould have lefsto do with fjfreign nations than they had at present, its continence vras confined to oiie year, and from thence tq(fthe end of the next feflion of Congrels. 'jfhe bla/k for the sum of mo ney appropriated, filled /p, according to the with "1 he bill direding certain experiments to be made to ascertain an unifoim principle to regulate weights apd measures, was read a third time and pafTsd. 4 The % amendments by the Senateon a bill in ad dition to an ad supplementary to an ad for provid ing more effedually for the colledion of duties on goods, wares and merchandize imported into the United States, were twice read.?nd ordered to be jtemmitted to a committee of tne whole to-morrow. Mr. W. Smith, from the committee of ways pnd means, to whom were referred the bill from she Senate regulating the compensation of clerks, reported the bill with one amendment, which was agreed to. * Mr. Madison moved that the house should resolve itfelf into a committee of the whole on the bill en abling the President toK. .vnmined, and •where neceflary post roada froir) WiY. in cJHvannaTr in Georgia, and to eporTthecxpenfe that would attend the tranfmif ion of the Mail therein- The house resolved itfelf nto a committee of the whole accordingly, Mr Bourne in the chair, two amendments, «Z. adding the city of Walhington to the other owns mentioned, and iiaferting Portlaifd instead of IVifcafTet, and filling up the blank appropriating a turn of money for the purpose, with s,ooodoilars, the committee rose, and repotted the bill, the house look up the amendments, agreed to them, and the pill wa » ordered for a third reading to-morrow. A melTage was received from the Senate, with their amendments to the bill for laying duties on carriages for the conveyance of persons, which wye twice read and refeired to a feled committee, Mr. S. Smith made a motion to go into committee of the whole on the bill supplementary fto the ad entitled an ad to alter and amend the ad faying certain duties on friuff and refined sugar, Mr. Swanwick presented a second petition from Richard Gernon & Co. expressive of the injury they (hould receive by the alteration which was-propofed to be made in the drawback to be allowed on fnuff exported, and praying amongst other things, that the intended ad might not have force until April 1, 1797. in order that they might fulfil their present engagements with foreign countries. The haufe accordingly resolved itfelf into a com /haittee of the whole on that fubjed, Mr. Swift in the chair, when a considerable debate took place. It was urged who supported the bill that it was drawn up in conformity to the wiflies of 'fe veral principal manufadurers, and that it was cal culated, by a redudion of the drawbaek allowed on exportation, and other regulations, to remedy the evils which had hitherto been experienced. On the otaer hand it was afTerled, that themx was at hrlt a trifling, grievous and impolitic one, had hi thertobeen a finking fund, instead of a levenue to the United States, and that the /ooner it could be done away altogether the better. \ In order to take commirtte on the fubjedjMr. Ve nable moved the bill, and after some debate the question was put and car r 40 10 3 2, A motion was then made for thfc committee to rife, report progress and ask leave' to tit agajn, which was done accordingly, Thechair fWfor'tT madC . h ' S re s° rt ' the «P«ker asked for^he Gallatirt ,henr ° feto propofea refohition for he appouitment of a Committee to bring in a 1 nether h u a duty on Snuff alto- I refLlution fu r ' ab ' e obfa vit 'K. he had a elolution for the purpose, Mr. Gallatin gave way i £d oM '"A [?" ow!n S cffeft was lP refented, read! ' Id/? t0 U P°" the ( able: id t „ ? ed '!! Ul f ° nK,ch of an entitled «an « /d to alter and amend the ad, entitled an ad lav- i related f"' r' * nd refined f "g ar , « 1 seaS • ° " mP 2 3 dUty 00 fnuS ' ou * ht « A mefTag# was received fion'i the PrynVeii t , in foiming tfaehonlc, that lie i)ad approved and si gM id an ad regulating intercom fe vvicli fl»e Indiart tribes, and lo piefervf peace on tlie frontiers. AdjSuinfi). i. FOR THE GAZEIIE OF THE UNITED STATES. ■« hi Mr. Fen no, IN your paper of !aft aveniiig I observe a re mark stating that the French have seized American property in the Weft Indies to the amount of two millions of dollars, and enquiring whether this be French fraternity—Surety it could never be imag ined that this could be charged to the French go vernment. When it is known that the French have little pr no ccntroul over the Islands at pre fent—thefj Islands are known to be in a Hate of infurredion, negroes and mulattoes command there —they frequently displace and sometimes put to death the commandcrs sent from France. They lately imprisoned at the Cape Gen. Laveaux the French commander in chief. The British them ft Ives call these Islanders not French but Brigands. It is well known that if the British forccs were all withdrawn, it would belong before France could rellore order and government in ihefe Islands. Mi nt of our vessels arc taken by rowboats manned with negroes out of bye ports of Hifpaniola.— Why then should these things be charged to France ? Have not our veTels been refpeded in Eu rope by the French (hips? have not their govern ment ordered this to be done, and do not oar ves sels sow freely carry flour and even mo-iey over from Havre to London in the very fight of a go vernment who thus fees her enemies supplied as it were from her own bofbm ? pray when did Britain allow our {hips to carry money or proviftons from I«oTldOn to Havre—have they not on the contrary repeatedly issued orders tending to cut off all iuter courfe between the Fiench and Du;ch dominions and ours, and are they not daily by captures check- ; ing eflfHtially this intercourse. I meiß not to exculpatJ aggieffions of ourneu- 1 tral rights committed by any people—but I like j the saddle should be placed on the right horse.— France during the whole war hath been in a revolu tionary ll»te. The regular eourfe of law and otcler were scarce tobeexpeded from her, if they have been infringed by her, doubtless in a moment of tranquillity wheie it is ju ft,reparation will be made, but in the violation of our neutral rights the regu- j lar and orderly government of Britain will be found to have far outfttipped her difoiganizing and an archical neighbour. But while we complain of France fa violently let us fee if we have nothing to throw in the other < scale. The exports of the United States for the last treasury. year state the following items of exports by us. Cotton in pockets and bags 20,921 packagei Coffee in pounds weight 21,596,5791b. Cocoa ditto. 525,4321b. Brown and other sugars do. 21,377,7471b. Loaf lump and white fugais do. 739,5201b. Indigo do. , 666,9261b. "I hefe articles may be fairly dated as worth about twelve millions of dollars orone fourthjof the whole exports qf America from Oct. 1794. toOd. tnat this is ifu-prdauCT cffieTTy ffTTlfe French Weft Indies, and would have been proba bly doubled iifcamount if the British had -fuffered that produce to pass in lafefy to our ports.- Philadelphia enjoyed an immense proportion of this, for she Hands at eleven millions exported, that is 1 early at a quarter of the whole American ex ports, I congratulate her sincerely on so much adiv ity and industry as is displayed in this circumftanee ; she is furtiy in dread of no rivalfhip while she exports more than the whole ftatesof New-Hamp shire, Maflacbufetts, Rhode Island, Coimedicut, and New-Jeifey to the northward of her and more than all the ftalesor Delaware, Maryland, Virgin ia, North Carolina and Georgia to the southward. As customers for what we have to fell the French and their allies are preeminent in spite of all oppo sition to our intercourse. America exported to France and its dominions 12,653,635 dollars. To the.Batavian republic and its dominions, 2,884,417 15,5 31052 Or nearly a third of the whole of our exports Bri tain took off but 9,218,540, and a great part of this was probably cleared out for their ports, for orders only as is known to be pradifed usually in such cases or to proted it from seizure if bound to any harbours than their own. What cause then have we to find fault with French fraternity that hath us on one hand with so large a proportion of our materials for exports, and hath ptoved so good a customer on the other for the disposal of them—lnftead of quarrel, tng (hall we wot find it more our interest to cultivate the best underloading w j,h f 0 good a customer. Will not Philadelphia beamong the foremoft to do this if she understands her own in terest i z Fck the Gazette of the Unite® States. The government of the North western terrritory j cannot fail to lit uneasy on every man who has a iuft idea of the rights of the citizens of America, it is high on the old colonial order, and in feveial in lunces surpasses those fyftcros imposed on the Ame rican colowitls, while undtr the tyranny and domi natlton of Great Britain, from which the foul of America reyohed. First; The governors are rendered independent ot the people. Secondly. The citizens are barred from exerci sing the unalienable right of chuling their rahre leniatTves, or law makers. Thirdly. The gentlemen who are authorized to hand out laws to the people, are placemen sent a mong them by the general government. I would not wtlh to be understood, to have the most distant idea that a«y of these placemen ever received private loltrudions from the.general government, to do a angle act or thing that would be opprelfiv e to-the cituens, so far from it, that I verily believe that bad these gentlemen ftudictf or wiibed to ad a-! ■ :»"* ***- . to ttie general fern (merit and deCre of fl lc Union, their future refle&fons would be more pita. sing to tfcerrtfelves, and_ th^citizens; and citizens j. Mould be ppiejr titan (hey now are, or ever will ' be under the prefeq t adminidration or government ihe Precedent is dangerous, and can't fail to be i'. 4ai mir»j> to every man who has the foul of an Ame rigan* and who wishes the,liability of the prefer.; government of the United States as America. Fourthly. The trifling number of those place, men who are to feled} and deal out those pteciuvs scraps of spliced and mutilated laws, is very excep. tionab'.e, on the principles of the ordinance, moid than four cannot fcrve on this important buliiicfc and I have never heard of more than three a£tiii£ at the fame tiirtf 1 , two ot which form a majority, and consequently it inav happen, that the well be* g or rnjfery of the citizens of a vast and extehfive territory may depend on the judgment; or will and plcafuie, if.not the chicane of two mere place men. Fifthly. It has been, and now is the praSlice of the government of Great Briiaiit, and the avow, ed principles of the United States of America, to keep the h-giil>t\Nc, judicial and executive powers separate ; 6ut by the ordinance government, thtfe three are {blended together, and a political" raonllec om Hydra with three heads (halting with three tongues, with one he fays, I will give yoij laws, with another, I will lit judge of these laws, and with the third, I will e*ecute those laws; these three several heads and touguefc are the component parts of this political bead* the vrry thought of, which in seventy five, would have drove the Ame. ricaus into a j«nei;fy. Sixthly, VYlien it is confi4er£d that our govern ors are rendered independent of the people, that our,laws are handed to us,by a trifling number of f placemen, that our legifiatrie, judicial and cx«cu tive powers are blended together, and that those very men whofurnifh us with laws fit judges ofjtkem one object ion will natuiaily arise to the ordinance government ; by reason it.dots not allow us a court of chancery. But iiofwithftaoding the foregoing is a true. pic. ture of the ordinance government, as fat as it goes, yet as il was held out to the adventurers by the Congress of the United States, arid as every person who has become an inhabitant of the territory, fias impliedly aflenced to it, it undou t cily it is our duty to submit to, it, a.ijl ftipport it, frfl the day comes, which is now dawning, when we caß confidently and 011 the principles of Ihe com pact between the United Stales and the adventurers, throw it from «ur (boulders as a man would a bur then, the huge p reify re which threatened to change his exiltcnce, in frvetiteen hundred and se venty five, charters weH farreil things, th»y ari>fo yet; we-cannot withdraw'otir obligations f'um their injuadtions without meriting the disagreeable epi.* thfit of rebels 011 the one hand, and on the" other, Congress can no more alter our charter, alrtio 3, • temporary (ane, than Great Biitaiu cooid alter or take away th,e charters of codonifts. Cincinnati, May 1. V PROCLAMATION ; Jf the Executive Dire dory cj the French Republic. T '• N c H4UH. . . > Your L-giHators have jo ft created a new fptciej money, founded at once upon juitice tndtlie itfccffity of providing for the imnvnlc wants oft be State ; they have conciliated the'iniered the Republic with the intcrelt of ijUmduals, or rather it is in this private iuterelt ev*n that ihey have found new and abundarjt for the Govern ment : and such will be always the calculations of a true and only policy. In short, after lo terrible a war, after so many violent the nation is, all at lifted by the creation of 'territorial Man ciats, to the lame (late of fortune and of mea i, which (he pofielTed in the firft periad of the Revo lution. To render thtfe means fruitful*—to recover the lame degree o» opulence and fplcndor, we mull only have the fame latitude ot co .hdence in the Repiefentatives of the Nation—the fame obedience to me Laws, the fame fraternal uniou between citi zens. our fate, oh Frcnehmen j is then entirely ii» your hands ; let the law relative to territorial nian dats be faithfully observed, and France will come out from the Revoltitien happy and triumphant; if the law be despised, a profound abyss will be im» mediately dug under our feet. Ihe territorial mandats have a precictus advan tage which the aflignats had not—it was the want of it that occasioned their depreciation. This ad vantage is the faculty attached to the mandat of be ing realized in a moment, without hindrance, ob(la«' cle, or sale by the immediaie and incontcllibletranf» fei of the national domain, upon which th£ Bearer of Mandats may have fixed his choice in the whole extent of the Republic. It is a territorial Bank, with funds well ascertained, whose notes may be exchanged in open market, and whole guaiai.tee is fortified by the authority of the law which give* them the forced currency of money. It was neeef* fary ihus to prevent the criminal efforts of (lock jobbing and di(affc£lion, which inceiTantly endea voring to convert the mod wholesome remedies into poison, would not have failed to have depreciated and monopolized the new money before the'mafs of citizens could have been informed of i s real value, V\ he«, by his fordid avarice, the Hock jobber depreciates by one sol a note of 100 franks, it is notfolely the one so! of which he has robbed tfce public credit, it is a loss to the rjational treafurs of lo many sols as there are 1,00 franks in the Treafu yy ; it. is an immense sum which he has annihilated in the public banks, and in the hands of all the bearers of bills; he has ruined his fellow-citizens, he has aiTaflinated his country, and it is not there* ore by the fmallnefs of his robbery in itlelf that we mud measure his crime; it is by the enormity of milery which it produces : never was it more evi en. y true, that the (afety of a whole nation may re 1 e, and, in faCt does reside, in the inviolable pro* buy of all the rocmhcisthat coropofe it. es, morals, obedience td laws, each day ought, renchrtien, to convince you, arc the sole fafeguaids ot free countries. The flighted attack made upoo t .em "lakes the State to its foundation. AH our s anfe from sUr diflenfions, from the fp.rit vrf