Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 20, 1796, Image 1

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    paftwl: of fbt Uttto J# fetes . /<■
Nvmm* 1x54- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING MAT 20, 1796. [Vglums. IX.
For Hamburgh,
The Danish Bri^antine
Den Nye Prove,
W'Wzmfl PETER HANSEN, Majler }
K fine flout veflel. Will be ready to take in her cargo
on the firftofMay. For freight or paffaife apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
'April it.' dtf.
BURTHEN aaout 2000 Bbls. of flour—Hie may b ' Cent
to Tea at a small expence, her fails and rigging beiog in
very good order—apply to
fames Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, 29. ■ - g
For L O N D 0 N,
• The fine new copper-bottomed Ship .
Mount Vernon,
BURTHF.N about 412 tons, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next', and will fail on
or before the 10th of May next, great part of her cargo
engaged. For freight or passage apply to the fubferibers,
No. 21, Penn-ftrcet,
Witlings and Francis.
A P ril 2 7' S_
Kearney Wharton
HAS REMOVED his Coiintiiig-Hotffe from Mor
ton's wharf, to No. xij Dock-itreet.
May 11. " * ' r
John Miller, jun & Co.
No. 8 Chefnut Street,
Have received by the Ship
From Calcutta,
160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
10,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of a Superior Quality.
350 Bags of SUGAR,
Which they will fell on advantageous terms.
May ro. (J
For Kingston, in Jamaica,
fffltWfil Terry,
Will fail in twelve days,
Foj: Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain onboard'
at Cuthbert's wharf, or to
Jeffe & Robeit Wain.
May 12. §l2t
For NDaw, " ,
THE stir
SILAS SWAIN, Commander,
WILL fail on or about the ift of May For -freight or
passage apply to the Captain ob board at Walnut-street
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN tS" CO.
April 13. §
j-yfik «_ The Copper Bottomed Ship
WITH all her materials, as (he came from sea. Like
wise to be disposed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
•n board said vessel. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
May 2 §
For BR IS 70 L,
fe yj.Theodore Bliss, Master,
WILL take Goods on Ffeight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas iff John Clifford.
Who have for Sale,befides their usual aiTortmentof
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, £sV.
Crates of Glass and Earthen Wire; Crates of Vials j
boxes of long and Ihort Pipes; Bristol crown Glass affort
ti, from 18 by 12 inches, to 9 inches by 7; Copper Sheets
and Botton s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter ih Calks assorted; Bristol Grindftenes; Garnet
& Co'». patent Sheaves for Block*. Also, a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April t..
JuJt Arrived,
And for faU in the Sloop TIVO Samuel
Marchant, m&jler, a quantity cf
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo:
Jl/t for Sile,
The said Sloop,
. yf '••• Burthen about 400 Barrels.
SHi is a good strong vessel, and has been chiefly em
ployed as a Coailer. If not fold in a few pays, will tuke
in freight, and proceed direA for Newbury Port.
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jun-
May 5. §im No. j,S. Water Street
John Miller, jun, & Co.
iVo, 8 Chffnut-Jlrcst,
Hive imported in the late veficls from Europe,
Amongst which are
Striped and clouded NANKEENS,
Dimities and Muflinets,
Neatly assorted in packages,
All which they *vill fell dn the moB ternu,
for Cafii or the credit.
Ma)' 11. $ 1
Petmfylvama Dtjlrtß, \ '»• I
IN piirfiiance of a Writ to me d.'-redlcd from the hon.
Richard Peters, Efq, Judge of tfie DiA'riit Court
of the United States, in and for the Pen;;fylvania Oi
Will be exftofed, to Public Sale,
At the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Phila
dflphi 'vori Saturday, the lift os-May, instant,
as 12 n': at nooii,
With all hei' tackleand furniture, as the fame,now are ;
the laid fchypner having been condemned, t<y pay Ma
riners'wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS,
Marshal's Office,)
May 17, 1796 \
'Jj -I-.,;.! j-' ; / (Mayißs )
On Wednesday, ift of June,
Wiil be exppfed for fele at Russell's wharf,
The ftiip Asia and Cargo,
As Ihe arrived from INDIA,
Cargo cotfifling of
i$ tons Salt Petre,
40 ditto best Malabar Pepper,
. ai ditto belt Manilla Sugar,
8 ditto B»tavia ditto,
aOO Bales Mad raj Puvjuras,
13 ditto check'd red and white handkerchiefs,
5 ditto Book Muflius,
I ditto fine Long Cloths,
15 ditto Cbeck'd aud'Strip'd Ginghams,
3J Chests Bandaima Handkerchiefs,
7 Bales Patna Chintz,
23 ditto Jugdeah and Alyabad Baftas,
24 ditto Gurrahs,
17 ditto Guj;zeenahs,
15 ditto Chokas,
1 ditto Tandah Cofljes,
I ditto white -border'd Matlin Handkerchiefs,
1 dntu Sooty Romals, (»vith
A few pieces of Green Tafleties.
The above Goods will positively be fold without any
reserve, in order to close the concern immediately.
Therefore tkofe who are di.fpofed to purcbjife largely,
will find it greatly for their interests to attend. A cre
dit from three to nine months will be given, in pro
portion to the amount purchased, upon Notes with two
approved, iadorfers.
7he Alia ,
Is a fine new Ship,
Bpilt fer the India Trade, 327 Tons
burthen ; made one voyage only—can
put to sea at a small expense, and
will be fold on liberal credit.
Boston. May 12. (18 $3.).
Edward Stow, Jun.
T TAS for faUi. at his Store. No. 41, South Water street,
-Jt X Nevv hiiSana Kuin, lii «.;^ r & tarrt-kl
PORT ) >
Mess, Prime and Cargo Beef,
Spermaceti and \Vax Mould Candles,
Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto,.
4oeJßoxes hard, White Soap, in excellent order
for (hipping. May la. $sw
For Sale,
AThcee story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in ChefnUt
street, between Front and Second ftrsets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (aiid
now do) carried on business.
Possession will be given in one month, of sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April zi. §
From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and
A quantity of COAL;
Thomas $3° John Ketland.
April to. , . 5
At Ruflell'j wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
Louisa, James Cooper, mailer, from China, and the
Cape of Good Hope,
SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua
lity ;
A small quantity of BRANDY ;
Parker Wharton,
No. 109, south Water-street*
April 26, §
The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou,
from Canton, viz.
WIDE and narrow Nankeens
70 Quarter CJiefts Souchong Tea
20 Tubs QuUlkfilver, and
A quantity of
Tea-Table and Dining China.
May 7. 3tawim
> — <»■
ift. A Three-Aery, brick Hdufe, No 80, N. Second
IX. street. The lot is about 21 feet front, and 288
feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been one of the be.ltylandi for business.
2d. A frame Dwelling-House, No. 260, South Front
flreet, With a BakcHoufe, the Lot is about 17 feet
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d, A hsndl'ome Lot of 2j feet,by »tx> feet deep, ex- '
tending from Third street to George-flreet 5 it is the 3d
Lot below South-street: on George-flreet there is a two
story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good
bake oven.
Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, fifuate on '
! the River at a convenient dfftanee from Phila- <
dclphia Market—the Nieadow is of the heft quality, and I
in good bank. There are commodious buildings with a
eood proportion of arable and woodland, artd Cedar
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Sixth-ftrect.
March in% I 7?*> * {
Just Arrived,
lri the Snow Boston, James XirkpatricJc, master from Li
joso Bufheli SALT;
I*o Crates QUEENS WARE; and "
An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLEKY ;
On l»ard, at'Pine-flreet wbirf. Apjly t9
yttmes Campbitl i or
George Latimer.
April 29. 5 '
Samuel Richardet,
"H ESPECTFULLY inform, the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has-this day apetie'd thfc CITY
city of Philadelphia;
The Subscription Room will be furnilhed with all o>e
daily papers publiflied in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the princlpil com
mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments,
will at all times be procured at the bar. '
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the molt
approved Malt Liquors fr«rnLondon and other breweries.
The Larder will befupplicd with the pl'ime and earliest
productions of tho Season.
Large and small Parties, of single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours mod convenient ts tliemfelves—a cold Collation is
rt'ijularly k«pt for Couvenicncy, the Bill of Fjc to be had
at tho bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be compUtiJy furnifted, and
the 11 Mho ft attention paid4ti. cleanliiie&, and every other
•gX Samuel Richardet will be happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
hirtifelf that nothing on his part Oiall be wanting to pre
fcrvethat patronage with which he.hasbeen io dtuinguilh
ingly lionored.
Philadelphia, April 19. §
W A N T E D,
ON Loan, for two or three years—2ooo P»Hars for
which a mortgage on Land wili be given asfecurity
The land is clear of evary incumbrance.
Enquire of tne Printer.
J""- 9- (
George Bringhurft,
« > ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public,
l\j that he has removed frsm Arch-street, td Ho J t'3 in
north Fifth-ftreet, adjoining the Episcopal Burial Ground,
wliere he continues the business of
Coach making in all its Branches.
He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages,
such as Coachcs, Chariots, Phretons, and Coachees; also,
Chairs, Ktttereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har
ness, with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good
supply of theieft materials, and a stock of the best l'ea
[or.ed wood. 1
ly attended to With the grcateft pun£iuality and dispatch.
His long experience in bulificls, his care in the execu
tion bf his Vlr/ork, arid an unremitted atftrftion to tie cfe
fires, of his employers, he flattcrs himffclf will prove fufli
cient recommendations. .
He has feverai feconA-hand Carri ges for sals,
cor.iplea; Coachct, with a coachman's feat and Venetian
blinds all round; a Ph.eion; aCltair ; and a Sulkey with
a falling top.
All kindi of Carriages fold on Comir.iflion, and Car
riages taken in to Itand by the meqth or year.
Apprentices wanted to the Business.
I'biliddpbia, Noveiivber 21. t,t,&s^ra.2awdo
China Goods.
TH E Ship Atlantic, Silai Stvaiae, Commander,
from Canton, will commence the discharge of hei
cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf,
Cortft 'sting of
YeUow and wliite Nankeens of excellent quality
Perfiari Ta'ffetics, black arid ccloured
Lustrings, do. da.
Sattins black of various qualities
Sewing silks in assorted colours
Vermillion in boxos
Cassia in chefls
Quicksilver in jar*
young hyson rreinieas.
CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea
Sets generilly assorted.
WHITE SUGARS, and a .quantity of
First <}Uality Bengal SALT PETRE.
For Sale by
Philip Nicklin & Co.
April a. ■
ABSCONDED, on the night of Tbur/Jay lajl, the
■jth inf. Boston Murray, d black indentedfsr
vartt lad, 18 or 19 years of age, and about $ feet Bor
y inches high ! out of his eyes is defective ift the corner
towards his nose His apparel conftfied of a fluff-color
ed round jacket,with a Manchejier -vest under it; a pair
offijtian tro-ivfers, and under them a light mixed cloth
pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends the said fervent,
and returns him, or confines him iu any jail in Pennfyl
■vcinia or Jersey, so that I recover him Jhall receive the
abuxie reward, together <with reafonaUe charges.
No. 109, Spruce-/!reel.
April IT. ' rff
30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy,
Cot ks, in bales, and
Holland Gin, irt pipes,
For Sale by
Benjamin W. Morris.
Petertfogr 31. eodtf
WE the fubferibers, Commiflioners appointed by law ,
to take fubftriptions for the Gap, Newport, and
Wilmington Turnpike Road, do hereby give notice, that
we will attend for that purpose at the lioufe ©t' Samuel (
Cochrap, on the 6th day of June next.
- Chester County, Jjth April, 1796. [May 7,e01m1
' Washington Canal Lottery,
. N°. J,
aTTHSREAS tlje State ps Maryland has auth?>rifo4
* V ttwj undpF-wrifteu, to TNvifce twenty-fix thoulamt,
two hundred, anci fifty dollars, for the p»jn>«!« of cutting
t C-Si\al through tnc City of Wathingtea, from W/S
tenia. to [hcEalsro Branch Hnuour.
Tfce fwtip.vm* is ;he SCHEME «f Wo. I,
Vm .1. Prise of . i(U3{ja .'...3,0,0e5>. .
1 sfitto .16,000 10,009.
7 last drawn >
VMviri ? ; ' oso
6 ditto 1,000. c,OC3 :
jo ditto +o.a '4,000
*0 ditto fao I,QQf
SS ditto jo zjyj
J750 <fitu> ix 6),00S
To be railed Cor the Canal, 16,150
.. Prizes. ,< 175,009
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, .atTea Dollars, - lyj.oop j
£5" The Cnmmilituaer* have .taken the Securities re*
quired by the aforel'.iji aft for the pun-fljiai payment cf
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery wifl commence, without
delay, as ioon as tkc Tickets are Ccli, of which timely
notice will be given*
Such prizes as are not demanded in fir months after th-i
drawing is CnilheJ, (hull be cenfiduvd as rclrnquiihed for
the benefit o.f the Caual, and appropriated 'accordingly.
City of Waihingtoa, Feb. 11. §
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
No. 46, North Frpnt street,
HAVjE Imported in the {hips Liberty, Concord and A.
dii«na, from London, afreih supply of Goodffuit»
ed to the season—consisting of
A beauiful alfortment of wiljei, and filjt Nankeens,
Cottons, . Threp.d, cotton, silk & cot*
Calicoes, and 'on and fiik iiofury,
Chintzes, Diaper and Tabl«
Mull his, Cloths,
Muflincts, , Lawns,
C.orded and India Dimities Cambficks and
Ginghcms, Cambric Mullins,
Cotton Counterpanes, Lines, cotton and silk hkfs,
Plain, striped, cloudtd, Sewing Silks, &c. Jkc. &c,
Likcvife, '
A few bales well assorted colors, I-onciouVftjL.per me
Cloths, heft fupcrfine and fecoud C*Hnrer is—Also, sun
dry packages of Cillicoes and Chintzes, and other goods
goods fit for exportation.
Per the Glasgow, Capt. Williams, frpro.Dublln, a few
boxes i*s-and yard widelrilh Linens.
May 4 « £»ww&f»
1 —
*rUii Day ii p:;bJijhed t
AT the author's Book-Storr, corner of Front and W»U
nut streets, Volume 1. of a v
A. Defcr'tption of Span'ijh St. Domingo,
Ttahflated from the trench of ps M. L E.MfIJtKAU »*
St. Merit, member of the FfiilpfophicaJ Society ol Phi
ladelphia, Bjr WILLIAM COSSET.
With a new, corred, and elegant MAP of the whojij I.
fl,an.d. Price Two Dollars.
The SuYifcribers to this Work, are requeftsd to take qp
the firft volume, atfoon as convenient.
The fecoad volume (which completes the W«rk) wtl(
be ready for. delivery in the course of the present mtjnth,
The complete work in the French language may like
wise be,hsjd at the fame place. " May 9 6tiaw
Irfrported, .
Ia the lhip Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, and
for sale by the Package, by
Samuel & Miers Fisher,
Tandah QotTeas, Batna, and other Baftas,
Bahar Hankerckiefs, Persian TaS'aties,
Humhums, Flawcr'd and spotted
Emerties, ~ Bandanoes.
With a variety of dther goods from that place, and agen
eral affortmcjit of European SPRING GOODS, asufual.
Lpng and fborc Pipes, in ttt>xes of 5 groc* each.
An alTortment of Stone Jugs and Pitchers,
Queen's Ware, in Crates, assorted,
(jTafs Ware, in Crates and Caflcs,
She&thing Paper, by the Bale,
Spermaceti Candles, and
A general assortment of Irijh Linens,
Received per lhip Glasgow, from Dublin, by the package.
May" \ §iweojw
For tlx accommodation of a private Family,
SMALL HOUSE, fituatedin fame airy street, within
the limits of the eity.
Any pcrfon having such a one to let, and can give pos
session before the middle of June next ensuing, will hear
of a careful tenant by applying to the Printer.of this p»
per. May 14. eotf
A NEAT tbree story Brick House, almost ntw
situate on the Couth fide of Filbert, midway
between Ninth and Tenth-Streets. For terms applr
at No. 71, .North Water Street.
May T4- dtf.
New Hat and HosiEur Stojm,
Wholesale and Rstjm,
No. 134 Market 'flreet, 3d door from the turner of
Fourth, SouthJide.
MENS' American and lored ditto
£nglifh HaU, of various Children's fancy ditto
qualities and prices All kiods of silk, silk and
Ditto Drabs and Grceaun- cotton, cotton, if. thread
• ders Hofc
Ladle's ditto, black Knit colored PaoAloont
And a large alfortment of Ditto Drawers
fancy di:to I Ditto Breeches Patterns
Colored Beavers Silk Gloves
Wiih a gr<at variety of ele- KiKjtted, colortd ditto, cotr
jaQt and falhionable trim- ton
.nitngs, &c. A quantity of mending cotr
Youth's black and drabco- ton, fortedcolon.
N. B. The Hats iinifhed in the ncweft Uihion.
May 7- .dlß>