Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 19, 1796, Image 1

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of the %tiutcD & Mm
For Hamburgh,
The Daftifh Brigantine
Den Nye Prove, 1
I PETER HANSEN, IS after ; of )
A fine ft out vefTel. Will be ready to take in her cargo ft",
on the firft of May. For freight or passage apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
April „■ HL J3
ST73.THEN aoout aooo Bbls. of flour—flie may be sent
< :t , f,. a at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in
vary good order —apply to
Jamet Campbell, or Ma
George Latimer. w
April. V)- S —
ii 1 The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
Mount Vernon,
RTTRTHEN about 41a tons will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on
or before the 10th ef May next, great part of her cargo
•ngaged. For freight or passage apply to the fubferibers,
No. al, Penn-ftreet,
Willings and Francis.
April 27- L
Kearney Wharton
HAS REMOVED his Counting-House from Mor
ton's wharf, t» No. 18 Doek-ftreet.
May is.
John Miller, jun & Co.
No. 8 Chefnut Street,
Hive received by the Ship
From Calcutta,
j6O Bales of Bengal Goods,
10,000 Pieces Nankeens, reJ
Of a Superior Quality. T1
350 Bags of SUGAR, ™
J V Which they will fell on advantageous terms.
May 10. . _i_ a p
For Kingston, in Jamaica,
The fliip v
Dominick Terr/, J
rejjsSlgll Will fail in twehre days, w
For Fmght or Passage, apply to the Cay tain onboard' _
at Cuthbert's wharf, or to
Jeffe & Robeit Wain.
May ia. § iat T
For LONbON; 1
fc—a. THE SHIP
jfefijllL ATLANTIC,
SILAS SWAIN, Commander,
WILL fail on or about the Ift of May. ?or freight or
psffaee apply to the Captain no board at Walnut-street f,
wharf, or to PHILIP WCfcLIN tfCO.
April 13- ' —
~~ FOR SALE, 7
% ,
-JR. The Copper Bottomed Ship J
WITH all her materials, as Ihe came from sea. Like
wise to be difpofedof ■
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
"on board said vessel. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
May % - - -
~~ For BRISI OL,
Theodore Bliss, Matter,
WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thqmas John Clifford.
Who have forSale,befide» their usual aflbrtmeatof
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, life.
Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates qf Vials i
boxes of long and feort Pipes; Bristol crown Glaft assort
ed; from 18 by 14 inches, to 9 inches by 7 ? C «PP cr
and Bottoms; Boxes of Tin Pates; London andßr fto
Pewter in Casks assorted; Bristol QrindftonCT} Garnet
& Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. AI/v, a hale ot
' And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April 11. | 1 y W '
JuJi Arrived,
And for sale it the Sloop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel
Marchant, mapr, a quantity of
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo:
Alfa for i'Vi,
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 40© Barrels.
•SHEw Irong vessel, and has been chiefly em
ployed as a Coaster. If not. fold in a few pays, will tflke
in freight, and proceed Newbury Port
Applv to ISAAC HARVLY, itm.
May j. §im fro, 5,5. Water Street
John Miller, jun. & Go.
No. 8 GhcJnut-Jlrctt.
ffcwe impasted in the l»t S veOsl > from Europe,
Ao»iig(l whiefcare
Striped and clouded NANKE-bN-ii,
Djjniitjjs-. apd
H A 1 in
Neatly allotted in packages,
AH winch-they wilKtll ojt the moli reasonable terms,
fc. Oft) o; cli,e usual credit.
Mav ir. y
Pennfylvama DiJlriCl, {" ■ Jln t
IN pnrfaance of a Writ to me direflcd from the hon. |
Richard Peters, ECq, Judge of the Diftriift Court j j
of the IJoited State*, in and for the Pennsylvania Di- j
ftriAj 1 V
IVill be expf>fed to Public Sale, J
At tke Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the City of Phila- j O b
delphia, on Saturday, the aid day of May, instant, J
At : i o'ebek at noon,
With all her tackle and furniture, as the fame now are ; I O
the said fchyoner having been condemned, to pav Ma- I "
' riners' wages, &c. WILLIAM NICHOLS, fA
Marlbal. | cit;
Marihal's Office, > I ■
May 17, 1796 ) I
_ (Mayißj)
On Wednesday, id of June, TJc
Will be exposed for sale at Russell's wharf, J
The {hip Asia and Cargo, p :
As fee arrived from INDIA, I '
, Cargo confining of
0 Si tons Salt Petre, I "!
i, 40 ditto best Malabar Pepper, I
41 ditto best Manilla Sugar, J' I '-
8 ditto Batavia ditto, I acc
100 Bales Madras Purjums, J ], 0 ,
13 ditto check'd red and white handkerchiefs, J re^
5 ditto Book Muslins, I at
1 ditto fine Long Cloths, I
15 ditto Check'd and Strip'd Ginghams, 1 t ), t
13 Chests Bandanna Handkerchiefs, J re c
1 Bales Patna Chintz,
23 ditto Jugdeah and Alyabad Baftas, I sxi
14 ditto Gurralw, I lar
17 ditto Guzzeenahs, I hi«
15 ditto Chokas, I fer
' I ditto Tandah Cofiaes, I i n 5
I ditto white border'd Muslin Handkerchiefs, I
I ditto Sooty Romals, with I
J A few pieces of Green Taffeties. j s-
The above Goods will politively be fold without any j
reserve, in order to close the concern immediately. J j'j
Therefore those who are disposed to purchafc largely, I
will find it greatly for their interests to attend. A ere- I
dit from three to nine months will be given, in pro- I
portion to the amount purchased, upon Notes with two I
approved indorfers.
.. A2he Asia r
(8 4 fine new Ship, I
Built for the India Trade, 327 Tons J nt
burthen ; made one voyage only can jlv
put to sea at a small expense, and I
will be fold on liberal credit. 1
V Boston. May 12.
Edward Stow, Jun. I™
TTAS for sale, at his Store, No. 41, South Water (Irert, I j- Q
iJL New England Rum, in Hoglheads, tier:es& barrels, I
MADEIRA, ) m . Tly
PORT ) ti
Mess, Prime and Cargm Reef, ft
Spermaceti and Wax Mould Candles, j ci
Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto, j
or 400 Boxes hard, White Soap, in excellent order c(
:'et for (hipp'ng. May is. ?- w j
For Sale, r
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, ia Chefnut
street, between Front and Second ftroets, in which t
MtflVs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and j
now do) carried on bufmefs. , I
Poffeffton will b« given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or I r
ke- April tl. § I c
Is ' Landing, h
From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
s EARTHEN WARE, ia Crates; and
A quantity of COAL;
Thomas & John Ketland. I (
April a<J. ii I <
, Landing,
At Russell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
e ; ve Louisa, James Cooper, matter, from China, and the 1
Cape of Good Hope,
, SUGAR, in Chests and Bigs ;
lf WINES, ia Butts and half Butts of superior qua- j
Uty; j
al' 5 A small quantity, of BRANDY; L
ort " And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. I
Parker 1$ Wharton, !
No. 109, south Water-street. 1
Afrit %(t. ..1. .. .■■. ■ ' I 1
nud The remains of the Cargo by thePigou,
from Canton, viz.
WIDE and narrow Nankeens
70 Quarter Chests Soucliong Tea
20 Tubs Quicksilver, and
A quantity of
Tea-Table and Dining China.
M&y 7. J
jft. * Three-ftery brick House, No. 80, N. Second I
"• 'J\ street. is about M feet front, and aBB I
lot deep, to Bread-street, or Moraviaii Alley. It has I
lone been one of the be3>!Lan4s for bulinefs.
od. A frame Bv/ellisg-Houfc, No. a6o, South Front- J
. fire; t, with a Ba.'n>Houfe, the Lot is about 17 feet |
front, by 1.50 fecr •>'-depth.
> id. A hsudtonie Lot of 15 too feet deep, ex
tending from Third ftfect to Gcorge-ftjeet ( it is the 3d
Lot below South-flreet': on George-street there is a two I
> Aory brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with *good |
K"|y oven.
LiK'wife a LARCJfi MEAPO.W FARM, fituane oa .
ifee River a convenient diA^ e f ro ™ Phila- I
delphia Market —the Meadow is of the belt quality, and I
ia «r C odbank There are commodious h»i]dings, with a I
good proportion of arable -nd woo-lland. and Cedar J
™s, Swamp. For term,apply^
March I 79 6 ' its
--—ji wnta re-I know!?
Just Arrived,
j la the Snow Boston, James Kirkpatrick, nia£ter from Li
1 5000 Biilhels SALT; \
| 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and *
j An Aflbrtment of SHIP CHANDLERY; * w (
1 FO 1 8i LI t#l
jOn board, at Pine-flreet wharf. Apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
I April 49. ' - w §
Samuel Richardet,
"n ESPECTFUtLY informs the Gentlemen
■ I -Ix. Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
I city of Philadelphia; /
I TJ»e Subscription Room will be furnifl»ed with all the
I daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-Vftrk, Bos-
I ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com-
I mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed
I and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
I Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety q U
jof French Liquors; together with the usual rrfrelhments, t jj (
1 will at all times b-,- procured at the bar.
I Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with ,j e ;
1 the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most B0
I approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries.
I The Larder will be supplied with the prime and eirlieft
I productions of tho Season. thi
j Large and small Parties, or iingle Gentlemep, may be
1 accommodated with B/eakfafts, Dinners, or Sappers, at
j hours most conv, nieut to th«mfelves—a cold Collation is
j regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
I at tha bar.
I The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and j
I the utnaoft attention paid to cleanliness, and every other I
1 requilitc.
| 0- Simuel Richardet will bb happy to receive, and
j execytc the commaads of his Friends, and the Public at J
I targs; and for their favours, he pledges j
I himielf that nothing on his part shall be wanting to pre- I
I serve that patronage with which heJias been Co diftingvilh- I
I ingly lionored. I
Philadelphia, April 19. §
I /AN Loan, for two or three years—2oco Dollars for j A
f I \ /which a mortgage on Land will be given asfecarity J
• 1 The land is clear of every incumbrance.
> I Enquire of tne Printer.
" J*"- 9- L_
0 George Bringhurft,
I O ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, I
1 I\_ that he has removed fram Arch-street, to No 23 in I
, s I north Fifth-ttreet, adjoining the Episcopal BuriaJ Ground, j
„ I where he continues the bnfinefs of
d Coach making in all its Branches. J c
I He makes all kinds of crane neck and peich Carriages, I
I such as Coaches, Chariots Phretons, and Coachees ; also, I »
I Chairs, Kittereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har- 1
j ne{s, with plated or brass mounting. Ha hath a good I
supply of the best materials, and a-ftack of the best sea- 1
'' I foned wood.
L Orders from any part of the United States will be du- j
T ly attended to tfiththe greatest pun duality and dispatch. I
I His long experience in bufinois, his care in the execu- I j
I tion of his work, :tnd an unremitted attention to the de- 1
I fires of his employers, he flatters himfelf will proveluffi- I
I cient recommendations. I g
J He has several fcconi-hand Carri .ges for sale, viz. a 1 j
er I compleaf Coaches, with a coachman's, feat and Venetian I
I blinds all round; a Ptyseton; a Chair; and a Shilkey with I
- | a falling top.
I All kinds of Carriages fold on Commission, and Car- |
I riag&s taken in to Hand by the mc-tifh or year.
I Apprentices wanted to the Bulinefs. j ,
Philadelphia, November ii. r.t.&sjrr.iawdo
China Goods.
1 r p H E Ship Atlantic, Silas Szvaine, Commander, J
I 1 from Canton, will commence the discharge. of her I ]
I cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street wharf,
Cetfifiing «/ '
I Yellow and white Nankeens of eacelUnt quality
Pcrfian Taffeties, black and-ccloured
I Lustrings, do. do.
I Sattins black of various qualities
I Sewing silks in assorted colour*.
I Vermillion in bonces
I Cadi a in chests
!— 1 Quicksilver in jars-
dy HYSON SKIN, Frpfh Teas
hi YOUNG HYSON rreln leaS '
I GMINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea I
aa- I Sets generally assorted.
L WHITE SUGAftS, and a quantity of
I First quality Bengal SALT PETRE.
For Sale h
PMftp, N'uklin & Co.
[ April 8. I
1 [ ~"ten dollars reward.
I \ BSCONDED, on the night of Thurfduy lafl, tie
JXX jthinfi. Boston Murray, a black indentadfer-1
[--vant lad, 18 or 19 years of age, and about $ feet ?or
iU, 9 inches high ; one of his eyes is defective in the corner
toward: bis rose His apparel conjijted of a fnuff-color-
Y.ed 'rounA jacka,ivith.a Manchefier -ve/i under it ; a pair
I offufiianiroaufers, and under them a light mixed clow I
\pair of breeches- Whoever apprehends the faidfer-v ant,
I and returns him, or confoes him is any, jail in Pennfyi- j
I -vania or Jersey, so that I recover him JhaU receive the I
_ 1 JVb. 109, Spruce-flreet. I
I ii- I
S 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy,
has I Corks, ia 1»1m, and
Holland Gin, in pipfft,
int " | Bor Sale by
fetit I Benjamin W. Morris.
ex- I Dftembtr 11 ■ eodff j
ood I TT7"E the fubferibers, CommilKoners appointed by law
W to take fubfcriptiAns for the Gap, New|-orf, anr 1
:o„ WilmingtonTiirnpikc Road, do hereSy give ncfr- that
ila- we will attend for that purpofc at the house of Samu»l
and Cochran, on the 6th day of June next.
"1 Chester County, ajth Aptil, » [May7.eolm] 1
dow• i® 5 I ; he ac. | sice so,
Waftnngton Canal Lottery^
N°. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raifc twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Waftiingten, from the I'o
toraac to the Eaftero Branch Harbour.
The 'following is the SCHEME of No. I,
Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, »o,ooe
1 ditto ic,ooo 10,000
6 ditto 1,000 6,000
10 ditto 400 4&00
10 ditto 100 *poo
j$ ditto trfS°
J7s© ditto i» 69,008
To be raised for the Caaal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, 175,000
11650 Blanks, not tiVo to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid a& for the pundlnal payment of
the prizes.
The drawing ef this Lottery will commence, without -
delay, as foen as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as pre not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is fin.ilked, Jhall be considered as relinqtiifhed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
City of Walhington, Feb. 11. §
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
No. 46, North Front street,
j TT AVE imported in the Ihips Liberty, Concord and A-
I _L I diiana, from Loudon, a frefll supply of Goods suit-
I ed to the season—consisting of
I A beauiful assortment of twilled, and silk Nankeens,
j Cottons, Thread, cotton, silk & cot-
Calicoes, and on and silk Holiery,
I Chintzes, Diaper and Damtiik Table
Mull ins, Cloths,
Muflinets, Lawns,
I Corded and India Dimities, Cam bricks and
I Ginghams, Cambric Muffins,
I Cotton Counterpanes, Lireo, cotton and silk hkfs,
Plain, striped, clouded. Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c.
, I Like* iff,
A few bales well assorted colors, Londoubeft super ne
I Cloths, best fuperfine and fecoud C*fiimeres—Alfo, fun
-1 dry packages of Callicoes and CVintzes, apd other goods
' I for exportation.
5 I Per the Glasgow, Capt. Williams-, from Dublin, a few
j I boxes 7-8 and yard widelrifti Linens.
I May 4
. J This Day is pubUjhed,
. I \ T the author's Book-Store, corner of Front and Wal
- I jLjl nut Arrets, Volume I. of a
' j A Description of Spanijh St. Domingo,
I Tranflfatcd from tKe French of of M. L. E.Moreau dk
I St. Mery, member of the PhilofopKicil Socicty ©f Phi-
I ladelphia, By WILI.IAM COBBET.
' I With a new, correct, and elegant MAP of the whole I
-1 I Hand. Price Two Dollars.
I The Subscribers to this Work, are reqnefted to take up
" I thefirft volume, asfoon as convenient -
I Thefecond volume (which completes the Work) will
I be ready for delivery in the course of the present month.
The complete work in the French language may like-
I wife be had at the fame place. May 9 6tiaw
r Imported,
'x 1 In the (hip Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, and
for sale by the Package, by
Samuel & Miers Fisher,
Tandah Coffeas, Batna, and other Baftas,
Bahar Haakerohiefe, Persian Taff'atics,
Humhums, Flswer'd and spotted
Emsrtics, Bandanoes.
I With a variety of other goods from that a gen
| eral assortment of European SPRING GOODS, as'ufual.
| Long and (lion Pipes, in boxes of 5 groca each,
| An assortment of Stone Jugs and Pitchers,
Queen's Ware, in Crates, alTorted,
Glass Ware, in Craves and Casks,
I Sheatliing Paper, by the Bale,
j Spermaceti Candles, and
1 A general assortment of Irijh Linens,
I Received per Ihip Gla r gow, from Dublin, by the package.
I May 12. §lwe»3w
! Wanted,
j For the accommodation of a private Family,
be I SMALL HOUSE, fituattdinlbmeairy street, within
r- j the limits ef the city.
or I Any person having such a one to let, and can give pos
er I feffios before the middle of June next ensuing, will hear
, r _ lot a careful tenant by applying to the Pnnter_of this pa
,; r I per. May 14. eotf
W- 1 A NEAT three story Brick House, almost new
be I A V situate on the south fide of Filbert, midway
I between Ninrh and Tenth-Streets. For terms apply
I at £To. 71, North Water Street.
I May 14. dtf.
New Hat and Hosiery Stoau,
Wholesale and Retail,
I Nc. 134 Market-freet, id door from the corner of
Fourthl South fide.
I MENS'IJlack American and lored ditto
I Engljlh Hats, of various Children's fancy ditto
— | qualities and prices All kinds of silk, silk and
j Ditto Drabs and Greenun- cotton, cotton, & thread
ders £ Hose
A I Ladie's ditto, black Knit colored PanAloonf
n I And a large assortment of Ditto Drawers
A * fancy ditto Ditto Breeches Patterns
1(1 I Colored Beavers S'lk Gloves
I With a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored ditlo, cot
-1 g3nt and faftiionable trim- ton
I mings,&c. A quantity of mending cot-
I Youth's black and drabco- toil, fortcd colors.
N. B. Thc-Hats finiihcd in the newefi fafhioo.
l] ' May 7. dim
: for their this Of.