Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 18, 1796, Image 2

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    \ JuJl PM/bJ,
y No. 83 North Sccoiid Street,
[Price half a dollar]
The Frugal Hou/ewife ;
the art . of drefling all forts of Viands, with
cleanliness, decency and elegance,
Is explaiced in .five .hundred approved Receipts, in
Gravies, i'aftries,
Sauces, Pie,,
Roasting, Tarte,
Frying, Puddings,
foiling, Syllabubs,
Stews, Gr „ ma>
rialhes, [ Flummery,
rricaiTees, Jams and
Ragouts, . Cuftirds.
Together, with the belt methods of
n 5» - Drying,
Collaring, l Candying,
Preierving, Pickling,
To which are added, various "Bills of Fire, aridapro
per aunngement of Dinners, two caurfes,'for e
very month in the vear.
By Susannah Carter, of Clerkenwell, Lorfdon.
May Is. wf&wjt
Pennsylvania, IT.
of the Commoawealth of Pennsylvania,
AS the General Assembly did, on the fourth
day of April. resolve, "'Phat the Governor
be requested to issue a proclamation, reciting the a& entit
. « an act to prevent intrusions on lands, within the
counties of Northampton, Northumberland and Luzerne,"
and enjoining obedience to the fame; and that, he tbe forth
with requested to cause the fame to be published in the
newipapers-of the Hates of New Jersey, New York, Con
ner icut,Rhode Island and MaflTachuf tts: and whereas
ir ! resolution referred to is expressed in
tne t ollowing words:
Section i. Be it ena&ed by the Sena« and House of
• C £. re cnt^ tlves °f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
in eneral Assembly met, and it is hereby cna<sted by the
authority of the fame, That if any person {hall, after the
pa ing of this take, .poffeljienoorf r enter, intrude ©r
®tt c on any lands within the limits of the counties of
« Northampton, Northumberland, or Luzerne, by virtue
or under colour of apy conveyance of half ftiare right, or
zr lY ° P rcr ended tide not derived from th* authority
oi t is commonwealth, or of the late proprietaries of
cnniylvania before 'the Revolution, fuchjperfon, upon
emg duly convicted thereof, upon indictment in any
court o oyer and terminer, or court-os general quarter
lemons, to be held in- the proper county, fhail forfeit and
pay the mm of two .hundred dollars, one half to the use
ot the county, and the other half to the use of the infor
mer, -and ilvil also be fubjedfc to iuch imprifonmient, not
exceeding twelve months, as the court before whom such
conviction is ha J may. in their difcretjon direa.
r C C ' r . a " nc " )e it further enailed by thsauhority afore
t ' !,vc jy fcrfoH who (bail combine, or confpirc for
the purpose of Conveying, pofTeiTinjr or fettling on any
lands Within the limits aforefaid, under any half (hare
rig t or pretended title as aforefaid, or for thepurpofe of
laying out townfliips by perfess not appointed or acknow
ie gcu i>y the laws.of this commonwealth, and every per
son that fhail be accessary thereto, before or after the fa A,
Shall, for every luch offence, forfeit and pay a sum not less
than five hundred, ndr more than one thousand dollars,
cnc half te the use of the county, and the other half, to
the use of the informer ; and ihall alio be fubjecft to such
impnfqnment at hard labour, not exceeding eighteeH
month?, as the court in their discretion tuay dire<ft,
Sec. 3■ And be it father enatfled by the authority a
foreiaid, 1 liatthc court wherein any such conviction fhail
have been had, /hUI.-iffue their writ to the Iheriff of the
county wherein the said off.nce has been .committed, or
the (aid conviction had, of if the said ceurt (hall be of o
piaion that the iheriff or cornner are not impartial, then
to a'sy othei perfou cr perfen; they may think proper,
eommanr'uvg him or thsm, together with the power of
the county, if he-or they should judge their assistance ne
cessary, to proceed to the landsin queilion, and thereirom
to expel and ejeiS all and every the person and persons
thereon intruded as aforefaid ; and it the said iheriff, or
other person or persons appointed as aforefaid, (h.uld make
return t-o the said writ that he or they have been unable to
execute the fame, by reason of the iorcible refinance of
patties oaany other persons, or from a just apprehen
{ion of such refinance as would render the execMtion there
of by himielf or themfdves, and the power of the coun
ty, impracticable, the prothonotary of, the court to which
such writ is so returned IhaU.forthwith transmit a copv of
the said writ and return, under the fealof the said court,
to the governor, and if upon the said return, or if upon
a certificate figYied by the president, or one of the judges
of the Court of common pleas of the proper county, or
*>Y of the judges of the fuprem* court, that the pro
etfs of the court has been refilled, or that ther- is reason
to believe that the civil authority will be incompetent to
•he execution of this law, the governor ihall deem it ex
pedient to order out a portion of the militia of this state
toaffift the civil authority in carrying into esseS this a6t,
or any part thereof; The detachments so called out ihall
receive the fame pay and rations, and be fubjeft to the
fame rules and regulations, as are provided in other cases.
Si c, 4. And be it further enaded by the authority a-,
forelaid, 1 hat if a judge of the court of quarter fefliohs
' '■ the proper counties, or a judge of the supreme court
fliail apprehend the Iheriff and coroner are not impar
tial, it fhail and may be lawful for the said judge to direct
the Vt.iire for the grand inquest, and for the traverse jury,
(o any person or persons he or they may think proper.
Sec. j. And be it further enacted by the authority
aforefaid, That if any person or persons ihall refill:
any officer, or other person duly authorised in the execu
tion of this !<a, or any part thereof, every person or per.
sons so offending, and every person that (hall be accessary
thereto, before or after the fa<S. (hall, on conviition, for
feit and pay a sum not more than fiv« jhoufand nor less
than five hundred dollars, and undergo an imprisonment
at hard labour for any period not less than three nor more
than f«ven years.
Sec. 6. And be it farther enacted by the authority afore
faid, That in order to differainate a knowledge as the pro
visions contained in this nit, it (hall be the duty of the
prothonotaries of The l'everal courts of common pleas of
the counties fit Northampton, Northurrfberland and Lu.
lerne, and they are hereby refpeflively enjoined and re
quired to read or canle to be read, in open court, the sard
a<ft, and every part thereof, at leaii once in each of the
three terms next after receiving the feme ; and also it (hall
and may be lawful for the governor of this commonwealth
to issue his proclamation, enjoining and requiring all per
sons having intruded as aforefaid, to withdraw peaceably
from the lands whereon such intrusions have been made •
and further enjoining and requiring the several officers of
government, and the good citizens of this state, to prevent,
or prosecute by all legal mt-ns, such intrusions and intru
ders, and te afford their moil prompt and effe&ual aid in
th-ir f.vcral and relpective capacities, to carry into lull
execution 'he laws of this commonwealth 1 elative thereto
provided always that nothing in this a& contained (hall
extend to the claims of pc.-fons claiming lands under and
ky virtue of an a& entitled " an adt for afeertaining and
confirming to certain persons calfcd Connedlicut claimants
the lands claimed by them within the countv of Luzerre
and for other puTpefcs therein mentioned", pass.d the
twenty-t ightli day ef March, one thousand seven hundred
1 and seven • Andprorirf"i hr&rr, tin* ".A,"'
any thing thcruin expressed, ihall not > * cuhaitri j in
tended to affea any claims under the fid la-.v nor is 1
Legislative conftruAion or opinion reipf Ainj ftid
an ail entitled, " an ad to repeal an aft entitled, " an aC
for afccrtaining and confirming to certain persons call-
Conneaicut claimants, the lauds by them claimed withii
the county of Luzerne, and for other purposes therein men
tioncd", pitted the firft day of April, one thousand fever"
hundred and ninety, or tile validity or effea of either oi
the faid.lawj".
NOW, THEREFORE, In compliancc with the faidrc
cited requeil of the General Assembly, and in purfuanct.
•of the authority to me by law given, as aforefaid, j
HAVE issued this PROCLAMATION ; iiep.eet, in al
thing*, *njoining«bcdience to the provisions in the fakl
aa of the General Assembly contained ; and nioie efpe
cfally requiring all persons, having intruded unen an;
lands, in the manner in thefaid aS spec.tied and prohibit
ed, to \Vithdraw peaceably therefrom, as .well as-warning
and forbiddingall persons whomsoever from hereafter mak
ing any intrusion «pon such lauds, under the penalties in
the said Yccited aa of the General Assembly declared and
imposed. And the several officers, of the ;oT«rnment.
and all the good citizens of this date, a r - further enjoined
and required to prevent cr profxute by all legal means such
intrusions and intruders, and to afford the molt prompt,
and effedualaid, in their ftveral and rtfpeaive capacities,
to carry into full execution the laws of this Commonwealth
relatrve theroto.
GIVEN under my Hand, and tne Great Seal of t}tc
State, at Philadelphia, this sixteenth day «T April,
in the year of our Lord ont thousand seven hund
red and ninety-fix, and of the.Commonwealth the
By the Governor,
A. f. Dan-vs,
Secretary of the Commonwealth
May 18 • 2aw3w
1 ' ■ -a
house of representatives
Mr. New, from the committee of enrolment, re
ported that they had laid before the President for
his approbation and fignatiire, the bill for regula
ting trade and intercoiirfe with the Indian tribes ;
and also the bill to authorize EbencZer Znne -to
locate certain lands north-well of the river Ohio.
Petitions in favor of the British treaty were pre
sented by MefiYs. Gilbert and Ames.
The bill regulating grants offend for military
services, See, was read a third time and pafied.—
The blank mentioning the time of regiftrring war
rants was filled up with nine months; that contain
ing the time after which no locatians will be al
lowed, was filled up with January 1800; and that
for containing the time at whicfi persons (hall have
redded on lands already located by military warrants
to entitle them to remain thereon, was filled with
April 18, 1794, [the day on whiclk the aft bore
date, allowing ,Capt. Kimberly to locate certain
lands on the fame principle.^
The bill afce ringthe compeitfation of the account
ant of the War Department was read a third time
and pafl*ed.
A bill from the Senate was read, providing
Paflports for the (hips and vessels of the United
The house took up the amendments yesterday
made in a committee of the whole in the bill re
gulating pofl offices and poll roads, and having
gone through the fame, and a few other alterations
in the bill, it was ordered tp be engrossed for a third
reading. Some debate to.ik place on a motion maje
by Mr. Nicholas to strike out a clause which o
bliges Printers to dry all their newspapers which
go by pofl and to put them up in llrong covers.
It was said by MefTrs. Nicholas and Swanwick that
this provision would put it in the power of poll of
fices to Hop the circulation of newspapers altoge
ther, by refuting to accept them, on the ground of
their not being Sufficiently dry, or 111 covers fuf
ficiently ftronjr ; but, on the other hand it was
urged by MeflVs. Thatcher and Harper that the
former part of the measure was at lead deficeabl;,
and that it could not be supposed that the Post-mas
ter General would unneceflarily obftrudl the circu
lation of newspapers, and that if he did, he would
be liable to punishment.
The amendment was negativrd ; when Mr.
Thatcher moved to strike out the words, " dire£t
ing papers to be enclosed in flrong covers," and to
add a clause, directing that all newspapers for any
particular pod-office (hould be inclosed in a mail by
themselves, and ditefled to the said office, and
(hfuld not be opened until they arrived at the place
of their dedination. This amendment was agreed
to, and the bill wasordtred for a third reading to
Mr. Giles tho«ght, it was time to fix on some
early period of adjournment. Mod gentlem-n he
believed felt anxious to be away. He iherefore,
proposed a resolution to the following effect, which
was ordered to lie on the table :
" Resolved, that the President of the Senate
and the Speaker of the House of Reprcfontarives be
authorized to close the pre/ent session, by adjourn
ment ot both houses, on Saturday the twenty-firft
" Mr. Tracy, from the committee of claims
made a report on the bill from the Senate, provi
ding reeompence for clerks, &c. who resided in
1 luladelphia during the yellow-fever, to which they
proposed to add several namas;
They also reported on the petition of Alexander
i'owlet, praying to locate certain warrants on un
occupied lands in the North Wed'ern Territory
This reportwas againd the petitioner. Both the
reports were twice read, and referred to a commit
tee of the whole to-morrow.
Mr. Bourne reported a bill supplementary to an
act laying duties on Snuff.
Mr. W. Smith also reported a bill empowering
the secretary of the Trcafuryto lease the fait (prim®
of the Unitd State., northwed of the river Ohio?
Both the above bills were twice read, and order
ed to be referred ro a committee of the whole to
j Ob motion of Mr. Nfcholas the house resolved
j itfelf into a committee of the whole, Mr. Bourne
, in the chair, on the report" of a feleft committee
thereon for providing relief to debtors. After
some debate and a few amendment, the bill, as
-proposed to he amended by a feleft eommittfe, was
agreed to, B committee of the whole, taken up in
tne Jioufe, aadordercdto be eagrofied for.a third
' reading. It appears that the former law on this
•» Cubic* w-s foxier, a (!,a? '■.
the B"asre ry a copy ol the old law. ho
bill, as now i*i proved, eniitfs that debtors in eac.
flute, when prosecuted by the -S'aas, flwll
be dealt with exatfly in the fame way, as if they
were prosecuted under the laws of thetr refpethve
individual date!. .
A meflage was received from the Senate, inform
ing the house that they had agreed to the bill pro
viding for the payment of certain debts o. the U
nited States, with some amendments, to which
they reqneded their concurrence.
A meflage was received from the Prelident, in
forming thehoufe that he had approved and Turn
ed an ad for erecting a light-hoafe onCape-Cod.
The following Charge was delivered on the 2 Jth oi
AptiJ, to the Grand Jury of Chatham County,
at a Federal Cirauit Court by-the honorable 01
ivet Elfworth, chief Justice of the Linked States^
Gentlemen of the Gran J jfury,
This court has cognizance of all offences again d
the United States, committed within the diltii&of
Georgia, or elsewhere, wiihout the jujifdiftion of
any particular date by peifons afterwards found
within this di(tri<3. After all such offences, you
will therefore inquire and due presentment make.
Your' duty may perhaps be deemed unpleasant,
but it is too important not ts be faithfully perfor
med. To provide in the organization that reason
(hall prescribe laws, is of little avail, it passions are
left to cofltroul them. Indentions without refpedl
—laws violated with impunity, are to a republic
the symptoms and the feeds of death. No tranf
grefiion is too fnsall, nor any tranfgrelTor too great
for animadversion.
Happy for our laws they are not written in
blood, that we should blush to read, or hesitate to
execute them. They breath (•tie spirit of a parent
—and tfxpefl the benefits of correflion, not from
severity, but from certainty. Reformation is nev
er loft fight of, tiil depravity becomes, or i 9 prefu
ined to be incorrigible. Imposed as redraints, here
are, not by the jealousy of usurpation, nor the ca
pricioufnefs of infenlibility ; but as aids to vir
tue and guards to rights, they have a high claim to
be rendered efficient.
Nor i 9 this claim more heightened by the purity
of their source, and the mildness of their genius,
than by the magnitude of the interells they em
brace. The national laws are the national ligatures
and vehicles of life. Though they pervade a coun
try, as divti lified in habits, as it is vail in extent,
yet they give to the whole, harmony of intereft,End
unity of design. They are the means by which it
pleases heavsn to make of weak and. discordant
parts, one great people ; and to bellow upon them
unexumpled prosperity. And so long as Amcri
•ca (hall continue to have one will, organically ex
pressed and inforced, mud (he continue to rife in op
ulence and refpeft. Let then the man or combi
nation of men, who, from whatever motives, oppose
partial to general will, and would disjoint their
country to the sport of fortune/ feel their impo
tence and error.
Aismani(hed by the fate of republics, which
have gone before us, we should profit by their mis
takes. Impetuosity in legislation, and instability in
execution, are therockson which they ptriflied.—
Againd the former, indeed, we hold a feeurity
which they were ignorant of, by a representation
indead of the aggregate, and by a diliribution of
the legifiative power, to maturing and balancing bo
dies, lnftead of the fubje&ion of it to momentary
impulse, and the predominance of fa&ion. Yet
from the danger of inexecution, we are not exempt.
Strength of virtue, is not alone fufficient ; there
mud bt itrength of arm, or the experiment is hope
lefsi Numetous are the vices, and as obstinate the
prejudices, and as daring as restless is the ambition,
which perpetually hazard the national peace. And
they certainly require that to the authority vetted
in the executive department, there be added liberal
confidence, and the urceafing co-operation of all
good citizens for its support. Let there then be
vigilance—condant vigilance and fidelity for the ex
ecution of laws—of laws made by all, and having for
their object, the good of all. So let us rear an em
pire sacred to the rights of man j and commend a
government of reason to the nations of the earth.
But, gentlemen, I will not detain you longer
from yonr duty. You may expect in the perfsr-.
mmceof it, such afiidance from Mr. Attorney,and
a!fo from the court as you may have occasion for,
and it (hall be proper for them refpedlively to give.
\ ou will please to retire.
In the southern circuit of the United States, held
at Savannah, in and sos the didridl of Georgia
—ApnT term, 1796.
Savannah, (late of Georgia.
We, the grand jury of the circuit court, for this
didridl, avail ourselves of this opportunity ofexpref
ling our approbation of the lad legiflaiure, which
fat at Louisville, for the passing of an aft rendering
null and void the a& usurped and passed bvthe I<~
giflattire, on the 7th of January, 1795, disposing of
the weftem territory of v this date,removing thereby
the greatest grievance this country labored under,
and that they deserve the thanks of every difinter
eded citizen.
Every grand jury throughout this date, have
complained of that ulurped aft, which was intended
to deprive the citizens and their poderity, not only
unconftitutionatty but by bribery and corruption of
dmafcertained millions of acr„ to enrich a set of
■ pecuiators, the ped of society, who have long in
cited this date, and to whom all the difordcr and
confufion in our pnblic affairs mayjudly be attribu
te return our fince.e thanks to the honorable
Abraham Baldwin, a represent itive from this
in the Congress of the United States, aad highly
approve the manner in which be repelled the daring
attempt of a senator from this ((ateto interrupt that
genileman in the faijhful discharge of his duty, as
a representative of the people. We are not at a,
t#r the real of that unwarrantable attack,
whatever preffncps may have been offered to th
public, nut! hope, that (hould any attenjpt of ths
kind be again made, the object will be treated witii
equal contempt ani dilrefpeft.
We present as a grievance, that thecompenfj
tion allowed to jurors attending court from ?,.
diltance, is not adequate to their oeceflary expei
ces; we admit that the sum allowed, may be fug.
cierit in the northern (tales ; but rhe high prj,.,.
provisions, and labor in Georgia, is such, that die
money received by the Juror will not pay half hij
maintenance. We ail'o recommend, tbat'the jr l?r °
dial be authorized immediately on the difchame of
the jury to pay whatever furu may be allowed. "We
are happy to inforni the court, >hat ao criminal I H .
linefs or information, have com? before us.
We thank his honor the Chief Jultice, for h's
excellent charge, and request.that if, together wir i
our presentments, be pub!i(hed in tht m.xt C -
PETER H. MOREL, Foreman,
J. SHICK,jun.
Mejfage of the Eneculive directory of France rtfpi c~l ■
ing the emijjton of " Mandats Tcrritena.ix,"
Landed Alignments.
Citizens Legiflato's,
Your Resolution of the 2cth of t!>is month re.
lative to the creation of " Terriiorial Mandats"
payable to the bearer,, is one of these grand an 1
happy measures wlwah at the mod critical xras of
the Revohrtioir, t o"Tßs"welf3Tt-rsr"
the Republic. But it would he fatal if you did
not halter)to make an addition which is inrfifpenh.
ble, by giving to those Manrlats a compulsive t«.
rency. Without ftiOh a law, the new paper and
the old would both fall into equal depreciation.
The stock-jobbers would seize upon both, they
would plunder the nation of its demesnes, and the
government of its refourccs.
(Certainly when paper money has but a reiuote,
a doubtful or inefficient fecuiity, nothing short of
defpotiftn can force its currency. Such would be
the cafe if it was intended to recal the affignats to
their nominal value, before their mass was reduced
to the amount of tho national property at the dis
posal of government. But it would be a weak
abandonment of the rights of the people, to leave
to malignity and avarice so fix the value of a man
dat, which can be immediately converted into real
property, at the-choice of the bearer, amongst the
belt possessions of the Republic. The citizens may
be deceived as to their real in;erelts„bv the ctud
manoeuvres of flock-jobbing. They have been de
ceived, and will be so dill, unless their Reprcfcnta
tives (orefee and warn them of the''danger.
Have you not been compelled to pronounce cer
tail penalties againlt thafe who refuted the Repub
lican money, tho' it was evidently of more value
than that which bore the Royal Itamp ?—Why
(hould you hesitate to tak t'-e fame part agaisli:
those who may wilh to depreciate a paper, which
has more need of confidence, as it is not civifibii
into small portions, and therefore less liable to or
dinary tranfa&ions? If you dp not take this ttep,
this paper must fall, and with its own, will infalli
bly cause the ruin of the affignats.
It is in your on the contrary, to raise th*
one thro' the other, and to breathe thus new life
thro' all ■tlie ramifications of the body politic, ro
bult in itfdf, but weakened and dried up through
the want of circulation:
There are those", however, who seem to'defcry
in this paper the annihilatipn of the nffignats. This
is an error to which (lock jobbers will labor to give
credit, as wishing to monopolize this representative
sign, and to poflefs themselves of the public fortune.
But it is evident that, on the contrary, (lock job
bing will find its death in the cempulfive circula
tion of this paper, and that in 24. hours the go
vern merit will trip'e the value of ~the Miignats.
The aflignat is now at the three hundredth pare
of its nominal value. When the mandats (hall be
par with the money, the affignats are to be exchang
ed at every ofS ?e in the Repnblic for the hundredth
part of their nominal rate. Thus is their value
tripled in a word. The affignats thus exchanged,,
are to be burned, Until there (hall be no more than
three milliards in circulation. The circulation will
then be brought back to its usual course, and the
paper to its natural proportion to the land whict*
it represents.—The mnndat being on a par with
money, and the relation of the affignats with the
former being prescribed by the laws, (lock-jobbing
can no longer maintain its ground. It dies ; and
France is delivered from a scourge* more horrible
than all the inflidtions of her combined enemies!
This proportion of one to an hundred between
the Mandat and.the Affignat, appears to be mod
(uitableyfor the present. It accords with the me?-
fures which have been taken for railing the forced
loan. It leaves to the nation the resources which
may benrceflary for its occasions, until the system
of contribution (hall be fettled, and the receiptscol
lefted regularly. In pioportion as the circulating
mass of Affignats (hall be diminished by burning
those which are exchanged, the relative value of 10<?
for one, may be gradually ameliorated until the
equilibrium (hall be restored without any (bock be
tween the remaining Affignats and the Demesnes
which form their fectirity.
But it is necefTary for this purpose, that fevcre
penalties (hall be decreed againlt those who attempt
to make the smallest alteration in the relative value
of Republican money. Those who exchange man
data, againlt money otherwise than at par, mud be
rigorously punished. , It was by relaxing from this
effcntial point, that affignats have fallen into their
present Itate of depreciation, and that it is impossi
ble to raise them their primitive value,