Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 16, 1796, Image 2

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    Mr. Bates'/ Night. \, j
New Theatre.
VV ill be prelented, (never performed here) an Histori
cal Drama, interspersed with Songs, called
fAt altered from the Play alf Helvetic Liberty, and
comprefled into Three A As. by Mr. Bates.]
• Albert, Mi, Green.
Ofcir, Mr. Moreton.
. Provoftof the city, Mr. Francii.
Edw»ld, Mr. W»rre]l,.jiio.
Corpora) Popgun, Mr. Bliffeit, v
tjk Citiien, Mr. Mitchell.
William Tell,(the Patriot) Mr Whi'lock.
TetfsSon, M'f« Solomon.
Werner, tyr. Hretc.
Waller of tJri, \ Mr. WarrelL
Old man of the mountains, Mr. Morgan.
A Conn Fool (with fongj) Mr. Bates.
A'cheri.. Messrs. Darley, Oatley, jun* Solomon, Robbins.
Marina, Mrs. Whitlock.
-Serena, Mis« Willemi.
a ua'ncE of -female archers,
By Mrs. De Marque, Miss Milbpurne, Mad. Lege,
Mrs. Harvey, Mis» Gilafpie, Jcc.
N. B. A New Medley Overture, wuh the Music and
Songs, compiled and from the most
- . Popular Tunes.
End of the Play, .(by Desire) the Comic Song of
By Mr. Bates.
After which, (never performed here) the Farce of
Or, a Wife at Her Wit's End.
£As often performed at Covent Garden, with .general
Barnaby Brittle, Mr- Bates.
■ Cledpole, Mr. Bliffett.
Jeremy, Mr. Fiancis.
f Ptter Pride, Mr. Morgan.
lovemore, ' Mr. Gtecn.
Jeffrey, • Mr. Warrell, juß.
Mrs. Brittle, Mrs. Marlhall.
Lady Pride, Mrs. Shaw.
Damafis, Mrs. Rowfon. •
To which %-ill be added, a Pantomime Entertainment,
:(never performed here) called
As originally produred by Mr. Bates, at the Royalty
Theatre, in London.
Gil Bias, Mr. Bates.
His Father. Mr. Warrell,
Gil Perez, his uncle, Mr. Bliffett.
Young Spaniaid, Mr. Green,
Captain of Banditti, Mr. Moreton.
Pom pry, Mr, Mitchell.
Domingo, an old negro, Mr. Morgan.
Post Boy. Matter WarrelL
Dorothea, a tat Cook, Mr. Rowfoa.
% Spaniih Lady, MifsWillems.
Gil Bias's mother, Mrs. Solomon.
The Entertainment to conclude with a reprefectation of
Tn which will be introduced several Feats of
Tumbling, 'Poflures, Balancing, &c. Sig. Joseph
Dollar.. I-
And a Pantomimic -Dance of Ghara&ers.
Harlequin, Mr. Warrell, juo.
Scaramouch, -Mr. Darley, jun.
Tunch, Mr, Francis.
Columbine, Miss Milbourne. i
- ' Madona, Miss Willems.
Joanv, Mrs. De Marque.
Tickets to be had at the cfual places, and of Mr. Eates,
corner of Seventh and Chefiiut (treet>.
J)n Wednesday, a Tragedy, never performed here,
ed The COUNT of NAJ< BONNE ; with Enter
tainments—For the Benefit <*f Mr. MARSHALL.
Mrs. OLDMIXON's Night will be 011 Friday next.
Estate for sale.
To be fold on Wednesday the ißfh
v Instant, by Public Vendue, at't Hi-City Tavern,
At 12 o'clock,
ALL that capital .Estate, lately belonging to John Mayo,
at Ger man town, confiding of a good and commo
dious Manfion-Hoiife, -out-houfes, Stables, Garden, Or-!
siards, &c. together with about 73 acres of good (Land,
tkewholeinthc heft order, and fit for the permanent re
sidence of alarge Family. Possession to be given imme
diately, free from every incumbrance.
Terms of payment, one half in three months,' and the
other half infix months, in approved notes.
John Connelly, Auctioneer. .
May 9 5
By aa Artist resident at Mr. Oellers's Hotel,
taken and executed in that elegant and- delicate
stile, which is so necessary to reader a Miniature Pic
ture an interesting jewel.
He will warrant a strong and indifpotable refem-
Wanse ; and he takes the liberty to lay before the public
of this place his most earned intention to deserve tlfeir pa
tronage by his best endeavors to pleafo.
N. B, Specimens.are te be seen.
May ia . §
Jo be sold, at public sale,
On the lith day of Jane next, at the City Tavern, iii Phi
,T^Ot T R Lots of Ground in the town of Lamberton,
X county of Burlington, and State of New-Jersey, ad
joining the river Delaware, late the Estate of William
Richards, deceased, With all tho buildings »nd improve- |
Bients, bounded by ground of John Mitchell, Lambert
Cadwslader and others ; a clear indifputablc title wijl be
grveh. The terms, will be made known at the time and
place of sale. Afrit 26. m&th.
General Poji Office, Philadelphia,
. March r6, 1796.
"1 TTHFRf AS funtiry Lette.s, transmitted in tbe Mails
VV .of the United States, te and from Norfolk, in the
ftufe of Virginia, were opened, and Bank Notes of feve
ralHenominations (rauduiently tafcen from them at York,
in tbe state aforefaid, in the months of O(Sober, Novem
ber and December last : and whereas a parrof said notes
and some calh hsvc hpen recovered and-are now inpofle&-
on of the I'oft Master Gene-al. In order thers/ore that
such Bank Notes as ffiall be identified may be restored to
the owners thereof, and that the remainingrwitt.sand calh
be equitably 'diftributtd among those who are entitled to
them. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN toali persons who
htivefuffeied by such fraudulent within the pe
riod, and o» the route aforementioned, to exhibit their
claims without delay, hipported by futh reasonable proofs
as may be necessary tq tubftantiatK them. Such notes as
Ibali be identified will be received by application to the
General Post Office, on or before the firll d»y of July
next; and the rafidue of such cash and nous will then be
divided among the claimants in proportion to their refpec
tr?e losses, to be afcertiined by the necessary proof), which
on or before that day shall be produced tothe General Post
Ofice. (sawtjuly) JOS. HAhERSHAM.
troth ikHytyplfpfytt pMi/hed in Doiir, A'.'M
v '-.J'
•' AND tvho does not know that," said a young
pragmatic.ti coxcomb, before he had Heard tne'rclt
of the fentcnce, «' True jny friend," I anfweted
if knowing was ali that was nccefiary to iirduce peo
ple to do as they ought, preaching would"be little
wanted, and the world would go round without lo
many jolts and tosses, and many of' the egregiotfs
errors as well as the smaller evils and cross accidents
of life would be avoided. " But who ought to be
careful? I don't underltand you fir, do you mean
me ?' Yes, you" I answered, "in company
with all the reft of the-worid; for observe theirt,
from the Philosopher down to the fool-—from a
Walhington to the molt cootemptable jacobiti in
slufive, and vou will not find one of any age» sex,
class, or denomination, but wb»i at fomc time sit
other may feci obliged by having a friend -at their
elbow to -whisper them to be cartful. And the
traveller is in duty bound to (land ceiftry iq turn,
during his watch, as he has too much-gnatitude £oon
to forget the gentle admonitions and ajeclianate cau
tions he has received from his goad friends, while
he has been passing tiirough the world.
Ah ! and travellers too at.ght tt be careful not
to take a cup too mceh whoh they ire-to travel iu
the night, lell they should get a fpre eye againll a
post or a fence, that should be so uncivil as fist to
move out of their way, a) they are advancing on
each fide the road with their gractful $I<wt, their
genteel /allies their wonderful evolutions, #od other
pleajing attitudes, so highly entertaining to by ftan
Some have gpjje so far as t« suppose that even
■lawyers ought be careful and not persuade people
c into uncertain law-suits, by beingpofii'tve they will
recover ; when they have doubts in their own minds
whether by beiqg pojuive they can-lead them fafe
out again. It was laid of them in old time, that
they took great fees—that was an evil under the
fun, which the present generation seems freed from
—but if that was a fault, what name (hall we give
to those who if they can'-; do better, taksLefs than
the fee tabic, and for the take of ptifchsfing bufi
nefi offer writs at half price ? If any such can be,
the law has gives them two names already, Petti
foggers and Barrators, aud annexed punishments as
difgraeefiil as such contemptible practices defcrve.
And why ought not Do&eis to be careful ? The
old ones, their pockets being full and their
feelings less accute -|he| grow temifs and inatt^n-1
tivc to the caVra or diltreu. And .the young medical j
Pettifoggers, who ru(h into the practice without a
previous education-or regular ftuciy, who know lit -
tle more of medicine than some of thenames, yet j
call themselves of the Faculty because tfeey have the
faculty of charging equal to the firftiate practitioners
—Surely .such men ought to be careful when the lives
of citizens are thu6 put in jeopardy by confiding
in theh- ikill. But the evil will never be fully re
medied till the people themselves grow lo (artfulas
not to trust. them.
These are not all—what remains must be reserv
ed till another opportunity,
Foreign Intelligence.
LONDON, March 20.
Admiralty-Office, March 18.
Extract of a Lettcfr from the hon. Robert Stop
ford, captain of his majesty's ship Phaeton, to
Mr. Nepean, dated at sea, March it, 1796,
Cape Finifterre, E. N. E. 40 leagues.
1 hare to request you will inform my lords
commissioners of the admiralty, that the French
Corvette, called La Bonne Citoyenne, mounting
20 nine-pounders, and carrying 14.J men, was cap
tured yesterday by the squadron under my orders.
Cape FiHifterre E. by pt. 50 leagues. She left
Rochefort the 4th inttant, in company with La
Forte, La Seine, La Regcncree frigates, and Lll
Murine brig, destined for the Isle de France, and
have troops and a great quality of soldiers' cloath
ing on board, fajr that place.
March 28.
breviate of the bill
For the cultivation of the wade Lands and Com
mons of the Kingdom'.
The Bill fen forth, that a confidcrable portion
of the Lands in those parts of Great. Britain call,
ed England and Wales, l,e wafteand uncultivated ;
and the laid land., or certain portions thereof, are
fubjeiS to vanous rights of common, or other rights
in, upon, and oner the fame, .and that it would be
attended with great public advantage, if such com
mons, wjafte and uncultivated lands, were allotted
and held in feven*lty».»nd improved by cultivation.
f , T thß.Wli« M a», that it (hall be lawful
for his majesty, his heirs and fuccefera, and all o
ther persons whomsoever, to enter.into agreements
for referring t 9 commissioners the setting oat, di
viding and allotting *11 or any part of the said com
mons waste and uncultivated lands, in the manner
dirctted by the Ml , and aii agrcemenU b • so
made and entered into, being depofitej with the
clerks of the peace for the county, or place where
Ing the d w! bC ' b!ndl " g 00 a " P arti " mak -
There arc clauses enabling the lords of the trea
sury to give his majesty's confentto any fjch anree-
TL, #t ,s "- *~&<2B£
urc (hall not extend to his majesty's sorest, or chafes
O, S , 2 8-
the remains of Sir Hugh Palhf er , Barf,
vernor of Greenwich Hofpitah The funeral
ayerypt.vateone: the chief mourner, were adm!
ral Bazely, Capt. Hartwell, Gcbrge Hartwell.Efa"
and another gentleman. wsu,
S '' " u S h Palli,er was > unremitting pa ;„ f or
e last fifty years, in consequence of a ball havinir
lodged in hw hip, from the blowing u p of an arm
chefl 0 n wh,ch h, was fitting.
of the abvvc he «v,r
runted night's reft, but bore the pain he fuffered
with the moll manly fortitude. -r*,' l
The following circtimftance relating to Sn Hup -
Pallifer id not Very generally known: I'nr
the lad fifteen or sixteen years of hit life he
or ever lay down on a bed ; from the constant pain
occafi„ned fey an iffne in his whithcretMeg, he was
under theneceffityof corapofing himfch in an eaty
chair, sleeping at intervals, and when awake, ie p.a
ced the wounded limb on the contrary knee, «n
which-pofition he employed himfelf in nibbing the
bone "{for it was literally no more) to afluige the
pain till flecp Again insensibly overtook lur/t.
DUBLIN, March 22.
Six of tbe ipurderert of Mr. Harman-have been
convi&ed at the assizes of Longford.
Saturday Patrick Hart was executed at thefronr
of .the New prifou, purfoant to his fentniQC, for
High' Treason.
Before he left his cell fheriff Starrier proposed
the following queltmns to'him, which he answered
in the presence of fevcral gentleman, with much
calmness :
Q Are you guilty of the crime for which you
are to"fuffer >A. lam —I was a Defender, and act
ed as such. „
Do you know any p'rfon of consequence
who is a Defender ? A. No ; I do hot know the
principals •, but 1 am acquainted with a great many
Defender!, and I wirti 10 God I could bring them
to a pioperfenfe of their crime.
Q. What was the ohjeft of the Defenders ? A.
They*took arms to overthrow the government but
'not to deftrov life or property, the greatest part of
what Lawler fworc wa* true, but not all : I never
told him that at Finnagan's house : the
blunderbuft found in my possession was given to me
by one of the persons concerned in the robbery.
Who if it AippW* money for the fees »f law
yers, and othtr expences attending on the trial of
Defenders ? A. I do not know.
He was then conduced from the cell. On his
way thrnugh'theprjfon, he repeated (in answer to
the fheriff) that' the intentidn of the Defenders in
taking arms, was so overthrow the government. —
When on the fcaffold, " Good pesple (said he, in a
loud and diftinft voice) pray for me : I was a De
fender, my sentence is just ; I thank the fheriff for
his indulgence to me—l forgive my profeeutors,
and I hope t-obe forgiven."
After hanging twenty minutes the bedy was then
taken up and the head fevered from it;' the execu
tioner then exhibited it to the view of the surround
ing populace, laying aloud, " behold the head t of a
LONDON, April 1.
The British Eall India company are railing 3600
m«B for the navy,.at a bounty of 351. per man,
U Among the many accounts of gen.
ranee the report of his reJignation, the following.
[Appears to be the most ably penned chara&ei of
him that has been attempted :
" If we may trust to the report of this great
man, made bjr the English ind Germans, to whom
he wasoppofed,he was as exemplary in hit condu<3,
as a humane and generous enemy,as he was confum
matc in military genius, in gallantry and in fit ill.— :
He was the author of a new scheme of tactics, the
value of which he demonstrated by success. When
called to the command of a multitude of undisci
plined boys, he one principle of an army
upon which to act, except enthufiaim in the cause
in which they were engaged ; he seized upon this
great pafiion and made it equal to all the reft ; dif
ciplinc, science, maturity, fell before it. With en
thusiasm only at his fupipott he attacked the vete
ran armies of Germany in raafs, and to the aston
ishment of a surrounding world, for thirty thice
successive dayt, he brought thw unorganised multi
tude to the charge, disciplined them in the midst of
actual fire, and moulded them into a tegular armv
upon heaps of slain. He exhibited a new science
in the history of arms. To be repulsed was not
have his squadrons broken
not to be put into disorder—and he was the firit
general who could so rafiy his men, that though
driven back to day, he returned to the field with
the fame alacrity to-morrow, and at the incefTant
drop pierces the fttme, converted hit fcrist of de
feats into the most brilliant conquest. Such was
the fpkndnf-opening of hit military chara&er to
wards the close of 1793, when he took the command
of the motly host of requisition men, to refill the im
petuous inroad of general Wurnjfer, who had cut
rou rt S h ne * Weifiemburg, aud penetrated
almofl to the capital of Alsace. The whole of hit
military career f.nce that time has been equal to the
promiie of his outset. He recovered all that the
treachery of general Damourier had loft, and ac
complished even more than his bombast had promis
ed, and while he drove the veteran armie* of Eu
rope from the plains.of Cambray to the Wefer be
tore him, his course of vidtery was (hired by no
a of violence—his reports to his country by no
vain exultation. J 3
" Such u the general,who it said to have retired
from.the command of their army !it is not unbe
c°m.Bg,„ an enemy to do juftlce to such tale,, ts,
Sj MU , Wl ' lcl< now blind mankind
(hall fubOde, and the charters of the present day
ZTJX * fuch > we ptophef,!
St „« e tri^ UtC P aid h,s }we may there
fore be allowed to fay, that his retirement, if true
is a most important thing to thecaufe of the French
V 0;. " c^ of Xbe ailUi * I^W
material^ndeed to the Oermans, when, thev have
uo longer a Clairfayt to lead them on, that th y
have no longer a Piehegru to oppose. 7
>7 ■ut |P c L a . k Qfll y° f his retirement from the
of Pa™-"and f"" ™ si " d lhe
'•/ ' , from the P a wanting, we are
th the U i» h r 7t 35 to , ,he Caufe> lhe surmise js,
that he ~I holt.leto the unw.fe ambition of that
ry to the Rhi C€ wh T ° f d r Cflr , etoeXtet,d their fcounda
-2* i sis «■
»ife*hem to" h " *' f ° "djf
U «» fur eft and iwchcTpefT deface.
Morning Chreoide/jj/
Quantity, Quality and Value of EXPORTS to Fo
reig* Ports, from the Diflria of Norfolk ood
Portsmouth, from ijl January ta 3 ijt March
- *4,608 Tobacco, 3 08° 640^
237,250 lb. Sugar, , 30,842*50
5,i00-lb. Bees wax, i,Jo
22,200 18. Candles. * 4 440
13 boxes Medicine, 'g* '
| 21 bulliels Flax;feed, 2 ,'
206 barrels Pickled Fish, 1 2?6 '
146,229 lb. Coffee,
17 bo*es Prunes, 5
4 ditto Raifms, . 2 ?
\ 3.960 barreh, Corn, 17,9 m '
| 330 burtiels Oats, ' 12
15 tiercel Rice, ooJ
. 10,81 2 bufhele Peas, l£)| g l2
■ 342 ditto Beans, , '
367 47 , 710 ;
104 tons Hemp, l 2 8
8 tons Pig Iron, 400 ;
27 packages Dry Goods, n.cio
~777 barreisTar, "g*.-
$,957 ditto Turpentinfc, 11,871.
154 ditto Rofini r,
-- 3°j u g«oii, - 2I0 ;
25 bbts. Lampblack, 250
- 955 <*<»• M«l, 4297't0
3,856 do. Bread, 23,136
19,660 do. Fine Flour, 255580.'
6,911 do. Superfine Flour, 93,298* f0
r,?2» do. Pork, 30,996.
85,306 lb. Bacon, r3^ 4 B.n^
47,390 do. Butter, 9,586. "
' 31,5 a' Uki L t' 4 'c '' s' JO ° '6
465 bbjs.. Beef, g,, ♦
y,238 lb. Checfe, , >
766 kegs Crackers, 38*.
. 170 bufhele Potatoes, ,ȣ
17,550 lb. Soap, j ißcßi
2,850 lb. Tallow,
24 pfyes French Brandy, 4,800.
90 hhds. Vinegar, 2(7Qo>
99 pipes Madeira Wine, 24,750.
10 ditto Malaga,' , (200 '
31 ditto Claret,
1,189,000 W. O. hhd. Staves,< 22,7'83.
445,800 R. O. ditto, 6,241,20! '.
14,400 Pipe Staves, p6g <
342,300 Barrel Stares, 4,792^0
114,900 Heading, 2,872.50
1,264,590 Shingles, . ii".
59,100 feet of Boards, 88.6e
106,000 ditto Plank, 175.96
f 19,000 Hoops, w,
836 Shook hhds. 2,068.
Total, Dollars, 1,088,105.
Yesterday arrived here the (loop Jenny; Capi ,b
Vaughn, in 33 days from Mariguiuie. JLcft t(i re
the following American vfeflels: ""' •
Brig Caroline, Cornel, from New-York j fcl
ners, Hope, xM. TarLox," from Salem ; Willi .
Small, from Boston ; Neptunt, Hews, from I
ladclphia. <
The cargoes of tbe above vessels taken by <
Adminiflration, aid the vessels detained 1 in coi :•
quence of non payment.
The fchoooer Federal. Coffin, of and from M
timore, was to fail in five days. , • ,
The schooner Betsey, Townfend, from Sal <„
was at Petit Guare, waiting for an order frnm le
Adminiiiilliaiioa to go round to A'ux-Cayes.
A gentleman who eame passenger in the.ab
vessel, and was in fight of the aft ion at Leoga
has furnifhed ns with the undermentioned pai
culars. 1
That on the 19th March the Engliih fleet, ci •
fifting of 73 fail, weighed anchor at Port-au-Priii e.
On the 21ft thep began landing the army, and
2 p. m. the whole of them wete a<hore-;.they tl
formed into two columns, under command of Ge
rals Forbes and Bowyer, one of which filed ofi
the eastward and the other tq weft of the tow
the Swiftfure, and Leviathan anchoi
close to the fort with, springs on their tables, «
.commenced the attack. By *oiw-tkcTttfc
division h?d formed, and advanced towards L
garje. In their route they passed through a fuj
plantation where a large number of French tror
wete in ambush, who attacked them with great
trepidity, and obliged them t» fall back with t
loss of 400 men killed and wounded. FheFren
then set fire to the plantation, and the Engl
troops advanced by another route close to the tew
and a general action commenced between the ms
armies, which without lntermiffion t
dark, when the Briti(h troops fell back a mile fro
the town.' During the night the English to<
poffsffion of an eminence that tommanded the to»
■on which they raised a battery of 4 guns. On t
morning 22d at day Ught they opened t
battery, and continued playing 011 t ' ie town '
three hours, during which time three attempts we
made to floral the town, but proved unfuccefsfi
About 9 o'clock a budy of French troops, fornn
into (wo columns, came out of Leogane, ftorm 1
the Brififh battery, and put all in it to the
On the evening of the 23d, a cutter came dow
from Port-au-Prince to the commodore, who tin
a gun and mada the signal for raifi»g the (ifg<—f
dark the tro»ps the Beet gi
under way, leaving behind them a few bags of
ton arid some horses. Every American v« ;
Leogane were taken possession of by the Briti*
iket and carried to Port ati-Pnnce. Fhe town <
Leogane was greatly injured by the (hot f'° m '
(hipping and 4 gun battery. The.Raifona't) ema
of war was greatly damaged, and obliged a U r
hour's firing to flip her cables and retire.
[ ANTIGUA, April 10.
The Atlanta, of guns, has had » fe«' .
gagement near Guadaloupe, with a French '
teer 01 16 guns, full of tncu, which (he j'