Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 16, 1796, Image 1

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    ' V ' ' , '.f\ \ '__ *. " ' * •-. ,' ,
#?!$& . <*<* ; . * ; !: tf . . tvvw'r j, J V" ' "• • / •
Spapro of tfjt UntteiD J^tafes
For Hamburgh,
The Daniih Brigaotkie
Den Nye Prove, v
A fine flout vcffel. Will be ready to take in her cargo
on the firft of May. For freight or passage apply to
Rofs & Sirafon.
April is. dtf.
r' £ tr'y- & :
»joo barrels a staunch good reflel, about five yean
old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply ts
Peter Blight.
A P ril 3Q- eod2w.
BURTHEN aoout 1000 Bbls. of flour—flu may be sent
to sea at a fmali cxpeoce, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, 19. }
p. ® ne new copper-bottomed Ship <
Mount Vernon,
about 4x9 tens, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on
or before the loth of May next, great part of her cargo
engaged. For freight or passage apply to the fubfiribers,
Ne. »I, Penn-flreet,
Willing* and Francis.
April ay. j
Kearney Wharton
HAS REMOVED hi* Counting-House from Mor
ton's wharf, to No. 18 Dock-street.
Ma r '*• fa
John Miller, jun & Co. • •
• No. 8 Chefnut Street,
Have received by the Ship
From Calcutta,
160 Bales of Bengal Goods,
10,000 Pieces Nankeens,
Of a Superior Quality.
350 Bags of StfGAR,
Which they will fell on advantageous terms.
May 10. i
For Kingston, in Jamaica,
Dominick Terry,
I WW ftthin twelve days,
For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain onboard,
at Cuthbert's wharf, or to
Jefle & Robfjit Wain.
f May it- • ' . 4 ~§iat
v For L O N DON, ~
. H 8 SHIP
SILAS SWAIN, Commander, ""
WILL fail on or about the Ift of May. For freight or ftr<
paflage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-ftrect fro
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN Of QO.
April p. j ten
** Copper Bottomed Ship I
WITH all her materials, as Ihe came from sea. Like- fw!
wife to be disposed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, K
on board faidvfflef. t®
Parker & Wharton,
May t j
WttSZX&sEiS Theodori Bliss, Mafttr,
WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas is? John Clifford.
Who have for Sale,befides their usual affortmentof a
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadicry, &c. f or (
Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials: \J
boxssof long and short Pipes; Bristol crown Glass assort-
b y 12 ,nch es, to 9 inches by j j Copper Sheets
L Bottoas; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
L e ~ Tla aflVtcd; Briftoi Grindft«nej j Garnet A '
8t Co s. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Alio, u bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE
• 11.
• — 2av.\ p
A few boxes of well afTorted ~ tro>
imported in the GlasgoW, from Dublin, and t „ be fold bv H ? Qf<
Morducu Lewis.
. , ■ c.
Jujl Arrivedj M
dndforfahi'i the shy TWO BROTHERS, Samuel ■
Marcbant, majitr, a quantity of /
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo: »
Alpt for Site, UOcl
Sloop, M 1
■ Bnrthen about 4P° Barrels. hellth
3HE is a good (hong vcffel, and has been chiefly em- wfrt
ployed 2 S aCoafter. If not-sold ft} a few pays, willtake
it freight, and proceed dirca for Newbury Port fi r /hv,
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY", jw. ofedu.
gun No. j.S. Water Street Febi
Edward Stow, Jun.
HAS for sale, at his Store,. No. 41, South Water street,
New England Rum, in Hogflivads, tierces & barrels,
•V sherry, Wines,
Mess, Prime and Cargo Beef,
Spermaceti and Wax Moiild Candles,
Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto,
400 _Bo*ea hard, White Soap, in excellent order
for {hipping. May I*. §2w
" - ' ■ ' O . — ■. ..... ,l„ ./.I
* For Sale,
A Three flory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second streets, is which
Meffts. James Calbraith it Co. have for many year* (a*d
now do) carried on bulineft.
PofTelCon will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply t« WILLIAM BELL, or ' .
*P ril "• ; $ ,
Treasury Department;
Revenue-OJftct, March 10tb, 1796. 0
sent pROPOSALS will be received at the office of the I v
8 U1 Ctmmijjttxer tf tic Rtvcnuc, (No. 43, at the corner of I
Third and Chefout-flreets, Philadelphia) for building in ''
North-Carelina, I a
I. A Light-House upon Cape-Hat terat.
S 11. A Beacon House ttp«n Shell CalUe island. I p
Deferiptions of each, and all other particulars, may be
fee* on application at the offices of any of fche Superinten- k (
da its of Light-Houses, or of the Supervisors-os thcßeve- I r .
nue, or of the Colle&ors of the Customs In any ot the
States ; as alio at this ofHce. jaw3m j
£ Landing, "
«, From on Wrd the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, I a
EARTHEN WARE, in Crate*; and Ilai
A quantity of COAL; I lu
ror s a ts, b v I fei
Thomas John Ketland. | mi
April ao. j
>r- * —- 1 . 1 11 .I *"
Landing, (
- At Ruffell'a wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Th
Louisa, James Cooper, mailer, from China, and the I 1
Cape of Good Hope, j
r, v SUGAR, in Chests and Bags •
WINES, in Butts aid halt Butts of superior qua- I
litv; T1
; A fmalf quantity of BRANDY; 1>
And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. , noi
forsaleby I wh
Parker Sff Wharton,
No. 109, south Waler-ftreet. I 1
Jfprtl »*. . ' , I f uc
—I - f • Chi
The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou, | i
from Canton, viz. ij l
WIDE and narrow Nankeens I
~ a
A quantity of I }■
Tea-Table and Dining China. c °n
Ma y 7- 3tawrm
TOBES OL D, j riag
lft - A Thrce-ftcry brick House, No 80, N. Secoi I C
x street. The lot is about 11 feet front, and »8X I *
feet deep, to Sread-ftreet, or Moraviah Alley. It hs< —
long been ime of the btli stands for business.
ad. Aframe Pwelliag-Houfe, No. ido, South Front
r street, -with a Bake-House, the Lot is about I ? feat I i
t front, by 130 feet i» depth.
3d. A handsome Lot of 15 feet by too feet deep, ex- ■ '»r£
tending from Third street to George-street 1 it is the ;d '
Lot below South-street: on Georg«-ftreet there is a two ; Yell
story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, withagood ' (
hake oven. Id
Likewise a LARGE MEADOW F ARM, situate on I
the River Delaware, at a convenient diftanee from Phila- «rw
dclphia Market—the Meadow ii of the best-quality, and y
in good hank. There are cooQModioHS buildings, with a 1 p'Jr
good proportion of, arable md woodland, and' Cedar I n •
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Sixth-ftrcet. c ,
March 1796. Jt f
-■-• - ■ ■ H
John Miller, jun. & Co. »
No. 8 Chffnut-Jbeetf Pj
Haw* imported in the late veflels from Europe,
, Amongst which are
Striped and clouded NANKEENS, '
Dimities and Muflineta, At
Neatly a Sorted in packages.
IRISH LINENS. ditto, A ]
All, which they wiU fell on the moll reasonable terms, A
for Cifh or the usual credit. vant
"• § 9 itct
' & ' ' ' " 1 tPIVMi
This Day publijhed, edrou
AN« f f i! al t\l *• DAVIES . N »' 68. .High street, °fJW
XH.& P. RJCE, No. 50, do. and J. ORMROD, P air 1
o*4l, Chefnut fireety and n
[Price 25 Cents J ' vanta
A L E T T E R above
riom toe Rt. Honorable Edmund Burke,
T« a Noble Lord,
th r r tac , k, , ma<!e on h 'm and his pension, in the A P r
°L\ 1 ? t! v Dukc Bedford a "d the Earl of
1-Suderdale, earlj in the prsfent sessions of Parliament i O
Peter Porcupine.
• / 5
Boarding School for Young Ladies.
M ! \no-^o?he BP:DG f i ! f vin K re » o vedfrom Lodge TTT-l
t j' l the corner of *l £ *enthandSpruce-streets W
healtht^fftuSf hl 1 ,a r ge ' C#nveniOTt ini dry! Wilmin
raeeruL'X hl \T\ r u- c L °, ntihuan « of the encou- we wil
rf educat,on are particularly attended to. W
FeW >-* SlW.sjm Chefte
, . - 4 y r - - r----—-
just Arrived,
cr street 3 °° W Bo^ton ' J sme « Kirkpatricfc, master from Li-
, 000 SALI -P^
4 ,0 « QUEENS WARE; and
An Aflortment of !?HIP CHANDLERY;
~ . . , .. FOR sale
Q* board, at Pme-ftreet wharf. Apply to
"fames Campbell, or
a r>iuel Richardet,
i which R j fUIXY informs the C«ntlcmfn
ri faod 'Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia.
j r ' ' SubfcriptioH Room will bd fumifhed with all the
TH. '*7 putiltihed ib Philadelphia, New-York, Brf
ton, Baltimore, together with those of thepfiucipll com
-7 mercal cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed I
and none permitted to be taken away on any account..
I T ea * Coffee, Sou pes, Jellies, Ice Creanis, and & variety
96. of . 1 F rc,l< * u I UBr «i togethet with the ufaal refrefhments, ?
»f the I Wl " as 4 " tirtes be procured at the bar. j
ner of I Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with 1.1
ling in the chpiceft «J \VioeS, Spirituous Liquors, anA the most
I a PPJJ DVe ° f L'qiors from London and other breweries. I
1 . e J Larder Will he supplied wkh the prime and earliest I j
and I P r °dufi«cn» of tho6eafon. I ,
mv be fmai , l Parti< " 1 ' m fcgleGeptfcmeo, may be I '
in ten- c<wamodated Bre.kfafls, 19%; or Sappers, at j
Rev!*- conv n,ent " thenrfelves—TcoW Collation is)
„£ the "P* {or «"»veniency, th» Bill of Fare to be" had I »
w I at tho bar.
3m Thc l odging Rooms will be completely furnifted, and
I the ntißoft attention paid to deanlinefs, and every other I
I requisite. J- I
1 0" Samuej. Rich ard»t will behappy to receive, and I
»l, I execute the commands of his Friends, and the Pablic at I ~
I 1;lr a,d W'th gtatituda for their favours, he oledees J 1
- wßhiftg oatnayan thaii be pro. I
I rerretiiat patronage with which he has bees lb diiXinguilh- f
I in gly lionored. j
\ I p hiladelpkia, April 19. 5 I I
I * WANTED, ' ed
I Loan, for two or three years—l9o9 Dollars for I A
I V-/ w Wch a mortgage on Land will be given ufecanty I
L.ady I The land is clear of every incumbrance.
i the j Enquire of tne Printer.
George Bringhurft, i
j —3PECI FULLY informs his friends and the public, 1 *
lIV that h • has removed Fr«ni %o No. 33 in 1 J
•> I north Fifth-ftreet, aJjoiaing the EpiTcopal Burial Grn.nd, I
I where he continues the bniireft of I *
Coach making in all its Branches. Ic
t, I He all kind* of neck and petch Carriares, I J2.
5 I such Coaches, Ch«riot», Pfuetor.s, and Cdachees ; also, 1
Chair»« Ki<,tereea\ fculhey* ; and all kinds of Har- u n -
I hel«, With .plated or bra& mounting. H« hath a gt>od I 1
I supply of the best materials, and a lUck of the best f«a- I
I foiled wood. 1
3U, I Orders from anv pjrt of the United States wiU he da- j
ly attended to With the greatefl punftnality and difpateh. 1 N"
His long experience in bulincrs, Kis car« in the execu
| tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to thr d-- I
1 Utjcs f .\js he flatsarahimfclf will provtfulfi- I
I cunt rccduimc®Hatlonß. r |
I He ha 1 ? lrvenil fecondrhanJ Carri »ges sale, vie. a I
eomplea* Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian
n b, ' n ,, roUni: ' Phaton i « ; and-a Sulkey with j<
1 a railing top. I
All kinds of Carriages fold on Commlfltoa, and Car
nagtfs taken in to Hand by the month or year. " nu
ond I 33* Apprentices wanted to the Business. ' batl
»8S ] Philadelphia, November t,t,&sj«. JB wdo
has " l *
China Goods. p,
( H E Ship Atlantic, SiLu S-rvtriae, Commander,
" ,rora Canton, will commerce the discharge of her ,h e r,
ex-cca p to-morrow morning at W.lnut-ilreet wharf, I. „
•''' , Conjift'mg as I '
W ° Yellov, an* White Nankeen, of ejcellent quality Pr,"'
>od Hn fian Taffjtica, black and coloured
1 I.u firings, do. do.- tail,
on ' Sattins blick of various qualities I Pric
' a . i Sewing silks in affoi ted oolour»> , J
" Vtrmillion in boxes I v
• a I CafTn in chests I
ar Quickfilvir in jars . I
• bohea; : I a
__ HYSON SKIN, ri _ I
young hyson » Frela Teas. I
BEST HYSON, • • Trar
CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea wm
Sets generally afTorted. " | Ultll
WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of I -p.
First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. fhc ' fi f
For Sale by I Ti]
Philip Nicklln & Co. hew
r " I ,J h ,
i . ■■ '' I Wife I
Absconded, on the night of Tkurffaj i a /t, the I
7tb mft. Boston Murray, a black ivdentodfer- I" th<
•vant lad, or 19year t of age, and <ibout 5 feet Bor
9 inches high ; one of his eyes is derive in the cot ner C
- fwtrds his nose His appurel conftfted of a Jnuff-colorA c
ed roundjaciet,wth:a Manchester vefl under it; a pair '
t, <ff l/hantroviferj, and ifhder them a light mixed cloth j E
) ) fair of breeches. Whoever apprehends thefaUfer-vani, I t
and returns him, or confines him in any jail ih Pennfyl- I E
•uania or Jt-rfey, so that I recover hitn j/mll reeei-ve th- I
above reward, together luiih reafmablr thmtgts. j eral aD
, „ No. XO9, Spruce-Jlreet. I \
g Jpr'l tl. <lf "A
' ' ' t ■ <1 q
f3° Pipes Cogniac Brandy, ®
\ Cot1 8, in bale*, and I 1
Holland Gin, iri p:pe», I IV
For Sale by j Si
Benjamin W. Morris. P
December ,qT. eodtf ..
~~* Advertifemcnt. ''. f R May
VTTE the fubferibers, Commiflioners appointed by law j —
•t0 fuWcripiiou. for the Gap, Newport, and!
Wilmington I urnpTke Road, d«/ hereby give notice, that
we will attend for that pprpofe at the house of Samuel I For
Cochran, on the 6th day of June next! I A SM
JOHN M'DOWSLL, | fefiiqp b
JAMES BOYD. 6 f a car
Chester County, ,35th April, '*796. [May 7 . eo im] J per.
* *' * v :. j. f . •
■"■ I , ,
Waftimgton Canal Lottery,
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has r&tfaorifeil
the undorwrittqn, to raifc tweaty-ii* thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollar;, for the purpose of curtm
a Canal through fclu- City of Vafivngton, from the t'o
toraicto the£»fUrn Qraneti ftacnmir,
Qt . ' rh c following 11 Me SCHEME of No. I.
Vii i friz; of ifoliSrs, ' io,ob»
■ i ditto 10,000 ■ • . ia«o4
K V »lafl drawn >
' "* -Tfttets, *uA [ *« 533 St ex» ..... ,-v
" '* 6 ditto .;. 1,000 . 6,000
10 ditto 4 do 4j200
IcmffD 20 "f!" 0 100 2,000
CITY » rto '5° . »,
in the. i7Jod l tto ; . r»
To be railed for the, 16,2jq
all the „ ■ ""—— !
> B ° r - p, ru f 8 ' . irj,ooo
[ ton,. 116 50 Blanks, not two to a pnie.
Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - * 75>009
arietv , , Commissioners have taken the Securities re
ncml T:;2L aA wn4c cf
with a t The d ? win e ef th " Lottery will coramence, without
m ° ft B S^l[r g "en Ti£ke " afe {M ' ° fwhith ***
r er*es. n 1* '•
irlieft j " C Pf*/® " * re „ not demanded in si* months after the
11 e r nll h"l, lhall be confidertd as relioquifhed for
ay be benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly,
r,, ar < NOTLEY YOUNG,
1, and Wm. M. DuNCANSON,
, and c,t r of Wafhi«gton, Feb. n. §
jj£ Knox, Hcnderfon V
No. #6. North Front ftrett,
§ H A P !mp s orted : n Lli >«7r. Concord and A
— j from London, afrelh supply of 'Goods suit
ed to the season— confiftmg of ™ 5I11 "
rt£ A^n laffVrto£ot ° f • tWilled ' and Ok Nankeens,
r!r . * hread, «ottou, (ilk & tot-
Colicoei, and ton andfilk Hoiicry,
A £r n-*"' Diaper and Datuaik TaWe
d - Maflin., Cloths,
M jflinct., Lawns ,
Corded and India Kmltie? Cambricks and
Ginghams, Cambric Mufiu,„
U lC> Cotton Coui)tcf r aiv», Luien, cotton a-id Glk hkfs.
3ia Plain, htij«<J, clouded .8 -%vtnjijlk«, Ac. &c. & c ,
■Jid, Like. ift,
r juedta* - ckte - a «*•£*
lar- from Dublin, a few
boxes 7*B aiid yard wide Irijh Lineo«. ,
r«a- •' 4 ' ' ' . fftWw&ft
da- For Jale by Richard Lee~, *
tch. r '°- US North Second ffreet, bctwee'n Safljfrali and
Vine street,
m- Flowers from Sharon
a Or, Origifiil Poems on Divine Subfefti 1
F fn Imitation of-Dr. Wati-5,
□me: before u, reeds only a perulal to obtain the appro
bation of every friend to truth. The Xntl.ln- ,• .
ties of the Gofpcl are the darling fubicS ??"'
it work particulvly calculated to impress on th/youth
fu mmd the g»ume principle, of evangelieal.piety aod
fer, ° f
ier J hef ; divers co'X"aMe Jnius" wdl
Bder4anding ° f thc «° f P d °« » ai
p rice3,4dbsof adollar-p, inted on fupcrflne wove paper
LikewJe maybe had a< above—S„L f rom tie ES«
kail tbt abpntihitg day, sacred ;o ttuth, libery aad peace
doilar - •; ./
Mav t "»gi>rj of the hri i, rif.lfaiah.
—~i-= * t mwAffa
A . This Dty is publijhed\
A i«::;S!: r^ c r rof rr ™t^wai.
Ti°f SpaniJh Sl Domingo,
1 ranllated from tine Frcnch of of M I F \/r„
ST. M„v member of the »&£^
ea ladelphia, By WILLIAM COBBET. 7 '
Ith a new, corredl, anj elegant MAP of the whole T-
Th cut -l , Pnce Two Dollars.
the fiHl "'V 0 th " Wurk > to take up
Tn. asfoon as convenient. "
h*L" n^? ,B ' he completes the W.rk) will
: : ift ' he ° { present month
„J )! C ri , e u WOrk the IVe " th tuJyZ«.
wife bs had at th<- fame place. May/ 6,^
Imported, ~
In the ship Birmingham Packet, from Calcotta, an 4
r for sale by the Package, by
: Samuel & Miers Fisher
r C f C *l' r Butnk - and e B^ftas,
i, Bahar Haakerduefj, Persian Taffatic,
! - R Flewer'd acd spotted
Tot.,' r ".'J' Bahdanoes.
' varl «y °f from that place, andaeen
eralaffortmsmof European SPRING GOOi», ajuM
Lojig a»d fliort Pipes, in boxes of 5 groee each.
An affortinent of StoM jugsanJ P.tchcrs,
Queens Ware, in Crate«, affoi-tcd,
Glass Ware, in Crates and Caflcs
Sheathing; Paper, by the Bale,
Spefmacati Candles, and
A gtneral afortinent of Irijh Linens
Mlylr r ft ' P fg ° W ' fr ° m DuWn > b s rthe Pfcka'pr.
F«r the' accommodation.of a private Familt
ef a carcful .owtkr applying to the Pnatef•, thi, Z
P er - ' May ijf. «ot£ - • . •