Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 14, 1796, Image 4

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For puhli/bing by Eubfcription, an elegant ENGRAV
ING, of a PiSure entitled
National Gratitude.
Dedicated to the Cittaent of America.
HTHE United Slates of America, represented by fifteen wo
-*■ fmen, appear in thetemple of Minerva, for the purpose of
decorating with wreaths the Bust of President Washi ncton,
already crowned by immortality and liberty ; the Eazle fup
portingthc Anns of America, holds forth the Legend there
of, expreffiveof the unanimity of sentiment which animates
them. The Statue of Minerva is fee'n under a portis, deco
rated with military trophies, emblems of the Vi&ories ob
taifted against the enemies of Liberty; in fhefore ground ap
pears Hi story, who, attentive to this interesting scene, records
it in her annals, in order to be transmitted to^pofterity.
The original pi&ure was executed on a large scale, by J6-
siph Pt*Rovaki. an Italian artist, on occasion of the enter
tainment given at Ricketts's Amphitheatre in Philadelphia,
em February 22, 1796, for the celebration of the birth-day
of the President.
The Copperplate (44 inches i>y 19) will be engraved.with <
the greatefl care by a Parisian artist, lately awived in this ci
y, andl wtl! be ornamented in the border, with the arms of"
*he United States of America, and of each particular state.
' The price of Sifbfcription is THREE DOLLARS, to be
paid on delivery of the Print. r •
Subscriptions are received a? Mr. tJfccstnWi, Print-feller,
No. , North Third-llreet. Mr. Oellers's, atthe City Hotel,
Chffnut-ftreet, and at .Samuel Richardet's City Tavern.
Should this Publication meet with pub'icaporobation,the
fame artift*propofe puNifliing fuceeffively, perfpeftive views
of the inside 01 Congress Hall, the Reprefentaiives therein
•fTembled, and likewise of the Senate.
May 9 *eo4
Notice is hereby Given,
' J 'HAT in pursuance of an a«St of the General Affem
-1 bly ®f Pennsylvania, entitled "an A<st to enable the
v " Governor of this Common wealth, to incorporate a Com
" pany for making an artificial Road from an interferon
" of the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike road near
,( -the Gap Tavern, in Lancaster county, to Newport and
" Wilmington in the State of Delaware ; ' the cowmif- J
fioners in said aft appointed will procure five books a«d
attend at the refpe&ive places directed therein to receive ,
fubferptions for Stack in the company, viz. One book j
will bfc opened in the city of Philadelphia. One in the
Borough of Lancaster, one at Straiburgh, in the county
Lancaster, «ne in the Borough of Wilmington, and
one at thehoufeof Samuel Cochran in the county efChef
' The Subscribers, agreeably to their appointment in and
by said a<9, will attend at the City Tavern in Philadelphia,
with on«of said Boeks, on Monday, the 6th day of June"
next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the after
noon, and for the two days following, if necefiary, for
the purpose aforefaid ; on the firft of the said days, any
rerfon of the age of 31 year? {hail be at liberty to fubferibe
in his own or any other name or whom he (hall be '
::uthorifpd for mejtarefm the second day lor lie or twoJharei,
£nd onthe.third day /or Me,two, or three Jkarer, and ,in any
fucceeding;day, (if the said books lhall continue longer
open) for any ntmber ef lhares in the said Stock.
Every person previoufiy to fubferibing in said books
must pay ro the attending commiflioners twenty five dol
lar! for every lhare to be Xubfcribed. j
Philadelphia, May 7 tawrjun. 7.
A valuable collection of the newest PnblicatieiiS,
Just received from London, via New-York ; 1
Among which are the following:
THE American Pilot, in two parts —part the ift con
taining charts and plans of, the coasts of Newfound- ;
llind, Labradore, and the gulph and river of St. Lawrence.
Part the ad containing charts of tile Britilh channel, and
thi'caaft of Ireland to Cape Clear; of the Atlantic Ocean,
and the coasts of Europe, Africa, and the Western Iliandsj
of the whole coast. of the United States and East Florida; '
the gulph of Florida, and Iflaud of HaVannah, drawn
from aft ml farweys and the latest difcoverics.
A DefcriptSon of the Country 40 milesround Manches
ter, its geography, pi oduftions, river and canal nsviga
tions ; its towns and villages, their history, population,
commerce, and manufactures, by Dr. Aikin; printed on
Vellum paper, and illustrated with 73 copperplates finely
Hunter's Voyages to New South Wales and the Sou
thern Ocean, illustrated with 17 maps, charts, views and
other embellilhments, neatly bound in calf.
Civil and Commercial History of the British Weft-In
dies, by B. Edwards, Esq. with maps, views, &c.
The cenneftion that fitbfifts between Agriculture and
Chemistry—by the Earl of Dundonnald.
The Course of Hannibal over the Alps, ascertained by
J. Whitaker-
The Life of General Dumoorier, in 3 vols, written by
Chtlmer's Estimate of the comparative strength of
Great Britain.
History of the Moravian millions among the Indians of
North-America, with the manners and customs of the
Corporal Brown's History of the Campaigns in 1793,
i ar.d 5.
The Studies of Nature, by Bernardin de St. Pierre.
The Political Testament of Maximilian Robespierre,
with an account of the secret negociations carried on un
der his direction.
Wifeman's Commercial Letters in the five principal
languages of Europe.
A Pocket Vocabulary of fix principal languages.
Anftruther's Reports in Chancery.
The Works of Peter Pindar, with a head of the auther.
The Sporting Magazine.
V Tbre Britilh Critick,or new Critical Review of the lat
est publications.
llie Works of Edmund Burke, Esq. I
Defence of the American Constitution, by J. Adams,
*ice-President of the U.S. Afrit 18. 2aw
Genteel Boarding & Lodging
to be had at No. 45»Vine-Street, the iel door weft of
Second-Street, qnthe Nr-rth fide. April it. §
[Price 25 Cents]
By Samvsl H. Smith, N°. 118, Chefnut-Jlreet,
In reply to Pacificus, on the President's Proclamation
-of Neutrality.
Afiribed to Mr. Madison.
Lately Pnbli/bed,
. icifitus—Political Truth—Paterfon's Charge.
Ins few Day j kvill be publijhed,
- [Price 25 cents]
A REVIEW of the %?IF.STIUN—In whom has
the Constitution veiled the Treaty power ?
By a Senator of the United Statei.
April 18 iaw4w.
A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about four hun
dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette
of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-ftreet. §
December 1.
. w
New Hjt and Hosiery Store, J
Wholesale and Retail,
No. 1.34 Market-firret, id door from the corntr of f
Fourth, South Jide.
MKNS'Black American and lorcd dmo ti
En K iifH H,,,, of various Children's fancy ditto (.
f qmiitir, and price. Al > kl " ds of 1
. Ditto Drab, and Greenun- c<»' on . c '>" on > & thr " a '
der# Hjfe
■ Ladie', ditto, black K nit c " lorcd Pjrul!oonS n
' And a large assortment of Dmo Drawer.
fancy diuo Date Breecn« Pattern.
Colored Beaver. e
• With a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored drtto,
1 eantand fafhionable trim- 10,1 .. . tl
mings, &c. » A qa.nt.ty of mendmg cot-
Youth's black and drab co- ton, °' t ", C ° ° rs ' P
N. B. The Hat. fioilhed in the newest t'lnion.
' May 7. ° im ei
" A GREEABLY to charter, is hereby given to the £
' £\. Members of the Corporation far the relief of poor s
f and dSftreffed Presbyterian Ministers, and of the poor
and distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Mi- S|
5 ' niftcrs, that there will be a Meeting of Corporation
in the second Presbyterian Ckurch, in the city cf Phila
' pelphia, on the 13d day of May next, at 4 o'clock, r. m.
' for the difpateh of all such bufinclt, as may then be brought \
. before the board. c<
1 April 11. d Secretary of the Corporation- A
African Free School.
THE place of Teacherto the AFRICAN FREE SCHOOL,
in the city of New York, being vacant by the refigna- v
tion of the late MaOer, the Trusties give this pubiic inn.
maticm to all person. defirou. of that situation, that ibey will a
receive application, for that appointment 'till the firft of r.cxt j.
It is expected that the applicant be well qualified to. teach
reading, penmanlbip, arithmetic, and the principle, of geo- g
graphy and Englilb grammar, and that he produce latisfafto
ry testimonials of his good moral chatafter.
he Salary of the Master will be 500 dollars per annum, h
payable quarterly.—Further particulars may be learnt on ap
plication to THOMAS EDDY, 1 j
New-York, May 6, 1795. (May 7 *§7) f
Berriman & Co's Edition. **
OM Monday, the 16th Inft. will be publifhod, delivered ui
to Subscribers, and to be had of the different Booksell
ers, in this city, and throughout the United States, (where
Subscriptions ftil! continue to be received) the first num- Fi
ber op Berriman & co's cheap nd elegant edi- d;
tion of the HOLY BIBLE : containing the Old and New 7
Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and rc- d;
erences. An Index ; or an account of the mod remarkable trt
paifagesin the old and new Testament, pointing to the places | d.
wherein they happened, and to the places of fcriptwe where- th
in they are recorded.—-A Table of Time.—Tables of scrip- 1 P
ture measures, weights and coins : with an appendix,contain- ! K
ing the method of calculating its measures of surface,
hitherto wanting in Trcatifcs on this fubjcEl. A Table of Ojficcs d
and Conditions of men. bi
1. The size of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO, S=
printed «n a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par- M
ticularly tor it, It will be published iA Numbers, not to e*-
ceed 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib- T
ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubferibers who prefer F
receiving the work complete, will be attended to by fignifying at
the fame on any of the fubferiptioa papers in rhe BookUores ai
in this city. &
2. There will be arv advance in the price, on fubf.ribing
after the firft of August next. b
3. In the courfeof the Work will be given an elegant
Frontispiece—From an Engraving of the celebrated artist, d
Grignion. g
Berriman & Co. gratefallyacknowledge the very liberal
encouragement th#y have met with; and havereafonto believe L
that the execution of theif edition will answer every expec- p
tation, and /peak its own praiji, F
May y. 3aweowtf K
George Dobson, d
BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and
Country, that he has removed from Market-Street to "
N°- 25, south Third-street,
where he is opening a Large and Elegant AfTortment of the tc
undermentioned articles—viz. n ,
Superfine London Cloths and Kerfeymcrts, V
Yorkftiiie second Do. D®. a ,
Elastic do. do.
Mix'd and Biue Coatings fc
Flannells, &c.
Manchester Printed Callicoes, e ,
London Chintz ditto, S
Blue and ditto Furnitures, p
India ditto. j
Long Cloths, Coffaes, Baftas, Batrillas& Conjevrems, ei
4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muftins, P
4-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs,
and 9-8 Scotch ditto, jy
4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, tl
4-4 & 6-4 British Jaconets,
6 4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, r i
4-4 India do. do. do. V
4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c. %
1 A large assortment of figur'd and plain Milftineis,
Quiltings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens, L
Fancy Waitjcoatings, u
Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjeft to Drawback, c<
India Nankeens,
Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings. r j
ft 5,
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of t
Robert Stevenson, decealed, or to the late part- ''
nerihip of Robert & Cornelius Stevenlbn, are requefled t
to make immediate payment, and those having any de
, man ds aeainft the fame, will bring them in for I'ettlement. °
CORNEI.IUS STEVENSON, Adminittrator, „
and Surviving Partner, No, 124 Spruce Strtet. b
Ma T 11 3aw;\v 5
At Benjamin Davies's Book-Jltore, No 68 s
High Street, li
The Political Censor ; d
For APRIL, t
Of the mod intereftisg Political Occurrences.
M *y 5 ' • 3awaw a
For Sale,
A Few Cailts of First Quality
I N D I G O.
Enquire at No. 71, South Water street. 4
M »y 1 tht &rtf j
RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that they have [
opened their PRINTING-OFFICE, at No. 47 North J
• Fourth, near Race street; where they ctecute all kind '
of Printing, with accnracy and difpateh. '
£'?' An Apprentieeanted. ,
3 f 3 law 3 t
Tvlails of the United states. .
* t
For carrying the MAILS of the United Stateson "
the following Pod Road., will be received at the d
General Post Office, until the fifteenth day of Ju- ,•
ly next - f
1, From Portsmouth New Hampfbire by Hampton Falh. L
Newbury Port, Iplwich, Beverly, Sa em and Lynn to But
ton, three times a week. ..... r .
May ~ to November i. the Mail at P.irtrmouth (
every rue r day, Thursday and Saturday at 5 A M, and ar
riveat Boston the fame days by 6 PM. Returning. Recrive
the Mail at Bolton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 4 A M, and deliver it at Portfmomh the fame days Uy b
P M, *
November i, to May t. Receive the Mail at Portsmouth
every Wednesday and Saturday at Sunrise, and arrive at Bos- a
ton on Thursday and Monday by to AM. Returning. Re- }
ecive the Mail at Boston every Monday and Wednesday at 8 i
P M, and arrive at Portsmouth on Tucfday and Thuriday by
From Boston by Worcester, Brookfield, Springfield, j
Suffield, Hartford, Wet hevf field, Middletown, Wallingford, ]
New Haven, Milford, Stratford, Fairfield, Norwalk, Stam- |
ford and Kingfbridge to New York, three times a week. (
May I, f November 1. Receive the Mail at Boston every j
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 j AM, arrive at Wor- ]
cefter the fame evenings, leave Worccfter every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 3 AM, arrive at Brookfield by 10
A M, at Springfield by 2 PM, and at Hartford by 9 P M.
Leave Harttord on Wednesday, Friday and Monday at 3 AM, (
arrive at New Haven by noon, at Stamford in the evening, 1
and at flew York on Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday by <
noon. Returning. Leave New York every ]
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at n AM, deliver it at <
New Haven on Tuesday, Thui iday and Saturday by noon, j
and at Hartford by 9PM; leave Hartford every Wednesday* j
Friday and Monday at 3 AM, arrive at Springfield by 10 ,
A M, and at Worcester in the evening; leave Worceftereve- ,
Saturday and Tuesday by 3A M, and arrive at j
Boston by 1 P M. ,
November 1, to May 1. Recaivetbe Mail at Boston every j
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2P M, arrive at Brook- _
held the next days by 4P M, at Springfield in the evening,and j
at Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday by noon ar
rive at New Haven the next days by 8 A M, and arrive at J
New York every Friday, Monday and Wednesday by 11 A M.
Returning. Leave New York every Monday, Wednesday and
Frtday at 2 P ltl, arrive at New Haven the next diys in the
e ening, leave New Haven every Wednesday, Friday and
Monday by 3 AM, arrive at Hartford by 2 P M, at bpring
held by 9 P M, at Brookfield on Thursday, Saturday and
Tuesday by 10 A M> and at Boifon on Friday, Monday and
Wednesday by ti AM.
3. From Alexandria by Colchefler, Dumfries, Falmouth,
Fredericklburg, Bowling Green, Hanover court house, Rich- 1
tuond and Otbirne's, to Petersburg, three timesaweek. (
' April 1, to November 1. Receive the Mail at Alexandria,
every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 4 AM, arrive at
Frederickfburg by 7 PM, leave Fredericklburg every Wednes
day, Friday and Monday at 4*7T M, arrive at Richmond by
7 PM, leave Richmond every Thursday, Saturday and Tues
day by 4A M, and arrive at Petersburg by ao AM. Return
, ing. Leave Petersburg every Thuriday, Saturday and Tues
day by 1 PM, arrive at Richmond by 6P M, leave Richmond 1
the fame days by 4 A M, and arrive at frederickfburg by 7
P M, leave Frederickfburg everyi Wednesday, Friday and
Monday at 4 A M, and arrive at Alexandria by 6 P M.
November 1. to April 1, Leave Alexandria every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at id A M, arrive at Fredericks
burg every Wednesday, Friday arvd Monday by noon, leave
Fredericklburg in one hour, arrive at Richmond Thursday,
Saturday and i uefday by 6 P M, leave Richmond Friday,
! Monday and Wednesday by 5 AM, and arrive at Petersburg
by 10 A M. Returning. Leave Petersburg every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday at 1 P M, arrive at Richmond by 6
P M, leave Richmond every Wednesday, Friday and Monday
at 5 A M, arrive at Fredericklburg on Thursday, Saturday
and I uefday by 11 A M, and arrive at Alexandria on Friday,
Monday and Wednesday by 1 P M.
4, From Richmond by New Kent court house, Williams
buig, Yorktownand Hampton to three Limes a week.
April a, to November 1. Leave Richmond every Tuef
i day, Thursday and Saturday at 3 AM, arrive at Hampton by
9 PM. leave Hampton on Wednclday, Friday and Monday
I by 5A M, and arrive at Norfolk by ik A M. Returning.
Leave Norfolk every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday at 1
PM, arrive at Hampton by 6 P M. leave Hampton every
Friday, Menday and Wednesday at 3 A M, and arrive at
Kishmond by 7 P M.
November 1, to April 1. Leave Richir ortd every Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday by 5A M, arrive at Williams- 1
burg by 5 PM, leave Williamfbuig every Tuesday, Tburf
, day and Saturday by 5 AM, airive at Hampton by 11 AM, ,
and at Norfolk by 6.1* M. Returning. Leave Norfolk every
Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday by 11 AM, arrive at Hamp
ton by 5 P M, leave Hampton every Friday Monday and Wed
nesday by 5 AM, arrive at Williamfburg by 6 P M, leave
Williamfburg Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday by 5 AM,
and arrive at Richmond by 6 P M.
From Petersburg by Cabbin Point, Smithfield and Suf
folk to Portsmouth,' three times a week.
April i, to November 1. Receive the Mail at Petersburg J
every Monday, Weduefday and Friday by 11 A M, arrive at
Suffolk Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday by noon, and at
Portsmouth by 7P M. Returning. Leave Portsmouth every 1
Tuesday, Thuriday and Saturday by 10 PM, arrive at Suffolk J
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by to A M, and at
Petersburg every i ueiday Thursday and Saturday by noon.
November i, to - prii 1. Leave Petersburg every Friday,
Monday and Wednesday by n A M, arrive at Suffolk on Sa
turday, Tuesday and Thursday by noon, and at Portsmouth
by 5 P M. Returning. Leave Portsmouth every Saturday :
Xueiday and 1 iiurloay at Suniet, arrive at Suffolk on Monday •
Wednesday <<nd Friday by 10 A M, and at Peteifburg on
Tuelday, Tuutfday and Saturday by noon.
6. From Petersburg by Harris's, Goldfon's, Warrentofl, .
Lev. ifburg,, Raleigh, Averyiborough, Fayetteville, Lunfber
ton, Cueraw court houle, Camden, Columbia and Edgefield 1
court house to Augufla, twice a week.
Leave Petersburg every Tuesday and Friday by noon, ar
rive at HaflrkVby 7 P M, at Goldfon's oa Wednesday and
Saturday by # A M, at Warrenton by 2 P M, at Lewifburg
onTl uriday and Sunday by 8 A M, at Raleigh by 3 P M, at
fiyettcville every Friday and Monday by I P M, at Lumber
ton-by 9 PM, leave Lumberton every Saturday and Tuesday
by 4 A M, arrive at Cbcraw court house by 4 P M, arrive at
Camden on Sunday and Wednesday by 2 P M, at Columbia
on Monday and Thursday 4 AM. arrive at Edgefield court
house on tuesday and Friday at 6 •£ AM, and at Augusta by
noon. Returning. Leave Augusta eveTy Tuesday and Friday
by 8 P M, arrive at Edgefield court house on Wednesday and
Saturday by 10 A M, at Columbia on Thursday and Sunday
A M, at Camden by 7 PM. leave Camden every Fri
day and Monday by 4 A M, arrive at Cheraw court house by
5 P M, at Lumberton every Saturday and Tuesday by !b P M.
leave Lumberton iu one hour, arrive at FayetteviHe on Sunday
and Wednesday by 7 A at Raleigh on Monday and Thijrf
day by 6 A M, at Lewifburg by 2 P M, at Warrenton on
Tuesday and Friday by $ AM, at Goldfon's by i P M, at
) & by 7 P M, and at Peteifburg on Wednesday and Sa
turday by 11 A M.
7. From Camden by Statefburg t» Charleston twice a week.
Leave Camden every Sunday and Wednesday at half pall 2
P M, arrive at Charleston the next Tuesday and Friday by
noon. Returning. Leave Charleston every Tuelday and Fri
day by 9 P M, and arrive at Camden the next Thursday ahd
Sunday by 7 P M.
8. From augusta by Waynefborough to Savannah, cnce a
Leave Augusta every Saturday at 1 P M, and arrive at Sa
vannas tne next Sunday by 6P M. Returning. leave Sava
nnah every T nefday at 10 A M, and arrive at Augusta the next
- Thursday by 6P M.
Note. 1. lj either x>f the routes No. 6, 7or 8, are alter§d by
e d u, i n g the continuance rf the Cflntrads, the Cfntrafar is to cb-
I J- ne aUt-aiions m carrying the Mail, and his pay is to be en-
C'cafcdoi dminified in proportion Co the d'ftence encreafed or dmin
ted by such alteration.
Note 2. The Controls are to be in operation on th; JirJt day of
3aitier next, and to continue for four yeM/s until the Septan*
her, itov, iKUifiz* r
M<*e 3. ThePe/i Mafirr Gereral mdj alter the time's of or, ~ J
<atd d parti'■: at an cmed-ring the contu nonce of . the Contracts, he
preoioafiy /iipointing tin adequate compenfatim for any extra ex' f
that ft** be ocr 'fr'">ed thereby
Mot; 4. f /Mr xirties /h it/ he .illoaed for opening michfi,>
the mail at J: offices where 10 particular lint is fpecijied.
5 . For {•> ry quarter oj J" Iter's <LeUi(unavoi<hl!e arc*,
dents e mftei) in arrn'nr after ,tne times preferibei in any (mtttß
f:< Contrjflo. Jhu't JorJe >» < JoUar md if the del continue inltf
thei'htrhi'eof /my Ma'l. where»\ the A*/»7. ekftmci for
fuck, left aditg Mail, if- c t .p, tkeClßtra&r /Hltforfrt ten dol
lars, to be deduSed Jrom his pay. aaw6
Pof. Majler Genera/•
General Post Office,
Philadelphia, 4 '796.
Land for faie.
ANY getitleman desirous of pnrdisfing; Lar/d, in the
vicinity of the city of Wiilhington* may he
aecommodated with a situation combining advantages a? to
health, foil, and profpevft, not equalled perhaps in Ame
The fubferiber has (or sale from 100 to 380 acres of land.
It liis WithSr. 1 1-4 mße of the city of Waftlington, i j-z
from the Prcfidei:t*s Square, (from which it bears about
N. byE.) and 3 1-4 miles from the Capitol. It bears
nearly W. from the westernmost spring-os the head waters
of the l iber, distant therefrom about 1-8 of a mile. The
fitualiori is remarkably healthy, and every pait of the
land is well watered—has great abundance of the choicest
fruit : about 8o acres are in wood, and there arc about 50
acres of meadow-ground, great part thereof can be wat
ered,and the whole laid down in Timothy-grass at a lmall
expense There are several beautiful eminences on it :one
of the heights commanding a mod beautiful, oud extensive
profpeel—To the south, you have a full view of the city '
of Walhington, the town of Alexandria, and the river
Potowmac, as far is the eye can reach. To the nortb, a
full view of llie Sugar-Loaf Mountain, distant about 15
miles, with the furroundi igcouutry.— T® the Weft, ave
ry extensive view of the lands in Virginia : the wKole
forming a grand rural Amphitheatre. Any perfoninclin
ed to purchase, will find cn viewing the situation, that the
Landscape is far superior to the (ketch given of it in this
advertisement. For price, &c. apply to the fubftriber,
living on the premises, or to Genrge Walker, Esq. now
in Philadelphia. JOHN THO : BOUCHER.
Diftrhft of Columbia, May 6, 1796.
May 11 *2aw;w
Mustard and Chocolate
CONTINUE to be manufactured in the btft mjn
ner, and for sale, as usual—Also fliellcd or yiearl
Barley, Coffee, Ptpper, &c. Philadelphia Porter, Heer,
Ale> Cyder, Engiilh Porter, Taunton and But . A!e
in bottles, &c. Sec. —at No. 98, South Front-It'reet,
oppolite the Custom-house, by 1
Philadelphia, May 7, 1796. 2aw4w
A very Valuable Eflate,
CALLED T IVI TTEN HA M, fmme in the
townlhip of Upper Derby, and county of Deb.rare,
71-1 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from .the
new Western road; containing 130 acres of excellent land,
45 of which are good watered meadow, 90 of prime-wood
land, and the reft arable of the f.rft quality. There are
on the premises a good two flory brick house, with 4 roomr
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
of excellent water in front; a large frame barn, ftabl.s,
and other convenient buildings ; a fmoke-lioufe and ltone
spring-house ; two good apple orchards, and-One of
es. The fields are all in clover, elcept those immediately
under tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing.
The situation is plcafant andhcalthy, and from the high
cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it is very suitable for a gentleman's
country feat.
The foregoing is part of the eflate of Jacob Hamuli,
deceased, and offered for sale by
Mordecai Lewis,
Oft. 9. eo.]] Surviving Executor.
TO be fold cheap, a large Quantity of NANKEENS
fubjeil to the benefit of the Drawback, at the
Store of the fubferiber, No. 4* North Front (Ireet.
Joseph Sanfom.
May 3 eo3w ,
THE President and Managers of the Delaware 2r;l
Schuylkill Canal, having determined to f»pply tfit
city of Philadelphia with water, early in the year 1797,
Proposals will be receive in writmg until the firft day of
June next, from any person or persons disposed to contra#
for the calling anddelivery of Iron Pipes necessary lor the'
above purpoK. By the Board,
March 31. jawtJ.
E o 5 T, "
IN the city, on the Point R®ad, the 13th inftapt, a small
GOLD FRENCH WATCH, m3dc at Taris, with a
gold chain and two gold fcals, one having the initials H.
St. G. and a Lioncreft—the other a Lion tffe tonty. Who
ever finding the fame will bring them to No. !11 south
Front-street, ftiall receive a generous reward If offered
for sale to any of the Wafch-makers in town, they are re
quested to flop the fame. April 13. §
John Thompson & Abr. Small,
RESPECTFULLY inform such persons as admire, anH
would wifti to.encourags any improvement in those
arts, whick are an ornament to a ftatc; that after much
exp«nce and great attention, they have printed for public
irifpe&ion, the firft number of their hichly Finished
Hot-Pressed 13ibt,e,
Which they believe to be the most beautiful produAion
of its nature, hitherto leen.
Similar works in Europe have for some years been li
berally patronized—they have had an honorable place if!
the libraries of men of taste—the present produ&ion is m
attempt to ftiow, that in Amcrica, works can be executed
in every refpe& equal tr the efforts of trans-atlantic genius.
From the warm approbation that has been bestowed on it
by some of the firft chara&ers, the proprietors are war
ranted in faying, they have been fuccefsfnl.
It claims pattonage as being wholly American —the pa
per, by far the heft ever used here, in printing, is made
within a few miles of this city—the types, which arc tru
ly beautiful, are also American—and the whole apparatus
t6r hot prefling, has been procured from different parts of
the Union: It is also the cheapest HOT-PRESSED
BIBLE ever printed in any country- The firll number
may be infpe&ed at No. 34, Carter's alley ; or at No. 98,
Jnion street.
It is proposed to deliver the whole in Fwty Numbers,
at One Half Dollar each—one ©f which will be completed
every two weeks. April 25. f 2a&jjw.
, —No. 119 —
[Price Eight Dollars per Artrw.'n.j