Spoilt of th* IfJitifeS jg^faitc® Number 1149. ' PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAr EVENING MAT 14, 1796. For Hamburgh, The Danilh Bripantine Den Nye Prove, PETER HANSEN, Majler } A fine flout vefTel. Will be ready to tike in her cargo on the firft of May. For freight or passage apply to Rofs & Simfon. April 25. dif- • For SALE, or CHARTER, __ s, jP- i» *4 G Ef 1 ?oo barrels—a {launch good veflel, about five years old—ready to receive a cargs. Apply to Peter Blight. April 30. eodiw. < FoVSALE, or CHARTER', BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of flour—fhe may be sent to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging beinjj in very good order—apply to "James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 29. § For L 0 N D 0 N, J m S— 1 The fine new copper-bottomed Ship "1 Mount Vernon, \ ' r«jr,V RTTRTHFM about 412 tons, will be rea- dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on or before the 10th of May next, great part of her cargo engaged. For freight or passage apply to the subscribers, No. 21. Peon-flreet, f ( Willings and Francis'. & April 27. § n Kearney Wharton HAS REMOVED his Counting-House from Mor ton's wharf, to No. j 8 Dock-street. ' May 12. $6t John Miller, jun & Co. No. 8 Chefnut Street, Have received by the Ship BIRMINGHAM PACKET, From Calcutta, 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, 10,000 Pieces Nankeens, A Of a Superior Quality. f 350 Bags of SUGAR, Which they will fell «n advantageous terms. May io. t ft For Kingston, in Jamaica, Dominick Terry, Will fail in twelve days, For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain onboard, at Cuthbert's wharf," or to JetTe & Robeit Wain. May 11. 1 T For LONDON, THE SHIP ]||f|L ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fail on oraboHt the ift of May. For fre-j. .or passage apply to til'. Captain on board at Walnut-ltreet ~ wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN Es" COi A f'' 13- §_ rfl FOR SALE, fee / lo? The Copper bottomed Ship j||jl§|; LADT LOUISA, WITH all her materials, as flie came from sea. Lilrt- Lo wife to be disposed of ftoi A number of C.ANNON and SMALL ARMS, bal on board said vefifel. For terms apply to Parker & Wharton*, £?, _ ±_ S* For BR IS 10 L, |°° .-iC'" 1 ' TH€ N,w sh 'p PHILADELPHIA, §E'4*s£zig&jf£. TwEODORt Bi-to, Master, v ILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready W) 'rcckrte them in a few days. Fot freight or passage apply to Thomas 'iff John Ciifford. Whoon Cape-Hatteras. j 1 r S° 11. A Beacon House upon Shell Castle island. I :rs > Descriptions of etch, and all other particulars, may be < seen on application at the offices of any of the Superinten- J 1 dsitl of fnirlVl, rrr tf she Sapwvrfwrs of the ft eve- E I ; nue, or of the Collectors of the Culloms in any of the I f States:; as also at this office. law 3m I i Landing, From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, ( - EA-RTHEN WARE, in Crates; and ! A quantity of COAL; 1 FOR SALE, BY Thomas & John Ketland. ' > April 90. /-j I 5, Landing, i At RiflTell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louisa, James Cooper, master, from China, and the „ Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Chests Kags ; I INES, in Butts and half Butts of fuperiorqua- ! _ lity; I C A small quantity of BR/fNDY ; I And a few Red' HANDKEitCHIEFS. FOR SALE BV Parker & Wharton, ij No. 109, south Water-street. I April 26. 5 Itii , — — lii FO R SAL E ci By MORDECAI LEWIS, The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou, : i from Canton, viz. a WIDE and narrow Nankeens 70 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea n: »o Tubs Quicksilver, and A quantity of Tea-Table and Dining China. 3r M "y 7- 3ta'wTm et ■ ' * ~ I n TOBES O L D, J tft. A Three-flory brick House, No 80, N. Secotid — J '*- street. The lot is about 11 feet front, and *88 IY( (eet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has p long been one of the heft (lands for business. f C 2d. A frame Dwelliilg-Houfc, No. 160, South Front- e' street, with a Bake-Hoiife, the Lot is about 17 feet ;• from, try 130 feet in I 3d. A iMndfome Lot of 15 feet by #00 feet deep, ttc tending from Third street to George-street ; it is the 3d 9 a below Sooth-street: on Georg«-ftreet. there is a two I story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood | bake oven. Likewifr a LARGE MEADOW FARM, fttuate on Pbe River Delrware, 2t a convenient distance from Phila- I 4dphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and _ in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a food proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar 1 wamp. For terms apply to JOHNLITLK, No. 40 North Sirth-ftreit. March trit, 1796, d t f John Miller, jun. & Co. • No. 8 Chefnut-Jlreet 1 Have imported in the late vefiel. from Europe, I A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS, M Amtingft Which are I Tn} Striped aHd rkuded NANKEENS, 9 '» Dimities and MuflineM, t6u HATS, \r*r Neatlv aflforted in packages, I °.ff IRISH LINENS. ditto, All which they will fell on the most reasonable terms, ! a " d for CaDi or the usual Credit. I May it. . f I ' This Day published, ANB for fele by B. DAVIES, No. 6», Hieh ffree- — H& P. KJCF., N*. j.o, do. and J. oiuioo, s JNo 41, Chefnut street, I 3 [Prkt 25 Cent; ] A LE T T E R From the Rt. Honorable Edmund Burke To a Noble Lord, i On the attacks made On him and his pension, in the r>, House of Lords by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of t ~ Lauderdale, earl) in the present feOions of Parliament. WITH A SUITABLE PREFACE, tt By Peter Porcupine. W May 10 c I Will* ~ , I wc \ - ' ~ — j Coch WA N r E D, Several Apprentices to the Printin?- , Burners Apply it the Offi cc -ettt of the I United States, N«. j 19, Chcfnut-ftreet. 4 j Chc juit Arrived, In the Show, Boston, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li verpool, SOoo Bijflifl. SALT ; !. - -100 Crates QUEENS WARE; and An Aflorttnenl of SHIP CHANDLERY; W.FORS A L E , On boird, at Pine-flrtet wharf. Apply to James Campbell, or treet, George Latimer rrels, . 29; j Samuel Richardet, tI'ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY fAVEP N and MERCHANTS COT FEE HOUSE in the Her city of Philadehhia. w The Subscription Room will be furnifhed with all the . da! 'y P a P e « published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those ofthe principal com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly tiled fnut and none permitted to be taken away on any account. hich I ea, Coffee, Scupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety [and of French Liquors; together with the usual refrefhments, will at all times b.> procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated With the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most I. approved Malt Liquors fron&Loudon and other breweries. § 1 he Larder will hefuppjied with the prime and earlieil —-■ productions of tho Season. Large aid small Parties, or fmgle Gentlemen, may be accommodated wirh Breakfafts, Dinners, or .Sappers, at • hours most conv nicnt t« themlelves—a cold Collation is the regularly k*pt for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had 01 at the bar. »,n The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the utraoft* attention paid to cleaniinefs, and every other requisite. Ssmujl Richardet will be happy to receive, and ■be execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at 'en- large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges ve- Hiiulel! tl. it nothing-<>n his part (hall be wapting tv pre the f"'ve that patronage with winch fie ha«Bfefli*li ailfrffgtti7h-' i ingly iionored. - — Philadelphia, April 19. § 1 WANTED, ON Loan, for two or three years—2ooo Dollars for ' which a mortgage on Land will be given asfecurity The land is clear of cvflry incumbrance. Enquire of tnt Prister. . J'"' 9- * 109, Spruce-fired. I -*P r,! A - rlf 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Coiks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjatnin W. Morris. I J> - ( December 31. , eodtf R c" Advenifement. ~ WE the fubferibers, Commissioners appointe'd by law I to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and ilmingtnn Turnpike Road, d.. hereby give notice, that I 20 wc will attend for that purpofeat thchoufe of Samuel so Cochran, on the 6th day of June next. 100 JOSHUA PUSEY, I 2 2 JACOB LINDLEY, j JOHN M DOWELL, JAMES BOYO. Chcfter Countv. auh Aoril. imA *. Washington Canal Lottery, N°. t WHEREAS the State of Maryland has anthorifedl the underwritten, to raise twenty-fl* thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpoi'e of Gutting a Canal through thj City of Washington, from the tomacto theEaftern Branch Haft.our. The f»)lrwi;ig i» ;be SCHEME of No. I. Viz .1 Prize of 4Q,oocr dollars;, 20,00® I ditto xc,ooo ro.ooo r . 7 last dr-.r.vn 7 ~i, ■ — JitkcU»mifchi (. *«P°° 6' ditto 1,000 6.000 * y to ditto 400 4)OCO men ' 90 100 *> ITY ditto J° z,7 to irhn 5750 ditto 12 60,008 To be raised for the Canal, 26,250 Bos- t ?A° ire * I*6/0 Blanks, not two to a prize. tilcd _(l7joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - I^.ooo ietv S • . have taken the S,Cities re :ntsy Foment of »;th , , The d " wi "g of this Lottery will comment, without TlCket ' " re f0M ' ° f WhiCh t,T "^ i Such p ! iz / s *i* are not demanded in fix months after the ML" ? d A 0,311 be ■<» as relirquifhcd for the benefit ol the Canal, and appropriated accordingly. a( rick« and Ginghams, Cambric Muslins, ic, Cotton Counterpanes, Linen,cotton aud silk l,kfs, in I ' i>e ' cl °udte Sewing Silks, &c. &c. & c . ,d ' fC T b , a 'r We 'i London best fuptr ne Cloths, best fuperfin and fecoud Centres—a lfo, sun dry package, of C.ll,c ecs and Chintzes, and other good, ?«, I Snoods fit for exportation. 5 r °' u Psr tfl » Gl J^ OW ' Capt. Wiliiairs, from Dublin a few ir _ boxes 7-8 and yard widelrifh Linens. ' , ort J May 4 x r a- I J „L For s ale by Richard Lee, h. N °- 145 North S «°'V' between and u . Vine street, - Flowers front Sharon: Or, Ongiral Poems on Divine Subrefts a I Imi'ation of Dr. Watts ' Mr. O. Williams, „d ,h, ,„?W. J. iISJ r- ume bciore u, needs only a perulal to obtain the ,Ur' -hec"/^' end 1° m "*' ' lhs ®ff«ntial pecifliari tiesof .he Gofjjel are the darling of the a rhor . workpamtularly calculated to im r rrf,on tL youth! - ful mind the genuine principle, of ewtigslical ninv and o convey, tl«ough a pkafing medium, a due Tf. T '' V " l ' C^,^l "" K tJ their everlasting peac» r . TheEyangelical Revievtihj write thus: The author of , r 'hefe Poems difcoversconfidtjable marks ef genius as ,veU May r " f "" UrJ '> n f' I lotah. — mw&i6t I T Day is publijhcd, A nutVr«tr, r vlte S r r of r n£fof a v\ Ith a new, correil, and elegant MAP of tht whole N T , t ,, ~i Und - Pr "« Two Dollars. llhe Snbfirrihen to this Work are rtm.eOM . i the firft vo!„me, asfocn a, " P Imported, • In the Ibip Birmingham Packet, from Calcutta, and for lale by the Package, by Samuel & Miers Fisher n T d3 u C " ffca '' Bwna, and otlier Baftas ' Pcrf,:ln Taffaties, Lohg and (hort Pipes, in boxes of 5 grow e«h An assortment of Stone Jugs and Pitcher, ' Queen s Ware, in Crates, assorted, Glass Ware, in Crates and Calks, I Sheathing Paper, by the IJale, ■ HF*! wines Spermaceti Candles, and A general ajortmenf of Irijh Linens Received p tr (hip Glasgow, fromi ob liX by the packa'gc. I Slweojw For sale by the subferibers 20 Hhs. JAMAICA SUGARS. 68 Hhs. Ift quality Jamaica COFFEE. 22 Barrels ditto ditto. Wtilings and Francis, I ~ Penn-ftrect, No. 21. M-stsr *