* ■ I . ' ■ «J STOCKS. Six per Cent. ..... 12/4 to 6"> int Three per Cent. ... . 10/4 3 off. Deterred Six per Cent. .... ijyft to 7 5| rlerCent. - . i - Instant, by, Public "Vendue, at the City Tavern, At M o'clock, . » A LL that capital Eftate,lately belonging to John Mayo, jti. at Germantown, consisting of a good and ■ 'co.nmo iious Mansion-House, out-honfes, StaMes, Garden, Or t'?a»ds, &c. together with about 73 acres of good Land, the whole in the best order, and fit for the permanent re ftdence of a large Family. Pofie.Tion to be given imme diately, free frbm every incumbrance. ' Terms of payment, one half in three mbnths, and the other half in fix months, in approved notes. John Connelly, Auctioneer. May 9 <; Edward Stow, Jun. HAS for sale, at his Store, No. 41, South Water street, New England Rum, in Hogfhcads, tier.es & barrels, MADEIRA, V, sherry, and! Wines, PORT - 3 ' Mess, Prime and Beef, Spermaceti and Wax Mould Candles, Tallow Mould and Dipt ditto, 400 Boxes hard, White Soap,-in excellent order for Jhipping. May is. Mustard and Chocolate ' CONTINUE to be mamiftuflured m the best Plan ner, and for sale, as ufua!—Alfo fhciled or pears Barley, Coffee, Pepper, &c". Philadelphia Porter, Beer, Ale, Cyder, English Porter, Taunton and Bath Ale is bottles, &e. &c.—at No. 98, South Front-street, | cppolite the Cuftom-houfc, by JOHN HAWOKTH. j Philadelphia, May 7, 1796. "aaw4w CONOR E S 8. HOUSE OF REP RES EN TAT IVES Thursday, May'l2. Petitions in favour of the 'BiitiJh treaty, were prefetited by Meflrs. Parko-, Hindman and Cooper. Mr. New reported thc-following bills .as laid be fore the PrefrJent for his apprbhation and Signature, viz. an aSte,_ five of tbe rtmafhffig r'etoTutiona were agreed to, i and the sixth, relative to allowingxollqftors a cer- J tain mileage for travelling, was disagreed to. The ] following are the Vefolutions. . ' i " Refelved, That the officers of the revenue ; oaght to be authorized by law to require of the city . -diltillers, and the refiners of sugar, the verifitation : on oath, of their books, once a quarter, and that 1 1 it ought to be made the conftnnt duty' of such oi- , r ffillers and refiners, tr» exhibit their books, if re- ; - quired. ... > " Resolved, That a time ought to be limited, < • within which the exporter of spirits distilled within' ] tlie United States, shall be entitled to a drawback ; 1 and that the drawback ought not to be granted, un/ess ■ where -the exportation is from the (jijlrici or Jlate where the fame are dijlilled, or the next adjoining dif- 1 trifJ or slate. \ " Resolved, That it would be.expc.dient to mod- , ify.thc aft imposing duties on licenses to retailers of ; liquors, so as that the laid retailers (hould pay in ; ; proportion toNhe amount of sales, so saras to di- 1 . vide them into four clafl'e3. " Refoi -ed, That it would be expedient, after demand madeof any tax (except on goods importj ■ ad) and a neglcft or refufal to pay, to authorize a 1 collection thereof by distress. " Resolved, That provision ought to bi made | for allowing drawbacks upon spirits exported (via 1 1 Miflifippi) in veflels of less than thirty tons, " Relolved, That it would be expedient, after » demand made of any such tax, and a neglect or re- 1 fufal to pay, to allow the officer employed to col- , left the fame, a certain mileag-e for hi? travel out to < collect such tax, over and above the commillion , t which he may be entitled to bylaw." This Resolve was disagreed to. The House then took up the resolutions, When 011 mo , ti'dn of Mr. Gallatin, the latter part of the ad refolu ■ lion (printed in Italic) was agreed tobe Stuck out, 43 " to 23, and tlley were referred to the conimittee of ways and means to report a bill or bills aecordingly. ; Mr. Vis. Sm.ith reported a bill regulating grants of lands appropriated for military ferviees, and for thefo ciety of United Brethren for propagating the gospel ; one for fatisfying the claims of the executors ef the late - Baron Steuben ; and another for making further pro vilionTor the expenses attendr.ig the intt;rcourfe with fofeign nations, and to continue in force an ai£l provid- 1 •> ing-for the-expenfes attending the intercourse between '• the United States and foreign nations. These three i bil|s were twice read 'and ordered tcp be committed to committees of the whole ; the two firft pij Saturday, . thelaft on Monday. Mr. Smith alio madea report on sundry petitions for claims of land, which Was twice read and referred to a standing committee of the whole. ' Mr. Nicholas reported a bill altering the compenfa- 1 r tion of the accountant of the war department, which ' was twice read and ordered to be'eommitted to a com mittee of the wkele, to-morrow. Mr. Thatcher reported a bill in addition to the ad cfta- : Klifhing poft-o!fices and pollroadswithinthe United States. ■ Twice read, and referred to a committee of the whole. Mr. Coit, from the committee to whom was referred ' J the petition of John Edgar and others, of the northwest- I ern territory, prayjng to be permitted te introduce flavet , 1 into that territory from other states, reported agalnft-tße petitioners; but with refped to their claim for certain lands, they rep®rted in their fav.our. 1 Adjourned. ; ' \ CONTINUATION OF Foreign Intelligence. From Londoji Papers, By the Fen ilia. FRANCE. COUNCIL-OF FI VE HUNDRED. March 9. ' . ; It was resolved. on tbfe proportion of Feimond, j that the. larv which puts in the disposal of the Di rectory the National' Domains, ellimated st 800 million, (hall be repealed, and th* Chefc- domains (hall be added to the other pledges, for the security of the affignats. Baffrond spoke of the meansof retrieving tho cre dit ofthe affignats. «No mote of exchange—no more gew-gaws—no more of. luxury with the Ma giftratei—no more of fumptuoufnefs in dress.— The tri coloured cockade (hould be the only orna meftt of French Republicans."—" The Pyramids of Egypt, (said the SpeSker) were built by tyrants. The Ambaffadorsof Pyrrhus were aftonilhed when they saw with what frugality the Romans lived in private. (Economy appeared to him as the only treasure which no foreign 'power ever wrest from the French Nation." March 10. The deliberation of the Council was confined to the means of raising the credit of the affignats.— gayeul opposed the emission ot Mandats, which he could not but copfider as a new coinage of Al fignats. After a long discussion, the proposition of Fer mond was finally adopted- LONDON,. M»rch 16. EXTRACT OF A LETTER } „ From an officer -on board the Royal Sovereign Man nftVar ( Admiral Cornv/alli"s} at Spithead, dated March 14. " You will 110 doubFTSmrfprizeJ iuli'-ur—f return so soon ; but itnen w.e got down the Chan nel as far as Portland, a gale came on from the East, when the Belifarius, Capt. Barge, (a tran sport with troops) ran aboard of us and carried a way 311 our cutwater, and damaged us so much, that we4c obliged to return to refit ; the Beli farius carried away her main and mizen malls, and was .so muc.hdamaged that we expt-operatioi> that ought to fubflift between the principals of both krvices. The Helena flnop of war, of 14 gurfs, CapJjiu Talbot, and your cutters, cruizing off Oftcndf on the 16th inft. went into that port, and, notliwith ftanding the fire from the batteries on ihorc, cut out a large (hip, ladeii with claret, and brough: her • off with them. During the affair, the utmost coo fufion and terror pervaded the inhabitants of the place. Notwithstanding the capture ofMayerine by the Chouans, it does Hot appear that they are'in any degree capable of coping with the republican troops. Mayenne, it is affsrted was not taken by the forcc of the Chouans, but was fnrrendered by the treachery of the Commandants of the, place, whom General Hoche has ordered to be arretted and tried by a military com million. The mild and pacificatory address of the directo ry to the rebels in the wellern departments, is ex pelled to be produflive of effe&s very favorable to the republic. An attempt has been made to fetter the freedom of the press in France, but this attempt lus very properly been refilled, and has failed. Admiralty-Office, March 22. A of which the following is a copy, has has been reeeived at this office, from Kir William Sidney Smith. Diamond, off Cape Frcbel, March 11. Sir, Hav ing received information that the arrre! vr» • fels, detached by the prince of Bouillon, liaJ cha fed a convoy, conlilting ot a corvette, two higg,frs ; four brigs, and two (loops, into Herqui. I proceeded off that-' port, to reco»noitre theii pofniun, and found the channel, which 1 found very narrow and intricate. 1 succeeded however, in gaining a know ledge of those points, fufficient to determine me to attack them, in Diamond, without loss of time, and without waiting for the junction of any {Wt of the squadron, left the enemy (Jiould fortify themselves (lill farther on our appearance. Lieut. M'Kinley, of the Liberty brig, and lietit. Goffet, of the ArKlocrat lugger, joined me offtht cape, and, tho' not under my orders, very hand somely offered their services, which I accepttd, as small vessels were essentially necessary in he 1 an operation. The permanent fortifications for the defence of the Bay, are two batteries on a high rocky promontory. We observed the enemy to K v:ry bufiiy employed in mounting a dctached g" :1