Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 11, 1796, Image 4

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Per publt/hing by Suhfcriptitn, an elegant ENGR-AV
* * ING, of a PiSlure entitled
National Gratitude.
Dedicated so the Citizens of America.
r T~ , HE United States of America, reprefemed by fifteen wo
{men, appear in the temple of Minerva, for the purpose of
decorating with wreaths the Bull of ashincton,
already crowned by immortality and Ivberty•; the liable fup
portingthe Arms of America, holds forth the Legend there
of, exprefliveof the unanimity of fentiinent which animates
them. The Statue of Minerva is seen under a portis, deco
rated with military trophies. emblems of jtfie Vi&ories ob
taiaed against the enemies of' Liberty- in she fore-ground ap
pears History, who, attentive to this interesting scene, records
U in her arnals. in order to be transmitted to posterity.
The original pi&ure was iscecuted on a large scale, by Jo
•im Pirovani, an Italian artist, on occafioß of the enter
tainment given at Ricketts's Amphiiheatre in Philadelphia,
on Fehruar 2*, 1*96, for the celebration of the birth-day
Of the President.
1 he Copperplate (»4 inches by 19) will be engraved with
the greatest care'by a Parisian artist, lately a»ived in this ci
tY» and will be ornamented in the border, with the arms of
he United States of America, and of each particular state,
1 The pnee of Subscription is THREE DOLLARS, to be
paid on delivery t>f the Print.
Subscriptions are received atltfr. Decombaz's, Print-feller,
No. , North Third-street. Mr. Oellers's, at the City Hdtel,
Chefnut-llreei, and at Samuel Richardet's City Tavern.
Should this Publication meet with public aporobation, the
fame art ids prOpose publishing fucceflively, perfpe&ive views
®f the inside of Congress Hall, thc'Reprtfentatives therein
iffembled, and likewtfc of the Senate. - v
May 9
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT in pursuance of an aft of the General A trem
bly of Pennfjrlvania, entitled "° an Adt to enable the
* Governor of this Common wealth, to incorporate a Com
" piny for making an artificial Road from an interferon
" of the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike road near
" the Gap Tavefa, in Lancaster county, tn Newport and
"Wilmington in the State of Delawarethe commis
sioners in said »<S appointed will procure five books and
attend at the refpe&ive places direfied therein to receive
fubferptions for Stncjt in (he company, viz. One book
will be opened in the city of Philadelphia. One in the
Borough of Lancaster, one at Straflwrgh, in the county
of Lancaster; one in the Borough of Wilmington, and
one at tho house of Samuel Cochran in the county of Ches
The Subscribers, agreeably to their appointment in and
by faidaA, will attend at the City Tavern in Philadelphia,
with on«of said Boeks, on Monday, the 6th day of June
next, at io o'clock in the forenoon, until 4 in the after
noon, and for the tvro days following, if necessary, for
the purpose -aforefaid ; on the firft of the said days, any
perfom of the age of »i years Ihallbe atliberty to fubferibe
in his own or any other name or names by whom he (hall be
authorised for oneJh<ire,x>n the second day tor me or two Jharei,
and on the third day f»rme,t-wo, or three fiat is, and in any
succeeding day', (if the said books lhall continue longer
open) for any nwrfber »f shares in the laid Stock.
• Every person previously to fubferibing in said books
roust pay to-the attending commiflioners twenty five dol
lars for every fhireto be fubftribed.
3awtjun. 7.
F O R 6 A L is,
*io.6S, hioh-street,
A valuable colleiftion of the newest Publications,
Just received from London, via New-York-;
Among which ar« the following:
THF. American Pilot, in two parti—part the ift con
taining charts and plans of the eoafts of Newfound
land, Uabradore, and thsgulph and river of St.Lawrence.
Part the 3d containing charts of tile British channel, and
the coast of Ireland to Cape Clear; of the Atlantic Ocean,
ami the coaftsof Europe, Africa, and thd Western lflands;
of the whole coast of the United States and Eall Florida" ;
the gulph of Florida, and Ilfeud of Havannah, drawn
from a<9ual furveyi and the latcft discoveries.
A Defcriprton of the Country 40 miles round Manches
ter, it* geography, productions, river and canal naviga
tions ; its towns and villages, their history, population,
Bommeree, And manufactures, by Dr. Aikin; printed on
Vellum .paper, and illustrated with 73 copperplates finely
Hunter's Voyages to New South Wales and the Sou
l-hern Ocean, illustrated with 17 maps, chirts, views and
Other embellilhments, neatly bound in calf.
Civil aid Commercial History of the British Weft-In
dies, by B. Edwards, Esq. with maps, views, &c.
The cenne&ion that fabfifts between Agriculture and
Chemillry—by the Earl of Dundonnald.
The Courfeof Hannibal over the Alps, aTcertalned by
J. Whitaker.
The Life of General Diimonrier, in 3 vols, written by
Chelmer's Estimate of the comparative strength of
Great .Britain.
History of the Moravian missions among the Indians of
North-America, with the manners and cufWms of the
Corporal Brown's History of the Campaigns in 1.793,
4 and 5.
The Studies of Nature, byßernardin de St. Pierre.
The Political Testament of Mixifftilian Robespierre,
with an aecourrt of the l'ecfet negotiations carried on un
der his direction.
Wifeman's Commercial Letters in the five principal
languages of Europe.
A Pocket Vocabulary of fix principal languages.
Anftruther's RepOTts in Chancery.
The Works of Peter Pindar, with a head of the affthtr.
The Sporting Magazine.
Tbe British Critick, or new Critical Review of the lat
cft publications.
The Works of Edmund Burke, Esq.
Defence of the American Constitution, by J.Adams,
vice-Prelidentef the U.S. April 48. law
Genteel Boarding & Lodging
t<f be had at No. 45, in Vine-Street, the 2d door weft »f
Second-Street, on the North fide. April 2g. 5
{ Cents]
By Samuel H- Smith, N°. i iB, Chefnut-ftrtei,
In reply to PacHtca«, on the Prefideßt's Proclamation
of Neutrality.
Jtfiribed to Mr. Madison.
Lately PuUJhed,
facifcßsI—Political1 —Political Truth—Paterfon's Charge.
In a feiv Days <will btpu^tijhed,
[Price 15 cents] J
A R.EPJEIV of the &UE3TIO-N —In whom has
the Confutation veßcd the Treaty power ?
By a Senator of the United States
April 18
A FOUNT of BREVIER., half worn ; about four hun
dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette
of the United States, No. 119 Cftefnut-ftreet, $
December I.
New Hat and Hostery Store,
Whulfsale and Retail,
No. 134 Marhet-fi rest, 3d door from the corner of
Fourth 9 South fide.
MENS'Black American and lored ditto
Engtifc Hats, of various Children's fancy dirt©
qualities and prices All kind* of silk, (ilk and
Ditto Drabs and Greenun- cotton, cotton, & thread
ders \io(c «
Ladic's ditto, black Knit colored Pantaloons
Aud. a large alTortment of Ditto Drawers
fancy ditto Ditto Breeches Patterns
Colored Bearers Silk Gloves
With a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored ditto* cot
gant and fafhionable trim- ton
minga, &c. A quantity of mending cot-
Yonth's black and drab co- sO«, fc§ted colors,
N. B. The Hats finilhed in the ncwek fafhion.
May j.
AGREEABLY to charter, is hereby given to the
Members of the Corporation for the rejiaf of poor
and diftrefled Pielbyterian Ministers, and of the poor
and diftrefled Widows and Children of Presbyterian Mi
nisters, that there will be a Meeting of said Corporation
in the feeond Prelbyterian Church, in the city of Phila
pelphia, on the 13d day of May next) it 4 o'clock, r. m.
for the dispatch of all filch business as may then be brought
before the board.
April 21. d
African Free School.
THE place of Teacher to the AFRICAN FREE SCH6OL,
in the city of New York, being vacant by the refigua
tion of the late Matter, the Trustees give this public inti
mation to all persons desirous of that situation, that they will
receive applications for chat appointment 'till the firil of next
June. - '
It isexpe&ed that the applicant be well qualified to teach
reading, penmanship, arithmetic, and the principles of geo
graphy and Eng'rifh grammar, and that he produce latisfa&o
ry tellimoniaU of his good moral chai?fter.
The Salary of the Matter will be dollars per annum,
payable quarterly.—Further particulars may be learnt on ap
plication to THOMAS EDDY,
SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, I r , mmirtp .
SAMUEL BROWN, f Cemmittec.
May 6, (M»y 7*§7)
Berriman & Co's Edition.
OM Monday, the i6fh-"ln'ft. will be publilhed, delivered
to Subscribers, and to be had of the different Booksell
ers, in this city, and throughout the United States, (where
still continue to be received) the first kum-
TION of the HOLY BIBLE : containing the Old and New
Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re
erences. An Index ; or an account of the most remarkable
passages in the old and new Testament, pointing to the places
wherein they happened, and to the places of fcriptuie where
in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.—Tables of fcrrp
ture measures, weights and coin 6 : with an appendix, contain
ing the method of calculating its measures of surface,
hitherto wanting in Treatises vn this JubjetL A Table of Ojjiccs
and Conditions of men.
i. Thefizeof this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO,
printed ®n a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par
ticularly for it, It will-be published in Numbers, notto ex
ceed 30, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib
ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Those fubferibers who prefer
receiving the work complete, will be attended to by fignifyiirg
the fame on any of the fubferiptiofl papers in rhe Booktiores
in this city. /
a. There will be an advance in the price, on fubftribing
after the firft of August next.
3. In the coorfeof the Work will be given an elegant
Frontispiece—From art' Engraving of the celebrated artist,
Berriman & Co. gratefallyacknowledge the very liberal
encouragement they have met with; and have reason to believe
that the execution of their edition will anfwerevery expec
tation, and fpeakits ownpraifu
May y. 3aweowtf
George Dobson,
BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and
Country, that he has removed from Market-Street to
N°* 25, south Third-flreet,
where he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of the
undermentioned article*—viz.
Superfine London Cloths and Ker fey meres,
Yorkshire second Do. £>•.
[ do. do.
j Mix'd and Biue Coatings
Flannells, &c.
Manchester Printed Callicoes,
• London Chintz ditto,
! Blue and ditto Furnitures,
| India ditto.
Long Cloths, GolTaes, Baftas, BattillasA: Conjevrems
| 4-4 9-8 5-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muflias,
I 4-4 and g-8 India Book Handkerchiefs,
4-4 and g-8 Scotch ditto,
4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mufiins c gk
4-4 & Jaconeu, >
6:4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, .
4-4 India do. do. do.
4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c.
A large assortment ot figur'd and plain Mu&aets,
Quillings, Dimities, and Strtped Nankeens,
Fancy Waificoatings,
Ginghams ot the firft QuaHty, fubjett to Drawback,
India Nankeens,
Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings.
May g foweot
Just Arrived,
In the Ship Hannibal, C. Cloufer, mailer, from Lflbon,
A Cargo of SALT,
For sale by
E. Dutilh & Wachfmuth,
No. l64,"Sfcjth Second Street.
May 9
At Benjamin Dairies'* Book-Jitore, No 68
High Street,
The Political Censor;
Of the most intereftiag Political Occurrences.
May 5
A Few Calks of First Quality
Enquire at No. yt, South Water fireet.
May a tht & f tif
RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that they have
opened their PRINTING-OFFICE, at No. 47 North
Fourth, Dear Raccftreet; where they execuM, all kinds
of Printing, -with accuracy and di (patch.
>£jt An Apprcntie! it anted
May 3
Secretary of she Corporation'
y J-
'or Sale,
City of Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent > 10,000 dollars, & )
dwelUng-houfe, j cash 30*000, are )
I ditto 15,000 & caflt 15,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000
1 ditto 10,000 & calh 10,000
1 ditto 5,000 & o*(h 5,000
1 ditto 5,,000 & ca(h 5,000
1 cash prize of
ado. 5,000 each, are»
10 do, 1,000
00 do. 5 C ®
100 do. 100
•joo do. 50
4CO do. ij
1,000 do. ao
*5,0i50 do. «o
dim v
16,739 Prizes-
50,000 at Eight Dollar*,
N. B. To favour those -who may tafce a quantity of
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 dollars will be the ta st drawn
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, securing payment in either mon«y
or prizes, in ten days alter drawing, will be received for.
any numbea not less than 30 tickets.^
This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of ;hepri
vate buildings to be ereSed in the City of Walh.ngton—
Two beautiful designs are already fcl-Sed for the entire
fronts on two of the public squares ; from these prawmgs
it is proposed to erect two centre and four corner buildings,
as soon as possible after this lottery is fold, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortunate adventur«rs, in
the manner described in the Scheme for the Hotel Lottery.
A nett defln&ien of fivoper certt. will be made to defray
the neceflafy expenses of printing, &c. and the lurp us
will be made a part of the fund intended for the National
University, to be within the city of Washington.
The Drawing will commence as soon as the tickets are
fold off.—The money prizes will be payable in thirty days
after it is fini(had ; and any prizes for which fortunate
number 6 aie not produced within twelve months after the
drawing is closed, be considered as given towards
the foni for the University ; it being determined to fettle
the "whole bufinefs'in a year from the ending of the draw
ing, and to take up the bonds given as security.
The real fecuritics.given for the payment of the Prizes,
afe held by the President and two Directors of the Bank
of Columbia, ,and are valued at more than half the a
-1 -mount ol -he lottery. ]
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
! the late Commissioners aflifted in the management of the
i Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficicnt num
ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and the other federal ob
jects may continue to favor the design.
By accounts received from the diflerent parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tisiets
have been feflt for sale, the public are assured chat the
drawing will speedily commenae, and that the care and
caution unavoidably necessary to insure a fafe dlfpofal of
the tickets, has rendered the lnor suspension mdifpenlable.
Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia; of
James Weft & Co. Baltimore ; of Peter ©ilman, Boston ;
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wnils,
Cooper's Ferry.
TO be fold cheap, a Urge Quantity of NANKEENS
fubjeft to the ben»iit of the Drawback, at the
Store of the subscriber, No. 43 North Front street.
Joseph Sanfom.
'Mafjr 5
THE Prcfident and Managers of the Delaware and
Schuylkill Canal, having determined to fapply the
city of Philadelphia with water, early in the year 1797>
1 Proposals will be receive in writing until the firft day of
June next, from any person or persons disposed to contract
for the caftipg and delivery of Iron Pipes necessary for the
above purpose. By the Board,
' ' ' ' WILLIAM MOORE SMITH, Sec'ry.
March 31.
Fot sale by the subscribers,
13© quarter Chests frefli Hylon Tea;
100 ditto do. frelh Soachong Tea;
308 Boxes China, containing (mail tea setts of 44
400 pieces Bandanoes.
Willings £sf Francis.
■ '*■
F 0 R S A L E,
A very Valuable Estate,
CALLED TIVITTEN'HAM, situate in the
townftiip of Upper Derby, andcountyof Delaware,
7 t-a miles from Pniiad. Iphia, and half a mile from the
new Western road: containing 230 acres of excellent land,
45 of whjch are go®d watered meadow, 90 of prime wood
land, and the reft arable of the firfl quality. There are
on the premises a good two story brick hoitfe, with 4 rooi€»
on a floor, and cellars under the whole, with a pump-well
of excellent water in front ; a large frame barn, ftablcs,
and other convenient buildings ; a fmoke-houfc and ftene
fpring-honfe ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach
es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately
•nder tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage
of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con
venient for grazing.
The situation is pUafant and healthy, and from the high
cultivation «f the land, the good neighbourhood, and the
vicinity to the city, it is very fvitablc for a gentleman's
country feat.
The foregoing is part of the estate ef jaeob Harraaa,
deceased, and offered for sale by
Oft. 9. eo.]
DiftriS of Pemifylvania, to <wh :
BE it Temembered, that on the 4th day of April, ii
the twentieth year of the Independence of the Unite(
States of America, Benjamin Davies of the said diftrii
hath deposited in this Office, tha Title as tx Book, th<
tight whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words soL
low ing, to wit:
" The Political Censor, or monthly Review of the m«fl
" intcrefting political occurrences relative to the United
" States ef America—by Peter Porcupine j"
In conformity to the Asft <rf the Congress of Ae Unit
ed States, intituled •' an Aift for the uncourageraenf of
learning, by fceuring the copies of maps, charts and books
to *he authors and proprietors of such ecpies during the
times therein mentioned."
April 3 7.
f 50,000
Mordecai Lewis,
Surviving Executor,
N°. J3O.
Clerk Diit. C«urt Pennsylvania.
OFall sizes, from 32 lb to Grape,
Cambooles, Pots, and ether callings ewcuted at the
shortest notice,
Nail rods, from lod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for calks or cutting inte nailj, from
a brad to 12d nails,
Anchors, from 17 ioolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Hertingsin barrels,
Kiln-dncd com meal in Hlids. and Bbls.
(Lye flour &c. to be Told by
Levi Hollingjworth fff Son.
Augijl 4
To be fold at public sale,
fan the 18th day <*t J line next, at the City Tavern, in Phi
FOUR Lots of Ground in the town of Lambprtoa,
county «f Burlington, and State of New-Jcrfty, ad
joining the river Delaware, late the Estate of William
Richards, deceased, with all ths buildings and improve
ments, bounded by ground of John Mitchell, Lambert
Cadwalader and others ; a clear indisputable title will be
given. The terms will be made known at the time and
place »1 sale. April »8. m&th.
General Pq/i Office, Philadelphia,
March 16, 1796.
WHEREAS sundry Lette.s, transmitted in the Mails
of the United States, to and from Norfolk, in the
date of Virginia, were opened, and Bank Notes of seve
ral denominations fraudulently taken from them at York,
in the state aforefaid, in the months of October, Novem
ber and December last : and whereas a part of laid notes
and some caffihrve been recovered and are now in poflefli
on of the Poll Mailer Gene-a!. In order therefore that
fueh Bank Notes as fhsll be identified may be restored to
the owners thereof, and that the remaining ndtesandca!h
be equitably distributed among those who are entitled to
them. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN toall perfonswho
havefuffeied by such fraudulent practices, within the pe
riod, and on the route aforementioned, to exhibit their
claims without delay, supported by such reasonable proofs
as may beneceffary te substantiate them. Such notes as
tkalJt be identified wilt be received by application to the
General Post Office, on or before the firfl day ef July
nett; and the residue of such cash and notes will then be
divided among the claimants in proportion to their refpec*
tive losses, to be afcertjined by the neoefiary [>ruo(»,\vl\ick
on or before that day lhall be produced tothe General Post
Office. (aawtjuly) JOS. HABERSHAM.
EXTENSIVE colk&ion -of the latest Irilh Edition* be
ing now arranged, he beg 9 to offer them for Sale,
on the fame moderate terms, as have for several years
pad, so particularly diftinguilhed thera; and t« assure
those Gentlemen who may favor him with attention, that
their orders froiri any dittancc, whether for a. tingle vo
lume, of an entire Library, lit ell be executed with tire like
promptitude, and acknowledged with thanks.
Catalogues for the present year are prepared, and
will lje delivered on application.
N. B. A number ps Trunks to be disposed of.
26th April. mict6w
A Printing-Office for Sale.
A good aflbrtmwt of Typce, the greater part of which
are but little worn, a good mahogany Prets, with the dif
ferent Printing Material*, in complete order for executing
any kind of work. The Ctuation is very eligible, either
for a aewfpapw or book-work, being in.a pleasant, well
populated city, within 30 miles of Philadelphia. There
is also a very confidcrable advantage arifmg from the
numarous applications for blatily and the general influx
of advertisements, &c. &c. and a handfcme profit derived
from the great quantity of Rags which may be colle&ed
throughout the year.
A complete set of cuts for Dilworth's SpeMing-Book.
Likewise will be fold with the office, a large, book
binders' Press, (afed for prrelßng books in flieets) toge
ther with a number of bookbinders' tools, almost rtcw.
Any person inclining to purchaf# the above, may have
the re filial of a handsome collection of books, bound and
in flieets—They will b« fold very low.
Fer the price, and further partitnlars, enquire at No.
24, north Third-street, where a specimen of the types
may be fcen. April 2.6. §».2aw.
Boarding School for Young Ladies*
MRS. GR.OOMBRIDGE havingremoved from Lodge
Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and Spruce-street?,
for the advantage of a large, convenient House, in ii dry,
healthy situation; hepes for the continuance of the encou
ragement she has hitherto so highly experienced; and for
which (he returnsher fmcere acknowledgment.
Mrs. Gkookbridci is by Masters of the
■firft ability; and the ufeful, as will as ornamental branches
of education are particularly attended to.
February 8
John Thotnpfon & Abr. Small,
RESPECTFULLY inform such persons as admire, and
would wilh to encourage any improvement in tbofe
arts, which are an ornament to a (late; that after much
expenceand great attention, they have printed for public
infpe&ion, the firft number of their nichly finished
Hot-PrefTed Bible,
Which they believe to be the most beautiful produ&ion
of its nature, hitherto l'een.
Similar works in Europe have for forae years been li
berally patronized—they have had an honorable place in
the libraries of men of taste—the present produ&ion is an
attempt t« (how, that in America,-works can be executed
inevery refpe<St equal t» the efforts of trans-atlantic genius.
From the warm approbation that has been bestowed on it
by feme of the firft cfcara<sters, the proprietors are war
ranted in faying, they have been fuccefeful.
It claims patronage as being wholly American—the pa
per, by far the best ever used here, in printing, is made
within a few miles of this city—the types, which are tru
ly beautiful, are also American—and the whole apparatus
tor hot pressing, has been procured.from different parts of
the Union: It is also the cheapest HOT-PJUtSSED
BIBLE ever printed i» any country. The firft number
may be infpeiled at No. 34, Carter's alley ; of at No. 98,
Union street.
It is proposed to deliver the whole in Forty Numbers,
at One Half Dollar each—one ef which will be completed
every two-weeks. April *ia&jW.
—No. 119—
fPjice. Eight DoJlirs per Aojuun.]