Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 11, 1796, Image 3

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THE committee reported a draft of a petition
as alorefaid—which being read and amended, was
unanimously accepted.
Voted, That the grand jury be requeued to for
ward to each town in the county of Himpfhii'e, a
copy of the petition aforefaid, together with a cir
culai letter, desiring their immediate attention \o
the momentous fubjedt.
Voted, I liat VVm. Coleman, of Greenfield, E
hen. Hunt, of Northampton, J. Woodbridge, of
Worthington, George Bliss, of Springfield, Abel
Whitney, of Weftfield, be a committee to receive
and forward to Samuel Lyman, Esq. in Congress,
the doings of the frveral towns, to be by him pi e
fcnted to that body.
Attest. J. E. PORTER, Clerk.
Of the Grand Jury to the Seledtniln of the several
Towns in this County:
THE grand jrtry of the county of Hampshire,
convened at Northampton for the discharge of the
•rdinary duties annexed to that office, having been
addrelTed by the honorable the supreme court on the
I present alarming afped of our public affairs, tho't
' « i|ieumbeut on them to give the fubjeft their feri
<ju» and difpalfionate consideration. And it having
appeared to them, that the highest interests of this
country, the faith and exiltence of ourgovernment,
arc suspended on the dccifton of the queltion for
making appropriations to carry into effect the treaty
with Great B/itain, now agitated before the House
. of Reprefentativea in Congress, they are of opinion,
that a critis of this solemn and important nature,
demands the free and independent voice of the peo
ple. And though they disapprove of the attempt
to influence the minds of a legislative body on
queflions of a general nature, through the medium
of town-meetings, yet they consider there may be
a moment of difficulty and danger, that will fully
juftify such attempt. They therefore have taken
the liberty of inclosing to you a copy of a petition,
which has met with their approbation, "and also the
approbation of a large and refpeftable number of
persons collected from every part of the county,
and which yoa are reqnefted to lay before your
town, immediately, for their consideration.
Per order of the grand jury, ...
In the courfeof the present week, it is expedted
there will be a meeting of the inhabitants of the
several towns in this county, on the fubjeft of the
present alarming and critical situation of our nation
al politics-—We conceive it by no means hazardous
to anticipate an almofl unanimous vote of the inha
bitants, in favour of giving full and immediate effect
to the treaty with Great Britain.
NEW-YORK, May 10.
According to tha latest account# received from
France, by way of London, it appears that the
insurgents in the welt, are still in confidcrablc force,
though they have fuffered many defeats. Tliey
have lately taken two towns, Chalons and Mayenne
xT o ttC / ° f whicFlthe ) r plundered and abandoned.
, De Prnfaye had been surprised,. in company with
feme ladies, in the midst of a part of his army.
attempted to save bimfclf by flight, but, to
gether with some of his followers, was shot by the
republicans. D'Autichamp, who raised a regi
ment of Emigrants, taken into British pay, is said
to have succeeded Stofflet as the agent of infurrcc
tioinn one particular part of the country.
. With regard to the internal (late of Fran- e, it
was observed that Paris was tranquil. The fubje&
which ef late had chiefly engaged the public attsn-
Hon, was the Liberty of the Press. The <!ireso.
ry, following the example of other governments,
Was attempting to annihilate free discussion.because
some men abuled it j they wish to deny the right
of pointing out their mifcondua, becaufc thev
have been accused without foundation. In other
measures it was owned they were adopting the sys
tem of terror. They have ilTued two milliards of
a new paper money, called territorial mandates,
which mull be received at par, under pain of tranf.
portation. Ihe Louis d'or was at 5300 livres, and
K is laid the mass of afiigaws was rapidly dimin
ilhing. '
By the Jhip Vtnilit.
BRUXELLES, March 16.
The head-quarters of the army ef the Sambre and
Meufe have been removed from Bonne to Cologne,
which is » mare centrical fituafion for the military ope
of'th"' Rhin- " £ ab ° Ut t0 UkC pla£C ° n the "S ht bank
They left Cologne on the nth inft. and on the fame
day Gen. Jourdan set out for Duffeldorff, whither up
wards of »0,000 men have received orders to repair
" with all possible diligence. This order appears to hTve
been by the movement of the Auftrians,
who have left their camp in front of the Lahn, and
have advanced towards Sicgbourg. Every day large
left hank rftl!?*? P er «ived, from the
left bank of the Rhine, coming down from the moun
tains, and collecting on the left bank of the Siee-
It seems to be the intention of the Auftrians to open
'" W an attack on the entrenched camps
at Oberbihck and DufTeldorff. This last town, and
the fortified ines eftabhlhed for its protean,
form 10 front of ,t a complete accent, the two ex- .
trcmnies ol Which extend to the Rhine, are m a re
fpe<ftable state ot defence, and capable of making a
long and effectual refiflance.
It is considered as certain, that hostilities will com
znence beiore the end of March.
t corps of troops which were on their march ]
for Coblentz and I reves, have received orders to re- I
turn, and to-proceed to Crevelt.
They are about to draft all the belt troops, horse
and foot, from the aine new departments, in order to
fend them to the Lower Rhine. Some of these have
been ieledteq, and arc already on their march*
PARIS, March 13*.
The price of meat in Paris, for the next Decade,
-has been fixed at 120 hvres per lib.
The frequenters of the Pantheon have not loft all
hopes of feeing their club restored. On the 4 th inft. r
they circulated aming themselves, the following note:
'' £ he P" r,ots °f '79Z are invited to meet, on the -
15th Ventofe, at the Bornon Coffee-houfe, on the Hou- I,
levard, near the Agneffeau market, by the gate of St. -
Honore, between the hours of fix sad feyen in <-hc
evening, in infer to Concert plans of benefices and ea.
triotjfru." •
The government will certainly not be duped by such
fiimiy pretexts. It is against them and agaiflft the
OoLltiEution, that these wretches are conspiring.. The
ill numbers of Itabeuf, of the (i Enlightener of the
People," and of 44 The Journal of Free Man, have
opened the eyes of all. The two firft of these papers
formally demand the overthrow of the Constitution and
of the Directory. Comparing the measures of the
exilling government with thofc of the old court; they
apply to its members the appellations of traitors and
miscreants, and predict that they will die on the fcaf
lold. " The Enlighrener of the People," in particu
lar, declares all the members of the commifiion of
Eleven to be infamous ; and stiles the constitution pre
pared by them, and accepted by a great majority of the
people, a code of flivery. He proclaims Ho'iefpierre,
and all the monsters. who perished with him on the 9th
Thermidor, to be the avengers of the kuman race.—
He invokes their dear and lacred manes I—He1 —He declares
that the revolution iifcarcely begun.
"°!** ver Specious all our plan» of Finance may be,
we frill fear, that unless they have peace for their bass,
they must every one of th«m fail.
The resolutions which have been adopted within
these few days on the fubjed of the finances, afford a
new proof that the. idea of eftablifhmg a bank is totally
abandoned ; for the 800 millions of national effeds,
which" were firft entrusted to the special disposition of
the diredory, were to have served as a fccuritv for the
notes which the bank was to ifTue. Befidesi Dubois
Crance formally announced in the debate yelterday on
the emission of 600 millions of mandates, that no bank
would be eftablifhedl.
' March 14.
A letter from Bruxellcs, mentions the arrival of a
perion in that city with three millions of Rescripts >
which were fold at a Jol's of 48 per cent.
ftnte, that the inhabitants
emigrate m gteat numbers, abandoning their houses,
to take refuge in Germany, and particularly in tlu
rruffian dominions.
By a letter from Rennes, we are afTiired, for the
th.rd or fourth time, that Pu.fsyc has been killed in
an action in the commune of Medireae, in which the
republicans defeated his troops.
If letters from Angers may be credited, D'Auti
champ has fuccteded Stofflet in the command of the
rebels in that part of La Vendee.
Nine pretended Generals and two girls lately dined
at one of the fiiit Reifaurateurs in the PalaVßoyal,
where their dinner cofi them 35,000 fivrcs, »S,oooof
which wefe charged for wine.
General Cou'tois, charged with having been the
caule oi the difaUers which our troops experienced be
fore Mentz, bas been tried by a military comrtiißian,
and ftntenced to be imprd'oned ft* three monfhs.
NASSAU (N. Providence) April y.
Yesterday afternoon his ivujefty's fluop Swallow,
Capt. Fowke, arrived here in 41 days fiom Poiti"-
The Swallow failed, wiih a large fleet forth? W.
Indies, from which the parted in the latitude of
Madeira about four weeks liuce;
The Swallow is *nc of t|ie lately built fir brigs,
carries 18 3 2 pounders, (ails well, and is sent out
for the protection of the Bahamas.
The (livifiuN fiom the coast of Africa, composed
of the Experiment man of war, the Vigilante fri
gate, three - gabare, (lienor) and some
prizes, entered the road of Rochefort on the ftfc
inft. They are richly loaded with guld dnti, p:;if-"
tres, mufliu, ivory, &c. The towel! sailor, it .is said
will to the value of 25,000 livres
in fpecic. This divifiu'n has bu nt the two richcll
factories belonging to the Englifli on the Coast of
Stfrica, and 72 veflVls with rich cargoes. Thelofi
of the Engliih, at the molt moderate calculation,
ft estimated at 50 million*.
LONDON, January 6.
I The remains of the late Sir Henry Clinton were
interred last week, in a private manner, in the fa burial vault in St. George's Chape!, in Wind
sor Castle.
On Monday the 25th ult. the day appointsd for
theele&ion of Delegates for the county of King.
William, the propiiety of the freeholders expreffincr
their fenle up®,i the fubjeft of providing the uecef.
faiy appropriations for carrying into effect the trea
ty lately negotiated and ratified by America with
Great Britain was submitted to them, when upon a
divifion,a very large mrjority, nay, almost the whole
number of those present declared themselves in fa
vor of the sentiments contained in the fubioined
address, which was signed by those approving, who
desired that the fame might be forthwith transmit
ted to their representative in Congress.
[Here follows a petition to the house of repre
k-ntatives in favor of appropriations to cairy the
Bntifli Treaty into effe<3.]
From the Columbian Mirror.
[Pub lifted at Alexandria.]
Mr. Price.
There are falfehoods in their nature so flagrant,
that the belt answer they can receive is the univer.
lal impreflion of their exigence. Mr. Bache's cor upon the fubjeft of the Alexandria town
meetng, only deserves such an answer ; he wrote to people at a dillance, and he may have par.
- y a,,fw "fd his end. But the independent ci
tizens of Alexandna know, aud deride the falfe
hood. Upon a fair examination of the various in
foi mations of Mr. Bache's, limilar deceptions will
" o in u found > and ,he p e °ple of America
wiß learn how to credit them. Theirobjeft is our
political ruin, the means they use are fraud, decep
tion, and the mod impudent lying.
4* per Cent. . . ,/„
BANK United Slates, . . . ' " l 4&
Pcnnfylvama, ... J, pr ' CCUt -
North America, - . . ' . .g to
Insurance Comp.Nonh-Amenca, ?, Lfhrs
— 1 emifyWania, Ia p!;r ct>
ixcuANGg. at 60 days, ... j6 0
Mr. Tracy observed, that ihiscafe had been be
fore determined upon, on a petition fiom the wi
dow Butler ; that a bill had puffed that hoitfe, but
had been negatived in the Senate. He doubted
not therefore, die report would be agreed to
It was ordored to be rcfeired to a vommiutcof ihe
Mr. Swanwick presented a petition from fuiidry
officers in the late war, holding military warrants,
praying that land might be appropriated upon
which to locate their warrants in place of that ceded
to the Indians by treaty. It was referred lo the
committee who has the management of that bufi-]
! he house rrfolved iifelf into a committee of the
whole, Mr. Bourne in the chair, on the bill au
thorizing EbenezerZane tolocatecertainlandsnorth
weit of (he river Ohio, which after a few amend
ments, wis agteed to, taken up in the house, 1 and
ordered to be efigroflrd for a third leading.
, 1 lie committee of the whole, to whom was re
ferred the bill telaiive to military lands, was dis
charged, and the bill was recommended to a select
Mr S. Smith wished the house to take up the
res lutipn which h<r had laid upon the table on Sa
turday, relative to the sale of prizes in the ports of
the United States. It was accordingly tal en up.
Mr, S.iiith said, his intention in bringing forward
this ref<jlutioit,was to put a!! nations upon the fame
footinjj with refptft to fdling of prizes in our
[>orts. By our treaty with Great Britain, he said,
prize's taken from that power by the French wen
prohibited from being fold in our ports; and in
our treaty with. France, a similar stipulation was
made '*ithj*fpe<ft to French vessels taken by the
Ertgli'h ijjmt in cafe a war fhoiild take place bet
wixt Great Britain and Spain, there was at present
no regulation to prevent Great-Britain from bring
-1,18 prizes into our ports. By the law
which he proposed, he meant to deny the privilege
of felling prizes in our ports to all natrons, as the
heft way of fleering clear of offence to any, and
thereby preserve our neutrality inviolate. After
some little opposition, on the ground of its being
a measure not at present called For, but might be
entered into when such a war as was anticipated
fhotilrl take place ; that ,it was giving an advantage
without reciprocity ; and that the French having
heretofiire had the privilege of felling their prizes
in o,lr P 0 ! 1 -** the stoppage of that privilege might
give offence to them—lt palled by a large majority
and a Coininiteee appointed to bring in a bill.
Mr. >W. Smith, from the committee to whom
was referred the amendments of the. Senate to the
bill for the sale of lands north ,we'* of the river O
hio, made a report, recommending the amendments
to be agreed to,and proposing fomeadditional ones.
They were ordered to be printed.
Mr. Bourne wished the house again to resolve
itfelf into a committer of the whole Upon the report
of the committee of Ways and Means, for making
further provision for foreign intercomfc. It was a
greed to, and being a report on a confidential com
munication irom the President, the galleries were
7he Ship Vemit a, Captain Adamfun, arrived at A r eiv
Tori on Monday morning from Bristol, with I.on.
don papers to the l6lh of March, from one oj
which toe have copied the following :
LONDON, March 4.6.
It was yefierday repotted in the city upon what
authority we know nut, that Admiral Duncan haS
received certain intelligence of the defhnation and
lituation of the Dutch Fleet, and was gone after
it, in the hopes of bringing it to ad ion.
Yesterday feeing the fact of the crucifixion, was
observed with the usual solemnity. All the (hops
in the metropolis, were with few exceptions, ftiut
Lord Macartney, it if Paid, is to be appointed
governor of the Cape ofGGood-Ho e .
The following sentence is exl,»a e{ ] from afpeech
ps Mfitthiett Dumas, in a debate up on the fcnancej
on the 16;h of March.—" Peace beco me f"rc b y
our resolution to obtain it, and doubt'^ 9 near at
hand, by the will of the nation to conclude it on
term, honourable to all patties ; peace will re{» ole
Tuclday, May Ip. , - ■ .
Petitions in favor of the BritiOi tieaey, urare pre
hy McfTteurs Hejth, Ciabb and Brent.—.
That presented by Mr. Parker on Saturday, was
against the British tveaty, from Norfolk and Porlf
mouth. "
Mr. Giles also presented the proceedings of a
meeting at Peterflj'.irgh, on the fame fubjetl.
Mr. S. Smith reported a bill for making an ad
dition to the falariesof certain public officeis for that
year 1796, which was twice read and ordered to
be referred t6 the committee of thewhole to-mor
row. ,
A communication was received from the Attor
ney General; inclosing a report upon the petition
of sundry inhabitants of St. Clair, agaiiiil the op
preflive coiiduct of Judge Turner, which tecom
mended a curtain mode of profectition. The report
and other papers were referred to a feled com-
The bill altering the time of holding the circuit
courts of Rhode Island and Vermont, was read a
third tim* and palled.
. Mr. Tracy, from the committee of claims, made
a report upon the petition of certain Stockoridge
Indians, for "compensation for services dining the
war with Great. Bitain, which was againlt the pe
titioners and agreed to.
He also made a report on the petition of Jcha
Montgomery and Thomas Sn}ith, exccutors of the
late genera] Richard Built.i, who was killed in a
battle with the Indians on the 4th November 17,91
and left behind him a widow and children. This
report was in favor of the petitioners and recom
mended the of June 7,1794, to be exteuied
"to this claim. "
foreign •intelligence.
f _ 33d rcgiffievit, oomipanded-fcy the ho*. Col.
Weft marched this day from Poole to Portfmuuth,
I where they ate to embark, for the ; they
a very fine body yf mcit. ' in town.—■
ThejwontaiH a report of the p.toccfuing»of the na
tional alembly to the I2ih. In the'fitting of the
tith, the ptefident proposed, audit was decreed,
that a flatement /lioiild be made of the debts ai:d
expenditures of the republic. Tte land committee
was ordered to make a report upon -»ie expeiicts
of the army and fortifications ; the 100 mill I*ous dtia
to France ; and the payment ps the penfiona. . Th«
marine was ordered to draw up an account of the
expences of the navy j artd anothrir conimlfTiyn was
directed to prepare a ftiitemcnt of the expeiiccs of
the convention.
HARWICH, March 25.
PasTed by, a fleet of (hips from the no'thward,
bound to London ; several put into this port ; not--
withftaodillg, we cannot obtain any information re
fpedling either admiral Duncan Or the Dutch fleet.
I he ship Clement, of CharleftowJi, capt. Mof; t
Smith, from North-Carolina bound to Hull, laden
with rosin, and otliei goods, has 101 l her boats, and
received considerable damage.
FALMOUTH, March 22.
This evening arrived in our harboui the ValianS
Lugger, with four prizei, taken by fir J. B. War
ren s squadron, and ient in. The captain fays, they
fell in with a fleet of near 140 fail of French *ffcls,
convoyed by four frigates and l'ome (loops of war,
near Brcft. He believes several more are taken ; ,
and when he was ordered away, he left la Pornone,
lir J. B. Warren, engaged with two French fri
gates, who were got under the.guns of a fort; and
both ihe captain and others declare, that they saw
°1 C ibe frigates haul down her colours, while
within view * but night coming on, they made the
belt of their way to this port. The reft of fir
John s fquudron were in pursuit of the convoy; ma
|iy of which, .they believe, mud fall into their
hands. The Lugjjer hath landed fifty French of
ficer and men heie, part of the crews of the four
prizes. As there are other cutters attending fir
John, more authentic accounts-are* hourly expert-
Tne Mediterranean fleet, under convoy of two
frigates, arc sow off this port ; the wind not bei»«-
fair to get up the channel; several vessels bejanginjr
to them are come into our harbour.
Yetterday a privateer of iS puns, which had
done much mifchief off our coafl, was sent inta
Mount s Bay by the Porcupine frigate. She wa»
'stake a loaded bug, off the land's end, in the
morning Informa:ion being given to the Porcupine,
(he fallen immediately in qt:ett of the privateer,
and fooji tame up with her, retook the brig, ai.d
loon took the privateer; both which were sent itt
Sr. 13RIEUX, March
1 he state of the of the Coirs du
*ord, is very critical. The Cpd>uan» are commit-
new ravages extending their coi.qucfl* there
pieading far and near the desolation of maflae're*,
Aithout our being able tooppofe to them fufficient
lumbers of troop,. I„ va i„ c | o wti[k , ro frurn
jovernment—in vain to our Constituted Authori
ties declare, that without the fpeedielt succours, we
Ml fee thu cor.ntry becpmc a new La Venose.
Our claim, seem loft in the space which divides u»
trora the centre of authority.
"10 want " f JO or 12,000 men, in order
to eft abhfh every where strong cantonment,, and
we have icarcely more than between 1500 and zcoo
men. When, then, will government seriously take
i>ur dangers into confederation ?-*-iivcry day, we
bave to groan over a murdrr, which is accompanied
fly the mod atrocious cireurallances. The sworn
pne..s, the known friends of the revolution, rlie
purchasers of national property, are fucceflively
pillaged and assassinated. The despair of the latter
n lo (trong, that, in order to efeape from their
murderers, they hasten to make rtiam sales, reftorin?
to the pried,, to the relations of the emigrants, the
states which they hu bought.
The vilUges are uninhabited. The Chouans,
who for a lon* tune had laid waste only the fron
tiers of our dsparment, make great progreffe, t
they advance to the centre, and threaten to de,
"°' :r th ? who - c » as they have done with Morbi
This country will be annihilated, if we do not re
vive speedy leiiiforcements; if, before the fine f«4-
on arrives, we have not troops to prevent the
prcading of the emigrants and soldiers, which Eng
land will never cease attempting to throw on outs
1 be other diftrifts, formerly called Bretons, viz."
that of Lannioii, of Guingamp, and of Pontrieux,
have hulierto pieferved tranquillity; thauks to the
energy and the vigilance of the towns, and tho
, 01 they are invaded; the <3iftria of Guingamp'
has already been the theatre of different assassina
tions. A gang of emigrants, commanded by a
eertiin Delaiigle, have advanced as far as the dif
tridt of Pontueux, and have ftript the farmers of
this ci devant count, who had bought a part of hia
luNVERNESI u NVERNESS ' Scotland ' March 16.
We have had a winter uncommonly open, and
the temperature of the air remarkably mild 5 nt»
snow except on the most diflant mountains; not aa
much ice as would cool the throat of a London*
Blood ; but heavy gales of wind have blown fiont
the S. W. with little variation for thcfc tbiee
Our crops of all kind of corn were very plentiful,
tho' not quite so abundant as those of 1794. We
could certainly spare a considerable quantity; but
so great has been the demand from England and the
South of Scotland, and so tempting the prices, that
we begin to take the alarm, and to fear that more
may be taken from us than it would be prudent to
\ , . -T
notTCH s
The undersigned has removed hi« office from Mr.
Kid's in High-Street, to No, 109, South frost
Greet, where liia business is tianfa&a£ed as ufuat»
ly for JAMES SWAN,
h i 1