John Miller, jun. & Co. No. 8 Chefnvt ftrcct, Have imported in the late vefleli from Europe ■d GENER/1L ASSORTMENT OF V spring GOODS, Amnngft which are Striped and clouded NANKEENS, Dimities and Muflmets,* • xr , HATS. i Neatly a(F'rtrd in packages, JRFSH LINENS, ditto, fr! ' L|cw *" e " 011 'he reafonabl* terms, tor C-afh or the ufua! credit. Mr. Darley'j- Night. New Theatre. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, May n, VVill be presented, the COMEDY of Such things anp. Ner-cr performed here. Written by the authoress o f Every one has Fault, &c. Mr. Green. Lord Flint, M r. Bpftp Sir Luke Tremor, Mr. Bates. Mr. Twincall, Mr. Moreton. ! Mr. Ha I wet I, Mr. Whi-lock. Epulis, Mr. Mar{ha!l. Mr. Meannght, Mr. Darley, juo. Mr. Darley, Tirft Keeper, Mr.. WirrelL Second Keeper, Mr. Mitchell, „• Ftrft Prifoßer, Mr. Bliffeu. Second Pnfoner, Mr. Morgan. , Meuenger, j^j r< Warrell, jun.. LsdyTieraor, Mrs. Shaw. Aurelia. Mis* "Francis. Female Prisoner, Mrs. Whit lock; End of the Comedy, by particalar desire, the favorite Son,?of L UC r, By Mr. Darley To which will be added, the Farce of A Mogul Tale. Altered from a piece oj that name 'written by tire Au thoress of of Every one has his fault, Ztfe. and per formed in London, ivitb the great eft applause. 1 Great Mogul, Mr. Mnrtton. Do£lor Pedant, Mr. Francu. . " Ms; Green. Mr. Beete, lit Guard; Mr. Darley, jan. 2d Guard, Mr. Mitchell. Johnny Atkins, Mr. Bales. Miss Oldfield. rrnc ' Mrs. Hatvey. S, « b >. SSrs.Willetns. Fanny Atkins, Mfs, Marlhall. With new Scenery, Machinery and Decorations. End of the First aft of the Farce, Mr. Darley will sing (by particular desire) the favorite fang of POOR JACK. ** * Tiekets to be had at the usual places, and of Mr. Darley, 130 Vine street. On Friday, a Tragedy, neverperformed here, called HENRY THE SECOND ; Or, The Fall of Fair Rosamond—with the Farce of LOVE ALA MODE, for the Benefit of M""- Whitlock. Mr. Botes's Night will be on Monday. ALL pcrfons indebted to the Estate of Robert Stevenson, deceased, or to the late part nership of Robert & Cornelius Sievenfon, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having any de mands against the fame, will bring them in forfettlement. CORNELIUS STEVENSON, Adminiflrator, and Surviving Partniy, No, 124 Sprucc Street. May 11 3aw^w » Miniature Painting. A Foreign Artist refpe j. The division that landed at P«tite rivi*re headed by Baron of Muntalembart, eompofed of colonial forces, of emigrants of the legion of Lapointe and of the ChafTeura of Defiaurces, remained as a carps of obfervatiun.' In the night of. the 21 ft to th« 22d, the Englifli conftru&ed a battery opposite to the bastion of Liberty, at pistol (hot diltance from the foffe. At break of day the works were perceived, and a well supported.sire of artillery and mulketry so well di re<9ed, that after a bloody couflift of three hours theEnglifh were obliged to abandon their entrench ment*. They then attempted to carry the place by as sault, the attacking being covered by the 'fire of 4 field pieces. They neglected no means to make this attack fuccefsful—ladders, fafcines, See. tbey had every tiling in They we'r« fuffered to rejeh the edge.of the foffe, when a general fire from the garrison, kept up with couftaney, oblig ed them to fly with precipitancy. They dispersed, 'abandoning their tools, arms, &c. and two brass fix pounders, See. which the republicans took poflef fion of, having made a lbrtie, and pursued the fly- The division of Montalembert made an attempt to protedl the retreat of the Ewglifli, with* detach ment of cavalry ; but a well dire&ed fire from the baltion of Equality, obliged them to retire. [TranJlaUdfor the Maryland Journal.~\ VICTOR HUGUES To the Editor* of the French'and Ameiican Ga- I expefi of your condcfcenfion and impartiality to infertinyour Gazette this letter. As a public fundt/onary, 1 was to be applauded and ilandered. It is the effrft of the government which we have adopted. I made it a law to my felf never to answer or enter into any altercation refpeiting my funftiont. ; Fintecn months since, I urged my recall. Con gratulations, encouragements, a general approba tion of all our operations, have been the anlwer of the committee of public fafety, which must prove to the enemies of our country that, notwithstand ing the different faflisns which have disunited the national convention, every one has sighed for a re public, and the deftru&ion of the British nation. But now that the goverifbent is fixed, 1 have infilled with intreaties npon my recall ; I hope that 1 shall obtain it next spring. I invite those who have caused to be published In yours, or any other Gazette, fadts against me, to sign andprefent them to the government for inves tigation. 1 declare that I shall profeeute the traitor Collot in France, and that I shall easily prove to the world histreacherou* condudt. I engage to itiake use of his own writings. If he is not guilty, why does he not (leer his way to France. Moreover I will prove that the Irishman Fitzlimons, with O'Brien and Faloy, merchants in Dominica, were commil , lipped by hi; h»ly Britannic majelly to receive in the amount of the adjudicated proper ty of the transported French patriots, denominated Brigands by Collot, after the manner of George, Conde, and Co. I will (how they have been con cerned in vefTels to rob and plunder the republic ; O Bntn being here under confinement lor that crime till the day that government (hall pass judg ment on him. The moment is not far off when the fury of pas sions will give place to calm reasoning. Then will the public dillinguifh the men whose energy has created the revolution, from the cameleons, always wavering between the two parties, consulting only their own mterefts, always exclaiming against the cut throats, and yet always devoted to that horrid party. As to myfelf, I shall enjoy the fatisfa&ion of having discharged a painful talk, whose success has even exceeded my molt sanguine hopes. As to war operations, I leave it to military men to com pare ourrefources with those of the enemy ; but I prioe myfelf io having maintained good order and tranquillity, and it will not be found, that during thelon si space of twenty months, one of those peo ple formerly slaves, was punished for milbehaviour towards a white man. Labor went on as formerly. An army of ten thousand men scattered uponGre uada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, 'Statia, St. Martins, Mangalanttf, contrails, holpitals, the ftaff, all were regularly paid, and (bme hundred thousand dollars M • 1 haVC rccdved wi 'h open arms Uomingo patriots, those of St. Vincent and Martinique, their wives and their children. all this is not enough to silence my calumnia tors, the which, as public accuser, I pro voked, from the revolutionary tribunals at Roche been'mat ' M 'hose Ihave given here, have all been mafe ihat would serve them j while they confided in a band of intriguers, guilt not only remained unpunished but raised its head in triumph. Polverel and Santhona*, commiflaries sent to St. Domincroto re-eftabKfli pease and tranquillity on the island, with great lefources to execnte their million, fuffered the whites to be slaughtered. Peri for.7, as well as property, Were npt (pared. <\J[ citizens were divided. The enemv had invaded the country, and all this because they sided with one party, and espoused private animosities. Vidtor Hugues, caiiying with him a baneful law, breathing havoc to the colonics, landed on an ene! my's ground, and drove away the Bii iCh and re. bels. Property and individuals were refpefted. No taxes were exacted. AH she requisitions were paid. Order, tranquillity and plenty prevailed eveiy where! The ftrifteft discipline was maintained. Negroes were kept at work ; not one proprietor was turned out. The unfortunate, from all the islands, were received andaffifted, and Guadaloupe is in a better ltate than ever. The sugar-works are much en. creased. The British well know that they mud have twen. ty thousand men to attack us. I am convinced that general Abarcrombie will go off as well drut. bed as his comrades and his countrymen, generals Grey, Jervia, Vaughan, Irwin, JLindJay, Colin Graham, Stewait, Prcfcot, & Co. 1 wait for them. It is reported that feme are already at .Bar badpe»—Whatever may happen, my name a d that of the famous Collot, (hall never ihine to gether in a capitulation. I have known h.>w to live j I shall know how to die. Never will 1 dis honor myfejf. This letter has already run to a very grest length ; but, perhaps, though inelegant, it will convey the truth. 1 wait with calmness ray accusers. law convinced that it is in the United Stales as in Paris. People make much li.oifc without proving any thing. 1 am, with due efteera, RICHMOND, May 4. On Monday lall tlie corps of sitillery, infantry and cavalry, of this city, paraded i» honour of the American Saint; and upon hearing that the statue of general Walhington, which lately arrived from Paris, was about to be brought up from Rockqts', they marched down and escorted it with military honours to the capitol, which excited emotions o£ pleasure and gratitude in every beholder. May 9* A phyfisian in St. Mary's county, Maryland, writes to his friend in this city, that he wat lately called to a boy in a .Locked Jaw,, oa the 4th day of the disorder. He had been taking liquid lauda num in great doses without effed. The ph.yfieian who had prefcribcd this remedy, gave him over. Phe physician (our correipondent) who succeeded him, bled him plentifully, and aftei wards gave him largequantitieß of wineand bark. He likewise ap plied bliflers to the outiide of each of hi^jaws. By the use of these remedies, he was relieved in 36 hours, And on the 2d of May he was perfectly well. It is to be hoped this communkation of 3 cure of a disorder, so often fatal, and by remedies which have succeeded in many similar cases, will prove ufeful to the citizens of the United States, and lead them to reje£t a dependence upon a reme dy (laudanum) which has feldbindone fervictf when used alone, and which is prescribed only in complai sance ta great names. />#/„. Gazette, SPRINGFIELD, May 6 . At a Meeting of a relpeCtable number of Free holders and other Inhabitants of the County of Hampshire, holden at Northampton, the 27th David sexton, imheChsir, J. E. PORTER, Clerk. VOTED, That it ia the epiiriun of this meet 'J?®* t,eal y lately negotiated with Great- Brjtain, ought to be carried into immediate effedt. Voted, that William Park*, S. Henrtlaw, Wm. X yocrion f E. Hunt, E. Mattoon, jun'. Esquires, and Meflieuts Wm. Coleman <*nd Jona. be a committee to draft a petition to the Houfeof Reprefentativea in Congress, on the fubjeft, and to lay the fame before this meeting-, for tJieir apprd- The meeting was then adjourned till tomorfow evening. Thursday Evening, April 28. Met according to adjournment. SAMUEL HENSHAW, ia ike Chair. VICTOR HUGUES.