Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 11, 1796, Image 1

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    Number 1146.
For Hamburgh,
The Danish Brigantine
Den Nye Prove,
A fine (lout vefleL Will be ready to take in her cargo
on the firfl of May. For freight or paflage apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
AN ANCHOR, off Cape May, weighing about 12 a 13 8 to 9 Fathoms water ; the Caps bearing E. byS.
ant! th&Baoy Bf the Brown S. B>W; 4 ,
To the Anchor was atmercd a piece of Cuble, and a
frnall buoy. Whoever finds and brings it to capt..Hanfen,
will be reasonably rewarded for their trouble.
April 15. dtf.
Captain Salter,'
3500 barrels—a ftauneh godd vessel, about five years
old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply to
Peter Blight.
April 30. eod2w.
BURTHEN about 2000 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to
"James Campbell, of
George Latimer.
April, 29. S
Fen LOU D O N*
I" A-, The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
Mount Vernon,
JMs§K«r-,BURTHEN about 411 tons, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on
or before the ioth »f_May next, great part of her cargo
engaged. For freight or paflage apply to the fubferibers,
No. 21, Penn-fireet,
Willings and Francis.
April 97. 5
For sale by the subferiberx,
68 Hhs. ift quality Jamaica COFFEE.
22 Barrels ditto ditto.
Willings and Francis,
Penn-ftreet, No. 21.
May 5. d
Fot CHA R7 E R t
gT3Ln_ THE SftlF
Sim dominick terry,
Jacob Dc Hhrt, Matter,
Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to
JeJfe if Robert Wain.
April T9. §
SILAS SWAIN, Commander,
WILL fail on or about the ift of May. For freight or
passage apply to the Captain oa board at Walnut-street
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN iff CO.
13- 5
«- L The Copper Bottomed Ship
WITH all her materials, as lhe came from sea. Like
wile to be disposed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
on board said veffei. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
Maya }
For B R I S 1 0 L,
the new ship
T»iodo*e Bliss, Maftcr,
WILL take Goods on freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight Or paflage apply to
Thorfias £ff John Clifford.
Who have for Sale, besides their ufdal aflortment of
tromriongery, Cutltry, Sadkry, &e.
Crates of Glass a«ldEarthen Ware; Crates of Vials';
boxes of long and short Pipes j Bristol crown Glaft aflo'rt
ed, from 18 by 12 inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets
and Bottoti «; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter in Caiks assorted; Bristol Grindstones; Garnet
& Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Alfi, a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April It. aaw".;
A few boxes of well assorted
Imported in the Glasgow, from Dublin, and to be fold by
Mordetai Lewis.
May 4 §2w
JuJl Arrived,
Axd for sale it the Sl""p TIVO BROTHERS, Samuel
Marchant, .. njler, a quantity of
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo :
jtlfo for Stle,
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 400 Barrels.
SHE is a gooa llrong ■vtffel, and has been chiefly em
ployed as a Coafler. If not fold in a few pays, will take
in irekrlu, and proceed dircifl lor Newbury Port.
Apply to ISAAC HARVEY, jun.
May 5. §im No. 5,5. Water Street
Sjlascae of tfje
For Sale,
The Ship
A remarkable fine Vessel,
TJHiladelphia "built, of Live Oak and Cedar, copper
A bolted and (heathed with patent copper, burthen a
obut 300 tons, a prime sailer, tvel} found, and now ready
to receive a cargo. For terms apply on board at Wilcscks's
wharf, or to
Thomas & John Ketland. -
5b dozen Birch Brooms.
For Sale on board said (hip.
7 ■ §
Landing this Day,
AT Hamilton's wharf, from on boar J the brig Liberty,
from Port «lc Pail,
104 Hog (heads"} „
14 fiarreb £ Green Coltee.
*5 Bags J '
43 Hogiheads ) MUSC oVADO SUGAR,
110 Barrels }
1 Box, 2 barrels and x bag INDIGO,
And a Quantity of Lignum Vita,
No- 149, South Front street.
'd B
(he now lies at Hamilton's wharf,
A strong, fait failing, double deck'd Brig, burthen
130 tons, and fuppoled to carry 1400 barrels.
Apply as above. May 9. *$3t
MALAGA WINE, in quarter Calks;
RAHSINS, in Kegs ; and
NEW RICE, In "whole jmd hilf Tiere<£t.
Isaac Harvey, jitn.
No. 5,3. Witer-ftreet.
4th Manth, ioth. §3w.
For Sale,
Alltree story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second (lreets, in which
MelTrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
now do) carried on bufmefs.
Polfeflion will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, or
April »r. §
Treasury Department;
Revenue-Office, March 10th, 1796.
PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the
CommiJJioner of the Revenue, (No. 43, at the corner of
ThJrcl and Chefnut-ftrects, Philadelphia) for building in
I. A Light-House upon Cape-Hatteras.
11. A Beacon House upon Shell island.
Descriptions of each, and all other particulars, may be
fee» on application at the offices of any of the Superinten
dants of Light-Houses, or of the Superyifors of the Rjeve
nue, or of the Collectors of the Cu ft on is in any of the
States ; as iHb St this office. jaw3m
FrOra oh boaVd the BrSr Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WAREj in Crates; and
A quantity of Ct>AL;
Thomas iff 'John Ketland.
April to. §
At RulTell's wharf, the CARGO of th* Ship Lady
Louisa, James Cooper, mailer, from China, and the
Cape of Good Hope;
SUGAR, inChests dnd Bags;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of fuptrior qua
A fmaß quantity of BRANDY;
Parker & Wharton,
No. 109, south Water-street.
*6. §
The remains of the Cargb by the Pigou,
from Canton, viz.
WIDE and narrpw Nankeens
70 Quarter Chests Souchong Tea
20 Tubs Quicksilver, and
A quantity of
and Dining China.
May 7. 3tawim
ift- A Three-Aery brick House, No. 80, N. Second
±\. (Iretft. The lot hi about II feet front, and 288
feet deep, to Bread-llreet, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been one of the belt (lands for business.
ad. A frame Dwellisg-Houfe, No. 260, South Front
ftreet, with a Bakc-Houfe, the Lot is about 17 feet
front, by T3O feet in depth.
3d. A handsome Lot of 15 feet by aoo feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to Gcorge-llreet t it is the 3d
Lot below South-street: on George-street there is a two
story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood
bake oven.
Likewile a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate oil
«h« River Delaware, it a convenient diltance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the bed quality, and
in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar
Swamp. For terms apply so JOHN LITLE,
No; 40 North Sixth-drees.
March 1796, dtf
To be Sold, "
Ants immediate fojjejjion given,
THAT handsome and canveiiientThrce-ftory BRICK
HOUSE, situate in Fifthllreet, between Market and
Arch (frej*«, No. 42, North, at present occupied by Mr.
Garret Cottrihger. For terms apply to
John Shields,
No. 22 ehcfutit fttteet.
Who is new opening,
A general aflortment of Dry Goods,
Suitable to the season—and for sale for cath'or a ffiort
N. B. If the House is not fold by the ioth instant, it
will then be rented. May » Jtlith
juit Arrived,
la the Sno'»r B6fton, James Kirkpatrick, master from I.i
verjiool, * .
5000 BnlheU-SALT ; .
100 Crates QUfifeNS WARE ; and
An Aflortment of SHIP CHANDLERY;
On board, at Pine-street wharf.——Apply to
James Campbell\ or
George Latimer.
*P"' >9- _ j
Samuel Richardet,
D ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia:
The Subscription Room will be furmflied w\th all the
daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, IceCreams, and a variety
of French Liqtfors; together with the usual rcfrefhments,
will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
the choictft of Winej, Spirituous Liquor*, and rtie most
approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries.
The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest
productions of tho Seifun.
Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfalts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours most convenient to thcmfelvcs—a cold Collation is
regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had
at ths bar.
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and
the utmost attention ■paid to cleJnlinefs, and every ether
£5" S\moil Rich ardet will be happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; aid with gratitude for their favours, he pledges
llimfelf ciljr nothing on hispart fbaH W to prc-
J>au on age with wmcE he hu been Co diftinguift
iogly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. _ 5
ON Loan, for two or three years—»oqc> Dollars for
which a mortgage on Land will be given as fecority
The land is clear of evqry incumbrance.
Enquire of tnt Printer.
■ Jan. f. * d.
George Bringhurft,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public,
that he has removed from Arch-flreet, to No. 13 in
north Fifth-ftreet, adjoining the Epif'copal Burial Ground,
where he continues the business of
Coach making in all its Branches.
He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages,
such as Coaches, Chariots, Phxtons, and Coachees ; also,
Chairs, Kittereeps, Gigs, Sulkeys ; apd all kinds of Har
ne(s, with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good
supply of the best materials, and a stock of the bed fea
foried wood.
Orders from any part of the United States will he f *
,ly attended to with the greatcfl pun duality and difpatcA.
v long cxpericncc in Uufincfs, his care lp the execu
tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the dr-
Dres of fiis ernpioy tfs, he natters himfeif will prove fum
cisht rccofhmendations.
He has several second-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a
compUat poachee, with a coachman's feat and»Venetiin
blinds pll round; aPhxton; a Chair; and a Sulkey with
a falling top.
All kinds of Carriages £old on CbmmiJfion, and Car*
riag-s taken id to (land by the niointh or year.
Apprentices wanted to the Business.
Philadelphia, November »i. t,t,&sjor.zawda
China Goods.
TH E Ship Atlantic, Silas S-vainc, Commander,
from Canton, will commence the discharge of her
cargo to-morrow morningat Walnut-street wharf,
Confifling of
Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality
Persian Tafletics, black and acloured
Lustrings, do. do.
Sattins blick of various qualities
Sewing silks in allotted colours
Vermillion in boxes
Cadia in chefls
Qmdkfilvsr in jars
young hyson 1 * rein Teas.
CHINA WARE, ornamerikal, with Table and Tea
Sets generally aflorted.
WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of
First quality Bengal SALT PETRE.
For Sale by
Philip Nick/in & Co.
April .8. uth&i
ABSCONDED, on the night if Thurfiay lafl, the
Ith btfi. Boston Murray, a black indentadfer
■va'nt la J, 18 tr years of age, and about S feet 8»r
9 inches high ; one of his eyes is defeSive in the corner
towards his r,ofe His apparel csnftjlcd of a fnuff-eolor
ed round jacket,ixiith\a Manchejler "veil under ita pair
offujlian transfers, and under I hem a. tight mixed clyth
pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends the fatsl fervani,
and returns him, Or confines him in hnj jail in Pennsyl
vania or J erfty,- ft that I recover him Jhall receive the
above reward, together with reaferrable charges.
No. 109, Spruce-Jlreei.
Feb. li. df
Por Sale by
No. 4, South' Water-Street.
Dec. 12. d.
■ . ■ ■■ —
WE the fubferibers, Commiflioners appointed by law
to take fubferiptions for the Gap, Newport, and
Wilmington Turnpike Road, d« hereby give notice, that
we will attend for that purpole at the house of Samuel
Cochran, on the 6th day of June next;
Chester County, jjth April, 1796. [May f.eolm]
[; landing this day*
Front an board the, brig Jefcrfon, E/ihu E. Mtrrh,
Ma/frf, from St. Croix.
PjtJjME SUGAR and ) . .„ , • ,
"RITM J i*Hog&«d».
50,000 lb. GKEKN COFFEE in 450 Bigs.
. *■_ ■ - - jit/a, by a
no,CCO Coffee,-In ao Hfids.
14 Tierces,
ij 'RAfrels, .
.... B'lf* F° r Sale by
~ John Wilcocks,
Tub Alley, South Wharves.
en Ma r ' fs
Washington Canal Lottery,
N°, r.
he -TTTHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
>f- VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
n- two hundred, and fifty Hollars, for purpose of cutting
ed a Canal through the City of W»(hingt»n, from the P6-
tomac to tfie Eastern Branch Harbour.
ty The following u the SCHEME of No. 1.
ts, Viz.l Prize of 20,000 do liars, 30,00©
I ditto 10,000 10,000
th 7 l«ft drawn
.11 Tickets, aach j 5,000 *<°00
•s. 6 ditto 1,000 6,c00
:ll Xo ditto 400 4,000
lo ditto 100 a ,OOO
ie 55 ditto 50 2,750
at 5750 ditto ia 69,008
is To be raised for the Canal, 26,350
id, ■ ■
5-850 Prizes, 175,000
id 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
er ' . ■
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,003
id The Commiflioners have tali en the Securities te
at quired by the aforefaid a<3 for the punctual payment of
es the prizes.
C- The drawing «f this Lottery will comments, without
k- .delay, a*toon at.the Tickets are fold,-of which timely
notice wUibc ...
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
- drawing is finiflied, fliall be conflicted as for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
>r (Signed) NOTLEY YOUNG,
City ef Washington, Feb. n. §
n' Knox, Henderfon & Co.
No. 46, North Front (freet,
HAVE imported in thelhips Liberty, Concord and A
driana, from London, afrelh supply of Goodsfui't-
ed to the season—consisting of 0
A bcauiful aflortment of -.willed, and 61k Nankeens,
d Cottons, , Thread. cotton, silk &cot
-- Calicoes, and :on arid silk Hosiery,
Chintzes, Diaper and Damalk Table
f» Mull ins, Cloths,
1 Muflinctj, , l.aavne,
1- Corded and India Dimities, Onibricltr and
:- Gjug.hams,\.; Cambric Muflfns,
1- Cotton Counterpane!, Linen, cation and Glkhkfs,
Plain, striped, clouded, Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c,
4 Likewise,
n A few bales well aflbrted colors, Loodfubeft fupcr'.ne
h Cloths, best. fuperfine and fccoud Cxflimeres— A Lfo, sun
dry packages of C«llic»es and Chint2e», and other goods
> goods fit for exportation.
1 Per the Glasgow, Capt. Williams, from Dublin, a few
boxes 7-8 and yard widelrilh Linens.
Ma y * j IwwA.fl
For sale by Richard Lee,
r No. 145 North Second street, between Saflafra& and
jj! Vine street,
Flowers from Sharon;
Or, Original Poems on Divine Subje&s,
In Imitation of Dr. Watts,
REeommended by the following eminent London min
ifterjrev. Mr. De Coctlogon, rev. Mr. T Joss, rev.
Mt- G - Williams, and the rev, Mr. J. Swain. The Vol
ume before us needs only a perusal to obtain the appro*
bation of every friend to truthi The essential peculiari
ties oi the Oofpel are the darling fubjetSs of the author;
it iAi work particularly calculated to imf>refson the youth
ful mind the genuine principles of evangelical piety, ind
to convey, through, a pleasing. medium, a due lenfe of
tioE- thinwhich beiontr-tatbel' r _„„
The Evangelical Reviewers strife thus: The author of
these Poems difcovef s considerable marks of genius, as well
i. of a clear underfianding of the gospel and ol a devo.
3 tional spirit."
Price 3-4ths of a dollar—printed on fypcrfiae wove paper.
Likewise may be had as above—Seng! from the Hock, t,
tail the Jay, faered ;o truth, libery aad peace,
price \ dollar. " Let the inhabitants ,/ tie Rock f,„g.
For the glory of the lord it ri/.ri." Uaiah.
Ma y S mw&f6t
For Sale,
<e ao pipes "J
iS hhds. y MALAGA" WINE.
r 73 qr. calks Jl
r 4. c»fes
4 trunks" > Sewing SJlti.
r. 1 b»x J
b A quantity of Spanilh brown
, Ditto white lead. Bar lead
Shot of all sizes
e A largt quantity of pipes
A few hampers of Englifo porter
A few cases of perfumery
A quantity of best bandanna hanfeerchiefs
A fniall invoice of cloths, msfiin*, (hawls & black luce
And a few bfixes of Castile soap
ApjSly to . SAMUEL BRECK, junr."
At his counting house on Rofs's wharf.
Ma y S' d6t.
This Day, is publijhect,
Ai the author's Book-Store, corner of Front and Wal
nut streets, Volume I. of a
A Deferipti°n of Sfanijh St. Domingo,
I I-TaJ ! he F " hch °f of M. L. E. Moseau D*
Society of Phi
-1 ladelphu, By WILLIAM COBBET.
t with a new, correct, and elegant MAP of the whole I
XJ, « Lr ./ land ' , Pri<:e Dollars.
! thlS Work ' are requested to take up
thenrft volume, a»foon a.« convenient.
I hef'-condvolßme ( completes the W»rk) will
TStomnl , I " V he C ° Urfe 0f the P ref;nt
The complete work in the French language may like
wise be had at the feme place. May 9 6tiaw
[Volume IX.