Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 10, 1796, Image 4

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    Mails o£ the United States.
For carrying the MAILS of the United Staieson
the following Poll Roadt, will be received at the
General Pod Office, until the fifteenth d*y of Jti
-4y next. '
1. Fiom Portsmouth New Hampshire by Hampton Falls,
Newbury Port, Iptwich, Bevarly, Sa em and Lynn to Boi
ton, three times a week.
May i, to November.l. Receive the Mail at Portsmouth
■ •very Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5 A M, and ar
rive at iiol'lon che fame days by 6P M. Returning. Rcceive
the Mail at Boflou every Monday, and Fridav
at 4 AM, and deliver ii at Poitlmouth the fame days by 6
V M. > 1
November 1, to May t. Receivf the Mail at Portsmouth
every Wcdnefdayaud Saturday at Sunrise, and arrive ai 801-,
ton on Thursday and Monday by 10 AM. Returning. Re
ceive the Maii ai Boston every Monday and Wcdnr u iy at 2
P M. and arrive atPortfmouth on Tuesday and Thursday by,
2. trom Boston by Worcester, Brookfield, -Springfield,-
Sutlield, Hartford, Wethersfield, Middleiown, Willingford.
New Haven, Milford, Stratford] Fairfield, Stam-i
ford and to New York, -three times awetk.
Miv J, r* November t. Receivethe Mail at Bolton every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 AM, arrive«t Wor
celler the fame evenings, leave \#nrc»ller every Tuesday,
• Thursday and Saturday at 3 A M, arrive at Brookfield by 10
A M, by a PM, and at Hartford by 9 P M.
Leave Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday at 3 A M,
arrive at New Haven by noon, at Stamford in the evening,
snd at New York on Thursday, Saturday and Tuelriay by,
noon, 'Returning. Leave New York every
,Mouday, Wednesday and Friday it 11AM, deliver ii at
New Haven ou Tuefdav, Thursday and Saturday by noon,
and at Hartford by 9 P M , leave Hartford every Wednelday,
Friday and Monday at 3 A M, arrive at Springfield by to
A M, and at Worceller in the evening; leave Woicefler eve
ry Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday by 3 A M, and atrive at
.Boston by j P M.
November 1, to May t. Receivethe Mail at Boston every
Monday* Weduefday and Friday at 2 P M., arrive at Btook
field the next days by 4 P M, at Springfield inthe evening,and
at Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday by noon; ar
rive at New Haven then xr day 6 by 8 A M, and arrive at
New York every Friday, Monday and Wednesday by 11A M.
Returning. Leave NC-*w York every Monday, Wednesday and
Frida) at 2 P AI, arrive at New Haven the next days in the
evening, leave New Haven every Wednesday, Friday and
Monday by 3 A M, arrive at Hartford by « P M, at Spting
£eld by g P M, at Brookfield on Thursday, Saturday and
Tuesday b/ 10 A M, and at Bollon on Friday, Monday and
Weaneidayby 11 AM.
3. from Alexandria by Colcheftcj-, Dumfries, Falmouth,
FredericktDm Bowling Green, Hanover court house, Rich
mond and Otborne's, to Peteifburg, three tunes a week.
April 1, toNovemberl. Receive the Mail at Alexandria,
every Tuesday, 'Thursday and Saturday, at 4 A M, arrive at
fredericklburg by J PM, leave Fiederickftmrgevery Wednef.
day, Friday and Monday at 4 A M. arrive at Richmond by
7 PM, leave Richmond everv Thursday, Saturday and Tuel
day by 4A M, aud arriveat 10 AM. Return
-tug. Leave feteriburg every Thursday, and I uef
day by 1 PM, arriveat Richmond by 6 PM, leave Richmond
the fame days by 4 A M, and arrive at Frederickfburg by 7
P M, leave Fredericklburg every Wcdnelday, Friday and
Monday at 4 A M, and arrive at Alexandria by 6 P M.
November 1,. to April I, Leave Alexandria every Tuef.
day, 'Xfaurldiy and Saturday at 10 AM, airiveat Fredericks
burg every Wednesday, Friday and Monday by noon, leave
Fredericklburg in one hour, arrive at Rtu-.mond Thursday,
Saturday and Tuesday by 6 P M, leave Ricnmond Friday,
Monday,and Wednesday by 5A M, and arrive at Peterlburg
by JO A M. Returning. Leave Pcterfljiurg every Tuelday,
Thursday and at 1 P M, a'rive at Richmond by 6
P M, leave Richmond every Wednesday, Friday and Monday
at 5 A M, arrive at Ftederickfburg on Thuitday, Saturday
and I uefday by tl A M, and a I rive at Alexasiria on Friday,
Monday and Wed*e(day by 1 P M,
4. From Richmond by New Kent court house, Williams
burg, Yorktown and Hampton to Norfolk, three tines a week.
April 1, so November x. Leave Richmond every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 3 AM, arriveat Hampton by
„ PM. leave Hampton on Wednesday, Friday and Monday
by 6A M, and arrive at Noitolk by II A M. Returning.
Leave Norfolk every Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday at 1
P M, arrive at Hampton by 6 P M. leave Hampton every
Frioay, Mandav and Wednesday at 3A Mi a "d arrive at
Richmond by 7 P M.
November 1, to April 1. Leave Richnrond every Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday by 5 A M, arrive at Williams
burg by.6 PM, leave Williamlburg every Tuesday, Ihurf
day and Saturday by 5 AM, arrive at Hampton by M AM,
and at Noifolk. by 6 PM. Returning. Leave Norfolk every
Thursday, Saturdand Tuesday by 1 1A M, arriveat Hamp
ton by. 5 f M, leave Hampton every Friday Monday and Wed
nesday by 5 A M, arrive at Wiliian.lburg by 6 P M, leave
Williamfturg Saturday, Tuesday and TUrfday by 5 A M,
and arrive at Richmond by 6 P M.
s . From Peicrfburg by Cabbin Point, Smithfield and Suf
folk 10 Portsmouth, thru timexiwet4.
April i, to November 1. Receivethe Mail at Pcterfburg
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 11 A M, airive at
Suffolk Tud'day, Thursday and Saturday by noon, and at
Portsmouth by 7 PM. Retmning. Leave Portsmouth every
Tuesday, Thurlda'y and Salurday by so P M, arm eat Suffolk
every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by i® A M, and at
PeteVfburg every f uefday Thurfday k and Saturday by riooh.
November 1, tq - pril i. Leave Pejerfburg every Friday,
Monday and Wednesday by 11 AM, arrive at Suffolk on Sa
turday, Tuesday and Thursday by noon, and at Portsmouth
by 5 P M. Returning. Leave Portsmouth every Sa'iurilay
Tueiday and Thursday at Sunset, arriveat Suffolk ou Monday
Wedntlday.and Friday by 10 A M, and at Peterlburg on
Tuesday, Thursday and Satuiday by noun.
6. From Peterlburg by Harris's, Goldfon's, Warrenton,
Lewifburg, Ra'eigh, Averyfborough, FayiU. ville, Lumticr
ton, Chevaw court house, Camden, Columbia and Edgefield
court house to Augulb, twice a aeeif,
Leave Petersburg evei ( y I'm (day and Friday by nQon, ar
rive jat Harris's hy 7 P M, at Qoldfon's ok Wednesday and
Saturday by 8 A M, at Warrenton by 2 P M, at'l.ewifburg
onThurlday and Sunday by 8 A M, at R-ileigh by 3 P M, at
Fa etietille every Friday and Monday by a P M, at Lumber
tan by 9 P M, leave Lumberton every Saturday and Tutlday
by 4 A id, atrive at Cheraw court hoofe bv 4 P M, arrive at
Camden on Sunday and.Wedhefday by 2 P W, at Columbia
on Monday and Thursday 4 A M. arrive at fidgefield court
house 011 lueldayand Friday at 6 \ A M, and at august a by
noon. Returning. Leave Augusta every Tuesday and Friday
by 8 P M, arrive at Edgefield couit hotifeoh Wediitfday and
Saturday by 10 A M, at Columbia on Tnurlday and Sunday
by 10 A M, at Camden by 7PM. leave Camden every Fri
day and Monday by 4 A M, arriveat Cheraw court house by
5 P M, at Lumber too every Saturday an<f Tuelday by 2 P M,
leave Lumberton in one I,6ur, a'rrive'at Fa'yetteville on Sunday
and Wednesday by 7 A M, at Raleigh on Monday and Tht*f
day by 6AM, at Lewifburg by 2 P at. Waireuton oh
Tuesday and Friday by £ AM, at Goldfon's ty a P M, at
Harris's by 7P M, and at Pete fburgon Wednesday and Sa
turday by 11 AM. t
7. From Camden by'Statefbeng t« Charleston tu/iee a week.
Leave par*den every Sunday and Wcdnelday at half paH 2
P M, arriveat Charlerto-i the next Tuesday and Friday by
noon. Returning. Leave Charleston evei y Tuesday and Fri
day by 9 p M, and afrtv'e at Camden the next Thursday and
Sunday by 7 P M.
g. From Aagufla by Way nefborough to Savannah, once a
week. ■
Leave Augusta every Saturday at 1 PM, and arrive at Sa
vannah the next Sunday by 6 PM, Returning. 1 cave Savan
nah every Tnefday at 10 A M, and atuve ai Auguita the next
Thursday by 6 P. M.
Note. I. if either of .the routes No. 6, 7or 8, are attend ly
la-JD during the continuance oj the Contraii i, the Centratfet ob
fenie juth alte-ations in carr)tng the Mail, and his pay it to be en
creafed or ,iimr»JJu4 in prof or turn to the dyfance encreafed ardimn
ljhed by such altirjtwn
Noic 2. The Lontrafli are to be in operation on the frji day of
Odder next, and to continue for fat' years until gu _.o th Septem
ber, 1800, include e.
Mote 3. The fyj! Maflcr GenerJ may alter the lives <>J.arrival
and departure at an\ tintduiing the cotmuuance of -the Contrarts, he
previoujiy fliputating an adequate eowpenjation for any extra expenj
that may be occaftuned thereby.
Note 4. Fifteen minutes Jiiall be allowed for openinj and dying
the mail at all offices where xo particular time is specified.
Note 5. For evay quarter of an hour's delay ( unavoidable acci
dents excepted J in arriving after (the times prefctibed in any rontraJ,
the Contractor Jkqll forfeit one dollar, njid if the delay continue until
the departure ttf any t'epending.Mai/, wherebx the Mailt, dtfiioed for
such depending Mail, lafe a trip, the Coatfafter piall jprf&t trn del ■
lars t to be dcdußcji j torn his pay. aaw6
Pqjl Majlcr General
General Post Office,
Philadelphia, May 2, 1796.
AGREEABLY to charter, i» hereby given to the
Members of the Corporation for the relief of p<?or
and dill reflet! ■PrefliytisHlpi Miniltors, and of t'ne poor
and difWetted Widows ancT&hildreii of Rrefby-tcrian Mi
nifies, that there will he a Meetiug.of said .Corporation
in the second Presbyterian Cihurch, in the city of Phila
pelphia, on the 23d day of IVJay aejtt, at 4 o'clock, P.
for the dispatch of allfucb|b,ti&nei's at maytkeu be brought
before the board.
April 22. d qf the Corporation"
African Free School.
TH£ place of Teacher to the AFRICAN 'FREE SCHOOL,
iu the city of New •York, being vacant by the resigna
tion of the late the s g»ve this inti
mation to all persons deljrous of. that situation, that they will
rcceive applications for 'till tl?e text
It isexpe&ed that the applicant be well qualified to tqgds
reading, penraanfhip, autnroeiic, and the principles of gw>-
graphy and Engliihgrammar, and that he produce iatisja&o
ry tctlimoniah of his good moral chaia&er.
Ihe Salary o* the Matter will be 500 dollars per annum,
payable quarterly.—F.urther particulars may be learnt on ap
plication to * THOMA S EDDY, 1
SAMUEL L MITCHELL, ! r . mm ,.. pp
New-York, May 6, 1795. (tyjay 7^7)
Berriman & Go's Edition.
OM Monday, the liSth Inft. will be published, delivered
to Sohfcribers, and to be had of the 4liferent Book-fell- i
ers, in this city, and throughout the United States, ,(y/here j
Subscriptions still continue to be received) thu first hum- j
tio* of the HOLY BIBLE ; containing the Old and New
| Testaments and the Apocrypha, with marginal notes and re- i
erences. An Index ;or an account of the moil remarkable
patfages in the old and new Tcftament, pointing to the places
wherein they happened, and to the places of fcriptuie where
in they are recorded.—A Table of Time.— lables of scrip.
ture mealures, weighty and coins : with an appendix,contain
ing the method of calculating its measures of surface, '
hitherto wanting in Treatises oh this fubjed. A Table ot Offices
and Conditions of men.
i» The size of this Edition will be a LARGE FOLIO,
printed en a beautiful new type, and good paper, made par
ticularly tor it, It will be publiihed in Numbers, not to ex
ceed 28, one of which will be delivered weekly to fubferib- 1
ers, at a quarter of a dollar. Thole (übferibers who prefer
receiving the work complete, will be attended to by (ignifying
the fame on any of the fubferiptiou papers in rhe Bookitores
in this city.
2. There will be an advance in the price, on Jubkribing :
after thefirftof August next.
3. In the cpurfeof the Work will be given an elegant
Frontifpicce—From an Engraving of the celebrated artist,
Berriman Sc Co. gratefully acknowledge the very liberal
encouragement they have met with ; and havereafonto believe
that the execution of their edition will amwer every expec
tation, and speak its otynpraifc.
May 7. 3aweowtf
George Dobson,
BEGS leave to inform the Store-Keepers in Town and
Country, that he has removes! from Market-Street to
N°* 25, foutfi Third-street,
where he is opening a Large and Elegant Affortmcn* of the
undermentioned articles—vi^.
Superfine Londpn Cloths and Ker ley mere*,
Yorklhire second Do.
Elastic do. do.
Mix'd and Blue Coatings
Flannells, See.
Mancheftcr Printed Callicoca,
London ditto, ,
Blue and ditto Furnitures,
India ditto,
Long Cloths, Coffaes, BaCtas, Battillas& Conjevrem*,
4-4 9-8 $~i & 6-4 Superfine India Book Mucins,
4«£ and 9-8 Indi4 Book Handkerchiefs,
4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto,
4-4 & 6-4 plain do. l^uflins,
4-4 Sc 6-4 BritiOi Jaconets,
6-4 British Checks and Stripes,
4-4 India do.'" do. do.
4-4 ditto Chiiloes, Madras Handkerchiefs, &c.
A large aflortment of figur'dand plain MuAjocu,
Q,uii.tings, Dimities, and Striped^Nankeens, 4 1
Fancy waillcoatings,
Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubje& to Drawback,
India Nankeens,
fylen's White and coloured Silk stockings.
May 9
Just Arrived,
In the Ship Hanßibal, C. Cloufer, matter, from Lffeoa,
A Cargo of SALT,
For sale by
E. Dutilh Wachfmuth,
No. 164, South Second Street.
May 9 § 3t
At Benjamin Davies's Book-Jitore, No 68
High Street,
The Political Censor ;
Of the mod interesting Political Occurrence*.
May s 3»>v2w
For Sale,
A Few Casks of First Quality
Enquire at No. 71, South Water street.
May * tht & f tf
"D inform the Public, that they have
IV opened their PRINTiNG-OFFIC£, at No. 47 North
Fourth, near Race street; where they execute_all kinds
of Printing, with accuracy and dispatch.
' An Apprentice w
. May 3 §3law3
City cf Washington.
A magnificent } 29,000 dollars, & / Qlooo ■
dwellina-bnufe, ) oa ® l 30»oq°» lre j
■i ditto 15,000 & cafe 40,000
•i ditto 15,000 & 15,000 30, cOO c
x ditto 10,000 & aalh ip,opo 10,000
t ditto 5 jOgo & <|ash .5,000 jo.oco
x ditto 5., poo & cask loyooo
■1 cafe prize of jo,ooo
a do. 5,000 each, are, - ic,ooo
•jo do. 1,000 - - I®,ooo
ao do. 500 - - I0 > 000
toe do. 100 - - lo,o«o
»,po do. 50 10,000
400 do. *J - - **'<**>
1,000 ,d«. 20 - 20,000
do. ?» - - 0,000
■16,7.19 Prtecs.
3&tto Blanks.
59,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000
N. B. To favour those who may take a quantity of
Tickets, the prize of 40,000 ddilars will be the last drawn ,
ticket, and the 30,000 the last but one :
And approved notes, fccurmg payment -maither nWiwy
or prizes, in ten d»y» alter drawing,-will,be xefiei«?ddior .
any numbea t?Qt less than 30 tickets.
This Lottery Will afford an elegant of the pri
vate buildings to be ereaed in the City of .Y'ufhington
Two beautiful deligns are already feWled far the entire
fronts 011 two el" the public Clares; from thrfe prltengS
it ispropufcd toercAtwo centre and four corner buiUUigs,
as feon as,.p<>ffible after .this lottery js-Md, and to convey
them, when complete, to the fortunate advenfursrs, m
th~ manner defe'ribtd in the scheme for the: Hotel Lottery.
A nett deduction of ftv« percent, will be made to defray
the "aadeffary expenses ot printing, &c. and the fwrplus
will «be m|dje a part of the fund intended for the Nati»#al
Univerlity, to he within fht; city«f Wiifbington.
The prawing wijl soon as the tickets, ar:
fold oft". The money prizes will be payable in thirty days
after it is fmilhsd ; and any pr.zes for which fortunate
numbers aie not produced within twelve mouths after the
drawing is doled, are to be coniidered as given towards
the fun«l for the University ; ft being determined to fettle
the whole business in a year fr»m the ending of the draw
; ing, and-to take up the bonds given as security.
The, peal fecurit,cs given for the payment of the Prizes,
i :ire held by the President and two Directors of the Bank
<*f Columbia, ~aiid are valued at mure than half the a
mount pt the lottery.
i The twenty four gentlemen wfy> by appointment of
the latc Qonyniflioners aflifted in £he management of the
Motel-Lottery are requested to undertake thisarduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
i friends to a National University and the other federal ob
jects may continue to favor phe design.
By accounts received from the different part 9 of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tifikets
have been sent for fade, the public Are assured that the
drawing will speedily commence, and that the care and
saytion unayoidably necelTary to insure a fafe disposal of
' the tickets, has rendered the lijort fyfpp.nfjon in^i^peni'ablq.
Tieket9raay be had at the IJank of Columl-ia ; of
James Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Peter Oilman, Bolton ;
of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and -of Richard Wells,
Cooper's Ferry.
New Ha r and Hosier y Store,
Wholesale and Retail,
No. 134 Mariet-Jfzcet, id daprfrom tbi corner of
Fourth, South fide.
MENS'Black Americanand lored ditto
Han, of various Children's fancy ditto
qualities and pricci 'All kind; of Am, silk and
Ditto Drpbs and Creenun- cotton, cotton, & thread
dcrs Hose
Ladie's ditto, black Knit colored Pantaloons
And a large utfortmcnt of Ditto Drawers
fancy ditto Ditto Breeches Pattca s
Colored Beavers §ilk Gloves
With a great variety of ele- Knotted, colored ditto, cot
gant and fathionable trim- ton
mings, A quantity of mending cot-
Youth's black and drab co- ton, sorted cotor^
N. B. TheHa(s fin.i(he(l in the newctt falhiqn.
May 7. dim
TO he fold cheap, 3, large Quantify o£ A?A]\ ( KEENS
fubje<fl to the benefit o.t tli,e Prawrbaek, »t the
Store of' the No. North, ftr«e<.
JofepU Sanlbxa.
ftjay 3 eo3w
No. 8, North Front-Jlreet.
Printed Calico and Muslin
Hmve jufi received a superb cijfortment of the following iridic:,
•which ibey ojjir for falc.
calicoes Gentlemen's, neck hatidfcfc.
1 4-4 wd. mufiijif New faibioaable fhawi^
6-4 wdi ditto ditti Madras handkerchiefs
Book muslin handkerchiefs Tambour'd rauflias
Pocket ditto Gurrahs
Colored, bofdered, mufiiii Humhums,
handkerchiefs Couaes' &c
Very new fancy ditto An elegant and frelh assort-
EJcgant tinjbore raent of ribband* and
Cohfrsd work ditto falhes
Laced figured ditto Cottop ftocking-s
Brocaded ditto Worsted ditto
Ladies plaids
And a variety of other articles, just opened.
Many of the above goods, arc particularly calculated
for the Wefl T india l^arkft.
December 23 taw
Joseph & JefTe Sharplefs,
No. 32, south ThirdJireet,
Hav« received per the Hamburgh Packet,
A variety of Merchandize;
CALICOES, Furniture do Dunities, Fu(ljan§, wide
and narrow clouded and flriped Nankeens, Checks,
Ginghams, elegant Veil patterns of Camel's hair, mufli
,net, and Marseilles, Holiery, Oaflmers, Jeans, luperfine
and second Cloths, Calimancoes, Spiinings, Moreens,
- lrifti Linens, dry Goods in general,—Alfo y
e Saddlery and Saddlers Tools.
1 They cxpeit a large additional lupply of dry Goods by
s the firit vessels, which t&ey will fell on reasonable tsi;ms
lor calh or uftial credit. 3d mo. 30th. aawtf.
N. B. A number of elegant Coußtiirpanus, and Mar
f.ules Bed Quilta.
7<rse fold at public faie,
On the tßth day of June ne.Tt,st the City Tavern, in Phi
FOUR Lots of Ground in the town of Lamberton,
county of Burlington, and State of New-Jctfey, ad
joining the river Delaware, lit; t}fe"Eltatc o! William
Richards, deeeafed, with all »h« buildings and improve.
, meuts, bounded by ground of John M-.chell, Lambert
Caiw:aliii=i'-aud-others; a e&ar itidifputabktttle will ),~
given. The terms the time ai d
place of fide. April 28. -mfcth.
~~GcneraTFoJi Office, Philadelphia,
■March 16, 1796.
WHEREAS fuadry Lettejs, transmitted in tl>e Mails
of the United Mates, ts-and from Norfolk, in the
ft«e of Virginia, -were opened, and' Bunk Notes of leve
ral denominations fraudulently taken from them at York,
in theflate afore&id, in the months of O&ober,'Novem
ber-and December last : and-whereas a part -of laid notes
and fomecifli have been recovered ami are n«rw in poflelU
-011 of the P«lt Mister General, in order -therefore that
foch g»nk-N<i«9as!&aH-be identified «"iy fcexdloicd to
the owners thereof, and that Ac remaining notesaryi calh
lie.eanttabJy diftiibated among those who are entitled ta
them. NOTICE IS HBREBY -GIVEN to all perfonswho
have fnffet od by fuoh fraudulent pra&ices, wiLhintte pe
riod, and ob the route afbocmentio/ted, to exhibit -their
claims without, delay, supported by such reafonahie proofs
as may beneceffary to fubilantiate them. Such notes as
ftull be identified will be jeeeivted ky application to tht
General Poll Office, 011 or before *the firft day of July
nqxt; ajjdvthe refickieof such calh-and notes will tfeen fee
divided anaoijg the claimants in proportion to their respec
tive lojfles, to be ascertained by tlie nccefTary proof*, which
on or before that day Ihall be produced tothe Geseriil Poit
Oilice. (2awtju'-y) JP S - HABERSHAM.
EXTENSIVE colleaiop of the latest Itifh Edition* be
ing new arranged, he beg« to offer them for Sale,
an the fame moderate eerms, as have for several years
pail, so particularly difliftguifhed them ; and to assure
tljofc Gentknien who may favor him with attention, that
their orders from any diilance, whether for a fiifgle vo
, lume, or an entire Library, fliaU be executed with the like
promptitade, and acknowledged with thanks. ..
Catalogues lor the! present year are prepaid, and
will be delivered complication.
A r . B. A number of Trunks-to be dilpgfed of.
2sth April. m&tfiw
1 his Day is tuoitjnea,
At No. 201 Arch ilreet, jmdmay also be had at Pol
well's Printing Office, No. 33, hrthe I'arr.e street,
From Nimeguen to Basla,
The actual Seat of War
Between the French and Aujlrians.
March 26 Ta w
' WA N-rA' D, ""
Several Apprentices to the Priating-
Business Apply at the Office of the Gaztxtt of the
United SMss, Ne. 119, Cbefhut.ftreet. S
' L O S T,
IN tfcecity, op the Point Raad, tke Ijth inftaat, a frnell
GOLD FRENCH WATCH, made at Paris, with a
gold chain and two gold Icals, one having the initials H.
St. G. and a Lioncieft.—the other* Lion crest only. Who
! ever finding the lame will bring them to No. 111 south
Froflt-flreet, JJiftU receive a generous reward If offered
for sale to any of the Watch-majors ia town, they are re
quefled tq flep the fame. April 13. §
The corner of Market and Third-streets, Philadelphia;
MOST refpeflfully informs his friends and the pubKt,
that he has received, per the last arrival;, a com
plete and general assortment of aim oft
Eveiy Article in his Line;
Immediately from the manufa&ures of Londw?, Bir
mingham, and Sheffield, all of wbieh are of the imvrefl
fafiiion, and will be fold, mholefale and retail, qu the .ow
elf terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mi.
JohaNicholfon received in payment at their cursent v-aiue-
March 5. tawtt
George Bringhurft,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public,
that he has removed fVom Arch-street, to No. 23 in
north Fifth-ftreet, adjoising the Eprfcopal Burial Ground,
where he -continues the buftnefs of
Coach making in alt its Branches.
He maken all kiljds of crane neck and p<?ech Carriers,
such as Coaches, Chariots, Phxtons, and Coachees; also,
■Chairs, Kittereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har
ness, with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good
l'upply of the beflr materials, and a stock of the btfl sea
soned wood, i
Orders from any part of the United States will Btf,du
ly attended to Itfith t)ke greatefl punctuality and- difpitch.
His long experience 111 business, his care in the execu
tion «f his work, and an unremitted attention to the dfc
fires of his employers, he flatters himfelf will prove ftiffi
cient recommendations,
He has several second-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a
compjeat Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian
blinds all round; a Phteton; a Chair; and a Snlkey with
a falling top.
All kind? of Carriages fold on Commiflion, and Car
riages taken in to (land by. the month or year.
£5" Apprentices wanted to the Bufipeft.
Philadelphia, November 41. t,t,&:»jpi.2awd«
S H O T,
OFall fi?es, from 34 lb to Gripe,
Cambooies, Pots, and other callings eateuted- at th«
ihortefl notice,
Nail rods, from iod to spike,
Hoop Iron, of allfizes, for cafcs or cutting into nails, from
a brad Co 12d nails,
Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb.
Bar Iron,
A Quantity of James River Tobacco,
Carolina Pork.
Herrings in barrels,
Kiln-dried corn meal in Hlids. and Bhls.
Rye flour &c. to be fold by
Levi Hcllingjworth Son.
4 ««g>
A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about four.hwi
dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette
of the United States, No. H9 Chejnut-flreet.
December I. §,
—No. 119—
Eight D«Uar» per A*num.]