Mr. Darley'j Night. New Theatre. * On WEDNESDAY EVENING, May rr, Will be pre(enftd, the COMEDY of Such things are. Never performed here. Written by the authoref9 of Every one has Fault, icc. End of the Comedy, by particular deiire, the favorite Song of LUCY, By Mr. DArliy • To which will be added, the Farce of A Mogul Tale. Altered from a piece oj tbat name written by the Au thoress of of E very one has ins fault, Iff c. and per formed in London, with tbegreat cft applause. With new Scenery, Machinery and Decorations. End ©f the First adt of the Farce, Mr. Darloy wiil fihg (by particular desire) the favorite &asr of POOR JACK. **# Tiekets to be had at the usual plates, and of Mr. Darley, ijo Vine flreet. On Friday, a Tragedy, neverperformed here, called HENRY THE SECOND ; Or, The Fall of Fair Kofimoad— with the Farce of LOVE ALA MODE, for the Benefit of Mr. Whitlock. Mr. Botes's Night will be on Monday. COLUMBIA HOUSE Boarding School for Young Ladies. MRS. GRQOMBRIDGE havingremovedfrom Lodge Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and Spfuce-ftreets, for the advantage of a large, convenient House, in\ dry, healthy situ at ion; hepesfpr the continuance of the encou ragement ftie has hitherto so highly experienced ; and for which she returhs'her acknowledgment. is afliftcd by Masters of the firft ability; and the ufeful, as well as ornamental branches of education are particularly attended to. February 8. §2w FOR SALE.I " « A very Valuable Estate, , - /CALLED TIVITTENHAM, situate in the , VJ township of Upper Derby, and county of Delaware, , 7 >-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile from the new Wefternroad: containing 130 acres of excellent land, 45 of which ate good watered meadow, 90 of prime wood- < land, and the reft arable of the firft quality. There are t on the premises a good two story brick house, with 4 rooms f on a door, and cellars under the whole, with a pilmp-well of esjccllent water in fr»nt; a large frame barn, iliblcs, 1 and other convenient buildings; a smoke-house and {tone e fpring-houfi ; two good apple orchards, and one of peach- J es. The fields are all in clover, except those immediately tinder tillage, and are so laid out as to have the advantage t of water in each of them, which renders it peculiarly con venient for grazing. " r The situation is ploafant and healthy, and from the high c cultivation of the land, the good neighbourhood, and tht 1 vicinity to the city, it is very Mtable for a gentleman's t country feat. The foregoing is part of the estate of Jacob Harman, deceafad, upd offered for sale by ' Mordecai Lewis, Odl. 9. eo.] Surviving Exeeutor. SPECIMEN OP ELEGANT PRINTING. John Thompson & Abr. Small, i RESPECTFULLY inform such persons as admire, and j would Willi to encourage any improvement in those \ [ arts, which are an ornament to a slate; that after much r expcnce and great attention, they have printed for public 1 infpe&ion, the firft number of their meaty finished Hot-Prefled Bible, J Which they believe to be the mod beautiful produflion h of its nature, hitherto seen. Similar works in Europe have forfome years been li- V ' berajly patronized—they have had an honorable place in the libraries offten of tafte—l\\c prefeiitprodusSlion is an b attempt to show, that in Amcrica, works can be executed „ in every equal t«. the efforts of trans-atlantic genius. f From the warm approbation that has been bellowed on it byTome of the firft characters, the proprietors are war- a ranted in faying, they have .been fuccefsful. r< It claims patronage as being wholly American—the pa-' 0 per, by far the heft ever used here, in printing, is made 1 within a few miles of this city—the types, which are tru- ' ly beautiful, are alio American—and the whole apparatus P ; for h<>t prefiing, has been procured from different parts of 31 the Union : It is also the cheapest HOT-PRESSED pi £IBLE eyer printed is any country. Tbe firft number tl may be jnfpedcd at No. 34, Carter's alley ; or at No. 98, , Onion flreet. It is proposed to deliver the whole in Forty Numbers, at One Hall Dollar each—one ®f which will be completed every two weeks. April 2s. »2a&3w. (!| A Printing-Office for Sale. J" CONSISTING Of A goodaflortment ofTypes, the greaterpart of which do are but little worn, a good mahogany Press, with the dir- ,*Wi ferent Printing Materials, in complete orj.% for executing ' rei any kind of work. The situation is very eligible, either for a newspaper or book-work, being in a pleasant, well ' WC populated city, within 30 miles of Philadelphia. There is also a very considerable advantage aiifitijj from the tai numurous applications for blanks and the general influx up / of vlvertiiemeot?, &c. &c. and a handsome profit derived from the great quantity of Rags which may be colleded f' throughout the year. to A complete set of cuts for Dilworth's Spelling-Book. ! Like wife will be fold with the office, a Urge book- to b;iiders' Press, (used for prreffing books in flieets) togc- ; ,1 ther n ith a number of bookbinders' tools, alraoft new. Any person inclining to purchah the above, may have wa the relufal of a handsome colleaion of books, bound and in lheets—They will be fold very low. Fer the price, and further particulars, enquire at No. ° rC 34, north Third-flreet, where a fpccimen of the types wa may be seen. April 26. Sa.jaw. um • ~ — — ' lb N . 130, DijlriS of Pennfyivania, to wit: BE it remembered, that on the 4 th day of April, in f},,, the twentieth year of the Independence of the United a 1 States of America, Benjamin Davies of the said ditlriifl hath depoiited in this Office, the Title of a Book, the tile right whereof he claims as proprietor; in the words' sol- pie lov mg, to v. it: " ihe Political Censor, or monthly Review of the moil lntereiling political occurrences relative to the United " States ef America—by Peter Porcupine fn conformity to {he Ad of the Congress of the Unit ed .States, intituled " an Ag- Upon this rope they had placed a ring, od- which by reeving out two smaller ropes they could are draw to and from the (hip. To this ring a loop was suspended, which each man put under hi! arms, and t,lus . alr ° aiding the ring in his hands, be fupport onc' ed himffjf while drawn to the fhorc by the people, ch- And in this manner L fawfeveral brought to'land, ely " This mode proved a tedious operation, and Ml! j' 10 "? 11 1 looked at the process a long while, the 3,1 numbers on thedsck were not apparently diminifh '£>> ei3 * ,lom ,fle motion the ship h::d by rol th« ling upon the rocks, it was not praiflicaUe to keep s m's the rope equally stretched. Frvmthis eaufe as well as from the sudden rifmg of the waves, you wonld at one rriumfnt fee a poor wretch hanging 10 o" 20 & feet above the watei j snd ti»oext totally lose light B of him, buried in the form of. a wave. Some, in- deed efc..ped better. . " ct » ter a "j w-as not a scheme of which the women and •he sick could avail themselves, a , I QoferveJ wi"!i the gfeatelt admiration at this D .ud ju fturc, the l-elwviour of a captain (Sir Edward P Pellew) who seemed mterefted in the highest degree A for the prefetvation of those 011 board the wreck. T He exerted himfelt uncommonly, and dirclicd o- T thers what to do on shore. In vain, by a {j foeaking trumpet, ! e endeavored to make himfelf T on heard on board. No;hing could be heard but the E: 1; _ tremendous roaring of the winds and sea ! T in " He'.hep offered five guineas instantly to any an body who \ T>uld fuffer himfelf to be drawn on board \\ « with inftru&'ons to tha- He had his itnjform coat, and hisfword t 11 banging by his fide. 1 have not room here for h< us partitti'ar description ; there was something grand H< of an< ' " ,te ye/tinj in this. For, as soon as they had Ai D pulled him into the wreck, he was received with cr three vast (hours by the people on board, and these Is were immediately echoed by those who lined the •s, the garnfon wails and rower batteries. d C , 13a 1 he fisilthing he did, wasting out two o ther ropes like the firft—l s aw him molt actively employed upon them with his own hands. This Quickened the matter a good deal, and by this time two large open row I oats weie arrived from the h dock-yard, and a (loop had, with great difficulty, t- "worked out /torn Plymouth Pool. , He then di- " ™ : tested his attention to the women and tbe sick, who ■ jl. were with difficulty got .nto the open boats, and 4 c then carried off to tht sloop, which kept at a dif- er ' e ; tance, wfcarof being Hove.. rainll the ship or thrown P 1 ® x , upon the rocks. He fullered hut one boat to ap- al r d proach ar atJm and flood with his drawn sword T to prevent too many rushing into the boat. S,a - 1 fter he hat: :een al| the people, except about ' -1 to or 15 out of the ship, he faftened himfelf in ,»,o the rope as before, and was drawn a(hcre, where he an ,r e was again received with (houts. . , * " I observed a poor goat ak! a dog among the del. 1. Cr ° / r whe ',' tllc l ,eo P le were somewhat thinned a- thei s way, law the goat marching about with much mec J"*""' but the dog shewed evident anxiety, for indi 1 beheld him fetching himfelf 01: at one of the eiici ports, ftandtng partly up „ n t |, t> antj j m 11, " t. . gOn, and looking earr.f tly towards the kuo J x r v " ere Ifnppcfetie knew his mailer was— mist t i- P soon after, for asthe sea rose, atki trie ..if) was wafhtd all over, and (lie is now in /at" . pieces." , »» T , difai MR. ttNNO, [ ' govt r/ Tl r W ° ,r "'' leS ori fi' na,, y appeared in ions l Ju2Z : M l MufeUm ! the " firlt has been ton. Au,ora -Yo U are requested to efce, give tlrem both* plac? ,1, your Ga/ette, and to pre- crati hx V most ;ro 3 ! '°lt '7'- - he u '" ra > win have thejnftice whol ecolled that Citizen Bache has, Jtnce June la ft, foo* tea "f ; , " J " > Georgia. Should the Citizen be rewarded with a ed in pumihment equal to Ms (lander, ' u t-l C " b c S re P° rt wil ' who louder . M han forty pounder char-'.' -ithrxiuMer." Chro NO FIGHTER. r™ To the Right TTon irable General Gvsk, Senator from s Georgia, St.c. rhc following SUBLIME ODE I» submissively ibfcriLed.Uy h»Hoii«ur's mod devoted I — T tJMoN SP.JNKY. 'Gpt. Immortal Gunn, I sing thy prowess, greater hero was, or now is, I\o dog run mad, or Indian drunk.. nt. Could ever- rival thee'in Jpunk. It is the truth, deny'd by no man, riion had th. couragJ of- a Raman ; mjfht Thy noddle claims a civic crown, from Indicative of great renown : Not oak, nor laurel, but, good lack, It fh ill be made of kakmatack ! Thy temper'* mild as water-gruel, fhnff But honour made thee fight a duel, en in Big with the tateol Gunn and Baldwin ; But soon the latter's horns were haul'd in, jrmv With thi , s £xcufc {or what he'd done, fir, r Ptjiol 'j nothing to a Gunn, fir )y! p. Great General Gunn, myft-lt I flatter, iialt That this will never end the matter, efUy In fume fly corner, could you grab him, been Your honour, fir, would bid you flab him ! Ics as And thus your mighty vengeance wreaking, wo . ' No Joul of jpunk would think it fneukhig. riven Honour,, in Gothic bosom resident, r Tis said depends f© much on precedent, ;r ot And you've authority quite ample— Dread fir, you have your own example, I j >leas For something which has some relation : fir ft To something call'd ajfuffination ! ! ! don In ray opinion, fir, the fa®| is, »ith- Your name may i'ahtfHon iuch a praAiee, I For, (tabbing one man* with impunity, M Will surely give you this immunity, f oiljd When you're offended with a noddy, | ( iijtul To fitly thrufl him through the body ! I i me- Gkeat Gunn, I thiukit quiie afcandal, I r tress Since thou art spunky as a Vandal, I, over * >ar(i t0 t ' lec attunes his lays, I . Not ev'n a Jeple. Shall yield to Simon her brass trumpet, I c and. Then Gunn's rtpTt shall e<— As a bold, pious brigade chaplain, I g this Despising carnal, martial merit, /ard Proudly drew forth the sword of spirit ; , rce Aud fiercely hied to secret place, J * To I pread before (he Lord our cafe. I S Bravt Abraham, despising railleries, • j ° Inprefenccof the lioufe aad Gallefics, r"ir them all, in valiaat trim, ifelf That gouging Gunn bad challeng'd him! 113 the Expectingdoubtlefs ix his rage, The Houle, like kings in feudal age, I Would oi der thef* brave knights to try, nn y Their might in lifts of ch ivuiry : ISI ard Wherehigbt fir Gunn, by trumpet call'd in, he Should fight the knight yclept fir Baldwin ! »ve Ihe lifts their Marshal fend t'array, the And Speaker go to fee fair play. wn , ° coll '' n Simon, fie for fliame ! I 1 Forbear your big pop Gunn to name : Tell not how often he's been charg'd, '° ,or How often in the air discharg'd ; lo] md How often prim'd, how often ramm'd, |nu lad And how much oftener flafti'd in pan, jho ith our bouncing Gunu, for all your suss, Ihr f f e Is nothing to my blunderbuss. I Ceafc cousin Spunky, cease to tell, How Gunn braves Jackson, heippand h-11, Baldwin braves more than h-ll and hemp, I ' ru o- (Brave Abram bravely braves contempt. I by e?y I CI, his For the Gazette of the United States. Jar me — od he RECANTATfON of thk AURORA! I wit ty, cri i — P°' di- " l "r* of affair Iso favorable to the cause of \ ho Republicanism." [Aurora.] | thi nd 4 HLREAS I have to thcutmoftot my pow- • if- e "'' or nearl y f' x ycari pad, advocated the princl- Mt vn P ant ' disorganization, by a perp« f u- noe p. reprobation of ihofe meifures of the general lon r[] vernment from which the people of these United Yo ! State#have realized all the hopes they enteitaiucd ( from their fuccefsful ftrnggle for independence. the )' And whereas all my exertions are likely to prove flee ln owing to the defeats they have fufTcred, the and continue to meet with, from the calm intclli- bou geuce and good sense of the people, who appear See ie determined though they have no law like the A- C a- thenians (" which made it-rieatli for strangers to mor :h meddle with affair, of (fate") to govern themselves (hip ar independently of all loreign iwfluence or intcrfer- lade ie e:ice : Now therefore, to the end that all persons Pin. y mny bear witness to my candour, and frank ac- nam ,e knowledgement of my part errors, misconceptions, _ miiieprelentationß, and mifdemeanois, I hereby -, at knowledge that " tb«t the Ute turn of affairs so " f&ovrable to the cause of republicanifn" in the pro- B I of Congrefj and the people has entirely diiarmed me of all cause of complaint against the / goveinmcnt of the U. States, the adminiltra- I 6 tion thereof; for feriiible I am, that if the decif- Tf\ n ions of the majority of the «« immediate" rebrefen i tatives of the people, do not command the acqui -0 efcence, approbarion and obedience of the demo - cratic Junto whose immediate organ I am, as they most undoubtedly do of the great body of the pec- - M pU, 1 (hall, like my brother" tho Jersey Cl'tunicle" : whtde funeral obsequies I have lately celebrat'cd , no more ; and the Aigus of New-York will TY ■ df P lore . ,hr untimely fate of the Aurora, s F wrlie dread anticipation will whilper to hit in wh: 1 ed imagination ** Be ye also ready." me j lO . Mr. tenno, In a late number of the Boston rfci ChroßJcle. one B f the Subs of the Hollow War, ; he cu rfromt fVat of [Tie Caillitgi'tuSn party itt S.Wion, < > I .Ke people voted in favor of the mWioiiitls to C i. vote! I ! * rC "'hey who change, . " elm-., 6 " I again." Tin fallowing paraphrafcr.b sl.c feiiicni-c, us at yonr ferviV. Your?, ARINGL.R. WE praise the people to the'f?cirrt, Wh'eu tljey com!u£t as we advise ; But ii they thwart oar pfor*, vh* then I "As they have chang'd—they'll change again." By which you plainly may infer* I Tito' we cannot, the mob may err. I When they believe wfe te'er we'wlite, And peace, and order put to flight, I Al'.ho' th' afie.flonmay found o2d,' Their voice is then the voice of God ; I But if, as happened of late, j Ihe ifteir happy fiate ; I Run our hellish arti. And ctitle us with their tongues ar.d hearts, I We slyly fin'g, " the fart's not it range, " For they who've chang'd, again rjny change" I 1 hue, as the devil is our friend, Our fubterfuges never end. I « From a Correfpondcnt. A writer in the Aurora of yefterdav praises I Mr. Stvanwici for his corjlfiency ; the 'tile of the I panegyrist on the city member rcfemblcs much the I Itile ofthat member's pasegryick on the Spaniih I I reaty ; but no man can be itippofed so vain as to j praije himfelf. As to his conjijlency, that may be j proved by the address to the Piifident last Summer j from the town-meeting, which ailjflei] in drawing I up, which he limned, and which contains these re- I markable cxpreffions—" Yrtur mcmorialifts enter* | tain a proper refpeft for your authori ty, and whatever may be the ijfut of the prcfent mj mentous quejlion, (namely whether the Prelidenc I would ratify tha treaty) they nviftfaithfully acqutefce in the regular exereife of the delegated powers of the goVerenment." I How did Mr. Swanwick keep his promise ? did he aeyuiefce i no—be was among the fi,Jl and mojl zealous to oppose the cafrying the treaty into efTe£t, though ratified by the President and proclaimed by I him as the law of the land. He may quibble, and I fay, that he meant by acquiescing in the regular ex ereife of tlie delegated powers of the government, the house of Rrprefentatives, but it is too barefaced I an evaflon to be credited ; the memorialiils express- I ly relied on the President's conjlitutional authority to Have them from the treaty, but promised on their I honor, as good citizens, to acquiejce whatever mfght iky, ¥ the 'l ue - POUT OF PHILADELPHIA. '' I*l • Ti ARKty£D. DATS* Ship Thomas Wilson, Goelet, Cowes 6<» Brig Sally, Bender, Charleston 6 Brig Liberty, A„derfon Port de Paix t 7 I , Sally, Olden, Havanna 15 I Sclir. Illinois, Anderfon Gonaives 22- Sloop Maria, Hamilton, L'Anfeveau 22 j Nancy, BowUs Portsmouth N. H. 9 I CLRAktD. 1 Sh ipConcotd, Tb. mpfon, Amflerdatn Rebecca, Hughes. Cowes John Bulkely, Stockley, Madeira Henry, Wilbur, -Havanna. Brig Richard and James, Adams New Orleans Sehr. Two Sifters, Devoll, Havana I Harmony, Wbif, Cutrituek Sloop Supply, Stubbs, Hifpaniola. Lliza, Nicholfun, St. Vincents Jane, Ja.kfon, New York Nancy, .Sfguuia, Norfolk 1 he Scarborough Packet, Capt. La tham, of and from N. York to North Carolina,wa# loftlalt W'ednefday evening, in fight of Cape Hen- I lopen light house ; the captain and crew, five in | number, betook to the boat, were picked up four I nours after by a schooner from Chincoteague, and. I brought in here. The Scarbprough packet had. J 600 dollars in specie. Capt. Keen, of the fchooher little Bctfey, failed rrom Port au Prinee, ApritThe sth, accompanied. ' by a Ihip bound to Portland, the sloop Ruby for Charleston, and two f>overnment vessels bound to Jamaica, with flou-. • Pie left there the brigs The oiUia, Heylham, to lail the fame day.; and wool w'chj M'Cutcheon.the next day after, both for this I port. of\ The schooner Kitty and Maria, Logan, from i.J I this poit, had arrived here. w- Capt. Cloufer left at Lisbon the (hip Clothier,' :i- Murphy, Philadelphia, and the brig Lavinia, Char u- noek, do. tb til fllortly after. March 2jth, in o. long 19, 20, spoke the brig Mary Ann, from N. L-d York to Gibraltar, out 57 days, all well. Ed Capt. Goelet failed from Cowes March 7th, in the 9thlat. 48, lon. 6, fell in with adm. Chriftian'# vt fleet of about ico fail bound to the W. Indies, on d, the 12th fell in with 11 large (Lips f rom England h- bound to Cape of Good Hope, conveyed by the ar Sceptre of 74. guns and a frigate. I- Capt. M'Henry in the Birmingham packet + to months and 20 days from Calcutta, left there the " ,'Pf 9 a nge«. Wafliington, and Cleopatra of Phi. r- ladelphia, Cleopatra of New York and /hip Major >. Pinckr.ey of Charleston, and fom'e other Americans names not colleiled. s > ~~~ " " ' - y John Miller, jun & Co. ° n , t. . Have received by the Ship >- BIRMINGHAM P A C K E T t V From Calcutta, . 160 Bales of Bengal Goods, ; lOjOOO Pieces Nankeens, Of a Superior Quality. 350 Bags of SUGJR, f Which they will fell on advantageous terms. - iviay 10. Venereal Dheafe.. ' i! : M 9 RGaN > No. 178 North Water ftrect, ladelphia, g.ves daily all C a of PSvfic , ,nd Wgrry, particu,j r |y VE N ERE A L COM PL .11 NTS'- mwh'ch tram facts and mmutc obleivaiion he wairan'is hi» me hod effectual, easy and e.pedu^l cd I ' CCy ' 12nd mod " ate term $ may be depend . rhe noftorlikewife prepares an infallible SPECIFIC for % theeure of the above complains, to supply • .raveU . ters, country inhabitants, with ulamai.d JSE.