iP&pfit of ibt Cjittitcd Number 1145. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING„ 10, 1706. ttozi/Mz IX, For Hamburgh, ■fcA Tiie Danish Bnjjarttine Den Nye Prove, fulfil™ PETER HANSEN, Master ; A fine stout vessel. Will Be ready to take in her cargo on the firfl. of May. For freight or passage apply.to tlofs & Simfon. LOST, jW'AftC&O&i' Cape Majr, "weighing tt SY3 c > • io JLto 9 FitJjopis water ; the Capa faring 5. jotTu. j Sidy of Ute Brawn S. S. W. To the Anchor was anneibd a piece of Ctible,' and a small buoy. Whoever find* and brings it to rapt. Hanfen, will be reasonably .rewarded for their trouble. April I 5« dtf. For SALE, or CHARTER, j 700 barrels—a Haunch good veflel, about five years _ old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply fs Peter Blight. April 30. eodlW. For SALE, or CHARTER, Iffipllpr BOSTON, BURTHEN about 20<J0 Bbls. of flour—fte may be sent to sea at a small txpence, her fails and rigging hfiug in very good order—apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April, 29. § r For LONDON, I" h—, The fine new copper-bottomed Ship } Mount Vernon, «2BBi§BB!B£r>.®URTHEN about 412 tons, will be rea dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on or before the 10th of May next, great part of her cargo engaged. For Ireight or passage apply to the subscribers, _ No. 21, Penn-ftreet, Willings and Francis. April 27. 5 i 1 1 \ For NEW ORLEANS, j"">— The fact failing, fine new brig Richard and James. ™ NT T fail ten days. She has remark able fine accommodations, for passage only. Apply to Richard & James Potter, April 18. § Front-street. | For CHA R1 E R, n THE SHIP 'S'V% DOMIN I CK TERRY, Jacob De Hart, Master,' Burthen about joocTbarreli. Apply to m Jeffs & Robert Wain. *1 April 19. § For LONDON, ( T THE SRir ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, A WILL fail on or about tile ift of May- For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street wharf, or to PHfLIP NICItIIN W CO. frpril i,y < FOR SALE, tAu. The Copper Bottomed Ship gfife LADr LOUISA, \TTITH all her materials, as she came from ica. Like •\ VV wife to be disposed of A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS, oil beard fa id velTel. For terms apply t*o Parker & Wharton, T Mzy 2 5_ r For BRISTOL, THt' new' ship l PHILADELPHIA, —T»W»>l Btiss, Matter, WTLL take Goads- on Freight, and be receive theni io a few days. For freight or passage apply to a TJxmai Id- John Clifford. Who have for Sale,befideStheir usual affortmentof fj; e Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad/ery, &c. , Crate's of Giafe and Earthen Wire J Crates <tf Viah; a ' boxes of long and ftwrt Pipes; Bristol crown Glass assort ed, from 18 by n inches, to 9 inches by 7; Copper Sheets °' and Bottom s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol : Pewter in Casks assorted; Bristol Grindft.nre; Garnet , , «6Co's; patem Sheaves Cot Blocks. Also, a bale of o BROADCLOTHS and CASSIMERES ; r"? And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. _ Apnl_LK »w. Ae X A few boxes of well assorted <eTj IRISH LINENS, T2 Imported iifcthrOlafgotr, from Dublin, andt* befold by ®w; Mordecai Lewis. » jfay.'it,.-. .. . aaw __ Jujb Arrived, Andfor fah h the Shop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel ATarchn?it> majftr, a quantity of T Tar, Pitch,.and Indigo : Alf* for Stin The laid Sloop, Bfrnherr .-.bout 400 Uarrds-. SHE is a good ftronsf vciftl, and has been chiefly em- A ployed as aCoafter. If not fold in .1 few pays, will Cake S in freight, and procecd direst for Ntwtnirj' Porr. cred Apply to ISAAC HAI-LViiY, jun. N M£}'s". Jim N»-/,S. btr-it wiM For Sale, T' le Ship Adriana, ' v-J/i A re'markable fine Vessel, PHiladelphia built, of Live Oak and Cedar, cos per bolted and (heathed tyjth patent copper, burthen a botit tons, a prtme fiiler, well found, and now ready if Y3' to receive a cargo. 1 P«*twnisapply«n bbardatWitcoeks"s iy S* *m' **«4V** = Thomas & John Kttland. 50 do2en Birch Brooms. f_ For Sale on board said (hip. M»» 7 > § i?'urrs and Skins. RICHARD JAMES POTTER, HAVE FOR SALK ;ars A prime feled'wn of the annexed articles t Shaved beer Skins TJnfhaVed ditto Elk Skins Shaved do. Baaver . Otter Bear Racoon Wolf Ox hides "ent Tiger ' 111 . Leopard Liifwi/e, Three thousand wt. of superior New-Orleans Indigo. Twenty tierces of Rice, and A quantity of excellent liogwood, which they will fell C.i 1 wngood terms. March 17 S . FOR SALE, MALAGA WJNE, in quarter Casks ; RAISINS, ia Kegs ; and NEW RICE, in whole and half Tierces. e o a „ Isaac Harvey, jun. go No. 5, d. W;ter-ftrcet. * g 4th Month, aoth. §3w- For Sale, A Three story BRICK. HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut street, between Front and Second streets, in which — ■ Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for man) years (and now do) carried on business. Poflejfion will be given in one month, or foonef. For terms apply te WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH. • April ii. § l - t J Treasury Department; Rn>e>iue-Offire, March loth, 1796. P.OFOSALS will be received at the office of the _ Commffioticr of the Revcnm, (No. 43, at the comer of Third and Chefnut-ftreets, Philadelphia) for building in North-Carolina, I. A Liglit-Hcpufe upon Cape-Hatteras. 11. A Beacon House upon Shell Cattle island. Dclcriptions c( efcth, and all other particulars, maybe seen »n application at the offices of any of the Suptrinten (laitS of or of the Super visors of the Reve nue, or of the Collector* of the Cullonu in any of the States ; as also at this office. iawi»i ' h" A N T £ D, — Loan, for two or three years—2ooo Dollars for V_/which a mortgage on Land will be given as fecsfity The land is clear of evtry incumbrance. Enquire of tne Printer. Jan. 9. d- Landings At Russell's Wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady or Louisa, James Cooper, mafler, from China, and the et Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING or SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; WINES, in fiutfs and half Butts of superior qua %; A small quantity of BRANDY ; And a few RM HANDKERCHIEFS. P 0 ft SALE BY Parker & Wharton, Ne. south Water-llreet. e- April 26. , § 5 FOR SALE By MORDECAI LEWIS, The remains of the Cargo by the Pigou, from Canton, viz. WIDE and narrow Nankeens 70 Quarter Chests Sauchong Tea ao Tubs Quickniver*, and A quantity of Tea-Table and Dining China. M *y r- 3 tawim *' TO BE SOLD, * lft 'A ee - ft * r y hrick House, No. 80, N. Second XI street. The lot w about ai feet front, and 288 - feet deep, to Bread-llreet, or Moravian Alley. It has 11 long been one of the best (lands for business. 9 • a 2d ' A / rame Dwelling-Houfc, No. a6o, South Front- > » street, with a Bake-House, tlie Lot is about ij feet f front, by 130 feet in depth. ' 0 jd. A handfonie Lot of a; feet by 200 feet deep, ex- si tending from Third street to Gcorge-llreet 1 it is the id a Lot below South-street: on George-street there is a two , '"<*y br,ctc tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good a baheoven. Like wife a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on fte River Delaware, at a convenient diftancc from Phila delphia Market—the Meadow i, of the heft quality, and' in good bank. Thtfre are conimodjoHS buildings, with a good proportion of arabla and woodland, and Cedar f Swamp. For terms appjy vo JOHN LITLE f No. 40 North Sixth-ftrcet. March 179S dtt - To be Sold, 1 TH4T k., I r and; convenient Thrce-ftory BRICK" " tt ia Fifth street, between Market and ~ Arch streets, No. 43, North, at present occupied by Mr. Giuret Cottringer. For terms apply to John Shields, No. Chefnut'ittrcct. n ho it now opening, w . A general arortment of Dry Goods ° : cr^ tabletot>!Clcai ' on for sale for cacti or a fliort ' f ' hc is <■>? the 10th instant, it Just Arrived, In the Snow Bolton, James JCirkpatrick, master from Li ! VCl'pOoif 5000 Bfilhek SALT ; SCO Crate, QUEENS WARE ; and An Aflortment ot SHIP CHANDLERY; r 'FOR S A L E 1a- k° Pine-street wharf. -Apply to ady "James Campbell, or ks s George Latimer, i April 29. ' ? - — . Samuel Richardet, "D ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen J 1V Merchants, that he has this dly opened the CITY — fAVBRN antffcIERCHANTS COFFEEHOUSE in th« city of Philaddyhia. The Subscription Ro-m will be furniihed with all the daily papers puMiftec! iu Philadelphia, New-York, Bus- I ton, Baltimore, together with thole of the principal com- I mercial cities of Europe—Ti«ey will be regularly filed ! I and none permitted to be oikrii away on :iYiy account. ' Tea, Coffee, Stupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety I of French Liquors; together with ufaal refreshments, I I will at all times be procured at the bar. I Gentlemen may depend qn Being accommodated with I 1 thfc choicefl of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and She moftl I approved Malt Liquors frdiftLoridon and otlitr breweries. I I The Larder will be i'upplied with the prime and iarlfcft I I produ&ions of dao Sealer..' I I Large and fmaji Parties or single Gentlemen, may be I I accommodated with Breuklalls, Dinners, or Suppers, at I J hours molt co'nv mem to tliehifclves—a cold Collation is!| regularly kept lor cßnvtn.ency, the Bill of fare to be had 1 I at tiio bar. | 'O. Thc Vo jg'n; Rooms will be completely. fu.niSed; audJ I the utiholt attention paid to cleunliuels, and every ©thcri ,jj ] rtqUSte. I I if? Richard*t Will be happy ta receive, and j I execute tV eumnwHds of bfc hieaii, "aifif-rtt-Pubfc at j •- - I large; a«d with gratitude for tbeir favours, he |>iedgtsj , I hitnfel; that nothing, on hjs part flulllie wanting t« ptv- I I fefve that patronage *. tth which he has been to diitinsuifc- 1 j I irfgly Ohored. j Philadelphia, April 19. 5 I " C 0 F F E 1. h J toi HogOietds, f 30 Barret.,' f PklMfc COFFEE, '' I 217 Bags, J I j Imported in At br.g Richard and tames from leremie, I and for sale by - I Richard Iff James Potter. April ix. § For sale by the 20 Hhs. JAMAICA SUGARS. J 68 Hhs. Ift quality Jamaica COFFEE, j n 1 22 Barrels ditto ditto. Willi tigs and Francis, I A Penn-ltrect, No. il. c %J. <i e Landing, ; From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and j I A quantity of COAL« ' I ,r OR SALE, BT Thomas & John Kctland. A prills. . f Q China Goods. I* rli 1? ® A TL *"TIC, Silai Sivaimt, Commander, Ibe j, j from Canton, will commence the discharge of lier I 1 cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-llftet wharf, j Corjfiflirtg of I I Yellow and white Nankeens of exqeljept quality I 1 _ I Pel Can Taffetics, black and coloured I K Luffrings, do. d». ' I I Sattir.s bhek of various qualities J Sewing silks in a (Totted coUuft | j Vermillion in boxes I r I Caflia in chefti I Quickltlver iu jars BOHEA, T T SOUCHONG, r HYSON SKIN, *<! young hys6n [ Frtffh Teas. J«» BEST HYSON, t fca IMPERIAL, J I f" CHINA WARE, ornamental, rfifh Tabfe and Tea Sets generally allbrted'. WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE". Fer Sale by j Philip N'tcidin & Co. las AM 8. • t.th&s I — IPr TEN DOLLARS REWARD. L, A BSCONDED, on the night Thurfitay hjl, the pr IX 7 tb inj). Boston Murray, a bl.uk inJentadfcr | -vant laJ, 18 sr 19 years of age, and ahiut 5 firt Bor I 9 incbesMgb ; a*t of his eyes if defeSi-ve in the corner J — ttiuardj his nose Ilis apparel ctnjtjled of a fnujf. color- J td round jacket,with a Manchejter ve/i under it; a pair I offuJTtan tro wfers, and under them a light mixed cloth I fair of breeches. Whoever of prebends thefaidfer-vant, and rftmns him, or confines him in any jail in Pennjyl- I •vama or Jersey, so ti;at I recover him Jiall receive the I above reward, togcthtr ivit/j repftnable. charges. MOORE WHARTON, I No. 109, Sprttce-jlree(. I . Feb - »• ttf MADEIRA, ■) . SHERRY and i WINES. ' J f .PORT j For Sale by \ • „ EDWARD STOW, jun- i I No. 4, South Water-Street. I I Dec. 12. d I Advertisement. — W E t^, ful ' f f r hl ' rs Comtoiilioners appointed by law I VV to take fubfcnotions for the Gap, Newport I Wilmington Turn pllie Road, d„ notice* tha we will attend for that pvrpofe at thehoufe of Samuel Cochrau, on the 6th day of June next. Bar I JOSHUA PUSSY, Ale JACOB IJNDLEY, in h JOHN M'DOWELL, opp ' .„ _ , James boyd. I Cr»ftiw Cfiuntv. a tth AnrU. , r\«sta*,®.* 1 *, -p Jl ■ ■ I iL ._ Landing this day, From an board tlx brig 'JeJftrfon, Klibu 11. Morris, Ma/lc-, front St. Croix. PRIME SU6.\R and RUM ( m ■"dglßeaCW. jo.ooo lt>. ORE!^ r : Ct;FFlt'e irt 4'co Bags. ■dlh, by t> ■former importation, ioo.coo Coffee, ia 40 Hhds. . 14 Tierces, .jf, ■ ... , - xpßirt&ii,... ci -s'• ,#SO Bag's. For Sale by "T J. *v' John Yvikocks, - Tun Alley, South Wharves. nea El i ■ H th, Wa'fhiiigton Canal Lottery, tha N9. r. Jul- \XyTHERBAS thr-StMe of Maryland has xuthoriibd " V * th « underwritten, to r»ift tweuty-lix thoufantf, . t*oHundred, and fifty dollars, for thfc pur poic of cutting* 1 a CafKti through tfa City of fjronl the k'o ! v tfacEsftern Branch Hari<ouh' nil I Thc followin SS » - he SCHbME of No-. It 'I Viz -I Prize of W.ooo doiiirs, 13,600 ,!th Ji a? 0 \ IO ' Oo ° I0 ' 000 n I 7 aft drawn 7 I ."' t I Tickets, Wch f W,°oo lift 6 f ut ° 6,000 10 ditto 409 f 4,000 I >C I 20-ditto 100 a,OOO ,at I 5 f j' tto 5° 3.75P 1 is'! 3750 Itto 11 65,008 la< j j ke raised for the Canal, 26,150 mdl .fffn w'T' 175,0°0 j cr I HOSO Blanks, not two to a prize. n<J { i?iao Ticket*, at "ten Dollars, . 175,009 6 J the prizes. It-I j i rhe draw,n 2 of this Lottery will commence, without delay, as/oon a? the Tickets are fold, of which timely I hoticc ivill be given. _ Such prizes at are not demanded in fix months after thfe I drawing is finilhed, ftuill be conlidefcd »» f«t j the benefitpf the Canal, and appsopriated accordingly, (Signed j MOTLEY YOUN.G, . S*i, c £ fef L " /a tftOßCfe WALKEtf, 1 Wk. M. BffNCANSON, «>{ THOMAS tiAW, j „ JAMEM BAXRY. I City of Wafhiagton, Feb. 11. £ Knox, Henderifon & Co. No. 46, Norfh front street, £. tjT AVE imported in thefliipi Liberty, Concord and A- I U driana, from l.ondon, aircfh supply of Goodafuit- I ad to the feafon—coniifting of I A beauiful aflWrtment of twilled, and silk Nankeens Cottons, Thread, oifton, silk & C ot- Calicoes, and ton and silk HoSery, " I Diaper and Damjflt Table } Muslins, Cloth., I Mufliuets, Lawns, Corded and India Dimities, Cambricks and J Ginghams, Cambric Muffin*. I Cotton Counterpane, Linen, cotton and (rflt hkf« | Plain, Wiped, clouded Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &cw* Likewifc, b , ltc / We 'i assorted color ». London best fitpe»Sne _ j Cloths, best fupcrfine 4trd fecoud-Cxllimcres—Also sun dry packages of C.lHcees and Chintzes, and other goods I goods fit fo# exportation. | , Per the Glajjjow, Capt. Williams, from Dublin, a few •t, I boxes 7-8 and yard wide Irifli Linens. " Ma v f Jjwwacfe For/ale by Richard Lee, No. 145 North Second llreet, between Saffiflrafi and I Vine street, Flowers fror«*Sharon; Or, Origipal Poems on Divine Subject, I In Imitation ef Dr. Watts, I R E .«> m mendedby the fellowlng eminent London min r w ir' iJeCoetiogon, rev. Mr. T J-ot, lev. . I Mr. G. Williams, and the rev. Mr. J. Swain. Th< Vol bme before us necj, qnly a perulal to obtain the appro ,a on of evir/ (heni to truth. The eiTential pecTliari ties of the Oofpd are the darling fubjeds of th, author >a ?f 1 calculated to imprefsbn the youth ful mind the genuirje principle, of evangelical piety, and 1° " n , VC5 '' th f ou # ® pleasing medium, a due sense of I ° ! which bclon R tj their everlasting peace. The Evangelical Rz v „wers write tl.us: The author of these Poem. disco»„, eonfiJerable mark, of genius, as welt « of the jufpt! , Mo , ; dtI ,_ I Pr i Ce . 3 " 4t r h Sos a ] dol l"—printed-on fupcrfine wove paper. Likewise way be had as above—f rom tb , Rcck (i bail the approaching Jay, faered ;o truth, libery and peace. :r Pr '- tc i do""- « Ltt,b, inhabitants cf tbt R.ct /^ " I M ' *" "»g'°rj °f tbclorJ i, rif.t." ifaiah. r I y J 0 mw&f6t rI — ; "r j For Sale, b I »o pipes y J 18 hhds. V MALAGA WINE. -1 73 <P". calks j e I 4 cases I 4 truiks > Sewing Silks. 1 b«x J I A quantity of Spanilb brown Ditto white lead, Bar lead - I Shot ps all sizes A large quantity of pipes A. few hampers of Englift porter A few cases of perfumery A quantity of best bandanna hankercMefs A fn.alhnvo.ee of cloths, mulW, ft aw l t & black lace And a few boxes of Caffile soap Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, junr. At his counting house on Rofs's wharf. M * y 5 ' v d6t. Mustard and Chocolate CONTINUE to be manufailured in the best man ner, and for sale, as usual— Also fheUed or pea 1 Barley, Coffee, Pepper & c . Philadelphia Porter, I:e r, Ale, Cyder, trtghfh Porter, Taunton and Bath Ale bo " te ». &c.— at No. 9 Z, South Front-sheet, bppoiite the Custom-house, by UmII „ JOUXHAmRTH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers