Notice is hereby Given, THAT in pursuance of an ae fubferibed. " a GEORGE LATIMER, from ROBERT throu NATHL. LEWIS, A ABIJAH DAWES. Li! ■Philadelphia, May 7 3™tJ«n. y. — — r — — * Al rKtIJfUSALS there »0* PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRrPTION, 1B ft, $ KETCHES J HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, 11-!-l 1 -!- From the peace of X 783, to the termination of the'pre- 7, sent Sefflon of Congress. BT MATHEIV CARET. CONDItiONS- I. This work will b<; comprised in two or three oiftav# volumes, each about 490 pagefe. 11. The, price to fubfenben will be trto dollars per vo- D( lume, handsomely bound. . 111. No money will be required till the volumes are de- IV. Should any of the fubferibers disapprove of the work when complete, they may decline receiving it. V. It is expe&ed to be ready for press in >thfc spring of jyj VI. soon after the above time, as one thousand copies ' are fubferibed for, the printing lhall commence, and . shall be finilhed asfpeedily as pofiible. w h; c VII. Subscriptions received by the Authbr, No. lIS, Market-ftrect, and by the chief Booksellers through- Out the United States. 0 f ec 10 THE PUBLIC. , p< ' THE ol>ie collected. This information lhall be tlaffed under fepa- rate appendixes. an( j The Author solicits the affifUnce of such G?»tlemen as may be pofTeffed of documents calculated to promote _ the execution of his plan. They lhall be received with - due-gratitude—carefully preserved—and fafely returned. February 9. lawllt F O R S A L E, fin | At BENJAMIN DAVIES' BOOKSTORE, cat 50.68, HIGH-STREET, A valuable collection of the newest Publications, _ Juit received from via New-York ; Among which ar« the following: THE Amsrican Pilot, in two parts —part the ift con taining charts and plans of the coasts of Newfound land taVraaore, and th;gulph and river of £t. Lawrence, Part the 4d containing charts of t..e Britilh channel, and ■jf}- the coast of Ireland to Cape Clear; of the Atlantic Ocean, Nt and the coasts of Europe, Africa, and the Western Blanks, of the whole coast of the United States and East Florida; the «ulph of Florida, and Island of Havannah, drawn (aim aftoal f«rveys and the lat'eft difctwaries. { A Defcripwon of the Country 40 miles round Manches ter, its geography, productions, river aiid canal naviga tions ; its towns and villages, their history, population, commerce, and manufactures, by Dr. AiUin; printed ob veUum paper, and iUuftrated with 73 copperplates finely . Hunter's Voyages to New South Wales and the Sou- : them Ocean, illustrated with 17 maps, charts, views and other emhelliftiments, neatly bounß in calf. ■ Civil anl Commercial History of the Britilh Welt-In dies by 18. Edwards, £fq. with maps, views, See. The cennedion that fcbfifts between Agriculture and Chemidry—by the Earl of Dundowiald. The Course of .Hannibal over the Alps, ascertained by T. Whitaker- • » ; , - The Life of General Dumonrier, m 3 vols, written by Chtlmer's Estimate rif the compilative strength of Great Britain. j History of the Moravianmiffions among the Indianso. j ;< North-America, with the manners and customs of the m na Cotporal Brown's History of the Campaigns in 1793. j' 4 The s Studie»of Nature, by Bernvdin de St. Pierre. re The Political Tellament of Maximilian Roßtfpierre, gi with an account of the secret negochtrons carried on un- : rj der'his AireflJon. - . . , , Wifeman's Commercial Letters m. the five principal p Ungaages of Europe. p A Pocket Vocabulary (5f fix pnncipal languages. Anftruthir's Ueworts in Chancery. The Works of Peter Pindar, with a head ofthe author; The SpoitWgVvagaiine. . Tbe Britifli Critick. or new Critkar Review 1 of she lat est publnatioiw. llie Works of "Edkiund Barke, Esq. Defcnre of the American Constitution, b/J. AOains, vice-Prcfidentof the U.S. Afrilt 8. law Tor Sile, A Few Calks of First Quality I N D I G O. ' Enquire street. sch right whereof he claims proprietor, in the .words Censor, or monthly Review of the dwe U » interesting political occurrences relative t» tne Umtcd , " ™ ed States intuuled « an Afl for the encouragement of lean ing.'bv feuring the copies of maps, charts and I ook> to tU tors and proprietors of such copies during the timestherein m^ed " SAMmL CALDWELL, Clerk Dili. Court Pennfyivama. • April ay. - ™-- • A Printing-office for J CONSISTING OF . ~ , IjO s A goodalTortmentofTypes, the greater part of whKh IJ)0 ■ are but little worn, a good mahogany Press, wuh the djf , ferent Printing Materials, in complete orderT°| executing l6> , ran v kind of work. Tlje fituat.on is very eh p b ' c> "' he , l r for a newspaper or book-work, a *£nVwell porulated city, within 30 ""'es of Philadclptna. Th n q s is also a very considerable advantage anfing from the - numarous applications for bla»ks and the g e " e ™ . N. of advertisements, &c. &c. and a handfomv. profi denv T;cket from the great quantity of Rags which may be collected ,h A±;;«y-v.'»-is Likewise will be fold wuh the o!See,, a ar n e anynu binders' Press, (used for prreffing books m Ihccts) I.J Th ; ther with a number of bookbinders tools, alm ™ "T. vate b Any person inclining to the above, l alay i l>av . the refulal of a handsome colledion of books, bound a in sheets—They will be fold very low. ~. , Fer the price, and further particulars, «t No. f F >4, north Third-street, where a of *« thOT , I maybe seen. April 26. i_'_ — t j,„ nv " "30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, p* a Cotks, in bales, and wilfb Holland Gin, in pipes, u " iv ' 0 For Sale by Th Benjamin W. Morris. r °. ' December 31. eodtf numb COLUMBIA HOUSE ie Boarding School for Young Ladies. f A TRS. GROOMBRIDGE havingremovedfrom I.odge " r '[ h 5 iVX Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and Spruce-streets, ar£ jj for the advantage qf a large, convenient House, 111' a dry, J<>f c j healthy fitu'ation; hepes for the continuance of the encou- mourl ' . ragement (he has hitherto so highly experienced; and for Th 5 which she returns her fmcere acknowledgment. t he la ' .£s° Mrs. Groombridoe is aftilled by Matters of the Hote! firft ability; and the ufeful, as well as ornamental branches a j" cc( of education are particularly attended to. ber c ff) February 8. § lw s 3 n > frienc a N O T'[ CE, ' A GREEABLY to charter, is hereby given to the ? u ) £\_ Members of the Corporation for the relief of poor and diftrelTed Prelhyterian Ministers, and of the poor 111 and diftrelTed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Mi n" nifters, that there will be a Meeting of said Corporation * * y* in the Jecond Prelbyterian Church, in the city of Phila ,ts pelphia, on the 23d day of May next, at 4 o'clock, p. m. n " for the dispatch of all fuchbufinefs as may then be brought l' before the board. f f T " he ASHBEL GREEN, J' ~ April 21. d Secretary of the Corporation - i Urbanna Mill Seats, "0- Q ITU ATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on the banks of j n O the river Sufquehanna, about one mile above fide wa bc ter, and commanding the water of that important river, A 33. the channel conducing the trade of which comes so near the Mill Seats as to make it convenient to speak the boats; , en and Mills may he so fituaced as to receive them al«ng their E , oce walls, and by water lifts take in their cargoes. qt There is a power fufficient for many and any kind of Dnt e( j ufeful WateV Works, and so much may be justly said in d< t * commendation of this Scite as would be inconvenient to Ladi insert in a newspaper publication. Aud — Those who may desire to be concerned, will probably fa find tkemfelves well pleased on viewing the situation. Cole _ Leases for any term of years may be obtained on appli- Wll ■Et cation to the fubferiber, living on the premises. g 3 • CLEMENT HOLLYDAr. m , April 19. iaw3m I Treasury Department; I on- Revenue-Office, March loth) 1 I r -d- "PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Jr Comniijjiover of l thc Revenue, (No. 43, at the comer of I I and Third and ChefnUt-ftreets, Philadelphia) for building in I I :an, North-Carolina, I Sto I. A Light-House upon Cape-Hatteras. 11. A Beacon House upon Shell Castle island. I Ji Descriptions of each, and all other particulars, may be I — ] lc f_ fee» on application at the offices of any of the Suyirinten- 1 j dajts of Light-Houses, or of the Supervisors of the Reve- 1 ;® n nu'e, or of the Colleflors of the Customs in any of the I [ OB ' States ;as also at this office. 2aY, 1 I S4MUEL L MITCHELL, ' - , SAWUEL BRO\V,N. f Committee. I thsr ELIHU H.SthITH, | j New-York, May 6, 1795. (May I e lat- "" * 1 | Venereal Diieafe. ' IJms, J. MORGAN, No. 178 North Water street, 1 n aw JL/ Philadelphia, give? advice daily in all cases of Physic I a and Surgery, particularly VENEREAL COMPLAINTS : 11 io which from facts and rnnuitc obfeivation he warrants his method of' cure most effeAual, easy and expeditions. N. B. Secrecy, honor and moderate terms may be depend ed on.l The DoEVorlikewife prepares an infallible SPECIFIC for ' the cure of the above complaints, to supply seamen, travel- I lets, and country xttfaibitants. wilh plain and proprr diiec fif tionsfoi'tbeir aft. May 7. f. rfl &w. gt ! | I City cf Wafaington. onthe SCHEME ofthe LOTTERY; No.ll, pn FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF 1 AE joinim federal city. 35 A munificent ? 20,000 dollars, & ? 50,000 Cadw. 40000 5p 1 ditto 15,006 & 30,000 ___ ! ditto 10,000 & culh .lO,QSO 20,°00 Q x ditto J, 000 & cafe 5,000 10,o» X ditto ,*» & cafl, 5,000 10,000. 1 ca(h prize or _ 10 , 0 00 „ VV ado. 5,00® each, are,- tote., ,0 do. 1,000 - _ Q rd-je 10 d °" -s°° - 10.000 " 100 & ' . - «.000 aoo do. 5 . - 19,000 on 0 f 4CI ° J O, In •- 2Q»ch ] t.oo® da. . jr Jo , are held by the President and two Diredtors of the Bank At . f ' j )®f Columbia, ~and are valued at more than half the a- w mount ot the lottery. . ~ >r The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late Commiflioners aflifted in the management of the ie Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thi» arduous talk - s a fetond time on behalf of the public ; a ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the friends to a National University and the other federal ob iecis may continue to favor the design- _£ By accounts' received frem the difterent parts of the \l Continent as well as from Europe, where ' he tloke " g e have been sent for fa-le, the public are allured that the I drawing will speedily commeiwe, and that the: care and Bui * caution unavoidably necessary to injure » fafe .f the tickets, has rendered the Men fufpeofion inifpenUble. a " SAMUEL BLODGET. l' .§„ Tickets may be had at the Bank of Columbia ;of J[ Tames Weft & Co. Baltimore; of Feter Oilman, Boston , gol( of John Hopkins, Richmond ; and of Richard Wells, g t Cooper's Ferry. eve New Hat and Hosiery Store, fo r r c f Wholesale and Retail, '-79^. WHEREAS funtLry Letters, transmitted in,tli Mjii'.s of the United States, te and from Norfolk, in the state of Virginia, were opened, and Note 6 of seve ral denominations fraudulently t?ken from them at York, in the fttte aforefaid, in the mouths of O&ober, Novem ber and Dcsem'nerlaft,: aijd pa*t,of ,fai4 aud fomc calh have been recovered and ar; now in poffcfli on of tfos RoM4»fter Gene:al. la .orjjer th<;re{pr,e , that such Bank Notes as- ihall be identified maj be.reft'dred-1» the owners thereof, and that the rcmainingnotesand calh be equitably diftfibuted among thole who are entitled to them. NOTICE 1.3 HEREBY GIVEN-toall perf havc,feffc»«< by fuch/raudulant pra&ices, th^„ pe riod, aad OB .the route aforementioned, to .cjljfcit „their claims without delay, supported by such reafonabte proofs as mi.y beneceffary to fubilantiate them. Such notes as' >f ihall be identified will be reeeived by application to the n General Poll Oiti?e, oa or the, of July npufc; and'tl>£,x«fir itit losses, to be afcert lined by the neceffsryproofs,v. hiclj on or before that day ftiall'be produced tothe General Poll i- Office. (lawtju'y) JOS; HABERSHAM. % LAWBOOK STORi; JS NO. 313, KIGLH-.^TRtl-T, s - A VERY general lATl9.N;ojjlm wm. ■y ■' JUST OPENED. in GEOR-GE D AVIS's >'-• TT'XTENSIVE collection of tj\e latest Irish Editionsbe- X_j ing now arranged, he begrs to offer them for Sale, "! on the fame modern* icrnis, as have for feverjl years a past, so particularly dUtinguifheri them; tn/iitavfivs thofo Gentlemen who may favor iyftt with ayeiifjott, tUt re their orders from, any defiance, whether fpf a ; felf vu -2 lUe. •r an entire Library, fhfill be executed v,:ith tc promptitude, and acknowledged with thinks. Catalogues for the p»efent year are prepared, and will be delivered .on application :le N. B. A number of Truulfs to be.difpai'yiflf. 46th April- m&tfov ts, i'/JU Uay is fMUjbed, Ilk At No. »or Arch (Ireet, aU'q bp h»d at Eo> a- well's Printing Offioe, Nf1,53» inxhe l'wpe ftr«ef» A AL-iP OF THE lUVER ° f From Nimeguen to Basve^ Jk Shewing ?- The actual Seat of War he ib- Between the French and jfuftrtfips. March 26 :he ' WA NTE U, ' £ Several Apprentices tp the priating ,nd Bulinefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the of United States, No. 119, Chefaut flreet. S_ , u . - LOS T"i IN the city, on the Point Rsad, the 13th inftay.t, a small GOLD FRENCH WATCH, made at Paris, with a * gold chain and two gold fcals, one having the initials H. ; " s > Bt. G. and a Lion crefWtfceother a Lius crest oqly. When ever finding the fame will briqg them to No. ViX ~ Front-street, Ikall receive a generous reward If o|Fer«4 for sale to any of the Watch-makers in town, they are re (juefted to flop the fame. April 13. 5 f JOSEPH COOKE, GOLDSMITH Es" JEWELLER, The corner of Market anrt Third-streets, Philadelphia; MOST refpeftfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received, per tte last arrivals, a'com :cad pi ete ant l general aflortment of almof 1 , Eveiy Article in his Line; Immediately from the manufactures of London, Bir mingham, and Sheffield, all of which are ps the nsweil falhion, and will be fold, wholefalc n»4 retail, on [hr ■«- cot- terms, anthe Notes of Mr. Robert Mqi'fis, T * JohnNicholfon received in payment at thcif current value, tot- March 5. t^'tf George Briughurft, COACH a* HARNESS MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends yid the public, that'he lias removed from Arcji-jltept, to No. 53 in iMS north Fifth-ftrcet, adjoining the Ewfcojpal Puriai Ground, the where he continues tjie • Coach making in all its Branches. » He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carriages, w such as Coaches, Chariots, Ph.xtons, and Coachees; also, Chairs, Kitteroens, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har pefs, with plated or brass mounting. H« hath a good Vupply of tUe icft nwtcrials, aud a of she iti fiar foned wood. Orderafnoin any part «f the United Spates willpe o»- j ly attended to with the greatest punctuality and difpatdi. ' 5 His long experience \f\ bttfyaefs, kis cart in the execu tcilcs, tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the fires of his employers, he flatter* himfelf wUI prove fuffi dkfs. cient recommendations. ■ He has several fceond-hand Carri ges for sale, > 1 compleat Coaclvee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian blinds all round; aPhston; a Chair; and a Sulkey with a falling top. All kinds of Carriages fold on Commiflion, and Car riages taken in to (land by the month or year. [Tort- wanted to the JBufinqfs. id Philadelphia, .November 2,1. t,t,i?iß3y.?awQ» S H O T, OFall sizes, from 3» lb to Grape, Cambooles, Pots, and other castings ewcuted at the . shortest notice, ? e Nail rods, from lod to.spike, Hoop Iron, of all sizes, for casks or cutting iotonaus> ' rom a brad to lad nails, Anchors, frqm 17 ioolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, tOriina Pork. .Herfings in barrels, k Kiln-dried com me4l in Hhds.ajid Bbls. Rye flour &c. to be fold by ' Levi Hollingfworth Iff Son• wide hecks, FOR SALE. A FOUNT of,BREVIER,.haIf worn ; about fourhim ' e £\. dred weight. Enquire at the Qtiice of the Gazette ' 'of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-ftreet. December I. § •..1 ■ n . . °t»rms PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, wtf. mS —No. 119 — 1 Mali C H E-S NUT-STRE ET. [Price Eigjit Pollari per Anoam.J ■* ' ' .