Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 09, 1796, Image 3

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"MONDAY EVENING, Ma- 9, 1796.
The following precedes, in the Maryland Jour,
lial", Mr. Swanwick's speech againfl the treaty,
t public speaking, it is a jtijt rule to pay at
tention not only to what is spoken, but to cha
racter oftheorater himfelf. As a commercial man,
as poflefling a foreign correspondence on the mod
extensive scale, and a degree of merchantile infor
mation equalled by very few citizens of the United
States, and Sxoeeded by none, the opinions and
sentiments of Mr. Swanwick deserve more than
common regard. Before arriving almost at the
middle of life, he has by induflry acquired a very
ample fortune, and without a blemish on his name.J
Tranflatcd for the Gazette of the United States,
From Hamburgh Papers.
In the last year pafled the Sound, 7953 vessels,
among which we count but one Dutch vessel, 2549
English, 2336 Swedish, 1629 Danish, 946 Pruflian,
127 American, 84 Restock, and 33 Hamburgh.
_ LONDON, January 12.
The (hip Aitrolabe, commanded by Chevalier
Peyroufe, that failed on discoveries a few months
before the French Revolution began, in company
with another veflel, was believed to be loft. Some
East-India-men however brought information, that
said veflel made land on her return, in a bay of the
Island of Java, in the year 1794, when the crew,
hearing ot the Revolution,, divided into parties,
and the Dutch availed themselves of the opportu
nity to seize the veflel with all the maps of the
countries discovered. Both parties of the crew
-were dispersed over the Dutch settlements, and a
flrift eye kept over them, except a surgeon, who
obtained permiflion, to repair to the Isle of France.
The Britiflt armament from Bengal, agaiaft the
Dutch settlements, is ordered to endeavour by all
-means to come in poflefiGon of those maps.
_ The present commanders of our fleet in the Me
diterranean are , Sir John Jervis, Admiral of the
Blue, on board the Vidiory of 100 guns ; Sir H.
Parker, Vice-Admiral of the Red, in the St.
George of 98; W. Waldegrave,Vice-Admiral'of
the Blue, in the Barflear of 98 ; and Robert
Mann,Efq. Rear-Admiral of the Red, in the Wind-
Caftle,of 98 gum.
The Eaft-lndia Company has hired 50 veflels
for their feryice of this year, 12 of which and the
largest are ordered to be ready by the 15th of next
month to take in troops for the new acquisitions
from the Dutch, to Cape of Good Hope, Trin
comale in Ceylon, &c.
VIENNA, January 16.
When the prince of Gavre received the daughter
of Louis XVI. on the frontieis, (he returned all
what was given her on letting out from the temple,
a small package excepted, (he had made up herfelf,
containing some lines, three medallions with the
portraits and hairs of her parents and of her aunt,
the printefs Elizabeth ; also some garters knit by
her mother with ravelings drawn ont of an old car
pet in the prison.
_ AKH.I r ED. DArS.
Ship Birmingham Packet, M<Henry, Calcutta 140
Hannibal, Cloufcr, Lilbon '37
. Brig Abigail, Gif Ford, < Liverpool 67
Sally, Odlin, Havanna 15
Schr. Li:tlc Betty, Keen, Port-au-Prince 30
Brig Triton, Flinn, Hifpaniola
Twins, Keeler, St. Thomas
" : Betf«y,'Cannon, Port au-Prince
Gayofa, Prince, Cayenne
Delaware, Dunphy, Port-au-Prince
Indnftry, Stewart, Cadii
Tlie (hip Eliza, of Boston, Capt. Strith, from
St Maloes to Guadaloupe, was taken by the Scipio,
a British 64, and carried into Martinique. Capt-
Smith was to be at Dominica about the 18th of
April, to wait for the triak The Dam'lh (hip
Belifbra, Capt. Bolman, from France, with pafTen
gers on boajd, was taken by the Veteian of 64
guns. It was supposed that both the above would
be condemned. >
NEW-YORK, May 7.
TuefdayJail anived at Providence the brig Al
fred, Capt. Bowler, in 48 days from Rochefort.
On the coast of France he fell in with the wreck of
a French (hip, laden with wines, &c. On hci
flern was written The JVaJhirigton of Rocbelle
She fusk while Captain Bowler was along fide of
■Captain Flytin, was boarded on his paflage from
Aux-Cayes, by the Britilh sloop NarcifTus, and af
ter a few hours delay was permitted 10 proceed on
his pafTagc.
Provisions in Aux-Cayes were in great plenty,
and tolerably low.
Arrivals at this Part.
Ship Tamerlane, Wool fey,
Brig Apollo, Sherer,
Profperj Flynn,
Sloop, — 11, Brojrn,
A French Privateer schooner,
BOSTON, May 3 .
ILxtiadl of a letter from a gentleman in Goadal&upe,
to his friend in Boston.
" Yoti will, doubtless havs seen in my former
letter, how much the army of the Republic conti
nues to diftingm'fh itftlf in this quarter ; it has re
■cently signalized itfelf to the defence of Lrogane,
.lie details of which I /hall furnifli you as soon as
leisure permits; being unable to do it at prefeot,
as the vessel which carries this is on (he point of
i'tiifing, tiftd affords mc only time to inform you that
ifh'e Engliftr were totally defeated the day before
y?rteiday—We have only to regret 22 American?
#'W liaveTaJfen viflims to those monsters, but ir
this heat of the E&imi, «nn brave soldiers coulu dif-
• . «
tinguilh no one. Orders have jvtft been !fIW4 con
cerning those Americans who may attempt to fur
nHh the BritKh ports. This measure will furnifh
us with protiQons at a law rate."
of a letter from Miragusn, Bit* I<eogane,
" When I came to this place, they" would not
fuffer me to go away to try for another maiket, J
lay four days with a guard on board ; but at length
was obliged to compromise with the government,
and allow them to take half my cargo, payable in
one month. Directly after, orders came to (top all
veflels with provisions on board. So a guard was
again put on my board my veflel—and two New-
Yorkers, which are here. I therefore, expeA they
will take the whole of my cargo by force, and when
they will pay, there is ao telling, for a Beverly
schooner has been lying here five months. Here is
plenty of produce, but they will fell only for cash
—sparing none for debts which they contract by
compullion. Coffer is 23 sous, sugar 9 dollars per
" Capt. Rice of Boston, is at Leogane, his
mads (hot away in the attack on that town. Also
Capt. Goodhue, of Newburyport, who has loft
all hit men by impressment.
A match at ball is to be played on the common,
on Thursday next, between the married men and
bachelors of this town, for 200 dollars,
Our latest advices from the Weft-Indies, state,
from 8 to 12,000 troops, arrived at Barbadoes »-
bout the 6th April. The British had sent rein
forcements to attack St. Lueia, and several othvr
places; the French, however, appear ready and
anxious to receive them. The French had captur
ed a valuable transport and sent her into St. Bar
tholomews.—Several others were said to be cap
tured, and hourly expefied to arrive. An embar
go is put upon all the windward islands. The Bri
ti(h take all American veflels from French ports,
and fend them ioto Tortolaand Bermuda—and all
American seamen who have not authenticated cer
tificates.—A bounty of 14 guineas was offered at-
Antigua April 5, for fyilors to enliit—in conse
quence of which many Americans had entered in
the British service.
Received yeJlercLy, per Jbip Eli%a, Henjha<w from
London papers to March 18.
BRUSSELS, March 6.
General Jordan is now occupied in visiting all
the positions of his army, for the purpose of ascer
taining his force, and concerting his operations.
All the battalions whieh were incomplete have
been incorporated into others, and the army of the
Sair.bre and Meufe is now in the mod complete
All these troops are now in movement, and
marching towards the banks of the Moselle, to
which all the traufports of artillery and of provi
sions are directed. The depots a-e at Coblentz
and Luxembourg. At Treves nothing is left but
what is neCeflary for the daily consumption of the
The troops of Jourdan are thus diftrs
buted for the opening of a campaign : 80,000 men
are to aft ofFenGvely in the Hundfruck, whilll a
body of 12 or 15,000 entienched on the Char
treuse, and in the environs of Coblentz, are to pre
vent tlie Auflrians from piaffing the Rhine on that
fide. A line is also to be formed on the left fide,
as far as Cievelt ; but this, it is intended, (hall be
merely fufficient to defend the principal polls.
On the right Bank of the Rhine the General Le
Fevre is to make a division at the head of 50,000
men, which cannot fail of being uses j] to the main
army. In this arrangement, the garrison of Lux
embourg, augmenting to 12,000 men, is not in
cluded. It is in this way that the Republic if de
termined to pulh the War; *nd, according to
to every probability, it cannot but be fatal to the
remainder of the coalition.
It (hould be added, that qfc 'hn foment the ar
roie» of the Upper and Lower Rhine ate full of ar.
dour, and well equipped for the campaign. - -
PARIS, March 9.
The celebrated Abb< Raynal, we just learn, died
fuddetily at Chaillot, aged 84 year*.
LONDON, March t6, 17, 18.
An American who arrived at Portfmonth on
Tuesday from Rochefort reports, that on the 19th
of February, eight large frigates failed from that
port on a cruise, purpofcty to meet the squadron of
'frigates commanded by Sir Edward Pcllew.
Whilll th« Ranger, Atkins, was at Bred, two
large frigates, and fix fail of transports, failed from
thence; their destination generally fupppfed for
the Well-Indies. She was detained three days,
and prevented from patting to sea until these (hips
Were clear of the French coast.
It was reported at Bieft, that a force Fad failed
from L'Orient for the Weft-Indies, and that part
of a French squadron that were some time since at
Cadiz, had also failed for the lflandi.
Desertion among the failori and soldiers it very
great: some time ago 16,000 troops wer march
ing from Brest to l'Orient to embark for the Weft-
Indies, but not more than 4000 reached it, the
others deserted on the road between the two places.
The maritime exertions of the French arc now
wholly paid to their privateers.
Upwards of two hundred fail of Englift, captiir
ed vefleis are new laid up in Brest harbour : the
Trench are bow daily difpofmg of them at public
sales, to neutral and others.
■ sev en fail of the line and five frigates were at
anchor in Brest water ; and with refpeft to their
equipment nearly ready for sea, but they are not
unethird manned ; fhegreateft part of the French
fcamen are employed on board privateers, a great
number of which now are at Brest preparing for
Admiralty-office, March if.
ExtraS of a letter from Capt. John Cooke, of his
majesty's ship Quebec, dated at Spitbead, the
14th ot March, 1796,10 Evau Nepeatr, Esq.
March 28.
" I beg will please to acquaint tlie lords
comrniflioners of admiralty, that on the loth itift.
( Scilly per account bearing N. £. diflant 18 Or 19,
leagues) 1 fell in with and captured l'Afpic Frcncli
National cutter, of 10 guns, and fifty seven men
and brought her in here. She had been ten day!
from St. Maloes, and had captured the John Hoop
of and from Gal way, for Oporto.
Commodore Sir John Warren, has been very fuc
cefsful in the Channel, having, besides the prize
already mentioned, taken the Faux Pen r, Frencl
cutter of 8 guns, and 146 men, and La Harmonic
transport fromßre(l,and re-captured two merchant
men. Three of these prizes are come into Fal
mouth off which port Sir John arrived on Monday
landed near 100 prisoners, and dire&ly failed agaii
vithout coming into harbor.
Tfc# l ilfisdron nnder the command of Sir Jfi (B. !
barren, has captured the Sultan, a French /new
with flour, .wine, &c. and two S,wedifh fltipi with
naval ftorrt for Biett.
The Edward and Elizabeth, Bartlett from Dub
lin to London, with linen, See. supposed to be worth
40,0001. was taken on the 14th ult. by a French
privateer of 14 guns and carried into Brest. The
people ara released, and arrived at Sciliy.
The Hope, Long, fiom Savafina to Cowes and
a market, it put into Farrol with considerable da-
The report of peace fl ill continues to prevail ve,
ry strongly in the city, although the letters and Ga
zsettes brought by the last Hamburgh mail speak
of nothing but war. Although we neither profefs
any particular knowledge of the secret tranfa&ions
of th# Cabinets of Europe, nor pretend to be the
confidants of ministers, yet we are free to declare
that from reasons which carry with them a high de
gree of piobability, we exped that information
of the utmofi importance for all Europe will soon
be received We shall not examine, whether the
general disposition for peace originate! in the ex
treme ditrefs experienced by France in confe
rence of us deranged finances, as well as front the
nniv«i_»al difroruent excited in that country by the
late riovirous measures of government ; or whether
they take their rife from theprefent rulers of France
lowering their former lofty pretentions, refpe&iiig
the extension of her ancient limits. Be thij as it
may, we consider some great event as near at hand,
and we look forward to it with great impatience
and anxietj.
LONDON, March 9.
The following is the note published by the king
of Sweden, on the fnUjed of the empress of Ruf
iia's refufai to receive tie ambafladoi appointed to
communicate intended marriage to her imperial
majesty s "The kingafSweden thought it his duty
on the occaGon of his lately agreed on marriage, to
?ive a ptinccfs (the empress of Ruflia) who is
his near relation tnd ally, the fame proof of his at
tention as he readily (hewed towards their Dinifh
and Prussian ministers, to whom he is likewise at'
tached by the ties of friendfhip and good neigh
bourhood. It was, therefore, with the utmost af
tonifhnrtent, that his majesty saw this attention by
no means returned by the empress of Ruflia. The
h«s according !y resolved, for the future, not
o rcceive from the Ruffian Court any of those par
ticular millions, which concern family events, and
which have ever before been in use between the two
refpeflive courts, but which the king has now a
bolished for i vei."
According to private letters from Vienna, wiit
ten by well informed persons, Fiel4 Marshal Clair
fayt aflerted in very ftreng terms in a council of
Itate, that for the purpose of ptofccQling the war
with fnccefs, it would be necelDtry to invest one
general with the chief command of all the troops
destined to a& on the Rhine, in order that all their
movements might accord, and beconftantly direct
ed to one decisive point. He added, that on his
part, finding his powers unequal to the execution
of so atduous a task, if that flipreme cwnmand
should be offered him, he must beg leave to decline
it ; and that, if his imperial majesty did not think
proper u> adopt this measure, it would be best to
take advantage of the late fuccefles, for the purpose
of making peace with France, which he knew the
French were dilpofed to conclude on terms honora
ble to the h«ufe of Austria. The Field Marshal
finding that his opinion was not approved of by
his imperial majesty, solicited and obtained hit dis
March 17.
Dubois Crance has moved, in the Convention
that every man rcfufing to pay the Forced Loan
should be imprisoned j and tho' this motion has been
ov.r-ruled fpr the present, it is highly probable
thatjt wi> be again made, and ultimately carried*—
The consequence of such a meafitfe, at such a crisis
as the present, is too obviaus to need elucidation.
Meanwhile, notvvithftanding these atbitraty pro
ceedings, the Forced Loan has proved completely
unproductive. The alarming and increasing scar
city of provifioHS, which even in Paris, where eve
ry exert ion is made, at the expence of the provinc
ees, to supply the inhabitants with food, is f® great
that two potatoes were lately fold in the street for
one hundred livres in paper 5 ajttl the growing
depreciation of afiignants, afford an additional
ground of discontent.
1 hefe circumstances combined, have geneiatcd
a complete diflatisfa&ion among all ranks of
people ; and this difiatisfa&ion is so general, that
from a clofc ?nd attentive observation, it has been
to at to be entertained by nearly oine tenths
of the inhabitants of the provinces. The discon
tent is not partial, confined to particular measures,
or particular men, but general } and having for its
object the exifl'ing order of things, which it is the
wish of the dififfefted completely to overthrow—a
wish which isexpefted to be carried into effedt, as
soon asafair opportunity shall occur. -
T —r
From the Salem (Mast J Gazelle.
From a Correfporulcnt.
Who i* so well known in Cowrrefs, was a citi*
zen of Geneva, of a very reputable familv. The
troubles in that republic determined him in' his rar
pofe to visit America. Upon his arrival, he was
Mghly rcfiommendsd by feme diitipguifhed French
officers to the celebrated Dr. Cooper, of Boflon,
who introduced him as an inftruflor in the French
anguage, into the University of Cambridge. H*
'was the fii ft person ever employed in this branch cf
inftru£U<m, by the authority of the Ufiiverfi y, and
1 is abilities were refpeftcd, his fiiccefs acknowledg
ed, and his morals were qever impeSyhed. He wan
well informed in biftory, and a eorr«£t A Hofer in
French literature* As his fiipport depended on the
consent of the fludents, he thought it inadequate
to his wi/H«6, and dcfirous of a more fine eftabMh
ment, he determined to visit our Interior count! y,
or to place himfelf with greater advantages in some
other University. He left Cambridge in July,
1783, and fonn after reports of (lis death we'C
spread in America and Jitarope. His friends in
Geneva applied to ouc,mir.i{ler in Paris, requcfti: g
information relpefiinp him, and their desires were
publiftied in the Gazettes He was thtfn purfiiing
his travels i'n our interior country, and he returned
to this itate in Feb. 1757, after haviflg mad*
choice ef a spot in the interior part* of Pennfyl- „
vania for a fettlemenu Hiving received property
from his friends in Geneva, he is now in the inde*
pendente and ease of a Penrifylvania farmer. He
footl engaged the notice of the citizens, aw] ha*
been in the Senate of the United Stales, and is a
member of their house of representatives, from the
(late of Pen'fylvßnla.
George Dobson,
BEOS leave to inform the Store Keepers in Town and.
Country, that he hi* removed from Market Street to
N°* 25, south Third-street,
where he is opening a Large and Elegant Assortment of
uodei mentioned article^—vit.
Superfine London Cloths and Ker fey meres*
Yorkfhlre second Do. D®.
Ela flic do. do.
Mix'd and Blue Coatings
Flannells, See.
Manehellcr Printed Callicoeft,
London Chintz ditto,
Blue and ditto Furnitures,
India ditto,'
Cloths, Goffats, Bafbs, Eatri)Jas<3c Conjevftftw,
4-4 9-8 5.-4 & 6-4 Superfine India Book Muslins,
i|-4 and 9-8 India Book Handkerchiefs,
4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto,
4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Mulling,
4-4 & 6-4 Bricifh Jaconets,
6 4 Briiilh Checks and StripeS)
4-4 India do. do. do.
4*4 ditto Chi Does, Madras Handkerchief, Ac.
A large affoitment of figur'd arid j lain Muflinetsj
Quillings, Dimities, and Striped Nankeens,
Fancy Waiilcoitiiigs,
Ginghams ot the firft Quality, fubjett to Drawback,
India Nankeens,
Men's White and coloured Silk (lockings.
May 9
Fur publi/hing by Sulfcription, an elegant ENORuiy*
INC, of a Piftnre entitled
National Gratitude.
Dedicated to the Ciliieus of America.
' I 'HE United States of America, represented bv fifteen wo
I *■ men, appear in the temple of Minerva, for the purpose of
decorating with wreaths the Buflof PrrGdent Wasiii ncton»
already crowned by immortality and ltbe.ty j the Eagle sup
porting the Arms of America, hoids forth the Legend there
ut, exprefliveof the unanimity of sentiment which animate*
them. The Statue of Miperva is faen under a portis, ticco
rated with military trophies, emblems of the Viflorres ob
tained the enemies of Liberty; in the fore-ground ap
pear HiHory, who, attentive to this interctting Iccne, record*
it in her annals, in order to be tranfroitted to posterity.
The original picture was executed on a laraefcalt, by Jo
seph Pl rovani, an Italian attift, on oce. si iH of the cuter**
tainment given at Ricketts'a Amphitheatre in Philadelphia,
on February si, >7g6, for the celebration of the binh-dar
of the President. '
The Copperplate (*4 inches by tg) will bctrngraved wirlt
the greatest care by a Parisian artist. lately a4tivea in thisci
»v, and will be ornamented in .the border, with the arms of
l he United States of America, arid of each particular slate
The price of Subscription Is THREE DOLLARS, tc'ha
paid on delivery of ihe Print.
Subfcripttons are received at Mr. Decombar's, Print-feller,
No. , North Third-ltreet. Mr. Oellcri's, at the City Hotel-
Uhcfnut-ftreet, and at Samuel Rieharddt's Citv Tavern.
Should this Publication meet with public approbation, the
fame artifls propofc publifhtng fuccefiively, perfp<£Kvc views
•f the inside of Congress Hall, the Reprefemaiivei therein
allcmblcd, and ltkewife of the Senate.
ttftate for laie.
To be fold on Saturday next, the 14th
Instant, by Public Vendue, at the City Tavefn,
ALL that capital Estate, lately belonging to John Mayo,
at Germantown, copflliag of a good and commo
dious Mansion-House, out-houfes, Stable«, Garden, Or»
chards, &c. together with about 73 acres of good Land,
the whole in the heft order, and fit Tor the permanent re-
Mence of a large Family. Possession to be given imme
aiat ly, free from e very incumbrance.
Terms of payment, one half in .three months, and (ha
other half in fix months, in approved notes*
John Connelly, Auctioneer.
May 9
Just Arrived,
In the Ship Hannibal, C. Cloufer, matter, from Lflben
A Cargo of SALT,
For fclc by
E. Dutilh & Wachfmuth,
No. 164, South Second Street, ,
May 9
This Day is publijhed,
AT the author's Book-Store, corner of Front and Wa>
nut streets, Volume I. of a
A Description of Spanijh St. Domingo,
Translated from the French of of M. L. MoKeau dc
St. Mert, member of the Philosophical Socittv of Phi
ladelphia, By WILLIAM COBBET.
With anew, corred, and elegant MAP of the whole !•
lland. Price Two Dollars.
Subscribers to this Work, arerequellcd to take Uj>
the nrft voluhie, as soon as. convenient-
The second volume (which completes the Wcrfc) Will
be ready lor delivery in the course of the present month.
The complete work in the French language may liko
wne be had at the fame place. May 9 6t2Ar
Miniature Painting.
AFereign Artist refpeiSlfolly informs the Public, that
he paints Likenffies, and warrants them. A few
Specimen, of his abilities may be seen at his Room No.
io, up one pair .-f Stairs in Mr. O'Eulerj' Hotel, Chef-
Ricketts' April it,. §
Genteel Boarding & Lodging
to be had at No. in ViaoStfcet, the ad door weft of
S*cond-St*et, gr. the North fide. Afnlrt. J
*eo 4