Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 09, 1796, Image 1

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    Number 114.4. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAI MAY 9, "<706.. [VOLUME IX.
jr !? . -1 (*&«..wv.'i . fi-v
For Hamburgh,
The Dantfh Brigantini/
Den Nye Prove,
A fine (lout vcffej. Will be ready to take in her cargo
on the firft of May. For freight 6r passage apply to
* Rors", H Simfon.
L. 0, S. T,
AN ANCHOS, off Cape May, weighing about 12 a 13, 8 to 9 Fathoms water ; the Capo bearing E. byS.
a-, rho*«oy.«f*fc*B"»V!vS.a. Vs.
To tke Anchor was annexed a 3r Cuole, and a
small buoy. Whofver findj, and brings it to 935?. Hacfen,
will be jewarded for their trouble.
April 25. dtf.
3500 barrels—a ft mi rich good veflel, abqytfLve
old—r<;ady to receive a cargo. Apply to
Peter Blight-
April 30. codart-
SPy R O S T O N,
BUOTHENa&fflit 2000 Bbls. of flour—foe may be sent
to sea at a fmalj cupence, her fails and rigging beiqg in
'cry gopd order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April, 29. S
Fop LONDON, ~ ~'' •
I ™ The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
Mount Vernon,
fiITRTHF.N about 412 tons, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will fail on
or before the 10th of May next, great part of l:er cargo
engaged. For freight or passage apply to the fubferibert,
No. 21, Penn-ftreet,
Willings and Francis.
April a.7. 5
r~"p-. The fact failing, fine new brig
Richard and James.
WILL fail in ten days. She has remark
*ble fine accommodations, tor passage only. Apply to
Richard & James Potter,
April 18.' i § Front-street.
For GHA R 1 E R,
Jacob ZXc Hart, Matter,
Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to
Jeffe & Robert Wain.
April 19. 1 §
xh E s*l *
*Wsl§k- ATLAN,]riG »
SILAS SWAIN, Commander,
WILL fail on or about the Ift of May For freight or
paßage apply to the Captain on hoard at Walnut-street
wharf, or to . PHILIP NJCKLIN & CO.
April 13- §
• •->
The Copper Bottomed Ship
itlill LADr LOUIS *
WITJI ay her materials, as (he came from sea. Like
wise {0 b? of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
o# board faicfveffel. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
May % §
~~~ For B R IS 7 0 L,
, the new ship
Tm«dq*« Buss, Master,
WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight 'or paiTage apply to
Therms b° John Cltford.
Who have for Sale,Uefidej thfir usual affijrtmenfof
Ironmongery, Qullery, Sadlcry, fee.
Crate# of Qhfs and Earthen Crates ps
boxes of long and fliort Pipes; Bristol crown Glass abort
ed, from 18 by 12 inches, to 91 inches fcy 7; gppper Sheets
andßpttous; Boxes of Tin Plates; London aftd Bristol
Pewter in Calks afTortedj Bristol Grindften^s; Garnet
& Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Also, a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April li. 2a\y.
A few boxes of well afibrted
Imported in the from Dublin, and to be (old by
Mordecai Lewis.
May 4 §2w
Jujl Arrived, r—
And for sale i-i the Sloop TIVO BROTHERS, Samuel
Marcbar.t., m after, n quantity of
Tar, Pitch, aftd Ipdigo :»
Also for Si/?,
" Burtlien about 400 Barrels.
1., a goc/a itrong vessel, and has been chiefly em
pioytd If not fqla in a few pays, will tj^He
in aria pToceed dire<ft for Port.
Apply to ' J3A&C HARVEY, jun.
M*/ 5. Jim No, j,S.Water ptreet
1 !
For Sale,
■ A remarkable fine Vessel,.
"niHJjjdelphia built, <}f Ljye O.ak and Ce4w, copp/
1 bolted aijd (h,eath?d with patent copper burthen a
bout 3»o tofis, a prime sailer, wcll 'found, and now rqady
to revive a cargo. F6r terrfis apply oil board'at Wflcacks's
wharf, or to '
ThoJiuis $& John Xttland.
50 dozen Birch Brooms.
For Sale on board said ftu'p.
' I m 7 t L_
jb'ujTs and bkins.
A. prime, felcdion of the annexe 4, arfftjei *
Unftiaved ditto
Ellk Skins' '"
ShaVed do.
> Qtter
Ox hides
1 LUetvife,
wt. of fupecipr Indigo.
Twenty tierces of Rice, and
A quantity of excellent liogwood, which they will fell
on good terms. '
March 19 §
T7 ... ~.„ r .
, FOR S A L E,
MALAGA WINE, in quarter Calks ;
RAISINS, in ftrgsS and
NEW RICE, in whole and half Tierces.
Jfaac Harvey, jun.
No. 5, S. We ter-ftrtet.
4th Month, 20th. §"w.
For Sale,
A Three (lory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
street, between Front and Second ftr«ets, in which
Messrs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many year* (and
now do) carried on bcfineii.
Poffellion will be givcfi m one month, or sooner.
■ For terms apply t» WILLIAM BELL, or
April 21. 5
Robert Snmh & Co.
No. 58, south Front-llreet,
Have received by. the late arrivals from London and Li
; i vfrjtooli "' ' i
A geiieral aflbrtqient of Goods,
SuitaMc for the Season;
And by the Veflels that ar« dhiiy expeiled they will re
ceive a farther liipply, whidh thoy:wili difpofe>of oimtka
fo teri-.i. for Ca.T), or,on a fliort ctedij-
They have ilfo rccei-ved a quWitity of • .
April 8i §i»i
; • Us, A- -V T K I), ....
Loan, for two or three yeajs —200© Dollars for
a mortgage on Land wilthe given, as feclirity
The land is clear of eVary inhimhrance.
Enquire of tne Printer.
[ J»n. 9. d.
At RuQell's theCAUQQ ps the .Sjiip La<'»y
Louisa, Jajnes Cooper, from Oiina, and the
Cape of Good Hope,
Consisting of
SUGAR, in Cheßs >nd Bags;
Wines. in Butts and half Butt 9 of superior qua- J
> litv; "■ .
A f»a if quantity of BRANDY ;
a feyv Red
Packer Iffhartoi},
109, south AjVater-ftre^t.
ApriLli). §
The remains of the by Pigqu,
from Canton, viz.
WIDE and narrow Nankeens
70 Quarter Cliefts Souchong Tea
Tpbs Quickf\lyer, and
A quantity of
Dining China.
May 7.' 3tawim
jfti A Three-story brick House, No, 80, N. Second
fX. street. The lot is about 21 feet' front, and 188
feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has
long betn one of the best stands fftr bufitiefn.
ad. A frame Dwelliag-Houfd, No. 260, South Front
[lreet, with a the Lot is about 17 fe«t
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. \ hahc(fome Llit'of 25 feet by aoo feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to George-street; it Hs the 3d
Lot balpw South.street: on George-flreet there is i two
i"'9, r y hcick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood
pake oven.
Litewife a MEADOW FARM, fituate,on'
the River Delaware, at i co'nvenfen't distance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality; and
in good bapk. There are commodioHs buildings, with a
rood praportjon of and woodland, and Cedar
wam P- For terms apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March 2riV, 1796. dtf
To be Solfl,
A/ immediate gfaen t
handl'ome and convenient ITirce-ftory BRICK
HOUSK, fituatc in fiftfyjlreet, between and
Aich ftrew'ts, No. 42, North, at present occupied by Mr.
Garret Cottringer. For terms apply to
John Shields,
No. 22 Chefnutlltreet.
Who is now opening, I
A general assortment of Dry Goods,
Suitable to the feafort—and for sale for cacti or a short
N. B. If the Hoofe is not fold by the ioth instant, it
will tketi be rented. z ; StJ,ijh
Jufli, Axritfed,
In the Sifow Bqflajn, master frpm Li
-100 Crgfc'ftyifeNS WARF. i: and
AnAflbrSmetittiffsmP'CHANDLEUyf; f
"?-2? sale
. Op Uoard, «t Pinc-flreet wharl". ApiJ^to
- James C^irvril-GX
' , George Latimer.
Apri' li. ■
' —— — f«l) V» ~ "1 ,
Samuel Richardet,
11), ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlcraen
Merchants, that he h»,this day opened the, CITY
'city of Philadelphia.
\ The Subicrfption Room will he futnifhed with all the
daily papers pvblifhcd in. Philadelphia, Ndw-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com
mercial cities of Europe— will Sfed
and none permitted to Tie taken away on any a^cpuht.
Tea,'Coffee,Soupes, Jellies, Ice Cfeahis.'.'artd'i variety
of French Liquors; together with the uAiaf rrfrtfcmints,
Will at all times be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depqnd en accommodated with
the of Wines, Spirituous Li(jijors ? njyfl
approval Malt Liquort and-'p'tljer.breweries.
The Larcfei 1 will be Alp'plietf with thi pA*itti'f irtd iiarfkft
prodii(3ion»of thoSeafoii. ■! >/ii iot .y' ' V !
Large and fmaU Parses, or finple Gentlemeii, may be
accommodated with Brtajkfafls, Dij.iu.rv, or S'ppptip, at i
,hours moll conv nicr.t to themfelvcs —j.cijld Collju;ic.n is
tegularfy kept for coiiveriiency, the Bill ofrare u. bt had
Tire Lodging Rooms will be completely fyrtiiftied, and
utmost attention- paid to cWailljneii, and every otlitr
Samdil Richardit will,hely^py,to receive, and
tilt' commands of his "Friends," an d the PuU :c at I
lirgc: an«t^yii^ j jytf^tu4 JtKeir he pled^s
ftrvethat pltrouage with wbi*h hetoatbeen si» dtffioguHh
■ • bhilidelphia, April 19. §
C 0 F F E E. ~~
1 rt . i< :■ 1 ■
10: Hoglbends,
"jo'KlS" ( prime coffee,
217 Bags, J ■ r V
j lirrpcrtcAm the brig Richard and James from Jeremie,
and for by . . r
Richard is? James Potter.
April iv •• i
For sale by the subferibers,
flljs/ Jamaica COFFEE.
'22 Barrels diuo ditto.
Willings and Francis,
Penii"(lfe«;'No. it.
. • May 5. ' ' d
j~ ' ' *■ ij !■' i} ■ . ■ ■■ ■ ■ 1 1 ■ .
Landing, :
From on board the Eric Abigail, from Liverpool,
i ' EARTHfik Cra J s
, A 5 "
> •' ' *o R' s ; A LE, B T C>
, Thomas is?' John Ketland.
, April 20. ' ■■ • '
China Goods.
I - 1 ■ * :n I
' i ' C 5 S>ip Atlantic, Silas Spamr, Comnjan<jer,
1 X from will commence the" of her
Cargo wfiaff,
' ' "f
Yellow and white NaHkW« o," excellent quality
T'erflin'llaffinirt) nl»!ck'{iiidtolotn!f(fc<> " w V
-t id .1
Sattjns,bla<;k qf qualj;ie# ■
'!> 3 /J""54 9ff*J-flirf.
Vennillion m boxes
CajTia in ch'e/W'
HYSON SSiNi , Toac
mass i f -
WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea
Setsgenerally afTorted. :r "
WHITE SUGARS, and a quantity of
Fidt qdality Bengal SALT BETRJ6.
For Sale by
PhiUp Nicklin & Co.
April 8. *
— j\
\ BSC ON D Eli, an the nig fit cf Thttrfdhy 'faff, the
Jl\- Ith iiif}. Boston Muna-Avfa black mdenfadfer-
I'oiit lad, 18 or J<) year's Of age, and about' 5 feet 8 or
9 inches high ; one bf bts eytu is defc3tve in the corner'
tt<W*rdj hu nose I£is apparel canftjfcd of afnuff-calor-
M round jacket, ivith.a Manchejfer tyji under: It j a pair
bf fujltitn tro-jjffrs, and unt}er them a light mixed cloth
pair of breeches- Whoever 'apprehends the faidfervaiit,
arid returns him, or ebiifineS 'mm is anf jail ht Petonfyl
•vanid or Jersey, so that I recover him J&alt receive the
above reward, together with reasonable charges.
mppre w^iarton,
No. 109, Spruce-Tlreeti
jVf XI.
For Sale by
EE>Wa|€D jun.
No. 4, South Water-Street.
P? c - ' 2 - d,
WE the fubfenbers, (iommiflioßers appointed by law
_"S>' take fUbfcTlptions for the Gap, Newport, ana
\V ihningt«n TurnpiV'Road, d., hereby give notice, that
v.-e will attend for that purpose at the house of Samuel
Cochran, ou (th of ncit.
Chffter CoPßty, »5tU Apli<„ >7afi. . iMaY7. f oiml
j" V>!'.* • • '• !r*') ~ " .'. J : .'.-•••Vi';
Landing this d.iv,
Prom on leartt the brig 'fefferfuti, lE'i/ju £» Morris* .
M m/r%i St. Crojx*
Kt)M : •
ill . •• •
Tun Alky, Sautlj.VVliarvej.
Mj y j
Wafhmgton Canal Lottery,
no. r,' ,
TTTHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
VV t,he underwritten, to fjik t,wenty-Gi thousand,
two Hundred, arid fifty dollars, For tha jnlrpofe of cutting
a Canal through the City of W&'tftifcitoh, from the l'<?
toman to the Ealtcra Branch Hari»ot«-f x
1 The following is Ae-SeKjsfcifi of No. I.
, Viz 1 Pf'V ofi moqo dutfarf, 10.000
. Tickets,' each f s ' 2 °® '• SS.oco
, 6 ditto 1,<500 i,ooo
] lodijto 400 4,000
, i»' ap,4ttto jffa, 2,000
5 # ® » 4%l
To be r»if.:d for the Canal, i 6, .ro
L . ifi° Prizes, 175,060'
Ufa c Blanii, not two to a prize.
L ' .
,17joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
> 0" Tfct iCdmmiffioners feve taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefuid a<ft for the of
delay, r< fp-q «<> tfce afe fold, Which timely
■notice will be given. '■
1 Rich frflz'ii it aVe not demanded in fix months after the
drawing u tiniflied-, shall be conl'Mer. d as refinqvi/hed for
3 th<t bpnefit o£ the Caasil, and appfopriated" accordingly
1.. NOTJiEy VOUNG, '
1 , , LK\, D-HI-OIS,
S?9fpl W:alk^R,
ThoMaS iA\y,
j CHy »f WalhingtOß, EfH. ri. 5
1 — — ,
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
, .m«.i : )•> V »-• - v
46., Nortlj Pront street,'
TT AVE imported ill thefbip; Liberty, Concord and A
d.Wft> iM&Vwtolb a.|ijeih-ft»Fply Of- Goodsfuit
ifii M\ ■' '•■• i <
A hcauiful alTortmcnt of |}wi!l<d, and silk Nankeens,
Cottons, of toy, lUM & cot
-1 CaTicdds, and on ar,d.filk Holiyry,
Chintzes, Diipir audllimufc Table
, Muffins, t :l«l»; •
! >hjH|firt», • trip.vns,
Indi^Dimitie- Ontbricks and
Girignams, Cambric Muffins,
' Coumerpanu, , Ui*n,cot>o W aud fiikhkfs,
I lain, ftripcc, clouded, Sevviiig i;c. &c. &c.
A few bales well aflbrtfd colors, Londou best
Clfttfis, bpft IppejfjDo and fcfoud Ceffi meres—Alio fun
! l ) r J! pvkages o{ and and. other eoods
jjood? tit Fpr cxportiitioa.
the GhfgtoW, Capt. Williams, from Dublin, a few
boxes abd yird wiSirrifh Lintns.
a J r 4 Jiww&fi
* ' -f " r
For sale by Ri'qtiAßD Lee,
No. 145 North Second' flreet, between and
Vine street,
Flowers from Sharon;
° r > ori S i ; Pal Poems cn .Divine Subjects,
In Imitation of Dr. \Vatts,'
"R London m in-
ftW. rev..Mr. T Toi\ r-v
Klr.O. Williams,'anft-'fh«rtv:Mr. J.'«wain.' ft-Vol"
Me befptf u* aecdn ofdy a per.faHo obtain the appro
fcaW.'H trutjja The elfcntial pecufttri-. •
1»f t 4<r!ing fl»bjc.<ft* of thr«utfapr, '
f to on Ac youth!
ful mind the geauthe priaclple't of evangelical pi ty and
° r°Ti C * J ' u"".?l a , P lcaflll S fnediuin, a : due 1 fen'fe of
thofc things Which belong t a their evcrlgding peace v
■ ■ Rtvu wer« write thus : The autht* 0 f
d,fcgve fs ,co^J ? ral,le well
tionalTpiriT" 11 ' ••° f M aDdoi » devo.
Price J-4tfis of a dollar—prmted on fupcrfine wove paper. '
, ;^' keW i C m . a ' tC , W / 5 abovfc from the Li, t0
MtAs ;o truth, libery ajd peace.-
Price T " l,ct the inhaliUuU of the Reck fwg,
Mav r fT' *!?'*!& * Mi> rif..." Ilaiah.
, ' ~ mw&f6t
For Sale,
4o pipes
i« 'hlids. C MALAGA WINE.
93 qr.: calks _)
4 truaks V "Sewing Silks.
1 B*x )
A rfuantity 6f Spanish brown
liitto wliite lead, Bar lead
Shot of all sizes : > r
A large quantity of pipes
A. few hjoipers of English porter
A tew cases of perfujnery
7 P W!® bandanna liankercliiefs
A feall mvoice of clptlis, m ß fiins, lhawls & black lace
And a few boxes of Castile soap
Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, junr.
At his counting house on Kofs's wharf.
Ma r *• dot.
Aluftard and Chocolate
to be manufaflured in the best man-
R 1 o f '3S usual Also lhelled or pearl
Bariey, Coffee, Pepper, &c. Philadelphia Porter, i'e r
Ale, Cyder, tnglilh Porter, Taunton and Eath Ai*
*1 bottles, &c. &c.—at No. 9 g, South Fr.rit-ftreet,
oppolite the Custom-house, Sv
p,., ~.. - HAWORTH.
Philadelphia, May 7, 1/96.