Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 07, 1796, Image 1

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    i ■ r - ' ... jJM W
i .» - . v ■ v- - ~ * ■ • '
of tht Hitito
Number 1143. SATURDAY EVENING % MAT 7, 1796. [VQLOMM IX.
For Hamburg^
The Danish Brigaotine
Den Nye PriJve,
A~fine stout vessel. Will he ready to take in her csrge
on the firft of May. For freight or parage apply to
Rofs & Simfon.
AN ANCHOR, off Cape May, weighing about xa irj
Cvrt. in 8 to 9 Fathoms water j the Capa bearing E. hyS.
and the Brny of the Broyyn S. 8. W.
To the Anchor wat annexed a piece of Coble, and a
small buoy. Whoever finds and brings it to eapt.
Will be reasonably jewarded for their trpubie.
April 45. dtf.
E Hi J Kt C E,
Captain SOLTEK,
4500 barrels—a {hunch good vessel, about fly* years
old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply to
Peter Blight.
April 30. eojtow.
aoao Bbls. of flour—(he may b.e fat
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in j
f very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or 0 ,
George Latimer.
April, »J. §
F*r LONDON, ~~, -
t . I" Ju The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
' Mount Vernon, H
BURTHEN about 41a tons, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday next, and will (ail on
or before the loth of May next, great part of her cargo
> engaged. For freight or passage apply to the fubferibers,
No. 21, Penn-ftreet,
Willings and Francis. £
April >7, $
J*"2_ The fact failing, fine n«w brig -
Richard and James. ✓
WILL fail in ten days. She has remark- *
able fine accommodations, for paflage only. Apply to
Richard & James Potter,
April 18. § Front-street. -
For CHA R1 E R, a
<1,1 THE SjMIP
JgiSEgg Jmob Dc Hart, Rafter,
Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to
JeJfe & Robert Wain.
April 19. 5
Jr***- THE S H L.-T _
l||l||L ATLANTIC, <
STLAS SPWAIN, Commander, g
WILL fail on or about the ift of May. For freight or -
passage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN CO. x
April 13. S
I The Copper Bottomed Ship fl
WITH all her materials, at she came from sea. Like- g
wife to be disposed of j,
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS*
on board said vessel. For terms apply to t]
Parker & Wharton, 4
Maya S j]
For B RIS7 OZ, - *
Jp*® THE NEW SlilP
JBmss, Matter, r
pl 'WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thpmas fcf John Clifford. Jg
Who have for Snlejbefides their tifual assortment of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, He.
Crates of Gjafs and Earthen W ire; Crates of Vials ;
boxes of long t«P es -; sßtiftoKwpwn Ofafs assort- I
ed, from 18 by 11 inches, to 9 by 7 ; Copper Sheets
and Botton. s; Boxes .of iip, jpiates; jLqrdon ajid Bristol
Pewter in Calks assorted; Bristol GrindlUnes; Garnet
t Co's. Blocks. Alfa, a balgjpf
And a few.Bipes.of .OLD MADEIRA .WINE.
April 11. law.
Afewboxtsof well aflorted * J
Imparted in the Qiatjgnw, from Dublin, befold by '
, • Mordetai f
May 4 $iw -j
JuJi Arrived, <s
And for fait in the Sloop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel 1
Marchant, majler, a quantity of c
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo :
Also for Stle,
The said Sloop,
"yS~ Burthen about 400 Barrels.
SjhE 15 a good strong vessel, and has been chiefly cm-j
ployed as a Coaller. If not fold in a few pays, will take
in freight, and proceed dirc<3 for Newbury Port.
Apply, to ISAAC HARVEY, jun.
May 5. §im No. 5,5. Water Street
* •- - u->?,
Furrs and Skins. t
A prime feleßion of the annexed articles *
Shaved Deer Skim f
tlnfliaved ditto
Elk Skilt*
Shaved da.
Otter . . ~
ttacom •' S ■
Wolf J
W* 1
Leopard . . . r
Litcwifei ci
Three thousand wt. «f faperior New-Orleans Indijo.
Twenty tierccs of Rioe, and
A quantity of *<ceU<mt ftiogwopi, »rhi(fc will fcll "
on gppd wrw,,. ai
March 17 §
'• FOR SALE, ?'
MALAGA WINE, in quarter Casks; f
RAISINS, in Kfgs j and .1
NEW RICB, in whole and half Tierces. _
Ifoac Harvey, jun.
No. j, S. Ws ter-ft»«r; t • pi
4>th Month, *oth. §i w -
For Sale, "* ' I
A Three fUry BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut re
street, between Front and Second greets, in which lt
Mtffrs. James Calbraith Sc. Co. l)»vei«r many y«ar» (and,,
now do) parried on business. . tl
Poffeflion will be given in one month, or sooner. r(
For terms apply to WILLIAM BEIX, or
L. la
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, south Front-street, ' n
Havf received by the late arrivals from London and Li
verpool, "
A general ajfortment of Goods,
Suitable for the Season;
And by the Vessels that are daily excelled they will re
ceive a farther supply, which they will dispose of on rea
fonablc terms for Cash, or oh a ihort credit.
They have also received a quantity of
April 8. §>»> at
— ■ V— :
ON Loan, for two qr three years—»op» Dollars for —
which a mortgage on Land wilf be given as security
The land is clear of ev*y incumbrance.
Enquire of tne Printer. 2
J»P- 9- d. g
Landing, 2
At Rll Hell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
Louisa, James Cooper, mailer, from China, and the ,
Cape of Good Hope,
SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua-.
A small quantity of BRANDY j
jParker isf Wharton,
No. 109, south W*ter-ftreet.
April 26. §
Genteel Boarding & Lodging
(0 be had at No. 4j,in Vitk-Street, the ad door weft of -j
Second-Street, on the North fide. April it. $ j
ift. A i Threetftery brick House, No. 80, N. Second
xV street. The lot is about ai feet front, and aBB
feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been ope of the belt stands for business, a
ad. A frame Dwelling-House, No. 460, South Front
ftreet, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 feet
front, by 130 fcetin depth.
Jd. A hjpdfome Lot ps 45 feet by *00 feet deep, ex
tending frpna Third street taOeorge-ftreet t it is the jd
Lot below Sqi)th-ftreet: on George-street there is a two
story brick teriejnent, a frame ditto adjoining, with a good .
bake oven. J
Likewise a LARGE MEXDOW FARM, situate on f
th* Delaware, at a Convenient distance from Phila- .
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the belt quality, and f
in good bank. There arc commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable ?nd woodland, and Cedar ."
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE, "
No. 40 North Sixth-street. *'
Match a|<V J796 dtf
To be Sold, 1
A*4 immediate poffcjfvm given, ,
THAT handsome and convenientThree-ftory BRICK
HOUSE, situate in Fifth street, between Market and *
Arch ftretts, .No. 42, North, at present occupied by Mr. (
Garret Cottringer. For terms apply to
John Shields, *
No. aa Chefnut fttreet.
Who it ntnv opening,
A general assortment of Dry Goods,
Suitable to the season—rand for sale for cash or a, ftiort ]
fredtt" 1 " . j
N. B. If the House is not fold by the 10th instant, it a
willthep be rented. May a JtutJt t
ABSCONDED, on the night of Thursday lajl, the
"lth injl. Boston Murray, a black indenttdfer
vant lad, 18 or 1 q.yeqrs of age, and about 5 feet 8 or
f inches high ; one of bit eyes is flef(3ii<c in the corner,
tqzutrds hu nose Bii apparel conjjled of a fnujf-color- t
ed round jacket, <with a Manchefcr vest under it ; a pair (
of/ujlian Irozp/eri, and under them a light mixed cloth :
pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends thefaidfefvanf, \
and returns him, or confines hint in any fail in Peknfyl- ]
fania or Jersey, so that I recover him shall receive the . \
above reward, togttbtr with reafonabU charges. 1
No.. 109, Sprnce-Jlreet. \
Feb. n, ■ ' df 1
MADEIRA, 7 ~ |
For Sale by :
No. 4, South Water.Street. .
Dec. 12. <1. , ,
• >
Just Arrived,
la the Soow B.ofton, James Kirkpatrick, ma&«r from Li
5000 Biiibelt SALT ; '' • .
100 Crates QUEJJNS WARE; and I
An Aflortmentof SHIP CHANDLERY;
r or s a l % ;
On board, at Pine-ltreet wharf.—>—App'y t*
James Campbell, of
George Latimer.
. ■"ttrtjrtr* ' • 4 "" •§ ,
r " ,i! * '»"• . ' f ' ■ a ~ •
Samuel Richardet,
D ESfECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen h
Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY
city of Philadelphia:
The Subscription Room wH! be furnifhed with all the '
daily papers publiftied in Philadelphia, HtwVoWt, Bcf
ton, Baltimore, with those of tbepriflcipM com
mercial citie» of Etuopc—They will b« regularly filed;
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, Coffee, Jellies, Ice £ reams, and a variety ,
s>f French Liquors; together with (h4 ilfuil rifreftihieMs, C
will at all time« be procuted at the bar.
(ientlemtjn may dej»e(id on being accommodated with •
thjchoicqft of Wines, Spirifuous and #hc most „
approved Liquors from London and other brewerfe.
The Ladder will befupjiHid With the prime and eaflielt
frwli;& terns of tho Seafoil. " ' 1
Large and fma 11 Parries, or single dentleinen, may be 1
accommodated E(reakfafts, Ljinnefj, or Sqpptjrs, at
hours moll; convenient to theipfsdv«s—a cyljd Collation is; t
regularly Jtept for convcniency, the Bill of Fare,to be .had. a
afth6 bar. ' ifrsxr ,n„ m. r« w n <w«w" j*
The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied. and
the utmost attention paid to deanliaeft, and every other
$3T S *mu sj. Richardet will be happy to receive, and
execute the commands of his' Friends, and the Public at
larjti aod With gratitude .fdr' their favours, he pledges
timfrtf fiat nothing oh his part shall be Wanting to pre
fer ve that patronage with which he has been to diftinguifh
iflgly honored.
Philadelphia, April 19. "" §
~ CO F F~E'£.
101 Hoglheads, ~s
30 Barrel's,' ( PRIME COFFEE,
«7 Bag*, J
Imported in the brig Richard and James from Teremie, .
•. 1
Rifb*rd & James Potter. d
April«. § B
-- rr' ; ; —7ZZ. j'J ": '. - -. 1
For fait by the fubCcribers,
68 Hhs. iff quality Jamaica COFFEE.
22 Barrels jdittp ditto.
Wtilings and Francis,
Pcnn-ftrect, No. 21.
May 5. d
thc from Liverpool, .
WA&E, in Crates, and ■ ,
A quantity of COAL; ' ,
Thomas & John Ketland. '
April ao. 1" §
. i •-&
George Dobion,
BEGS leave to inform the Store-keepers in town and
country, that he has r<?moved from Market-fifeet, to
No. 25, south Thirci-Jbcct,
whwe he is opening a large and elegant aflortment of tha
most faft^Qnailne
arrived in the different Veffel6 from LondonSc_Liverpool.
N. B. dozen Men's Silk Stockings. ' 1
Aprilg. W. §
*' P't $jJ-L £, • ..
A vqry vgJuable Eilate,
ITU ATE in the toivnjhip ./ Ufp„ Derby, and county %f
Delaware, 7UI miU , f rQm mhdelpl/ia, and half a mile
from He new Weflern road: containing *30 acre, of excellent
« °f which are good -watered 'Meado-w, 90 of prime
/#W Land, and the ret Arable of the firfi quality. There are
in (he prctmfet a good twtdlory Britt Hokfl, -xiith 4 room, on
afioor, and Cellar, under the-whole, -with a Pmmfi Well of ex
eellent Wafer in front; a large frame Ban, Stables, and ether
""T'a -T'j Houfc ; t uo
good Apple-Orchard,, and one of PeacLe,. The field, are all in
Uover, except those immediately under tillage, and arc so laid
nt a, to have tbeadvantage of Watir in each of them, -which
render, " pecultaHy, convenient for Grazing.
Thefituation is pleasant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation ef the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci
ty, It it vtty suitable f,r a Gentleman', Country Seat.
lie foregoing-,, part of the EJiate of Jacob Ha,ma S deccafed
vdojfcrcd forfait by MOROECAI LEWIS
Oil. 9, T795 ettf Surviving Executor.
John Thompson & Abr. Small,
13 ESR'ECTFDLLY inform such perfont as admire, and
■i-X. would wish to any improvement in those
arts", which are an ornament to a state; that aftef much
expanceand great attention, they have printed for public
infpeaion, the fifft nunnber of theirj»icul* finished
Hot-PrelTed J^ible,
Which they believe to be the most beautiful produAion
of'hS nature; fnthertd ieitii. '» r ' r -
Similar works irr Ewope have for some year 9 been li
ber^lypatfonaed— theyhavc hat! an hononable place in
the libraries of men of taste—the is an
attempt to (how, that jn America, works can be sauted
m every refpeA equal t. the efforts of trans-atlmitic genius.
Frwn the warm apprtbatioh th'athas beeii'&teowid on it
by some of the firll characters, the proprietors are war
ranted in faying, they have been fuccefsfnl.
It claims pationage as being wholly American—the pa
per, by far the best ever ufcd here, in printing is made
Within a few miles of this city—the type?, which are tru-
Beautiful, are affo American—aid tfis whole apparatus
tor hot fluffing, has been procured from different parts of
the Union : It is also the cbia»*st HOT-PRESSED
Si£L£tter printed m a»y country. The firll number
may be infpeded at No. 34, Carter » alley ; or ,?t No. 98,
Union TOTCt. - --
tt it proposed to deliver the whole in Forty Namberj
at One Half Dollar cash—.ne of wh'ioh w ill be-nSompleted
evary two weeks. April t s . »»a&JW
' Public Au&iOn.
ON Monday, the 10th mftain, at 10 o'cleck, at the
Stores of Mr. MtKeaJi's kdufci NAyj North
id street, tj clgle federal ConfignMeßts, will be fold the
following articles, Viz.
of Corfu"*! Wine in butts and pipes, three
yeira old, and liljtle inferior to Lifbori or Sherry.
12 Butts Zaiu Currants, "■
9 Bones of Manna In forts,
Red and V/hire Tartar in bhds. and caseS,
~S&& Iff V^rifigrcafr,
HCtfifs ROchc 1
j Caff* Di v VHlotv Pas»»,
.400 £«$s J dulper jScrriira,
I 20 Large boxes of finfe Whit* Soap, in fqUaresof •»
bout I lb each,
400 Florence brooms,
8 Cists Puntice-St»nt,
3 Cases Red 'Morocco Leather,
4p Bus& of the Prefidcnt and Dr. franklin, in Marble
jo Grpce Aptothecaries' Phials,
H Tars Swee; Oil,
, A few Striw Matts, and
A few bags spinning Wool,
turtfhafers of Wihe, 90 arid 120 days, thi other arti
cles 60 days, sot approved endorsed notes.
Footman & Co, Ausrs.
Miy 4 §
Wafhmgton Canal Lottery,
NO. r.
TT THEREAS the State of 'Mat-ytatld has authorised
ViV the underwrittan, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
twt> bundled,'and fifty dollars* for the purpose of cutting
a Canal throtujh-the City of Wa!hingt»n, from the I' 6»
tomacto the Eaticra Branch Haruour.
The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Vii s -i Prize of so,ooo dollWrs, ' lo,oo®
1 ditto 10,060 to,ooo
di£Sr}-'«" . *■»»
6 ditto 1,000 - 6,0c0
10 ditto 40» 4,000
•to ditto 100 2,odd
5$ diwo Jffe 2,7.50
5750 ditto l» 69,008
To be raised for the Canal) 16,250
s?jo Prices, t 175,000
n6<o Blanks, not two to a prize.
X 7500 Tickets, at Teh Dollars, - 175,000
The Commiftioners hate taken the Securities re*
quired bjr the aforefaid aft for the punctual payhieat of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the "Yiikets are fold, of which timely
notice will be.given.
Such prices as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is.finijhed, Ihall be considered as reliliquifhrd for
the*benefit Of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
; (Signedj NOTLEY YOUNG,
james 'Barry.
City of Wa(hl«gtoß, Feb. Ix. §
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
No. 46, North Front street,
TT AVE importedin the (hips Liberty, Concord and A
XI driasa, from London, afrefli supply Of Goods suit
-to the season—consisting of
A beiuiful assortment of willed, and silk Nankeens,
Cottoffs, Thread, cotton, silk & cot-
Calicnes, and on and silk Hefiery,
Chintzes, Diaper and Damaik Table
MijAiin, Cl6ths,
Muflinets, Lawns,
Corded and India Dimities. Cam bricks and
Ginghams, Cambric Mtiflins,
Cotton Counterpanes, Linen, cotton and silk hkfs,
Plain, striped, cloudsd, Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c,
A few bales well assorted colors, Londoubeft super' nts
Cloths, best fuperfhie and fecbiid Crffimeres—a 1fr.1,-fun
dry packages of CUlicoes and Chintzes, and other goods
goods fit for exportation.
Fer the Glasgow, Capt. Williams, from Dublin, a fevf
boxes 7-8 ahd yard wide lri(h Linehs.
May 4 Jlww&fi
For /ale Richard Lee,
No. l4jNorcih Second flEreet, between Saflifrafs and
Vine street,
Flowers from Sharon;
. Or, Original Poems 6n Divine Subjects,
1 In Imitation of Dr. Watts,.
' ID Ecoriimendedby the following eminent London min-
J i r w'Kf r ' De Coetlogon, rev. Mr. T Joss, rev.
' Mr. G. Williams, and the rev. Mr. J. Swain. The Vol
ume before tis needs 6n!y a peroral td obtain the appro
• Bat,on of every friend to truth; The essential peculiar!-.
■ ties of the Gospel are the darling fubjeft, of the author t
itjA work particularly calculated to impress on the youth
ful mind the genuine principles of evangelical piety, and
to convey, through a pleasing medium, a due sense of
5? things wlticti belong t'j then 1 everlasting peace.
, T D Cal Rbvi * w **» *rite thus: The author of
these Poems difcovprs confiJeraWe marks of ginius,a» well
3 - S a ®K ar „ an(lprftandin S °f the gospel and ol a devo.
tional lpirit.
Price j'. 4 ths of a dollar Tainted on fuperfi.e workpaper.
, m * ybe , ha^. as abo from the Jtici, f„ day, faered :o truth, libery and peace.
f! ce .* 4"lUr. " Let the inboiiianti e/ tie Rtci fwr,
May J W"f ,he W " 'if" l -" Isaiah.
for Sale,
4o pipes "1
i« hhds. MALAGA WINE.
73 <}r. calks J
4 cases x.
i S Sewins Silks '
A quantity of Spanifb brown
Ditto white lead. Bar lijd
Shot Of .all fiaes
A large quantity of pipes
A few hampers of Engliih porter
A few cases of p^fumery
A quantity of l eft bandana h^nWcW.f,
all ''3 T ° lce o{ nullins, fhau ls & black lace
And a few boxes of Cafiile loap
APP ' y tC> As M ? A^ UEL ? R£C K» jU.
At hit coonthog. house on R»f,V wharf.
, y*' d6t.