Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 06, 1796, Image 1

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    • ;; ;■ ' r*-*~
For Hamburgh,
I -T A 'file Danish Brioantine
rm Den Nye Prove,
1, PETER HANSEN, Master;
A fine W velTel. Will be ready to take in her cargo
on the firft ef May. For freight or passage apply to
Rofs & Simlon. -
lost, j'
A V ANCHOR, off Cape May, weighing about 11 al3 Bto 9 Fathoms watc-r ; the Capa bearing byS; theßuOyV At Brown S. S. W. ,
To the Anchor was annexed a piece of Unfile, and a
small buoy. Whoever fl> <» andbringsit tpcapt. Hanfen,
will be reafonaMy for their trouble.
April 2 S - . d'f
" For s TER,
T^ H E BR 1 G
ftaiwicb good vessel, about five years
old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply t°
Peter Blight.
" April JO. cocU "'-
aooo B'ols. of flour—fte may be fetit
to sea at a small expence, her fails and rigging being in y
very good order—apply to jy
"James Campbell, or n ,
George Latimer.
. April, 49. $
.Fir L aN D O N,
J—•> The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
Mount Vernon,
BTTRTHFN about 412 tons, will be rea- H
'dy to receive her cargo 011 Monday next, and will fail on
or before the loth ef May next, great part of her cargo
engaged. For freight or passage apply to the. fubferibers,
No. 41, Penn-llreet,
Willings and Francis.
April 37. §
The fact failing, fine new brig
Richard and James.
WITT. fail in ten days. She has remark- V
able fine accommodations, For paiisge only. A*pplyto [
Richard & James-Potter,
April 18. § Front-street. _
THE ship
Jacob £)c Hart, Mailer,
Burthen aboUt 3000 barrels. Apply to
JeJfe iff Robert Wain.
April 19. §
SILAS WAIN, Commander,
WILL fail on or about the ift of May. For freight or _
passage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN CO.
&pril 13. § 1
. The Copper Bottomed Ship p
WITH all her materials, as flie came from sea. Like-
wife to be disposed of b ;
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
$n board said vessel. For terms apply to $
Parker & Wharton, <J
May 2 §_ ir
For B R IS 7 0 Z, *
Theodora Ei.iss, Maimer, r
WILL take Goods on Freight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to
Thomas iff John Clifford. g
Who have for Sale,befides their affortmeijt of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, SatUery, £2V.
Crates of Glass aud Earthen tVare; Crates of Vialj;
boxes of long and Ihort Pipes ; BrilVol crown Glass assort- I J
ed, from 1 R by 14 inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets •
andßottons; B»xes of Tin Plates; London and Briltol !
Pewter in Calks affprted; Bvidol GrinfUJenes; Garnet
& Co's. patent Sheaves fprfijocki. Ajfv, a Kile q f
And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
April 11. - jaw.
A few boxes of well afTorted J
Imported in the Glasgow, from Dublin, and to be fold by '
Mordecai Lezuis. e
Mav 4 $2w ;
— II" ■ ' " . p
Jiifl Arrived, i,
Jlndfor Jalei-t the Sloop TIVO BROTHERS, Samuel '
Marcbant', majlcr, a qi antity of 1
Tar, Pitch, and Indigo :
Also for Site,
The said Sloop,
Bnrthen about 400 Barrels.
is u gooc llrong vessel. and has be*n chiefly etu
ple /cdas aC'oafttr. If not fold in a few pays, will take
ift freleht, and proceed direA lor Newbury Port.
- . - in r T s mrr-V
Furrs and Skins,
0 j4 prime feleflion ef the annexed artults •'
Shaved Deer Slun*
Ur.fhaved 3ittq '
• jUkSlnns-
Shaved do.
<■ o»t
, f,„
F acoon '' :
'' _ WpJT i { • 1
Tiger.' «
Thrce-ithonfaind wt. of fuperibr.New-®rleins Indigo.
Twenty tierces of Rice, and
A qyjintity of excellent Logwood, which they will fell
on good terms.
'• March 5
,/ j I— ———:—■—_________
MALitCA WINE, in quarter Calks j
RA.ISINS, in KegJ; and
KliW KICK, in whole and h.ilf Tierce..
Ifntac Harvey, jun^
No.j.S. W»ter-ilreet.
4th Mpnth, loti). §3 W -
For Safe.
t A Three ffory BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut
XJL ftreyt, between Front «»d Sccond ftrcefs, in which
Melfrs. Jaraps Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and
»now do) carried on bufuiefs.
Poffeflitm willltic given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply t® \VII,I.IAM BULL, or
■ "Ayil zi. . - ■ f 1
Robert Smith & Go.
No. 58, south Front-llre'et,
Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li
-1 v.rpool,
> A[ general aJTortment of Goods,
• Citable for the Season;
And by the Ve|f«Uthat ar« daily expeded they will re
ceive a farther fupp'y, which they will dispose of on r»a
fonablc terms for Calh, or on a Ihort credit.
They fcave also received a quantitv of
Apr'l 8.
—— 1 —
WAN T 11 D y
ON I-oaa, for two or tfrrec years—2COo Dollars for
which a mortgage qn Landv/ijl be given asfecuiity
3 rThe land is clear of every incumbrance.
Enquire ps tner Printer.
Jan. y. d.
At Riiflell's wharf, the CARG'-J of the Ship Laily
Lonil'a, JaKies Cooper, mailer, from China, and tht
Cape of Good Hqpe,
SUGAR, in Chests and Bavrs ;
WINES, in Butts and half tfutts of fuperlor qua
A small quantity of BRANDY;
An<i a few Red HANDKEXCHIEtS.
Parker Iff Wharton,
No. 109, south Water-llreet.
a P t .' 1 §
Genteel Boarding & Lodg ng
to he had at No. 45, in Vine-Street, the id door welt of
Second-Street, on the North fide. April 1%. §
tft. A Three-fl«ry brick House, No 80, N. Second
i J llreet. The lot is about 21 feet front, and »o8
feet deep, to Bread-street, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been one of the be it (lands for business,
2d. A frame Dwellirg-Houfe, No. 260, South Front
ftreet, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 fefct
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. A handsome Lot of *5 feet by 200 feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to Gcorge-ltreet ; It is the 3d
Lot below South-street: on Gcorgc-ftreet there is a two
story.brick tenement, a frame cjitto adjoining, with agood
bake oven.
'» Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on
*he River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the bell quality, and
in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
- good proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar
Swamp. For terms apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March 1796. 4tf
To be Sold,
An 4 immediate pojjejfton given,
TH AT handsome »n.d convenient Thrcc-ftory BRICK
HOUSE, fityate in Fifthflreet, between Marketed
Arch streets, No. 42, North, at prefeut occupied by Mr.
Garret Cottringer. For terms apply to
John Shields,
No. 22 Chefnut Iltreet.
; Who is n9iv opening %
- A general aiTortment of Dry Goods,
j Suitable to she season—and for sale for calh or a fcort
1 ! credit
1 N. B. If the House is not fold by the loth instant, it
will then be vented. May 1 $tlith
ABSCONDED, on the of Tbuifiay Iri/l, the
lib inft. Boston Murray, n black Indented
•vant lad. 18 or 19 years of age, and about 5 feet Bor
9 inches high ; one of bis eyes is defeSive in the corner
,y toward: his r.ofe His apparel confyled ef a fmtjf -color-
ed round jacket,with a Manclxfier-vefl under it i a pair
OjfuJitan tro-vfers, and under tbem a light mixed cloth
- pair of bUetbes. Whoever apprehends the faidfer-vaiii,
and returns him, or confines him in any jnil in fennjyl
el van:a or Jersey, so that 1 recover him Jhall receive 'the
above reward, togetbtr with yeafonable charges.
, No. I of, Spruce-flreet.
Feb. 11. fjf
1_ For Sale By
No. t. South Water-Street.
CcTrtal Lottery Tickets,
l7 ')r Sale, nvart '■"/ r vr:-//, at th jOr sice, 119, Chelr.ut
ftreefc fttWe£n RMhtA'and Fjftfe'ftrefcts.
Washington Lottery—No. 2. ,
. -;J 'HE J-üblif arc rcfpetfltujly ir.fotmed, ths? the whale
i • ' . tli? a)»ov : e Lottery uc.iwiv rowed
•ip, and &om >in("-'in:iot« received, v.' ira-',
A *«»' t 4 firlf'chty's (tfawiiij, \V^itth y/Ul'l)c | ■
uiUoff'tvcd 1.1 odfcoSiW Philadelphia' frpt~r», tfA'ts it
: i»d*pev3"d wJUdvtlfcm Teaj3oll.irs. A correct «Jumeri- (
j !"d£°"U'W •
» Wflitf', v.liw«. mi v^i: v%' J K : "»uwlae ot » Bro
ker, -arc promptly .'.rid faithfully executed.
mvwn thomas Noble.
' 1 March 1. , r " ** "* ;
M. B. Approved Kot« focurfng payment, fSlier tin
HU»«y>«r-Ui the tjiis I-ottfrj, and.p»yaj>;l« i»
ten days afur completion of the drawing, will be recciv- '
ed for any number above fi',tytic.keu. iT «Il& ' 1
Just; Arrived,
■la the Snow Boston, James£;rJifatric}c.,m?Aw firpm ly'" 3
, iirpool,
5000 Btifhels SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE • and
An Aflbrtment ot SIiIPCHANDLERY;
F O K .S A t E
On board, at Pinc-ltrtet %vh?.r£. Appivdo
James Campbell, or
George Latimer.'
April 29. §
Samuel Richardet,
Respectfully informs .be Gentian™
AV Merchant', tint he has thi; dav opened the CITY
city 6f Philndel-hU.
The Sutycriprfon tUom -will be fuioilhcd With aU the £
toaily papers id tflnludelpiiia, I I.
ton, li iltimyr.-, tuj-tljer witk those ai. .
merci*l cities of Wifl be regulnrly tike
afid none permitted tolje taken away or. 3ny acc'oiiiit.
Tea, Cofite, Soupes, JcTßek, and a variety
of French Liquots; together with the usual refrefhmetits,
will at all times b ,pr«C»rcd at the b ir.
Gentletpen may depend on.bejng wit'u
the choice/l of Wipes, Spirituous Lienors, and-the most
approved Ms!t l iquors lrnntLrtndotland other breweries, t
The Ladder vtißWfuppked with the prirtie and earliest ;
proiiu&iohf of "Ua&etdan. t
Larfe and Far-tjes, Of (iijgle GentJuinen, may be
accoiv : ... . \.r\ I're-I.UiU, Dinners, cr Supfwr., a,
hours mod conv nie"'lt fo'tji«nr«lven—a o:ld Cofiutinn is
regularly kept tbr'ionVeniertcy, the Bill of Fare t.o be had
at the bar.
The L'.dgUtg.Rorms will be comphtejy.furnifhod, agd
the utiiioik attention to cUmiluiefs, and cyfry otljer
rcouifite. j ''it •
jpr" S AMtJt'i JtlcnAßDtT will he happy to receive, and
rxrrnte the commands ot hi* FHc'nds, and Public at
larg* ; and with for their favwr , he pledges
luwftjf that nothing psr* fhallbe vantißer to pre
: ■ -v . inti eiyjc-wi;h Ju hasbe*n <4
in.;'y honored.
I-^il.iJJphia, , A pri! 19. §
t\ ■ ,
Hoglheads, *• ' >
217 BUH J .
Iniported in br;g Richard and Janus from Juremic,
and for sale by
Riclarjjt cis Jamej fatter.
April Jr. ' j
For sale by the fubferiberf,
68 Hhs. ift quality Jamaica COFFEE.
22 Barrels ditto ditto.
Willing and Francis >
Penn-ltrect, No. 11.
May 5» d
: .1' . "i 1 ■; uj v y»*i.
From on board tbc Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WARE, In Crates'; and
A quantity ps COALj
Thomas tif John Ketlatid.
April so. §
George Dobfon,
BEGS leaye to inform th< Storc-kecpcrs in town and
couwtry, that he has removed-frton Market-(lreat,to
No. 25, south Ibird-Jlrcet,
wlisre he is opening a large and elegant alfortmenl of thi
, XHoft fj(hi,)n»blc
S P K ING G 0 0 O z,
; afrived in the different Veflel9 from Lpnclonic Liverpool.
N. B. 159 4pßepi Meu'f Silktftecking-s.
■ - :
For tale,
to pipes
i« hhds. V MALAGA WINE.
73 qr. casks )
4 eaJes
4 tri.mks > Sewing Silks.
i b«x 3
A quantity of Spanifii brown
DiHA white lead, Bar lead
fihot "<if ■all size*
A large quantity of pipes
A fov hampers of Englilh portet
A tew cales of perfujflfry
A quantity of belt bandanna haukercljiel's
A fbta'i in voice of cloths, maflins, lhawls & bUclc lace
And a few Voxcs of Castile l'otlp
At his counting hQuie on wharf*
Ma y 5- d6t.
I ■ ..
At BiJijamin Da-vies's Look-Jit ore, No 68
i J ig/j Sir,.:,
i he Political Censor ;
I'r.r ' :
Of the mjift inte'reAinp Political Occurrences
/J, .C|-|DrT. ri vr '
Sales at Auction,
_= :—1
On SatzrdHy Uiflant f
"\TriJLL IbM' at,epp!,!o at No. i S p
VV Chaftut, ic*»c«r. I-;,, .th ?»s! Fi/(Iv Ur,c: £>, a va
riety of vafflaWf TioilwjW of ele
gant Mahogany 4.':. ir>', $>• '.«, v aMCSj-'BJ&ft?? *V»
robe, SU. £S'r«®seg <_V.ifcV: 4 table fetes of ChV.: *
pelf, and GIV,« ,\v'W'e ; ,:ip cjcelleiit Karpii«>rd, and
The SaL ri ' '/ . 100 !o;k.
"Win. n, AuEL'tsnecr.
May 3 - ' .
Public A»ftion.
4 —V >} WTonday, Vu\oth initaM, at io p'tlock, at the
V-Z'Storerbick of M'r M'Ke.ih"»ni>iife, lib. <)$ North
adftreet, tj dole several Goniignmchts, will be fold the
following articK 5. viz.
A.Quaj'tiiy < f Coifiua VJiac in butts and pipe*, .three
ytvi oiii, .yyd Hftie inferior to Liibbu »i Sherry.
tl B'iUi £a"t Currants,
i) Boxes of -i in forts,
Red snd White Tartar in h?,ds and aid),
sCe,lb Verdigreafet
a Caflcs Ruche .-UlftP),
s Cal'es Dry Yellow Pain',
ICO Bags Juniper Berries,
jo Large boxii of fine White Seap, in fc;u:ircs cf a»
Lout I 11> each,
4QO Florence brooms,
8 Cafits Purajw .Stiine, v ,. .
3 Cases Red Morocco Leather,
20 Eufts of the PreEi|ent and Dr. Franklin, in Marble
56 Croc.- ApdHieciHes' Phials,
1 tfm Sw<erOil,
A tew Srr*w;M*ttt, and
A few bagifpi.ijiMig Wool,
Pji/chrftfrspf Wine, ycanri no days, the ether
cles6odayi, f«r approved endorsed — .
■ & Co. Auifrs.
" Jr W 4 j
YVaflungton Canal Lottery,
n °. 1.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland ftrs anthftrijfed
the underwritten, to raise twiuty-'fi:, thoufnnd>
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for tbe pmpofc of cuitir w;
a Canal through the City of Vathijigton, from the F«i>
tomacto theEaftern Branch Hatvonr.
The following is -.he SCHEME cf Ma. I.
Viz .1 Prize of 20,000 dollars, id,oca
1 ditto 10,000 10,000
7 lift drawn') .
Tickets, each ? s '°~ 6 *,cco
6 ditto 1,000 ' 6,000
10 ditto 4CO 4,000
io ditto ico i.bod
55 dicta JQ 2,y50
jjjo ditto 12 69,00$
To be raised 'or the Canal, 26,150
5850 Prfefs, 175,001}
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
1-500 TicVt;, at Ten Dull.irs, - lis floa
$5" Tlie Commifiioliers have token the Securities
qtiTfcd bj- the afo'refatd aA Tor the payment ct
the prize*.- -
The drawrinjr »f this Lat'ery- will commence, without
delay, *» loon as the Tick 1 are fdld, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizin as ace not demanded in jjjjt months after th<4
draVving is flnilhed, fhlll be conGder:d as relin<iui(hed for
the benefit Sf the Canit, and appropriated arcordinjrly
{signed) NOT LEY YOUNG,
tkOmas law,
City of Feb. n. g
• 1 ■•" 1 r* «- — —• —
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
No. 46, North Front fireet,
HAVE imported ill the ftlps Liberty; Concord and,A.
driafia, from London, a freft fupp(y 0 ( Goods full
ed to the ftifoa—ctinlifting of
A bcaniful afiortment of willei, aid silk Nankeens
Cottons, Thread, cotton, filfc & cot-
Calicoes, and en nndfilk HoiEiery,
Chintzes, Diaper and Darnalk Table
Muslins, Clothl,
Mullinets, Lawns,
Corded and India Dimitie< Cambrickj and
Ginglums, Cambric Mu'flins,
Cotton Coupterpanes, Linen, cotton and silk hk/s,
Plain, striped, Clouded Sewing Silks, &c. See. &c.
A few bales yvell alTorted colors, Londou best fuper.ine
Clotlrt, best fuperfine and fecoud CAflimeres Also, fun
, -dry packages of Cullicoes and Chintzes, and other Voods
gcods fit for exportation.
l'cr the Glasgow, Capt. Williams, fromDublia, a few
boxes 7-6 and yard widelrilh Linens.
• Ma >" 4 fzww&f»
For sale by Richard Lee,
No. 145 North Second street, between Saflifrafi and
Vine street,
Flowers from Sharon;
Or, Origiral Poetrts on Divine Subjects-
In Imitation of Dr. Watts,
T} Ecorrmcuded by the following emirient London min-
XV jfters -.rev.Mr.DeCoetlogon, rev..Mr. T Joss, rev.
Mr. G. Williams, and the rev. Mr. J, Swain. The Vol
ua<G before us needs only a perusal to obtain'the appro-/
bation of every friend to truth. The essential peculiar!
ties of- 'he Goffel are the darling fubjefl. of the author -
it lS"a ivpr.'t particularly calcvljrted to imprefson the youth
ful mind,the genuine principles of evaugelical piety and
to convey, through a pleasing medium, a due fenie of
those things which belong t J their everlasting peace.
The Evangelical Reviewers write thus: The author of
thtfe Poems djfcover.confijerable marks of genius as well
as of a clear urderftanding of thegofpel and of a devo
tional spirit."
Price 3-4'ths of a dollar—printed on fup;rfine woye paper,
I.ikewife maybe had as above—S c * g! f rom tkt rJ tc
kail tie apfrcmbtng dnj, sacred ;o truth-, libery and peace.
Fricc dollar. tl Let the inhabitants of the Rock f ir .g y
■For *k> S l "3 of ft' !<rJ i, rf 1 I,aiah.
Ma y J '§3
T> FSPECTFOLLY inform the Public, that they Lave
JLV opened their PRIK7 ING.-OFFICE, at No. 47 Nort,
rourth, near Race ft' eet; v. here thjSy execute aU kints
of Printing, with accuracy and difpafceh.