Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 05, 1796, Image 3

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iV a
NEW-YORK, May 3.
died] On Sunday fe'night, Mrs. Ann Johnfdn,
wife of William Samuel Johnlon, L. L. D. Presi
dent of Columbia College, in the 67th year of her
age, after a lingering sickness, which (he bore vrt'th
christian fortitude and resignation : the loss of this
truly pious and amiable Lady is fmcerely regretted
by her lurviving friends and relations. Her re
mains were 'conveyed for interment to the family
vault at Stratford in the State of Conne&icut.
A T.nn/toi —- e »he 19th March, received
wrings accounts of the pro
n Spain and England. It
. « to -an agreed point be
*-•' i, w>a< Spain shall break,
before this event takes
p:a«, ioa.i- . 'menu are to be com -
embarking on board
Spanish (hips for the W. Indies, as the most eligible
mode of conveying reinforcements to the Islands.
It is suggested alio at Paris, that the adlual defli
naqon of the Dutch fleet, which has failed fiom the
Texel, is to join the French fleet in the Mediterra
The French government is occupied jn retrain •
ing the licentiousness of the press. AH fee the
evil and none can devise a remedy.
In the council of Five Hundred, a decree paflfed
on the Bth March, ordaining that no man Ihould
hold a public office unless he would take the oath
of " hatred to royalty." Public officers who
should not take that oath in three days were to be
A letter from Copenhagen of the Bth March
states, as report, that the Britiih and Ruffian min
isters are about quitting that city, pn account of
Mr. Grouvelie's being received as miniiler of the
French Republic.
Gen. Jourdan arrived at Bonn, Feb. 28
Archduke Ferdinand, Governor of Milan, is
to have the command of the army of Italy. Gen.
Beaulieu is to command under him.
Admiral Jefvis with his squadron left Leghorn,
Feb. 19, supposed in quell of the Toulon fleet,
which was said to be out.
The great quedion is at lad decided—The vote
of appropriation for the British Treaty is pad ;
and all kinds ot bufmefswill revive, in confidence
that our peace will not be interrupted, .and that
commerce will fuffer no new defalcations.
The majority of the House of Representatives
refilled, till the sense of the people compelled them
to abandon their opposition. The members who
have changed fides ob the quedion, have at lafta
doptcd the fame arguments for execating the Trea
ty as the friends of adrainiilration used to defend
the conduct of the President and Senate,.the lad
summer. It certainly is to be lamented; that party
spirit should make men blind and obstinate; for
nothing but obdinate blindness could h<»ve prevent
ed any man from admitting the propriety of exe
cuting ihe treaty—and. common ob£ervation alone
was neceffj'ry lalt summer to convince any candid
jllan, that the sense of the great body of Ameri
can citizens would ultimately determine foi the ex
pediency of ratifying the treaty-.
The progress of this affair has been uniform.—
'Mr. Jay helitated whether to sign the treaty or not
—the Senate helitated—the President hefnated—-
and finally, after deliberating almod a year,the peo
ple have decided that on tha whole view of cir
eumftances, it is bed to accept the treaty and car*'
•ry it into effect. The friends of our government
•have uniformly viewed this business in the fame
light; and its enemies have been compelled tocoß-
r orm to this reasoning.
But theprogrefs of the business hat been markec
with improper conduit. The appeal to the peopli
constituted authorities. The recent appeal to th<
people by the friends of the Constitution, tbo' less
improper, beeaufe in favor of an acknowledged law
of the land, yet has been irregular; it is all impro
per ; it is an extraneous influence, unknown to the
regular governmental proc*edings ; one that is lia
ble to be misused and perverted to dangerous pur
Besides, such a resort to the people, weakens the
operations of law and. constitution ; dimiriilTjes the
ionfidenc* that foreign nations and our swn citi
zens ought to place in government, and in (hort ex
hibits our fyflem of government in a ludicrous,
By a gentleman who came in the (hip Afiiftance,
John Mowat, Esq. Commander, the Editor was
favored with Englifli papers to March 21 from
which the following articles are extracted :
CADIZ, Fcbraary 19.
The Convoy from England is expe&ed to fail
atfoon as Admiral Mann appears in the offing of
our bay. He was expe&ed this day. The French
are in port, and are waiting to have a cUarcoaft,
before they will attempt to fail. I have been on
boaid all thofi? ftiips, and met with a most cordial
reception. Some of the-officer! are old acquaint
and Freres d'Armes. It must impartially
Navy is farfuperior to
them. They are all tired of the war, and they ac
knowledge their country to be in a raoft deplora
ble fjtoation.
HAGUE, March 6.
In the firft fitting of the National Aflembly, Ci
tizen Paulas was uuanimoufly elected President :
the number computing the National Aflembly was
89. P. Paulus, in accepting the post, said, " I
declare, in the name of the people of thelow-coun
tries, that this aflembly irthe Repiefentative body
of the Belgic people the hall resounded with
applauses, in which the Ambafladors of France,
Denmark and Portugal, took part. the fame
a feleit band of music was heard, and the windows |
looking into \lk interior court being opened, a fvaat
ntumber of trpjnpets announced, that the AMcmblj
was conllituted, which was received by thepeopje
with the. cries of " Vive h RepiiblJque."
citizens and military answered by acclama
tion, twirling their hats upon their bayonets. Se
veral discharges of mafquetry and artillery were
made at the fame time.
Citiien Paulus then harangued the AfTembly,
3n d proposed that the garrison of the Haaue should
lie under the immediate orders of the Aflembly and
its I lefiuent, and that the latter should have the
watch-word and the capacity of giving orders.
It being decreed that an orderly regulation should
be formed for the afTembly ; the members chosen
for this purpose, weie citizens Bicker, Bofweldt,
Hofman, Hagn, Quegen de Kempenaar, Van
Leuwen, and Vandtr Veen.
After some other operations of little importance,
the fitting rose at half after five in the,evening,
A commission from the intermediate regency of
the province of Holland appeared in the fining of
the 3d, to itsconftitution the evening be
fore. A deputation from the Bourgeoifo of the
Hague demanded, that the assembly should nomi
nate a commission- to afiill at a Civic Fete, which
they were upon the point ef celebrating, which was
In the fitting of the 4th, Citizen Shicher was
charged to inform the diplomatic corps, the
aflembly had prepared a place for their reception,
and desired to know the numberof their suite. The
remains ot this fitting were extremely outrageous,
in confluence of the reading of fomtr pieces, tranf.
mitted by the Amsterdam Committee of Surveil
lance, in which thePrefident was accused (we know
not cpori wnat ground) of delivering the Cape of
Good Hope to the Englift.
Alter much uninterelting debate," principally u
pon the denunciation of thePrefident, an harangue
in the name of the armed force of tfie Hague, in
which it was propjfed to p-epaie a medal to be
presented to those wh® should mod distinguish their
lelves in the civic fete. The fitting rofc at five it
the evening.
■ .r. '-k*v4 4)1 f.
THE UKRAINE, February "
The utmoll tranquility , prevail* in thi# eoanlry
at present; notwithftnnding all the- report* circula
ted in the Gazette*, that, a war i* on the
E vc of breaking out between Rufiia and the Porte.
—The Ruffian trwopt remain iii their quartvr*.
of cantonment. .
Field-Marlhal Suwarrow is at Peterfcurgh, and
will probably march with a body of troops to the
assistance of Piince Heraclius, Ihotild the affairs of
Georgia in conference of thr disturbances in Per
sia render the interference of Ruffians neccfiaiy.
Our excellent Field-Marshal, Count Roman
-7.0w, notwithstanding bis advanced is in good
health, and (hares in that tranquility which is en
joyed in the province, ai)d the whole empire, in
consequence of the provident care and wiidom ol
the great Catherine.
VIENNA, February 24.
Ab our Court, in concert with it> allies, finds it<-
felf obliged to continue the war ngainil France, the
plan fettled for recruiting in the Aultrian proviuccs
is putting in execution.
Numbers of flnc troops are daily setting off to
the army. The Arch-Duke Charles will goto the
army by way of Munich.
The Eledtor of Saxony has given notice to the
Emperor, by his Envoy Count Schoenftld, that the
Saxon contingent of troops will its march on
the 7th of nexl month for Frankfort, there to wait
for its faither dcflination. The reciuiting lately
begun in the Provinces, has been attended with eve
ry success, and will soon be carried into etTedi in
this capi'al.
Meffr». Baker and Maier, of London, have ob
tained the Emperor'* pe> million for the paff<i«e of
25,000 meafur?s of wheat from the Polifli Pagi
nate of Sendomir to Dsntzick, where it it to b»
shipped for England.
LONDON, Mirch jfi!
The National Convention i>t"the United Provinc
es met at the on the illii.ltant, and having
verified their peweie, the States General immedi
ately religned their fun£lions and di (Lived their
aflembly. The ceremony was extremely fpletdid,
and accompauied'by much ilic feftivity.
The Polilh King's abdication was a point neces
sary to those powers who ie'agtrJ dismember his
country, and they have luevreded ; but it is evident
in the inquiries on Poland, ihe political confe
queuces to Rullia, under her supposed views oo
on Constantinople, are of much greater magnitude
than they can piove to the other pani.iuning pow
ers. Her acquisitions in that ill-fated country, led
dire&ly to the obje£l Ihe had in viaiv, and if death
does not terminate her insatiable appetite for domi
nion, we may soon expert to fee her in the pursuit
of her favorite scheme of adding Constantinople to
her prefcot unwieldy empire.
March 18.
This morning arrived a mail from Hamburgh—
The intelligence it brings is of very trivial note.
vigorous preparations arc every where making
or the continuance of the war, and the fame
ime fpcculations refpe&ing peace continue afloat.
We are allured, by authentic information,' that
he prefont state of France is such as to afford the
aired profpeft of ultimate success in the necefTary
onteft in which we have been forced to engage —
The moll complete diifatisfa&ion prevails through
out provinces at the violent meafuresof govern
sent, which, by the moil despotic exertions of au
hority, daily violate the laws and principles of the
tew conllitution, and invade those rights and attack
hose liberties, which it profefles to guard and to
:onfirm. The forced loan, in particular, has ex
ited the molt general difcontenf-. Petitions have
icen presented against it from ail quarters j but so
arfrom producing the desired effcdl, tljey haveon
y been anfwertfd by the formation of frefh lifts, in
vhich the number of fubferibers is encreafed, with
iut any diminution of the sum which cach indivi.
lual is ordered to contribute. In many instances,
he sum impofcd is greater than the whole fortune
>f the person who is to pay it. On this head the
writes are at iflue ; the peifoos taxed hav* peremp
nri 5 icfu'od to pay, ami- the govemment,hETi».or-
Vj.', l ' le ' r effects J© be Weed, and exposed to prub
lic iale. The friz ore will, in many inftaoces be rev
; and in •moll, it isexpetied that nobody will
,~ u ' , 4 10 pmcliafe the property icized.
We l)m!»r(l a „d.that the Court of Madrid has
J 'vjded to the remoiiftrances made by Lord Bute,
i. naj-femoved'-'the suspicions cn.ertained o. its
political conduit. The Spanifli mirtiltry have frnt
o |f .ers to Cadiz to dismantle twenty fail of the
ine, lying in that port ; —and a French privateer
uhich was at Alicam, and had taken some of onr
veilels, has been ordered from thence to Toulon.
It 19 the determination of the Admiralty hoard,
we tt'iderftand, that the number of flag cffi?eis
a always be a hundred ; the vacancies in that
number to be filled up every two years.
Sir Edward Pc New has been advanced to the rank
9 for his humane and fpinted exertions,
in laving the lives of the troops, &c.' who were on
board the Dmton when flie was wrecked at Ply
mouth. How gratifying is it to every good mii,d,
o lee veward tibus crowning defcrt! i
March 15.
We have receded such of the Paris journals a
were wanting to complete the regular series, up t«
the 11 th inft. From these it appears, that thougl
the Chouans have not made anv other than tempo
rarjr mcurfions into the department of Finifterre |
bred, Quimper, &c. are in a state of fiegc, undei
t e pretext of the Chouans. Nothing particulat
as occurred at Par.s—but the Dire&ory have writ
ten a letter of thanks to General Hoche, for his
zealous and patriotic exertions in La Vendee.
tain Edward Cook, we are requested to contradict
the report of the probability of her having been 101 l
off Portland. The damage (he fuftained°by L'lm
jperieufe running aboard of her, was not such as to
endanger her fafety. The accident happened on the
4th of January, a little to the Southward of Cape
1" inlllcrie. La Sybille continued cruising wilh the
reft ps her squadron till the 24th, when (he parted
company in a violent gale and thick weather. A
f;rie& of llorms fincc that period had carried away
almost tjie whole of her rigging, and done her
other very material injury, so as to have exposed
her to the utmofl danger ; but the lad Corunna
mail happily brought intelligence to the Admiralty
of her having made Gibraltar on the sth of Fe
I Ire Sybille had sustained so little darrtage from
the accident which was said to have proved her
l )ls, that immediately after Jier arrival at Gibraltar,
Hie was fein up the Straits upon a particular ser
Ihe Dutch Admiral Braak has informed the
Marine Minister, that several Englilh men of war
have been fcen cruising off the Dogger Bank ; hut
ihat until their number is encreafed, no engage
ment can be expeflcd, as the Dutch squadron is
too ftrowg for the Englilh to attack it.
Letter fr<»ni an officer on board his Mnjefty's fliip
Brilliant, dated Yarmouth Roads, March 3.
the 19th J a try we failed on a cruise off
the 1 exel, but a us to Fleckery in Nor
way, from whence we failed the 7th February, and
on the loth arrived here. We left at Fleckery,
the Command*! of {4 guns ; she had loft her mails
in December, cruising off the Texcl. There were
lywgai the fame time at Chriftiaifound, a Dutch
Ingate oi l 40 guns, and three blig cutter* of 18
gttnsWch, witli 12 Briiilh prizes, oae of them
was the Hebe of Shields. The people of the Dutch
I hips of war are runaing away very fait, being almost
liarved with hunger { there were 30 run from the
Irig.ite in one night to ui, and brought a cutter
along with them, which we have now in ourpoflef
(ioii : the Corommidel is also full of Dutchmen,
'and every (hip of war that f»ili ,here, brings away
a 'great Dumber of them."
From the London Gazette, March 15.
Admiralty-Office, March 13.
L nis day, in pursuance of the King's pleafuie,
Richard Earl Howe, Admiral of the White, was
promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet,
in the room of the honorable John Forbes, de
The King ha. been pleased to appoint Richard
r1 • w Admiral o{ th e Fleet, to be General
of hit Majesty's Marine force*, in the room of the
hon. John Forbes, deceased.
WHITEHALL, March ij.
The King has been pleased to grant to the right
hon; Alexander Lord Bridport, of the Kingdom
of Ireland, Knight of the Bath, the offices and
place? df Vice-Admiral r[ Great Britain and Lieu
teoant of the Admiralty thereof, and also of Lieu
tenant of the Navies and Seas of the Kingdom of
Great-Britain, in the room of the right honorable
Richard FJjivve,
The tiilcpt l)iike of Cumberland, is shortly to
be revived in thr pcrfon of his Royal Highness
Prince Edward, their Mnjcflie« fourth son, now a
broad in Nova Scotia with his regiment.
The Orange Family, the Prince Sudtholder and
lus Princes alone excepted, are on the point of leav
ing this country, in future to rcfide at Berlin
Prince Frederick of Orange has received the brevet
of Miijor-General in the Imperial army, and will
make the ensuing campaign in that capacity.
For Sale,
ab pipes }
i* hhds. £ MALAGA WINE.
73 qr. calks )
i cases }
4 tru»ks S Sewing Silks.
r b«x )
A quantity of Spanilb brown
Ditto white lead. Bar lead
Shot of all sizes
A large quantity of pipes
A few hampers of English porter
A few cases of perfumery
A quantity of belt bandanna hankerchiefs
A fraall invoice of Cloths, maflins, lhawls & black lace
And a lew boxes of Caitile loap
Apply to SAMUEL BRECK, junr.
At his counting house on R<jfs's wharf.
May d6t.
>r- ........ —
b. i-Oxf OF tiilLAUiiLl'HlA.
ill _ JXklt'ED. , DATS.
Sliip Nancy, Atkinfos, Lucia am} Jamaica 30
- l 5 Schooner Bttfey, Holland, Shucklty- Virginia 13
r> Elizabeth, Moore, Jamaica 28
Duly Aim, M'Namara, FrederiekfbtiTg-6
nt Ranger, Will.ick, Norfolk 5
b e liagK Denny, Eti(niton 9
er Commerce, Drummond, Montego-Bpy 28
nr Farnliairi, Tice, Chailefton 13
Sloop Mary, L'Homedieti, Ne*v-Yoik 4.
Bctfey, Johnson, Lucia & Jamaica 36'
|3 Nancy, Hull, Richmond 12
at Nancy, Segnin, .Norfolk 5
Fox, Nathan, do <;
k Bel fey, Colmai, Virginia^
s> May -I'lower, Luce, 1
, n ' _ John & Mary, Cocklin, New-York .9
r . Brig Anthony, Davis, Antigua 20
Profperi'.y, Craig, St. iJbes 50
Fame, Flag, Charleston 8
Jefferfon, Mortis, St. Croix 18
)S Chance, Duguid, 10
0 ScTwoner Betsey, Fletcher, Noith-Carolina 10
h Lady, Washington, Juitiee, Virginia 3
" Mrs. MorrisV Night.
\V<il be pre fen ted,
7 A celebrated COMEDT, in j ••>«», (never perform
ed in America, called
a The Deserted Daughter.
[Written by the author of the Roadto Ruin.&e.&c.l
, o As performing at the TUatre in C.vM Garden, ivitl unherfh
! J****. Mr.
,e CVCnI - Mr. M,rJ„,
ie Lennox, Mr. MarfiM,
T Donald'' »£* ■ f
'l M'S! r M "-
S* Mrs " Pra ""-
,a Mr,. Enfield, Mrs. Sotmom
y setf et , ty ' Mrs. Bailor,
■ FnJ nf^h'\ \ r, M "-
End of the Comedy, a Pantomime Dauce comiwM t,»
Mr. Francis, (foundvd on Dibdin's eelebi-ated Ballad)
* o > c ,t d 'Z HE LUCKY escape;
;r t ,Vf P,ou S hman turn'd Sailor.
'* nail's iddcd ' ( noVl ' r Performed here) a Dra-i
r . - Romance, in 2 ajts, written by the celebrated .
Or. Hawicisworth, called
lc lbe Fairy Favour ; or,
It *7, E / . DGA « &
Edgar, f.n t. the earl of Kent, a, a vjonurn
t&s****- k-zr
P , , ' M«f' SoUrun,
A l . F ®' r J r » M ' fs Utypie,
ff Attendant Spirits, Mis s Mll f o ' u//i
t A'w/.n, ts*».
d "" ° f N '« h «"^"d,
'• r%Z Tpswl'Al
„ by Mr. Francis. &UlUklc ' andthe competed
h lfT Trl E eJ y' ( Dev,r pfrfortned here )
t C THE GREAT ; with a irrandfc.
e crrm'Tw P ci " fornwd b "*>) called the DE
r SHALL NAPL£ S • Benefit of Mrs MAR
*„• Mr. DARLEY's Night will be on Wcd«efday next.
No. 145 North Second flreet, between Saflifrafc and
Vuie flreet,
Flowers from Sharon;
( Or, Original Poems on Divine Subjeds,
5 In Imitation of Dr. Watts, -
. R. EcommCßdc^ b y the following eminent London min-
Mr - I>e Coetlogon, rev. Mr. T Joft, rev.
Mr. O. Williams, and the rev. Mr. J. Swain. The Vol
n»e before us needs only a perusal to obtain the
-1 t ft t0 trUth " The effcntial P^uliaH
-1 ,"J1 l P r C , ,he darlin S fubjed, ol the author j
it ls'a work particularly calculated to impress on the youth!
■ ful mind the genuine principl-s of e .-angelical piety, and
>w'T ey ' [""if u Pleafi "? mediun >. a due sense of
those things which belong tt their ever lading peace.
The Evangelical Reviewer, write thui . Thtf author of
. these Poem, discovers confidtrable mark, of genius, as weU
' t"ofai a i>lrT'" n ? ° f th£gofpel and ol a d «<>-
1 Pr i CC . 3 " 4t r hsof a do,lar —printed on fuperfiae wove paper.
Likewise may be had as above— Song, from tie Ruk, tm
h«,Uh<approach,day, facrW :o truth, liheVy and peace.
• Price i dollar. »• Let the inbaUitnh c f the Rod E
iwr_ v , F ° r "" i'"-y f*> 'ord is rif„." Isaiah.
- y 5 *§i
lor sale by tbe fubferibers,
68 Hhs. Ift quality Jamaica COFFEE.
22 Barrels ditto ditto.
Willings and Francis,
Penn-ftrect, No. 21.
May 5. d
Z **■
jujl Arrived,
And for file it the Shop TWO BROTHERS, Samuel
Marchryt, mefie)-, a quantity of
lar, Pitch, and Indigo:
Also for Sih,
The said Sloop,
Burthen about 400 Barrel,.
bi.t , s a g OOU ft long vessel, and has been chiefly em
ployeri as a Coaster. If not fold in a few pays, will take
in freight, and proceed diredl for Newbury Port.
App'yto ISAAC HARVEY, jus.
May , t . §lm No. 5,5. Water Street
Miniature Painting.
X foreign Artist refpe&fully informs the Pub#r, that
-i A. he paints LikenelTes, and warrants them. A t<
Specimens of hi, abilities may be seen at his Room >.q
10, up one pair of Stairs in Mr. O'Ellers' Hote"l.Chef<
nut-street. »eTt R icVetts' Amohitheatre. Atrril 1? C