Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 05, 1796, Image 1

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    Number 1141. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAr 'EVENING* MAT 5, 3796. [Volume IX.
For Hamburgh,
The»Dan!fh Brigantine
Den Nye Prove,
ftput vtffel. Will be -ready -tocargo
on Mity. For freight or passage apptyfo «
i&pK«' t>' " Rofs & jSimfon.
/. «»»* <& v
->biut fa a jjjjf
will V - ' iter ' ir *W»b!e'*' '
15. dtf.
For \i A L-siy ui 011 A kTER,
4500 barrels—a ftaupch good veflel, about five years
old—ready to receive a cargo. Apply to
Peter Blight.
Aprir 30. eoditw.
2Q€>o BbU. of flour—fl>e may be fetit
to sea at a small cxpence, her fails and rigging being in
very good order—apply to
James Campbell, or
George Latimer*.
April, 29. , §
For L 0 N D 0 N,
I ™ J—, The fine new copper-bottomed Ship
Mount Vernon,
Wttt RIIRTHFN about 412 tons, will be rea
dy to receive her cargo on Monday ru\xt, and will fail on
or before the loth of May next, great part of her cargo
engaged. For freight or palfage apply to the fubferibers,
No. ai, Penn-ftrcet,
Willings and Francis.
April 17. 5
The fact failing, fine new brig
Richard and James.
Wlf.T. fail in ten days. She has remark
able fine <u:comraodations, for pallage only. Apply to
Richard & James Potter,
April 18. § Front-street.
* For GHAR 1E R,
»T3bl . T«»; SHIP
MM*: dojminick TERRY,
"Jacob De Hart, Mailer,
Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to
JeJJe & Robert IValn.
April 19. §
SILAS Commander,
WILL fail on or about the xft of May. For freight or
jnfTage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street
wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN W CO.
April 13. §
• /W. The Copper Bottomed Ship
JSHIi lady louisa *
WTH all her materials, as (he came from sea. Like
wise to be disposed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
an board said veflel. For terms apply to
Parker & Wharton,
May •» §
* For BRIS7 OL,
the new ship
fc-".----•fcpvSr?- Theodore Buss, Matter,
WILL take Goods on Ffeight, and be ready to receive
them in a few days. For freight or palTage apply to
Thomas & John Clifford.
Who have for Sale,bfftdes tfheir usual afTortment of
Ironmongery, Cutlery, Scullery, &c.
Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials ;
boxes of loug and shout Pipes 3 Brillol crown Glass abort
ed, from 18 by 12 inches,to 9 inches by 7; Copper Sheets'
and Botton s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter in Cask« alTorted; Bristol Grindttones; Garnet
~. tc Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Also, a bale of
I And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE.
A F'l 1 1 • 2aw -
From on board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool,
EARTHEN WAKE, im Crates; and
A quantity o'f COAL;
•• , . t O R J A L B Y
Thomas &J 5 John Kei. J.
April to. I §
George Dobfon,
BEGS'leave to inform the Store-keepers in town and
eoustry, that he has removed from Market-street, to
No. 25, south Third-Jfreet,
Whsre he Is opening a large and elegant assortment of the
i*ofl falhionable
SPRING GOOD a, the different Vessels from London& Liverpool.
SOmm VT T» MRIWk. - r » ..M. % •
Furrs and Skins.
have for sale
■/i prime felef/ion of the annexed articles i
Shaved Deer Skins
Unfhaved ditto
'JUk Skins
-Jtbaved do.
Beaver _ .
Otter . >.v:7.
-flew r *' ;;
Racoon ,
Ox hides
Three thousand wt of superior New-Orleans Indigo.
Twenty tierces of Rice, and
A quantity »f excellent Log woofl, which they .will fell
on pood terms.
March 17. 5
MALAGA WINE, in quarter Casks;
'RAISINS, iri Kegs ; and
NEW RICE, in whole and half Tierces.
Isaac Harvey, jun.
No. 5, S, Ws ter-ftrect.
4th Month, 20th. §3w.
For Sale,
A Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut'
iheet, between Front and Secor.d ftr«ets, in which
MelTis. James Calbraith Co. have for rnanj ye<urs (aa.d
now do) carried on" bufincft.
Pofleflion will be given in one month, or sooner.
For terms apply tn WILLIAM BULL, or
hector calbraith.
April 11. — <
Robert Smith & Co.
No. 58, south Front-street,
Have received by the Lte arrivals from London and Li
A general assortment of Goods,
Suitable for the Season;
And by the Vessels that ar« daily expe»Sed they will re
ceive a farther supply, which they will dispose of ou rca
fonable terms for Cash, or on a short credit.
They have also received a quantity of
April 8. §>«
ON Loan, for two or three years—looo Dollars for
which a mortgage on Landv.'ill be given aslecurHr
The land is clear of evory incumbrance.
Enquire of tn« Printer.
Jan. (f. d.
At Rufiifll't wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
Louisa, James Cooper, matter, ft'oia Chma, and the
Cape of Good Hope,
- 5UT5XK7~itrCheHs and "Bags ;
WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua
lity ;
A small quantity of BRANDY ;
Parker Sff Wharton,
No. 109, south Watcr-Ureet.
AprH ij. §
Genteel Boarding & Lodg ng
to be had at No. 45, in Viiv:-Strcct, the ad door weft of
Second-Street, 04 the North fide. April 1%. §
id. A Three-story brick House, No. 80, N. Second
-ZjL street. The lot is about ai feet front, and 188
feet deep, to Bread-ftrect, or Moravian Alley. It has
lung been one of the bell ftand3 for bulinefs.
ad. A frame Dwelli»g-Houfe, No. a6o, South Front
ftreet, with a Bakc-Houfc, the Lot is about 17 feat
front, by 130 feet in depth.
3d. A haadfome Lot of >5 feet by 000 feet deep, ex
tending from Third street to Gcorge-ftreet; it is the ,)d
Lot below South-street: on Gcorgc-ftreet there is a two
story brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agoed
bake ove».
Likewise a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate on
the River Delaware, at a convenient distance from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and
in good bank. There are commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and woodland, and Ccd*r
Swamp. For tehns apply to JOHN LITLE,
No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March 11ft, 17?4- dtf
To be Sold,
An 4 immediate pojfejjion given,
THAT Jhandfome and convenient Three-story BRICK
HOUSE, Ctuate in Fifth street, between Market and
Arch streets, No. 4s, North, at present occupied by Mr.
Garret CottriHger. For terms apply to
John Shields,
No. la Chcfsut fttrcet.
Who is now optuing,
A general assortment of Dry Goods,
Suitable to the season—and for sale for cafb or a short
N. B. If the Mouse is not fold by the 10th instant, it
will tfcen be rented. May 2 §tnth
ABSCONDED, on tht night of Thurflay la//, the
•jth inji. Boston Murray, a black indenttilfer~
<vant lad, 18 or 19 years <f age, and about 5 feet 8 or
9 inches high; one of bis eyes is defcSive in the corner
towards, his nose His apparel confijled of a fnuff' color
ed round jacket,fwith'a Manchefler ve/l wider it; a pair
offujlian trowfers, and under them a light mixed cloth
pa ir of breeches- Whoever apprehends the said fervani,
and returns him, or confines him in any jail in Peunfyl
•vania or tferfey, so that I reco-ver him shall receive the
abo-ve reward, togetktr with reasonable charges.
Ai. 109, Spruce-Jlreet.
Feb. 11. df
For Sale by
Canal Lottery 7ick.ets,
For Sale, iverrAntcd undraim, atth:OFHCE, 149, Chefnnt
street, between Fourth and Fifth streets.
Washington Lottery—No. 2.
' 1 'HE Public arc refpeflfully informed, tbet the whole
i of thj -Tickets in the above -Lottery'are now rolled
up, and from information received, will commence im
mediately. Alter ti-e firlb day*S;.'!raw4f>g, "w-Hich >vill be
aaoamwod ia oW'uf the Philadelphia papers, ticJscts it
,i? eaptgeri w*T)e tberi Ten BdHap>.
tal Book for public it»fpc»lion will be opened a t the above
Office, where till iratiia&ions relating to the line of a Bro
ker, are promptly and faithfully executed.
March 2. §
N. B. Approved Notes securing payment, cither in
money, or in the prizes of this Lottery, and payable in
ten days aftsr completion-os the drawing, will be receiv
ed for any number übovc fifty tickets.
Just Arrived,-
In the Snow Bcftoa, James Kirkpatrick, master from Li
5000 Bnlhcls SALT ;
100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and
An AflortineiiS of SHIP CHANDLERY ;
Qn board, at Pine-street wharf. Apply to
Ja/nes Campbell, or
George Latimer.
April 19. 5
Samuel Richardet,
"n ESPECTFUIXY informs the Gentlemen
Merch ant% that he has this day opened th« CITY
| City of Philadelphia.
The Subscription Room will be fiiTnifhed v. jh ul!
daily papers puhliibed jn Ncw-Yx>rk, Bot
—-TToSi' T thole of tfcbe prinrip l vutt
mercial cities, ot Europe—Tkcy will be rigulariy filed
and none permitted to be taken away on any account.
Tea, CcAce, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety
of French Liquors; together with the usual refreihments,
will at all times be procured at th« bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with
, the choicest of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and. t4ie moil
approved Malt Liquors iromLondon and other breweries.
The Larder will be fupplicd with the prime and carlieft
produ&ion* of tho Scalon.
Large and small Parties, or (ingle Gentlemen, may be
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or dappers, at
hours motyeonv nicnt toj,hen>lelves —a cold Collation is
regularly kept th«f Bill of Fare to be had
at tho hnr.
The Lodging Roops will be compl. tely furniftied, and
ihe utmost attjution paid to cleaijlinefs, and every otner
S\muel Richardet will be happy to receive, and
cxcrute tlie coin,mahdi of hi>. Friend®, and the Public at
large; gratitude for their favours, he pledges
hinxfclT tint nothing on his part fhaltbe wanting t© prc
fervc that patronage with which ho has been Co didingnifh
ingly u»;;or.d.
Phihvcitlphia, J
LWr 11 E.
101 Ikigfli 'sds,
17 P-aga, J
taiported in the brig Richard and Jamea from Jeremie,
anj for sal; by
Richard isf James Potter.
April tt. 5
RESPECTFULLY inform the Public, that they have
opened their PRINTING-OFFICE, at No. North
Fburth. near Race street; .where they execute all kinds
of Printing, with accttracy and dispatch.
£3" All Apprentieewanted.
' May ,1 ' • $31*^3
THE Pfefidcnt «nd Managers of the Delaware and
Schuylkill Canal, having determined to fopply the
city of Philadelphia, with water, early ia the year 1797,
ProjSofab will bcrectijfc in writing until the fiift day of
June nejt, from any person or perfoni disposed to contra&
lor the ca iing anddclivcry of Iroa Pipes necelTary for the
above puipofc. By the Board,
March JJ. aawtj.
A very valuable Estate,
Coiled TtriTTKNHAM.
SITUATE in the town/hip of Upper Derby, and county
Delaware, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile
from tlie neiv IVeJlem road: containing 210 acrcs of excellent
Land, -45 of tfiicb arc good watered Afkadorv, 90 of prime
IVoo-l Land, and the reQ Arable of tbe firfl quality. 'There are
on tbe prerT.ifet a gooJ tivoficry Brick House, ivitb 4 rtome on
a floor, and Cellars under tbe ivbole, •with a Pump IVelt of ex
cellent IVater in front; a large frame Barn, Stables, and otber
convenient buildings ; a Sm*le-Houfc andflone Spring House ; tivo
good Apple-Orchards, and. one of Pcaches. Tbe Fields are alt in
Clover, except tbofe immediately under tillage, and are so tatd
out as to have tbe adimntage of Water in oaJt of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
Thtf fitufitbn is pleasant and healthy, and from tbe high culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, and the vicinity to the ci
ty, it is very suitable far a Gentleman s Country Seat.
7be foregoing is part of the Ejhite of facoh 111, vtar> s deccafed
and offered for sale by K4ORDECAI LEWIS
Otft.'9» T795 eotf Surviving Executor.
For Sale,
A Few Caflcs of First Quality
Enquire at No. 71, South Water street.
-May a tht&ftf
TO be fold cheap, a large Quantity of NANKEENS
to the benefit of the Drawback, at the
■Store of the fubfcliber, No. 4< North Front street.
Joseph Sanfom. i
May 3 eejw
130 (juarter Chellsfrefh Hylon Tea;
100 ditto do. frefli Souchong Tea ;
30® Boxfcn China, containing- small tea setts of 41 J
pieces; I
400 pieces Bantlanoes. I
Sales at Atf&ion.
i f -, • • ... ■ ——--—•
On Saturday IUQf ning, the phjnftant,
»t 4Triuf.rtei«W at; PtfßLtC AUCTION,-at iio. ljJ.
Rl V V . . . ' A -'"" *
X>s • t'vi ■ t " *'
'■ robe, o • -t.':'- , ■ K Tttt.s f • •
: Dels, ■*? V' r c: sll
: Tfae - s • jIT ■: ■ t*-
• : .. . : ■ •"
May j.--
! Public AuClion.
ON Monday, the 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, at tija
Stores back of Mr M'Kean's hotife, N). 95 North (
zdftrert, t-> dole Confignnunts, will be fold the
following articles, viz.
A of.Corfica Wiae in butts and pipes, thr^t.
years old, and little inferior to or Sherry.
12 Butts Zant Currants, ' '
9 Boxes of Manna m forts.
Red and White Tartar in hhds.asd cases,
SCO lb Vcrdi^reife,
2 Calks Roche Alium,
5 Cases Dry Yellow Pain*, "
100 Bags Juniper Bcrrie.,
20 Large boxes of fine White Soap, in fquaras of a
bout 1 lb each,
400 Florence trooms,
BCu(ks PumiiK Stone, ■ ■ r
3 Cases Rpd Morocco Leather,
20 Busts of the Prtlldent and Dr. Franklin, fa Marble
: 50 Groce Apothecaries' Phials,
12 Jars Sweet Oil,
/> few StrawMatls, and
A few b*g*lpinniag Wool,
* -J- 120 the arti
-1 cles 60 days, for approved endorsed note>.
Footman & Co. AuEtrs.
, May 4 £
Washington Canal Lottery,
NQ. I.
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raifc twenty-fix tiioufand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the putpoi'e of cutting
a Canal through th: City of Washington, from the P*
> tomuc to the Eastern Branch Haruour.
I The following is the SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -I Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,00«
' 1 ditto io,coa 10,000
7 last drawn *>
Tickets, each f s ' oco 35,000
' 6 ditto i.coe 6,0c0
10 ditto 400 4,ceo
5 20 ditto 100 a,ocx»
js ditto s° 4.TJO
S7JO d '« 9 1* $9,oo?
To be railed for the Canal, 26,250
5850 Prizes, its,ooo
11650 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
tpT The Conuniffioners ha<c the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid »& for the pu'rxSlual paymeat'of
the prizes.
The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
* delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as arc not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finilhed, {hill be confider;d as relinquiftied f*C
the benefit of the' Canal, and appropriated accordingly!
City of WaQtiagtoa, Feb. j'x. §
Knox, Henderfon & Co.
I No. 46, North Front street,
, IT AVE imported in the fhjps Liberty, Concord and A).
n driana, from London, a freflj. supply of Goods fuit
c ed to the season—consisting of
A beauiful aflortmento/ '.willed, and silk Nankeens
Cottons, Thread, cotton, silk & tof*
. ' Calicoes, and on and silk Hosiery,
Chintzes, Biaper and Daraofk Tabic
Mufiins, Cloths,
Mullincts, Lawns,
Corded and IhdiaCimities. Cambricks and
/ Ginghams, Cambric Muslins,
'' Cotton Counterpanes, Linen, cotton and silk hkfs,
■' Plain, striped, clouded. Sewing Silks, &c. &c. &c.
" Likewise,
■' . A few bales well aflbrtcd colors, Londou best fuperfinc
* Cloths, best fuperfine and fecoud C*(fimores—Alfo, fuh
dry packages of C-Llicoes and Chintzes, and other goods
r goods fit for exportation.
Per the Glasgow, Capt. Williams, from Dublin, a few
" boxes 7-8 and yard widclrilh Lmens.
j May 4 $2wwfcf»
A Few boxes of well aflbrtcd
I Imported the Glasgow, from Dublin, and to by
Mordecai Leiuis.
Way 4 §2w
For Sale at wis Ujpce.
The Constitution of the Xlmud States, price
20 cents.
Last report of the late Scaretary of the Trea
sury, containing a Plan" for the further ftipport ©f
Public Credit, 75 cents.
Germanicus 2*.
Proceedings of the Executive refpedtfng the Xn
furgents ; forming an interelling Hittory of the.
late Infurreftion ia the four Weftem Counties of
Interesting ftimmary of the events which haw
taken place in the Republic of Geneva—writtea
by M. de Nivsrnois, 12 1-2 cents.
Twenty-fix letters; on the mod interesting fub
>e£ls, refpefting ihe American Revolution, con
taining much information not generally known to
the Citizens of the United States, written ia the