Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, May 04, 1796, Image 1

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1140. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESRAT ErEltrm, MAfi, ... riV.i.-'-* It.
v ■ -r 'V ll 1 "'"i 1 ' ■■ » ■ "'■ i ' r>'
s^SSS B**8** ■
5 .,. T&gether wick an aflnrtmeot of S*oj»
n RT G 0 0 D S,
MUti to the Scafon—is usual.
4th Mo. jth, 17)6. .
ftiuncft good vessel, ahout ilvt years
old—ready to receive a ea'rga. Apply t»
Peter Blight
l April 30. eodaw.
fir TMJ, or CHARTER, '
ao*o BMs. of flour.—lke may be sent
to sea at a small expeuce, her fails and rigging being in
»try good order—apply to
James Campbell, of
Geo'rbe LMimer.
April, *9- .. i_
AN American vessel, of about tvro hundred and
fifty tons, to be sent to France >• a Flag of
Trace. Proposals will be received every day hv ihe
Confulof the Frenck Republic, at his office NoHh
Eighth ftree»,No. 8, from Il'to 3 o'cltfck.
, Ayil *6. I
Si Jl* [U, Thd fine new copper-bottomed Shi^
Mount Vernon,
about 41-1 tons, will be rea
d ' to receive her cargo on Monday next,and wiU fail oii
'St before the loth of May next, great part of herurgo
. engaged. For freight or paflage apply to the fubfcrltcri,
No.», Penn»ffreet, 1 ' ,1
Willing* And Francis. n
April 17. 5
* -1- ' ■ ' 1. ■ " ■
For Hamburgh,
The Brigaotine
; Den Nye prove,
A fln« stout vessel. WjH Be to take in te'r cargo
«n the firft «f May. For friight oV passage apply to
' ' Rofs & Simfon.
April 15. dtf.
The fafi failing, fee new brig
Richard and James.
. j'fail in ten days. She has rema lrk
3blefoieaccominodationi, for passage only. Apply to
Richard & James Potter,
JUprH it. $ Front-street.
' For CHAR 7E R,
th * ship
■ Jacob De Hart, Matter,
Burthen about 3000 barreli. Apply to
Jeffe & Robert IVatn.
April 19. S
V .
SILAS WAIN, Commander,
■ WILL fail on or about the Ift of May. For freight or
fiaffage apply to the Captain o« board U Walnut-street
wfc*f, or to PHILIP NICKLIN CO.
April 13. §
w The Copper Bottomed Ship
J|||g| Ljmr Louisa,
WITH all her materials, as she came from sea. Like
wise to be disposed of
A number of CANNON and SMALL ARMS,
»n board said vessel.' "Ftfr termi apply to 1
Parker & Wbartbn,
May » §
*V fjtj A , »■ .! —-— ; r — . 1 1 1
Xj|« l"or BR IS 10 L,
• TH * ** EW stnp
*WmL PHI L Al) EL Pi 11A,
Xhko'oore Bliss, Master,
■ i "i
|A . VMLL take dn and be to receive'
thera in a few dayw For freight ot.paffage apply 'u
Thomas § John Clifford.
. Who have for Sale,befichs their usual aflartmentof
, Ironmonger), Cutlery, SaMery, iSc.
Crates of Glass an 4 Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials;
boxes of loqg and short Bristol croKn tflafs alTort
eJ, from 18 by 1 i inches', to jlnches by 7 j Copper Sheets
and fiottoA s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol
Pewter in Calks a darted; Bristol Grjr.dftenes; CJarner
& Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks, jtl/o, a bale of
And a few Pipes of OLD MAOTtRA WINP
-- - - ~ : 1 V law. V '
Furrs and Skins. i
, »RD y mte POTTER,
a " Uk '' ■
W! '
Ok hidcn
Tiffr , t
Leopard .1 . <
Ltuvuft, . ,
Three thousand wt of superior New-orle4ris tnaigd. ■
TiWnty tiertei ol Rice, and
A ijiintfty of eiWflent which they Will fell |
on good terms.
. March 17 §
John Miller, jun. & Co.
tto- 8, ct*iNur-)r»str, (
Have just imported in the Hamburgh Paeket,
A general affbrtment ef Spring Goods,
To#hich theyexpe6l lak-g< additions by the nett arriv
al* from London and Liverpool.
Tbiy km tUfo tn Ham Jrcemtd from frincc,
by tbe box, assorted,
1800 dozens of Silk Storing*, on which the drawback
it recoverable;
A few Bales of India Book M\ifliti9, Sc. Handkerohiefj,
which will be fold low to close sales.
March 30. - '
Frm On board the Brig Abig-.iil, from Liverpool, '
EARTHEN WARE, i« Cralea; and
A quantity of COAL; ,
Thomas tst John Keiland.
April 10.
MALAGA WINE, in quarter Casks ;
RAISINS, in Keg« ; and
NEW RICE, in whole and half Tierces..
1/aac Harvey, jun.
No. 5, S. W ttcr-llrcet.
4th Month, aoth. t §3W -
i FoJ- Sale,
A Three HOU.SK and Lot, in Chrfnut
street, between Front and Second ftrsctsj m which
Messrs. James Calbraith hrfVe for man> year, (and
now dm carriud 011 hufincfi.
PoQcffion will be given in onf month, or sooner.
For terms apply t« \\ r ILLIAM BELL, of
April »I. *?
Robert Smith & Co.
No. jB, feuth Front-street,
t Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li
A general ajfortment of Goods,
Suitable for the Seafoa;
\nd by the-YeSels that are daily expe&ed they will re
ceive a farther supply, which they will dispose of on rta
fonabie terms for Calh, or on a (hort credit.
iTiey t ave a"Hb received a quantity of
April 8. §in
D IT A W E to,
ON Loan, for two or three years—2ooo Dollars for
w^ich,a mortgage .011 Land will be given asfceurity
The land evqry incumbrance.
Enquire of tn'e Printer.
Jfn. f. d.
At Ruflell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady
Louisa, James Cooper, mailer, from China, and the
Cape of Good Hope,
STJGAR, in Chests and Bags ;
WINES, in 6utts and half Butts of superior qua-
A fitiall quantity of BRANDY ;
Parker is* Wharton,
No. 109, fo'uth Water-flreet.
April 2.6. <5
• Genteel Boarding & Lodging
to be had it No. 45, in Vine-Street, the id door weft of
Second-Street, on the North fide. April %8. §
ift- A Thre-j-ftory brick House, No. 80, N. Second
£\. ffrcet. The lot is about ai feet front, and iBB
feet deep, tp Bread-ftrcct, or Moravian Alley. It has
long been one of the best stands for buiinefs.
ai. A frame Dwellisg-Houfe, No. »60, South Front-
J re et, a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 feet.
e _ front, by X jt) feet in depth.
3d. A hahdfome Lot of 45 feet by aOO feet deep, ex
j tending firom Third -street to Gebrgottreet lit is the 311
' Lot below Soiith-ftreet t 011 Georgc-Jlreet there isa two
ft"ry brick tenement, a frame ditto adjoining, with agood
bake oven.
LikewiTe .1 LARGE MEADOW FARM, fif.iate on
- the River Delaware, at a convenient dittdnco from Phila
delphia Market—the Meadow is of the best quality, and
in good bank. .There arc commodious buildings, with a
good proportion of arable and woodland, arid Ce4ar
Swamp. For terms apply cj JOHN LITLE,
' . No. 40 North Sixth-street.
March 1796, Qf
To be Sol^,
Ani immniiaU fn£tjjum given,
THAT handsome and csnvenient TJ»ree-ftory BRICK
HQUSK, fituats in Fifth street, between Ma#l:ct and
Arch fcjfo. 41, North, occupied by Mr.
Garret Cottringer. teriiis apply to
> J°hn Shields,
, Ne. 12 Cliefnut fttreet.
Who is rievj ofeuirlg,
r A general aflbrtmeht of 13ry Goods,
Suitable t9 the feafan—and for sale for cash er a Jiort
credit "
N. B. If thr Mtiufe is not ftild by the io:n inffimt, it
'I en he rented. May 2 Stlith
Canal Lottery 7hk&fy
For Sale, vtdrnvn, at th jOvMCiSj Us, CHefhVt
.* ) ftrcet, betwc?n Fourth artd Stfth streets. I
,'S,Warßittgtoh Lbltery—-Ho. sL We
nhIJE are refpeJlfbfiy Informed, that the wible t>f
•i oftfce Ticket •in the ibove LBttery Mta** rolled
np; .»fMd from infr.."-.atioil teeeived; w'ittcommencc int-
.AiWtK- fii-ft day's drawing which will He .
calflnuk r ,» -Keif Aiou Will he (kfihed at the afcove P r
Office,. «-JWe all 1 r»ti<sflsS relating to fliefhJtrtif rSfo
ker, are pramatly aid faithfully e*e<!ated.
March 4, 5 ' •
N. B. Approved biotes fccurttlg payment, either in
alon'ey, Or in th«-prizes of this Lottery, and payable in
ten days astir completion of the drawing, will be rcceiv- |
od for any number alyjye fifty th-Lett. - I „
Jutt Arrived, . »
In tie Saonfr Boftoii, James ftirfcpatrick, matter l'rom Li- t0
jboo Btlfhets SALT ;
Job Crates QU&ENS WARS ; and
An Assortment of SHIP CHANDLERY s
jo * s a l E 14:
Qa board, at Pine-ftrcet vyliirf. Apply ®
James Campbell, Of
George Latimer.
, April ip- , ; : » J ' : . .1 : .f $ \
Absconded, on tie night«/ rh,rfj«y hft, tf*
jtb infi. Bos to* Murray, a black iitdr:niid : f&-
■vant lad, 18 ar 19^ ears of age, and about $ feet Ber
9 inches high ; o«r of biz ttyes isdefeßi-vu in the correr
trjoardi his nose His apparel cmfftedof a ftiitff-color
ed round jacket,tuitb.a MUmbefter -jc[l under ki a pair "
#/fuftiun trtrufers, and under them a light trnxfd tilth
pair of breecbi >■ Whoever apprehaids thefaidjtryc,V,
&%d rrtvrns hiht t or confines him is eertj jail in Pennftl- 9
tinula er Jerseys so that f recover hirti Jl all reltinc tlx
at cue reward, together tuitb rettfemble charges.
A r e. 109, SpruceJlreet.
Feb. ». , „ r.. , - «K., ...
For Stile by
fSjfo. 4, South Water-Street.
Dee. 11.' d.
BF.CS leave to inform th* Stdfe-keepera in town and £
couatnr, that he bis removed from Markct-ttreet, to f
No. 2.5, ibuth ' L
whjre he is opv'ning a large an J c!eg»nt aifoumtnt of th« h
OMtt falhioonble si
srri»ed in the different, YeCis frtam Lsndon it Liverpool.
N. 5. Ito dozen Men's Silk Stoekines.
ApHlB. , S r C
L Saftitfel Richardet, "
P ESiPECTFpLLY informs the Gentlemen
: "Merchants, th:tt h? has this day <M)cncd tUp CITV *
city of Philadelphia. ■
The Sahfcription Room *511 be with all the *
daily pap'-rs pufcliftcd in Philadelphia, Ntfvv-York, Bos
ton, Battiftiore,#ojrethcT with those of tjie principil com
mercial citi<» of turui '—i Ucy will b« rvjvlarly filed
and none permitted to be taken awaar'on any account.
IVi, Coffee, Scopes, Jellies, fie CfiiiftiTs, Snd a Varlery
of French Liquors; tbgelhw with the usual refrdhmeilts,
will it all times be pr. cured at the bar.
Gentlemen mpy depend on being accommodated v.'ivk
the choicest of Wines Spirituous Liquors, and the mott
approved Malt Liquors from London and otlier br. n erie'i. '
The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earlfeft
produdlions of tho Season. c
and (mall Fafties, or CngleGentlemenj may be I
accommodated wiili Breakfjifts, Dinners, or Suppers, at J
hours mott conv ni«m to themfefves—a calif CwMttfn is J
regularly kept for convfniency, tlii Bill of Fire to be had r
at th« bar.
The Lodging Rooms wiJI be completely furnilhod, and
the utmost attention paid to cleanlineft, and every other "
V S«muel Rlcu.tKDiT will behappyto receiye, snd !
execute the commands of his Fflends, and (he Poblic «
large; and with gratitade for their favours, he pledges
h'mfelt'nthat nothing on hi| part (hall be waiting t»
serve tha{ patronage with which he iiasbeen so diftinguilh-
Ingly lior.ored.
Philadelphia, April 19. •§
• T .. . . t ■ t- . »•■ --J- • ' i yfr.
lox Hoglheads,
Bap, J
Imported in the bng Richard and James from Jetemie,
and for /ale by
Richard Janit: Potter 4
April ti. . $
TO be fold cheap, a large Qirantity ci r fyuIAKEENS
ftihjeA to the benofit of the Drawback, at the
Store the fubferiber, No. 45 North Eront street.
Joseph Sariforri.
May j eo3W
' ■ ■ -•
1) ESPECTFULLY inferm the Publjc, tliat they hav? 1
IV feprt'ed their PRINTINC-OFFICE, at No. 47 North «
Fourth, de«r. fßate ftrett ; where they ertcute kfnds 1
of PKIN with accuracy and dispatch. • '
An jlpprfrtin wanted. J
May" 1 §3«W3 '
On Saturday ?ncrning, the Jib injlant, .1
WILL be fold at PUBLIC AUCTION, at No. 155
Cheinut, between F®urth and Fifth streets, a n- '
riety of valuable Uoufehold Furniture, consisting of ele- '
jjant Mahogany Cliairß, Sofas, Tables, Bedi'teads", Ward- 1
robe, &c. Alio DrelTing Glasses, table setts of China, '
Dels, and Glass Ware; an excellent Harpiicord, and '
t'undry Other articlc ..
Xtc Sale to b>K' n precisely at lo o'clock.
1 Wm. Shannon, Auclieiieer. \
ML<5. OF 0A T*
Hit M4J, precifcfy 4t i±
U oVfofrkt at Mr. Michael K'rth's iV> Max*
ketftreet, bMWerti Sfctoiiri MA TMrd ftWets. th« figft
Of the Indian king,
mi it foM Atta\&n , <1 &
About too Tons ot th« bcli
In One Mow—about l ibeti
t* Ibid if) ioJWt the iSocchaftra. A i ; -SH
produced at a famjplit at the p'.oce rnd tang ■.- • E
W»: Strait***-, Abtti --^
Mav 1 '. -
Wafhiiigton Canal I&L.iuj|^|gj2jj
j N°. I.
tIrrHF.ftF.AS the Skate of M;ir)'ilhd htt amhbrffcd
W the underwritten, to rife twenty-fix thoufcod,
ttfb Hundred 1 , and fifty Mats, for the put-pafa <Jf cuftfftg
a. Canal the City rif W-rihingWh, frbiA the Po&
lotaac to the EkflcTti Branch HAriqtit.
The fallowing is tKe SCHSME lit N». I. ,
; Vl* I Priac&t »o,oco doilapn 4o^<i©
yitto 10,000 10,000
X <1A coo
TiAtrt.eith f ,s,,oo£>
6 ditto ijOO® 6,c;0 •'
JO ditto 4,C00
so ditto IC.O »,000 ,
55 dittd 5a a,^o
ditto 1» £9,008
To be hlfed M the Canal, »6,sJ©
( I . J/BfP Priiw, 17Si**
tl6so Blanks, dot two to a prize.
i?JJ66 Tickers, at Ten Dtolhrs, » •75 ,CO9
f!T .Tht CfctmhifTumAs hire rtken the Maturities t#»
| quired by the aforefaid aft for the punctual payment of
, ihf i>rlec».
' • The drawing of this Lottery wHI comMence, trithoet
' dtlky, *s fcdii as the -Xickcts ate fold, timelr
" notice will be given.
" Such prig's 4» are not 4fm*f»derf in fit months after the
drawing is hiiiflied, fiixil be ronfidersd ae ,sots
the benefit o£ the Canal, ai|d appropriated accordingly. ■
LEWIS tilptorSi
Cit> 0t Wcfliir.qtOß, K . f
F O R S j4 L t ,
A very valuable Estate,
Called TiriTTRNH.IM.
, OITTMTF. In the twrjkif nf tipper Derby, a'tiJ coiitty tf
> O TJrincerc y 7 I-X thH't from MilaJelptia, an ! half It mitt
from the tu%u Wtjiern road: 2§o excMet&
Land, 45 fnttfred Mtxticzv, 90 c^"
» Lend, an J tie re l } Arabic o/* tfc« quality. Tbift art '
cn (he premija a good twvf.ory Oritk utt/j 4 r*ftw/
« 4n4 CdL> s under tfa ivf>qh t rr 'lb a Pump Well if ex
ccUent-Water in front ] j large frame Ham, Staples, arid ctfar
son+ement bviiditgj; a Sirv-'olhufi andfione Sprihg Heufe / tteo
' jw'j Apple* OrcLardf, and vrj jf Peatkes. 'Tie Fields are alt in
Clover, except tbtj: inmtUiOtrh under tillage, t(rd are so <aul
rut as to buVt theaai<J*k:gr rf t\ r at;r in each of tlem, ivki& '
t Tbt Jbtteliin is pUafant and MMy, trnd fHm the 6hfriewli&+'»
r vatnn 9f tie Z±and, the^oodMfebiorlTcdif, atotiGj'irSJfriiy to fires*
. ty, it is ve%yrfuHab>Uf6r a Gentlemen s Country Srai% . >
.7 lie for crying ft part of lie Eft ate Of,*fflcab JJjrmatu decca/eJ,,
, indpf red for fr.le by /tfORDECAI LEW 16
: ; —r„n~— —■—' —
1 A Few Caiks of First Qualvt*
I N D I G O.
'• Enquire at No. 71) South Water street.
•• ' | 'His Priftder.t arid Managers of the bilk*are ants
t JL SchnylWl Canal, hivirrg dettrmiiled to ftpply tWt
city of Philadetphii With w*tkr, c»rly it the year ijyf,
e Pcopofals will he receiyp in wriring tntiiyie frtl <tey ■<£
t June next, from any person or oerfons difpofedto contradb
d above pcrpnfe. Br tar 'Scahl,
d ,^ftnj..
:r 1 " -A ■ V S.L3> .•.:•■ .
From th« peace of 1753, to the urrainatibn ef the«prc
/«nt Seillon of Conjreß.
br MATUEW cA&£r.
I. This wark will be coniprifcd in two of thrte Ohftav#
vtilvmies, eith rtotit 40c pajjes. .
11. The price to fubfenbera will be two dollars per ro»
lumc, handlomely bound.
111. No meney will be required till the volumes are de
, livef-ed.
c> IV. SfioCfM airy of the filbfcribrfrfr difapprore of thrt
work when conlplete, they may deelh< rece»»inf it.
V. It is to be ready for press in the spring oF
VI. rts soon after the above time, as one thousand copic*
are fubferibed for, the printing Ihall coihrnence, an<£
shall befhiiihed asfpeedlly as pofiible.
VII. SubfcriptkSßs feccived by the Author, No. xi?,
Markct-llrect, and by the chief, BookfeUers through
e out the United States.
THE ribjefi of -the prepofed worlc, is, to present ta
public view a corniecled ferles ot the chief events <jf A,
per od of American Kiftory, that does in fan-'
pwrtance, tp any period of eqttal length, in the poaoofttl
annals of any country in the world. > - -
Desiring to eiteitf htx ixpeftations but foch as he {halt
■. endeavour to. fa: isfy, the writer i» ?hus anneun
h cing, that the body arid imnfiUeiJCe sfa f»jrjlar hiflarr,
1, h notto be looked for in this wjft: his tale..!"*
: not hk-a-vocntion! jsJJjw hiiuto hcpcrfor this. His hatrv
... bl« ta(k be to (ketch out tVe most prominent sta
tures.. It Iball he his flijdy to collca and arrange th«
_ moll interesting materials—to fihooth the ruggedJpatJni
for abler hands, \yho, bj such mean.*, will flnd tßeir la
iours abridged, afld their prpgrefs accelerated.
His chief view will be, to give the Hiflory of the Uni*
ted States as a confederated Republic. Nevertheltfs, no
_ tigl will be taken of the most remarmble cireiimftanees in
the hiflory of the individual States, as far as they cah be
[ collected. This information lKill bo classed under fejw
j' rate appendices.
The Author foKcits the alEftarce of fa eh Gentlemen
as may be poffefled of documents to promote
the Execution of hkplan. Thoy -lhalihs r'i;teived wtiJi
du?'gratit\ido—cartfslly pfefsfvad—sad fafelf
Fsbruary 9, - XaWiat.