' , ■ . ■ fef*l of fljt United W £&tt® NUMBE* iiii i PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAT EVENING. APRIL 28, J 7 [Volume IX. _ • • I.' 1 ' t 1 11 ■ 11 ' . l1|i: ''I 1 ' ' ' For Norfolk, G. Town, Schooner Hopewell, Ezra Smith, matter, ( WILL fail on Sunday next. For freight or passage atralv to the Matter on hoard at Lowndes's wharf, or to Jofepb Anthony & Co. April 26. 7 For L IVE RP 00 L, A-JC- THE SHIP ,s|§i!V SUSSEX, Philip Atkins, mailer. [ BURTHEN 246 tons, to fail with all convenient speed. , For freight or apply to \ ! Samuel & Mien Fijher, No. 27, Dock-street. Who have Imported per [aid Ship, A general aflbrtment of Queens Ware in Crates; Short Pipes in l>o?es, three groce each, An aflbrtment of Stdne Jugs, Together with an aflbrtment of D R r GOODS, luited to the Seafon —as usual. 4th Mo. sth, 17g6. -• ,;LW4W , For CH A R 1 £ R, THE SHIP DOMINICK'TERRY-, SS—l > J Mob Dt H" rt > Master, Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to JeJfe Ss 5 Robert Wain. April 19. For NEW OR LEANS, The fact failing, fine new brig Richard and James. WTT.T. fail in ten days. She has remark able fine accommodations, for paflfage only. Apply to Richard & James Potter, April 18. § Front-street. For LONDU IN, the a 8 ir , ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fail on or about the ill of May. For freight or P" e apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-llreet v .an or to PHILIP NICKLIN tf CO. , 4 pril 13. For B R IS 1 0 L, P*"* 51 THE NEW SHIP jlfSfgL PHILADELPHIA, Tbeodore Bliss, Master, WILL take Goads on Freight, and be ready to receive tkeivx 10 a few days. For freight or passage apply to Thomas & John Clifford. Who have for Sale,befides their usual aflbrtment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadhry, isfc. Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates of Vials; boxes of long and Ihort Pipes; Bristol crown Glass assort ed, from 18 by ia inches, to 9 inches by J Copper Sheets and Bottons; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol Pewter in Calks assorted; Bristol Grindflenes; Garnet & Co's. patent Sheaves for Blocks. A!Jo, a bale of BROADCLOTHS and CASSI MERES ; And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. /pril li. Fresh Fruits. To-morrow morning will Be landed, AT Hamilton's wharf, from on board the schooner Frederi""klburg Packet, William Richardson mailer, from MALAGA, Frelh BLOOM RAISINS, in Kegs, Ditto ditto, in Boxes, Ditto Muscatel ditto in ditto, Solt (helled ALMONDS, in Sacks, FIGS, iu Frails, ANCHOVIES, in Krgs. &c. For Sale by Peter Kuhn. April 11. - — $8 East-India Goods. FOR SALE, BY MORDECAI LEWIS, The CARGO of the Ship India, Capt. Alhmead, fr»m Calcutta; CONSISTING OF Gurrahs, Sanahs ? Guzzenas, Chintzes, Hurtrtrums, Baftas, DoreiS, ( , Curwah Cloth, Bmdanoes. Mamoody, C.hoppah Rem ills, Emerties, Sugar, Moragegunjaes, Pepper, &c. Tukeries, April 11. . . . ftr.weddjxy F O R SAL E, B Y ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5, south Water-street, A quantity 6f Mould Si dipt CANDLES, Caltile, ) White, and V SOAP, Brown ) Mess, Prime, and > B E E F, in bfc'.s. and half bbls. Cargo ) Ox TONGUES, CtDER, SHOES, &c. 4thnto.Bth, 1796. §jw Landing, At Ruflell's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louisa, James Cooper, matter, from China, and the Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, in Chests and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and halt" Butti of fupcrior qua lity; A final Iquantity of BRANDY ; A;;d a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALS BY Parker f Wharton, jy Nf. idy, fbiith Witer-ftrttl. lli § , Wanted, f AN American vetfel, of about two hundred and fifty tons, to be sent to France as a F)3g of Truce. Proposals will be received every day by the Consul of the French Republic, at his office North e Eighth street, No. 8, from ii to 3 o'clock. 0 April 16. « Fop LONDON, ~ I* •_ The fine new copper-bottomed Ship A Mount Vernon, RTTRTHEN abojit 41-1 tpn«, will be rea- ~ dy to receive her car?o on Monday nejt, and will fail on at or before the loth ef May next, great .part of her cargo ec 1. en ;iged. For freight or passage apply to the fubferibers, ho. ai; Penn-Ilreet, t« Willlngs and Francis. < ei April 17. di For Hamburgh, The Bri^antine Den Nye Prove, PETER HANSEN Master; F , A sine"stout vessel. Will be ready to in her cargo . on the firll of May. For freight or palTage apply to Rofs & Simfon. r- April k. — John Miller, jun. 6c Co. "] IVO 8, CHSSNVT-STJISBT, Have jaft imported i» the Hamburgh Packet, 15 A general ajjortment of Spring Goods, o 'To which they expect large additions by the next arriv- ki alsfroTO'London and Liverpool Tlity lave atfi an Haiti, rieemJ/rim frmim, by the box, assorted, 1800 dozens as Silk Stockings, on which the drawback m is recoverable; ; te A few Bales of India Book Mullins, & Handkerohiefs, et t- which will be feld low to clofefales. :o March ,;o. Furrs and Skins. { RICHARD y JAMES POTTER, N HAVE FOR SALE H A prime feleflion of the annexed articles > A Shaved Deiir Skins Unlhaved ditto . Elk Skins 0 >r Shaved do. et Baaver Otter R _ Bear Racoon . Wolf Ox hides Tiger I.qppard Lxhew'ije, Three thousand wt' of fuptrior New-Orleans Indigo, s Twenty tierces of RTde, and A quantity of excellent Logwood, which »hey Wilt fell on good terms. March 17 .. 5 ( MADEIRA, 7 c SHERRY and S- WINES. s t ! PORT 3 ? • t3 ' For Sale by 1 01 EDWARD STOW, Jtm et No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12-. t FOR SALE, f MALAGA WINE, in quarter Calks; ~ RAISINS, in Kegs; and 1 NEW RICE, in whole and ha'.f Tierces. Isaac Harvey, jun. No. 5, S. Ws ter-ftreet. ier 4th Month. ; aoth. # • f-tw. No. 8, North Front-flreet. Printed Calico and Muslin warehouse. RICHARD fcf JAMES POTTER, Hive juji received a tupcrb apartment of tbef&lbvimg artcitcs, •which they fiffer for sale. PRINTED calicoes Gentlemen's neck handkfs. 4-4 wd. book mu,fiiiM New falhionable Ihawls 6-4 wd. ditto dittr Madras handkerchiefs *■" Book muslin handkerck «.t Tambour'd muslins Pocket ditto Gurrahs Colored, bordered, muslin Humhums handkerchiefs Coffaes &c ire 1 Very new fancy ditto An elegant and frelh affort fm Elegdnt tambore muffin's ment of ribbands and Colored work ditto sashes Laced figuied ditto Cotton (lockings Brocaded ditto Warfted ditto Ladie3 plaids And a variety of other articles, jlift opened. Many of the above goods are particularly calculated far the Weft-India market. Decern ter 13 taw Robert Smith & Go. , No. 58, south Ffont-l\reet, Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li _ verpool, A general ajfortment of Goods, Suitable for the Season; Arid by the Veneh that are daily expelled they will re ceive a farther fupplf; which they will diipofe of on r«a fo'nable terms for Cash, or oil a Ihort credit. They have »Kb received a quantity of NUTMEGS & MACE. .April 8. .. Landing, From on bqard the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, ! EARTHEN WARE, is Crates; and A quantity of COAL; FOR SALt, BV fy Thofnas & fohin Ketland. the . 0 .. u # § c 0 i' P E L ua " loi Hogiheads, < 36 Iter!,' { PRIME COFFEE, 217 Bags, J Imported in the brig Richard and James from Jeremie, and for iale i)y Richard C3 5 James Potter. > AprU ii. § JUST RECEIVED From France, via New-Tori, a new and fafhiona lle ajjortment of ' FRENCH CHINA, C CONSISTING OF Desert Sets. Tea Setsof 6, ia, 18 and 14 cups andfaucers Walhing hand basons and jugs Flower pots of different fliapes * Bowls, porringers, and cyphered cups and saucers A grKtt, number of Groups, among which are Louis the XVI. and Do THF. Public are rcl'peSfully informed, that the whole of the Tickets in the above Lottery are now rojled up, and from information received, willcommcnce hti mediately. After the firft day's drawing, which will bt announced in one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it is expefled will be then Ten Dollars. A correct .Vumeri c«l£ook for will'be opened at the above 'QSce, where all trinfaSiens relating to the line of a Bro kcr, are prjjknptly Mid faithfully executed. THOMAS NOBLE. Mwxtf*. * S N. B. Approved "Notes fecurlng payment, either in money, or in the priies of this Lottery, ami payable in ten days aftjr completion of the drawing, will be receiv ed for any number above fifty tickets. SHOT, OFIII Czes, from 31 lb to Grape, . Cambooles, Pots, and etl.e. callings ewcuted at the Ihorteft notice. Nail rods, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all files, for caiks or cutting int* nails, from a brad to ud nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt.-to ioolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Obrolina I'ork. Herflngsin barrels, Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye flour 3ce. to be fold by Levi Hollingf-worth £9° &«. Aucufl 4 taw Joseph & JelTe Sharp!efs, 1 No. 32, funth ThirdJlreit, Have received per the Hamburgh Packet, ANp HA/ E FOR SALE, A -iaricty of Merchandize; .r "" consistins furniture do Dmiitiej, Fuftmns, wide \J and narrow clouded and flripeS Nankeens, Checks, Gir.ghafcs, elegant Ve2 patterns of Camel's hair, niufli nei, and Maifcilles, Houery, OaCmers, Jeanc, luperfine and fecohd Cloths, Spinnings, Moreens, Irilh Linens, abd dry Goods in general.—A/Ji, OCR ERAL ASSORTMENT OF Saddlery and Saddlers Tools. They sXj>r& a large additional lupply of cry Goods by the firll vcffels, which ticy will fell on rcafonable t.rms for calh or nfual crcdit. 3d njo. 30th. sawtf. N. B- A numbur of elegant Counte. panes, and Mar f;illes Bed Qgilts. ' g Samuel Richardet, ■H ESPECTFULLY ipform*. the Gentlemen Lv Merchants, that he has this ch;y opened the CITV • rAVERN and MERCHANTS COriEE HOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The Subscription Room will be farni&ed all the daily papers published in Philadelphia, N:w-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those «f the principal com mercial cities ps Europe—They will be regularly filed and oone permitted to be taken a\yay on any account. ' Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a.variety of Frcpch X.iqnors; together with the usual refreshments, will as ail time* be procured at the bar. Geatlemcn may depend on being accommodated with the c(i(jiceft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will befupplied with the prime and earliest produ § JUST IMPORTED, In tho (hip Liberty, from London, a handsome well if* forced Invoice gf DRY Goods, (of ABOUT STSRUNc) Confining of Uritifh .tod India Hook Moflifif, Chintzes, icc'. two Ha?e> of 6-4 wide Book Mufiins. Alfa, a small Parcel of Nutmegs; and for Sale by JAMES C. £3* SAM. W. FISHER. \ Apr.'. j. , 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Cotks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipe*, For Sale by Benjamin IV. Morris. December 31. eodtf ... - WasHington Canal Lottery, N°. I. , "\T rHEREASihe.Sutc of Maryland has authorised r VV the underwritten, to raise twenty.fu thousand, twohundred.and fifty dollars, for the purp«te t>f cutting a Canal through the City of Washington, from the I'& tomacto HiEaftern Branch Har»our. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. Viz -'t Prize of 10, pop dollars, 20,00 c 1 ditto 10,000 lo,oco «.«• 6 ditto 1,000 6,c00 10 ditto 400 4,000 20 ditto 100 a,OOO jj. diKo jo a , W o J7JO ditto i» 69,008 i To be railed for the Canal, 46,aj0 c JBjo Prizes, 17J.000 ii6jo Blanks, not two to a prize. J 17joo Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 (£jP The Commissioners have taken the Securities re» quired by the aforefaid a City of WalhingtoH, Feb. 11. § '! ~ WANTED, r Loan, for twoior three years—aooo Dollars for V,/ which a mortgage on Land will be given asfecitrity 1 The land is clear of evqry incumbrance. n Enquire of tne Printer. 0 Jan. 9. d. 7 TEN DOLLARS REWARD. ABSCONDED, on the night of Thursday lajt, tie 7tb injl. Boston Murray, a black indent til ft r •vant lad, 13 or 19 years of age, and about j feet Bor 9 inches high ; one of his eyes is defeS'me in the corner towards his nqfe His apparel confijled of a fnuff-color ed round jacket,