. #a§etie of tl)t States Numsex i 134. | PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 27, 5796. - [FWr* IX. Jor Norfolk, G. Town, Schooner Hopewell, Eara Smith, matter, WILL fail on Sunday next. For freight or paflage j apply to the Matter on hoard at Lowndes s wharf, or to Joseph Anthony & Co. 4** a - __ .I' 1 1 t " For LIV E RPOOL, •jHrjjjr" t'B E <»)» • SUSSEX, philtp Atkihs, matter. " (BURTHBN 146 tons, to fail with all convenient speed. For freight or peffage apply to Samuel Iff Miers Fijher, No. 27, Dotk-ftreet. Who have Imported per Jaid Ship, A general aflbrtment of Qiteens Ware m Crates; ; Short Pipes in boxes, three groce each, An aflortment of Stone Jugs, ■ Together with un assortment of D /? T GOODS, . iuited to the Seafon—ras usual. 4th.Mo. sth, 1796. 3aw4w " For CHA R'l E THE SHIP DOMINICK TERRY, Jacob De Hart, Matter, Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to JeJfe & Robert Wain. Afol ?• " tor NEW ORLEANS, The fatt failing, fine ntw brig Richard and James. WIT T. fail in ten day«. She has remark able fine accommodations, for passage only. Apply to Richard & James Potter, April 18. _ S Front-ftreot. For LONDO N" THE SHIP ATLANTIC, SS&S&ilSfik SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fail on or about the ift of May. For fpeigltf or paflage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN 15* CO. , April 11. § For B R ISI 0 L, THE NEW SHIP PHILADELPHIA, Theodore Bliss, Matter, WILL take Goads on Freight, and be ready to receive them in a.fkvz day*.—Jfor freight or paflage apply to Thomas WJohn Cltford. Who have for Sale,befides their usual aflbrtmentof Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery x &c. Crates of GlpL and Earthen Wire; Crates of Vial*; boxes of long and (hort Pipes; Brittol crown Glass assort ed, from 18 by IZ inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets and Botton s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London add Brittol Pewter in Cajks afTorted; Brittol Grindftenes; & Co*s. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Also, a bale of BROADCLOTHS and CASSIMER.ES; And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. A.pyil ii. 21V t'reih fruits. To-morrow morning will be landed, AT Hamilton's wharf, from on board the schooner Frederi'-'kfburg Jacket, William Richardson matter, from MAI.iGA, Frefli BLOOM RAISINS, in Kegs, Ditto ditto, in Botes, Ditto Muscatel ditto in ditto, Soit {helled ALMONDS, in Sacks, , FIGS, in Frails, ANCHOVIES, in Krgs. &c. j - For Sale by Peter Kuhn. April m. $8 East-India Goods. FOR SALE, BY M OR D E C A I LEWIS, The CARGO of the Ship India, Capt. Afhmead, from Calcutta; CONSISTING OF Qurrahj, Sanahs, Guzzenas, Chintzes, Coffees, Humhums, Baft 4s, Doreas, Cnrwah Cloth, Bandanoes, Matoftody, Choppah RomiHj, Eme'rtles, Sugsr, Moragegunjaes, Pepper, &c. Tukeries, Apr ill 1. jiweodjw FOR S A L E, R T ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5, south, Water-street, A quantity of Mould 'it dipt CANDLES, Caitile, White, and > SOAP, Brown ) Mess, } Prime, and > BEE F, in bbl». and half bbls. Cargo ) Ox TONGUES, CIDER, SHOES, &e. 4th m>. Bth, 1796. §3w Landing, At RufTctl's wharf, the CARGO of the Ship Lady Louisa, James Cooper, matter, from China, and "the Cape of Good Hope, CONSISTING OF SUGAR, inCheiU and Bags ; WINES, in Butts and half Butts of superior qua ' lity; A small quantity of BRANDY ; And a few Red HANDKERCHIEFS. FOR SALE BY Parker & Wharton, Ne. 109, south Water-street. I Of the battle of Eutaw, Ihave already grveft| Nc Wanted, & AN American veflel, of about two hundred and fifty tow, to be fertt to France as a Flag of Truce. Proposals will be received every day by the Consul of the French Republic, at his office North Eighth ftreP h , No. 8, from 11 to 3 o'clock. T April t 6t For Mamburgh, si ® r 'S an, ' l ? e Den Nye Prove, PETER HANSEN Majler ; A fine flout vessel Will be ready to take in her cargo on the firft of May. For freight or paflage *pf>ly to io Rofs & Simfon. ■ April it. . tei John Miller, jun. 6c Co. NO 8, CHKSNVT-STIIEST, ■ i ■ dll Have .just imported in the HambuKgh Packet, A general ajfortment of Spring Goods, To which theyexpeA large additions by the uext arriv- - a!s from London and Liverpool Tbey bate alfa on HanJ, rranicii from France, p fl by the box, aflorted, iB6O dozens Of Silk Stockings, on which the drawback is recoverable; A few Bale# of India Book Muslins, & HanJkerohiefs, H which will be fold low to close sales. J March 30. $ U P Jt'urrs and Skins. Z is 1 RICHARD JAMES POTTER, 01 HAVE FOR SALE ke A prime Jeleß'ton of the annexed art 'ttlet t Shaved Peer Skins Ur.lhavcd ditto Elk Bkim mi Shaved do. ce ' Beaver " Otter _ ' Bear Racoon f Wolf Ox hides Ti S er N; Lqppard Lilewife, Three thousand wt. of superior New-Orleans ißdigo. Tvrenty tiertes of Rice, and B, A quantity of excellent Logwood, which they will fell on good terms. Q March 17 5 It MADEIRA, ") SHERRY and [ WINES. PORT J For Srf/e ly EDWARD STOW, jnn- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dee. 12. d. FOR SALE, MALAGA WINE, in quarter Calks ; RAISINS, in Kejga ; and NEW RICE, in vrtiole aw!h.tlf Tierces- j Isaac Harvey, jun. ' No. 5, Wi ter-ftreet. G 4th Month, »otb. §.Iw. n ' —:■ oj » Landing at South-street wharf 11 11 THE CARGOES 1 Of Weft-Indian, Little John, and Induflry, from Jamaica & Hifpaniola, , High proof RUM, ,■ SITG \RS, of prime quality, COFFfcE, r , COCOA, and PIMENTO, fox SJIB tr Peter Blight. i •r April l». }jw. J f * —| No. 8, North Front-flreet. c Printed Calico and Muslin d WAREHOUSE. t , RICHARD £=f JAMES POTTER, » Have juji received a superb ajjbrtment .f tbe following artcilu, a •wbicb tbey offer for fate. PRINTED calicoes Gentlemen's neck handkfs. 0 4-4 wd. book muflixs New faihionable (hawls N 6-4 wd. ditto dittf Madras hanakerchief* Book muslin handkerck «.« Tambour'd muslins ' Pocket ditto Gurrahs a Colored, bordered, muslin Humhums handkerchiefs ( Coffaes &c Itc F Very new fancy iitto An elegant and frefb aflbrt m Elegant tambore muslins ment of ribbands and ' Colored work ditto falhes Laced figured ditto Cotton ftockingl Brocaded ditto Worsted ditto a Ladies plaids And a variety of other articles, just opened. Many of the above goods are particularly calculated r for the Weft-India market. December 13 taw f Roberi Smith & Co. No. 58,.south "Front-street, Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li _ verpool, A general ajfortment of Goods, Suitable for the Season; I And by the VefTels that are daily expected they will re ceive a farther supply, which they will dispose of on rea- , fonable terms for Cash, or on a Ihort credit. t They have also received a quantity of NUTMEGS & MACE. Anril R. (Jim 1 Landing, From en board the Brig Abigail, from Liverpool, 1 _ EARTHEN WARE, in Crates; and 1 A quantity of COAL; rOR SALE, BY Thomas & John Ketland. « April 20. § C u F F E E. ia * loz Hogflieads, "N 30 Barrels' { PRIME COFFEE, 417 Bags, J Imported in the brig Richard and James from JeFemie, and for sale by Richard, c£f James Potter. No. 21, Pcnn.ftrtct," ' | tire JUST RECEIVED From France, via New-Tori, a net whole of the Tickets in the above Lottery ate now rolled up, and from information receivec, will cbmroence hn- After the firft day's drawing, whith will be announced in one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it is expeded will be then Ten Dollars. A correal Numeri cal Book so» public infoe&ion will be opened at the above Office, whire all trania&ons relating to the line of a Bro ker, are promptly and faithfully executed. THOMAS NOBLE. March a. § N. B. Approved Notes securing payment, either, in 1 money, or in th« prize* of this Lottery, and payable m J ten day* after completion of the drawing, will be receiv ed for any number above fifty tickets. SHOT,. Orallfizes, from ja lb to Grape, (Jambonles, Pots, and other callings executed at the a (hortell notice, • , Nail rods, from lod to fpikc, Hoop Iron, «f all sizes, for calks or cutting into nails, from a brad nud nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. Bar Iron, A Quantity of James River Tobacco, OflroJiiu Pork. llefrtngMn barrels, Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye fleur &c. to be fold by Levi Hellingjzvorth ss* Son. Au?ufl 4 law Joicph 6c Jeife Sharplcfs,)" 1 No. 32, /out/) "ThirdJlreet, Have received per the Hairfburgh Packet, ! AND HAKE FOR SALE, A variety of Merchandize; * J CONSISTING Or GALICtJES, Furniture do Dimities, Fustians, wide and narrow clouded and striped Nankeens, Checks, Ginghams, elegant Vest patterns of Camel's hair, mufli net, and Mavfeille*, Hosiery, OaCmert, Jeans, iuperfine and fecotd Cloths, Calimaneoes, Spitninirs, Moreens, Irilh Linens, and dry Goods in general.—Aifa, OINERAL A9SORTJJINT OF Saddlery and SadtMers Tools. They expert a large additional tapply of dry Goods by the £rft velfel;, which ticy will fell on rcafonable turms fir calh or ufiial crcdit. 3d mo. 30th. N. B A number of elegant Counte. panes, and Mai feilles Bed Quilts. Samuel Richardet, T) ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen rV Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY . f AVEPN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE is the city of Philadelphia. '„ Tke ftuhfeription Room will be furniftied with al] the daily papers publiftied in Philadelphia, Nrw-York, Bos ton, Baltimoce, together with those of the principM com mercial cities of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the ch9ice(l of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and (he tnoft approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. The Larder will be supplied with the prime and earliest productions of tho Season. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at hours mod convenient to thcmfelves—a cold Collation is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at tha bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the ufmoll attention paid to cleanibiefs, and every other 1 rcquilitc. gj" S \mue l Richardet will be happy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part fli'alt be wanting to pre serve that patronage with whidi he has been so dillinguilh ingly honored. Philadelphia, April 19. § Mill keats, SITUATE in Cecil county, Maryland, on a, branch of the river Sufqudvanr.a, abpu* one mile above tide wa ter, and commanding the water of tfyat important river,. the channci coadu Commander, from Cantoh, wjll commence the discharge of hfe* targo to-morrow Walnut-street wharf, Goojijiin* »/ Yellow and white Nankesni of excellent quality Pei-fian Tabetic*, bljck and cxlo'.lred Lustrings, do. do. Sstfms b'-Jrk of various qualkies , Sgjv'mz lilks in a/Tor ted colour# j Venhifltfcn SfTtTOjce* . L. CifCa in chests ? Quiekfilver in jars BOHEA, > SOUCHONG, HYSON SKIN, V, .rt YOUNG'HVSON Frefhleas. - BEST HYSON, : IMPERIAL, CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table andTe* Sets generally aflforted. / WHJTE SUGARS, apd a tfoiMititjr of First quality Bengal SALT PF.TRK. for Stile by Philip Nick It n & Ce. j April t th&» For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, - IN PEKN STREET, ' tjo quarter Chells frcfli Hylon Tea; 100 ditto do. fi-elh Souchong Tea; 30* Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4» ' pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willings Es' Francis. January 30. jtaw. George Dobfon, 1 TJEOS leave to inform the Store-keepers in town and ' IJ country, that he has removed froiti Market-street, to No. 25, south Tkird-Jlreet, whare he is opening a large and elegant afloftment of the mod faihionable SPRING GOODs, e arrived in the different VefTels from London «Sc Liverpool. N. B. 150 dozen Men** Silk Stotkings. April 2. § n ~~ LANDING, From on board the brig P»ace, Joseph Salter, matter, at South ilreet Wharf, Old London particular Madeira Wine y in Pipe?, and Hogfbcads. FOR SALE, BY Andrews & Meredith» April >0. § . JUST IMPORTED, In the ftiip Liberty, from London, a haodlome well afi> fortej Invoice of Dry Goods, {or about £1000 sterling) Confining o/ JBritifh and India Book Muflint, CfcintKefU ike. two Bates of Book. Mucins. AlJo> a fmail 1 Parcel of Nutmegs; and for Sab by 8 C JAMES C. 6f SAM. W. FISHFR. jj April 5. I 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Cotks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. December eodtf r- • mmm " _ WaftiingtonCanal Lottery, NO. I. , n "tT rHEREAS the State of Maryland has authoriftdl y VV the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand, , 'twohundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting ' a Canal through the City of Washington, froib the Po» , tomac to the Eattcxn Branch Haruour. The following is the SCHEME of No. I. ' Viz .1 Prize of zo,ooo dollars, zo,ooo ' I ditto 10,000 ro,ooo 7 last dfavtti "> Tickets, each J St ooo 3J,00. 6 ditto JfOOO 6,000 10 ditto 400 4,000 ao ditto 100 n,ooo 55 dic£o SO 2,750 , s 575° d'" o 11 69,008 To be raised for the Canal, 16,250 b c 5850 Prizes, 175,000 at 11650 Blanks, not two to a prize. a j 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 $3P The Commiflioners have taken the Securities re j quired by the aforefaid a City of Wadiiagtos, Feb. 11. § j; 5 : WANTED, " lr Loah, for two or three years—-aooo Dollars so* V-/which a mortgage on Land will be given a»fecttrity 0 The land is cloar of evacy incumbrance. m Enquire of tna Printer. 10 Jan. 9. J. ,lT TEN DOLLARS REWARD. ili- A' BSCONDED, on the night of Thursday lajl, the JTx ith injt. Boston Murray, a black indentedfer •vaht lad, 18 er years of age, and about 5 feet Bor 9 inches high ; one of hit eyes is defeSive in the corner ~ towards bis nose His apparel confijled of a fnuff- color ed round jacket,