■ ~ -rn f #fe*H* H33.1 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVEN[\'G K APRIL 26. <.-■ $. [Fetr.W IX. For LIVERPOOL,. t~J£T T * E SHIP SUSSEX, />'i|jp Aliitu, ttrtffcr. E'JRXHrN :4i tons, to fa 3 with nT: convener* !pei, A g«K.-al *3brroert of C»y4ns Wu«,io Crates} S'eciX r» - •«-<«•"% *»» p« each, An aiortr-.rnt of Stooe jß,s, Together with an affortnaent of I) r r GOODS, t loited to the Seiioo—as"o?Cil. 4thMo. jth, I?y6. .». - > For id A D t. j i<. -a, jflßft* John Bulkcky, Capu-nSTO*.a;.r, WILL fail in about ten JUys- For freight or paffige ay- PIT to Jejfe & RibcrtWain. .JR**)- " i . For CHAR 1 L R, i"3Ln *H s ship v jsllfy dominick terry, >CpfSg Jjiot Ve Hurt, Mailer, Burtuco about 3COO barrels. Apply to jcjfe y Robert Wain. ApnJ 19. $ si* HAIV ORLRAASr The fact tiling, fixe brie Richard and Janie*. fail in ten day*. S!.e h:= remark able fine accommodations, for paflage ciih". Apply to Richard & James Potter, Apnl 18. ( _ " For LONDON, this 111 r ATLANTIC, StLASATTAIN, Commander, WILL r-.il f> oor ah oat the lft or May For T» .ight or pa{u~ rtiv to d»e Caetaia o« board at Valnut-ltteet Wharf. c* to PHIi.IP NICKLIN isT CO. N»ril 13. > For BRISTOL, THE Ktvr SKIP 'PHILADELPHIA, |. * Tnecoit Bum, Matter, WILL take Good? on and be ready to rtScefve • Arm |» -. frirj*T' «r fi-ao-naif if. Thomas iffjebn Clifford. Who have forSa!e,tffides their ufjaT afl> tnientof ' Irv.rmSM'rry, SUffrj, est. Oates of Chft andEaT-he- Wir?: Oatr« lfWlit " hcies of long and flwrt Pi»<»? BritioJ ana G!il\ afiort- J td, from 18 by I a inch,- .to i- r 7 •FP'f ,-aad Battcuts; Soxes o£. T* Pieces; Lo: ?r. acd BriAo. Fc»:er in C»'i* Griodfi'on;?; Ganet ■ Co'i-patect Shisvf? ft>r B?o.ki. .■f'ii; a ..-of BRO OCLGTHS a=d CMBKWS? Ani - :>rr tV.*=. of OLD MADHRA WUiE. A*»ni 11. 1# - - . 2*vf. For Bofhn, So/em, or NewMy Fort, _ ft 1 1 ia or RUB Y, -*!■' | WILL carry-aboct c-irre:—o:< »ow lie'v. -Si ' ."s wiarf. i3i iVtjght or yaffajc appif tv Cap**:l John Rogers, on btard tic Cobp, cr to ( otvrJiel Coahs, No. Ba, south Front-fireet. ■ 'rt~r~n<4ik is thef*id it/ft, t ' 3«ioT'arr«*? ofDi£F ; A ftnaSkquantity of COPPER A: I-EAI) ; aad A qnutity of- CANOtES. saitfArri . * ( . r " Frelh Fruits. ! — i Tc-mcrro'x~- r.ierrSj'tg r J. :Hbe Tended', '/» y HCTU!on's wharf, frc: i » n Voire :hf fciyxi:irr n. ' Freft BL OOM JtAISJyS, V Ktjs, ' * _l»itro ditto, j I Vrto Mnfcatil ditto ia cw, &.£ («3fimodß>, CSrpjifc Ksbg H», ftppw. ftc. . Tukeries, Wlu- «i.»eod;w ~~ j0 R S A L E, B V ISAAC HARVEY, Jan. No. Si fo»0» Water-iircet. A quantity of Mould & dipt CANDLES, Castile, 7 White. a-*o > SOAP, Brovn J Xfcfi, Prfric. BEEF, if ftfc aid haff stls- Cifer ) Ox TOXGUES, CIDEiL SHOE;, tc. _ *-S r.»». ifk.. I"06. . For Hamburgh, The Bri^aotin« Deft Nye Prove, V: '--Z- PETER njWEN Av '.T; A Soe ftewt wfcl. Will Tie ready to :ike ir aer tMfo 00 the firfl. of May. For lft!,;' rr p: K- ,- >rrvto Rbfs & Simibn. , AorH . F : — c u John iMilier, jnn. Co. j AO S, l aESSrr ;TMX£S, FTivt pift imoTted I» the fttn Ageaerai affcrtmetst of Sp't in* * ' l a «rHSd» exj>cA"tirgr additives rj thr c«xt arriv- i ©rKiou and LiVm! ~Tt*y FWer, ;bxtfcch<*,'affort«d, c iSoo Suk. ScoJupgs on which the dj 4whack 'vi? rtcoreriWc; A few Bales of Icdi." Ssok. 'JJußins. & H-cilcrohicTs, will Kc foid ku*" to cidc fJa. Morck ?0. ' _ i: urrs ajid bkms. F RICHARD hf JAMES POTTER, HAVE TOl S'itE A tri-r feie'ii: it tf the ann£*.'r!cui Indigo. Twenty titrtci of Rice, and ' A qua-itity of exce'ieat togwood, which they will fol\ on eood terms. / t March 17 C 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, r Ca hale*, and f Holland Gu, ii. [Jiuei, For Sale Vr j Benjamin U\ Morris. c -c I 1 madlira, I " J SHERRY and [ WRtffS. PORT S For ftiZr .4* EDWARD STOAV. ]ua- Ko. 4, South VVatrr-Street. Dcc. H. F O R S A L E, "~~ MALAGA WINE, sir g arter Calls; ' • KAIStNS, in K*fet; a»u •;r- ' NEW RICE, is v-t Tirr n Ijaac sy, jvn. No. 5, H. Ws tc r-itrtct ath Vorth, oo:h. $jk . " : Lanuii.gat^6uth-(liCet\vhari THE CARGOES * O: Wefi-Indian. Little John, aad laduflry. ficm Jamaica & iii-fpauioia, Hijrhf' oF ROM, SL'G VMS,' of" prime quality, COtFEE, p. COCOA, and FFMENTO, ' rot SJIS BT Peter Bfifcbt. April It. . • yi"'- A'o. 8, Xcrtb Fromt-inel. Q Printed Calico and MuCin HfAXtHOVSS. ■ RICHARD & JAMES POTTER, Hrcr jmp narcii * fiftri rfirtmevt %f tit srl&a, ti€J -fir jtr fair. PRINTED calicoes reck haniifs. 4-4 hook rcudiiu N:w faCi'onahle fhiwL fr-4 *i ditto dhtt Milti ihn krrehleft Book tauilia handkerck % x Tambour'd motVna Podlet ditto Gurr^Jft Colored, oordered, amAic Hu—auais i—ndkcrchirts Co.Tae- icc tc , r V• rt tew 'aifey ditta Ane!ega»f fr-'S affart r, **6* tamVrr -EiliEs | 'ment of ribbands and T Coktcd work received a <|oan-.ity ol NUTMEGS k MACE. - April X. — "Landing, From «n l-oyd the Etif Crotn Liverpool, EARTJhEN WARE, i* Crate*; and A%j:«nti: y of COAL; roa lali. »t Tbcffia.r ti? J<-bn Kethnd. /MJIio. § CO r r I'F. lOJ H-;S:-ids -> »L - el'.' f PRIME COFFEE, -I? Ei?» J In-frrwd is. the «r^R ; diai and James frwc Jwmk . aad IcT ,Je by RicburJ ijf Jema Patter, .Aprfi i X. JUST RECEIVED ."ryn Prune:, t'ij AVoi-TurJt, a u*u> a&J si L-'e a Tzrimtnl. cf ' FREN C H CHINA, « cotnfiJixtS cr ««t. LJ Ti-Sctsvf 6. ia, 1 S ana 24 cup* aadfciiCtrs * -'I—"-' rat ns an ' iuff* " • FS. "erp. 's 1 ■ difl-trrnr fii:. -e< t. '".«i c : ri-.J r; (tip; Lkl|^*ht)iialsu of tlrrtsj*, ani-n; VrArb. jrc Tt' .i; t>.* J *» '• -imS L. ; the Death «fAkufe. :ai ' t " Bui oi" Gc. trai Cifiiiic , '•» "1 ive wHuW of thi: affarttutaa, wlsirn a.fcit d- jcr this 1 \ ( anj the W t l-Itfdii a; it,is . ;tlr3j-ri".ic2 j a ->pen- | cd for sale at the TuVcrftt*? Core Orders-from of the cont»:S*it wi!'; be-duly art *«»ltdrt» t aad ilx pa vinpou-. ioi*tu any where j tith-r >yl.&d or ti-i.t varrtage. N. J invouc- of Hardware aad Jewellery to ot . ■ ois'rate. , Pafqu'w y C> . Ko. 91, Soo;h S< , coai-4b' ct April 7. tfr* Canal Lottery Tickets, For Sale, w'-nr*, aixhiCfrics, Chtisat Crcct, between Fourth aac Filth Washington Lut/fry—A\ Z. i '.1 "H F - PabUc arc rel'pedfuiiy ins .--ucd, thu the arhple 1 of th : Tickets in the aVove l ottery a if -ov, rolled -tty, attd'Jrom tuoteit'.qp tetefrto, v. illc.nn., ;ce : '- raedately. Alter *7r?> <• :y'» draw;: xthTdriTill Bs ar.u3urctd iA one of t-ii Phitad>-{ph:a fevers, tickets h irexpedben Iwdl betheaTettDwlars. A curreel #i atneri- • . Kal Book.tw public \.iil Seop.oedatthaaboTc iOSce, all tra: : :S:rns relating to !ki Unc of a Bro ker, .re pcompti; aad faithful i\ .sc-Wiv. THOMAS NOBLE. XZarch 1. 5 K. B. -Vp ro Ttd Notes ftcnrirg rtther in i in the pr::.-»"url}..a Lotierjr, aac u. j j irn d*y»aTtkrceaaple»; of the drawing, will K receiv ed for »-T aur.kr above dftr tickets. . ; ' ; * SHOT, Or, II 6ae*. flta 3* lb toCrape, Cambaoles, Pat\ ar.i other eat.uted at tht faortrii aotKe, NadjovS, ftoju xcd to fpikr. Hoc n liim, of alliia -, urcafkt or cutting Iran, a trad to lid u ah. Anchors, frufn *7 Cot. to to Mb. Uarlrou, ' " A Quntity of Jame»Rivcr Tobacco, 1 I'ork. HerritgNin berroU, R&B-d: ed CJctf meal ic HI fc aa * Ehls. Rye fc«r Sc. to be '"jldty Levi'lz-Mtng'xrert.b i? S:n. *. t#- 4 • •> Jja ji.iv.ph\S: jcile t Ne. mlt T&fdjke?!, Hav.jitrlredper tl.y}!.*»!, d.r- in pattca -01 Cfenan » uv..ili- | u aet, M ISO "H. hi;. '1 per£tt "" »d i arid Cfc-.h>, vi.bs 1.-KOP , Murons, •rife Litrns, aticiirj tiooJ» in eetierai.— 42fr, tsvu.t-. .ijMtTadiT at Saddfrry and Sad'Lrs Tools. Tticv a.? Si 2 i JT;. c a.bvutn>r»al tpwj «fry <*ooJ* Vv *hc fifH kKL, wbiJ* tScy will Ff 11 va rcaiuoablc t»rob t'er ca& cr ufia! c jdcio. 301 a. aawtt. aY. aj A wwidl 01 e!rg-n: Connie. pan«s and Mai iVilie» jB .c Q/ilt&. ; r-- >r n - .Sainuel Richaidet, • Q ESPECI'fVI-.aY informs thr Gcr tlrrwc" :bt hss tMs . 'Ji afcrt and a variety df Fixnrt 1 iqMi) o-etber withake'tiftial relr &ments, will ar all time* br pmoireu at ywAar. dopend on ieing ac \ tciaialr fccpt for cout—aepcr. ths Bill of fare to be had U ibe Vat. % The LoJj;>!g Rooos will be ctmpl u!y factiied, and the otardft att ulio: paid to cle ar*lnefs, and c*iaiunty, Alarjlacd.' or a branch of tae riTjr 6 ore m ie above tide wa *■ ter, and a»«.'. -: :hf vraier of thatjaiftortaat riva-, the ehitneicotcndlilig irr tr=v c of whic< v.cftKs so Bear Ae\".iJ» Veats no a-, -ke it conv. a-cEt to speak tr~ boats »-! !• pleaiod on viewing the firaauen. Le-fe? iot aay la.* of fears Buy be obta ced on app'.i catiou tc the fabfcribcr, living on MvepreotUa CLhMSXT KQLLTDAT. Ajrfl 10. " r" lawjm For Sale, , . \ Three f cry BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut flrcet, be: veej! FfODt and Seco-d rr.'r- i« wriest \<;e~£*. JaflaesCalb-aith A Cov for arcact year* (asd aov. do) tarried -n hcvnels. P ibs Cm .--i w»ii he "v. n 4> uk r.w«th. or foor rr. lor Kjasajfb t» WILJ L-VVi PEfcL, or HECTOR CALERAITH. aprU *»» 5 China Goods. s*" ' ■ T| H t step Aumic. SjVxi si i inPw"nn wil>o..iic»esieWi u_.i. -x - k**: csrjo to-murrow TWli'i)' '* V -'.a •t-.ir.tt I S/_ Y-eßow and whirr o. .Win 9crihn oj.ck jMi3Cck,i.-"i4 Louring*. lii. -»»*«* Vtt »f varircn-tjui*. ki Jw»i«#.fck« »» afT-ntod c -k« J 1,15:.. :n chcfts Q> ' if rer in jus !KH»rA, 1 B.WCHOWG, I «HIK, J r rr T. Tf .« ?■ xri_. IL3>. SBSJUYbON, J w _-Ut.li., 1 ~ \L-.i CHINA WARE, oruimeatt!, with Table *nuT»%. Sc*s petitriSN WHITE Sti&jMS, •• 1 - «f Bei.gal SALT PE I".E. J-tr 5* V£r Philip Nicttin Si Co. Apr!! t. Fur SALE, s tb£ SUBSCRIHERS t IS »»** STU^T. 1-tfr quarter Choli frill: Hrlo.i Tc*; " ICO iL.i:o do. .IrcSh Tot; j.-» Boxes China, coutaiaiKg f.JU cf 42 ft&ts; 4?o pifcenianiaicrs. Witting! if Francis. ];Mi«r* y>. ■ juw. George Dobfon, W'O* to i-fotrt . itwn air.-f- . 1j country, tfcj» he ha« frcz> VUrkrt-Arcei,- No. 25, foutfa fbirrtjhmti whvc a brie and afiomnent of the raoii tlfuona >lc SPRING G 0 0 D o, cn-ivcd is the diSinu Vatfefc front oJoa <3c Liverpool. N. £ lj- >ip:cQ M Siib Aprii 2. ; a S . ""LANDING, Frim oa boy' «h« JofcjhSaiteT,ttaftrr, 0t South t rcet Wharf, Old London particular A'adeira lVine t 10 ft'pts *" GoodS, _ . i®{.AWii-JiW sn/sLi^i) Ctzf-Urf. q?- 0 India ScrO -lie.'. Jtc? *;* KOOV xtUlps. a :_sli 6f an# for S*k JAUS& Q.J& SAM. W. ttSHEH. _ ?i%' \\ afh:n£tcn Canal Lottery, ,N°. I. VTrMFUFAS tS« State. <>? k - inthoriS^ \ T if.: uiiderwritau, to riat :waj:y-£.t ttoufckd, r» o S»n Cvrj- of- \\ i-hh-.-'or., trojj d»e l'»- tamac 4j ;I«c r »i > w. Tin. Jc'.owjc- li .ha SCMEaIE of No-1. Vix I Fiire oi »OvX»Q «iviii*rs, 2C,qm t tlu.O IC.CSO JCfCOO ~ iaT* lira'w Tiiitti. ear:: J 35^ 6 uitta l,aoo 6,0c0 ~'.ii:o 4i3 4.0c0 20 12,000 ,'s< di::o to ;,7 0 S"J«T- dhto u 69,00! *1 9be r ifed for the Caaaj, if .150 1165 j Blanks, not two t« a prize. l"jor Ticket". M Ten D®H-rt, - 175,00 a The hare tskec the Stem tits re* <;Birti by tne aK>rtLaia aA tor tk. )>aa£ual payment of J ttij;rj»fs . ~" lie drawing of this Lottety will commence, withoat (Wit. as ;'oo.-> as the Ttctets are fold, of which tiaiely Mtice villVprta. Such prt *- -vart net drm.mde-1 in fir months after the drawing i> u nfiled, fiuU be conAuer.-d as - Imquilhed for : the Ciaal, i-'.d * accordtapiy. (Sig*1. I - THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. 1 City of Wa&iagtaa, Feb. 11. 5 . ■ if ANTED, ON Loan, far two or three years—icx» Dollars for which a mortgage on Land will be giren asfecanty The land is cloar of c*«y iacwubraace. Enquire of tne Printer. , _J"|- A. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. • A BSCONDED, tn sb, night of TbirrJaj IaJT, tU I\ ~tir is/. Bosto* Murray, a black - " CYJif/ UJ, 12 »r 19 jrars tfsgr, and jinU c feci Bcr 9 iscip.%. ttgb ; net . ef bis yej h tc&dmr m toe m *er , tosuipiL-Li *ojr Nu j pareltsnfjicd as afnuff-ctlor ' eirou d je:krt,zaith/i vt,l urjtr it; a pair offytian trv&jeri, end under, them a iigct mixed dub Jhtir ?f brtnbii. JfWtvr cfprtberji t. efaUfmar.t. , and returns bim, or eoujmej him i* any ja,l ~i »e*a/j.'- T fin or .yecfyy Attest I retever bim}i*U rterivtibe . abtve regard, tsgttetr with reeti.e charges. MOORE WHARTON, No. 109, Spruce-fireet. F-. r . TT. df , " "" .' is Oli ct. ~ " I "HE PrilTdcnt and of the Delaware and t A Schnyikil; Canal, havirp cwerrainH to the city of Paifaedphia with «ter, rsrly in ths y'xr I -gy. ! iVopofals wist be rereivc in writing -jTitii the lirfl day f Junr nest, from an* perfr»n or wrfon. dil'pofed to cottr«.a Kir the ca ■ ing accoeiivcry rr "i-cs Pipes' cecefikry for the above piireofe". L, tie BusrJ. WILUAM'it JORE SMITH, S n 'r>. Mardt jX. atwtj.