is 1,,-- - v-,-,, * ' • j of At Ibpittb & fates m»m lija.J PHILADELPHIA, MONO AT Ev£NIN& % APRIL 2s, 1796. ' tVot.OnfiUU -- i - - - - ' • ... „ •• ,■ i For MAD EIR A, Captain Stoke WILL fail in (itout ten days. For freight or paflage if- Jeffe & Robert Wain. April T9. §6t "For C HARI ER, jfvfei, Tft E SHIP JlH&l DOMINICK TERRY, Jaigb Dc Hart, Master, Burthen about 3000 barrels. Apply to JeJfe y Robert Wain. April 19. § For NEW ORLEANS, The fact failing, fine new brig Richard and James. WTT.T. fail in ten days. She has remark able fine accommodations, for paflage only. Apply to Richard & James Potter, April 18. § Front-street. For LONDON, Jp 1-52 - TH B SHIP «K ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fail on or about the ift of May. For fneight or pnffn-c apply tarttß*Captain on board at Walnnt-ftreet wharf, or ro rtttfeir ifpcxa.w, e«-ef- April r.-;. $ MADEIRA, ") SHERRY and 5- WINES. PORT 3 For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jfcft- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12. , d. For L IVE RP 00 L, J THE SHIP S U S 3 E X, 3N|ifjHE dtkim, master. BURTHEN 146 tons, to fail with all conv«ni«nt speed. For freight or paflage apply to Samuel'& Miers Fijher, No. 47, Dock-llreet. .. Who have Imported per ftiid Ship, A general assortment of Queens Ware in Cra^s; Shirt Pipes in boxes, three groce each, An assortment of Stone Jugs, Together with an assortment of JD R T GOODS, ' luitcd to the Season—as usual. 4th ?«o. ftl;, 1796. j laArjw - - J3- R ~1-& 2 — - the new ship |-||||L Philadelphia, 3. iikaSSisßeSS Theodore Bliss, Mafttr, WILL take Goods on F/eight, and be ready to receive them in a few days. For freight or passage apply to Thomas 'iy John Clifford. Who have for Sale, besides their usual aflortmentof Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sadlery, He. Crates of Glass and Earthen Ware; Crates of VJahj boxes of long and short Pipes; Bristol crown Glass a/Fort- 1 ed, from I&by 11 inches, to 9 inches by 7; Copper Sheets and Bottoirs; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol Pewter in Calks assorted; Bristol Grindftenes; Garnet & Co's. patent Shpavcs for Blocks. Alfa, a bale of BROADCLOTHS and CASSIMERES; And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. April 11,, aaw. Fresh Fruits. To-morrow morning will be landed, AT Hamilton's wharf, from on board the schooner _ Frecleri'-kfburg Packet, William Richardson matter, from MAtAGA, Fresh BLOOM RAISINS, in Kegs, Ditto ditto, in Boxes, Ditto Mufcatel,ditto •V in ditto, Sottihelled ALMONDS, in Sacks, PIGfS, iu Frails, " AtfCHOriES, m Kegs. &c. For Sale by Peter Kuhn. t- April t*. jg Bi East-India Goods. c tOR sAt e, b t v MORDECAI LEWIS, ei Tie CARGO of 4be Ship India, Cdpt. Afhmead, from c Calcutta; L CONSISTING Or ® ] GurraJis, Sanahs, Guzzenas, Chintzes, Coffaes, Humhums, , Baftas, Doreas, fd Curwah Cloth, Bandanoes, Mamoody, CHoppah Rom ills, Emerties, Sugar, Moragegunjaesj Pepper, &e. Tukeries, H Ayr' l "• 50 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Coiks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in piptt,, f 0 For by Benjamin W. Morris. December 31. eodtf For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, ~ ItT P-ENN-STREET, Jf 130 cjuarter Chests frefh Hylon Tea; 100 ditto do. frefli Souchong Tea; i. joe -Boxes China, Contaiaing small tea fctts of 41 th pieces; tu 400 pieces Bandanoes. i n Wilting & Francis. >gap.. ir-nvy For 80/ ion, Salem, or Newbury Port, THE SLO*r | WILL carry about 6ao barrels—she now lies at Sinn's wharf. For frsigbt or paflage apply to a _. Captain John Rogers, on board the {loop, or to 1 Samuel \ No. Ba, fauth Front-street. I t IVho hatb Imported in the /aid itejil, I _ jjo F*rr«ls of BETiF > A small quantity of COPPER & LEAD ; artd A quantity of CANDLES. 30th April. *{6t. LANDING, I 1 From on boyd th* brig Pcace, Joseph Salter, master, m South ftrcet Wharf, '< Old London particular Madeira Wine, ei '• ■ in Pipe 6, and Hogflieads. ,j; } FOR SALE, By — Andrews- & Meredith. Apri M°- e~ O A S. 'i ii i) i i# ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. ? No. 5, fotith Water-street, r A quantity of Mould & dipt CANDLES* to Castile, ") , White, and > SOAP, Brown ) i Mess, 01 Prime, and > B E E F, in bbU. and half bbjs. m Cargo ) ar Ox TONGUES, CIDER, SHOES, Ac. 4th m«. Bth, 1 §jw Furrs and Skins. * i or •«. RICHARD JAMES POTTER, — A prime fefeHion of the annexed articles 1 Shaved Deer Skins Ur.fhaved ditto T Elk Skins Shaved do. f~ Baaver y. Otter Bear N; Racoon H( ~ Wolf Ox hide* Ar Tiger Ba Leopard A Lilewife, CSt Three thousand wt of superior New-Orleans Indigo. Twenty tierces of Rice, and Ki A quantity of excellent Logwood, which they will fell on good terms. March 17 .§ John Miller, jun. 6c Co. NO 8, CVtSfiUT-SYRESr, Have just imported in the Hamburgh Packet, A general ajfartmerit of Spring Goods, I"o which they expeA large additions I>y the next arriv als from London and Liverpool _» They bate alju on Hand, received from j >"• ■ — ——by afTortcd> . _ „„ • \ 1800 dozens of Silk Stockings, on which the drawback is recoverable; nct A few Bales of India Book Muslins, & Handkerchiefs, n „ r which will be fold low to close fules. i r : ( Mafch 3p. § t 6 R SALE, ' c MALAGA WINE, in quarter Calks; RAISINS, in Kegs ; and NEW RICE, in whole and half Tierces- f or Isaac Harvey, jun. No. 5,3. Witer-ftreet. f^j . 4th Month, 20th. §jw. LandingatSouth-ftreetwharf p »1 THE CARGOES t Of WeA-Indian, Little John, and Induflry, from Jamaica & Hifpaniola, cit; High proof RUM, SUGARS, of pripie quality, dail COFFEE, .ton COCOA, and PIMENTO, roit sale ir an fj , Peter Blight. 0 r r April It. fiw. wil > No. 8, Not-th Front-f.reet. Printed Calico and Muslin "pp WAREHOUSE. 1 RICHARD JAMES POTTER, pr °i Htvt jujl received a fit peri ajjortment tf the fallowing arietta, »c'c< ■which they offer f»r fate. ton PRINTED calicoes Gentlemen's neck handkfs. regi 4-4 wd. bqok mufli»s New falhionable {hawls at t 6-4 wd. ■ ditto ditti Madras handkerchiefs 1 Book muslin handkereli c i Taifibour'd muilins the Pocket ditto Gurrahs I rC( l' Colored, bordered, muslin Humhums handkerchiefs Coffaes &c &c j exec Very new fancy ditto An elegant and frefh assort- larg Elegant tamborc muslins ment of ribbands and him , Colorsd work ditto falhes fcfv l.aced fiinired ditto Cotton stockings ingl Brocaded ditto W.rlted ditto P Ladies plaids And a variety of other articles, jufl opened. Many of the above goods'are'particularly calculated for the Weft-India market. Ql' Dealer 23 taw O Robert Smith & Co. the'. No. 58, feuth Front-street, f - Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li- arK |. veTpoo!, wa " A general assortment of Goods, U J. Suitable for the Season \ comi And by the Vessels that art daily expeflerd rhey will re- isfet eeive a farther fuppV, whict> they will dispose of on rta- T lortatjle terms for Ca/h, or on a short ctcdit. find They l avt also received a quantity of Li , I\UfMEGS & MACE. catic A V**- . ■ S- A United States, }/r *"— JPennjybrunia DiftriS, 5 * NOTICE is hereby That the persons sum A moned and returned to serve as Struck Jurors in the Circuit Court no N. B. An invoice of Hardware and jewellery to bt disposed of at a l&w rate. Pafquier &f Co. No. 91, Soutli Second-ftr jc't. I L— April j, t I Canal Lottery 1 ickets, for Sale> warranted undrawn, at thj OFFICE, 149, Chtfnut I street, between Fourth and Fifth ftreeta. Washington Lottery—No, 2. THE Public are refpcftfury informed, that the of the lockets iii the above Lottery are npyv rolled j DP, and from information receivea, will commeqjre im- j mediately. Alter the firfl day's drawing, which will be I announced in one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it J i is expe&ed will be then Jen Dollars. A corred .humeri cal Book lot j jblic infpedien will be opined at the above - '.--u- -• lineofaßro- I v j M eh . '* ~ - * Jt " f' ' ' i | iot ,1 ed fc j S H U i, OFiJI sizes, from 3» lb to Gripe, Cambonles, Pots, and other callings e*cutei at the I Ihorteit notice, Nail rods, from xod to spike, Hoop Iron, of alllize.;, forcaflts or cutting inte nails, from I 1 a brad to lid nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to ioolb. Bar Iron, j A Quantity ftf James River Tobacco, I * - Carolina Pork. 0. HcrHnjji in b'rrejs, (f iln-dried com meal in Hfcds. and. Bbls. I . :'j Rye flour &c. to be foid by Lex. Hiil'fitjhvorfh & Son. I 4.A... • . - ' aaa> Joi cph & J eiTe S/i arpi ess, AO. JJ, foul!) third jlredt, j Have-received per the Hamburgh Picket, r, AND HAVE FOR. SALE, A variety of Merchandize; CONSISTENC OF j ALipOK:i, far■ ■ itl. 1e do Dimities, Inftians, wide I 7- -Vu ft»pei.Naolci;w,.aic£k», J ' Ginghams, elegit Veil pattern* of Camel's hair, mufli- " net, and Marseilles, Hjiiery, Oaluaers,, Jeans, luperfine I *nd second Clothe, Calimancoes, Spinnings, Moreens, ' T Irifli Linens, and dry Goods in general.—Alfa, _ GKNERAL ASSORTMENT Of Saddlery and Saddlers Tools. They expedt a larv c additional lup ply of dry Goods by J p ( the firlt veiFelf, which tS&y will fell on rcvfonable ttrms j for cash or nfual credit. 3d mo. 30th. vs. p N. B A number of elegant Counte. pant 9. and Mar- I feilles Bed Quilts. 7. Samuel Richardet, 13 ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen I 1 v Merchants, that he has this day openej tha CITY I f AVERN and MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE in the \ city of Philadelphia. I The Subfeription Room will be furnilhed with all the !* daily papers puMifbed in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos- ® ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com- I mercial cities of Europe—Tkey will be regularly filed I and none permitted to be,taken away on any account. I 1 ea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, and a variety j of French Liquors; together with th? usual refrefliments, I will at all times b; procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with I the choiecll of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mofc I apptowd Malt liquors )iAmLon4fn and other breweries. I Tho Larder will bf supplied with the prime and earliefl I productions of (ho Season. Large and fmal! Parlies, or lingle Qentletnen, may be I ■, accommodated with Breakfails, Pinners, or Suppers, at I hoHrs/noll convenient te themselves—a cold Collation is J 1. regularly kept for convcniency, the BiU of Fare to be had I at tha bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furniflied, and r the utmost attention paid to cleanAxiefs, and every other [ requisite. I £!T S \M9EL Richardet will be happy to receive, and I'' 1 ! execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at I j , . large; and with gratitude for thair favours, he pledges hin\felf that nothing on his part (hail be, wanting to pre- I fer.e that patronage with whicli he has been so diftinguilh- 1 . ' ingly honored. " | dra Philadelphia, April ip. j I £ '' c Urbanna Mill Seats, SITUATE iji Cecil cotinty, Maryland, on a branch of I the river about one milt atove tide Wa- | tcr, and commanding the water of that important river, j the channel conducting the trade of which comes so near the Mill as to make it convenient to speak the boats; ( and Mills may be so lituatedas to receive them along their I walls, arid by water lifts take In their cargoes. I There ia a power fufficient for many and any hind of V_> ufeful Water Works, and so much may be juflly said in Tfi' commendation ot this Scite as would b« inconvenient to I I mfert «n a newspaper pahlication. Those who may desire to be concerned, -syill probably I — find trctofclves well pleased on viewing the fituAion. I Leaftr for any tenn of years may be obtained on applj- 1 A cation to the rubferiber, living on the premises. f i: CLEMENT HOLLTDAT. Ivm r " lawjm I 9 M For Sale, I IT, A Three flory BRICK HOUSE arid Lot, in Chefnut '/J street, between Front and Seeded streets, in which I P»h Me.frs. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (ajad I ant * now do) carried on hufuiefs. I vtii. Poflcffion will be givt Ain one Ir.niith. or fqoner. I Abv For terms apply to WILLIAM BELL, ot HEC'JOR CALBRAITH. 'I April 21. , § J " 4 ton* China GOOds> t' sh\p ArtANTic, Stlai Cominautof, froili (Jatttbri, Viil cemmenct the di{ctir.ri Sattin' b!?ck of various qualities i .j, c Sawing Ms in coiown and VmaJlKoi. in ho*ee *~ * **-" -- v*. . - ,j| Caffl* in tfiefti ■ thi» Qiiickjilver in iarJ pen- BO HE AY ) SOUCHONG, rat. HYSON SKIN, f here YODNG HYSON ' * rem 1 ettSv BEST HYSON, 3b* IMPERIAL, J . CHINA WARE, ornamental, with T*We wklTb* , . Sets psnerally'aflbrted. •e't. WHITE SUGARS, ants 'a quantfly.oF Firll quality Bengal SALT PETkE. For Sflh iy ' ihut •• Philip Nicklin & X%>. April 8. ■ t(fr.&* LAW BOOK; STOfTE, W>l :(1 ' h * Bri ?, front J.ircwceh I EARTHEN WAKE, m Crate.; aad - I A quantity of COAL; I 1 OR SALE, BY Thomas tsf John Ketland. the A Pf'l »o- $ George Dobfon, OI " I leave to inform the Store-keepers in town and I U coUßtry, that he has removed from to No. 25, south Third-Jireet, I '.''hare he is opening a large and ek-gtrrt affbrtmetft of the moll f.i Tiiolw !){■; SPRING GOOD S 7 I arrived in the different from L»n4o:iic fciycrpcol. [ M. B. rril J " VVafhingtonC anal Lottery, 1 T7"HEREAS the State of Maryland has authorifoi I VV the underwritten, to rule twentv-fiic thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars/for the purpose of cattinjf ' a Canal tlirough the City of Wafhingtoo, from the l'Ji " I toniacto theEaftern Branch Hafuour. "7 I The folUwing it the SCHEME «f N». I. Tiz .1 Prize of »0,000 iollars, 20,009 ... \ 10,000 10,000 Ihftdrawn7 - ' Tickets, each f s '°°° 3(5,0c0 ,h 6 i,tQ - I'co°1 ' co ° 6,000 jft 10 ditto 4 00 4)000 i 9 20 ditto J3O . 2,C00 sft " ditto 50 a>?JO 3740 ditto 12 69,00$ ' be Tote raiied for the Canal, ' 26,250 t\ IfJT' 175,00® »d I ' J Blanks, not two to a pri2e, Jdi ' *75,00® er /he Comnuffioners haw taken the Securities re quired by the aforefaid aft for tie pungual payment of |d I the prises. r 7 ™ «[ , ; rhe drawing ef this Lottery will commenct, without as %( B " n ™Uc Tickets are fold, of which tuntly j notice will be giYeu, . 1 >1 . ® u f h PP"®.?* are not demanded ih fin months after the i ■ n T ng * S be confided as reli n q ni fhed ( oi I Che benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly (Signed; NOTLEY YOUNG, I DANJEJL CARROLL, ofD. LEWIS DEBLOIS, >f George walker, Wm. m. duncanson, THOMAS LAW, r I „ ... A . JAMES PARRY. | Cltf tff Wafeington, Feb. n. r | wANs ED, ' f O N iVt an,r<,rtWoor - th J ee > cars — aooo Dollars fop n rh, Sgft *rf g r age ° n Lai,d r UI be a « n I Ihe land is clear of every incumbraacc. 0 I Enquire of tnc Printer. 4 TEN DOLLARS REWASt^T^ •' A ""IH n ' sht ° f n *rfiUij la), the JTV fib™/} Boston Murray , a black [ er > vant tad, 18 ,r 19 years of age, and about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches b, s h ; oe e cf hn tyei is defeßive in the corner j tfwards Dis nefe Nu apparel conjijlerl of a fnuff-ccjior- I jacket,te-.ttyaMantbejier rorfiunderit; u -bait t offuftien trewfen.. and under them a light mixed chth 1 pair xf ireubej. Whoever apprehends the hid servant, j I and returns htm, Of confines htm in arj hiii in Penn/yU ■van,a or Jerfitj, ft that I recover reeeivetb* j abwe re-iuard, Ugttbtr with reafy m b:r charges. ,j MOORE WHARTON, • r . I ®>> Sprucc-Jlreet, Ftl, IK