Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, April 20, 1796, Image 2

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£jT The Public are refpn&fnlly informed, that the
Doors of the Theatre will open at half an hour after
FIVE, and the Curtain rife precisely at half past SIX
o'clock, for the remainder of the Season.
Will be presented, a TRAGEDY, called
Hamlet, Mr. Moreton,
King, Mr. Green,
Ghost, Mr. Whit lock,
Horatio, Mr. Marjhall,
Laertes, Mr. Wignell,
Pclcnius, Mr. Morris,
Rofencrans, Mr. Warrell,ym.
Guildenftern, Mr. Beete,
Francifeo, Mr. Barley, jun.
Marcellus, Mr: Harmtood,
' Bernardo, Mr. Worrell,
Oitric, Mr. Francis,
Officer, Mr. Blifett.
Grave Diggers, MelT. Bates & Melbourne.
Queen, Mrs. Shaw, ,
Ophelia, Mrs. Mar/hall,
Player Queen, Mrs. RiKu/cm.
To which will be added, I '
(For that night only ) reduced to one A ft, I '
The Pantomime Entertainment of I <
Robinson Crufoe; J
fWith the original Music, Scenery, Dreffci, J
Decorations, &c.)
Robinson Crufoe, Mr .Bates, II
Pantaloon, Mr. Worrell, '
Pierot, Mr. Darley, j(in. I t
Capt. ef the Ship, ( with a song) Mr. Darley, J c
Will Atkins, Mr. Beete, | c
Sam Stern, Mr. Mitchell,
Friday, Mr. Francis. I
In the course of the Entertainment, I \
®y Meflrs. Lege, Warrell, jun. Darley, Mitchell, I c
Bl'Jfett, T. Warrell, &c.
with the Farce of T W V -r F --~ I *)
BOW-; or the Man with Two Matters; with other I *
Entertainments—For the Benefit of Mr. Harvjqod. j]l
BOX, One Dollar—PlT, Three-Fourths of a Dollar-— I
and GALLERY, Haifa Dollar. I y
TICKETS to be had at H. and P. RICE's Book-Store.
No. 50, Market-Street; and at the Ofliceadjoining- the The- |
On THURSDAY next, April jift, will be performed I
Conduced by R. Tavlo*,
T „ . At Mr. O'Ellers' Hotel.
F'rft A lol.n a„d leader of the Band, Mr. GiUingham. c
£3b£ 1w ' u °: : ■ „*■
w.dp.iH.w - - M '-u"SZ:\:
K r r ' „ " " - Mr. Beranger. I .
Balloon & Trumpet, - . Mr. Prie/l. I
° rnS ' rZr ir r»" MefT. Gray ic Hommann. I "
Violins, J Meflrs. Dongel, Boutbery, Stewart, and 0
C Scbctky. I c<
OVERTURE - -) tl
Duett, "Fair Aurora," Miss Huntley C Artaicerxes,
and R. Taylor, S Dr ' Arne - w
Song, «To-Morrow," Taylor. r .
Overture Samfan, - . . H ,ndel.
■Trumpet Song, Miss Huntley (Trum- ? _ , P
pet by Mr. Priest, J Taylor. a]
Concerto Hautboy, Mr. Shaw. v <
Duet,,« O Loveiy Peace, Miss Hunt- ) „ . , ti
... ... le Y 211,1 R - Taylor, 3 Hande '- ta
March, Judas Macabacus, - . Handel. fa
p aTt 11.
New Overture, - Miss Huntley J „ , !E,
Song, •« Amyntor," . . Y \ Taylor
Concerto Violin, . Mr. Gillingham
bong, •« I wonder at you," Taylor
Divertimento, - . jac
Cantata " The Nightingale," I p<
Miss Huntley • Taylor cc
Bird ajfeompaniments on the flagelet, I th
Mr. Shaw
Finale, ««Spring," or Mirth \ Miss Huntley > r>
andifonocem Festivity." 5 and R. Taylor \ 17,
* To begin at half past Seven precisely.
Tickets, One Dollar each, to be had of Mr. Ormro.l, au
No. 41, Chefnut-ftreet; Mr Carr's musical repofitorv, He
Market-street, and at Mr. Oeller's Hotel. ini
A P nl '9- « 3 t. d'(
Samuel Richardet, rf l
RESPECTFULLY inform, the Gentlemen\u x
Merchants, that he has thit day opened the CITY I j>
city ef Philadelphia: I pa
The Subscription Room will be fumiflied with all the I
daily pipers puMiflied in Philadelphia, N;w-York, Bos
ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com- 2 r
mercial cities of Europe— They will be regularly filed I d
and none permitted to be taken away on any account. I •
Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jeilies, Ice Creams, and a variety I lti
of French Liquors; together with the usual refrelhments, I
will at all tunes be procured at the bar.
Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with |
the choiccft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the mod 1
approved Malt Liquors from London and other breweries. 1
1 he Larder will be supplied with the prime and !
productions of tho Season.
Large and small Fartin, or (ingle Gentlemen, may be i
accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Suppers, at
hours mod convenient to thcmfelves- a cold Collation is
regularly ktpt for conveniency, the Bill of Pare to be had
at th® bar.
t he Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifted, and
the utmost attention paid to cUanTinels, and every other
rtquilite. I ,
S \muel Richardet will behappvto receive, and | «
execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at
large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges I 1
h.mfelf that nothing on his part fliall be wanting to pre- *»'
fcrve that patronage with which ha has been so dillincuiih-
honored. I i
Philadelphia, April T9. I !
NO. 3 [3, HIGH-STRkKT, j ]
HAS the plssfiire to nnnounce to his profefTional friends <
aid the gentlemen of the law, generally that his ]
fint spring nuporcation of books it juit arrived per the (
Ann, Capt. Talbot irom Dublin. As the colle&ion is le
various auo' considerable, a few days are necessary to ar- " Cl
range it, and prepare catalogues, which so soon as done, f
lhail be publicly noticed. He proposes to fell at his usual 1
induced ptucs. April, ij. 3tcod-
t j ie From a Savannah pap-r.
ifter -h— I
SIX Mr. M'Millan,
Be pleased to insert the following in your paper
when convenient. I hope that all the printers who
receive your Gazette will have the goodriefs to pub
lilh it likewise, that the knowledge of it may be
spread generally.
1 am yours refpedtfully,
WHEN a perfen is bit by a mad dog, or other
mad animal, or by a venemotis snake or spider, or
stung by any poifonout animal, our firft object
ought to be to wa(h the poison out of the part, and
to destroy the place where we fnfpedi it has enter
ed beyond the power of washing,
The bite ought to be washed. instantly, and a
little gunpowder spread over it as soon a* poflible
and set fire to. This may be repeated fever&l times,
until the part is pretty deeply burut.
The bitten place ought then so be walhed with
cold water eontbm'ly, until warm water, which is
better can be procured.
The bed way to walh the part is to pour water
I out of the spout of a tea kettle on it, and if the
I kettle is held high above the wound the force of the
J dcfcending dream will wash out the poison the more d
I effeAnally. One or two hundred kettle fulls of j (
I water way be used.
When an accident of this kind happens, people
j are cenfufed and diltreffed to the last degree, every
j person propoflng a method of cure, and perhaps
I none followed steadily. ft is good, therefore, to
I to have a plain prompt remedy, which even Ne-
I groes can put in pra&ice, until medical afliil.ance
I can be had.
At a dangerous feafoo of the year a little gun-
I powder ought to be kept at hand in every family,
and plantation drivers ought to have a little for this
purpose, and be inftrudted how to use it ; they
'H, ought likewise to have dogs taqght to hunt snakes. 3 '
Wheu it is necefla' yto fend Negroes into a jjiace .
■e) of danger they ought to have thick woolen boots >°
I in fide thickly with caUo» Ttievmutht '
tff (lave a retfr ons ot ted wooteii rag dang
ling near their ankles ; if they happrtt to tread on
a rattle snake he will probably bite the rag, and r"
_ his teeth being hooked, there they will (tick, by
I which ijjeans he can'do no more harm. -
re. I c _ ===;=;=^^
I V. ou
Htflory of the Revolutionary Tribunal.
" —— Quis talia fando co
J " Temperet a lachrymis ? . j u ,
This tribnnal, which poftcrity will hardly credit,
m. I c °uld have existed in the 18th century, in one of
a/, the moll poliihsd nations of Europe, had its origin
ue. in the dark manoevres of Maximilian Robefpieire,
a member of the convention, to destroy his oppo- j a ]
• nents, and to afford him every opportunity of re- wa
\n. m °l ln s ever y "hftacle between h.m and the crown
nd I 0 *" ran ce—it was vltablilhed by a decice of the He'
I convention, on the 17th day of August, 1792, : n c
and terminated its career with the execution of a « P ,
colleague of its founder, and his accomplices, on , h(
;s I ceerr >ber, 1794. • n
The crimes which it lecognized as revolutionary, 1/
were, as appear by the sentences—carrying on cor
respondence with the enemies of the republic, op- u n .
poling the enhftment of recruits, importing falfe Tl
alfignats, composing and publilhing writings in fa- a '
ver of royalty, blaspheming the people and coufti
tution, concealing gold and filvcr coin, refufing to nal
take the constitutional oath, cutting down and de- f
facing the tree of liberty, frauds in the articles of .>,•
c oathing, provision or forage for the armies, ex- ' Vive le Roi, f urn i(hing money to emi- f"
Jr grants, checking the circulation of aflignats, at- r
tempting to re-establish royalty, trampling on the th ,
national cockade, and fubflituting the black cock- „
ade, ridiculing the decrees of the convention, pro- fn'
poung an Agrarian law, proclaiming Louis XVII. ' p
the repuMic" 1 &c thC Un " y and indivif,bili( y '
n "if COBV , l,ft!on of one Jacques Debeaume ( aU"
Dutch merchant, was in these words: « Convaincu arri
d etre auteur et compliced'un complot qui a exifte
I, au J«i«. '790, tendant a favorer les e„- Z
r, r eB "? « tc "eurs, et l«s confpirat ions des ennemis c
j inteneurt, en, mettant en circulation sous U nom t f
d emprunt, mille actions de-cent livrcs sterling, et |
leur cupon. dWret, a cinq pour cent, au profit
I dc George de Galles, Frederick d'Yorck, et Guil
n laume Henry de Clarence, fils de George, Roi
d Angleterre, sous la guarantie d'une obligation
par eux foufente a Londres, le 5 Juin, 1790, ala *
ie J disposition de Jeen Jacqucs Beaume." P rn
-1 2«hTv iU f i n u ,Ution ' Au « ult - 1 79 2 » to the
1 Rohef ° 1 ' j l^e memorable day when j
Robefpierrc was deposed, the person. who fufftred nf 1
y its dreadW fen,ence of decapitation were,
J Mane Antoinette the queen of France.
I Three princesses. P rQ
j I S-x dukes.
j Two duchefle's.
e I Fourteen marquiffes.
' I wo marchioneff«s. 1
i l hree ba,ons o( tbe empire. r "
Twenty three counts. "
j Six countefTes. '
r Three viscounts. , £>or
1 Two hundred and fourteen ex-nobles. P art
t Twelve knights of St. Louis, und <
5»• r e,' e , d 1 and tw «"yU»en maWied women rt
" WI, L eB of ex - r ' ob l=« and others. ? ' Ch , n
W ° m r and vvomen divorced. i" ni
oeventy-fix w.dows of ex-nobles and othe.s. circi
' Tour abbots and abbefles. l.avi
I wo constitutional bilhops. pene
friars and monks of the different or.
One commodore. tr^n
Eight captains of veflcls.
vicars C ' U " drcd a " d priells, curates and P ira t
o " . quei
oeventccn conAitutiona! priests. a
Twenty-three nun. of the differeat orders. ,ieut
Two marlhals of Fiance. " man
Thirteen marshals des camps.
Forty-fevcn generals, lieutenant generals and
brigadiers. |
Twenty two co'onels and lietitenant-coloneJs.
per E'ght majsrs.
k'ho Fifty captains of caralry and infantry.
u (j. Seventeen aidsdrs camps and adjutants.
b e Forty-one lieutenants of the army and navy.
Seven officers of the artillery.
Eighty-four soldiers, national guards, and f-iilors.
Thirty-three members of the national convent ion.
, ' Four members of the legislative aiTembly.
Twenty niiK members of the constitutional al
a fembly.
, Three ministers of (late.
" Thirty mayors of cities and towns.
Twenty-two judges.
Nineteen justices of the peace.
I® Twenly-four authors, literary men, and editors
of newspapers.
CS ' One hundred and fevesty-eight counsellors, pre
dents ttf parliament, attornies, lawyers,and notaries.
One hundred and,nine gentlemen.
Twelve bankers.
Two admirals.
Thiity-eight merchants and factors.
I One hunaredand five commiflaries of war, marine
national agents and contractors.
One hundred and fixty-tix municipal officers,
0 clerks in public offices, administrators of diltridH
( | and departments, police, &c. auditors of accounts
regilters and receivers, and
Nine hundred and 41 persons of different trades
aiid descriptions.
° Making together two thousand seven hundred
' and seventy four persons ; the uldelt person fenten
eed was monsieur Diipin, a couufelloi;,of the par
liament of Thouloufc, whose extreme age of nine- (
n " ty seven pleaded in vain foi mercy. He and 25
Y' more cnunfellors of the fame Parliament, and four
IS of the Parliament of Paris, were executed at the |
fame tiijie.
s " The youngest person sentenced was Charles Du- j
" c bolt, aged only 14, who with his brother and fa
ts ther fuffercd on the fame morning. Twenty-times '
14 -vtin mm 1 fru.uoq-Trtrar-nraut.irgioau,.j -u■ i..yi. w■ l
tyranny, did a parent accompany his child to death; j
|d and the conspiracy of Verdun, as it was termed, ,
1 fentat the fame moment three beautiful fillers, the ,
eldest only twenty-five to the fcaffold !! !
_ From the 27th of July to the ljth December,
~ 1794, the labors of the tribunal became meritori- 1
ous, as during that interval bo person received its 1
Sentence but Robespierre himfeif, and about one '
hundred of his accompliccs——and it will be re- '
colledled with fatisfa£ion, that (hortly after, the
judges and jurymen of this neverfparing court lhaied
t the fateof their patron and prote£lor.
>f '
ia KINGSTON (Jam.) Feb. 20.
e > We hear ,tvom the windward islands that Gua
>* daloupe is complerely blockadt d by our men -*>f
wai 't and that a very strong force, confitling of ne
n gro corps raised in the different islands, are ren
ie dezvoufed at Barbadoes, for the purpose of attack-
! > ingthat island immediately upon the arrival of the
a fleet. When the Cathariqe left Barbadoes (on
n the 6th) an embargo in force throughout tjjat
island, and it was with great difficulty he was allow
'• ed to leave it. Jt was theje that' five or fix fail of
• our fleet from Cork, with very valuable cargoes on
boaf d had been taken and carried into Trinidad.
The islands of St. Vincent atid Grenada remain in
■ a very critical situation.
The Britannia spoke his majesty's ship Argo
° naut cruising off the isle a Vache. The Captain
of the Argonaut informed them he had taken a
ihip privateer, of 22 guns, formerly the Elias Gui
neaman of Liverpool, out from Aux Cayes, and
sent her to Cape Nicholas Mole. g
J Off Bwbadoei, on the 7th or Bth of this month, \
the Bntaania saw aSO gun ship, a Hoop of war, I
■ and a large merchantman, Handing i 0 f or that
!* island. The Lapwing and Thorn Hoops of wa r
• were cruizing to windward of Barbadoes.
The Barbadoes Mercury of the 2d inft. con- =
tains the following paragraph.
" Since our last there have been a oumbei of
_ arrivals, all of which are compelled to copie in and
remain here for the being a meafuredeem
" ed pighly proper to suspend the communications
from hence with the neighbouring islands, while
the arrival of the expected powerful armament is fa
long procrastinated."
February 27.
A foreign schooner, which arrived on Saturday
» was boarded off Savannah la Mar, by the French v
privateer La Luieta of 4 g U ns, commanded by one
Andrew Aucofla, who plundered the veffelof 407 c
■ dollars, and feveial other articles.
' Monday being the anniversary of the Birth day
,lt u " ,rf s "'«
htßriiilli and, flag, display.d „
the Coffee house of Mr. Bennett, in Harbor Greet R
and a large party partook of an entertainment
provided on the occasion, and spent the day in
mirth and conviviality.
SAVANNAH, March 24,
"Ycterfj i et T/ r< "" S '- March 15-
examination before Judee Pend!* t " e k' roCti > who » on
part of those people emEdbvT'***" be 3
£>omi H »o a?ai.,ft v? X?Y he S P an '-»rds in St. t
'£'> "•
u»d„ the command of ,h, bUck oonnS'lote
eois, now in St. - r-i !. V J hn Flan -
Chrifli about two nx" th s o'aft 7 A M ° nte
13 not to be found id fr. • Mptain, but he
circumftaaces, Ii m k rhera . corroborat *«g •
having killed hU ' d ° ubt of P
penell, a native of Vhlnu ,tTV , t0 be , Peter As " ,C
were stranded a few davs i.aft * effel ,n which they
it was a schooner, about L tow t?
trynks and boxes on boarJ -fc* a d revera '
elothing, apparently f va 'uahle female
French planters of St. Domino The , Ul ? for ' unate /»
pirates were brought to this ofae'e l»« W . *of these "
quence of a precept from the f I ! , 8 ,ln confe
by a detachment of federal ru PP orted
heat. Cobb; thev'are nr,., P j r comnund of r- 1
-a-y, under dfi F " rt , S ?- Tam- 1
"*t A '
.... \
I •ccilious of late has been very ronfpicuous. Aer ■
ilid part of the ?oods oil board hive been
some worthless wretches ou Cumberland, ami
are sent after them." '
BALTIMORE, April ij,
The following letter from Tortola, to a hritlfe ii
this town, was lad evening handed to the <rj .
ters ox the Federal Gazette.
r3- The recent tranfaftions in the Court of Ad.-r,"-
' ralty of Tortola, in the cafe of the brig M ri, VV.
r mans, and others would warrarvt a reprefei.;j,,
3 to be made to the Secretary of the United tic ."
of the commanders of Brttifli ships, detaining ( ,i
board their (hips the owners, fupercargoes.ard* , t - !
tains of American vessels, fix or eight day ~ a ',' l
not allowing them tofpeakto anyone, as tas i ■
, rg P rovtf d by Cap'- Mr. Val. Rutter aurf
thets, by which they in particular 101 l the adure
c of Counfcl, as the detention of those two- prevent -
a ed their applying [o a Mr. Caines, who had attnu
edthe decision of some causes, prior to their ant
val, and .vent from the island the day before M-
Rutter's release, for St. Kitt's.
Let the grievance of the decisions in the court
nc of Vice Admiralty be rtrongly repxefented, their
contradiction to the known praaice of Great En.
s tain, and her courts of Admiralty ; the judges not
confining themselves to the fees allowed by the prize
ts acts, but exacting aad taxing enormous coils, of
which the judges receive a principal lhare, whivh
es muftaft in influencing the determinations. Tlicis
fads can be afcertaincd, as the fees are greatly ra,\
fed iri a cause when the claim is interposed The
n _ conduct ps the judge in the cafe of the Maria W"-
r _ mans, onght to be particularly set forth His o
dering the whole catgo to be fold, to afcettain t ?, e
one third, inltead of its being appiaifed, at i n , .
ther cases. As a judge of that court in revenue
:e ca^ cs » ' )e mu( * known, tliat on the two thirds
being fold, tbey mult, by Our revenue laws, be (hip
ped to Great Britain, in a britifli bottom, or, it
a . 'hipped in a foreign bottom, be liable to pay a high
es duty ; and that his decision would deprive tf:e
of enrTyvng 7i away to
Rood market, and compelled them tovfell it to his
' friend, the king's agent, at his cheap price j wl*n
ie had it only been appraised, it might Lave been ia.
ken on board the brig again.
r Reprefentatioos of this nature, suspended the ad.
;! miralty court in Tortola, the lalt war, mad,, by
the Danish court on infringements of their rights
ie of neutrality.; The United States surely are
tied to the fame friendly treatment.
J SPRINGFIELD, (Mass.) Aug. i 2.
The votes which wc- have collcfled from the
towns in this county, (land thus :
~ Springfield. Adams.B : Sumner 92.
Northampton. Adams 29 : 93.
1. Hadley. Adams 1 : Sumner 71.
>f Amherft. Adams 23 . Stunner 70,
Williamlburgh. Sumner 46.
1- Hatfield. Adams j : Sumner
;• Whately. Adams 1 ; Sumner 27.
c Eafthampton. Adams 2 : Sumner 33.
n South Hadley. Adams 25 : Sumßer 23.
it Goflien. Sumner 50.
Conway. Adams 1 : Sumner 112.
if DeeWield-. StirrstTCT'Js;
n Greenfield. Adams 17 : Sumner 34.]
I, Belcher. Adams 10 : Sumner 70.
n Weft-Springfield. Adams 160.
Worthington. Adams 15 : Spmner 75.
i- Blanford. Adams 19; Sumnei J3.
i) "Total for Adams 326. For Sumner 952.
a —
Adams. Sumner
Suffolk, Eflex, See. C2?7 2611
, Worcerter, 272 586
» Hamplhire, 326 952
r Total 5855 4211
f s Amphitheatre.
8 Meflrs. Haines and Buckley.
A great variety of
Equejlrian & Stage Performance *.
> By Mr. Ricketts and the whole Company.
J Mr. F. Ricketts will ride in full speed, pick up siva
different Handkerchiefs from the ground, & will alio
> Stand upon hi: Head on the Saddle,
The Horse ia full gallop.
' Mr. Sully's Comic Featj on Foot and Horfelrtck.
' Still Vaulting,
By M«iTrs. F. Ricketts, Lingley, and Sully, Clown ta
■ the Horfemanftip.
Ground and Lofty Tumbling,
By a groupe of the firll Performers in America.
Slack-Rope Vauilting,
p By Mr. Reano and Mr. Langley.
Mailer Sully will (for the feeond time)
The evening's Amuftmerits to conclude with 1 new
Harlequin's Olio;
* m * Tickets may be had at the box office ad
joining the Amphitheatre, and at Mr. Oellers's Ho
The Doors in future to be opened at half past FIVE,
and the Entertainment to begin at SEVEN o'clock.
*«* Boxes, one dollar—Pit, half a dollar.
%5" Saturday will politively be the last Night of pet
arming this Season.
And fnitable wages will be given
TO a white Woman COOK, in a family without youi :
Children, and where several other Servants are iff
Apply to the Printer.
April 18.