'j| ; i ' "• '"• • " • ... . - . . : / ' ,'32 £K£M(«; rt«.■". ■' ' *^'' "'. .' For NEW ORLEANS, The fact failihg, fine now .brig" Richard and James. fail in ten days. She has remark able fine accommodat ions, for paffjge only. Apply to , Richard & James.Potter, i April j V § - Fwnt-ftreac, For LONDON, JF"* TH E . 1r _ ; ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WLL fail on or about the ift of May. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board at Walnut-street : wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN V CO. j April 13. § | •§* The Letter Bag of the ship Diana, captain Pile, for Hamburgh, will be taken from , the Poft-Olfice on. Monday evening next, the 18th in(t. MADEIRA, 7 SHERRY and }- WINES. PORT J For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jun- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12. d. f For LONDON TnE bkiga n t > ne John Hyer, Commander, BURTHEN 150 tons, is now ready to take in, and will fail in abo'ut ten days, part of her Cargo being already engaged. F Q-R HAMBURGH, Saul. Pile, matter, BURTHEN 200 tons, an excellent veflel, and well fitted. Part of her cargo being engaged, {he will fail early. For L IV ER P 0 0 L, Tl£ SHIP Hamburgh Packet, George Cur, Commander, BURTHEN 3jo tons, is nearly a new vefTc!, and a re ' markatly fact sailer. A great part of her cargo being ready ts go on board, it is expected file will fail about the 20th inllant. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. * WHO ARE LANDING, From the Hamburgh Packet, from Liverpool; 33 Sheets Lead, 140 Calks Nails assorted, 9 Bales of Sail Canvas, No. lay, 3 ditto of Seine and Sewing T wine, Small Invoice ot Cutlery, and Watch Chains, well afTartedv — And-from, the Diana, from Jamaica, 160 Puncheons'Rnm. They ha-ue also on Hand, Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogsheads, and qr. calks, Old Red Port Wine, in pipes and hoglheads Tencrilfe Wine, in pipes and hogflieads, Mountain Wine, in quarter calks, Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 and 9clb. each, » hogsheads of Camphor, 4 ditto of Jalap in powder, And a quaatity of Mahogany. March 30. m wicf "~For LIV E R P 0 0 SUSSEX, '5 • Philip Atkiru, mailer, BURTHBN 146 tons, to fail with all convcni«nt speed. For freight or paflage apply to Samuel Ss 3 Miers Fijher, No. 27, Dock-ftre«t. Who have Imported per said Ship, A general assortment of Queens Ware in Crates; Short Pipes in boxes, three groce each, An assortment of Stone Jugs, Together with an alTortment of D R T GOODS, luked'to the Seafon-r-as usual. 4thMo. jth, 1796. 3ZW4K -I'■.> ■ 1 ■ — Excellent Claret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY Anthony & Son. February 13, § F O R ,SA> E, TUt ECUOO.VCR MINERVA, BURTHEN 9.? tons, single dek'd, and New-England built; a (launch good velTel, a 8 month' old, lyin„' at Chefnut street wharf. For terms apply to the Captain on board, or to yofeph Anthony &f Co. April 13. §iw. PJaifter of Parish burr Stones. JUS 7 ARRIVED, By the ship Asia, Captain Langford, from Hivre de-Grace. Apply to Peter Blight. March 31. endiot. For S A> L E, CONCORD, Capt. Thompson, THE Concord is upwards of 300 tons, about three yars old, live oak and cedar, coppered—fit to proceed on a ▼o»ya|e to India, or eltewheie—-isiiii the best order, could fail dircftly. For terms apply to PETER BLIGHT. -Kpril 6, >'yl--v. FUR CHARTER, THE SHIP J°^ n l^ulkeley, til l;THEnTabout 3000 barrels. Enqniie of ye/Te & Robert Wain. For BOSTON, Schooner JOHN, Thomas Cpffin, m.iftcr, ] AYIN'G at Mcffr;. Anthony {3* Sou's whtrf, t® fail in wght Thomas & John Clifford. Who have for Sale,befides their usual aflortmcnt of Ironmongery, Cutlery, SaJlery, i^c. Crates of Glass arid Earthen Crates of Vials; boxes of long and fliert Pipes.; Bristol crown Ghifs assort ed, from 18 by I a inches, to 9 inches by 7 ; Copper Sheets and Botton s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Bristol Pewter in Calks afTorted; Bristol Grindstones; Garnet & Co*s. patent Sheaves for Blocks. Also, a bale of BRO ADCLOTHS and CASSIMERES ; And a f#w Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. April vi. aaw. FOR SALE* BY ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5, south Watcr-ftreet, A quantity of Mould & dipt CANDLES, Caftite, ") White, and £ SOAP, Hrnwn ) i tin, Prime, and r B E E F, in bbls. and half bbls- Cargo J Ox TONGUES, CIDER, SHOES, &c. 4th mo. Bth, 1796. §jv/ Furrs and Skins RICHARD £ff JAMES POTTER, HAVt FOK. SALS A print feleit'ion of the ar.mx:d articles t Shaved Dear Skit. Ur.fh.-ved ditto Elk Skins Shaved do. Buarer Otter Bear Rsuota Wolf Ox hide* , Tiger Leopard Lil'ewife, Three thousand wt of superior Now-Orleans Indigo. Twenty tierces of Rice, and , A quantity of excellent kjg.vood, whi;h they will-foil on good terms. March If C " John Miller, jun. & Co. jyo 8, chesnut-stkeet, I five jull imported in the Hamburgh Packet, A general effort merit of Spring Goods, To which they exped large, additions by the next arriv als from London and Liverpool Th/y have atfo on Hand, rrceivt.ifrom Franee, by the box, allbrted, 1800 dozens of Silk Stockings, on which the drawback is recoverable; A few Bales of India Book Muftins, & Handkerchiefs, which will be fold low to clofc sales. March 30. § For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IN PESN-STRERT, s quarter Chests frefh HylOn Tea; Ico ditto do. frefh Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 41 picefcs; 400 pieocs Uandanoes. Writing & Francis. January 30. jtaw. Landing atSouth-ftreet wharf THE CARGOES j Of Wefl-Inclijrt, Little John, and Induflry, from Jamaica & Hifpaniola, High proof ltlJ M, SUGARS, of prime quality, COFFEE* COCOA, and PIMENTO, FOR SJL El B Y Peter Blight. April it. 1 Eart-India Goods. FOR SALE, nr MORDECAI LEWIS, The CARGOof the Ship India, Capt. Afhmead, from Calcutta; CONSISTING OF Gurrahsi . Sanah», Gnzzenas, Chintzes, Coffees,- Humhumi, Baftas, Doreas, Cnrwah Cloth, llandanoes, Mamoody, Choppah Rom.ills, Emerties, Sugar, Mofagegiinjaes, Pepper, &c. Tukeries, April 11. fiweodjw Robert Smith & Co. No/58, south Ffdnt-ftreet, Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li verpool, A general assortment of Goods, Suitable for the Scafon; And by the Veflels that are daily expected they will re ceive a farther supply, which they will difpofu of on r«a fonable terms for Cafli, or on a short credit. They have also rrceived i quantity of NUTMEGS & MACE. 8. f l .# m Joseph Sl JeiTe Sfiarplefs,« iVo. 32, full) ThirdJlrtet, Have tL6eweijJcr the Hamburgh Packet, AND U%FE FOII SALE, A variety 'if Merchandize; CONSISTING OF, /CALICOES, Fr.rrftnre do Dimities, Fiiftfajis, ,widt VJ and :iarrow cUidct! and ftripe-J NtLpkeehsj'C'iicVk., Ginghunj, VW pattern, ot Camel's hair, nipilt ntt, and Marfril/es, H(piiery, pafimers, Jeans, iuftevJVoS and fecom! < ■<, Gslimancoes, fipJuilinga, Iriflk Lines., ir-. dijTJeodsln general.—l-'.> 9fNfRAL ASSORTMENT OF Sadjlery and Saddlers Tools. They exppA additional lupply of dry Goodfi kjr thafiril veffeh, whiclt tLcy will fell'ori rcafonable t .rhis for cash or iifnal credit. 3d mo. 30th. N. &. A number of elegant Counte. and Mai fcilles Bed Quilts. J U S~T REC ET V'Ti) From France, via New-York, a new and fajbkno ble aJJ'srtmeiii of FRENCH CHINA, CJNSISTISG or Desert Sets. Tea Stts of 6, 12, 18 and 24 sups and faueert Washing hard basons and jugs I Flower pots of different lhapes < Bowls, poffirgcrs, lud cyphered d Muslin WAREHOUSE. RICHARD £5* JAMES POTTER, Hik : r'ftj fcptrb a£f>rtment »f tie fotiorrtn* arleilei) ■•wSicli itey vffer Jcr f-lit. PRINTED caUcot* Gentlemen's nerfe hanitkfs. 4-4 wd. booV. l 4 u fl i "* New WUionahk Ihnwlt, i-4 wtf. ditto ditti Madra t handkcrchiefl Bdok m-iflln hindkerck f i "t"arrtbcftir'd raudins Pocket ditto Gurrsfts Colored, muftin Humhuins handkerchiefs Coffees i>iorr6w- rtx>rtiihg Sit W'alftiit-fWet wharf, »/ Yellow an--! white Nankeens of quality Perfian-T»ffetic*, bbi'k andcckhired Luflriogs, do. do. Sat tins hbr!c of vjrioos qualities Sewiijg lilts in aflbi led colours VcrmflHcu .in boxes Callia'inicttcjis Qnickfi!*er in }xr» &ob..\, i ' SOUCHONG, I HY'SotfSICIN, ■' Freft Teas YOUNG .HYSON f 1 reu 1 ea v ' BEST'RYSOJT, IMPERIAL, J C&INA WAJIE, ornament#!, with Table and Te» Sets f-enfraliy aflorttd. WHW li SUGARS, and a quantity of Bengal SALT PETRE. Far Sale by , Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8. t-th&fr George Dobfon, TIEGS leave to infoMYi the- Storekeepers in* towft and country, that lie has removed from Market-ftreet,t* No. 25, south Third-Jlrect, whare he is opening a larger and elegant affcrtment of the rjoft fathionable SPRING GOOD o, arrived in the different Vefidls froqi London & Liverpool. N. B. 150 dozen Men's Silk Stockings. April 8. ...... .< « - § COFFEE. 101 Ho»fheads, > Jo 'BS ( PRIME COfFEE, 317 Bags, J Imported in the brig Richard and Junes from Jercmie, and lor sale by Richard & "James Potior. April 11. § JUST IMPORTED, In the ihip L'berty, from LondviU a handt'ome well af lorted Invoice of DRY Goods, (OF About sTritDwa) ConSfting of Briti!h and India Book Mucins,,Chintzes, &c; two B*e»of 6-4 wide Booh Mußins. Aljt, a small Parcel of Nu'.hicglf and for Pale by JAMES C. & SAM. W. FISBF.R. Afril 5. ' §3W Wafhmgton Canal Lottery, nO. r. WHEREAS the State of Maryland has authorised the underwritten, to rtife twenty-fix thousand, twohundrtd, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting a Canal'throOgh thj City of Washington, from the l'o tomac to the Eafterq Branch Haruour. The following ii'.he SCHEME of No. I. Viz I rrieeof 30,000 dollars, 20,000 I- ditto 10poo 10, coo 7 haft drawn "J Tickets, each j 35^ 6 ditto. 1,000 £,060 Id ditto 400 4,000 V> ditto 100 3,c00 J5 «0«°, SO ' *,75° 5750 ditto 12 69,008 Tube raised for the Canal, tir,ijo S&SO Prizes, 175,000 11650' Blanks, not two to a prize. I 7 jdi> Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 £5" The Comiuiffioher-> have taken the Securities re quired by the aforeftid aft for the pun&ual payment of the prizes: The drawing of this Lottery will commence, without duliy, as •foen as the Ticksts are fold,'of which timely notice will be gives. Syoh prizes as arc not demanded in fix months after the drawing is finiihed, Ihall be considered as relinquished for the benefit of Canal, and appropriated accordingly. (Sigftedj NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, efH. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER", WM. M, DUNCANSON, THOMAS LAW, JAMES BARRY. City ®f WalhingtOH, Feb. 1L $ TOH SALE. ~~ A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn; abont four nn dred weight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United States, No. 119 Chefnut-Ilreet. December 1. § " WAATk V, ~ " ON Loan, for two or tl a • years—2ooo Dollars for which 1 mortgage on Land will be given at security The land is clear of every incumbrance. Enquire of the Printer. J" 1 - 9- d. This Day is Publijhed, ~~ At N®. 20T Arch street, sndmay also be had at Fol« well's Printing Office, No. 33, in the l'ame.ftreet. A M/tP OF THE RIVER RHINE From Nimegven to Basle, Shewing The actual Seat of War Between the French and Aujiridns. March 36 law TEN DOLLARS REWARD; ABSCONDED, on the night of Tbarf day lafl\ tht Tth injl. Boston Murray, a black indent*!f er * vant lad, 18 er 19^years of age, and about 5 feet ? or 9 inches high ; one of his eyes is defective in the corner towards bis nefe. His apparel ccnjijled of a,fnuff- color ed round jacket,