Number 11-26. J PHILADELPHIA, MONDAT EVENING, APRIL 18, 3796. [VOLUME 11. For LONDON, THE SHIP ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fail on or about the ill of May. For freight or p:.i%e apply, to the Captain oh board at Walnut-street wharf, or to PHILIP NICKLIN Sis CO. Sv'ic Letter Bag of thfc,fl*ip;ltt*rw, captain PJk, for Hamburgh, will be taken from the Poft-Offrce on Monday ■evening next, the fßth inft. . MADEIRA, 7 " SHERRY aad 1 WINES. PORT 3 For Sale by fiDWARD STOW, jtorv No. ,4, South Water-Street. Dee. 12. ' d. For L O N D 0 N, J°hn Hyer, Commander, BURTHEN 150 tons, is now ready to take in, and will fail in about ten -bays, part of her cargo being already engaged. FOR HAMBURGH, Diana, Saml. Pile, mailer, BOftTlffiN2oo tons, an excellant velTel, and well fitted. Part of her cargo being engaged, the will fail early. For L I V E R P O 0 t, T » E SHIP JwfpHk' Hambur S h ac^€t » fci* 'iiii'jfSe.aft GeoKGS Cur, Comnrander, BURTHEN 320 tons, i» nearly a new velfel, ahd a re markably fall sailer. A great part of her cargo being ready to go on board, it is expected lhe will fail about the 20th instant. For terms apply to Philip Nicklin & Co. WHO ARE LANDING, From the Hamburgh Packet} from Liverpool; 38 Sheets Lead, 140 Calks Nails assorted, 9 Bales of Sail Canvas, No. I a 7, • 3 ditto of Seine and Sewing Twine, Small Invoice of Cutlery, and Watch Chains, well assorted. And from the Diana, from Jamaica, 160 Puncheons Rum. They have also on Hand, Madeira Wihe, in pipes, hoglheads, and ( qr. calks, Old feed Port Wine, in pipes and hoglheads, Tenerrffe Wine, ill pipes and hoglheads, Mountain Wine, in quarter calk., Swjjar Candy, in boxes of 80 and yolb. each, ?. hojjllreatis of ~Garffpttor, 1 ditto of Jalap m'powdCT, And a quantity of Miihogany. March 30. nr wStf For L IV E R P 0 (X% SUSSEX, Philip Atkins, master, BURTHEN 246 tofts, to fail with all convenient speed. For freight or palTage apply to , Samuel & Miers Fijh'et, No. 27, Dock-street. Who have Imported per said Ship, A general alfortmefnt of Queens Ware in Crates; Short Pipes in boxes, three groce each,' An aflortment of Stone Jugs, Together with an aflortment of DRY GOODS, iuited to the Scafon*—as usual. 4 th Mo. sth, 1796. 31W4W Excellent Claret in Casks, F'O R SALE, BY Joseph Anthony & Son. February 13. — F'b R S A L E,~ THE SCHOONER MINERVA, _3S3Sgjtsߣ~» BURTHEN 95 'tons, firigle dckV., and New-England built; a staunch good vessel, 28 months old, lying at Chefnut street -wharf. For terms apply to the Captain on board, or to "Joseph Anthony Iff C». -ftprHlfr § IW . Plaifter ofParis& liurrStones. > JUST ARKirtD, Byitin flvip Asia, Captain Langford, from H-avre de-Grace. Apply to Peter Blight. March 31. eodiot. For SALE, fejSjgHk, CONCORD, Capt. Thompson, THE Concord is upward of joa tons, about three y;ars old, live oak and ; ceda*, coppered—fit to proceed on a voyage to India, or elfewhef-e—is in the best order, could fail diree ready to receivc them in a few days. For freight or paflage apply to Thomas cis John Clifford. Who haveforSaleibefidea their ufiial aflbrtrpent of Ironmbngery, Cutlery, Sodlery, isV. Crates of Gla/s and Earthen Wa«e; Crates of Vials; "boxes of long and Ihort Pipes; Briltol crown Glass alTort . Ed, from 18 hy 12 inches, to 9 inches hy 7 ; Copper Sheets and Botton s; Boxes of Tin Plates; London and Briftgl 1 Pewter in Cifks assorted; Bristol Grindft»nes; Garnet & Co's.,patent Sheaves for Blocks. At/a, a bale of BROADCLOTHS and CASSIMEBFS; And a few Pipes of OLD MADEIRA WINE. April 11. 2aw. FOR. SALT, BT ISAAC HARVEY, jun. I. No. S, foutfi Water A quantity of Mould & dipt CANDLES, Castile, "J White, and > SOAP, ferown J Mels, Prime, and > B E E F, in bhTs. and halt bbls. Carpo 3 Ok TONGUES, CIDER, SHOES, &c. 4th mo. Bth, 1798. §3w I Furrs and Skirls. RICHARD £sf JAMES POTTER, HAVE FOR SALE A prime fcleß'ton of the annexed articles i Shaved Deer Skins Unfhaved ditto Elk Skins Shared do. Beaver 1 Otter Biar KaroOD Wolf Ox hide* ■, Leopard Ljkmjfi,. Three thousand wt of superior New-Orleans Indigo. Twenty tierces of Rice, and A quantity of excellent liogwood, which they will fell on good terms. March 17 S John Miller, jun. & Co. NO 8,, CBSWUT-STIIKSr, Have just imported fn the Hamburgh Packet, A general ajjortment of Spring Goods, To which they exprA larg*"additions by the next arriv als from London and Liverpoel Tory have aifo on Hand, received /rem France, 1 by the box, assorted, iB6O dozens of Silk Stockings, on which thfe drawback is recoverable; A few Bales of -India Book Muffins, & Handkerchiefs, which will be feld low to clofc sales. 30. , § For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, I t V PENN aTRERT^ 130 q(i arter Chests Hyjon 166 dittb do. frefh Souchong Tea ; > 3 00 Boxtfs China, tea fed's of pieces ; 400 pieces Bandanoes. Willings y* Francis. January 30. LandingatSouth-ftreetwha'rf THE CARGOES [ Of VVeft-Indian, Little John, and Industry, from . Jamaica & Hifpaniola, , High proof RUM, SUO.VRS, of prime quality, COFFEE, COCOA, and PIMENTO, toA SALS sr Peter Blight. April it. . §iw. East-India Goods. FOR SALE, BT MORDECAI LEWIS, The CARGO of the Ship India, Capt. Alhmead, frtm Calcutta; CONSISTING OF Gurrahs, Sapahs, Gilrzfeilasi Chintzes, Collars, Humhums, Baftas, Doitaii : Curwah Cloth, Bandatloes, Mamoody, Choppah Romalls, Emerties, Sugar, • Moragegunjaes, Pepper, &e. Tukeries, Aprilll. _(lwtn;!;w Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, foutli Front-street, Have recSived' by Aid late arrivals from' London and Li verpool, A general a/si ftmerit of Goo,&, Suitable for the Season; And Vthe"Veliftfb that are daily expefled they wi'l re ceive a farther lupplr, which they will difybfe of on rea fonahle terms forCafn, or on a Ihort credit. They l avo alio received a quantityof NUTMEGS & MACE. April?. §, CT Joseph Sc JefTe Sharplefs, No. 32, -fvuth Thirdflreet, Have received per the Hamburgh-Packet, AND HA KB FOR SALE,, in A variety of Merchandize ; i CONSISTING OF t Furniture do Dimities, Fuftijms, wide aad jjarnow clouded and llripad.Jfankaer.s, Checks, cc" Gmgjams, efr»ant Vest pattetps of Camel's muili nt i. Marl'eilles. Hotiery, Gafimer*, Jeans, ,'uporlitie - T »»u fecrrnd Cloths. Calimancoe-, .Spmlimp, Maweos, lrilh Linens, and dry Goods in general —Atfo, GENERAL OF Saddlery and Sqddlers Tools. They n additional (upply of; dry Goods by the Brft veftys, which cicy \yill. fell, on rcafonable-t-rnis for calh or ufuurtrtdit. 3d mo. 30th. 2awtf. N. B A number of elegant Coalite, panes, and Mat re feilleir Bed Quilts. J U S"TRTCT l V~rD~" " From France, via J\\ w-Teri, a neiv and fafhiona . ble ajjortment of FRENCH CHINA, CONSISTING OF tl T\E3ERTStts. jL-/ Tea Sets of 6, 12, 18 and 24 cups and fauccrs , t , Washing hand bafuns and jt»|s . Flower pots of (iiffetent Bowls, porringers, and cyphered atps and saucers A great number of Groups, among which are Louis the XVI. and DoSfor "Franklin ; the Death of Adonis, and the Bust of Geniral Culline The wlHile of this.aflortment, which Is suitable for this and the Weft-India market, is entirely new, and jUst open ed for fair at t!}j I'ubfcribers llore Orders from any part of the continent will be duly at tended to,nr. ! rh?packipg done so as to be feat any where eitlu-f by l.nd or water carCiage. Ni £. -'n invoice of Hardware and Jewellery to be of at a low rate. Pafquier Ess Co. No. 91, South Second-ftr et Ft-hrnary 7. w Canal Lottery Tickets, For Sale, warranted undraivn, at th j Office, 149, Chefnut street, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Washington Lottery—No. 2. r "I Public are refpeflfully informed, that the whole X of the in the abate Lottery aretiow rolled up, ar.i! from infornia'tion received, will commence im mediately. After the firft day's drawing, which will be announced in one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it is expected will be thenTeu Dollars. A correi& Numeri cal Book for public hitpcc&ion vvill be opened at the above .Office, where all tra{ila'2inn« relating io the line of a Ero ker, are promptly and faithfully executed. THOMAS NOBLE. March 2. N. B. Approved Notes securing po.ymei:t, either in • moooy, or in the pny'-s of this' au.i payable in tCJi.days aftar completion of the drawir.j, will be xeccir* edfor • ••• Ao. 8, North. Front fir ect. Printed Calico Muilin i st. RTTTIn RD J A Mrs POTTER, n»-j< ],'(/! rxeif..? a tujeri ajjlilxtnt <.f ,t/-r erlcilti, flrt>ics they offer for sale. PRINTED calicoes fleck handkfs. 4-4 wd. book innfliaa NaWfalhiohablt (haWls 6-4 ditto dUt» Madra s.hahilLdfchiefs Beoh muilin handkerci t i muslins , Pocket rfhto ■ Gurrahs.,. , Colored, bordered, muliin Humhums handkerchiefs Sic Sri fap« continues the business of .Coach making in all its Branches. . Hs.make* all tind6 of eraoc' neck and perch Carriages', fr'chjjis Coacl«£s,. ChflrJojs, Ph±ton», and C"«ac4itiei; also', ' rhairs Kitterefns, Gigs, Slllkej? wild.all kinds*ol Har ness, with plated or brass myimtiug. Hc hath a good fupptr of the bell materials, aiid a lfock of the best sea soned. wood. Orders;fromaany pari of the: United States will be du ly attended ,£0 s of -the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal, haxnig.determined tofspplythe city of Philadelphia with water, early in the yeat- 179.7, - Proposals will bo receive - in writing until the firft day of June nert. frem any perfCm'or pefrlons disposed to contradl for the calling and delivery of Iron Pipes necessary lor the . above purpose. % fcAW,.. WILLIAM MOORE SMITH, Se c ' n . March 31. »awtj. China Goods. • ; t 1 ' i 4 TH E Ship AteanYic, Silas Siua'wc, Commander, frontco«.iimeDce the discharge of her cargo *to-taorrow morning at W.ilnut-flrcet wharf, Gonjifling of Yellow and white Nankeens of excellent quality le Taffetics, black and celourcd s, Luilnin'gs, do. do. > -Sattins Wad; 0f various qunfcie* e dewing sdks in afTortcd colours s > Verosißii* in trox oco . 3J*c?a 6 ditto l,oco 6,OcW 10 ditto 4®9 4,0e0 30 ditto 100 2,<660 55 ditto. 5° 5,750 5750 ditto 11 (c/bdg To be raiftd for the Canal, 16,250 5850 Prizesj c 175,000 1165® Blankr, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickcts, at Ten Dollars, - 175,c0e > -£jT The-Oorrlniiffioners have titen" the Securities rc- the aforefaid aft for the pun Which a mortgage on Land will be given as fecaritr The land is clear of every incumbrance. Enquire ,of tne Printer. • I" 1 - 9- . . . d. This Day is Pub/i/hed, At No. 201 Arch flreet, iridmay nlfo be had at Fol well's Priatißj Office, No. 3.3, in the fame street, A M/iP OF THE RIVER RHINE From Nimegoen to Basle, Shewing The adlual Seat of War' Between the French and Aujlrians. ■ March 26 law TEN DOLLAKii REWARD. ABSCONDED, en the night of Thtttfday lafi, the Ttbisjl. Boston Murray, a bkickinia:t»ifer •uant lad, 18 or 19 years of age, and about jfxt Bor 9 niches high ; one of his eyes is defiSi-ve in the corner toumrd: hrs vofe. His atparel conftjled, of afnnff-colot - ed r'oxnd jacket,rjjith a v ianchejlcr *ve{l under it ; a par offuflum trinfers, and under them a light mixed cloth pair of breeches. Whoever apprehends thefaidfr-van,, and.retwns him, or confines him in any jail in J'ertnfv • •vania or Jersey, Jo that I rawer him fnall retvive "t, t above reward, together with reafmable charges. MOORE WHARTON, No. 109, Spruce-Jlreet. Feb. 11. , df