of ttje United fates Numbs* iiag.j PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAT EVENING, 14, i 7g 6. P&MTJMf IX. LONDON, > THE SHIt JpliL ATLANTIC, SILAS SWAIN, Commander, WILL fiil on or about the ill of May. For freight or paffa'e apply, to the Captain oa board at Walnut-llreet wWF. orto PHILFP NICICLIN ts" CO. \ April 13. . i • v J ( N. B. The Letter Bag of the brig Peggy, captain He-.Tr. f>r London, will be taken from the Pod-Office on Friday morniffg, the xjth inft. at jq o'clpck. The Letter Bag of the ship Hamburgh Packet, captain C!av, for Liverpool, will be taken from the Poll-Office on Saturday evening, the 16th iuft. And the Letter Bag of the Ihip Diana, captain Pile, for Hamburgh, will be taken from the Poft-eJffice on Monday evening next, the 18th inft. '_ 1 - FOR SAL E, THE SCHOONER % M J N E R V A, -SSSIfiHK. IJURTHEN 95 tons, Tingle dek'd, and New-England built.l staunch good vessel, »8 months' old, lying at CheOiut flreet wharf. For terms apply to the Captain on board, or to yo/eph Anthony Iff Co. •^>"ll3- $iw. For BOSTON,; Schooner JOHN, grTiWr : Thomas Coffin, mailer, LAVfflOatMfTrc. Anthwrry (Jr* Son's whtrf, to fcil in eight days. For freight Br paflage apply m. ZAIVA&E STOW, jun*s. Store, No. 4,fouth Water-ftrcat. WHO HATH FOR SALE, A quantity of N. £. Rum; Beef; Soap; Cindl s, Sic. Ilth April. §8 For SALE, CONCORD, Capt. Thompson, THE Coocord is up* .irds of 300 tons, about three year 6 old, live oak and cedar, coppered—fit to proceed on a voyage to India, or yfewh-te—is in the best order, could fail dire&ly. For terms apply to PETER BLIGHT. April 6, 1796. $iw. FOR CHAR TE R, 1 T H E S H I P John Bulkeley, BU K 1 HLiN about 3000 barrels. Enquiie of Jejfe & Robert Wain. _ ' '' *9- S IJ]1 J ] ji of Paris&iiurrStones. JUST ARRIV&D, 1 the ship Alia, Captain Langford, from Havre de-Grace.——Apply to Peter Blight. March 31. . eodtpt. George Dobfon, BEGS leave to inform the Store-keepers in town and couatry, that he has removed from Market»ftreet,to No. 25, south Third-Jlreety whore he is opening a large and elegant aflortmcnt of the naoll fafhionabie SPRING GOO Da, arrived in the different Vessels from L®ndon Sc Liverpool. N. B. 150 dozen Men's Silk Stockings. April 8. " § FOR S A L E, Ji r ISAAC HARVEY, Jun. No. 5, south Water-street, A quantity of Mould k dipt CANDIES, Caflile, ~) White- and > SOAP,' Brown ) Mess, Prime, and > B E E F, in bW«. and half bbls. CIDER, SHOES, &e. 4th ma. Bth 1796. §3'" COFFEE. 102 Hoglheads, *) 30 { PRIME COFrEE, ' " ai7 Bags, j Imported in the brig Richard and James from Jeremlc, and for sale by Richard Iff James Potter. April 11. § ~ MADEIRA, "I SHERRY and I WINES. PORT ) Far Sale by EDWARD STOW, Jun- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12. <3* JUST RECEIVED From France, via New-Tori, a new an J fafhiona bie ajfortment of FRENCH CHINA, . CONSISTING OF Desert Sets. Tea Sets of .6, 11, 18 and 24 enpj and fancers Walhing band basons and jugs , Flower pots of different fl»apes Bowls, porringers,. and cyphered epps and fancers A great number of Groups, among which are Louis the XVI. and Frapkljn j the. Death of Adonis, and the Bull of General Culline The whole of this assortment, which is suitable for this and the Weft-India market, is entirely dew, and jull open ed for sale at the fubferibers store Orders from any part of the continent will be dnly at tended to,and the packing done so as to be teat any where either by hnd or water carriage, N. B. An invoice of Hardware and Jewellery to be disposed of at a low rate. Pafquier Iff Co. No. 91, South Secoud-tfr et February 7. d3W Furrs and Skins. RICHARD & JAMES POTTER, HAVE FOR SALE A prime feleS'ton of the annexed articles : Shaved Deer Skins Unftived ditto Elk Skins . Shaved do. Baaver Otte* Bear Racoon Wolf Or hides TigiSr ' Leopard Lilewtfe, Three thousand wt- of fupcrior New'-Orlearls tndjgoi Twenty tierces of Rice, and A quantity of excellent togwooi, which they wijl fejl on good terms. March 17 5 John Miller, jun, Sz Co. j NO 8, CUESNVr-STREBT, Have just imported in the Hamburgh Packtt, A general ajfortment of Spring Goods, l ® which they expe>3 large additions by the next arriv als from London and Liverpool Thrj have also on reccivtifrom trance, by the box, assorted, 1800 dozens v>f Silk Stockings, on which the drawback is recoverable j A few Bales of India Book Muflwe, & Handkerchiefs, which wjll be fold loVrty-clofc sales.' March 30. $ ...... 1 ■ ■ . .11 Landing at South-street wharf THE CARGOES Of Weft-Indian, Little John, and Induilry, from Jamaica & Hifpinioia, High proof RUM, SUGARS, of prime quility, COFFEE COCOA,'and PIMENTO, ton SALE Br Peter Blight. April it. $ lw . " P ■ . ■«. k JEaft-India Goods. FOR SALE, BT MORDECAI LE WI S, The CARGO »f the Sbifi India, Capt. Aihmead, from Calcutta; CONSISTING OF Gurrahs, Sanahs, Gtirzenai, , Chinties, Collars, Humhums, r " Baft as, Doreas, Curwah Cloth, Bandannes, Mamoody, ' Choppah Rom.ills, E:ncrties, Sugar, Moragegunjaes, Pepper, &c. Tukeries, April 11. jlweod3W ». Robert Smith & Co. No. 58, fonth Fr'ont-ftreet, Have received by the late arrivals from London and Li verpool, ~ A general ajfortment of Goods, Suitable for the Season; And by the Vessels that are daily expected they wUI re-" ceive a farther supply, which they will dispose of on tea tonable terms for Ca(h, or on a (hort credit. have also received a quantity of NUTMEGS & MACE. April 8. §im JUST IMPORTED, In the Ihip Liberty, from London, a handsome well'af forted Invoice of Dry Goods, (or AIOOT £IOOb SYIKLtNo) Co«fi(ling of Britiih and India Book Muslins, ChintZe,, See. two Bates of 6-4 wide Book Muslins. Also, n small Parcel of Nutmegs; and for Sale by JAMES C. i!t SAM. W. FISHF.R. April 5. §jw FOR SALE, SALISBURY, \ Large and well improved Farm containing 2 749 acres f\. of lersl fertile land, remarkably well adapted to the growth of grass, and eviry kind of grain j there are tow 100 acres of timothy meadow bo it, from which 150 tons of hay were made the last jcar; 300 acrcs may at • moderate fxpenee be made into meadow equal to that already made, and one half thereof watered. There isoa the premifts a commodious two ttory dwel ling house, well finifhed, with eleven rooms and a pas sage, eight of the rooms have fire places, a piazza in front, 50 feet in length, and 8 feet wide, a well of good water in the yard ; a large and convenient barn ftiedded all round, that affords flablage fufficient for 70 or 80 head of cattle; also well conftru&ed stables fufficieot for 30 hqrfes, with every other necessary out buildings; he tWeen 4 and 500 young apple trees of well chofea graft ed fruit, jull beginning to bnar, about 3000 bearing peach trees, and funary other kinds of fruit trees; about on« third of this land is clearW and tinder good fence, the remainder it in wood, the pasture lands are well taken with red clover and other valuably grass; this farm is well watered, having several good springs, and two streams running through different parts, on one of them is a grift and saw mill, also a well fixed diftillefy ; theia arc also on the premises a tan yard in goffd order, the neighbourhood in which it is, will afford that bdfineft t* be carried on to great extent, on the tan yard lot there:is a comfortable two story dwelling house, bark house, cur riers (hop, See. ftc. Should any one disposed to buy this property, also wilh to buy negroes, I can accommodate them with twenty valuable field negroes, who are well' Acquainted with all kinds of work, necessary on a farm, the purchaser may also be supplied with horses, black cattle, Iheep, hogs, and with every necessary utensil for a large farm. Salisbury is situated in a very healthy part of the country, and m an excellent neichhourfHK>d, it ivby meafnrement »6 miles from Alexandria, and about 2J froirrthe city of Wsfhingion. and on tlic turnpike foad from Alexandria to Wirchefter. As I am desirous of felling this property, a great bargain will be given to any one that will pay down one half the purchase money, for the other a ceufiderable credit will jie giv,-n. SAMUEL LOVE, i Virginia, Landoun County, April ift, 1796. ' *eoßt. TO BE SOLD, I(l- \ Three-story brick House, No. 80, N. Second Lx. flreet. The lot is about 11 feet front, and aBB feet deep, to Breau-flreet, or Moravian Alley. It has long beSn one of thobeft Hands for business. ad. A frame Dwellieg-Houfe, No. 160, South Front ftreet, with a Bake-House, the Lot is about 17 feet Not, bj IJO feet in depth. iiar.dfeme Lot qf ly feet by «pQ feet deep, ex- street to Gc»rge-tlr4et ; it is the 3d 1 Lorpenfcv South-ftraot 1 on Georje-Areet there is,a two' Wofy. bricfatettektent, a frame ditto adjoining, with Sgood bakeov«n? I LikewiW a LARGE MEADOW FARM, situate oti . | Uijr'River Delaware, at a convenient (tiftancc from Pbjtu dtfphia Marlcet—the Meadow is of the b ; i» '.lity, and ffi good bank. There are commodious buildmgs, with i goad proportion of arable and woodland, and Cedar Swamp. Fir terms apply to JOHN LITLE, No. 40 North Slxth-flrect, March nft, 1796, dtf ivA Mr E i), " "77; Several Apprentices to the Printirtg- BuCnefs Apply at the Office of the Gazette $f the United Statas, N>. 119, Chefnut-ftreet. si Canal Lattery lickets, For Salc # warranted wtdrdivn, atth OrFICt, \ 49, CliefilUt street, between Fourth an 4 Filth streets. Washington Lottery—No. 2. ' I "HE Public are refpeilfnlly informed, ti.it the whole A of the Tickets in the above Lottery art row rolled of, apd from information received, will commence im mediately. After the firft day's drawing, which will be announced i« one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it is cxpe&ed will be then TeirDollars. A correct fjumeri cal Book so» public infpcSion will be opened at the above Office, jtvhere all tranfaAions relating to the line of a Bro ker, an promptly and faithfully executed. J , THOMAS NOBLE. - .. J N. B. Approved Notes securing payment, either in money, or in th« prizes of this Lottery, and payable in ten days after completion of the drawin;, will be recciv ed for any number above fifty tickets. • Excellent Claret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY Joseph Anthony Iff Son. February 13. " ' $ P E0 R SALE, ANF.AT two story frame building, situate in Fiflh flreet, continued in Southwark, which Lets at 301. ptranuum, fuhjed to a ground runt of iiox. An elegant Biown Gelding, 14 i-i hands liigh, goes werin a chair or und r the laddie.— An hantifomc riding ■ Chair and Coaeliee, with harness complete. • Three trails of Land, situate contiguous to each othsr, containing about 773 acres, in Northumberland county, near the town of Norfhnmbcrland. Sundry tra<£ls of in Bediord county, being t,&sg»».lawda < NOTICE 1 THE President and Managers of the Delaware and ! Schuylkill Canal, having determined to f«pply the city of Philadelphia wjtb Water, early in the year 1797, Proposals will be rectivc 1 in writing until the firft dat- of June next, from any pcrfon or pyrfons disposed to contra# forthe calling; and delivery of Iroa Pipes necessary lor the t above purpole. By the Beard, j WILLIAM'MOORfi SMITH, Sec'ry. March }I, aawtj. i TEN DOLLARS REWARD. id A BSCONDED, on the bight of Thurfdqy lajl, the 58 -£ V •jth inft. BosTpN Mt/RRAt', a blafk ikchmtelfet as V a at lad, *8 o- 19 years of Age, and etbritt ffirt Bor 9 inches ; one of his eyes h defeSitle in the corner "" to wards his no/e. His rt+prtrel cottjtfted of n fnaff-colcr :et ed round jacket, with a MatMjeflrr Hiefl uifd'tr It ; a pair of fiufiiantrovjfcrs, and under tbent d light mix-id "J pair of breeches- Whoever np ■■rehetlds the fait!fervaft, and returns him, 9- ecnfyq him ia any f. id in Fesenfrf ' j vanta or ferfey t ft tbat'l recover bhaftall reethtr tit ' above reward, togetkfr nv'fh reetf'mithh charges. m ' MOORE V/HARTOff* a . No. 109, SjprUce-flrect. |( j Peb. tti' dft a — 1- 1 ' ",iw ——« tr WANTED, ON Loan, for two of three jxars—joop Dollars for, which a trtoftgage oh Land wilt Be giVtn as fecaritf ThS land is clcar of every incwiriferancet Enquire of tnr Printer. l»n- 9. e 1 last draX'/n 7 it Tickets, each J J> cc ® 35,000 i- 6 ditto 1,000 6,cco e 10 ditto 4oa ■ 4,00 ' ff Akt4 . 5a 3,y ; Wv. W^AiSabjL l THOMAS t ' JAMES BAuivV. - , Crty of WaCilnjfcß, Feb. 11, § : — ; J, LOS r, A TICKET in the Wafhmgtcii No. 17901.—* Any pcrfcn having fcund tile farne is reqnclled to leave it with the Printer hereof. _ April ti. * jt. Paper'Haiigings lyfanufa^ory N". 10, V In Chef nut flreet, between Second iSf Third-flreets. » w. P o Y N T E L L, " prepared for Spring Sales a very cxtenfire caller-. ' IX ti«n, suitable for every part of a House, among® '* which are. many nrwatfd elcga«( Patterns. In addit on t * feapes, andC'hinrfe Pletei for ornamsnting Brcaft-W(>rk» ■f and Chimney Boards—a great variety of Pannel Papers, and every