Ricketts's Amphitheatre. For the Benefit of Mr. Spinacuta. THIS EVENING, Tuesday, April T i, Mr. Spinacuta, ever Itudions to render the Amufe menta of I»is Benefit truly pleasing, will, in the course of th* Evening, particularly exert himfelf by a varie ty of NEW PERFORMANCES On the Tight-Rope. Mr.Spioacuta will, for this night only, dance Mr. preen, Mr. IVtiiilock, Horatio, Mr. Marjhall, Laertes, Mr. Wignell, Polonius, Mr. Morris Rolencrans, Mr. Worrell,jun. Guildenftern, Mr. Beete, Francisco, Mr. liar ley. jtin. Marcellus, Mr. Harivood, . Bernardo, Mr. Worrell, Oflric, Mr. Francis, Officer, Mr. Blijfett, Grave-Diggers, MeiT. Bates & Milbourne. Qneen, Mrs. Shaw, Ophelia, Mrs. Mar/hall, Player Queen, Mrs. Row/on. To which will be added, A FARCE, in two adts, called Ihe Village Lawyer. ? cout ' Mr. Harzveod, 5? ,» Mr. Francis, Charles, Mr. Darlry, jun. Jultictf Mittimus, Mr. Worrell, Sheep-face, Mr. Bates. r^ ate > Mrs. Bates, Mr». Scout, Mrs. Sbaiu. j?. 0 a ?',?£l Do "? r ~~ PIT ' Three-Fourths of a Dollar— and GALLERY; Haifa Dollar. TICKETS to be had at H. and P. RICE's Book-Store. s°> Market-Street; and at the Office adjoining the The- Front'of £ '° *° f Wl "°> « a ,r°" ey °J " ckeU to bciemrned; nor any pirfon, on LT Um^' tr ° ertri idink *4 behind "« tcenea. _ Udici and Gentlemen are requested to fenjf their servants m fil!? Pk" * quauer before " ve o'clock,'and order them WV » &«<*, to wi.hdrtw a, they eaT. not, on any account, be permuted to remain. ' VIVAT RESPUMLICA. Bar-Iron Manufadtor TO BE SOLD, n reasonable termsiand convenient payments, a new FOUR FIRE FORGE A Dvanta g e ° ufl y Ctuated on the river Walkill. in the county of SulTcx, and ftite of New-Jersey, and dis tant one m.le and a half from Sharp's Furnace j he Foree t f Wen i y " Cight aCr " ot land > which are four good houses for th* workmen, with lots adjoining for gar- Flf° CS ' 8 blac k-smith's and carpen „„ j S' a "d also commodious dwalling-houfe, with a goed cellar and garden, for a Vanager, and a Store adjoin ing of twenty fe.et square. The buildings are new and the £ppHedwhh T'' iD full buflnsfs > and f«»y applied with stock and the necessary workmen • wood and v r COalm «' lu . fficieht «° afford a never tailing lupply "S foment, w ;„ fo , d wkh F * PP J Thc purchafcr Wf"? V* COrd ' * (whTchtay £ gf tifement) the Foree Fo r« U, ° f tWs adver " gether with 1500 cords ft wood" u'V ' 8 ' tl " re ° a > to il public VENDUE on * ' Wl "r be exposed t0 sale 3d day of Mar nm J ° nth< ;P«m.fes, on luefday, the ROBERT OGDEN Sparta, April ELIAS OGDEN. of Robert ind siiwugdia, : c 0 N JL5 E s & - HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. ~ e Monday, April ii 4 Mr. Christie cailcd up his resolution f or appoint > mg a committed to enquire into and report on the 1 expediency of prohibiting for a time the exporta^ :Vr u In , d 'r n COrn ann corn meaK ° 11 "0n,,,, (>t - Mr. Henderfon, rye, and rye meal were added t„ the resolution. It was then moved to lefer the '« • resolution to the committee of commerce ai d 1 ufactures. ! J S<^ C - °PP ofit; ° n ™ td the refererce U Mr. Colt ana Mr. Bourn as the house was not pofleluon of any facts irlative to the fubieci whit , ■ would juftify the exciting f, lc h an alarm as would S be occafioncd by referring the resolution. : Mr. Christie observed that it was « f less ccnfe quence that an alarm (hould be excited, than that the poor (hould fufler. His infortnatio)i ftom the Itateof Maryland, a (late that raises it ore Indisn corn than any other in the Union, was fnch, as to convince him, that something was necessary to be done immediately. Gom is now from a dollar !u ten (hillings a buihel ; and unless meafurcs are ta kentopreve.it the exportation ; before the next harveft,which will not be till nine months, the'poor mul be great fufferers ; he urged an immediate attention to the fubje<3. Mr. llepderfon, and Mr. Giles fuppof ted the motion. Mr, Kittera said he w as oppoled to it at preient. He did not think the high price was oc fflf fP HeWSS opinion that the state of Pennfylvama never had more grain at thisfeafon ot the year than at the p f efem time. Mr. Goodhue objected to preference to the committee of commerce and manufaaures. As the objea of the reference was information— he luppofed a committee to consist of a member from every state was the mod proper. The resolution was refered to a committee of fifteen. In committee of the whole on the bill to re.,,,- late trade and intercourse with the Indian tribe and for preserving peace on the frontiers. Mr ' Muhlenberg in the Chair. The committee p te . cceded thro' the remaining fe&ions of the bill Some amendments were agreed to. The Commit tee then rose and reported the bill with the amend ments. The house took up the amendp and agreed to the fame. The bill was the- <*rdet"ed to been grofled for a third reading. Several motions were then made to take up vari ous orders of the day. Mr. Cooper said tWe were important reason. why all other business (hould give way to that of making appropriations, to meet the several contra&f now exiltirjg against the United States. He called the attention of the House to their new Ass, he laid the house has palled a bill to furve'y aad fell a great trad of country, obtained from'the Indian 1 nbes, by the late Treaty negociated by General Wayne, but the House had made r»o provision for making the payment stipulated to thole tribes in the body of the Treaty, for the land we have fa willingly accepted and directed to be dilpofed of; and thought that if the bill was now complete n ,k ---ing the appropriations that it would be impuffibie to purchase and deliver the goods to these tribes by the time named in the Treaty, and thereby, if we refufe or neol e a to comply punaually with our* part of the contract, can we blame them for a breach of faith on their part; or if another Indian war follows, who ought to be accountable > Then: was one other objea, he said, which to tHie State'of New-York, was very incereiting ; he meant the sur render of the Wtftern Posts ; this was a defnabJe objea with ins constituents: the evil experienced by the settlements on the Mohawk river, a.id the once flourifhing town of Schenea'ady, by beini: de prived of the Western trade on the lakes, is f, well known by the whole delegation from the State, that it is almoil needless to fay it is the firft wifli of that country : it is their primary oEjefl. The firft of June is looked to by the people of Scheneaady, a da y w ' len that advantageous, but; long loft' Weltern trade will open to them again ; and he called on his colleagues with a friendly hope, to aid the speedy completion on the part' of the United States of the Treaty, which restores to so )ar>r*. a portion of the citizens of the State of New-York. a trade, the loss of which had almost caused that very refpeaablc town of Scheneaady to dwindle into decay No reply being offered, a motion which had been made to take up a report of the Secretary of the 1 reafury, relative to the Revenue cutteis, was past and agreed to. In committee of the whole pn the report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the memorial of °f 7; at .°" a " d othcrs - Tfie 'eport bein read, Mr. Coit moved several resolutions purfuaut thereto, in lubftance as follow : The firft, that the wages of the officers and raa men of the Revenue Cutters, ought to'be raffed. I ic that a new division of fines, penal ties and forfeitures recovered in fonfequence of in formation by the officers of the revenue cutters,one third of which are to be divided among the officer, and men of those cutters, in proportion to their pay. tt j tj" P ro P°fes thp the President of the United States be authorized to build new cttfteis m lieu of such as may be rendered by use, unfit for further service; and that in lieu of the levenue cut ter lately employed in the river and bay of Dela ware, the President be authorized to build or pur- ' ? C a vessel suitable to be employed occSfionally in carrying dispatches to foreign countries. Thcle reiolutions were agreed to. The committee then rose and reported the refo lut.an. which were adopted by the House, and a bill or bills ordered accordingly. Mr. Harper, agreeable to notice on Friday last, moved that the House (hould go into a .ommittee of the whole on the state of the Union, in order to take into confederation the fcveaal Treaties referred to that committee. Mr. Baldwin moved that the report of a feleft TOmmittee relative to the military establishment, (hould be taken up m committee of .the whole. | r»-r. r.arpei's motion >vas negatived—49, te 3*9. - $ • u H 'I