* . - Ipigefe A tbtUnited . NUMB EH 1120.J , MON DAT EVENING, APRIL 11, J 796. [Volume IX. China gSods. THE Ship Atlantic, Captain Silas Swaine, Com mander, from Canton, will commence the dijcharge of her cargo to-morrow morning at Walnut-street Conjt/llng of Yellow and white Naokeens o r excellent quality Persian Taffetics, black jind cQloufed Lustrings, do. dq, ' Sattins black of various qualities Sewing silks in aflbrted colours Vermillion in boxes cbefls v • , ; Quicksilver in jars BOHEA, "1 SOUCHONG, ) HYSON SKIN, ! TSW '* young HYSON [ r.rein leas. BF.ST HYSON, IMPERIAL, J . CHINA WARE, ornamental, with Table and Tea Sets eenerallv aflbrted. WHITE SUGARS, and a tju.antity of First quality Bengal SALT PETRE. For Sale by Philip Nicklin & Co. April 8. t - th& » John Miller, jun. &c Co. NO 8, CHP.SNUT-STREKT, Have just imported in the Hamburgh Packet, A general assortment of Spring Goods, To which they expe*Sfc large additions by the next arriv als from London and Liverpool. They have also on Handy received from Franee, by the box, assorted, 1800 dozens of Silk Stockings, on which the drawback is recoverable; A fw Bales of India Book Muslins, & Handltcrohiefs, March 30. § Fqn SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IN PENN-STREET, 130 quarter Chests frcdi Hylon Tea; 100 ditto do. frefli Souchong: Tea ; 30® Boxes China, containing small tea fttts of 42 picces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. » Willings Sff Francis. January 30. 3taw -30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Corks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. December 31. eodtf Excellent Claret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY Joseph Anthony & Son. February 13. § Jamaica Pimento, A quantity for SALE—for Exportation. PETER BLrGHT. Feb. 26. § if'urrs and Skins. RICHARD y. JAMES POTTER, HAVE FOR SALE A prime Jeleflion of tlx annexed articles i Shaved Deer Skins Unsaved ditto Elk-Skins Shaved do. Baaver Otter Bear Racoon Wolf Ox hides Tiger Leopard - Likewfe, yhree thousand wt. of superior New-Orleans Indigo. •TVerit'y tierces of Rice, and A quantity of excellent liogwood, Which they will Tell on good terms. > - March 17 5 This Day is Pvblijhed and Sold At BENJAMIN DA VIES' BOOK STORE, • No. 68, High-street, The Political Censor; Or, MONTHLT REVIEW •of the most mterefting politicial occurrences relative to The United States, For March 1796. By PETER PORCUPINE. Tfcis work will be continued monthly, and the future numbers will be publiihed on the lali day of «very month. April";. 3fTO. w * | just Published, Br JACOB JOHNSON, b 9 CO. ko. X 47, hTARXET-iIRtET, [Price I is. 31/.] THE Flotbers if Modern Hiflory, IN TWO VOIOHES. Copiprehenoing, on a new -plan, the most remarkable and interefttng Events, as well as the molt eminent and illustrious Characters; with a View of the Progress of Society and Arts and Sc-icpccs, )rom the Crea tion to the Conclusion of the American War. By JOHN ADAMS, A. M. March 4, ' aawlx Treasury Department ; Revenue-Office, March \Qth, 1796. PRQEOpALS will be received at the office of the Commifponer of the Revenue, (No. 43, at the C 0171 or of Third and CliefilUt-ftreets, Philadelphia) for building iij North-Carolina, I. A Lioht-H&ufe upon Cape-Hatteras. 11. A Beaecin House Upon Shell Castle jdatid. Descriptions of each, and all other particulars, may be seen on application at the offices of any of the Superioten dants of LigKt-Houfes, or of tfa,e. Supervisors of tjie Reve nue, or of the Colle&ors of the Customs in ps the States ; as also at this_office. 2aw 3m . ■ For B 0 S 7 O N., le brig Neptune, con Sant trader) Daniel Rhodbs, Maftcr, LyiNG at Clifford's wharf, will positively fail on ThutT day next, has excellent accommodations for pafiengers.— For freight or passage applv to Edward Stow, Jun. .April 9. $ ' No. 4,'fouth Water-flreet. For L IV ERPO O~L, Alkir.s, njafier. BURTHEN 246 tows, to fail v/ith all convenient speed. ; For freight or passage apply to Samuel Iff Miers FiJljer, No. 27, Dock-(tre«t. Who have Imported per said Ship, A general alignment of Queens Ware in Crates; Short Pipes in boxes, three groce each, An assortment of Stone Jugs, ' Together wkh an assortment of D R T GOODS, iuited to the Scafon—as Usual. 4th Mo. sth, 1796. 3aw4w For V A L E, CONCORD, THE Concord is upwards of 300 tons, about three y;ar« old, live oak and cedar, coppered—fit to proceed on a voyage to India, or elfewheie—is in the best order, could fail dire«'. Aujlr'tans. March § JUST RE C EJVE D From France, via New-York, a new and fajloiona hle assortment of F R;E NCH CHINA, consist lira cf Desert Sets. Tea Sets of 6, 12, iS.and S4 tups and saucers Walhing hand basons and jugs Flower pots ©f different Ihapes Bowls, porringers, and cypherad cUpS and fancers A great number of Groups, among which are Locis the XVI. and»S>o &c "&c Very 1 cw fancy Jitto Anelegant aud frelb assort F.kgai.t tanibore muslins ment ol and Colored work ditto fafljes l.aced fija'i■-d ditto Cotton {lockings Brocaded ditto Worsted ditto i. adi.es plaids And a variety, of other articles, just opened. Many oX gt-jds pa;-ticiilariy calcnlafici ft l r t'le Weft-India market. Vcamber 23 ( , taw SHOT, o¥all sizes, froms2 ib toGrape, Cambooles, Pots, aud other callings executed at the ihorteft notice, Nail rods, from xod to spike, Hoop Iron, of all fixes,' for calks or cutting into nails, from a brad to I2d nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. Bar Jron, t A Quantity of James River Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herrings in barrels, Kiln-dried corn meal in Hhds. and Bbls. Rye floor &c. to be fold by Levi Hollingfworth & Son. ijl 4 ' 2301 George ikinghurft, GOACH & HARNESS MAZER, RESPECTFULLV informs hi* friends and the pnblic, that he has removed from Arch-ftrret, to No. 2 J in north Fifth-ftrcet, adjoining,the Episcopal Burial Ground, where he continues the bulinefs of Coach making in all its Branches. JHCjjnakes ul! of crjrne ncck. an<\ perch luch as Coaches, Chariotn, Phxtpns, and Coachees ; also, Chairs, K ; :'i - ; and all kinds of Har irefs, vritn plated or bnffs He hath a good frifip'y tho bift materials, and a '(lock of the best fca fo'ned \yo the de sire? of hi 1 * eciploycr be flatters him|plf will prove fuffi cient-r-ec«n"uncn.ii|tt)op£. He has fcco;ui-haii.l .Carriages for f.ile, vi 7. a conipleaf with a cbachman ? s (eat and Venetian Llii'da all round; a Phaeton ; a £hair; aiid a Sulkey witl) a ftUlirjrt- top. AU iiuifs of Carriages fold on Commission, and Gar- •s ii?, to jtand by .the month .or year. rT Apprentices wanted to the Bufincfs. Philadelphia, November al. t,t,&sj;.i7.2awdo Copper Ware-Houle, No, 2. North Eouwh Street. GEORGE £s? HENRY WESCOTT tT 4V£ just received by the late Vessels from London, XLiverpool and Bristol, and which they are felling redticedprices for calh, or a short credit, and estepjive nllbrtment nffheet Copper Bottoms, cornprificg Iheetlfron. 5 to njqlb. and bottoms from 16 inches to 5 f^et —Also a haTidfome as forttnent of the moll approved flieathing Copper with nails, and bolts, Tin in boxes, Block-tin, Spelter in casks, Sfiflter fodder, jiig lead, &c. fee. Jan- '■ w & f. NOTIC E. THB Prslidcnt atiti Managers of the Dela\yare and Schuylkill Canal, having determined so f-jp'ply the . «ity of Philadelphia, with water, early m the year 1797, .Proposals will be rvatiye in writing until she fell day of June snvperfjlj or perfoiis.difppfed to contrail* for the ta-'i ing and delivery of Iron .Pipes necessary lor the above purpok. A the BcarJ, WILLIAM MCites SMITH, Sec'ry. Marsh 31. 2atvtJ. i Robert Smith & Co. No. jB, south Front-C.rcet, j Have received by the late arrivals from Lond»n and Li verpool, A general affortrnent of Goods, Suit" 1 ; : fortteSekfonj And by the VjffeU Uuc SOAP, Brown j Mess, } Prime, and > B E E F, in bblt. and iialf bhls. Cargo ) Ox TOftGJES, CIDER, SHOES, kc. 4th n)o. Bth, 1796. f -w JUS 7 IMPORTED, In the Clip Liberty, from London* a handt'ome well as sorted Invoice of Dry Goods, (or ABOUT £1000 sterling) Confiding, ®f Britilh and India Book Vuflins Chiftizes, &<• two Bale? of 6-4 wide Book Muffin*. Al/i, a frfi.ll l'arcelof Nu'.megs; and for Sale hy JAMES C. f3* BAM, W. FTSffRR. April s- J ivv Jud Lnruiing, Fr«m on board th" Ship Stiff fLQWER, Captain Ben. Swift, from tiUAD U.OUPE, A quantity of Sugars, FOR SALE, BY f, Cop pinker, Jth April. § No. tSI, south Front-ilreet. MADEIRA, i SFjERftY and L WINES. PORT. j For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jun- No. 4, South Water.Strtet. Dec. -w. New Book Auction, BOSTON. T9HN V. FOLSOM refpedtfally informs the public, J and beokfellers in particular, he has opened an Auc tion Office, in a central (ikustidll. for that purpofc tmty — Any ordar in that line Ihall be faithfully and'ranflually executed:' and letters, po/t paid,immediately attended to. 80/teu, ?\'Tartl> 23. N 0 T ICE. ALL persons having claims agaipft JOHN LYONS, deceased, Lite of Charle3 County, Mar) land, are requeued to exhibit then* for settlement; and thole wh« arc indebted arc requested to make Immediate pay ment. ALEXANDER GREER, Executor. AHen's Fresh, Charles county, *iaw6 Mary hand, March 14,1796. 1 —- ~ JOSEPH COOKE, GOLDSMITH b" JEWELLER, The corner of Market and-Third-«Veets, Philadelphia; MOST reppeftfully informs his friends and the public, that he has received, per the last arrivals, a com plete and general afTortment of aim oft Every Article in his Line; Immediately from the manufadures of London, Bir mingham, arid ShcffieU, all of which are of the newest fafliion, and will be fold, whofefalcand retail, on the ,ow cll terms, and the Notes of Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. JchnNicholfon received in payment at their current value. Miiri ' h 5- lawtf COLUMBIA HOUSE hoarding School for Young Ladies. MRS. GROOM BRIDGE havingremoved from Lo.dge Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and Spnice-ftftets, for the advantage of a largr, convenient Moafe, in a dry, healthy situ at ion; hopes for tiie continuance of the enc6u rftgsnient she ha 6 hitherto so highly experienced ; and for which (he returns her sincere acknowledgment.• 0- Mrs. Groombridge is aiTuled by Masters of the firft ability; and the ufeful, as well as ornamental branched of education are particularly attended to. February 8. §2w.e 3 m Wanted to Rent, TN ft antral' situation in Philadelphia, a fit of Li-v?ry A Stables ivitb other conveniences fujficient to contain f-rty horfis anJ^ipworis. AJfo, wanted to take a-farm not exceeding 30 or eo mUei f O'n thf'citji, of about rjo or zoo Heresy hi us, of. upon it, on eith r 4he Pennfylvunin or JerfeyJir.e. -yW.PI rf'" bating eithc to rent, mqy bear of a tenant f lately from by applying to ITm. Herjbaw, the Cjnser of id ar.d south Jlreets. itipru 6. *cods.