t' Numbs* 1115-J John Miller, jun. & Co. NO- 8, CBKSIfOT-STStST, Have julfc imported in the Hamburgh Packet, A general ajfortment of Spring Goods, To which they expeS large additions by the Bext arriv als from London and Liverpool. Hey have also cn Hand, received frs-n France, by the box, aff6rted, 1800 dozens of Silk Stockings, on wbieh tho-drawWk is recoverable; A few Bales of India Book Muslins, & Handkerchiefs, which will be fold low to clole falls. March 30. § For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IN PENtf-Stlt&ET, 13® quarter Chells frefh Hyion Tea; 100 ditto do. frefli Souchong Tea; 3C» Boxes. China, containing fraall tea fe£ts of 4* pieces; 400 pieces Bandsgoes. Willings & Francis. January 3P. 3taw. 500 bags Martinico coffee, Of excellent quality, entitled to the drawback, just arrived, arid to be fold by Thomas & John Clifford. March 30. diw 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Corks, in bales, and Holland Gin, in pipe*, For Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. Bciunlur jr. caHtf MADKIRA, j — SHERRY and > WINESt PORT 3 For Sale by EDWARD STOW, Jun- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12. d. .Excellent Cl-jret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY Joseph Anthony & Son. February 13 . . § Jamaica Pimento, A quantity for SALE —for Exportation. FETER BLIGHT. frelii Teas. jo Quarter chests Hyson 13 Ditto Gunpowder }3 Ditto Souchong Of choice quality, just arrived in tfce Pigoa, (rem Canton, and to befoldonTery reafoaable terms at the Cores of btordecei LewiT t 1" No. 05, Great Dock-street. March 18. «»fc §td». Anaieheer.. i.r For LONDON, THE CRICANTXNE John Hjrer, Commander, ByRTHENtjo tons, is now ready to take 111, and will fail m aliotft ten days, part of her cargo beih°- already engaged. • a •' FOR HAMBURGH, Saml. PiL£, matter, BUHI'H£«N 100 tons, an excellept Veficl, and wellfiofed. of her being engqged, Qie will fail carlj. For L IV E R P 0 0 L, . Jp* e ' THE SHIP Hamburgh Packet, Ceo kg* Clat, Commander, BURTHEN 310 tons, is nearly a new vtffel, and a re markably fact sailer. A great part of hrr cargo being ready to go en board, it is expected Die will fail about tke 20th inftlnt. For terms apply to WHO ARE LANDING, From the Hamburgh Packet, from Liverpool; 38 Sheet? Lead, 14° Calks Nails aflorted, 9 Bales of Sail Canvas, No. 137, 3 ditto of Seine an J Sewing Twine, Small Invoice of Cutlfw, and Watch Chains, well allotted. And from the Diana, from Jamaica, 160 Puncheons Rum. Tlxy have also on /fund, Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogfljeads, and qr. caQts, Old Red Port Wine, in pipeswid Tenenffc Win.*, til pipes cutol howihcaos, Mountain Wine, in quarter casks, Candy, in -boxes of 80 and 9Qlb. cach, 2 j»o£fh.£a&> of Camphor, 1 of Jalap :;i ;>o '.w'.jr. And a rfmnftity of M March I Jior SALE, }y' m S at Sttinmetz vh.-.rt", she it a remarkable fort failing veflrel.liurlTien between Wair, built cWHv of live oak and eedjr, and has excellent aeeornmoda tions for p»flTtfogers ; if not fold in /oar days, *ill take in freight/or Boston. For terms 3uply to ' EDWARD STOW, Jun. 4> South Watcr-Strret. March i 6. For Falmoi/th and a Market, JohnThompjon, master, Atg«od ce«i»r uJ live oak fiiip, with convenient accom wharf below Walnut-street, and will be ready to rtc«i*e her cargo in a few days, and is intended to f;il withjdl convening fpted. F#r freight or piffage apply to the master en boird, or to Jeremiah Warder, WHO HAS FOR SALB, [ A quantity of very neat drawn Swtdilh Iron; heart and clap German Steel; Rags for paper makers; Demi Joints; Bridles; large Liverpool hotife Coal; and fail raakeri Teaming Twine. March 3. eodi« FOR S A L F ONE hu*dred and nine Ton»burthen ; a good, ftauach well built vessel, now lying at Huddell's wharf. For terms apply to NaJbro' iff John Frazier. No. 95 South Front Clreet. JUarchio 3awim For Sa/e, or Qbarter, TUC SLOOP BETSEY, Joh"n Dnnkins, master, 800 barrels flour, in complete or der to receive a cargo immediately. For terms apply ' o the Captain on board, at the subscriber's wharf— or to JOSEPH SIMS. Who has for Sak+jy/l imparted in fuidfloip. Coffee, of an excellent quality, in hhds. and tierces. Sugar, ditto - fcribar, at his DiAilicry, N'o. itj.Storjr, or New Street, between Third and Fourth Streets March 7. ' • THOMAS CAVE. N. K. Whifksy and Melaffes will' be ptH-cnafeJ, of- in eitchaagc for any fort of Spirits at a fair-.md marketable price. Also, v.ayted any number of Gin uh! Braudy Pipes & Well-India Rum enqnire as a'lpvc. /MPORIEA In the Skip Fieou, Captain Dak, froo Canton, and for by THE SUnSCkISERS, CHINA, aflbrted; SUGAR; BOHtA, > SOUCHONG, I HYSON SKIN, HYSON, I 1 Imperial, j NANKEENS; QUICK SILVER; CASSIA; FANS; SEWING SILKS; HAIR RIBBONS. March 4. No. 8, North Front-Jlrcet, Printed Calico and Muflip WAREHOUSE. RICHARD £3* J AWES POTTER, hivt jujl reciivtJ a Cutnrl ajfjiimatt of ibc fflkrwimg urlciles, ivvisb lljty 'offer fur fate. POINTED calitotfs i>entlemen'» neck handkfs. .1 4-4 wd- booh, muslins Newfalhior.aJ)lu«i'l4 6-4 wd. uit>oiUt:i Mudra shin der*, hiofi »ido,c xnuCtn * I Tanu>our ! d inujlins ?ockct nitto T r - vaTugu, XfcQtfttitr c* J«n* *ir*t T«bttc6, X 'i" •'T--T'r" Herrtfigi in lurr«la, Kiln-pried cora meul in HUs. add Bbls. Rye flour &c. to be folil by Levi Hallir.gfwcrth & .Son. dugwft 4 2 out Geocae JBringhurft, I CO/ICH & harness MAKER, R£SP£CTJFIJL4,Y;ipf«rw» his , 'friends »nd the that be has r£trayed'fr»m to Nv. 33 jn north Fiffh-ftreet, a*!ioiaing the jSpiXcopaUJuiial .Ground, yfhcfc he effnfiflnfcs die bMinifs of ■Coach morelng lit all its Branches. ( Hs makes all kinds of crane neck and peich Carriages, sucH ii'Coadkei, Chaiiot ~ Fhstons, and Coacbees; a!fo, Chpara, Ktttercefl*, SUlkfiVt; and all kinds of Har ntu, vrith fitted br- brass «v«ufltiig. He hath a.'good supply of the best nuurials, tad ajuck m any part of the United States will be du ly' attt!iU;t2> ftppfydifcr 1 l»psSfef» ( t«nfc Hf*f, fl^»tt>iijf l( perrai»-o«i ptrfmft'iitpofcd to coatri& fer oif Trtit H*6»e|w^;- X «*; •- ' ■>; ; WIX|AM -Aot*£ MOi-h ■ j Ma-.b 3' SPIRITS. yeffe & Robert Wain, William Sanfom, Mordecai Lewis. §tl7I NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED, A quantity of excellent Boston BEEF, And MouM and Dipt CANDLES. ran sals er Isaac Harvey, jun. Na ". f % Witer-flrect, 3d ma irth, 1706. i New Book Auction, Bo S T 1?K: JOHN VV. POLSOM refpe ALEXAtiQEV. GAt£«., Kxicutut/ Allen's Frelh, Chai lej c«uiroy c *»aw 6 foaryhgcj.-frlfrrch 14,1795; Canal Lottery O.ffice, N'ear the Bunt'of At Unite,! sLus. TirifPTc k :y 9 6. ICKETS to be hadme Office, wifranred undrawn, at 14 Dollars each, uodfrorM the extraordinary rich nefsot the wheel, the price will rife at lealt one do!lar after a very Hay'* drawing, particularly wl*He the jo.ooo dollar prire remains jn. STATE of the IVHEEJL: , X pr.ze *f 30,000 - . 30,000 5 de; oo.&oo - - I GO,OOO 1 do. 10,00 a - . io.opp » 4°. « t, s cp - - -j.oqp 6 do. - - 4>,opp 10 flo. 500 - - , j,qpp r > * • 100 • • 3 x7-PP V.'ith a proportionate numbtr of lz dollar prizes. The Public are informed, that' the Lottery is three .ourths drawn, consequently one undrawn ticket noyu, bas tile fame chance for aftjr-of the large remaining- prlrss, that lour had at. the sommencernent—and eWrv futur* day s drawing, will grcstly etu:rc»fa this valj>fl, frpi» ifce five Wationary pre&.of one hundred thousand dollars, and the lottory h*itig so near 3. cjqfe, . . Win. Blackburn, Agent. A Check-book kept at the Office f6r etaminatwii and regiiten og . ... _ J . j - .*• •JOSEPH COOKjT y GOLDSMITH Ea" JEWELLER, Theco«OT of Market *h Chefuut f street, between Fourth and Fifth ftrsets. Washington Lottery—No. 2. HTHK Public are fefpeflfully informed, that Ac whole A of the Ticketsrin the above tottery are now rolled upland from mtormatien receivea, will commence im mediately. ■ After the firft day's drawing, wfeicji will bs announced ib one of the Philadelphia papers, tickets it ireipf£sd will be then Ten Dollar,. A correct Mumeri- Book , for w,II be opened at the above Office, where all reUting-tothe line of a Bro- Iter, are promptly and faithfully executed. . , THOMAS NOBLE. March 2. N. B. Approved Notes securing payment, cither In money, or m the prizes of this Lotteryyund-payAle in ten days afttr completion of the drawing, will be'receir ed for any.number above fifty titkefc*. : \ > Ok SALE, A NEAT two story frame byilding, situate in Fifth, ftrcet, continued in Southwark, which Lets at -.ol per annum, fufeje& to a ground Mat of t ios. - All elegant B.own Qelding, 14 ~2 hands high, goe« wet!* a chair or under thi faddlc.~An handfomc riling Chair and Coachee, with harness complete^- Three tra