Number 1085. J For LONDON, THE ship FAc 1 o Captain John Kemp, NOW lying at Chefnut-flrect whar£ —will lan on or about theiotli IViarch. For passage, apply to tnepiaftcr on board, or to JOSEPH ANTHONY Iff SON. § February 29 For LIVERPOOL, . THE SKIP M 1 A B L E, Daniel C. Tillinghurfl, matter; A ("hunch, fact: failing cedar and live cak fiiip, now lying at Weft's wharf, next above Vine-dreet—will begin to take in her cag© in a few days, great part being ready to go on board—is intended to fail about the ioth ot£ next month. For freight or parage apply to the Mafcer «u board, or to JEREMIAH WARDER. Who has for SALE, * ],:«rge Liverpool House COAL; New and second hand CABLES and HAWSERS, from i eight to fifteen inchcs ; Aud Sail-Makers Scnming TWINE, ■February 16. For WILMINGTON (N. C.) E D W A R D, .r. Isaac Howland Maftcr Will 1 iil in a few days, for freight or paiTage apply to the Maftcron board at Peiuiroie's Wliarf, or at No. 22, Wal nut Street. Feb* 24, ' Wanted to Charter Of if o to 200 tons burthen ; to load Wilmington, North-Caroliiu, for a. Port ia England. Applv to ' , HENRT PHILIPS, No. 118, Spruce-ftrett- Feb. 13 F 0 R CH A R T ER, EAGLE, ABOUT 151 tons burthen; is now in complete order to receive a cargo on board, and lays the second wharf below Hne-ftreet. Enquire of Jehu Hollingsworth iff Co. February 8. § For Sale, or Charter, e s l 0 or- B E T s E Y > v.-^ i| John Dankins, mailer, BURT'hE N*about 800 barrels flour, in complete or 4«r to receive a cargo immediately. For terms apply tu the Captain on board, at the fubferiber's wharf — or. to JOSEPH SIMS. Who has for Sale, jujl imported in fu'idjloep, Coffee, of in excellent quality, in hhds and tierces. Sugar, ditto in hhds. and barrels. February 12. $ WILLIAM YOU NG, No. Sl south Second-street, HAS FOR SALE, An (jxwr.five ifl'orment of PAPERS, from the turers in Europe, and from his Manufactory onßpan dywiue, wholesale and retail, WRITING & PRINTING PAPERS, viz. Imperial, Small folio Poltj plain Ruper-rojfcl, Ditt« gilt "Royal, Bloflom Paper assorted Medium, Tran (parent folio Post 33emv» Superfine &common foolf'-. 'Thick Post, in folio, Marbled papers, large and I>itto, in quarto, small Extra large Folio Post* ,iareeioi,. l)H4o, quarto, COARSE PAPERS folio Post, wove, London bvown, affortei Quarto, ditto, . L g book piper ' Folio wove Post, lined, Hatter's paper Jtaarto do. di>. Stainer's paper prttt>, gilt, do. Common brown Common fiz" Folio Post Patent fheatliing paper Ditto, quarto, plain Bonnetboard's Folio & quarto Post, gilt Binder's boards. Jflfn, a -vanity of other Stationary Akticles, vtt and gtafs philosophical ink-stands, well al sorted i pewter ink-ehcfls of various sizes; round pewte iuk (lauds; paper, brass, and polifced leather ink-iland for the pocket; Fed morocco portable itik'Hands witH pla ted spring locks, leal and embofied papers; IhiMnj tand bills of lading, xbanifefts, Icamen** "articles and journals, &c. &c. A well frleiled collection »f mifecUancous books. Bi- Jblos and prayer books various llzes and different binding, 'i oy books for children. A Iso, of creek, latin, and enghfii classics, as are "OW in ufeinthe colleges and fchoolsi.f the States. N. 6 Feelt'sSpanHhfloraindigo,moulds, fcotherarticto Hfisd is raan»fafl\iring of paper, to be had Oiver-f/ terras. £5" 1U mar let price i» Cajb ffi'dftr any quantity of Ragt. February if . _ _• PUB L r S H E D, Price Tbr!e-Fourths ef a Dollar, No. 60, SOUTH BECQ»r>-«TRKSTj STI Philadelphia Directory, WITH A PL.VN Or T3E City of Philadelphia. Janiiry 18. _ FOR SALE. \ FOUNT of BK.EVIER, half Worn; about four liuii- X7i 1 -cd wi ight. Enquire at the Office of ♦! zette . ■ v_ .... /-m.„ ©alette of ih HiiiteJ 0 tales R, Feb, aj. WAGNER, Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, At No, 25,• South Secsndjlrct'ty HAS, in addition, to hisaflortixient of fuperfine Cloths and Cafilmers, Received by the fa&or from Lon don, a very elegant affortsrient of Gentlemens' Wailtcoat Patterns; such as Sattin, Silk. Moleflcin, Cafljnicr, and IvXerieilles, which will be fold at their just prices. January 9 3tawiw cfiw Dec. 12 For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, January 30. l\ ; otcs, Wanted. > Messrs. _mgz[us& Nicholson's notes, tor which valuable and well Situated Lots in ,fcjf Citj cf IVqfkhgion, will be given. „ , ■ THOMAS NOBLE. February 18 Boarding School for Young Ladies. MRS. GROOIVIBRTDGE frco* Lnjgc Allsy, to the corner of Eleventh and Spi-*eß*Kr«sT for the ady xtnge of a large, convenient House, i?i a d/y, healthy situation; hopes fji the continaauceof t*p! encow ragencnt (he'has iuth- rto so highly ex;- "ienecd ; uad far which (lie returns her fiuwre acknowledgment.' Mrs. Gko.)JHßß,ldJ 23d inft. This collection consists of the produ&ions of the firXl artists, and will doubtjefs be pleating to amateurs and the admirers of the fine arts* To this colle&ion Mr. Savage has added several pieces of his own, one of which is £he Prefidcnt and Family, the full size of Life. %* Price of admifiion to the Gallery, one quarter of a dollar. £/" The PANORAMA, in Higb-ftreet, exhibiting a of London, continues open for the amusement of thofew-ho may be to fee that interesting perfpec- A French Miniature Painter refpc&fully offers his ser vices to the Public, and hopes that the moderation of his terms,, the vary short time of his fitting*, ,and the rate of his abilities, will induce his visitors to become his patrons. A Fa special Meeting of the Board of Dire&ors for J~iL establishing ufeful Manufactures, vheld at Paulus- Hook, January 25th, "The Board taking into coufideration the gejieral affairs of the Society, think it necessary 3 meeting of the Stockholders should fce tailed as soon as the Law will permit; it is therefore rc folved. that the Stockholders be called to meet on the firft Tuesday in March next, at Ege'rlev's Hotel, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the forenoon of the fame day, then and there to take into furious confiderat.ion, affairs of the •utnioft importance to the said Society; and that every Stockholdei be earnestly requested to attend either in person or by proxy." A true extra,& of Minutes, P. COLT, Superintendant. Isew-YcrJt, January 26, 1596. §tltM BEGS leave to acquaint t> \ Gentlemen, subscribers to the,print Portrait of C-lifge Washington, Prriidsnt of the United States of -Are ;.'ica, engravedby Mr. Field, from an originalpifture pi iccd by W. Robcitfon, fhat the Proofs are ready for delivery so the fcveral i'ubferib crs at John James Barralet's, No. 19 north ; ar at J. Ormrod's, boolcfeller, No. 4t, Chefr.u:-itreet, where the subscribers are requested to fend their address. October 27 eod. WAN T E 1), ' ~ * ON I-oan, for two or three years—icoo Dollars, for which a mortgage on Land will be IVun asl'ecurity. Tlie land is clear of every incumbrance. Jan- 9. d. Ji A jV j h. i>, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bufincfs. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of the UnifeH Stairs. N x ,i T0» C;hefnut-ftreet. tij._ Commodious Scores to Let, adjoining the Compting-Poufe of the Subscribers. For t"rnic an»lv tr> ANDRKWS If MKRSIjITH. FOR SALE, B T M O R D E C A I LEWIS, At his Store, No. 25, Great Dock-Dreet, A few boxes Bandanoes of the firft quality ; 1 bale Humhums; 12 do. Baftas; 4 do. Coflas; 3 do. Book Muslins; 10 do. Ruflia Sheetings j 2 do. Ravens Duck 5 I Cafe Diaper; A quantity of Roll Briniftone; A parcel of Griivdflones. Ju/i Arrived, 80 Pipes Bordeaux BRANDY; 50 Ilhds. do. Rett WINE; 5.0 Cafe?. do. do. 80 do. Sweet OIL. Fix Sale by F. COPPI.VOERt No. mi, south Fronf-ftrcst, MADEIRA, 1 . SHERRY" and f- WINES, PORT 3 For 3:i!e by EDWARD STOW, jua No. 4, South Water-Street. IN VENN STREET, 130 quarter Chests frefh Hyion Tea; 100 ditto t>. frefo Souchong Tea; 300 Boxes China, contaiaing fm-all tea setts of 42 pieces; 400 pieces Bandaoo-s. Willings & Francis. COLU M B I A Columbian Gallery, MR. SAVAGE, Feb. 20. to tfie Pui3lic. AX MR. O'ELLER't MOTEL Feb. 20. Paterfon Manufactory. Mr. Walter Robertfon TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH i, 1796. 33w/m § IW , d. jtaw. Ho 1: S E §aw s^m PHILIP NICKLIN y CO, HATE FOR SALE, , Earthen Wars, in crates, well afiforted ; Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogfljcads, and quarter c^flcs; Red Port Wine, of excellent quality, in Pipes and hogfkeada; Old Mountain Wine, in quarter ca^s; Sugar Candy* in boxes of to ufi 4 No. 8, North Front-Jlrect. Printed Calico and Muslin WAREHOUSE. RICHARD £3' JAMES POTTER, Have jujl rtfcbveJ a Cuparb qjforttient qf tie folloivinj artcihs, tvitch tbty »i PRfNTBD calicoes 4-4 wd. book muslins 6-4 wd. <:it to ditto Boo:; nutflin handkerchief* Pocket ditfo Colored, bordered, muHiu handkerchiefs Very new fancy ditto tainbore mucins Colored wyrk ditto Laced ligureJ ditto Brocaded diuo Ladies plaids And a variety of other articles, jufl opened. Many of the above goods are particularly Calculator for the Well-India market. December 23 taw George Bringhurft, COACH & HsiRNFSS MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed from Arch-street, to No. 23 in north Fifth-fcreet, adjoining the Episcopal Burial Ground, where he continues the butinefs of Coach making in all its Branches, He makes all kinds of cranc neck and perch Carriages, such as Coaches, Chariot*, Phaetons, and Coachees ; aMo, Chairs, Kittereens, Sulkeys ; and all kinds of Har ness, with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good l'upply of the ibeft materials, and a liock of the heft fda fo.ned wood, Orders from any part ©f the United States will be du ly attended to with the greatell punctuality and dispatch. His long experience ill business, his care in the execu tion ,of his work, unremitted attention to the de sires of his employers, he flatters himfflf will prove fuffi cient recommendations. He has Several second-hand Carriages for sale, viz. a compleat Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian bliudsall round; a Phaeton; a Chair; and a Sulkey with a falling top. All kinds of Carriages; fold on Commiflion, and Car riage* taken in to stand by the month or year. spr* Apprentices wanjto the Business. Philadelphia, November 2i. .2awd« Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. A GENERAL MEETING of the Stock holders will be held at the Company's office on Saturday, the i 2th day of Match tiext, at 10 o'clock, A. M, As the business- of the meeting is of very great importance, nat nnljr to the Com pany in particular, but to the citizens in general, it is earnellly requested and cxpedtc-d that the at tendance will be pundhial and numerous. By order of the Board of Managers, WM. MOORE SMITH, Scc'ry. Philad. Feb. 6, 1796. wSifti2thM FOR SALE, A Commodious Frame House, Situated in North Sccond-ftreet, No. 145* lately occupied by Leonard Jacoby, confining of a good three story frame, -.wenty-fivc feet in front; a two story Brick building -ehind, with a Kitcfrto and offices; also, a Garden plot, mc hundred feet deep a stable and wafti house, which ias a communication ». Race-street, four years o£ the Lease is unexpired; on 'firft day of January next These prcmifes are in good repairs, an*' the par chafer may have immediate pofTellior. For particulars enquire ofR 0 bert C° e, NA . »th Second Street. m,w&f PETER BORGER, ia\y6w. eodtf iffrr fir /.tit' Gentlemen's ne-ck handkf-j. New fufliionable/h;\yls • iVtatira «; nan 'fctrrchiefs Tftmbpvjr'd niacins Gurx-hs Jlumhums Coffees &c &c Axi eieg-atot and frefh alfort ment of ribbands and fafnes Cotton flocking* Werfted ditto Excellent Chret in Oskv F O a S A I , F, B Y yofeph Anthony- Isf Son. February, 13 Jamaica Pimento, A quantity for SALK —-tor Exportation, I i £T£R BLIGHT. Feb. ?6, Canal Lottery Office, N-:.U the l?ml of the United States, Philadelphia, JSebruary if, 1796. STATE ,f the tVKEZL J prize of -30,009 - $ lie. ,20,000 - - 100,000 t do. 13, oop • - 10,060 2 da. 3.-50© « » s'toda 9 do, l,ooc * 5 9,00.0 13 do. jbo - - 6>;09 'ii, t!o. 303 - - 3>-Q° With a proportionate number of i» dollar prizes.' The Public are Spi'Symed, that ffom the above Uatcrncr" snd the Lottery being a Wat two-thirds drawn, the Wheel is upwarjs of One hundred thousand dollars richer than at the-commencement; axd that in future the rife of Tickets will be progreffivc, after every day, or every other day's drawing, while liie 30,000 dollars remains is the Wheel. / ' •*' ' ; IVm. Blackburn, Jgent. ' The holder" of fortunate Tickets of dolia* __ •. | prizes and upwards, will be paid cash for them, allowing ' a reasonable di.'count beftdes that qxprctted on the foe* «8 . • A Q!ieck-book kept at thp Office for examination an£ i| Copper Ware-House, Ni>. 2. North Fourth Street. GEORGE y HENRY WE3COTT TTAVEjuft received by the late vefTels from London, Ax Liverpool and Bristol, and which (hey ari felling at the molt raduced prices for calh, or a short credit, a very large and extensive aflortmeni of 2ieet Copper and Bottoms, comprising sheets fron. } to lodb. anf Paris,' under the goyerrmtutof Rqbefpierreajid the Jaeoliinsj Taii. prjnsipally fionl the Journals of the PriffiW-rs thcmfclves d fro:n the French* WITH AN AWKniX- Containing an aecinnt tit the promulgation of t'.ie new rclijien of i'ranee; the ; mpieu< attack on the a'uci:r*.; arid violation and plunder of the sacred recepta cles of x th; d:ad. " Ah ! liberty bow baft thou ke:nported with." ■ Mefbjms Rcuni. At the fame place irjay Be had,an elegant.duadicixa® Pocket Atlas of' the United States, [price one Dallas.J JuS publilhed—containing niimeqi Maps ; that is, a g«» P'-ral one of the United States, a particular on; ps each of the States, and of the North-Western Territory. February 13. jaw^.w JUST PUBLISHED, ' EY JACOB JOHNSON Ist CO. No. 147, Mjrht-Jirezt, FbilgJelpbia, DODD'a refledlions 011 Death, price 80 egiis. Hervey's Meditations, $0 Thompson's Seafoi's, with an«legp,nt engraving 75 The Columbiad, a Poem, op the 'unerican war 18 The Aqjerican Farmer's Guide, a new and ex cellent Trratife on Agricultujg £0 Dllworth's Book-Keeping 85 History of the Pekw lflands 15 ]. Johnson & Co. will pvtblijh in a few days, ' T ht Fljwers of Ancient tytd Modern Hiflory—2 vols, February 1, ,?taw?" . TO BE SO L D, APLANT A.TION, in the town of Woodbury, coun» tv of Gi»uceft£r, and ftsta o£ New-Jerfcy, contain, ing-about one hundred and fifty acres} a suitable prspor. tion of which is woodland and improved* meadow. A great part ef .> arable land is in a highftatc of cultiva tion, and v-ry natural to.the production of red clover. On said plantation there is a genteel two story brick house with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole; together with a barn, corn-cribs, anjf carriage-house The garden is Urge, and contains a good ' colle Attorney for the Ptff. J [VOLUMZ IX. 39,0q0 ! w & f.