e Nvmbeh i 079.J FOR CHARTER, EAGLE, ABOUT 257 tons burthen j is now ill complete order to receive a cargo on board, and lays the fccond wharf below Pine-street. Enquire of Jehu Ho/lingszuortb iff Co-. February 8. § 1' or Sale, or Charier, TVs, • bet s E Y John Dankins, matter, EUlv 1 HEN about 800 barrels flour, in complete or der to receive a cargo immediately. For terms apply io the Captain on board, at the fubfmber'e wha'rf-H wlO r JOSEPH SIMS, IVho has for Sale, jufl imported in fuid Jloop, Coffee, of an excellent quality, in hhds. and tierces. Sugar, ditto in hhds. and barrels. February ia. § Excellent Chret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY joseph Anthony iff Son. February J 7 For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IN PENN STREET, 130 quarter Chefh frefli Hylori Tea 5 100 ditto do. frelh Souchong Tea; 3CO Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 4Z pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes; ' 4 Bales English Sail Canvass, No. 4, 5, and 6 ; W'tilings Francis, January 30. MEDICINES. JOSEPH HUGGEFORD, DSUGGISr, No. 319 Pearl-street, late Queen-Street, INTENDING to retire from business, will dispose of hii whole ilock of Medicines together with a complete {hop furniflied, which are of the late A imported and best quality. Any persons inclining to the whole will be only charged a small advance on the original cost and the terms of payment rendered easy. The purchaser will have the advantage (if he chooses) of taking immediate pofleflion of the strop and cellar as the house is engaged for another year, and,on the firft of May next he may have poffeflion of the whole which U an excellent stand for fcu iinefs and no medical floFe better eftablilhed nor more ex tensively connected in trade on the continent. Persons not inclining to purchase the whole may be accommodated with any quantity at very reduced prices. Those persons who are indebted to the of Peter and Joseph Huggeford, will bs pleased to pay the fame to Joseph Huggeford, on or before the 15th day of April next, as after that tune-ail outstanding debts will be put into the hands of an attorney. New-York Feb. 6. WIL LIA M YOUNG, No. 5a south Second-street, HA j* F O K SALE, An exter.five assortment Qf PAPERS, from the manufac turers in Europe, and from his Manufactory onßtfii dywine, wholefalc and retail, WRITING PRINTING PAPERS, viz. Imperial, Small folio Post, plain Super-royal, Ditto gilt Royal, Bloflom Paper aflorted Medium, Transparent folio Post Demy, Superfine & common foolfi-. Thick Post, in folio, Marbled papers, large and Ditto, in quarto, small Extra large Folio Post, — Ditto, quarto, COARSE PAPERS. Folio Post, wove, London brown, alTorted Quarto, ditto, L g book paper Folio wove Post, lined, Hatter's paper Quarto do. do. Stainer's paper Ditto, gilt, do. Common brown Common size Foiio Post Patent sheathing paper Ditto, quarto, plain Bonnetboards Folio & quarto Post, gilt Binder's boards. vantiy of other Stationary Articles, viz. Wedgwood and gia& philosophical ink-Hands, well as sorted; pewter ink-chests of various sizes; round pewter ink Hands; piper, brass; r.nd polilhed leather ink-Hands for the pocket; Fed morocco portable ink-stands with pla ted spring locks, gold leaf and embolTed shining sand & sand boxes, pounce & pounce boxes, ink & ink pow der, black leather & red morocco pocket books, 'with and without instruments, of various sizes. Oounting-houfe and pocket pen-knives of the bc£ quality, afs-flpn tablet and memorandum book". J* ed and coloured wafers, co e had on easy t:rms. .£/* The market price in Cajk paid for any quantity of Rg*s. February 15. j aw6w PUBLISHED, Price of a £>oi!ar, No. 60, SOUTH SECOND-STR.KET, STEPHENS'j Philadelphia Directory, FOR 1796, WITH A PJ.AN OF TIIE City of Philadelphia. January 18 r fl 'HE Underwritten, Consul General of Portugal, hav,- JL ving seen an advertisement of Florentio Pozs, in the Aurora of Saturday l&fl, Hating his supposed motives for refining his pretended Office of Vice-Conl'ul for Por tugal^— THIS IS TO that he never was ac knowledged as fUjCh by the Consul General of Portugal ; nor did he ever hold any Commission to that purpose frum laid Court of Portugal. pftgOTt at tie Mmkh fates E SLOOP 3taw, $3 W t?Si iV J V, JJ, Several Apprentices to the Printing- Just Arrived, So Pipes Bordeaux BRANDY; 50 Hlitis. do. Red WINE; 50 Cases So do. Sweet OIL. For Sale by Feb. Tv W 4 G N E R, Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, At No. 25, South Second-Jfreet, H AS, in addition, to his aflortment of fuperfine Cloths Caffimers, 'Received by the Fadlor from Lon don, a very elegant aflortment of Geutlemens* Waillcoat Patterns; such as Sattin, Silk Moldkin, Caffimer, and er'ei'les, which will be fold at their just prices. January 9. MADEIRA, -) SHERRY and t WINES, PORT j For Silk by EDWARD STOW, jun No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 12. James Tiffin, WHOLESALE ii RETAIL HATTER, No. 70, louth Second street, near the City Tavern, I TAS jua received by the late arrivals from London AJ. and Bristol, a large and elegant aiTortmeut of Ladies and Geiitlemeus fafluonaMe HATS—AIfo, a variety of Ciuldretis HATS of different coltmn, which will b* fold en the lowed terms for cadi. A". B. Ladies Hats trim« lit the newest faftionfrom London, OA. 17.. THE Copartnership of the Subfcrib.-rs, tridln? by the I'irm of Gill Uj 1 Henshaw, is this day dissolved— all ptrfons indebted to said Firm are requeued to ma It e 'P-edy payment to William HknsMaw,- No. Si.fouih Fourth-flreet, who is duly authorised to receive and ipttlc i)ll ifcounts. MICHAEL GILL, WILLIAM HENSHAVf. Philadelphia, Feb. 19. & I'lu Bufihtjs will be continued by William Hen inaw, as fopn as a proper fituatiou can be obtained. Notes, Wanted. Messrs. morris & nicholsoVs notes, for which valuable and Well situated Lots in the City of IVaJhingion, will he given. THOMAS NOBLE. February 18 COLUMBIA HOUSE Boarding School for Young Ladies. TVT RS - \1 BRID ha ving removed fron? Lodge IV JL to the corner of Eleventh mid Spruce-.l*eei 3> for thcr adv .ntag:e o[ a Urge, convenient I'ioufc, in a dry, healthy situation; hapes for the continuance of the encou- Fagement ill- has hitherto lb highly experienced; and for which flie returns her sincere acknowledgment. Jj* Mrs. Guoombrioge is alMed by Masters of the firlt ability; and,the ufcful y as well as orramental brandies of education are particularly attended to, February 8 Columbian Gallery, ChefnuNftreet, third Door Weft of Tenth-street. MR. SAVAGE, INFORMS the Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia that the Columbian Gallery, containing a l;trj>*e collt&ion of ancient & modern PAINTINGS & PRINTS will be opened on Monday, tha 22d inft. I his collection cor.lills of the productions of the firft artists, and will doubtless be pleating to amateurs and the admire.*a of the fine aits* 1 o this collection ]Vtr. Savage lias added fsveral picces of h;s own, one ef which is the Prelidcnt and Family, the full size of Life. * * 1" rice of admiflionto thg one quarter of a dollar. The PANORAMA, in High-street, exhibiting a View of London, continue# open for the auiufcment of thole who may be disposed to fee that interfiling perfpec* tive. Feb. 20. To the Public. AT MR. O'ELLER's HOTEL A French Miniature Paia'.er refpeCtfully offers his fer? , vices to the Public, and hopes that the moderation of his terms, the very lhort time of his fittings, and the rate of his abilities, will induce his vilitors to become his patrons. Paterfon Manufactory. Ar a special Meeting of the Board of Directors for eftablifliing ufiful Manufactures, held at Ptulus- Hoofc, January 15th, 1796 "The Board taking into con liberation the general affairs of the Society, think it necessary that a meeting of the Stockholders should be called as soon as the Law will permit; it is therefore re solved, that the Stockholders be called to neet on the firft Tuesday in March next, at Egerlcy's Hotel, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the forenoos of the faitieday, then and there to take into serious consideration, affairs of the utmost importance to the said Society; and that every Stockholder be earnestly rcqueftei to' attend either fii person or by proxy." A true extract of Minutes, P. COLT, Superintendent, Ney-York, January 16, i;p6. §tlt\l A HAT. T'AKEN fr(wn Mr. Hill's on Thursday evening A- lall, a good Hat, .narked in the crown, the name Andrew Allen—Whoever has taken it is requefletl to return it at No. 68* north Eighths Street* Feb. 20. Mr. Walter iiobertion BELtS leave to acquaint tt. I Gentlemen, subscribers to the print Portrait gf C-t./ge Washington, Prefidant of the United Statesof A®i"ijca, engraved by Mr. Field, from an original picture j» ited by W. Rybertfon, that the I'ropfs are ready for dtfliyery to the feyeral subscrib ers at John Jamei Barralet's, No. 19 north Ninth-street ; or at J. Ormrad's, bookseller, JJo. 41, Chefnut-ftycet, where the subscribers are iccjucfted to fend their address. October 27 eod. WAITED, ON Loan, for two or three Dollars, for \r.ich a mortgage on I-and wiil be as i'ccurity. The laud is clear of every incumbrance. J a »- 9- d. TUESDAY EVENING % FEBRUART 23, 1J9 6 F. COPPINGER, No. 221, south Front-street. (11 w $4W .9.111 Fib. 20, PHILIP NICKLIN tsf CO. HATE FOR S 'ALE, Earthen Were', in crates, well assorted ; Madeira Wine, in pipes, hogflicacb, and quarter casks; Red Port Wine, of excellent quality, in Pipes arid hogiheads; ' Old Mountain Wine, in quarter casks ; Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 to 2©lb cadi: Jalap in powder; Refined Camphor; English Sail Canvas, No. r a 7 j A quantity of Mahogany; A parcel of good green Coffee, in ba<*s February 8 F0 R SAL E, At No. 12Mtri.BKRRV-StREETj 2®o Eojes Wiqdow Glass. 7 by 9 ; 180 ditto ditto 10 bvi;; 10 ditto ditto 9byii j 50 d:tto Caflile Soap ; jo ditto hveer Oil ~) . . 20 baskets do. ]■ containing 12 battles each; 2®o pieces l'la;illas. The above are all entitled to drawback, sIA'D ALSO ON HAND, jo pieces Flanders Linen, well assorted ; 20 pieces J aple Cloth 2 yards wide; 100 pisces Rolls j 1» boxes Ruflia Ca::dles; 10 pieces Oil Cloth ; J 2 quarter Calks Sherry Wine ; -' : h Great Coats, of various sizes ; h ee very elegant Forte Pianos. inp..rted from London. Th> above Goods arc offered by the Sutf:r:ber, upon reasonable terms. Credit frjm three to fix month, for approved Notes. PETER BORGER. . Fe'-ruaryla. *aw6w. JO Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Coiks, in bale.s, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W. Mtrrj, f, December 31, S H O T, Of-- II fee*, from 32 lb to Grape, Camboojes, Pots, and other callings executed at the flioiteft notice, Wail roth, from iod to spike, Hoop Iron, of ajl iizes, for caScs or cutting jnto fram a brad to izd rjails, Anchors, from 1; Cwt.to ioolb. Bar Iron, V Quantity of James River Tobacco, Citeojin* l\ f,i, 11-rH;igjin barrels, K- ; hi-ciriuk!M! t;j> calicoes tk. J.-# He). l»ook mullins 6-4 vy d. ditto ditto Book muslin handkerchiefs Potket ditto Colore,4, bordered, muslin handkerchiefs Very nsw fancy ditto lUegant tamhore r.iufiins Colored work ditto Laced figured ditto Brocaded ditto Ladies phid» And a variety of other articles, just opened. Many of the above goods are particularly calculate* or the Weft-India December 23 George Bringhurft, COACH r Of HARNESS MAKER, RESPEC 1 FULLY informs his friends and the public, that he lias removed frsm Arch-ftr?et, to No. 23 in north Fifth-ftrect, adjoining; the Episcopal Burial Ground, where he continues the business of Coach making in all its Branches, He makes ali kinds Of crane neck and perch Carriages, such as Coaches, Chariots. Phxtons, and Couchees ; alf# Chairs, Kittereens, Gigs, Sulkeys ; and all kjnd*of Har nels, with plated or brass mounting. He hath a good supply of the best materials, and a .lock of the bell sea soned wood. Orders from any part of the United State* will be du ly attended to with the greatest punfluality »nd dispatch. His long experience in buflnefs, his care in the execu tion ef his work, and an unremitted attention to the de sires of his employers, he flatters hirofel/ wilj prove fuffi cient recommendations. He has several fccond-hand Carri ages for fait, viz. a cornpleat Coachee, with a coachman's feat ne hundred feet deep, a stable and wfh heufe, which las a communication to Race-street, four years of the J.eafe is unexpired on the firft day of January next These premises are i« good repairs, ana: the pur chafer ma icriea . hv\ ae^'ltc pofiefltor. For particulars enquire m,w&f eodtf Gentleaaen'» neck handkfs. New fhiwls Madras han kcreliiefs Tambour'd muslins Gurrahs Humbutns Coflaes &c &■ c An elegant and freflj aflort mc.nt of ribbands and faihes Cotton Worflcd ditto tsw George Hunter, CHEMIST, At his Laboratory, AV. ij 4, south Second Jtreel. INFORMS tm Joui.tr »Uiluincrs and the public, rtmrnt of f RESH I) RUGS, CHEMICAL PRtPAfi A ! lONS, and PATENT ME . CiX e£. LikewiTe, paintt rs'colours, dry and ground in oil, jf brushes, window and c,.>ach g3«*f*, dye ftufrs, iinfeccl oil ot turpentine, copal aij varnilh and japa«, wiri d good. Alluat, copperas, mjdder, groutui «