P.ickeiis's New Amphitheatre, CHESNI' r-STREET. TO-MORROW EVENING, Saturday, the icth February, Will be exhibited, AJlonishing Feats of Horsemanship, By Mr. Uicketts, Mr. F. Ricketts, Mrs. SPTNACtITA, Mr. Langley, and Mr. Sully, Clown to the Horfs maufnip. Mr. Ricketts will ride (landing, and take several SURPRISING LEAPS * OVER. A FIVE P. 4R GATE, ■ With a number of oth?r different manraavres, See. Mr. Sully will go'through his Comic Feats on Foot and Horseback. [With a great ya-ie{y of other performances, particu lars to morrow.] The Evening's Amusement to conclude with RICKETTS'S NEW PANTOMIMt, The Triumph of Virtue' OR, HARLEQUIN IN PHILADELPHIA^ >+ The Doors ill future to be opened at FIVE and the Entertainment to begin at SIX o'clock. *% * Boxes, one dollar—Pit, half a dollar. £¥ Those Gentlemen who intend to take places for the Boxes, are desired to fend in time. There are a numbe. of Stoves placed in the Amphi theatre which render it perfc.flly comfortable. The President's Birth Day. MONDAY, the lid injlant, be'l/lg the Prejident's Birth I)'-;, the Ojjicers'of the Firji Divijian of the Militia of Penifylvxtia are revtejled lo tree! at the St.'.ie Hcuje, precifdy at TWELVE a flock, from tvhenre they -willproceed-to the Prefident* s, to congratulate him on the return of the Day; and demontlrate their fatisfiflion on bis commencing another yeas if exertion for the H *inefs of their Country. Such Members of the Cincinnati, or Officers of the Army as may be in town on that day , are ie* qutfied to join in the proeeffion. W. STEWART, Mrjor-G:neral. Phila/ielphia, February 13, 1796, Notes, Wanted. Messrs, morris & nicholson's notes, for which valuable and well filuated Lots in the City of Wa/hpigion, will be given. THOMAS NOBLE. February. 8. rJ.pnraim Clark, CLOCK tff WATCH MAKER, PHILADELPHIA, Has received by the different arrivals, A VERY LARGE AND ITXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF Gold, Silver, and Metal Watches; ALSO, A GENERAL SUPPLY OF TOOLS, FILES, AND MATERIALS ; CONSISTING OF Japans'd Clock Faces; Eight da;-, and thirty hour brass; flit pinions and forged work; large and faiail bells; time piece and watch ghiTes; fprisgs; large and frnail flakes and beek irons ; ditto haimiters; large and small bench vices, a nd hand vices; Aiding tongs and pliers; screw plates; round, oval, and square draw plates; (hears; blow pipes; emery ; rotten stone ; pamice stone; cruci bles ; cat gut, and 30 hour lir.es; an elegant aflortment of ladies and gentlemens' steel and g'lt chains, silk firings, gilt and steel seals andkeys. All orders from the Country carefully attended to; February 11. tu&f atop, and take Notice, As the undermentioned paragraph will be found well worth your attention —such indeed has never been offered to the Public. The Subscriber, jujl from London, Has brought by the Ihip Favourite, four thou and pounds woith of Plated Goods, Silver Plate, "Jewellery, &c. and a fiiv WATCHES, WHICH he will fell for little more than half the price thar such ar tides ar~ fold tor in this country. A pair of the be ft plated carrdlefticks, that are generally fold for 16 dollar®, will be fold for dollars; and every other arti cle in the like proportion; such as waiters, bread baskets, tea and coffee urns, tea ana coffee pots and biggins, tea caddies and {Jrellt, milk pots, fu'gar and cream basons, dish rrofles with lamps, difii rings with ditto, toafl trays, c ndlellicks of various patterns and sizes, branches to match, cruit frames, liquor ditto, wine'and water ditto, e££ flands, butter boats, sauce turosns, fifti knives, ink ftynds, wine (trainers, wax jack*, salts, goblets, and eve ry other plated article that is made at Sheffield, and of the latest fafhion; and will be open for SALE, this vwek (only) wholesale apd retail, at Ma lame Andre's, south T.hird-ftreet, third house from Market-street. The Jewellery will be open for sale on Monday and will continue one week (only) such as ear rings and drops of plain gold, cornelians, and let with pearls, neck laces to match, neck.chains, lockets of plain gold with fine paintings, some set with diamonds and pearls, ladies* and gsntlemens* rings of every kind, ladies' aid gentlemens' wat.h chains, keys, feais and trinkets, and various other articles, a/il of gold, and the latcft falhipn from London. The Public will not think the above mentioned strange when 1 inform them, that the definitive war that En gland is engaged in, has reduced the Manufacturers to this necessity of railing money. Feb co, § The PLATED GOODS will be open again tuis day—which, together with the JEWELLERY, and a friull box»of CUTLERY, will continus open this week (bnly.) ROBERT HENDERSON. Febpuiry rS. § To the Public. r Miniature Painter from Paris begs lesve to L inform the puhiic, that his hours oF attendance for the future will he frcnr» 8 o'clock in the morming unremittingly until three in the afternoon. 2d v£ February 1796 V WT, PUBLISHED, i. iß,Market.ftieei, [Price Three Dollars, in Boards] THE Remembrancer. American IN THREE VOLUMES. & This WORK, contains the whol** of the ElTays nn dt r tne. iicrnatures of Cato y *¥trricola y CnmilTus, 6i-ma y Decius, Federally Altieus, 'TuUv y Cfh/mbrtt, v th an exeenfive variety of other P.lfays—Likewife the #Hi«F part of the Rtfi'vs and Proc throughout the United States, on the i'ubjeil oi the treat?. benruirv 2. Mr. Walter Robertfon BEGS leave to acquaint tl Gentlcnun, l'ubfcribers to the . iiit Portrait ot 0 Waftington, Prefidsnt of the Unit-d Statcsof Air .vca, engraved by Mr. Fi.ld, f r om an original p : p. Ited by W. 'Robertfon", that the Proofs arc ready for delivt rv to the fubfr.rib ers.at John Ba'ra)-t'f. No 19 north Ninth-Crest ; «r at J Ormrod's, hookfeller, No. 41, Chefnut-ftrect, where the subscribers art i: the other of iliefc unfit oxiUquc hat A Vu&u.d be punifiled for the aifan!:, bit by that vt y cir cumttaticc the is diveftid of its right tofun ifii him ; that the afFault may have been, cctribin ed with r.notlrer att an Homicide, and that the combination conftuuted a murder, made it mare necepTary on a limilar principle even for 'he U n'rted States, that A !! ou d be punilhed bat by that very combination they aie divelled of heii to punirti him ; in {hurt it i» scarcely pwft'tble lo limit the number of examples or the extent of argument to prove the want of rules or princi ples for defining or afcenaintn;,' thejurifdi »'on or authority of the United Statvji as well legislative as executive, the latter considered as compnliend ing the judicial trom the jtm'ftliftion or atrthoiity of each ilf the particular (tares and which when extended in their application to cales nnmeious and probable will not terminate in gross and incongruities—lt is well known f have been long occupied in reflexions on this fubjeft : Ihwebeen an anxious and 1 trull an unpirjudiced inquirer af ter the truth, and the refultis a perfuafio.u in my mind that it is not pofiible tt) fiipply the defect, and that the evil, for furtly so it may be teiru ed, the condition of men beinj. even a tnifcrable feivitude whei J e the law is \ague or in.known, 'is acealioned by that ingiedit.nl in the niaAs i) i o in* governmental iuftitutron, iovereignty within f»vcr eiguty. To conclude. Those to whom it is com mitted to declare the law can only, as each cafe conies before them, be afiiduous and uptight in their endeavois to difeover arule by-whiih it may be decided — I have, so as fully to fatisfy my o'wn confeienee anj judgment, discovered a rule by fwhidi the present cafe may be decided. It may be coiledted with e;:le mid certainty frotn what I hsve already said-—1 will lMtwil.hlian4.ilig briefly recapitulate it. It istbat the United States having a right to eflablifli theit bank nmft have as an ii;- dispensable incident the light to provide for itsfe eutity and preserVation which includes the right to legislate refpetting the forgeries of its notes and the right to legislate refpetting it, denotes the of fence charged againlt the defendant, it being an of fence at common law, to be of U;.ited Slates ja rifdiction. The altimale cqnfequtiuc, that ihert fore the Itate hath so jurifdiii-ion of it, is inevi table. My opinion is that the defendant, as to the matters above dated to have been charged and found against him, be rfift hanged from (his court. NEW TiiE/ifߣ. On FklDJ'f EVILNi.\G, February 19,. Will prtfe-Mid, A COMIC OPERA., (written by the author of (he Poor Soldier J called- The Caiiie of Andaiuiia. £Tbe original Overture & Accompaniments, and tompofeJ by Di. Arnold, with Ails by Shield.J Don Scipio, Mr. Franc'-s, Bon Fernando, Mr. ivluijhatl, DoM Csefar, -Mr. Darky, Dun Jujj), Mr. Moms, Den Alplionfo, Mr. Darky, jun. Pedrilio, Mr. Bates, Spado, Mr. IVigncll, Sanguino, Mr. Green, Phiiippo, , Mr. Worrell, jun. Banditti \ Meflrs. Warrell, Mitchell, Robbins, ' I Morgan, Beete, bl.ii'cit, &«t Mrs. tU'arrili, Mi s. Marjhail, Mrs. Baits. Miss IVilkms. Victoria, Lorecza, Ifahcl, Cataliua, End of the Opera, Une Divertiflement Failorale. Composed bv Mcnfs Lege. By Messrs. I.ege, Warrell,'}un. Dodor, J. Warr:U,Dar ley, jur.. AJorgan, Mitchell and Francis. Miss Milbbume, Miss Willems, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Bates, Milfc Ro-wfon, Mrs. Do<9or, t'.rs.Lege, He Mrs. De Marque. Tocenclude with u Grund GARLAND DANCE. To -which will be added, A DRAMATIC TRlt L£> in one ait, never jet form ed here) called AS iT SHOULD BE. Lord Megrim, Mr. Fidget, Winworth, Sparkle, Lney, Celia, Mr. Morel un, • Mr. Fraud. I, Mr. Green, 1 Mr. liaruiood. Mils rViiU ,ns y Mrs. Francis. *«* OnSarurday, a Comedy,calledTlleENGLlSH .VEJI4CHANT —witli, for the raft time this ieai'on, Tließurfctta of TOM THUMB. h i The Vublic are rdjjedlfuiiy informed that there will be no perforinance «m,Monday. IP- ; &"• Th<" Public are rci'pectfvliy informed, that the Doors of tie Theatre will open at a quarter ifur FIVE o'. look, aritl the Curtain rift precifcly at „ftcr SIX— U i til further aotict.