Number 1076. J For Freight, or Charter, General Wafhiijgton, BURTHEN a6oo barrels; now in the Carpenter's hands, and will be ready to receive a cargo in two or three days. Her accommodations for naflengers are excellent. For terms of which, or freight, apply to the Captain, or KEARNY WHAR TO.N. Feb. 9. $6t. FOR CHARIER, EAGLE, ABOUT 257 tons hurth-ii; is now 111 order to receive a cargo on board, and lays the fccfid wharf below Pine-street. Enquire of Jehu Hollingsworth & Go. February 8 For Sale, or Charter, B E T S E Y, John Dankins, matter, BURTHEN about 800 barrels flour, in complete Or* der to receive a cargo immediately. For terms apply to the Captain on board, at the fubferiber's wharf— or to JOSEPH SIMS. / Vho has for S"l?t jufi imported in fetidJloop, Coffee, of an excellent quality, in hhds and tierces, Sugar, ditto in hhds. and barrels. February iz. (J Excellent Chret in Casks, FOR SALE, BY JoJepb Anthony & Son. February 13. No. 46, North Front Street, THE co-partnership ofKNOX & Henderson" ex pires this day by limitation. Tfce business in fu ture will be carried on by David Knox, James Hender fon & William Deas, under the firm of Knox, Henderfon, iff Company. ; All those indebted te the former c»ncern, will please close their accounts as loon as pofftble. Havejuft received per tne (hip Faiflor from Londin, the gleanings of their fall importation, consisting of 3 beautiful aflortment of cambrics, cambric muslins, xnuflinets, corded dimities, printed handkerchiefs, calicoes, chintzes, &c.&c. Also a few boxes ounce threads, with a small a (Tort xnent of fancy waiftcoating, &c Jan. 5 MEDICINES. JOSEPH HUGGEFORD, DRUGGIST, No 319 Pearl-street, lare Queen-Street, INTENDING to retire from business, will dispose of his whole ilock of Medicine* together with a complete lhop furnilhed, which are of the latest imported and best quality. Any persons inclining to purchase the whole will he only chr.rged a small advance on the original cost and the terms of payment rendered easy. The purchaser will have the advantage (if he chooses) of taking immediate poflefiion of the lhop and cellar as the house is engaged for another year, and on the firft of May next he may have ">n of the whole which is an excellent stand for Ui linefs no medical store better established nor more ex tensively conne&ed in trade on the continent. Pcrfons not inclining to purchase ths whole may be accommodated with any quantity at very reduced prices. Those perrons who are indebted to the co-partnership of Peter and Joseph Huggeford, will b i pleafcd to pay the fame to Joseph Huggeford, on or before the 15th day of April next, as after that time all out Handing debts will be put into the hands of an attorney.' New-York Feb. 6. WILLIAM TOVNG, , No. 52 south Second-ftrest, HAS FOK SALE, An extcr.five assortment of PAPERS, from the manalac- turers in Europe, and from hi 3 Manufactory onßran dywine, whole sale and retail, WRITING£sf PRINTING PAPERS, viz. Imperial, Small fclio Post, phin Super-royal, Royal, Medium, Demy, Thick Post, in folio, Ditto, in quarto, Extra large Folio Post, Ditto, quarto, COARSE PAPERS. ?o!io Port, wove, London brown, allotted Quarto, ditto, L"g-hook paper Folio wove Pest, lined, Hatter's paper Quarto do. do. Stainer's paper Ditto, gilt, do. Common brown Comjnon fixe Folio Port Patent fiieatbing paper Ditto, quarto, plain Bonnetboards Folio & quarto Post, gilt Binder's boards. Alfv, a'varttty of other SrjriONSßr j4kticlfs, via. "Wedgwood and glass philefophical ink-stands, well uf fortcd ; pewter ink-chests of various sizes; round pewter inkstands; paper, brass, and polished leather ink-Rands fer the pocket; t,td morocco portable ink-stands with pla ted spring locks, gold lea! and cniboffed papers; ftiining l'aijd & land boxes, pounce & pounce boxea, ink & ink pow der, -black leather & red morocco pocket hooks, with and ■without instruments, of various sizes. CounVring-kotfe and packet pen-knives of the bed quality, ass-skin tablet snd memorandum books. Ped and coloured wafsrs, com- mon size, office ditto. Quills from half a dollar to three tiollars per hundred, ready made pens Black Uad pen •cils. Gum elastic or Indian rubber. Gilt and plain mes sage and conversation cards. All forts and sizes of BLANK BOOKS ready made or made to order. Bank checks, blank bills of exchange, and notes of hand executed in copyer plates, bills of lading, zaanifcfts, feameij's articles and journals, &c. &c. A well ft le&cd colle&ion of mifccllattcous books. Bi- bles and prayer books various iizes and different bindings. Toy books for children. Alio, of greek, latin, and dailies, as are jiqvv in ufein the colleges and Schools of the United States. N. B. Feelt'sSpanifii flora indigo, moulds, other articles nfed in marfufa&uririg of paper, to be had on easy trrms. The mark ft price in Cnjh paidfar any quantity of Rags. February 15. ' iaw6w FOR SALE, O * to be LET for a terra of years, AN elega \t House with about forty-two acrrs jf Land and A jadow. Th« situation is very convenient lor a Country it, or for a person inclined to attend the markets. Th re is a« excellent: Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe, and a variety of Fruit—the distance about five mi let from fee cit). Foi further information apply to the Printer. November 14. aawtf. teem 0 r t!>r ©liitcD States d iot —wsim §3 W « Ditto gilt Bloflbm Paper aflbrted Transparent folio Post Superfine &,cosDmoii foolfi-. Marbled papers, large and small FOR SALE, At No. 129, Mulserry-Street, 2do Boxes Window Glass. 7 by 9 ; 180 ditto ditto 10 by 12; 10 ditto ditto 9 by 11; 50 ditto Castile Soap ; 50 ditto fweec Oil 7 • • 11 t_ 20 baficcts do. jcomammgn bottles each ; 260 pieces Platillas. The above are all drawback. AND ALSO ON HANd), 5© pieces Flanders Linen, well assorted ; 20 pieces Table Cloth 2- yards wide; 100 pieces Rolls; 1 a bdxes Ruflia Candles; 20 pieces Oil Cloth; 12 quarter Calks Sherry Wine; Dutch Great Coats, of various sizes ; Three very elegant FortePianos,imported fromjLondoh. The aboVe Goods are offered by the Subscriber, upon reasonable terms. Credit "from three to fix months for approved Notes. February 1 a. COLUMBIA HOUSE Boarding School for Young Ladies. MP s.GRQOMBRIDGE havingrernoved from Lodge Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and Spruce-streets, for the advantage of a large, convenient House, in a dry, kealthy fit uat ion J hepes for the continuance of the encou r-agemeHt she has hitherto so highly exparienced j and for which fl}e returns her lincere acknowledgment. '.gj Mrs. Groombridge is aSiltcd by Masters of the firft ability; and the ufrcfentatives of thr United States, ON LORD GRENVILLE's TREATY Fehfi?r>ry. 1, J OHN J. PA R R Y, No. $)fouth Second Has jufl received a. capital Arfbytmcnt of Cap'd and Jewei'd Watches, A variety of elegant CHAI S^; And many other arricle-, in the line of Watch-Making, which, he will fell low for cash. IVsri trf every kind done as usual. January 23. W A G N E R, Woolen Draper and Mens' Mercer, At A'e. 25, South Scccn:!Jlreet, HAS, in addition, to his assortment of fttperfine Cloths and CaCimers, Received by the Fafior from Lon don, a very elegant affortrnent ot Waistcoat Patterns; such 43 Sattin, Silk Mokfkin, Caffimer, and Merleilles, which will be fold at their just prices. January 9, MADEIRA, 1 , SHERRY and f- WINES PORT J For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jun- No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. 1 2 30 Pipes Cogniac Brandy, Corks, in baleg, and Holland Gin, in pipes, For Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. eodtf December 31 Paterfon Manufactory. AI" a fpccial Meeting of the Board of Direiftors for eftablilhjng ufeful Manufactures, held at Paulus- Hook, January 25th, 1796. -"The Board taking into consideration the general affairs of the Society, think it necessary that a meeting of the Stockholders (hould be called as soon as the Law will pexrnit; it is therefore re solved, that the Stockholders he called to aieet on the firft Tuefdayin March next, at Egerley's Hotel, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock ps the forenoon of the fame day, then and there to take into serious consideration, affairs of the utmost importance to the said Society; and that every Stockholdsi be carnrftly requcfted to attend either in person or by proxy." A true extraiS of Minutes, P. COLT, Superintendant. New-York, January 26, 1- 96. §titM An elegant Hou/e for Sale. A WELL built three {lory brick HOUSE and LOT of GROUND, on the higkeft land in the city, fitirate in Arch-street within 27 feet ef Ninth-street. The house is about two-thirds finiihed, is built in the very befl man ner and of the best materials; it i» 31 feet front and 53 feet deep; the drawing room below is 21 feet 6 inches, by.e6 feet; the back or dining room is ao fee" 6 inches by 24 feet, with a large entry thro' the whole. The draw ing rortm upstairs is 30 feet by 26, the back room is ao feet by 24—the third story mr.y be divided into three rooms. The Lot is J2 feet front by I3Qfeet deep, fub jexft to n ground rent of 6 doilarsper foot, which may be bought off at a r»afonable rate. For further particulars enquire of William Powell, Carpenter, Seventh-rtreet, between Arch and Race-ftrects; or at No. 49, north Sc vrnth-l'ireet. Jannsiy 27. tu&f3w A m mber of building Lots te be let on groutid rent, lying on the fouch fide of Arch-street—enquire as above. For SALE, by the SUBSCRIBERS, IM PENN STREET, 13® quarter Chcfts frefn Hylon Ten ; 100 ditto do. fre£h Souchong Tea ; 30© Boxes China, containing small tea setts of 42 pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoen; 4 Bales English Sail Canvass, No. 4, 5, and 6 ; Wi1 1 lings £5? Francis. January \o. PHILIP NIC KLIN & CO. HAVE FOR SALE, Earthen Ware, in crates, well assorted ; Machira Wine, in pipes, and quarter casks; Red Port Wine, of excellent quality, in Pipes an«l hogftieads; Old Mountain Wine, in quarter cafles ; Sugar Candy, in boxes of 80 to 901b cach 5 Jalap in powder; Refined Camphor; EnglilliSail Canvas, No. 1 a 75 A quantity of Maho^aiiy; A parcel of good green Coffee, in ba£s. February 8. SPIRITS. ANY Person may be supplied with Rum, Gin, Cor dials, and other Spirits, upon application to the Subscriber, at his Distillery, No. 115 Story, or New ftrcet, between Third and Fourth (Ireets. THOMAS CAVE• January 25. ni4w N. B. Whiskey and Mobiles will be purchased upon application as above. No. 8, North Front-Jlrect. Printed Calico and Muslin WAREHOUSE* RICHARD b 5 JAMES POTTER, Hdie juji received a superb ajfortment of the following arietta f iwhich they offtr far sale. " " Gentlemen'? neck handkfs. New faihionable fliawls Madras hah kerckisfs Turabour'd muslins Gurrcihs Humhums ColTaes &c l?c An elegawt and frcfit affoft ment of ribbands arid sashes Cotton {lockings Worfled ditto PRINTED calicoes 4-4 wd. book fcufllns 6-4 wd. ditto di\to Book muslin handkerchiefs Pocket ditto Colored, bordered, muslin handkerchiefs Very new fancy ditta Elegant tambore muslins Colored work" ditto Laced figured ditto Brocaded ditto Ladies plaids And a variety of othei Many of the aboYe goods foi* the Vyeil-India market. Drcernker 2.7, James Tiffin, WHOLESALE Ss> RETAIL HATTER, No. 70, south Sccond ftxeet. near the City Tavern, T TAS jaft received !>y the late arrivals from London- Xi and Bristol, a large and elegant assortment of Ladies and flentlemen3 fafhionalile HA'fS.—Aifo, a variety of Children? HATS of different colours, which will be fold oh (he lowest terms for ca (h. N. B Ladies Hats trim'ne hundred feet deep, a stable and vt-afh house, which las a communication to RaQeiftreet, four years of the Leaf.- is unexpired on the firft day of January next, These prernifes are in good repairs, and the pur chafer" may have immediate poffeifior. For particulars enquire of Robert Cog, No, 46, louth Second-street. December 1 TO BE SO L D, APL \NT ,\TION, in the town of Woodbury, co>>n ty of Gloucester, and Hate of New-Jersey, ing about one hundred and fifty acres; a Suitable propor tion of which is woodUnd and improved meadow. A great part #f th; arable land is in a high ftatc of cultiva tion, and very natural to the production of red clover. On said plantation there is a genteel two story brick house with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole; together with-a barn, corn-cribs, and carriage-house The garden is large, and contains a good collection of the belt kinds of grafted and inoculatcd fruit trees; the orchard consists of about thrse hundred grafted apple trees. Any person inclined to purchase said premises, may be informed of the terms, by apply ing to ANDREW HUNTER. February 8. Notice is hereby given that an at tachment was iffuecf out of the inferior court of .Common Pleas in and for the county of Cumberland, in the state of New Jersey, returnable oa the day of Fcbru® ary last, against the goods and chattels, i ights and credits, land* and tenements of George Hutz (not being a reHdent at that time within the state of New Jersey) at the suit of Jonathan Ballings, indorsee of Job Butcher, which Was levied by the sheriff of the rounty of Cumberland " on a certain sloop or shallop callcd the Fly of Philadelphia*' with its appurtenances, as by the return of the said sheriff will more particularly appear—and notice is aJfo hereby further given, agreeably to the dire&ion of an k£t of tJ|g Legislature of the state of New-Jersey- in such cafe made and provided, that wnlefs th« said George Llutz shall ap pear and give special bail to answer the suit so as afore said instituted against him by th? said Jonathan Ballinger, within such time as is prescribed by law, " that then and iq iJiat cafe judgment shall be entered" against the &id George Hutz " by default, and that the said floqp or shallop so as aforefaid: seized on the said attachment" will be fold iot the fatisfaction of all " creditors who shall appear to b« justly entitled to any demand thereon, andfhali apply for tliat purpose," Dated at Salem, in the county of Salem, in the fai state, tshe thirty first day of M&rch A. D. 1705. GILES, Clerk. Lucius Horatio Stockton, ") Attorney for the Pl#". J f'jril I Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. A GENERAL MEETING of the Stock holders will be held at the Company's office on Saturday, the 12th day of Match next, at to o'clock, A. M. As the business of the meeting is of very great importance, net only to the Com pany in particular, but to the citizens in general, it is earnestly requcftcd and expettvd that the at tendance will be ptinflual and numerous. By order of the Board of Manager!, WM. MOQRE SMITH, Sec'ry. Phi lad. Feb. 6, 1796. w&f t- liihM [Volume. IX. 3ta\v. m,w&f :r articles, just opened. is are particularly calculated taw m&tu4w „ siawtf"