Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, February 18, 1796, Image 4

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    Waftiington Canal Lottery,
WHEREAS the State of Maryland has author!fed
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fit thousand,
two hundrfrd, and fifty dollars, for purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Wafnington, from the Po
tomac to theEaftern Branch Haruour.
The Following is .he SCHEME of No. I.
Viz • I Prize of 10,000 dollars, 40,000
I ditto 10,000 10,000
Tickets, each \
5 ditto 1,000
jo ditto 500
20 ditto 100
55 ditto 50
5750 ditto 12. /
To be raifcd for the Canal,
5847 Prizes,
11638 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000
g? The Commiflioncrs have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforufaid a<st for the punctual payment of
the prizes./
The drawing of this -Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the fold, of which timely
notice will be given.
Such prizes as are not demanded in fix months after the
is finifhed, shall be consider d as relinquilhed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
( Signed)
City of \Va!hington, Feb. II
x vr oaie at this ujpee.
The Conltitution of the United States, price
20 cents.
Last report of the late Secretary ot the Trea
fdry, containing a Plan for the further fwpportof
Public Credit, 75 ceuts.
Germanicus 20.
Proceedings of the Executive refpefting the In
surgents ; forming an iuterefting Hiltory of the
late rr.furreftion in the four Weftem Counties of
Interfiling summary of the events which have
taken place in the Republic of Geneva—written
by M. de Nivernois, 12 1-2 cents.
Twenty-fix letters; on the mod interesting fujj
jefis, refpe&ing the American Revolution, con
taining much information not generally known to
the Citizens of 't-he United States, written in the
year 1780, 2 J cents.
Also a few copies of the Accounts of the Re
caipts and Expenditures of the United States, du
ring the year 1794 —price one Dollar and 50 cents.
December 20th, 179 J. . d-
<Jity cf Washington.
SCHEME of the LOTTERY, No. 11,
A magnificent ) 20,000 dollars, & )
dwelling-house, J ca(h 30,000, are J
1 ditto 15,000 & cafli 25,000
1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000
I ditto 10,000 & cafli 10,000
I ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000
I ditto 5.,000 & ca(h 5,000
I <fcfh prize of
a do. J,OOO each, are,
10 do. 1,000
»o do,
5 oo
ioo do,
aoo do.
400 do.
1,000 do.
5,000 do,
16,739 Pri"S.
33,161 Blanks.
50,600 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, 40,0000
Thu Lottery will afford an elegant fpecimcn of the
ivat-e buildings to be ere&ed in the City of Walhington
—Two beautiful designs are already f«l«fed for the entire
ront» on two of the public squares ; from these draw
112s, it is proposed to ereS two centre and lour corner
buildings, as!"son as possible after this Lottery 15 fold, and
to convey them when complete, to the fortunate' adventur
ers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel
Lottery. A nctt dedutlion of five per cent, will be made
to defiay the 7 expcnces of printing, &e. and
the fur plus will be made a part otthc fund intended for the
National Univcilil>, to be erected witbin the City of
(£3T The drawing will commence as soon as tbt Tickets
ire fold offi- —The money pmes will be payable
in thirty days after ii is finilhed, and any pi izes for which
fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months
after the drawing is closed are to he confidercd as given
towards tbelnnd for the Univerlity, it btiog determin
ed to fettle the wl:e*c bnfinpfs in a \ear from the ending
of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu-
The real fee unties f<y the paymentof the Prize
are held by the President and two Directors of the Bank
of Columbia, and a're valued at more than half the amount
of the Lottery.
The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of
the late Commiflioners aUTlled in the management of the
Hotel Lottery are requdfted to undertake this arduous talk
a second time on behalf of the public ; a fuflicient num
ber of these having kindly accepted, it is hoped that the
friends to a National University and the other federal ob
jects may continue to favor the design. The synopsis of
one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National
TnlHtution, is already in the ptefs, and will be speedily
publiihcd, together with its constitution.
A comfcUat Plan of the whole of this Important
nftilutionj compiled from a fcle&ion of the heft materi
als, ancieif: a id modern, will be submitted to the public
whenever :he fame may have gone through fucli revisions
as may be necessary to eftablifb the perfect confidence and
general approbation, so essential to its present rife and fu
fcuie existence for the general good of America.
By'accounts received from the dilierent parts of the
Continent as well as from Europe, where the tickets
sent for f;tle, the public a*e afiured that the
drawing will fpeedily'commenee, and that and
caution unavoidably necefiary to insure a fafe disposal of
the tickets, has tendered the fnorc fufpeniion indispensable.
February 24, 1795. _
Aug eodtf
Itckets may be had st the Bank ol Columbia;
r- James Weft & Co. Baltimore Or Gideon Dentton,
tvaunah, of Peter Oilman, Bo (Von; of J'>hn Hopkins
ichcuond : and 0? Richard WelkSj Cooper's terlv.
3 J >° 00
• 1,000
TO B E S 0 L B,
That well known Estate,
The Tammany Hill Farm,
I .ate belonging to Godfrey Malbone, Esq. deceased,
SITUATED in Newport, Rhode-lllund, confiding of a
bout 700 acres of choice arable and pallttrc land, with
in a mile of the central part of Newport. This estate is
advaritageoufly situated, plentifully watered—commands
an extensive pr©fpe<sfc of the town, country, &c.
&c. Has upon it orchards, of the belt engrafted fruit
trees; and three handsome farm houses, in good repair.
In the elegant and extensive garuens, belonging to the
fame, are several fifli-ponds, bathing flxeams, fummer
houfes, See. &c, Together with a quantity df Conned:*?-
cut free stone—the ruins of a lar~c mantion house, con
sumed by fire.
For terms of purchase, See. apply to Francis Brinlcy and
William Hunter, Esquires, at Newport, Rhodc-Illand ;
Dr. Lloyd, and Mr Nathaniel Brinley, at Boston ; Mr.
Safnuel Breck, jun. Philadelphia; or to P.ichard H*rrifon,
Efq at N#w-York. Feb. 13. *4teod.
[Pr'ce, one doliar and a half.]
And to be fold by MefTrs. Bailey, Rice, Davies, Stephens,
Ormrod, andDobfon,
The United States Gazetteer;
CONTAINING an authentic and full account of the
different liases; their situation, extent, boundaries, foil,
produce,climate, population, trade, and manufactures ;
with the amount of their exports for four years subsequent
tp the adoption of the federal government. Also the ex
tent, boundaries, population, and foil of their refpe&ive
counties. Together with an authentic description of the
rivers, lakes, bays,harbours mountains, caves,capes,
minerals, and springs. Likewise the cities, ports of en
tries, (with the amount of their exports individually for
one year) post towns and villages ; with the number of
their dwellings, public buildings, latitudes and longitudes
bearings and distances from I s hiladelpliia and the metropo
lis of the fl.ate whereintfey are futiated. Also the times,
of holding the courts of justice in the chief town of each
country, carefully colleSed from the laws of the different
state legislatures. To which are added, the refidetfee and
number of the several triUe< of Indians within the territo
ries of the United States trom the Jatell information
Tr.e whole emhellifhed with nineteen maps andahand-
some title page.
At any of the above places may be hadalfo, a larije
(heetmapof those countries through which the Apoftlei
travelled, in propagating chriftianity. Elegantly engrav
ed and printed on fine paper. Price one half do lar.
February I. eedtw.
American LandJcapcs.
I Twenty-Four VIE VVS,
SELECTED from the moil striking and irkterefting
Profpe&s in the United States ; each &f which
Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
©f its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities
Author gf the " Monajl 'tt Remains and Ancient Cutiles in Great
' Britain"
I. That the work shall be published by£ubfcription; and
that each Sirbfcrihcr shall engage to take, the -whole let
of Views, and lhall pay for each engraving, if LlatJt or
brown., 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars.
I. That the dimensions of each engraving fballbe by 17
inches, executed in nquatinta, and publifnedupon paper
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im
mediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sul£
fcribers, on the firljk Noonday of each succeeding month,
until the proposed ferie3 {hall be finally completed.
111. That with the last V ieW of the series, lhall be deli
vered an engraved title-page; an elegant chara&eiiftic
vignette; a map of the route, conne&ed with the prof
petfls exhibited in the the course of the Work; aid an
Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harrifon, at his Print
fliop, Maidonlane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
er, No. (18, Marketftrect, Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellers in the United States.
February 28.
Delaware Bridge.
THE President and Managers of the- Company for e
retfting a Bridge ever the river Delaware, at the Bo
rough ofEafton,
Give this Public Notice,
That they will, until the firft day of February next, re
ceive proposals of suitable plan 3 or models for the said
Bridge; as alio for the erection thereof, and the delivery
of materials. The length of the Bridge will be at the
least 600 feet, and must not be composed of more than
three archei. \
Ai;y perf.n inclined to engage in the above undertak
ing, will please to dire<St their plans and proposals to the
Secretary of the Company at Eafton.
By order of the Preftdettl arid Manager?
mil VT A n»TI\ n
Ea/lm, Pennfylvania,Nov. 12
That Han'feme SEAT near Princeton, the property
of the late Rev. Doctor John WitHerfpoon, known
by the name of TUSCULUM.
IT consists of a neat well finilhed stone house, two fto
ries high, with four rooms on each floor, and a cellar
under the whole. There are attached to it one hundred
and fifty acres of land, more or less, and chiefly enclosed
with good, and durable stone fences: Of these about eight
acres are natural meadow, fix acres artificial, fowu with
red clover, and from twenty to thirty acres woodland.—
On the pt-emifes there is a valuable orchard of young and
thrifty apple-trees, a framed barn and (tables, two corn
houses, a grain loft, and cirriage houfc f,tme new, a new
stone milk house, and near it a well and a coisftant spring
of water. For terms apply to Thomas V. Johnilon, Efq,
or the Rev. Samuel S. Smith, in Princeton ; of Mr. Mar
fliall, No. 118 Spruce-street, Philadelphia—or to the fub
fcribcr at Tufculum.
Tufculum, December 20.
A very valuable ESTATE,
Called Twitteniiam.
SITUATE in the township of Upper Derby, and county vj
Delaware, 7 1-2 miles from Philadelphia, and half a mile
from the new lVeffern road: containing 23 O acres as excellent
Land, 45 of which are good •watered Meadow, 90 cf prime
IVood Land, and the reQ Arable of the firfl quality. There are
on the prenpifes a good tivofiory Brick Hcufe, with 4 rooms or
a floor, and Cellars under the whole, with a Pump JVill of ex
cellent Water in front; a large frame Barn, Stables, and other
convenient buildings ; a Smoke-lioufe andflone Spring House ; two
good Apple-Orchards, and one of Peaches. The Fields arc nil in
Clover, except those immediately under tillage, and are so tatJ
cut as to hcrve the advantage of IVater in each of them, which
renders it peculiarly convenient for Grazing.
The situation is p leaf ant and healthy, and from the high culti
vation of the Land, the good neighborhood, apd the vicinity to the ci
ty, it is vary suitable for a Gentleman s Country Seat„
Ihe foregoing is part of the Efiate of 'Jacob deccajed
9nd offered for file hy JV4ORDECAI LEWIS,
Surviving JLxccutor.
oa. 9,175#
JOHN ARNDT, Sicrtiaryr.
Aim Witberfpoon.
No. 46, Nor-.n crf/Vi Sir-'-'.
■""I co-parinLi'fli;}) of Knox & kvjw ex-
X pires. this day by limitation. TVe h-ifine' .-n fu
ture wfllbe carried on by David Kr.orc, i*w".iUer
fea & Wiiliain L>?as, under ihc *irni of
Khox, Henderfon, O) 5 Qompany
All thole indebted to the former concern, will yleaic
close their Accounts as soon as
Have just received per tnc ship Factor from London,
the gleanings of their fall importation, cquitting of
a beautiful aflortment of cambrics, cambric uludins,
muflinets, corded! printed handkerchiefs,
calicoes, chintzes, &c. &c.
Alio a few boxes ounce threads, with a fir.all afibi l
meut of fancy waiftcoating, &c.
Jan. s
ini'uraiice from JLois oy I 4 ire.
rHE lnfurance Company of North-America, to ac- j
commodate the Public, throughout the United !
States, withrefpe<sl to assurances from Jbire 011 buildings ;
of every defcriptiofc, hereby publish. that resolutions to
this effe£l have palfed their lioard; and that hereafter
they lhallbe ready to make fnch assurances on terms to
be fixed by their President and Committee, to
clrcum/lances. Those are anxious to effeel affuran -
ces, will find their advantage in fending the moil: particu
lar flatement of their buildings, and the relative circuai
ftances. Perfonsnot having a correfpondunt in this city,
or who prefer doing this business with the Office dire«Stly,
by means of Letters t pnfl paid muftnot fail to en close a
builder's d fcription of the dimensions, condition, materi
als and situation of the building proposed to be injured,
especially with refpeft to its contiguity to other buildings,
and whether those buildings be 'of wood, or brick, or
Hone. It mult be particularly whether the build
ing itfelf, or those in its neighbourhood, be occupied as
dwellings, or used as magazines or manufa&ories. and
for what particular purpose; and tQ obviate ail objectioa,
it is expe&ed that this builder's ftatemeht, and the reprc-
Tentation annexed, (hall be severally figncd by the parties,
and accompanied by a magistrate's certificate, that they
are persons of good repute. For the government of the
Public, they deem it expedient to that althewgh
the premium must be fixed according to the degree of ha
zard in the estimation cf the President and Committee
of the week, yet it will probably not be more than
from about half, to one per cent, annually, except where
a hqufe or store is not only itfelf built of wood, but situ •
ated next other buildings of the fame material. On such
rtfks not more than four theufand dollars will%e written
on one policy. Houfcs and (lores built of brick or {lone,
and fttuated in open ftrccts in apy of the principal towns
or cities where fire engines and fire companies are eilab
liflied, and not containing articles particulalry combusti
ble, will be confidcrcd risks entitled to afTurance at the
lowest of thefs rates. On single hazards, even of the
bed kind, where from remotemfs those advantages cannot
be enpyed, the Company will not afiure more tlvui fix
thoufimd dollars. No policy will be signed 'till the pre
mium be paid.
Any person infur,ing for fevcn years, will be charged
only the amount of fix annual premiums; and for three
years, a dedu&iun «of one-third of a year's premium will
be made. By order of the Board,
EBEN. HAZARD, Secretary.
Ojficeof Insurance Company of N. A. £ ZaW.
Philadelphia, Jan. 26, 1796. )
For Sale, or to be Let on Lease,
And n ay be entered on the firfl day of April next,
"The following valuable Property,
At ihe Port of Little Harbour, in the State of Ncw-
No. 1/ I 'HAT valuable and noted island, called Tuck-
J_ er's Island, situated on the south of, and bound
ed by Little Egg-Harbour inlet and the Atlantic: This
Hland is about ten miles in length, and contains about
1000 acres; on which is a large convenient houfc, store
house, and other out buildings, and is a noted good stand
for a tavern, it being at the elbow of the harbour, v*here
all the inward and outward bound vessels belonging to,
and trading in the port aforefaid, lay to wait for'winds,
tides, &c. and where sea vefftls load and unload; and at
which place numbers of people resort for the convenience
of bathing, fifhin&, fowling, &c There is on the place,
meadow fufticient to keep 40 head of cattlc, and is situat
ed about 6 miles from the town of Tuckerton—the well
known pleasantness, healthiness, and natural advantages of
this place need ho comment.
No. 1. —The iflaud called Foxborough Ifiand, contain
ing about leo acres, chiefly meadow; whereon is a new
frame house 26 feet square, situate about 2 miles diftanr
from the firft described place, and isa.tolerable good stand
for a tavern.
No. 3. —That valuable and noted Tavern-House and
lot, containing 2 acres in the town of Tuckcrton; this house
is pleasantly fit.uated on a beautiful eminence in the heart
of the town aforefaid, and commands a pleasing profp«fi
of the illands, bays, rivers, and the Atlantic ocen, as well
as the country farms around; the house is largt and con
venient, with a good cellar under the whole—Thc>e are
on the premises a wall of g®od water, a large barn and
ftabliag to accommodate 40 horses, a hatter's Ihop, and
other out buildings; also an excellent apple orchard, a good
garden paled in with cedar paling, about 50 acres of wood
land, and the fame quantity of meadow.
No. 4. —Is that large, pleasant, valuable Farm, known
by the name of Tucker's Farm, which is bounded for 3
miles by Navigable water, leading from-the firft described
iflandto the town aforefaid A considerable part of said
farm lies in the center of the town aforefaid, and may be
io!d off, or Jet on ground rent for buiWifig-lotts, to great
advantage—There are on the nremifes two frame tene
ments bclidcs the farm house, which is new and conveni
ent, with an excellent barn and other buildings; also a
good apple and peach orchard. Said farm contains about
1000 acres, on which are several good landings; about
one-half of which is meadow and cleared land, all in good
cedar fence.
No. s.—rls a spacious, elegant well-finifhed new House, 1
53 feet front, two (lories high, with an Office adjoining
the fame, and one Store adjoining the house 30 fest by 20,
and a back Store 26 feet square, with good cellars tinder
under the whole, and a well of good water at the door ;
also an excellent garden, paled in with the best of red cedar
polls, and white cedar paling; also a spacious and beautiful
door-yard paled in as above, enclosing several beautiful
shady v trees. The house, ftorcs, garden and door-palings
are hsndfomely painted. There is aHo on the premises a
good barn, ftabiing, and carriage house; the lot contains
"about 5 acres, isfttuatc in the center of the town ?forefaid/
is contiguous to a good landing, saw and grill mills, and
several churches of different denominations.
No. 6.—ls a Frame House, 26 f«et square, and lot of j
acres, in good cedar fencing, feme good fruit trees,
in the town aforefaid.
No. 7. —Is a Lot containing 4 a res, whereon is ahcufe*
about 25 feet square, and a good apple orchard in good ce- j
dar fence, in the town aforefaid.
No. 8 - -Is a good Saw-Mi11,3 miles from the town afore
faid, with which is about 400 acres of woodland, aoo acres
of swamp, several ore mines, and a fifhery. Any
person inclining to purchafc all or part of the afore
faid described pfemif-s will find the turns of payment ea
iy, the prices low, and indifpuiable title* given ; or, if
rented, the rents moderate —by Applying to thelubfcribcr
proprietor of the premises, at Tuckerton,'in the State
alorciaid. ZBEN. "TUCKER.
Tuckerton, Jan. 18. 2awtFiß.
N. B. If the Tavern and premises No. 3 be not previr
oufly disposed of, they will be fold at public An&ion, 011
Thursday, the jßt.h day of February next, at 6 in
the evening, at the Merchants Coffdc-Houfe in iiccond
ftreet, ia the -f*tv of Philadelphia.
H° 3 South Fourth Sireit,
S ruRNS bis; ,"A* 'ai <j xn<. u>le,iveM<'-tit'- ' Fr.<Jtn',\ a»:u '
jl V Pubitcjor tit *r ,*♦/«/ li-we <• v
At /.'is Shop mav l? ? ■ 'b l'\- ;><*l *nalf;(. ' ,
and har.),' up and >1 -:ibtd >ti /'//.- J u',. <w
Mi tviil tbiuLfu -7v j.:y c,rd?>
put, thiol atieniton to Ihet/i.
d Tot—wsim
I-'HE pre'feat publication fliali, kvid litiOus iO the i
•Tre«iie pubiiih* d lsi Britain in. a bo auj>-:v.c
to the U2-: oi uv»< •„=.
600 eac>, on livali p: a
It h ul been to the by many ptrfons
converfint in : law anri pr.u bite cf Iniuiv-.ce. t;ia,r '.i
complete compilation ol tl& puiburLtiet oa hus iie fuR .i t
would b? of great utility,; to which jjfewUcui .fly
interested iii this oni? branch. of la w might have /ecou;i \
instead of being und&r the neccffocy oJ purchaiing I
turning-over a variety of voluminous p btyentions 1 »
answer thUeudoi convcnicncyi, it is proposed to deitmc t'r.-z
firft volume of the prefpnt work to ta re ception of av. r r
full collection ©V authoritiesi not in a fta£c<j6f abridgment,* a»
was the cafe in ths former edition; and which could nb*.r
supersede recourse to the original*} but to be inicrtcd ■*>./-
batim from the. mofl approved original compilations, and
arranged in the mode whicL appcax» caiicd lor com nil--
This Fir:l Volume, or oi' Authorities,
lit. The ancient Mai ine Ordinances of the foreign (late?
of Europe; which form the common larv ps lnfuraa~e. Ac
prel'ent it is unfortunate that a collection or these :s fcurce
ly to be found any where clfe than in that fcaice and dear
book, Magen's in tw« volumes, 4*o
2J. The Statute Law of Great-Britain iu regar»l to/ln
furances. American legislatures have hitherto dcAio
nothing upon this fubiecl.
3d. A very full colle&ion of the reports of 1
cafe* in t .e courts of England and Scotland, and mi those
of the States of America so far as they can be obtained.—
Thy will form by tar the greateil a*> well as the mod im
-1 portant part of the frrft vo umc. Bp nieans of his frien»is
at the English, b^r,-the compiler hopes to brin<; forvyard
a number of reports of adjudged cases never before pub
lifked, so as to make the series on this fubjeifl more com
plete 1 than any sow extant.
The second volume will con ft ft of an lnftitute, or Ele
mentary Treatise, on a plan fomet.hing limilar to that ot
the former edition; hut with a great addition of new mat
ter; 10 as to extesd this part of the work to about double
the former size. A more prcuHlcal arrangement will alio
be studied.
The whole will be attended very full Indexes of
the different parts.
Price to fubferibers fix dollars and one half for the two
volumes in boards.
The work will be put to the press whenever a fufficient
nnmber of fuhfcriptions have been obtained to indemndy
the publisher for the actual expence of- publication.
Suhfcr)biions luill be rcceivtJ by 'Thomas Dobfon, and
all the Book falters 1,1 Pvi!(:,■>&>Lit.
January 19
Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fadkory, in the oli
wind-mill in Elmiley's al.ey,
South Sccond-Jireety a little b:lo , u> Dock jUxet\ ■
WHERE those who apply may befupplied with (loncg
6f iuch quality as will suit their purpqfei.
stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris groUAX
fine for manure, and
Calcined for Stoco-Work.
Jtie keeps for SALE,
At his dwelling No. 215 north SeconxWtrect, a little above
Vine street,
A completa aflortmont of both imported ana American
manufactured lor merchant and country work, which hs
warrants good.
The Younjf Millwright's and Miller's- GUIDE.
Containing a fyi't-in of mechanics and hydraulics as cht.y
apply to waiter mills with' the whole yroccfs of, and all the
late improvements on the art of mar.ufa&uriijg flour &:c.
intended to be ufcful to all concerned in building or aHrfe
water-mills which book is fold by Matthew Carey and
Robert Campbell, bookfeil^rs.
Sept. 25
And to be fold by ihc Editoi,
Of the Receipts and Expenditures
For the Tear 1794.
Printed by order of the House of Rcprefentativts.
Statements of the dupes on merchandize & tonnage
Duties on (lilts and spirits diftiiled.
■ Revenue ariling on pollage of Liters.
Monica received into the Treafuiy in the
year 1794.
Payments to the Executive,
—— Legillature,
Judiciary, Treasury,
— Department of War, State, aud the Mint,
■ — Government of t!.i: Wcftern Territories^
Commiffionere of I,oans,
Pensions, Annuities, arid 'grants,
Army of the United States,
Naval Depaatment,
For fortiticatior.s of ports and harbors,
For maintaining intercorrfe with foreign
nations, liglit-houfes, lit. -ons, Sic. tor
interest on domestic debt, for dt)ipelli«
loans, for reduction of doirtaflic debt,
French and Dutch debts, relief of in-
Statements of balances of appropriation*
of monies arising from foreign loans transferred t®
the United.States of appropriations and expendi
tures, of receipt# and expenditures. Appendix,
containing an account of the foreign and duiueitio
debt to the close of the year 1794. * -J*
James ivrALPiK,
5 A r L O R, ■
qf-i.h rr favors,
OJf. is
" H£
J R A N €'£■,
Boulting Cloths,
Of the United States,
habitants of St. Domingdi
Bills of Exchange, See. &c. &c
—Mo. 119 —
[Pries Eight Dollars per Ai>r#ra.]
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