Waftiington Canal Lottery, NO. I WHEREAS the State of Maryland has author!fed the underwritten, to raise twenty-fit thousand, two hundrfrd, and fifty dollars, for purpose of cutting a Canal through the City of Wafnington, from the Po tomac to theEaftern Branch Haruour. The Following is .he SCHEME of No. I. Viz • I Prize of 10,000 dollars, 40,000 I ditto 10,000 10,000 7hftdra«-iO Tickets, each \ 5 ditto 1,000 jo ditto 500 20 ditto 100 55 ditto 50 5750 ditto 12. / To be raifcd for the Canal, 5847 Prizes, 11638 Blanks, not two to a prize. 17500 Tickets, at Ten Dollars, - 175,000 g? The Commiflioncrs have taken the Securities re quired by the aforufaid a, to be erected witbin the City of Walhington. (£3T The drawing will commence as soon as tbt Tickets ire fold offi- —The money pmes will be payable in thirty days after ii is finilhed, and any pi izes for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed are to he confidercd as given towards tbelnnd for the Univerlity, it btiog determin ed to fettle the wl:e*c bnfinpfs in a \ear from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu- -fity. The real fee unties fhn Hopkins ichcuond : and 0? Richard WelkSj Cooper's terlv. 3 J >° 00 J.OOO 5,000 • 1,000 69,008 16,150 175,000 NOTLEY YOUNG, DANIEL CARROLL, o/D. LEWIS DEBLOIS, GEORGE WALKER, Wm M.DUNC ANSON, THOMAS LAW, , JAMES BARRY. 50,000 40,000 30,000 ao,ooo 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 I*,ooo 10,000 150,000 TO B E S 0 L B, That well known Estate, The Tammany Hill Farm, I .ate belonging to Godfrey Malbone, Esq. deceased, SITUATED in Newport, Rhode-lllund, confiding of a bout 700 acres of choice arable and pallttrc land, with in a mile of the central part of Newport. This estate is advaritageoufly situated, plentifully watered—commands an extensive pr©fpe?as, under ihc *irni of Khox, Henderfon, O) 5 Qompany All thole indebted to the former concern, will yleaic close their Accounts as soon as Have just received per tnc ship Factor from London, the gleanings of their fall importation, cquitting of a beautiful aflortment of cambrics, cambric uludins, muflinets, corded! printed handkerchiefs, calicoes, chintzes, &c. &c. Alio a few boxes ounce threads, with a fir.all afibi l meut of fancy waiftcoating, &c. Jan. s ini'uraiice from JLois oy I 4 ire. rHE lnfurance Company of North-America, to ac- j commodate the Public, throughout the United ! States, withrefpee are on the premises a wall of g®od water, a large barn and ftabliag to accommodate 40 horses, a hatter's Ihop, and other out buildings; also an excellent apple orchard, a good garden paled in with cedar paling, about 50 acres of wood land, and the fame quantity of meadow. No. 4. —Is that large, pleasant, valuable Farm, known by the name of Tucker's Farm, which is bounded for 3 miles by Navigable water, leading from-the firft described iflandto the town aforefaid A considerable part of said farm lies in the center of the town aforefaid, and may be io!d off, or Jet on ground rent for buiWifig-lotts, to great advantage—There are on the nremifes two frame tene ments bclidcs the farm house, which is new and conveni ent, with an excellent barn and other buildings; also a good apple and peach orchard. Said farm contains about 1000 acres, on which are several good landings; about one-half of which is meadow and cleared land, all in good cedar fence. No. s.—rls a spacious, elegant well-finifhed new House, 1 53 feet front, two (lories high, with an Office adjoining the fame, and one Store adjoining the house 30 fest by 20, and a back Store 26 feet square, with good cellars tinder under the whole, and a well of good water at the door ; also an excellent garden, paled in with the best of red cedar polls, and white cedar paling; also a spacious and beautiful door-yard paled in as above, enclosing several beautiful shady v trees. The house, ftorcs, garden and door-palings are hsndfomely painted. There is aHo on the premises a good barn, ftabiing, and carriage house; the lot contains "about 5 acres, isfttuatc in the center of the town ?forefaid/ is contiguous to a good landing, saw and grill mills, and several churches of different denominations. No. 6.—ls a Frame House, 26 f«et square, and lot of j acres, in good cedar fencing, vv.th feme good fruit trees, in the town aforefaid. No. 7. —Is a Lot containing 4 a res, whereon is ahcufe* about 25 feet square, and a good apple orchard in good ce- j dar fence, in the town aforefaid. No. 8 - -Is a good Saw-Mi11,3 miles from the town afore faid, with which is about 400 acres of woodland, aoo acres of swamp, several ore mines, and a fifhery. Any person inclining to purchafc all or part of the afore faid described pfemif-s will find the turns of payment ea iy, the prices low, and indifpuiable title* given ; or, if rented, the rents moderate —by Applying to thelubfcribcr proprietor of the premises, at Tuckerton,'in the State alorciaid. ZBEN. "TUCKER. Tuckerton, Jan. 18. 2awtFiß. N. B. If the Tavern and premises No. 3 be not previr oufly disposed of, they will be fold at public An&ion, 011 Thursday, the jßt.h day of February next, at 6 in the evening, at the Merchants Coffdc-Houfe in iiccond ftreet, ia the -f*tv of Philadelphia. H° 3 South Fourth Sireit, S ruRNS bis; ,"A* 'ai le,iveM<'-tit'- ' Fr.<*l *nalf;(. ' , and har.),' up and >1 -:ibtd >ti /'//.- J u',. put, thiol atieniton to Ihet/i. f(>& "HINTING Hl' SUBSCRIPTION, A N/W SUIT lOA O;' MILLA U's E L EMEN Tii d Tot—wsim LAW OF I.N SI I-'HE pre'feat publication fliali, kvid litiOus iO the i •Tre«iie pubiiih* d lsi Britain in. a bo auj>-:v.c to the U2-: oi uv»< •„=. 600 eac>, on livali p: a It h ul been to the by many ptrfons converfint in : law anri pr.u bite cf Iniuiv-.ce. t;ia,r '.i complete compilation ol tl& puiburLtiet oa hus iie fuR .i t would b? of great utility,; to which peri-j.is jjfewUcui .fly interested iii this oni? branch. of la w might have /ecou;i \ instead of being und&r the neccffocy oJ purchaiing I turning-over a variety of voluminous p btyentions 1 » answer thUeudoi convcnicncyi, it is proposed to deitmc t'r.-z firft volume of the prefpnt work to ta re ception of av. r r full collection ©V authoritiesi not in a fta£c./- batim from the. mofl approved original compilations, and arranged in the mode whicL appcax» caiicd lor com nil-- This Fir:l Volume, or oi' Authorities, comprehend, lit. The ancient Mai ine Ordinances of the foreign (late? of Europe; which form the common larv ps lnfuraa~e. Ac prel'ent it is unfortunate that a collection or these :s fcurce ly to be found any where clfe than in that fcaice and dear book, Magen's in tw« volumes, 4*o 2J. The Statute Law of Great-Britain iu regar»l to/ln furances. American legislatures have hitherto dcAio nothing upon this fubiecl. 3d. A very full colle&ion of the reports of 1 cafe* in t .e courts of England and Scotland, and mi those of the States of America so far as they can be obtained.— Thy will form by tar the greateil a*> well as the mod im -1 portant part of the frrft vo umc. Bp nieans of his frien»is at the English, b^r,-the compiler hopes to brin<; forvyard a number of reports of adjudged cases never before pub lifked, so as to make the series on this fubjeifl more com plete 1 than any sow extant. The second volume will con ft ft of an lnftitute, or Ele mentary Treatise, on a plan fomet.hing limilar to that ot the former edition; hut with a great addition of new mat ter; 10 as to extesd this part of the work to about double the former size. A more prcuHlcal arrangement will alio be studied. The whole will be attended vrii.li very full Indexes of the different parts. Price to fubferibers fix dollars and one half for the two volumes in boards. The work will be put to the press whenever a fufficient nnmber of fuhfcriptions have been obtained to indemndy the publisher for the actual expence of- publication. Suhfcr)biions luill be rcceivtJ by 'Thomas Dobfon, and all the Book falters 1,1 Pvi!(:,■>&>Lit. January 19 BURR MILL STONES Made by OLIVER EVANS, at his Fadkory, in the oli wind-mill in Elmiley's al.ey, South Sccond-Jireety a little b:lo , u> Dock jUxet\ ■ WHERE those who apply may befupplied with (loncg 6f iuch quality as will suit their purpqfei. stones for gudgeons to run on, and Plaifter of Paris groUAX fine for manure, and Calcined for Stoco-Work. Jtie keeps for SALE, At his dwelling No. 215 north SeconxWtrect, a little above Vine street, A completa aflortmont of both imported ana American manufactured lor merchant and country work, which hs warrants good. ALSO, The Younjf Millwright's and Miller's- GUIDE. Containing a fyi't-in of mechanics and hydraulics as cht.y apply to waiter mills with' the whole yroccfs of, and all the late improvements on the art of mar.ufa&uriijg flour &:c. intended to be ufcful to all concerned in building or aHrfe water-mills which book is fold by Matthew Carey and Robert Campbell, bookfeil^rs. Sept. 25 And to be fold by ihc Editoi, AN ACCOUNT ' Of the Receipts and Expenditures For the Tear 1794. Printed by order of the House of Rcprefentativts. Statements of the dupes on merchandize & tonnage Duties on (lilts and spirits diftiiled. ■ Revenue ariling on pollage of Liters. Monica received into the Treafuiy in the year 1794. Payments to the Executive, —— Legillature, Judiciary, Treasury, — Department of War, State, aud the Mint, ■ — Government of t!.i: Wcftern Territories^ Commiffionere of I,oans, Pensions, Annuities, arid 'grants, Army of the United States, Naval Depaatment, For fortiticatior.s of ports and harbors, For maintaining intercorrfe with foreign nations, liglit-houfes, lit. -ons, Sic. tor interest on domestic debt, for dt)ipelli« loans, for reduction of doirtaflic debt, French and Dutch debts, relief of in- Statements of balances of appropriation* of monies arising from foreign loans transferred t® the United.States of appropriations and expendi tures, of receipt# and expenditures. Appendix, containing an account of the foreign and duiueitio debt to the close of the year 1794. * -J* PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, James ivrALPiK, 5 A r L O R, ■ qf-i.h rr favors, OJf. is PROPOS.- " H£ J R A N €'£■, Boulting Cloths, •JUST PUBLISHED, Of the United States, CONTAINING habitants of St. Domingdi Bills of Exchange, See. &c. &c PHILADELPHIA: —Mo. 119 — CHESNUT-STR.EET. [Pries Eight Dollars per Ai>r#ra.] r. v.. r 'i ■'" d /-J •< ), COttU. .'ll Oi J.-i aaw6w 3tcl2 a'vytf. "■ "N