A NuMBEJt X075.J For Freight, or Charter, General Waftiington, IJURTHEN 1600 barrels; now in the Carpenter's hands, and will be ready to receive a cargo in two or three days. Her accommodations for paflengers arc mcrllenc.* For terms of which, or freight, apply to the Captain, or KEARNY WHAR TON. Fgb - 9- §6t. FOR CHARTER, ABOUT 257 tons burthr-n; is now ia complete order to receive a cargo on board, and lays the fccond wharf below Pifie-ftreet. ' Enquire of Jebu Hollingswortb Co. February 8. § For Sale, of Charter, B E T s E Y, _ John Dankiris, nufter, BORTHEN about 800 barrel* flour, in complete or der to receive ajcargo immediately. For terms apply t« the Captain on board, at the subscriber's wharf— large and ■ small FOR SALE,, -At No. 129, Mulberry-StreeT, a«o Boxes Window Glass. 7 by 9 ; 180 ditto ditto tobyia; 10 ditto ditto 9 by ijlj 50 ditto Caflile Soap j 50 ditto fwcet Oil*} . . , . , 20 balkets do. j COt>tamin e 11 bonlcs each 5 300 pieces Platillas. The above are all entitled to drawback. AND ALSO ON BAND, .so pieces Flanders Linen, well altbrted ; 10 pieces Table Clpth 2 yards wide; 100 piices Rolls; boxes Ruflia Candles; 20 pieces Oil Cloth ; 1 a quarter Cases Sherry Wine; Dutch Great Coats, of various sizes ; Three very elegant FortePianos,imported from London. Ihe above Goods are offered by,the Subscriber, upon reasonable terms. Credit irom three to fix months for approved Notes. PETER BORGER. February T2. iaw6w. COLUMBIA HOUSE Boar ding School for Young Ladies. MRS. GROOMBRIDGE havingremovcd from Lodge Alley, to the corner of Eleventh and'Spruce-ftreets, for t*e,advantage of a large, convenient Hoyfe, in a dry, kealthy situation; hejpes for the continuance or the encou ragement Ihe has hitherto 10 highly experienced; and for which ihe returns her sincere acknowledgment. :0 s Mrs. Groombridge is «ffille Herrings in barrels, Kilo-dried corn meal in Hhds. »nd Bblj. Rye fieur &c. to be fold by Levi Hollingfworth Son. duzvfl 4 Copper Ware-Houle, No. 2. North Fourth Street. GEORGE Sy HENRY WESCOTT HAVEjuft received by the late yeflcls from London, Liverpool and Bristol, and which they are at the moll reduced prices for cafe, or a short credit", a very large and extensive a.Tortment of (hfet Cupper and Bottoms, cotnprifing sheets fron, 5 to iocib.'and bottoms from 1.6 inches to 5 feet—Alfo a handsome if-' fetment of the mr,if approved iheathing Copper v ith nails, Tin in boxes, Block-tin, Shelter in opelter fodder, pjg k.U, &c. Sec, George Bringhur.fl, CPACU & HARNESS MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has removed fiemm Arch-street, to No. 23 in north adjoining the Episcopal Burial Ground; where he continues the business of Coach making in all its Branches. He makes all kinds of crane neck and perch Carii ages' such as Coaches, phariots, Phstotis, and Coachees ; also .Chairs, Kittereens, (jigs, Sulkeys; and all kinds of Har ness, with, plated or brass mounting. Ha hath a good supply of thd best materials, and a stock of the bcfl fea funed wood, Orders from any.piirt of the United States will be du- Jjr attended tp >vith the greateli pun&uality and dispatch. . Hi * experience in business, his care in the execu tion of his work, and an unremitted attention to the de sires of his employers, he flatters himfelf will prove fuffi cient recommendations. He has several second-hand Carri ges for sale, viz. a complea Coachee, with a coachman's feat and Venetian t.indsall round; aPhxton; Chair; and a Sulkey with a falling top. All kinds of Carriages fold on Commiflion, and Car- taken in to Itand by the month or year. £5° Apprentices wanted to the Bufmefs. Philadelphia, November n. t,t,&s3»<.2awd9 Philadelphia and. Lane after Turnpike Company, January 13th, 1796. Notice is hereby given, THAT agreeable to a bye Law of the Stock Hold ers, Subscriptions «ill be opened at the Compa ny s Office in Philadelphia, on Wedneflay the 10th day as February next, for one hundred additional fiiares of Capital Stock in said Company—The sum to be demanded for each ihare will be th ee hundred Dol lars with Interest at 6 per cent, on the different instal ments} from the time they were feveraily called for to be paid by the original Stock Holders,' one hundred Dollars thereof to bt paid at the time of fubferibing, and the remainder in three eq'ial payments at 30, 60 and 90 days. No person to be permitted to fubfcrjbe more than one (hare on the feme-day. By order of the hoard, WM. GOVETT, Secretary. w&r. Jan. 13 FOR SALE, A FOUNT of BREVIER, half *,vorn ; about four hung dred w< i>*ht. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United 'States, No. 119, Chdyitt-ftreet. December . e W ANTE J), ON Lo3n, for two or three years—jooo Dollars, for which a mortgage on .Laud will be given asfecurity. The land is clear of every incumbrance. T THE STOCKHOLDERS In the Insurance Company of Norths America, are desired to meet'at their Office, on Wednef day, the 17th February next, at n 9'de|ck,iA. m. By or,c}er of theDire#crs, EBEN. HAZARD, Secretary. January ig. ln&tFl 7 WA NT E D, " Several Apprentices to the Printing- Bufincfs. Apply 4t the Office of the Gazette of the ' •• '• Chefnut-ftreet. si THURSDAT EVENING, FEBRUART 18, 1796. §ivv.s3m w&f. d. Pt* -- tm j#> PUB LISHE D, Price Three-Fourths of a Dollar, No. 60, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, Stephens'* Phtladelphia Dire Si or FOR 1796. A PLAN or THE City of Philadelphia. January 18. Publlflied, this Day, And may be had of BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 63, Hij?h-ltrcet, [Price 5-gths of a Dollar] Revolutionary JuJlicc Displayed, Or an Inside View of tlje various Prisons of Paris, under the government of Kobefpierre and the Jacobins; Taksa prineipayy from the Journals cf the Prifcners Tranjlatcdfrom tbe French. WITH AN APPENDIX, Containing an act.unt of the promulgation of the new religion of Fran«e ; the ; mpious attaqk oil thtaucicnt; and violation and plunder of the sacred recepta cles of the d:ad. " All! liberty bow baj! ibou been /ported with." Madame Rolanp. At the faa*c placc may be had, an elegant duodecimo Pocket Atlas of the United States, v fPRICE ONE DOLLAR.] Just puhlilhed—containing nineteen Maps; that i», a ge neral one of the United States, a particular one of each of the States, and of the North-Weflern Territory. February 13. 3 aw2w JUS.T PUBLISHED, BY JACOB JOHNSON Ssf CO. Nu. 147, Marlet-Jlffet, Philadelphia, DODD's reflexions on Death, price 80 ceqts. Hervey's Meditations, go Thompson's Seasons.with an elegant engravino- 75 The Columbiad, a Poem, on the American war 18 The American Parmer's Guide, a new and ex cellent Treatise on Agriculture 30 D.lworfh'sEuok-Keeping Jjj Iftflory of the Pelew Islands 25 J. Jchnfon & Co. will publilh in a few days, The tlO'ivers of Ancient and Modern }iij?o r y- L —2 vols, Fv',riia ? y jtawam THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, ByMATHEWCAREY.No. , 18, Market -^reel, [Price 15 cents] AN ADDRESS To sHe House oF Rcprefentalives of the United Ofl J.ORQ GREKVILLE's TREATY. FeHrtjarv. .1L JOHN J. PARRY, .38, foyth Second ftrccty lias ju& received a capital -Ajfortmpnt of Cap'd and Jewei'd Watches, A variety of elegant CHAI tf.S;. And ipSTjy otter article; in the lisle of Watch-Making, which he will fell low for calh. Work of every kind done as usual. January 2,3, WAGNER, Woolen Draper and Mens' Meroer, Sit No. 25, Sout : : SecondJireet, HAS, in add»tipn, to his aflbrtmcnt of fupcrfine Cloths and Caffimers, Received by the Factor from Lcn don, a very'elegant nfionment of Gemlcmens' Waistcoat Patterns; lucli as Sattin, Silk. Molefttn, C.iilimer, and Merfeillcs, which will be fold at their just prices. ja;:aary 9. ' d . MADEIRA, 7 SHERRY and V WINES PORT j For Sale by EDWARD STOW, jun* No. 4, South Water-Street. Dec. li. -1 5 o Pipes Cogniac Brandy, O'iks, in bales, ar.d Holland Gin, in pipes, 1' or Sale by Benjamin W. Morris. December 31 •Paterfon Manufactory. A 1 ? te ial M « tin g of 'he Board of Directors for J. 1 eftabu filing ufeful Manufactures, held at Paulus- Hook, January 25th, 1796 "The Board taking into confederation the general affairs of the Society, think it ncceffary t!:at a meeting of the Stockholders should be called as soon as the will permit; it is therefore re foWed, that the Stockholders be called to meet on the firft I ueiday in March next, at Egedey's Hotel, at Paterfon, by ten of the clock of the forenoon of the fame day, then and thereto jake into serious consideration, affairs of the utmost importance to the said Society; and that every brocklioldsi be earnestly requeftfd to attend either in person or by pro,xy." A true extrael of Minutes, . T P- COLT, Superfntendant. Wcw-Yori, January 26, JtitM An elegant Houje for Sale. AWEI,L built three {lory brick HOUSE and LOT of GROUND, en the h'igheft land in the citv, fituatc in Arch-street within 27 feet of Ninth-street. The house LS about two-thirds finifhed, is built in the very bed man ner and of the best. materials; it is 32 fact front and 53 feet rleep; the drawing room below is 21 feet 6 inches, by 26 feet; the back or dining room is jo feet 6 inches by 24 feet, with a large entry thro' the whole. The draw ing room upftait'G is 30 feet by 26, the back room is 20 feet by 24—the third story may lie dividad into three r-ooms. Th« Lot is 32 feet frorifby 130 feet dee», fub jea to a ground rent of 6 dollars per foot, which may he bought off at a r»:donable rate. For further particulars enquire of William Powell, Carpenter, .Sev"nfh-Hr?( t between Arch and Race-sheets; or at No. 20, north Se venth-'! reet. J 2n,: 'y -7" tu&f 3 w A number of building Lots t® be let on grour i nnt on the fourh »der; Refined Camphor; Englilh Sail Canvas, No. Is); A quantity of Mahogany; A parcel of good green Coffee, in bags February 3, SPIRITS. ANY Person may be supplied with Rum, Gin, Cor dials, snd other oii-its, upon application to the Sub/criber, at Ms-Diftiilcry, No."115 Story, or New ftreet, between Thitd and Fourth streets. THOMAS CAVE. January 15. n U w N. B. Whiskey and MolaiTes will be purchased, upon application as above. No. 8, North FrontJlreet. Printed Calico and Mullin WAREHOUSE. RICHARD h? JAMES POTTER, Hfjc jus received a fiferb ajfjrtnent of the ftllo-uiwg artnlry, 'which they offer for sale. PRIN TED calicoes Gentlemen's neck handkfs. 4-4 \vd. book muslins New falhionable lhawls 6-4 wd. y ditto ditto Madras han-'kcrchicis Book muslin handkerchiefs Tambour'd' muslins Pocket ditto Gurr&hs Colored, bordered, muslin Huinhums handkerchiefs Coflaes &c &c Very ncw'fanCy ditto An elegant and frefh assort* Elegant tambore muslins ment of ribbands and Colored work ditto fafties LaCed figured ditto Cotton (lockings Brocaded ditto Worsted ditto Ladies plaids S And £ variety of othei Many of the above goo. for the Well-India market, Decern}-,:r 23 James Tiffin, WHOLESALE \$ RETAIL HATTER, /No. 70, south Scctund street, near the City Tavern, HAS just received by the late arrivals from London and Bristol, a large ind elegant assortment of Ladies •ir'd (~»siitlemens la Puion at >le I! ne hundred feet deep, a stable and wa(h haufe which las a communication to Race-ftrcet, four years of the £qafc 13 unexpired on til/ firft day of January next, I he.e premises are in good repairs, and the purchaftr may haye For particulars enquire of Robert Coe, No, 46, Couth Second-street. December r. ; TO BE SOLD, A PLANTATION, in the town of Woodbury, eosn ty cf Gloucefier, ants state of New-Terf f y, contain ing about one hundred and fifty acre?;' a faitahle propor tion of which i-i woodland and improved meadow. A great part of th: arable land is in a high ftatc of cultiva tion, and very natural to the ptoduaiofi of red clover. On fa id plantation there is a genteel two story brick house with four rooms on a floor, and a good dry cellar under the whole; together with a barn, corn-cribs, and carri ige-houfe The garden is large, and contains a good colle&ion of the best kinds cf grafted and' inoculatcd fruit trees; the orchard consists of about thrtie hun [red grafted apple trees. Any person inclined to purchafc said premises, may be informed of the term!, by apply. t0 _ ANDREW HUNTER. February 8, Notice is hereby given that an at tachment was issued out of the infer for court of Common Pleas in and for the county bf CM&rl'and, ; n t j, e state of New Jersey, returnable oil the twenty-fifth day of Febru ary lalt, against'the goods and chattels, l ights and credits lands and tenements of George Hutz (not being a resident' at that time within the state of New Jersey) at the suit of Jonathan BaMiijjjer, indorsee 6f Job Buteher, which was levied by the sheriff of the county of Cumberland " on a certain Hoop or shallop called the Fly of Philadelphia" with its appurtenances, as by the return of the said sheriff will more particularly appear—and notic; is also hereby further given, agreeably to tbe diredion of an acl of the Lcgiflature of the state of New-Jersey in such' cafe made atid provided, that unlcfs tin said George I.lutz (hall ap pear and give special bail to answer the suit so as afore said instituted against him by th; said Jonathan Ballin°-er within ruch time as is preferibeij by law, " that then and in lhat cafe judgment shall be entered" against the said George Hutz "by default, and that the said'(loop or shallop so as afbrefaid fcized on the fa'id attachment" will be fold for the fatisfaction of all " creditors who (hall appear to ba justly entitled to any demand thereon, and lhall apply for that purpafe." Dated at Salem, in the county of Salem, in the fai state, the thirty first day of March A. D. 1705. GILES, CLrl. Lucius Horatio Stoclton, ") Attorney for the Plif. J April 1 Delaware and Schuylkill Canal. A GENERAL MEETJNG of the Stock holders will beheld at the Company's office on Saturday, the 12th day of Mat"ch next, at to o'clock/, A. M. As the business of the meeting is of very great importance, n6t only t 0 the CWT pariy in particular, hut to the ci;i>en» i : n gstjerii, it is earnpttly requested and expeilod the at tendance will be punctual and numerous. ' By order of the Board of Mana^erb, WM. MOORE SMITH, Sec'rv. TToU A ' . Jm [VoLUMM IX. m,w&f :r articles, just opened. Is are particularly calculate! taw. m&tu4w HMrtf,