N ± <>r Sale at this Office. The Conliitution of the United States,. price 20 cents. Last repoft of the late Secretary ot the Trea furyt containing a Plan for the further fupportof Public Credit, 75 cents. Germanic us 20. Proceedings of the Executive refpe&ing the In surgents; farming an ihteiefting Hillory of the late lnfui ftftion in the four Western Counties of Pes^fylvania. Interesting summary of the events which have taken place in the Republic of GeneAi—written by M. de Niv«rnois, 12 1-2 cents. / >venty (ix letters ; on the moll interesting fub jcels, refpe&ing the American Revolution, con tainwio much information not generally knewvn to •the Citizens of the United States, written in the year 1780, 2; cents. \ AWo a few copies of the Accounts of tlie Re« ceipts and Expenditures of the United States, du ring the year 1794. —price one Dollar and jo cents. December 20th, 1795. The Panorama. MR. SAVAGE refpedfnlly informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Philadelphia that the PAIvORAAfA is now opened in High-street, between ioth and iith ilreets. The Subjed is a view of the Cities of London and Wefcminfter, comprehending the three bridges, Sou th wark, Surrey, and St. George's Fields in the Borough, with every other objed which appears from top of the Albion mills, at the end of Blackfriars opposite the city of London, from whence this view was taken, The painting contains nearly 3,000 square feet of canvas. Being in a circle gives every objedrits proper bearing, and exhibits it in its true point of compass, appearing as large •rid in every refped the fame as the reality. Price of admiflioa half a dollai Tickets for tho Sealon thre2 dollars. . . Panorama open every day from ten o clock in the morning. _ . _ A PRINT of the PRESIDENT of the U. S. 18 nches by 14 ; only a few choice impreffious left: the companion is a print of *Dr. Franklin. A variety of choice prints may be had at the Panorama. AuguJl 3 1 Mr. Walter Robertfon BEGS leave to acquaint tV Gentlemen, fubferibers to the print Portrait of 0■: fge Wafbington, Prefid«nt of the United Statesof An* vka, engraved by Mr. Field, from an original picture ptf /.ted by W. Robertfon, that the Proofs are ready for delivery to the several fubferib ers at John James Barralet't, No. 19 north Ninth-street ; er at J. Ormred's, bookleller, No. 4'> L-hefnut-ilreet, where the fubfci ibers are requefled to fend their address. O&ober 27 . cod - City cf Washington. SCHEME of the LOTTERY, \o. 11, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. A magnificent ") 20 t OOO dollars, & ) dwclling-houfe, 3 3 0 *° 00 > are 5 I ditto 15,000 & ca(h 25,000 I ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 1 ditto 10,000 8c ca(h 10,000 1 ditto 5,c00 & cacti 5,000 1 ditto 5;,000 & calh 5,000 I cash prize of 1 do. 5,000 each, are» 10 do. 1,000 20 do. 100 do. 200 do. 400 do. 1,000 do. 5,000 do. 100 SO *S 20 10 i6,7.?9 Prizes. 33,161 BlankJ. 50,000 Tickets, at Eight Dollars, This Lottery will afford an elegant specimen of the ivate buildings to beerefted in the City of Washington -Two beautifdl designs are already felled for the enure ronis on two of the public squares ; from the(c draw ngs, it is proposed to cre£k two ccntre and lour corner buildings, a:f Don as possible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventur ers, in the manner described in the fchemc fdr the Hotel Lottery. A nctt dcdufti'in of five per cent, will be made to defray the neceffarv expences of printing, &c. and the fur plus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National Uftiverfity, to be erected within the City of Washington. The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold oitV The money prir.es will be payable in thirty days after it is finifhed, and any prites for which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing is closed are to be confideird as giver, towards the fund for the Univerfiiy, it being determin ed "to fettle the who'e bufiriefs in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given as fecu lity. The real feeurities given for the payment of the Prize are held bvhe President and two Dire&ors of the of Coliffiibii, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The twenty four gentlemen who by appointment of the late CommifTioncrs assisted ;n the managemen: of the Hotel Lottery are requested to undertake thio arduous tafjc a second time on behalf of the public ; a fufficient num ber of thefc having kindly accepted, it is hoped that th-t friends to a National University and the other .federal ob jeds may continue to favor the design. The jTynopfis of one of the Colleges, to form a branch of the National Institution, is already in the press, and will be speedily published, together with its cortftitution. A comjUat Plan of the whole of this Important nftitutior.j compiled from a fele&ion of the best materi als, ancieii: lad modern, will be fubmittcd to th« public whenever :he fame may have gone through such revisions as may be nccefTary to establish the perfe. Conner's ferrv. FOR SALE, O to bt LET for I terra of yearn, AN elegi .t Hcufe with about forty-two acres j( Land and A titw Thf situation is very convenient for a Countryi: it, or for a pcrfon inclined to attend the mai&ets. Th re isarvexcellent Kitchen Garden, Icc-houfe, &nd a variety of Kruit- —'he distance about five mile» from lie cit). Fot further information apply to the Primer. November 14. sawtf. rXOFOSALS FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRrPTION, SKETCHES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, From the peace of 1783, to the termination of tiie pre- Jint SelHon of Congrrfs. BY MAT HEW CARET. CONDITIONS. [. This work will be comprifsd in two or throe odavo volumes, each about 400 pages. 11. The pricc to l"ubfcriber3 will be two dollars per vo lume, handsomely hound. [11. No money will be required till the volun&es are de livered. IV. Should any of the fubferibers disapprove of the work when complete, they may decline receivi»g it. V. It is expeded to be ready for in the spring of 1797- VI. As soon after the abfcve time, as one thousand copies are fufefcribeJ for, the printing shall commence, and shall be finifhed asfpeedily as poflible. VII. Subscriptions received by the Author, No. iiS, Market-street, and by the chief Bookfcliers through out-the United States. THE objed of the prepofed work, is, to present to public view a connected series oi the chief events of a period of .American hiflory, that does not yield, in im portance, to any period of equal length, in the peaceful annals of any country in the world. Defiling to excite no expectations but such as he shall endeavour to fa i*fy, the writer is thus early in announ cing, that the body aad confidence-of a regular hilfcory, is not to be looked for in this work : neither his talents nor his avocations allow him to hope for this. Hi 3 hum bler talk shall be to sketch out the most prominent fea tures. It shall be his study to colled and arrange the most interefling materials—to smooth the rugged path— for abler hands, who, by such mean?, will find their la bours abridged, and their progress accelerated. His chief view will be, to give the Hiilory or the Uni ted States as a confederated Republic. Nevertheless, no tice will be taken of the most remarkably circumstances in the hiflory of the individual States, as far as they can be colleded. This information shall be classed under sepa rate appendixes. The Author solicits the affiftnee of such Gentlemen as may be polTefl'ed of documents calculated to promote the execution of his plan. They shall fee received with due gratitude —carefully preserved—and fafely returned. February 9. iavvl2t American Landscapes. PROPOSALS FDR PUBLISHING IN A^IIATINIA Twenty-Four V lEWS, SELECTED from'the mod striking and mierefting Profpe- batim from the moil approved original compilations, and arranged in the mode whicL appears eafieA for coniuka- d lot —wsim tion. » This Firii Volume, or Diy and ground in oil, paint brulhts, window and c»ach glass, clye (luffs, iinfeed ojj, oil of turpentine, copal eil varnish and japa*, wariaaied good. Allum, copperas, madder, ground redwwodbythe hog • head or fmallcr quantity. As he imports the fimpl s from the oeft markets, and makes the compofuions and preparations himfelf, he is enabled to vouch for and warrant ever) articlc fold out of his Laboratory, and likewifeto dWpofe of them at the mod reafonatie rates. He wifhcs to fell a targe LOT of GROUND, the north-east corner of High and Eleventh-fleets, contain ing7B feet front on High-flreet, and 200 feet on Eleventh ftiect, opposite Mr. Lei per'* new buildings—And another LOT 00 the norih fide of High street, n«arthe above, 28 iect front, and 200 feet deep. Both lot* have the privi legeof a 30 feet alley in the rear. Dec. 13 AN ACCOUNT Of the Receipts and Expenditures For the Tear 1794. Printed by order of the House of Reprefentativw. Statements of the duties 011 merchandize & tonnage Duties on Hills and spirits distilled. Revenue arising on poltage of letters. Monies received into th» Treafuiy in the year 1794. Payments to the Executive, Legiilature, Judiciary, Treasury, Department of War, State, aud the Mint, Government of the Western Territories, Commiflioners of Loans, ■ Pensions, Annuities, and Grants, Army of the United States, Naval Depaatment, For fortifications of gorts and hnibours, For maintaining intercourse witli foreign nations, light-houses, beacons, &c. for interell on domestic debt, for domestic loans, for reduction of domaftic debt, French and Dutch debts, relief of in- Statements of balances of appropriations of monies arising fcom foreign loans transferred to the United States of appropriations and expendi tures, of receipts and expenditures. Appendix, containing an account of tiie foreign and domestic debt to the close of the year 1794.. FOR SALE. A FOUNT of BREVIER, half worn ; about four dred w< ight. Enquire at the Office of the Gazette of the United 'States, No. 119, Chefnut-ftreet. December . § PRINTED BY JOHN FENNO, George Hunter, CHEMIST, He ha? far Tale a general aflortment of CINtS. JUST PUBLISHED, Ami to be fold by the Editol, Of the United States, C 0 K TJIN 1N G habitants of St. Domingo. Bills of Exchange, &c. &c. See PHILADELPHIA —No. 119 — CHESNUT-STREET. [Pricc Eight Dollars per Anr.um.] 2aw6w*