Gazette of the United States. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1795-1796, February 15, 1796, Image 2

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    Wafaington Canal Lottery,
N°. r.
WHEXEAS the State of Maryland has authorised
the underwritten, to raise twenty-fix thousand,
two hundred, and fifty dollars, for the purpose of cutting
a Canal through the City of Washington, from the Po
tomac ;o the E i tem Branch Harbour.
The following is -he SCHEME of No. I.
Viz -i Prize of 20,000 dollars, 20,000
i ditto 10,000 "10,000
7 la ft drawn 7
Tickets, each f sp3 °
5 ditto 1,000
10 ditto 500
20 ditto 100
55 ditto 50
5750 ditto II
To be raised for the Canal,
5847 Priz«,
11638 Blanks, not two to a prize.
17500 Tickets, atTen Dollars, r 175,000
Commissioners have taken the Securities re
quired by the aforefaid a<fl for the purnStual payment of
the prizes.
Thfc drawing of this Lottery will commence, without
delay, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely
notice will he <*iven.
Such pnzea as are not demanded in fix months after the
drawing is finilhed, (hall be consider ~d as relinquiihed for
the benefit of the Canal, and appropriated accordingly.
Wm m.duncanson,
City of Wa"jington, Feb. 11.
[Pr'ce, one doliar and a half.]
And to be fold by MefTrs. Bailey, Rice, Davies, Stephens,
Ormrod, and Dobfon,
The United States Gazetteer;
CONTAINING an authentic and fuil account of the
di fcrelit rtates; their situation, extent, boundaries, foil,
produce.climate, population, trade, and raanufa&iires ;
withthr amount of their exports for four years subsequent
to the adoption of the federal government. Also the ex
tent, boundaries, population, and foil of their refpe«stive
countie-. Together with an authentic description of the
rivers, lake*, bays,harbours mountains, caves,capes, mines
minerals, and springs. Likewise the cities, ports of en •
tries, (with the amount of their exports individually for
pne year) post tov/ns and villages ; with the number of
their dwellings, public buildings, latitudes and longitudes
bearings and diftartces from Philadelpnia and the metropo
lis of the (late wherein ey are situated. Also the times,
o* holding tfce courts of juftictf in the chief town of cach
country, carefully coiie&e J from the laws' of the different
state legislatures. To which are added, the residence and
number of the several tribes of Indians within the territo
ries of the United States trum the latefl information r
The wnole embellifhei with nineteen maps and a hand
some title pa^e.
At any of the above places may be had also, a large
fhcet map of thofrf countries through which the Apostles
travelled in propagating chrillianiry. Elegantly engrav
ed and printed on piper. Price one halt do lar.
February i. eodiw.
Political Book-Store, No. %,/outh Front-Jlreel.
This day will be bubliflicd,
an ADDRESS from
Of South-Carolina,
Containing his renfonsfor approving of the Twsty.of
Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, with
To itfbich is annexed,
d LETTER from Governor jAr t
to the Author.
$£jP Printed fra,m the original.
1 . Bradford has just publifbed the |Irft volume of
Hunter on the B'ood — Marten's Law of Nations—fe
eond edition of Porcupine's Answer to Randolph —and
in a few days will pnMifh
A new Woifc—by pQfcup'mc.
Feb. 15.
; Mop, and take Notice,
As the undermentioned paragraph will be found well
wnrth your attention—such indeed has never been
offered to the Public.
7'he Suh/criier, jujl from London,
tUa brought by the Ihip Favourite, four thou'and pounds
: woith of
Plated Goods, Silver Plate, &c.
and a few WATCHES,
WHICKlfce w ill fell for little more than half the price
that such articles ar. fo'.d lor in this countcy. A pair of
the be ft plated candlefiick;, that arc generally fold for 16
dollars, wiii be fold far 9 dollars; and every other arti
er in the like proportion; such is waiters, brjad baflcets,
t. a anJ.cuTi e urns, tea ana coffee pots and biggins, tea
caddies and (Hells, milk pots, sugar and cream basons,
wiih lamps, diiii rings with ditto, toad trays
c mdle.eicks ps various patterns aid sizes, branches to
riatc:i, trait frames, liquor ditto, wine and water dittt>,
<■13 iiinU, buuer bolt-., .'au;e turoens, aft knives, ink
i'a.-, ice Grain r , wax jacks, fait,, goblets, and eve
ry ;i.atrd article rbat is med: nt Siu ; n -Id. and of tiie
,test i ; h; r.; and will be open for SAi.K, this week
'only) «;.oiefe!e m 1 retail, at Mai.i ne .isekc'j, foutll
: iirJ froufe from j-weiiery wil; be open for sale on Monday next
H'opsof plain :, cornelians, and set with pearls, neck
:entlem -ns'rings of every kind, ladies' and geuclemens
The I'u. .ic wiii nut tmil 1 ; the above mentioned ftrang
4 . . - h-** rctiuced the Minjufd&urert to
th^ynyStr.Qfnifeng money. Feb. 10, §
t reftch Language
Univerfi-y, nortpj. Fmr'h-ftrect. and in
: t ' T r®f? i, i?' b y Latvia c. V,iI,I.ON< from Pa™.
•CSL"^ 4 * m C "7 r >'- e n «3» or is the. Uni.-
January j4
To'-be SciH
'' L '' r ' : '' rdcnAi:'o about 70 acres of land
1 ne ?..) 1"e jnemioiK.: Moult and Land, were lately
family. /
m can be given immediately. Far terms of
' Ttb. if;
At the firft Seflion, begun, and held at the city of Phi
ladelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Mon
day, the 7th of December, one thousand se
ven liundred and ninety-live.
Making appropriations for the fipport of government
for the year ons thousand seven hundred and nine
5, 000
Sec. 1. BE ii enabled by the Senate and Houje
of Representatives' of the bmiel States of America, in
Copgrej's a/fsinbUd, That for clefraiyttig the expendi
ture of the civil lilt of the United States for the
year one thousand seven fyundied and ninety-fix,
together w,th the incidental andi contingent expen
ds of the several departments and offices thereof,
there be appropriated"a sum of money, not exceed
ing five hundied and thirty thousand, three hun
dred and ninety-two dollars, and eighty five cetus}
tiiat is to fay :
Tor the compenfation9 granted by law to the
President and Vice President of the United States,
thirty thousand dollars.
For the like competifations to the members of
the Senate and Heufe of Representatives, their of
ficers and attendants, estimated for a fcfllon of fix
mouths continuance, one hundred andoiijiety-threc
thousand, four liundred and sixty dollars.
tor the expences of firewood, stationery, print
ing-work, and all other contingent expences of
the two houses of Congress, eleven thousand five j
hundred dollars.
For the compeafations granted by law to the
Ciiief Justice, afTociate Judges Diftrift J lidges,
and Attorney General, forty-three thoufaud fix
hundred dollars.
For defraying the cxpence of C'eiks of Courts,
Jurors and Witneflea, in aid of the fund ariung
from fines, forfeitures and penalties ; and likewise
for defraying the cxpences of profecutious for of.
fences againlt the United States,and for fafe keep
ing of prisoners, twenty thoufan<l dollars.
For making good deficiencies in the last men
tioned fund, in the appropriation of the year one
thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, ten thou
sand dollars.
For compensation to the Secretary of State,
Clerks and persons employed in that department,
fe»en thousand eight hundred and fifty dolln»s«
For incidental and contingent eXpenses in,the said
department, twenty-three thousand, three hundred
and eighty dollars.
For compensation to tlie Secretary of the Trea
sury, clerks and petfons employed in his office,
eight thoufond, one hundred ai?d fifty dollars.
Forexpenfe of ftationejj, printing, and all other
contingent experts hi the office the Secretary of
the Treasury, five hundred dollars.
For compensation to rhcComptroller of the Trea
fury, clcrk3 2nd p'-rfons employed in his office, ten
thousand, nine hundred dollars. x
For expense of flationery, printing, and all other
contingentexpenfes iu the Comptroller'soffiee, eight
hundred dollars.
For compensation to the Treasurer, darks and
persons employed in his office, four thousand, four
hundred dollars
For expense of firewood, stationery, printing,
rent, and other contingencies in the Tieafurer's
office, fix hundred dollars.
•yFor compensation. to the Auditor of the Trea
fuly, cletks, and persons employed in his office,
eleven thousand, two hundred and fifty dollais.
For expense of (Utionery, printing, aad other
contingent expenses in the Auditor's office, lix
hundred dollais.
For compensation to the Commissioner of lhe
Revenue, clerks, 'and.Jx-rfons employed in his of
fice, live thousand, two hundred, and fifty dollars.
For expense of (tafionery, printing, and all o
ther contingent exp'enfes in the office of the Com
missioner, four hundred dollars.
For comjKnfitiau to the register of the Treasu
ry, clerks, and persons employed in his office, four
teen thouland, seven hundred dollars.
For expense of flationery, printing, and all other
contingent expenses in the Register's office, (in
cluding books for the public flocks) two thousand
eight hundred dollars.
For compensation to tlie Purveyor of public fup
plics, including his salary from the time of his ap
pointment to tiie thirty-full flay of December, «ne
thousand, seven hun 'red and ninety-five, three
thousand, fix hundred and ninety four dollars and
forty-four cents.
For the payment of tent for the fevera! houses
employed iu the Ties fury Department, (except
the Tieafurer's offi ■*) one thousand, nine hun
dred aid eighty fix dollars, and fisty-cight cents.
lor exoenfe of fiiewood and candUs in tlie se
veral offices of the Treasury Department, (except
the Treasurer's office) three thoufnnd dollars.
For defraying the expense inci J ent to the stat
ing and printing the public accounts, for the year
one thousand seven handled and ninety-hx, one
thousand dollars.
For the payment of certain incidental and con
tinent expenses of the Treasury Department
the year one thousand feveri hum!red and ninety cy q /> l- i. q »
five, beyond the sum which was appropriated, two , J „ , 5
thousand five hundud dollars. • . i ha, weU knowo Sflate,
For tompenfation te the feyral,Loan officers, f'l£ laiTiniany Hill Fanil,
thirteen thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars. I -ate belonging to Godfrey MaHjone, Ef<j. deceased,
For payment of clerks, aliowed to fevcral of CI I UATIiD ujNewport, RJiotU-LCiUid, topfiftjeg of a
the Loan offices, for the year one thousand, seven . k0yt..760 acres of dwice pailuxe laud, with
hundred and ninety five, by an aft of the last ftffi- ■/ n "' e ° f a r!" 1 ™ 1 ) P T ° f Newport, /'his eftatc is
r n r try . . . advantages 11 y utuated, plentifully watered— conummU
on of Congress, ten thousand one hundred d 011.1.6, an «xtcnfi»« ptrfpe# of the town, ocean, country &c.
i *'or compel, lation to t lu- Secretary of War, clerks Has upon it orchards, of the best • engrafted 'fruit
and per fori s employed in his office, seven thousand trccs; a,,d tiucc handlbme farm houses in good repair,
and iifty dollars. 1,1 the elegant and extensive gardens, belonging to the
f For exptnfe of firewood, (Utionery, printino T bathing dreams, fitmmer
„„J ,1 . .• ' r 'r V „! 8 ' houfet, &c. icc, 1 Ogaher with a quantity of Cnnnt.^i
, a " .er cniringcnt cxpenfes of the office <-utiree llcne-the ruji» of a. Urge inaafioa houi , coa
of tlie Secretary of War, (including the rent of fumed by fire.
the Genera! Pott-Office,"»vvhich is kept undei the , r F ° r ttrms cf Filial., &e. apply to francis Erinley and
fame roof) one'thoufand eight liundred dollars. JVillianJHuctcr, F.fqmr'ts, ii .Newport, Rhodj-Ifland;
For cotnpenfation to the Accountant r»-th. P""' f'' , Mr Brintty, at Boftoi, Mr.
- tke.
ii. his cf?i;e, fix thousand, four hundred and f/ly
For contingent expenses in the office of ij»r ?c
---•jountant. to "the War-Department, fix hundred
I'or compenfatirtn to the following officers of the
Mint: The DiretVir, two thousand dollars; the
Treasure/, one thousand two hundred duHais ; trtc
AflVyer, one thousand five hundred dollars ; the
Chief Coiner, one thouland five hundred dollars ; the
Meher & Refiner, one thouiand five hundred dol
-1: rs ; the Engraver, one thou find! two Hundred
dollars; three Clerks, at five hundred dollars each,
one thousand five hundred dollars.
For the purchase of copper for the use of the
Minr, fhiileen thousand dollars.
For defraying the expenees os-labourers in the
different branches of refining, melting a .d coinrng,
at the Mint, eight thousand dollars.
Fot the pay of mechanics employed in repairing
and making machinery for the mint, three thousand
two hundred and sixty-sour dollars.
For the pnrchafe of ironmongery, lead, woocl,
coals, stationery, oSijc furniture, and for other con
tingencies of the eilabhihmcnt of the mint, eight
thousand, seven hundred dollars.
tor making good deficiencies in the former im
propriations tor the the end of tKe year
one thousand levea hundred and ninety-five, eigh
teen thousand, three hundred dollars.
T*or compensations to the Governors, Secretaries
and Judges of the territory north weft, and the
teriitQry lomth oP the river Ohic, ten thousand,
three hundred dollars. •
For expepfes of (lationery, office-reM, printing,
patents for lands, and other contingent expenses in
both thefaid territories, ieven hundred dollars.
I'or the payment of sundry pensions, g awted by
the late government, two thousand and seven dol
lars, an J seventy-three cents.
For the annual allowance to the widow and or
phan-children of Colonel John Harding, and to the
orphan-children of Major Alexander Trueman, by
the a& of Congress «f the twenty seventh of Fe
bruary, one thousand seven hundred and ninety
three, {even hundred and fifty dollars.
lor the annual allowance for the education of
Hugh Mercer, ton of the late Major General Mer
cer, by the aQ of Congress of the second of Mat ch,
one thousand leven hundred and ninety-three, four
hundred dollars.
F.or the discharge of such demands again ft the
United States, on account of the Civil Department,
nut othcrwife provided for, as (hall have beenafcer
tained and admitted in due course of fctllement at
the i reafury, and which are of a nature, accord
ing to the usage thereof, to require payment in
specie, three thousand dollars.
Sec. 2. sitid bs it further enafled, That for the
support of lighuhoufes, beacons, buoys, And public
piers, for the year one rhoufand seven-hundred and
ninety fix ; and to fatisfy certain mileellaneoug
claims, stated in the report of the Secretary of the
1 rsafury* of the fourteenth of December lalt, there
bfc appropriated a sum not exceeding thirty-seven
thotifand, fix hurdred and fcventy-tvvo dollars, and
nine cents ; that is to fay :
For the maintenance and support of light-houses,
beacons, buoyj, public piers, and ftakeage of chan
nels, bars ancf shoals, twenty-four thousand dollars.
To repay David Lenox, late Marshal of the dif
trift of Pennsylvania, for payments made with the
approbation of the judge of the said diftrift, to
fiuulry persons, for fummaning jurors to attend the
diilrift Court of Pennsylvania, upon the trial of
sundry persons committed for high trtafon, two
hundred and fifty-lix dollars, and eighty-eight cents.
For the payment of a balance due to Lewis
Pintard, agent foj. American prifonerg in the city
of New York, during the late war, four hundred
and twenty-nine'dollirs, and twenty-one cents.
For the payment of a balance due to the repre
feritatives of Thomr.s Smith, late commilTioner of
the loan ofSce for the {late of Pennsylvania, nine
thousand and eleven dollars, and ninety-seven cents.
. For the payment of a balance due to the repre
fentat-iveg of Jnfeph Clarke, late CommifQancr of
the loau offi.-e for the (fate of Rhode-Island, one
thousand, nine hundred and seventy-sour dollars,
and three aents.
For the discharge of such miscellaneous demands
the United States, other than those oil ac
cpunt of the Civil D<-p»r'met.t, not otheiwife pro
vided soT, and which fliallhave been ascertained and
admitted in due courfc of fettleinent at the Trca
fury, and which are of a nature, aceoiding to the
usage thereof, to require payment in specie, two
thdufand dollars.
See. 3. And le it further enacted, That the
fevers! appropriations herein before made, be
paid and discharged out of the fund of fix hundred
thousand dollars, referred by the aft " making
provifton fjr the debt of the United States."
Jonathan Dayton, Speaker s/ the House
of Keprcfentativet.
John Adams, Vice Preftder.t cf the United
Stales, and Prejieient of the Senate.
Approved— February til" /
fifth, 1796. j
Go; Washington, PrefiJcr.l of the
United States.
Deposited among the Rolls, in the office of the
department of State.
Timothy Pickering, Secretary
Foreign Intelligence.
WEYMOUTH, November 19.
After the ferry, which, wi:u the sea,
forms the ffland of Portland, I reachrd the B?arb,
to be (iillreffcd with the mortifying o: many
dead bodies, under evety def rijjUon ; mutilation
of limbs, nnk.ilmTs, and hjsrjr.
1 (Jiredted my eourfe from this
foene, to trace the ftirvivora, at,d to orfer the fa
vices of humanity, and in this uuirfe, anions p>H
ers, chance ltd ine to the houfs v*Wf'i had receiv
ed the survivors of t lie crew of the fh-p Gol !en
Grove. The ni '.tfj whom [ fotijul with the'itH-
ClS of the crew, told me, that the ship in five min
uter after ttfikinpf, went completely to pieces;
that a Dr. Stevens and mother p:iiL-nger weje
Wit, by delaying one minute, ai d only one. Col.
Rosa, of tile 3 1 fl. thom;h v .'led, was saved,
troni more activity. An old man, one boy, and
Col. Ru!Va Mack servant, wer» !ofi— the survivors
had not iaved more than covered tliVm : the hot
rid Portland filhein.en, had so completely plunder
ed, that 1, though on the-fpot 01 iy 16 hours a
ter the G»hlen Grove struck, could scarce ascer
tain where (he had beeH wtecked—not one atom
was left to mark the fatality -
I rode over three or four miles of a (Irarid co
vered with ihe wrecks of five ftiips, find near 250
dead bodies of the 63d, 2 tit, and one other regi
ment <»f infantry, with part of the 26th cav.
airy, aid foa.e few hoife eatcaf^s: many of the
human bodies dreadfully lacerated.
The bell information Hales fix snips, and about
400 liiuls loft, one (hip mifm*!f.-d, one main and
mizen gone, and or.e ordnance It.ip 011 shore, with
hopes of beinji j,;ot off, if line v.'
Oil review, 1 find my [JoltArrijjt la be/scarce in
telligible, even to inyfelf; it behoves me to repeat,
th it I aimed at doing jilttice to the dignified mer
its of Major Austin, wiio commands liere the south
Glouceller battalion of militia, bvcaufe his foul
and fentimems as a soldier, citizen, and chrifh'an,
in harmony united, urged i.iin in execution of all
and each of the dmies of a man. On the instant
he was informed of the disasters on the South
Beach, by the (hip wrecks, he hurried, with what
ever of his men lie fiill met in the flreets, to seize
their aims, with a proportion of ammunition
(without the theory of parade, forms, but the
practice of discipline) and, at their head, battened
to theaid of flouting crews, and the preservation
of ship-wrecked property, with oider for officers
and additional men to follow his ardour, to serve
his fellow creatures, and prefcrve property from
LONDON,' November 18,
A letter from Florence of the 3d ult. states, thai,
a letter received therefrom Genoa, of tl.e '26111
September, informed fhem that 6 French drips of
the line, lofrigales, and 6cutters, had atrived at
Carthagena to unite with the Spatlifh fleet in that
port, confining- of 35 (hips of the line. We
know not what credit is due to this intelligence.
November 23.
Saturday dispatches were received, through
Spain, from the Mediterranean, which contained
letters of intelligence fiom admiral Hotham, and
the viceroy of Corsica.
The Briiilh fleet have had two cruizes, since
their last aflien with the French, in which thev
saw nothing 0 f the enemy ; now probably too
weak for a eonteft by fca. The Spaniards, evrcpt
6 fail of the line, and 2 frigates, a fquadion for
observation at Mahon, are all returned to Cadiz,
Malaga, and other ports.
It was mentioned at the late County meeting
in Chcfhire, by S:r Thomas Broughton, that he
had reduced the coirfumptios of wheat flour in
his family, from 6 hutheli to 2 , weekly. It is
done in the following proportion ; to 20'b of
wheat flour, lolb. of barley and to of po
tatoes are added ; which, with the abolition of
pastry and puddings, make this very important
An eztraordinary cirfuflancf. In the night be
tween Thursday and Friday fc'nuight, at Fib
worth\ in Gloucefler(hire, a windmill was set in
motion by the last llorm with such velocity, that it
took fire from the frifliort, a „d was deftroved.
The (tables at the king's Mews were, last night
cleared of all the coach horses, except the cream,,
in order to make room for a party of light drag
oons, ordered in yeflerdiy afternoon, by the w V
office. Ihe horfrs removed from them are in fa
tuie to be kept at Hampton Court and Windsor.
JJrhjfi IJrail Quarters.
Ritterliude (Eleflorate of Hanover.)
November 6.
On Wednefdny we lifted to this more than
wretched vijkge, and are now only s ol „- German
miles from Bremerlehe, where we are finally H.
embark. I o name the prycife day, hay the
month, when the completion of the wifhet, of mod
people of this army will take place, is as yet im
poinhlc. 1
Yesterday morning, intelligence was received by
the general, of the arrival of , lan f porls fj,
En ß; ano, for the purpose of takinjj on board a
p.,r1, 01 , .0f oa. cavalry. Scarcely will that number
luGte for gen. .Vyfc's brigade j : ,nd it is hardly
puiiiole to conceive, that even the third brigade
can embark before spring.
The w.nter has already set in here, with more
than us tifual inclemency : to day it does not
freeze ,„tcnfely, cloud. of snow. or torrents of
.-. pour from the heavens: it is with the
<(ft Jifficnlty that the ftrongeß ho,Ye,, though the
molt lightly laden, can make a little way through
the heavy, and nearly impassable roads that lead
iiom ijiemcn to the place of embarkatfon.
J he gencrMjj difpatchet, &e. are taken over
t.iis ti-r- by Col. Lov, who was the aftirg adju
tant general for the Hanoverian ttoops, while the
duke of York was on the continent.
f We were al! (Vized \vrh Wor, when % late
attempt aj;amrt hiF majrfgy'j (ifrrrifclr.
n*} but it is weff , that thfe vifc wiobfk.'
bu: i
for fl
a diT
his w
AT md
f he
hat I
A 1
>r hii
■ rgnj.